Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden

Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden

Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden


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682 DER FUEHRERthat was left <strong>to</strong> France. Actually, there was not even a choice. When, onSeptember 20, the British cabinet decided <strong>to</strong> cease pressing France <strong>to</strong>disarm, it seemed like a gesture of friendship and aid, but actually itmeant that France would be left <strong>to</strong> her fate and her own strength; shemust not count on England's help.France tried <strong>to</strong> remain strong. She submitted a plan which wouldmake German equality impossible for eight years: first, Germany wouldhave four years in which <strong>to</strong> transform her professional army with itstwelve-year period of service in<strong>to</strong> a short-term militia; after another fouryears in which <strong>to</strong> manifest her good intentions, she would be allowed <strong>to</strong>increase her armaments somewhat, while the other powers would have<strong>to</strong> decrease their armaments accordingly— this eight-year armamentsmora<strong>to</strong>rium was <strong>to</strong> be substituted for the five years proposed byMacDonald and accepted by Hitler. Whatever might be said of this plan,it could in any case be expected <strong>to</strong> halt German rearmament and savethe world from a general armament race; for this reason it met with theapproval of the United States. This made such an impression on Italythat she supported the plan; Hitler was shamefully forsaken by the 'greatman in the south.' On September 24, the French plan, bearing thesignatures of America, England, and Italy, was presented <strong>to</strong> Germany.So this was the success of <strong>Hitler's</strong> great policy which was <strong>to</strong> split theworld: the whole world formed a front against Germany! Goring flew <strong>to</strong>Rome, but Italy did not change her position, not outwardly at least. Andyet, in this apparently united front there was no real unity. It was at bestan agreement on a plan, no common will <strong>to</strong> carry it through, <strong>to</strong> stick<strong>to</strong>gether. Even if the British cabinet had had such a will — which itdecidedly had not — large sections of public opinion would not havefollowed it.When in September the trial of the alleged Reichstag incendiariesbegan in Leipzig, a few Englishmen of the political Left, working incollaboration with German refugees, staged a 'counter-trial' in London.All sorts of persons, some with and some without authority, appeared aswitnesses and testified why in their opinion, not the accused, but theNational Socialists, and particularly Goring, had set fire <strong>to</strong> theReichstag. The Communists had staged the affair

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