Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden

Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden

Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden


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OTHER PEOPLE'S MONEY 665This progress had been bought with the loss of free suffrage, therenunciation of free speech, with a press dominated by lies, withconcentration camps for a minority and atrocities that could not beconcealed.Did this price have <strong>to</strong> be paid? In 1933, unemployment began <strong>to</strong>decrease all over the world. In the United States, according <strong>to</strong> anestimate of the American Federation of Labor, unemployment fell fromthirteen millions <strong>to</strong> ten millions. The official German Institute forBusiness Research (Konjunkturforschung) noted in July, 1933, that inLatvia unemployment had decreased by 31 per cent from the secondquarter of 1932 <strong>to</strong> the second quarter of 1933; in Rumania, by 23 percent; in Germany, only by 9 per cent — for the figure of two millions,apparently a third, or 33 per cent of the <strong>to</strong>tal unemployed, wasmisleading, since it could be ascribed mainly <strong>to</strong> regular summer rise inemployment. In Great Britain, the labor market had registered animprovement of 6 per cent in the course of a year. According <strong>to</strong> theindex of the International Labor Office in Geneva, the level ofemployment for nineteen large countries had fallen from 100 in 1929 <strong>to</strong>75 in 1932; in 1933, it rose <strong>to</strong> 78; in 1934 <strong>to</strong> 84; in 1935 <strong>to</strong> 88, or anincrease of 173 per cent in three years; during the same period theGerman level of employment, according <strong>to</strong> German figures, rose from12,500,000 <strong>to</strong> 15,900,000, an increase of 27 per cent. In a word: the'National Socialist miracle' was neither entirely National Socialist norentirely a miracle, but largely a part of a world recovery; though inGermany, it must be admitted, this recovery was experienced with apassion equaled nowhere else. The German Institute for BusinessResearch also found that of the two millions who had returned <strong>to</strong> workin Germany by the end of August, some 1,400,000 would have done sowithout the intervention of the state, in consequence of the usualsummer revival; and roughly 300,000 <strong>to</strong> 700,000 in Germany owedtheir re-employment <strong>to</strong> the general world prosperity. The measures ofthe Hitler government, properly spoken — still according <strong>to</strong> theestimate of the Institute for Business Research — would only have sent300,000 back <strong>to</strong> work.But what was world prosperity ? No longer a product of economic,but of political, forces; in most countries it had been accelerated,

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