Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden

Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden

Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden


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HITLER VERSUS NATIONAL SOCIALISM 635coming when the Pope will be glad if the Church is taken under theprotection of National Socialism against the parties of the Center.'Perhaps in reality it was not <strong>to</strong>o hard a blow for the Pope, or at least forhis Secretary of State, Cardinal Pacelli, that by the Concordat theywould have <strong>to</strong> forbid the German clergy <strong>to</strong> engage in political activity;the Reich government promised in a codicil that it would also preventthe Protestant clergy from engaging in political activity. The treatyobligated the Holy See, before appointment of any archbishop orbishop, <strong>to</strong> inquire if the provincial statthalter had any objection <strong>to</strong> thecandidate; also, the bishop had <strong>to</strong> swear loyalty <strong>to</strong> the German Reichand promise <strong>to</strong> respect the government.In return, the government agreed that many of the Church's religiousand social organizations, including the Catholic workers' clubs, wouldbe <strong>to</strong>lerated. While this was being discussed, the Munich S.A. assaultedmembers of these clubs who had gathered for a national congress (June11-12, 1933), and beat them severely, not far from the place where,fourteen years before, twenty-one Catholic workers had fallen beneaththe bullets and rifle butts of the murderers' army. But the conferences onthe Concordat went on.In renewing the Berlin treaty of friendship, the 'godless Jews of theKremlin' had been the first world power <strong>to</strong> hold out a hand <strong>to</strong> Hitler; theVicar of Christ on earth became the second. Many German Catholicsfelt more humiliated than protected by this treaty. The majority of thebishops and the Holy See saw thing's differ-endy. Not a few sons of theCatholic Church vacillated when confronted by the choice betweenobedience <strong>to</strong> their clergy and obedience <strong>to</strong> their secular leaders; theChurch now was compromising <strong>to</strong> save spiritual values in the modernman, values which lay outside of all social relations. On the other hand,such profoundly earthly considerations as concern for church property— cloisters, schools, hospitals — and for the livelihood of the clergymust also have influenced the Holy See in its dealings with theAntichrist.At the same time, the National Socialists tried <strong>to</strong> sever the CatholicChurch from the active life of the nation, they made a serious andpromising attempt <strong>to</strong> take possession of the Protestant Church whichwas a German Church <strong>to</strong> begin with. Here the task

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