Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden

Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden

Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden


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COUP D'ETAT BY INSTALLMENTS 589even knowing it. For the first time the National Socialists succeeded inteaching the whole world what they meant by the concept of race.Hither<strong>to</strong>, the couplet, 'What you believe is no disgrace, The swinishnessis in the race,' had been a mere Nazi joke, unders<strong>to</strong>od by few. Now itbecame bitter earnest. On April 12, Frick handed down a definition inwhich 'non-Aryan' meant far more than Jewish: 'Anyone is considerednon-Aryan who is descended from non-Aryan, and in particular Jewishparents or grandparents. It suffices for one parent or one grandparent <strong>to</strong>be non-Aryan.'One 'Jewish grandmother' made the subject a 'non-Aryan,' treatedcxacdy like a Jew, at least with regard <strong>to</strong> employment in the civilservice. The grandmother did not even have <strong>to</strong> be Jewish; she became acurse <strong>to</strong> her grandchildren even if she was a Christian, but non-Aryan;that is, descended from Jews. This was a blow <strong>to</strong> the Duesterberg type,particularly widespread among Germany's upper crust. And, indeed, thewhole anti-Semitic legislation was a weapon in the struggle betweendifferent leader groups.Hitler himself stated that the main thing was <strong>to</strong> drive the Jews out ofthe intellectual professions and <strong>to</strong> create an intellectual upper class freeof Jews. On April 6, in an address <strong>to</strong> a delegation of physicians, hedeclared: 'Germany's claim <strong>to</strong> an intellectual leadership of her own racemust be satisfied by a swift eradication of the majority of Jewishintellectuals from the cultural and intellectual life of Germany. Theadmission of <strong>to</strong>o large a percentage of foreigners in proportion <strong>to</strong> thewhole of the nation might be interpreted as recognition of theintellectual superiority of other races, and this must absolutely berejected.' As an individual, the armed intellectual got rid of competition;as a class, he founded a new system of domination; competition wasreplaced by command.Up till now the object of this command had been the seventeenmillions who had voluntarily subordinated themselves <strong>to</strong> Hitler bygiving him their vote. But the true goal was the twenty millions whowere still opposed <strong>to</strong> him; for they included the working class. To gaincontrol of this group, trained <strong>to</strong> handle the technical apparatus, seemedat this point more important <strong>to</strong> the National Socialist leadership than <strong>to</strong>occupy additional posts of command; for if you had the workers youhad the state — provided only that

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