Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden

Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden

Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden


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52 DER FUEHRERa middle cus<strong>to</strong>ms officer; on the whole he was somewhat surprised thatthese people admitted him, the poor boy, <strong>to</strong> their house.After Oc<strong>to</strong>ber, 1907, he lived in Vienna, supported by his mother andother relatives, preparing himself <strong>to</strong> attend the Academy of Fine Artsand for the rest enjoying the city in his own boyish way: theater,museums, parliament. He registered with the Vienna police, sometimesas a student and sometimes as a painter. Once he indicated that he 'wasstudying <strong>to</strong> be a writer.'To gain admission <strong>to</strong> the Academy's school of painting, one had <strong>to</strong>submit a number of drawings. If they were halfway acceptable, thecandidate had <strong>to</strong> take an examination in drawing which was held eachyear in Oc<strong>to</strong>ber. Freshly arrived from his province, young Adolf,apparently with great self-confidence, headed straight for his goal; theresult was shattering and unexpected. The classification list of theAcademy for the school year 1907-08 contains the following entry:Composition exercises in drawing. First day: expulsion from paradise,etc. Second day: episode from the deluge, etc. . . . The following <strong>to</strong>okthe test with insufficient results, or were not admitted: . . . Adolf Hitler,Braunau a. Inn, April 20, 1889, German, Catholic. Father civil servant.4 classes in Realschule. Few heads. Test drawing unsatisfac<strong>to</strong>ry.He was rejected. He does not seem <strong>to</strong> have mentioned this failure athome; in his au<strong>to</strong>biography he passes it over in complete silence. Heremained in Vienna as an art student, rejected but still self-confident,lodging in attics looking out on palaces; certainly despising the teacherswho had failed <strong>to</strong> appreciate him; measuring the imperial city of Viennawith the eye of a conqueror. For he did not give up, but prepared <strong>to</strong>begin anew, the royal artist still unrecognized, scorned, and insulted, butconfident that vic<strong>to</strong>ry would come. Thus began his struggle against thecity of Vienna; after his struggle with his father, his second big conflictwith life.For the first year he lived on the money sent <strong>to</strong> him by his mother andrelatives and practiced drawing. Then, in Oc<strong>to</strong>ber, 1908, anotherexamination at the Academy's School of Painting; the result was evenmore crushing. This time the classification list reads simply:

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