Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden

Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden

Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden


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THE REICHSTAG FIRE 557Arnim, that he was tired and was going <strong>to</strong> bed — Helldorf himselfrelated all this later as a witness in court. He instructed Sixt <strong>to</strong> go <strong>to</strong> theReichstag and see what was going on, and report <strong>to</strong> him if there wasanything serious.At the same time, Hitler was eating dinner in Goebbels's house. Werethey anxiously conferring about the Communist blow that hung overtheir heads? Oh, no — 'we play music and tell s<strong>to</strong>ries. ... Suddenly aphone call from Doc<strong>to</strong>r Hanfstaengl: the Reichstag is burning. I think heis making wild jokes, and refuse <strong>to</strong> tell the Leader anything about it.'It was no wild joke. The flames were rising over the Reichstag'scupola; the inside was completely gutted and the building a ruin. Thepolice arrested a single suspect at the scene: Marinus van der Lubbe,twenty-four-year-old mason and vagabond, a Dutch subject who hadpreviously belonged <strong>to</strong> the Communist organization in Holland, anasocial type of Left radical tendencies and definitely unbalanced. A<strong>to</strong>nce the official bureaus flooded the public with announcements thatlater had <strong>to</strong> be retracted: van der Lubbe had carried a Communist Partybook on his person; he had confessed <strong>to</strong> relations with the SocialDemocrats. Hitler and Goebbels drove <strong>to</strong> the scene of the fire with alarge escort; <strong>to</strong> an English newspaper correspondent Hitler said that thiswas the incendiary <strong>to</strong>rch of Communism, and that the fist of NationalSocialism would now descend heavily upon it.The next day Goring, through the official Prussian Press Service,reported the plans for a Communist uprising. To the assembled cabinethe made a speech in which he claimed 'that Torgler, the Communistdeputy, had conversed with van der Lubbe for several hours in theReichstag building.' Of this, said Goring, 'we have unexceptionableproof.' The 'unexceptionable proof was the observation of three NationalSocialists, later rejected as false by the court. Goring also spoke of menwith <strong>to</strong>rches, and, according <strong>to</strong> an official report, he said that these menhad escaped through an underground passage which led from theReichstag <strong>to</strong> the palace of the Reichstag president — that is, Goring'sown palace, filled from <strong>to</strong>p <strong>to</strong> bot<strong>to</strong>m with S.A. men.On the morning after the fire, Ernst Torgler, chairman of the

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