Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden

Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden

Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden


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THE REICHSTAG FIRE 555for war invalids. But this was not yet the great symbolic deed thatbathed his figure in the aura of irresistibility. The tempo should not bestepped up <strong>to</strong>o much, wrote Goebbels in his diary on February 25, 'forup <strong>to</strong> the last day it must be possible <strong>to</strong> intensify it.'The great act, which would give content <strong>to</strong> <strong>Hitler's</strong> speeches, hadbeen considered for over a decade. The 'fight <strong>to</strong> the finish betweenSwastika and Soviet Star' must appear <strong>to</strong> the people in the garish light ofan 'attempted Bolshevist revolution.' 'Then you will see that the Lordhath sent me <strong>to</strong> do these works.' When the revolution refused <strong>to</strong> flare up,Goring's police and auxiliary police set out in search of the flame. OnFebruary 24 they invaded the Karl Liebknecht House. The building hadbeen quietly evacuated long before by the Communist Party leadership.But in the cellar lay piles of pamphlets; and the mere existence of acellar led the S.A. <strong>to</strong> speak of 'catacombs.'The German press was full of s<strong>to</strong>ries about catacombs and undergroundpassages. Otherwise there were no exciting revelations in theofficial reports. True, in the night of February 25, a trifling fire wasdiscovered beneath the roof of the rambling 'Castle' in the center ofBerlin, the former residence of the Hohenzollerns, now used forgovernment offices. The blaze was extinguished at once; there wereindications of incendiarism, but nothing was made public. Regardlesswho had set it, there was not enough fire <strong>to</strong> talk about.Meanwhile, the material from the Karl Liebknecht House wascarefully studied — though it seems <strong>to</strong> have consisted only of pamphlets.But three days later, Goring made breath-taking disclosures,though he remained vague about the evidence. The Communists, itseemed, were planning <strong>to</strong> fire government buildings, castles, museums,and vital fac<strong>to</strong>ries all over Germany. A sensational fire was <strong>to</strong> be the'signal for bloody revolution and civil war.' At four in the afternoon, onthe day after the fire, general looting was <strong>to</strong> begin in Berlin. (Report ofthe official Prussian Press Service, February 28, 1933.) According <strong>to</strong>one of Goring's reports, hostages were <strong>to</strong> be arrested and food poisonedin restaurants. All this was discovered by Goring and Daluege in the

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