Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden

Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden

Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden


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492 DER FUEHRERalso refrac<strong>to</strong>ry, what if he dissolved it, <strong>to</strong>o; and then again? Whichwould break first: the state or the National Socialist Party? Hitler andPapen threatened one another with endless overthrows and endlessdissolutions of the Reichstag, and amid these mutual threats theReichstag met on September 12. On the morning of this day,Hindenburg gave his Chancellor a crumpled slip of paper, on which itwas noted in Meissner's handwriting, invoking article 25 of theconstitution, 'I dissolve the Reichstag,' because of the danger that theReichstag would suspend Papen's economic decrees. Underneath s<strong>to</strong>odHindenburg's name; in his haste Meissner had written the wrong date,and then corrected it.Goebbels had prepared and discussed with Hitler a long speechattacking Papen; Papen brought with him a statement of the governmentwhich he planned <strong>to</strong> read; but things turned out differently. ACommunist s<strong>to</strong>od up and demanded an immediate vote of noconfidencein the government. If there were no opposition, the votewould have <strong>to</strong> be taken immediately. The 230 well-salaried members inbrown shirts were stunned. Fate ran faster than they had expected; theyhad been representatives now for six weeks — and this was probablythe end! Frick, amidst laughter, rose, and obtained a half-houradjournment. Meanwhile, Hitler — no representative himself — satacross the street in Goring's gilded palace. The National Socialistsrushed across <strong>to</strong> their Leader and reported <strong>to</strong> him. Hitler had beenundecided for weeks, but now the decision came <strong>to</strong> him in the shape ofa dramatic picture. Here was an opportunity for a legal master stroke, atleast a great scene which would make an impression on the entirecountry. Papen must fall, before he had a chance <strong>to</strong> speak and declarethe Reichstag dissolved. Papen saw more or less what was in the offing;in haste he sent <strong>to</strong> the Chancellery for the crumpled slip of paper withHindenburg's signature; meanwhile Hitler gave Goring — one of thefew of his people he really trusted — his instructions. The housereconvened. The deputies had no sooner taken their places than Goring,as president of the chamber, announced a vote on the Communistmotion of no-confidence. Papen, taken by surprise, arose <strong>to</strong> speak.Goring ignored him. The voting had begun, he said later, and as long asit lasted nobody could be allowed <strong>to</strong> speak. Papen ad-

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