Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden

Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden

Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden


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HINDENBURG'S STICK 471— that is, King of Prussia — and this part of his heritage was nowadministered by the enemy in the gray palace. The conflict betweenPrussia and the Reich was in<strong>to</strong>lerable <strong>to</strong> Hindenburg. In this he wasentirely at one with Papen, but Schleicher's mind was not made up soquickly. What Papen wanted was <strong>to</strong> suspend the Prussian governmentby force; and this was his first great disappointment <strong>to</strong> Schleicher. Forthe Reichswehr Minister had invented Papen in order <strong>to</strong> avoid thenecessity of governing by force; his wish was that in Prussia theNational Socialists and the Center should form a majority governmentin good democratic style. For the moment this had failed, but after theReichstag elections of July 31, it would doubtless succeed; for theCenter would not continue forever <strong>to</strong> uphold the present Prussiangovernment.To be sure, this government would at once have ceased <strong>to</strong> be aminority government if the Communists became reasonable; if theygave up the idea that Hitler must come <strong>to</strong> power. Wilhelm Abegg, thePrussian state secretary, attempted on his own responsibility <strong>to</strong> bring theCommunists <strong>to</strong> their senses. He invited two Communist Reichstagdeputies, Torgler and Kasper, <strong>to</strong> see him and tried <strong>to</strong> persuade them <strong>to</strong>give up their sabotage in Prussia. The Communists did not say yes andthey did not say no.But Abegg did not suspect how shaky the ground beneath his feet hadalready become. Since the fall of Bruning, an intangible but ubiqui<strong>to</strong>usand corrosive conviction that Hitler would soon come <strong>to</strong> power hadpenetrated every pore of the public consciousness. The most convincedwere <strong>to</strong> be found in the great silent army of men who are seldom openlyconvinced of anything, but who always adjust their business, theircareer, and, in this epoch of race war, even their love, <strong>to</strong> theforthcoming political events. Business connections were broken,friendships severed, men and women broke off their engagements <strong>to</strong>Jews. Many found it timely <strong>to</strong> wear the swastika in their but<strong>to</strong>nhole, forwhen the first booty was distributed, you had <strong>to</strong> be an 'old fighter'; longparty membership would be rewarded with employment, advancement,and loans from public funds. And so now the opportunists steppedforward with loud cries. But the party disapproved their suddenloudness and preferred <strong>to</strong> use these shady characters in the shade.Occasionally

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