Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden

Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden

Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden


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HINDENBURG'S STICK 465But when the weak-kneed Papen appeared before Hindenburg thenext day, he again let himself be intimidated. For the sake of his ownprestige, the old man could no longer retreat. He roughly commandedPapen as a soldier <strong>to</strong> form a cabinet. In mad haste the ministers weresought out, some by telegram; all of them former officers whom theField Marshal more or less ordered <strong>to</strong> their posts. Some, indeed, couldnot have been induced in any other way. There was Konstantin vonNeurath, ambassador <strong>to</strong> London, who became Foreign Minister;Wilhelm Baron von Gayl, one of the economic leaders of the junkers inthe province of East Prussia, a frequent guest in the Hindenburghousehold. Schleicher became Reichswehr Minister; for finances therewas an outstanding specialist, Count von Schwerin-Krosigk, despite hisname no junker but an official. But it was hard <strong>to</strong> overlook that theseven leading men of the cabinet were all nobles. For justice, however,Schleicher had found a commoner from the Bavarian South; this newMinister of Justice was the same Franz Gurtner, who had been unable <strong>to</strong>find the patriotic murderers; who had freed Hitler from prison longbefore the end of his term, who had made it possible for him <strong>to</strong> speak inpublic, and who finally had failed <strong>to</strong> throw full light on the death of GeliRaubal.On June 2, Papen was Chancellor. On the third, the last remnant ofparliamentarian democracy voluntarily abdicated before the new coup:the Prussian diet, with two hundred and fifty-three votes, the NationalSocialists in the lead, adopted the Communist motion <strong>to</strong> give the Braungovernment a vote of no-confidence.Now Papen and Schleicher attempted <strong>to</strong> forge and educate theNational Socialists. The Reichstag was dissolved; thus far Hitler hadhad his way. But when he expected the prohibition of the S.A. <strong>to</strong> belifted, Papen demanded that Hitler first give a clear, written promise <strong>to</strong>support him even after elections. Hitler wanted <strong>to</strong> put nothing inwriting, but finally let himself be persuaded. On the estate of Severin inMecklenburg, belonging <strong>to</strong> Goebbels's brother-in-law, Walter Granzow,Hitler dictated a memorandum. Meanwhile, Schleicher was waiting forhim on a near-by estate near the little city of Furstenberg. Hitler dictatedin haste and was not sure whether what he had written was the rightthing. He gave the

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