Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden

Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden

Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden


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Chapter XIXHINDENBURG'S STICKTHE SPIRITUAL FOUNDER OF THE MODERN CATHOLICChurch, Pope Leo XIII, said in his encyclical, Libertas Humana (1888):'It is quite unlawful <strong>to</strong> demand, <strong>to</strong> defend, or <strong>to</strong> grant unconditionalfreedom of thought, of speech, of writing, of worship.' Some yearsearlier he had dealt with certain philosophers who 'say that all powercomes from the people . . . but from these, Catholics dissent, affirmingthat the right <strong>to</strong> rule is from God.'The Church was not, as many radicals believed, the defender ofpresent-day society, for in his most famous encyclical, Rerutn Not/arum,Leo XIII sharply attacked the economic age: 'A small number ofvery rich people are in a position <strong>to</strong> subject the mass of the poor <strong>to</strong> ayoke that is little better than slavery . . .' Al<strong>to</strong>gether: 'On the other hand,the socialists . . . are endeavoring <strong>to</strong> destroy private property. Butprivate property is the natural right of every man.'The spirit of the age is truly mirrored in these ecclesiastical documents.With the Communist Manifes<strong>to</strong> and, in their particular way, thePro<strong>to</strong>cols, they are among the most potent documents of our times.What they reflected was not so much the imprint of ex-isting things asthe shadow of coming ones. Deeply human and Christian as they were,there was an over<strong>to</strong>ne, inaudible at the time, which was <strong>to</strong> be re-echoeddecades later, in many phrases of Hitler.That successor of Leo who made peace with fascism in 1929, PopePius XI, published in 1931 another encyclical, Quadragesimo

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