Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden

Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden

Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden


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DEFEAT 443<strong>to</strong> Eastern agriculture and vanished like a drop of water in a giantsponge; in March, 1931, it was decided <strong>to</strong> pour in another nine hundredmillion marks in the course of the following years. And that was not all,for in the warehouses of the Reich there lay about a billion marks' worthof unsalable pota<strong>to</strong> spirits, which the state had purchased from the bigpota<strong>to</strong> producers with the taxpayers' money.This was the Osthilfe (Eastern aid). It cannot be said that the smallgroup of junkers received most of this money; it is even true that peracre the small owners received higher sums than the big ones. It was thesingle cases of feudal favoritism that stirred up public opinion. Casescame <strong>to</strong> light such as that of Herr von Q., who had squandered hiswhole fortune in light company and then applied for Osthilfe; theofficial <strong>to</strong> whom he applied turned down his request, but his superior,himself a baron, decided that the debts which von Q. had incurred ongambling and women must be paid from the taxpayers' money in order<strong>to</strong> preserve his estate, 'since it has belonged <strong>to</strong> the family for severalhundred years.' The family of the former Kaiser, one of the wealthiestmen of Germany, <strong>to</strong>ok their share; old Oldenburg-Januschau used thesum, with which he was supposed <strong>to</strong> bolster up his three insolventestates, in order <strong>to</strong> buy a fourth; when the scandal came <strong>to</strong> light, hewrote indignantly in the German press that everyone else had done thesame, and his article began with the words:'The aged pelican said: "Be fair, You folks, now let me have my share."'But the problem of the German East and its junkers was somethingbigger and more serious than this scandal. That such a group with itspetrified class consciousness should still exist, tearing and tugging at thepolitical body: this was the real problem. For it was actually the lastremaining group in Germany with an exclusive class consciousness. Foryears it had been steadily losing political power; its economic straitswere growing worse and worse, and now it was struggling desperatelyagainst extinction. At first Bruning had believed it unjust <strong>to</strong> let the bigEastern landowners suffer more than their share from the world crisis;for that reason

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