Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden

Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden

Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden


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NOW I HAVE THEM IN MY POCKET! 431among themselves would be as good as opening the door <strong>to</strong> Bolshevism.'By Oc<strong>to</strong>ber, 1931, a German observer, who, in his official capacity,saw much of foreign countries, felt justified in saying that 'Germany hasbecome the great fashion; everywhere in the world everything Germanis the last word in chic' But while Germany saw her terri<strong>to</strong>ries freedfrom foreign troops, while reparations vanished and further diplomaticprogress was in the offing, internal conditions deteriorated more andmore, economic life destroyed itself, parliament fell a prey <strong>to</strong> its owndisunity, and the misery of the people increased. At the end of 1930,while Germany still bore the burden of reparations, while there werethree million unemployed and the German miner earned 562 marks in aquarter, Hitler sent a New Year's message <strong>to</strong> his followers, full of ratherquestionable encouragement: 'After twelve months more, the road <strong>to</strong>German freedom will be open!' Toward the close of 1931, reparationshad been lifted from Germany's shoulders, but the number ofunemployed had risen <strong>to</strong> almost eight million, the miner earned only473 marks a quarter, and Hitler promised his followers that this wouldbe the year of final decision: 'Let us march in<strong>to</strong> this new year asfighters, in order that we may leave it as vic<strong>to</strong>rs!'It is profoundly characteristic of this segment of European his<strong>to</strong>ry thatit contained <strong>to</strong>o many vic<strong>to</strong>ries, <strong>to</strong>o many concessions, and no realpeace. As before 1914, they were wrested by one nation from another,or dearly sold by one nation <strong>to</strong> another. The fetters of Versailles bindingGermany rotted and fell one by one; the German people correctlysensed that this did not mean more peace but more power; concessionsare not made <strong>to</strong> us because we have become more trustworthy, butbecause the world's ability <strong>to</strong> cling <strong>to</strong> Versailles is dwindling.On September 18, 1931, a mysterious explosion occurred on theManchurian railway near Mukden, which legally was still Chineseterri<strong>to</strong>ry. The Kwantung Army advanced and 'avenged Japan's honor,'occupied the Manchurian cities, and the Chinese central government inNanking, weakened by Communist disorders at home, could offer nomilitary resistance, but had <strong>to</strong> content itself with a boycott whichreduced Japanese imports <strong>to</strong> China <strong>to</strong> one

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