Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden

Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden

Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden


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410 DER FUEHRERprisonment, the first doubts had come <strong>to</strong> him. He had visited Hitler inMunich; with enthusiasm <strong>Der</strong> Fuhrer had dragged him around the newparty palace and subjected him <strong>to</strong> one of his art speeches; whenScheringer wanted <strong>to</strong> speak of politics, Hitler had replied that the younglieutenant should believe and obey. Back in Berlin, Scheringer hadcomplained <strong>to</strong> Goebbels of his experience with Hitler; he had asked theBerlin gauleiter whether the party still seriously intended <strong>to</strong> break downinterest slavery? Goebbels replied: a breakdown only could occur <strong>to</strong> himwho had <strong>to</strong> read 'Feder's nonsense,' and when Scheringer argued that allthis s<strong>to</strong>od in the unalterable twenty-five-point program, Goebbels criedin despair: 'I wish <strong>to</strong> God we had never heard of those miserable twentyfivepoints.'That was the party's way with its most sacred principles! Even if thelieutenants were no more loyal <strong>to</strong> principle, many of them must havefelt the same as the young officers of 1923, who had declared: 'It's allthe same <strong>to</strong> us who marches; we'll march along!' (Meaning: and if Hitlerdoesn't, we march with somebody else.) But what if they had principlesand believed in National Socialism ? In both cases, the practical resultwas perhaps the same. Scheringer sat in his prison cell and thoughtthings over; the result of his thinking was that in March, 1931, HansKippenberger, a Communist deputy, s<strong>to</strong>od up in the Reichstag and reada letter from Scheringer. In it the imprisoned lieutenant renouncedHitler and declared himself a Communist: 'Only by smashing capitalismin alliance with the Soviet Union can we be freed,' he wrote. Goebbelswired Scheringer asking if he had really made such a declaration.Scheringer wired back: 'Hitler betrayed revolution declaration authenticreprint Scheringer.'A German lieutenant, nationalist, and warrior for freedom saw thesole remaining salvation in Communism; high S.A. leaders were stirringup rebellion against Hitler — was that the picture among the NationalSocialist masses? Groener went around preaching <strong>to</strong> his fellowministers that the hour demands we support Hitler against the otherNational Socialist leaders; he is a prudent man who will obey the lawsbecause he has every reason for doing so. Rohm had convincedSchleicher that Hitler desired nothing but

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