Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden

Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden

Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden


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ADOLPHE LEGALITE 403man in high boots and armed with a horsewhip shouted: 'Everyonelisten! ... In the name of the Fuhrer, the chief of staff has ordered . . .'And they marched off. For wherever they might be marching, it couldonly be better. Suddenly one of them had a pis<strong>to</strong>l in his hand, he hardlyknew how it had got there; rushing through a house door with a dozenothers, he found himself in a strange room, he didn't know where; thepis<strong>to</strong>l went off, a man lay groaning on the floor, he didn't know who.This is no fiction, but an account of the no<strong>to</strong>rious murder in the villageof Potempa in 1932. One December night in Berlin boxes in whichsomething seemed <strong>to</strong> be moving were pressed in<strong>to</strong> the hands of a fewdozen of these men; they were led in<strong>to</strong> a movie house in the center ofthe city; suddenly a whistle shrilled in the darkness, they s<strong>to</strong>od up,shouted, opened their boxes, and hundreds of white mice ran throughthe theater. Women jumped up on chairs and railings, a snake wound itsway through one of the aisles. Outside, uproarious shouts answered thenoise within; thousands who had been standing there in silence suddenlybegan <strong>to</strong> yell. Joseph Goebbels s<strong>to</strong>od in an au<strong>to</strong>mobile, saluting andshouting. With a thousand raised hands the crowd shouted its reply.This went on for several nights, then the government capitulated and didwhat Goebbels had been aiming at with his white mice and snakes: itdis<strong>to</strong>rted the laws <strong>to</strong> prohibit the picture that was running in the moviehouse. It was an American anti-war picture, written by a German andeagerly awaited by millions of other Germans, a picture revealing war inall its misery and horror: All Quiet on the Western Front, adapted fromRemarque's best-selling novel.Could these rowdies be expected <strong>to</strong> inspire the officers with confidencethat the gray revolutionary horror of 1918 would not berepeated? On Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 14, 1930, the hundred and seven NationalSocialists in parliament, at the behest of Strasser, Feder, and Frick,introduced a bill <strong>to</strong> limit the interest rates <strong>to</strong> four per cent; furthermore,'the entire property of the bank and s<strong>to</strong>ck exchange princes . . . must beexpropriated without indemnification for the welfare of the Germanpeople as a whole'; the same should be done with the property of alleastern Jews, of all 'persons of foreign race' in general, and 'the largebanks must be taken over by the state with-

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