Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden

Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden

Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden


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400 DER FUEHRERat the time of the declaration of war, but <strong>to</strong> dispose of an industry whichcould quickly manufacture the most up-<strong>to</strong>-date arms in large quantities.This conception of the small, superior elite army far above the rest ofthe nation was anathema <strong>to</strong> <strong>Hitler's</strong> military advisers. In theWehrpolitische Vereinigung former Colonel Konstantin Hierl haddelivered vehement diatribes against Seeckt, and one day Hitler himself,<strong>to</strong> the as<strong>to</strong>nishment of all present, had given a lecture full of militarywisdom; had denied that the next war would be decided by clouds ofgas, armored planes, or endless swarms of tanks; no, it would bedecided finally by the single man 'who was prepared <strong>to</strong> die for hiscause.' He had complained that the professional soldiers still did notrealize what this meant; and just this was why they were unable <strong>to</strong>understand what the S.A. was for: '<strong>to</strong> inspire the men with an idea forwhich they could die'; and this single man was nothing but 'the wholemass of our people.'This was the double talk of propaganda adapted <strong>to</strong> circumstances; forwhen Hitler spoke <strong>to</strong> his inner circle he admonished them <strong>to</strong> considerthemselves as the elite, high above the masses; but when he talked withthe generals he himself spoke for the masses.Without a doubt the fight for men sharpened more and more <strong>to</strong> a fightfor the workers, for the mighty human mass which would have the finalsay about the destiny of the modern labor state. The Communists tried<strong>to</strong> build up a shock army in the big fac<strong>to</strong>ries. On the day of the greatrevolutionary reckoning, this shock army would take over the fac<strong>to</strong>ries,halt work, and seize the machines, electric plants, and waterworks asstrategic pledges; from the conquered fac<strong>to</strong>ries they would send themasses in<strong>to</strong> the streets, and occupy first the suburbs of the big cities,then the centers of political power. That is how civil war is waged. Thegreat fac<strong>to</strong>ries are the heart of capitalist society, as Marx and Engelshave taught, and this heart lies in the open hand of the workers, who, inthe words of the Communist Manifes<strong>to</strong> of 1847, have a world <strong>to</strong> gain,but nothing <strong>to</strong> lose but their chains. The workers — this is the centralidea of this whole philosophy of the revolution — need only becomeconscious of their power. In this they were obstructed by only one force,of this the Communists were convinced, and this force was

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