Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden

Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden

Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden


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ADOLPHE LEGALITE 399founded, the leader had <strong>to</strong> report his organization <strong>to</strong> a higher S.A.leader, and had <strong>to</strong> be confirmed by him — and thereupon the S.A. wasstronger by four <strong>to</strong> twelve men. In honor of the founder, the squad borehis name for all time. Three <strong>to</strong> six squads formed a 'troop,' two <strong>to</strong> threetroops a 's<strong>to</strong>rm'; the s<strong>to</strong>rm, embracing seventy <strong>to</strong> a hundred and twentymen, was and is the actual marching and fighting cell of the BrownArmy. Up <strong>to</strong> 1930, scant squads and troops had maintained themselveswith difficulty in many places; in the crisis they rapidly grew <strong>to</strong> bes<strong>to</strong>rms, the s<strong>to</strong>rms grew in<strong>to</strong> 'standards' (a thousand <strong>to</strong> three thousandmen) — and so on up <strong>to</strong> the 'brigade' and the 'group' (later Obergruppeor 'superior group'), which counted up <strong>to</strong> a hundred thousand men. ByJanuary, 1931, the S.A. included approximately one hundred thousandmen. Exactly a year later, Hitler claimed over three hundred thousand,while the party membership s<strong>to</strong>od at eight hundred thousand. Anotheryear later, shortly before Hitler came <strong>to</strong> power, Rohm mustered someeight hundred thousand s<strong>to</strong>rm troopers in his eight Obergruppen.Was this already the workers' army which the Reichswehr once haddesired ? The truth was that the Reichswehr — its leadership — had notalways stuck <strong>to</strong> the original concept of Ludendorff, its lost supremecaptain, or of Rohm, its own rebellious spirit, or of Hitler, its outgrownformer <strong>to</strong>ol. 'The era of mass armies is over,' Seeckt had said; 'the futurewill bring small, highly efficient armies which are suited <strong>to</strong> carrying outquick and decisive operations'; it would be 'the aim of a modern strategy<strong>to</strong> bring about a decision with mobile, expert, and maneuverable forces,before any masses can be set in motion'; this small army of the futurewould not 'let the numerically superior but qualitatively inferior massdeploy its forces, but above all will prevent it from forming solidmaterial fronts'; and a mass army in the old sense 'is therefore cannonfodder in the worst sense, when confronted by a small number of trainedtechnicians. . . . Therefore the modern small army must consist of longtermprofessional soldiers; as far as possible of volunteers.' The rest ofthe nation has <strong>to</strong> serve on the home front and constantly <strong>to</strong> produce themost modern equipment; for the secret of good armament was not <strong>to</strong>have large, probably obsolete s<strong>to</strong>cks of arms

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