Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden

Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden

Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden


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THE UNHAPPIEST OF ALL MEN 377he were <strong>to</strong> pursue his conclusions, statements, exhortations, andcommands, step by step, back <strong>to</strong> their sources and grounds. Actually hehas never concealed his contempt of mankind, though always givingthose present <strong>to</strong> understand that he was not referring <strong>to</strong> them. But hecannot very well reveal and name the chief source of his contempt forhumanity: his own person. The true source of his belief in humanvileness is self-observation. He is so ashamed of his humanity because,as an his<strong>to</strong>rical phenomenon, beguiled by his own star, he expectssuperhuman things of himself. In the contemplation of human affairs, alllogic ultimately leads back <strong>to</strong> the human individual; a logical analysis ofNational Socialist politics would have <strong>to</strong> end with an analysis of <strong>Hitler's</strong>person; hence <strong>Hitler's</strong> unconscious resistance <strong>to</strong> logic and factual truth.It is not unusual that a man should wish <strong>to</strong> cut a figure different fromhis real person; all public activity consists in compressing one's ownpersonality in<strong>to</strong> certain qualities and effects, omitting and repressingother aspects of one's nature; <strong>to</strong> a smaller extent, this phenomenonoccurs even in private relations between man and man, and this line offalsehood in human relations partly accounts for the pessimisticconception of man as a sinner and miscreant. <strong>Hitler's</strong> special trait is hisconcentration on greatness. This is the source of his power. Whensuddenly this man, who has been awkwardly standing around, now andthen muttering a remark that by no means dominates the conversation, isseized with determination and begins <strong>to</strong> speak, filling the room with hisvoice, suppressing interruptions or contradictions by his domineeringmanner, spreading cold shivers among those present by the savagery ofhis declarations, lifting every subject of conversation in<strong>to</strong> the light ofhis<strong>to</strong>ry, and interpreting it so that even trifles have their origin ingreatness; then the listener is filled with awe and feels that a newphenomenon has entered the room. This thundering demon was notthere before; this is not the same timid man with the contractedshoulders. He is capable of this transformation in a personal interviewand facing an audience of half a million. The rnagic power of this imageof greatness emanating from human nullity gready appealed <strong>to</strong> theGerman people after the World War, when this people, oppressed bytheir own nullity, longed for

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