Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden

Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden

Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden


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362 DER FUEHRERwanted. From time <strong>to</strong> time he was possessed by a true passion forinstructing the men of his en<strong>to</strong>urage. It became an established practicethat at least once a year he subjected his staff of leaders <strong>to</strong> a course inart; as a rule at the Party Days. From this developed the cus<strong>to</strong>m of hisso-called 'art speeches'; infinitely long-winded lectures, which inspiredsecret jokes in men who otherwise admired him. In their content theyare perhaps the most questionable, in form beyond a doubt the weakes<strong>to</strong>f his speeches; and yet it is these speeches in which the ora<strong>to</strong>rexpressed his profound-est, if most useless, thoughts. For here he speaksof himself, trying <strong>to</strong> attain clarity concerning his own nature. Here hespeaks of his relation <strong>to</strong> art, his power and gifts in this field, in which,outwardly at least, he doubtless failed in his youth; and the sense of thewhole speech is finally a stubborn, though inwardly uncertain: 'Anch' ioson pit<strong>to</strong>re.' (I <strong>to</strong>o am a painter.)For it is art which distinguishes the noble men from the commonherd; and his division, as Hitler learned from Hous<strong>to</strong>n S. Chamberlain,is no accident; it is here that the races divide. Therefore, in everypeople, including the Germans, there is the subhuman who merely eatsand drinks, and the Aryan yearning for higher culture:It is just as natural that a part of the human species should attain thefulfillment of their life tasks in the satisfaction of the lowest needs as itwould be unnatural if the races chosen by Providence for higher thingsshould, contrary <strong>to</strong> the admonishing voice of their conscience, yes, theburning compulsion of their being, desire <strong>to</strong> retrogress <strong>to</strong> this mostprimitive life conception or even, which is the same thing, letthemselves be coerced in<strong>to</strong> it. . . . Discord entered among those nationsin which two racial ingredients, different in nature, wanted <strong>to</strong> live andexpress themselves side by side. The man who requires nothing buteating and drinking for the satisfaction and fulfillment of his life, hasnever possessed understanding for the man who would rather stint onhis daily bread in order <strong>to</strong> still the thirst of his soul and the hunger of hisspirit. But the lack of inner understanding in those who have been born<strong>to</strong> this, the eternal incomprehension of their heart and soul, must at leastbe transformed in<strong>to</strong> deferential respect by conscious education. . . .

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