Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden

Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden

Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden


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328 DER FUEHRERgarded the English capitalists, in so far as they were not Jews, as theborn Aryan rulers of colored 'sub-humanity.' With these rulers, theGerman master-men must systematically and peaceably share Aryanworld domination, each in the corner allotted <strong>to</strong> him by Fate. 'England,Germany, Italy,' wrote Rosenberg in July, 1930, 'stand as though back <strong>to</strong>back. The stronger they become, the more dependent they are on oneanother. England's task is the protection of the white race in Africa andWest Asia; Germany's task is <strong>to</strong> safeguard Germanic Europe against thechaotic Mongolian flood and <strong>to</strong> hold down France, which has alreadybecome an advance guard of Africa. (Take a look at the French colonialarmy and bear in mind that even now a Negro represents the FrenchGovernment in the Geneva League of Nations.) Italy as a growingnation has a claim <strong>to</strong> Corsica, Tunis, Dalmatia, in order <strong>to</strong> prevent thedestruction of Europe by French Negro armies. None of the three statescan solve the task of destiny alone. . . .' In the Volkischer Beobachter,Rosenberg ran pictures of the Viceroy of India and Mahatma Gandhiwith his thick lips and protruding ears. And the question was, whether arace-conscious National Socialist could doubt for a moment on whichside he belonged?Aryan Europe! Hitler looked confidently around the modest offices hehad rented beside the studio of his friend, Heinrich Hoffmann, thepho<strong>to</strong>grapher, in Schelling Strasse. When his glance fell on the wallmap, he could say: Half of this Europe already belongs <strong>to</strong> dicta<strong>to</strong>rship,and the section that is still free in the heart of the continent will be bent<strong>to</strong> dicta<strong>to</strong>rship by me.

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