Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden

Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden

Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden


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THE UPROOTED AND DISINHERITED 325favors. Hitler also believed that the British-American war was silentlydeveloping. As early as Mein Kampf, he had predicted that Englandwould join with Japan against the United States: England 'grasps avidlyat the yellow fist and clings <strong>to</strong> an alliance which, racially conceived, isperhaps indefensible, but politically offers the sole possibility ofstrengthening the British world position against the rising Americancontinent.'The English-American world war will bring Germany's hour, Hitlerdeclared now in January, 1930.All Europe is moving <strong>to</strong>ward a hard fate if American expansionisteconomic activity is not s<strong>to</strong>pped somewhere and some time. But theBritish Empire will be struck hardest of all by this development. . . .And here begins the British attempt <strong>to</strong> put a s<strong>to</strong>p <strong>to</strong> so-called 'armament'by means of agreements, not because they think they can avoid a futureconflict with America, in this way, but because they think thepreservation of the present ratio between the two fleets is morefavorable for England than a boundless armament race, in whichEngland might lose her breath sooner than the American Union. . . .Regardless how the naval conference turns out, the actual causes of theBritish-American controversy will not be <strong>to</strong>uched by it, for they lie fardeeper and can neither be treated nor far less settled at the conferencetable.The coming war between England and America! Hitler has seldomreferred <strong>to</strong> this possibility, but up <strong>to</strong> 1930 he looked upon it as acertainty, and his foreign policy, however much it changed in otherthings, always has been based on this tacit premise. In the above-quotedarticle he continues:We Germans have no reason <strong>to</strong> desire even in the slightest that eventsof any kind whatsoever will preserve a 'world peace' whose sole result,as recent events show, is <strong>to</strong> make possible, <strong>to</strong> encourage in fact the mosthorrible plundering and exploitation of our people. . . . Germany canharbor only the single ardent desire, that over every conference the spiri<strong>to</strong>f misfortune should reign, that discord should arise from it, and thatfinally in blood and fire there should be an end <strong>to</strong> a world peace whichotherwise will be the end of our people! And for the more distant futurewe might hope that in this struggle an opportunity arise for Germany <strong>to</strong>play a part in world-his<strong>to</strong>rical events.

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