Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden

Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden

Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden


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320 DER FUEHRERempires.' Against the coming catastrophe he saw but one help, the earlyunion o£ continental Europe. As late as 1932 he could conceive of this,though reluctantly, only under the leadership of French democracy, withat least the approval of the British: 'Either democracy and pacifismcreate a sort of United States of Europe by 1950 at the latest, or theEurasian space catastrophe will inevitably occur — probably in the formof a retrogressive small-spaced dismemberment even of the so-calledcolonial powers.' The great land mass, not control of the sea, is <strong>to</strong>daythe aim of high politics.Hitler adopted as much of this doctrine as was possible for a studen<strong>to</strong>f Hous<strong>to</strong>n Stewart Chamberlain. For the really decisive fac<strong>to</strong>r in allpolitics remains man, and not numbers but quality. He said:Our space is absurdly small, for a plane can cross our Germanterri<strong>to</strong>ry in barely four hours. That is no longer a land surface bearing aprotection in itself, as is the case with Russia whose land surface alonerepresents a power, a coefficient of security. . . . Sixty-two and a halfmillion people, four hundred and thirty-six thousand square kilometersof land surface! This land surface does not suffice by far <strong>to</strong> nourish ourpopulation. . . . German foreign policy, therefore, is concerned not onlywith liquidating the Versailles Treaty. For then the condition of August,1914, would be res<strong>to</strong>red, which means that basically the life-possibilityof the nation would not be assured. ... In barely a hundred years therewill be two hundred and fifty million Germans living on this continent.... It is clear that the more a nation grows in numbers, the more its soil isbound some day <strong>to</strong> become <strong>to</strong>o narrow; that such a nation must someday either succumb <strong>to</strong> this restriction of its soil and collapse, of that itwill burst this restriction and acquire new soil somewhere.Hitler tried <strong>to</strong> make one of the most important phenomena of recenthis<strong>to</strong>ry clear <strong>to</strong> a simple-minded audience: that new, large-space powerswere forging ahead of the old-style great powers. With a native area ofonly 94,000 square miles, and a white population of barely 70,000,000,England dominated a quarter of the inhabited earth, approximately500,000,000 people; France with a motherland embracing 212,000square miles, but a population of only 40,000,000 whites, governed anempire of 4,600,000 square miles

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