Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden

Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden

Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden


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306 DER FUEHRERlast year of the World War as an ensign (aspirant <strong>to</strong> the officer's career)in a Bavarian regiment, but never reached the front. Defeat andrevolution put an end <strong>to</strong> his dream of becoming an officer, and a dull,gray life began. Himmler chose a simple and practical course of study.He wanted <strong>to</strong> become a farmer but with an academic title; from 1919 <strong>to</strong>1922, he studied agriculture at the Technische Hochschule in Munich,and, on passing the easiest of all academic examinations, won a diplomafor agronomy. Off and on, he was active with Rohm in the secretmurderers' army and s<strong>to</strong>od beside him on November 9, 1923, when hedelivered the Munich District Military Command <strong>to</strong> General von Epp.After the putsch he led a hard life; for a time he served as privatesecretary <strong>to</strong> Gregor Strasser, succeeding Goebbels. In 1928, he madehimself independent in a modest way by acquiring a poultry farm inWaldtrudering.Himmler is an excellent example of what a task can make of a man.He had a task of the first order <strong>to</strong> solve, and the task made him; <strong>to</strong> anature mediocre at best it gave a weightiness which the apparatus thatgrew up around him helped him <strong>to</strong> bear. Men whe combine the gift ofcreation or leadership with deep insight or independent judgment arealways rare; in the National Socialist Movement they can be counted onthe fingers; Himmler in any case is not one of them. His great qualities,infrequent in his milieu, are industry, precision, thoroughness. It is aquality inherent in a body of men working for a common purpose thatgreat results can be achieved by the men who are not great. Apreponderance of strong personalities can even force a split, and onlythrough the addition of average qualities can an efficient machine bebuilt up. Himmler is the living, actual proof of <strong>Hitler's</strong> thesis, 'that thestrength of a political party lies, not in having single adherents ofoutstanding intelligence, but in disciplined obedience. A company oftwo hundred men of equal capabilities would in the long run be moredifficult <strong>to</strong> discipline than a group in which one hundred and ninety areless capable and ten are of greater abilities.'In the National Socialist machine Himmler is a wire activated by theelectric current, connecting important parts. He looks like the caricatureof a sadistic school-teacher, and this caricature conceals the man like amask. If one takes away the pince-nez and uniform,

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