Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden

Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden

Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden


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FEW FLAMES BURN IN GERMANY 305members seldom joined the S.S. The Black band did not expand untilabout 1929, when the party began <strong>to</strong> attract broader sections of thepopulation and wealthy men rushed <strong>to</strong> its banners. To them it was apoint of honor <strong>to</strong> make the sacrifice of the expensive S.S. uniform, andthus the Black troop became a reservoir for the more prosperousmembers. There could not be much objection <strong>to</strong> this, for Hitler said thateconomic prosperity was often a sign of greater ability and hence betterrace; and better race was just what the S.S. was intended <strong>to</strong> embody.Hitler gave the S.S. the 'blood banner' <strong>to</strong> keep. This was a flag thathad been carried on November 9 at the Feldherrn Halle, and hadbecome a fetish of the movement. When Hitler, whom his men in thatperiod nicknamed the 'Mani<strong>to</strong>u,' consecrated a new flag, the bloodbanner had <strong>to</strong> be brought forth. Mani<strong>to</strong>u grasped one of its corners, atthe same time holding the new flag; he let the spirit flow from flag <strong>to</strong>flag through his person, as he pronounced his words of consecration.Berch<strong>to</strong>ld was not only S.S. leader, but also an edi<strong>to</strong>r of theVolkischer Beobachter, letting himself be bullied in<strong>to</strong> the mosthumiliating services by the efficient and violent Amann. Consequently,Berch<strong>to</strong>ld had <strong>to</strong> instruct his troop '<strong>to</strong> recruit readers and advertisers forthe Volkischer Beobachter.' Finally, forced with the choice of leadingthe Black elite or earning his modest living on the party paper, hepreferred <strong>to</strong> earn a living. The S.S. was then led for a time by a certainErhard <strong>Heiden</strong>, a s<strong>to</strong>ol-pigeon of the worst sort. Not until 1929 didHitler find the right man, an old friend of Rohm's and later collabora<strong>to</strong>rwith Gregor Strasser; an eccentric who made his living from a poultryfarm in the village of Waldtrudering near Munich. He had studied <strong>to</strong> bean agronomist, but in his free time concerned himself with genealogy.This man was Heinrich Himmler.The post-war generation now begins <strong>to</strong> assume prominence in theparty. Himmler was the first party leader who had been <strong>to</strong>o young <strong>to</strong>serve in the World War. Born in Munich in 1900, he grew up inLandshut, where Gregor Strasser later lived. He attended thegymnasium, and like all German gymnasiasts of that day was given anopportunity <strong>to</strong> become an officer. He spent the

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