Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden

Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden

Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden


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300 DER FUEHRERwere plenty of people who would have agreed <strong>to</strong> dicta<strong>to</strong>rship, <strong>to</strong> a sharppolicy against France, even <strong>to</strong> a little war against Poland; but when thedicta<strong>to</strong>rship of Hitler, the 'Bohemian corporal' as Hinden-burg latercalled him, was suggested, the answer was laughter at best. No, noleadership of the nation by the disinherited, uprooted — andunsuccessful! There were other formations, organized and armed alongthe same lines as the National Socialist S.A.; above all the Stahlhelm, anorganization of several hundred thousand members, with a nucleus ofsome hundred thousand former soldiers; well-disciplined, prepared forcivil war, and, in case of a small frontier war, serviceable as a reservearmy. It was on the 'green' Stahlhelm and not on the brown S.A. that theleading classes pinned their hopes when things again began <strong>to</strong> look likecivil war in Germany.While Goring was seeking approval for his party in his circles,Goebbels was noisily making the party known, and himself even more.He thought up tricks that would have occurred <strong>to</strong> no one else. He madehis S.A. men wear white bandages colored with a red liquid round theirheads; thus they appeared as 'heroes' who had bled for their party; theirclub-footed doc<strong>to</strong>r, looking like a wounded World War lieutenant,marched at their head. To the Volkischer Beobachter Goebbels sentarticles, apparently written by others, in reality by himself, reportingDoc<strong>to</strong>r Goebbels's amazing deeds of heroism, always in the thirdperson. One article related that Doc<strong>to</strong>r Goebbels, riding in a mo<strong>to</strong>r-carwith comrades, suddenly sensed with vibrant nerves that an unknowndanger was threatening: 'Suddenly Goebbels s<strong>to</strong>od up from his seat.Halt, Comrade Chauffeur, halt! The car s<strong>to</strong>ps. What's the matter, doc<strong>to</strong>r?— I don't know, but we're in danger. We reach for our guns andjump out. Nothing <strong>to</strong> be seen or heard. All four tires are hard and firm.But holla, what is that! On the left hind wheel four nuts are missing.Four nuts out of five. Diabolical treachery. Traces of clumsy violencetell the rest. That is how the Jews and their servants fight.' The loudestnoise came from a nature essentially timid. For Goebbels has admittedthat, alone among strangers, he preferred not <strong>to</strong> be recognized as aNationalist Socialist: 'I travel without party insignia; I seldom feel theexpediency or necessity of

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