Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden

Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden

Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden


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FEW FLAMES BURN IN GERMANY 293of Hitler. A bitter feud ensued between Stretcher and Esser, formerlyclose pals. Hitler, extremely embarrassed by Esser's revelations, <strong>to</strong>okStreicher's side and forbade Esser <strong>to</strong> call him Du in the future. But <strong>to</strong>silence the dangerous fellow he had <strong>to</strong> make him edi<strong>to</strong>r of the party'snew illustrated paper, which had just been founded by Max Amann andHeinrich Hoffmann, the pho<strong>to</strong>grapher. These two businesslike dwarfsbet their shirts on the future of the movement, for it was clear that only alarge following could make the paper profitable. Hitler for a long timemade his living from this magazine, which first appeared monthly, thenbi-weekly, finally weekly; <strong>to</strong> every issue he contributed an edi<strong>to</strong>rialwhich, in this by no means amusing sheet, was certainly the dullest spot.Goebbels, <strong>to</strong>o, obtained his thirty pieces of silver for his betrayal ofStrasser. In 1926, Hitler appointed him gauleiter for Berlin, 'responsible<strong>to</strong> me alone.' It was no sinecure. A certain Kurt Daluege had been S.A.leader in Berlin up <strong>to</strong> this time and had maintained his authority byhaving recalcitrant s<strong>to</strong>rm troopers beaten up at night by a so-called'rolling commando.' In his indignation Strasser had thrown a few of thethugs out of the party, but the party members did not obey and <strong>to</strong>ok theexpelled men back in defiance of Strasser. Strasser declared that theleader of the expelled men, a certain Heinz alias Hauenstein, was apolice spy — the National Socialists knew what <strong>to</strong> expect of oneanother. Despite everything, Hauenstein remained in the party. Hitler indespair disbanded the whole Berlin organization, suspended Daluegeindefinitely, and <strong>to</strong>ld Goebbels <strong>to</strong> start out from scratch in God's name.At the same time Erich Koch accused Gauleiter Karl Kaufmann inEssen of embezzling party funds; an examining commission confirmedthe accusation and furthermore found Kaufmann guilty of committingadultery with the wife of a party comrade; of untruthfully boasting thathe had fought at the front in the war; of having worn medals that hadnever been conferred on him; of 'twice breaking his word of honor.How could it have been otherwise? These were the most depravedelements remaining of the old murderers' army. They called themselvesfighters for truth and enlightenment; actually they even

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