Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden

Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden

Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden


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280 DER FUEHRERbe gagged. He ventured <strong>to</strong> hint that it might be better if Hitler were notalways accompanied by the blond creature who did not fit in<strong>to</strong> themodest social circumstances of the National Socialist province. Thiswas <strong>to</strong>o much for Hitler. Were they going <strong>to</strong> forbid him his private life?Was Munder drawing an innocent young girl in<strong>to</strong> the debate? Attackinga defenseless woman? If this gauleiter was such a petty bourgeois, hewas useless; with fine morals and family feeling you do not build up aNational Socialist movement. The quarrel went on for years; finallyMunder was dismissed (1928).The beauty of life, independence, money! That was the deepest reasonwhy Hitler sat on his magic mountain, left the party more or less <strong>to</strong> itsvicissitudes, and piled up the pages of a thick manuscript. In 1922, hehad sat down <strong>to</strong> write a work <strong>to</strong> be entitled A Reckoning. What hemeant was a reckoning with his own friends, the lukewarm and thethree-quarters warm, the apparent allies and bitter rivals. Dietrich Eckarthad already written a book about him. It was called Bolshevism fromMoses <strong>to</strong> Lenin; Hitler, introduced as a speaker, explains how Judahtried <strong>to</strong> conquer the world; first with the help of the TenCommandments; then (this was only hinted rather shamefacedly) byChristianity; finally through Marxism and Bolshevism; for Hitler andEckart had no doubt that Lenin was a Jew. Then Gottfried Feder, the'breaker of interest-slavery,' had written a book about the party aims andarrogated <strong>to</strong> himself the right <strong>to</strong> proclaim and interpret the basic doctrineof National Socialism as the highest intellectual arbiter; he had noteven bothered himself about the sacred party program of the twenty-fivepoints, but based his book on a draft program which he himself hadwritten in the old days. He had declared the diabolical omnipotence ofbanking capital, Judah's world domination through loan interest, <strong>to</strong> bethe key <strong>to</strong> world his<strong>to</strong>ry. Alfred Rosenberg, embittered over so muchdry economics, had thereupon himself written a book about the aims ofthe party, holding strictly <strong>to</strong> the twenty-five points; following histeacher Chamberlain, he laid far more emphasis on race in worldhis<strong>to</strong>ry, the inequality of human types, the superiority of the Germanic.But in one thing the rivals had been tacitly agreed: there must be anintellectual authority

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