Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden

Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden

Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden


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236 DER FUEHRERFor always, and everywhere on earth, we find qualities typical of alike race, even where a blood relationship is unproved and perhapsimprobable. Thus, everywhere on earth there is a generically similartype of the noble and most gifted: 'Is this family of men united by bloodties, is it unified? I do not know, and I do not care; no relationshipcreates a closer bond than elective affinity.' So speaks an Englishmanwho grew up as half a Frenchman and became a German.Chamberlain designates this highest type by the old and much-usedterm 'Aryan.' To the question what this is, he gives a startling answer:'What is an Aryan? One must know nothing of ethnography <strong>to</strong> venture adefinite answer <strong>to</strong> this question.' It is absurd <strong>to</strong> speak of an Aryan bloodcommunity: 'The peoples we have learned <strong>to</strong> combine under the nameof Aryan vary greatly from one another; they show the most variedcranial structure, and different colors of skin, eyes, and hair; andsupposing there had been a common Indo-European mother race, whatargument can we offer against the constantly accumulating evidence <strong>to</strong>the effect that other, <strong>to</strong>tally unrelated, types have from time immemorialbeen represented in our present so-called Aryan nations? At most wemight call individuals, but never a whole people, Aryan. Linguisticrelationship offers no compelling proof of like blood.'Chamberlain considers race relationship higher and more profoundthan blood relationship; it is a relationship of souls, based on affinities,on similarity of character and manner of thought, despite variation inphysical characteristics: 'In this sense the Indo-European Aryansunquestionably constitute a family.' And: 'The Germanic peoples belong<strong>to</strong> that group of most gifted people which we are accus<strong>to</strong>med <strong>to</strong>designate as Aryans.' The true Aryan type is not frequent in the socalledAryan nations, and the task is <strong>to</strong> make it frequent and dominant:'Even if it were proved that in the past there never was an Aryan race,we want there <strong>to</strong> be one in the future.'Let there be an intellectual brotherhood of the most gifted and strongwilled;let there be an order of Supermen, distributed throughout theearth, permeating and leading the so-called Germanic nations andthrough them dominating the whole earth.

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