Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden

Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden

Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden


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200 DER FUEHRERa few moments, saw the following picture: The s<strong>to</strong>rm troopers marchedin gray or yellow wind-jackets and Norwegian ski caps (from which theS.A. cap was <strong>to</strong> develop). They carried their rifles over their shouldersand sang, apparently with no thought of fighting; as on parade.Suddenly the sound of firing was heard. It was an unexpected shock, no<strong>to</strong>n the program. Two, perhaps three, volleys were heard, and for a fewseconds the heavy rat-tat-tat of a machine gun. The whole thing did notlast much more than half a minute. Time enough for the observer <strong>to</strong> runin<strong>to</strong> a house door. At the same time the long column began <strong>to</strong> halt, <strong>to</strong>break up, and <strong>to</strong> run back in leaderless flight.Ahead of all the rest the Leader fled. The day before Hitler had takena long chance, he had risked his head and he knew it; he had done it inhigh spirits and with good courage. Today he had gone in<strong>to</strong> a venture,lost before it was begun. Unable <strong>to</strong> avoid it, he had staked his life on anaction which he knew <strong>to</strong> be useless. Now, leaving his men stretched ou<strong>to</strong>n the paving s<strong>to</strong>nes, he s<strong>to</strong>od up and ran away.Thus did armed bohemia behave when things became serious andtheir lives were at stake. Walter Flex, their poet and model, once hadsaid that a man must be capable 'of shooting at the enemy through hisown body.' On November 9, 1923, there was none of this. One man whoreally wanted <strong>to</strong> fight was commanded by Rosenberg <strong>to</strong> s<strong>to</strong>p. A fewweeks before, Communist workers in Hamburg had kept on shooting; in1919, the bloody struggles of the proletarians in Berlin had lasted fordays; the same was true in Munich in April and May of 1919, in March,1920, in the Ruhr, later in central Germany. In February, 1934, it <strong>to</strong>okthe Austrian Fascists with their cannon days <strong>to</strong> break the resistance ofthe workers— not <strong>to</strong> mention the fight which the Spanish Republicansput up for more than two years against the Fascist generals. Thesestruggles were serious and both sides realized that their heads were atstake. But in Munich it was a different type that faced the fire. We knowthe professions of the men who fell. Among the sixteen there was alocksmith, a hatter, a headwaiter, and Ludendorff's servant; the otherswere retired officers, or 'merchants' and 'bank clerks' — in reality,retired officers, temporarily in civilian occupa-

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