Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden

Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden

Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden


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148 DER FUEHRERa useless struggle against each other. But all the same, he is ready <strong>to</strong>resume this useless struggle as soon as possible, for 'German* will notbe free until the first German grenadiers are back on the Ruhr and theRhine.' (At that time French soldiers were standing guard on the Ruhrand Rhine.) It is the task of the Uprooted and Disinherited <strong>to</strong> drive themfrom German soil. And would he s<strong>to</strong>p then? No. To him Bismarck inVersailles, crowning the German emperor over the corpse of thedefeated foe, remains one of the highest goals of German his<strong>to</strong>ry:'Compare the coronation in Versailles <strong>to</strong> that scene of disgrace in theForest of Compiegne. In those days Bismarck was Germany. Then cameErzberger, the fat paunch. Marshal Foch was amazed: "Is this theGermany before which a thousand times we almost went down indefeat?" he asked. No, that was not Germany! It wasn't Germany thatyou French overran. You didn't defeat Germany; treason put her in yourhands, a defenseless victim.'Wars are lost by treason; but this means also that wars can be won bytreason. War, in the last analysis, is won or lost at home; the battlefieldis the test ground for the forces that build up the inner life of a nation.On this test ground you will learn soon that problems and quarrels,which <strong>to</strong>day still loom great, actually have vanished already in the abyssof his<strong>to</strong>ry. For the fate of Germany has slipped from the hands of theirformer ruling classes in<strong>to</strong> the hands of the Uprooted and Disinherited:'Today the German no longer dies for state forms, not for republic ormonarchy — and anyone who tries <strong>to</strong> make him is a scoundrel; <strong>to</strong>daythe German — if he is prepared <strong>to</strong> die for anything at all — dies onlyfor the freedom of the working German people, only for the freedom ofhis native soil. The question of state forms will be decided by the peoplewho have faith in the fatherland, who are ready <strong>to</strong> go back <strong>to</strong> thebattlefield; who in vic<strong>to</strong>rious battle will return <strong>to</strong> the place where the oldGerman Reich was founded and where it was smashed by the slimybandits and criminals who set their signatures <strong>to</strong> the peace treaty; theonly place where a new, more beautiful and greater Reich can proclaimits state form: that place is Versailles.'This Hitler said in Oc<strong>to</strong>ber, 1923, <strong>to</strong> a meeting of his armed men, andthe newspaper reports 's<strong>to</strong>rmy applause.' In Versailles.

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