Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden

Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden

Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden


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THE DEATH OF MONEY 141jective world; it expresses the silent command of Fate in a mysteriousmurmur. It is the art of the great propagandist <strong>to</strong> detect this murmur andtranslate it in<strong>to</strong> intelligible utterance and convincing action. If he can dothis, his utterances and actions may be full of contradictions — becausethe contradictions lie in the things themselves; they may be deceptiveand misleading. The lies of propaganda reveal the deeper truth of thewhole world's cynicism and dishonesty. By his lies the greatpropagandist involuntarily shows himself <strong>to</strong> be an honest, self-revealingprophet of the Devil.<strong>Hitler's</strong> profound, rapacious, avid eye for the weakness of thisintellectual age, awaiting only the man who can master it, is revealed inthe natural affinity between a depersonalized soul and a depersonalizedworld. The more passionately Hitler harps on the value of personality,the more clearly he reveals his nostalgia for something that is lacking.Yes, he knows this mass world, he knows how <strong>to</strong> guide it by'compliance.' He is like the crafty dope addict who manages <strong>to</strong> get hispoison despite all efforts of his physicians and guards <strong>to</strong> prevent him.<strong>Hitler's</strong> mind directs a personality without center, a restlessly pulsatingforce without constancy and firmness, oscillating like the needle of amagnet, trembling and dancing, but always finding the — momentary— north.Hitler never wearied of studying his own experiences and the worldabout him <strong>to</strong> discover the secrets and conditions of this world! He didnot have a plan and act accordingly; he acted, and out of his actions aplan arose. At first he sincerely believed that The Pro<strong>to</strong>cols of the WiseMen of Zion were the instructions for establishing Jewish worlddomination. Later, when the time came for him <strong>to</strong> formulate his ownaims, he was forced <strong>to</strong> recognize that they were laid down in thissupposed Jewish book.With a detachment of Reichswehr soldiers he founded his party,because this party had <strong>to</strong> be based on power. Accus<strong>to</strong>med <strong>to</strong> militarydiscipline, his men shouted 'Heil!' as their leader entered the meetinghall; after certain phrases, the speaker learned <strong>to</strong> make a barelyperceptible pause and give a silent sign of which he himself was barelyconscious, and the troop, with quick understanding, again broke out in a'Heil!' Then, one day, they, for the first time, clubbed off the platform ahostile speaker, who had innocendy be-

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