Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden

Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden

Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden


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ARYANS OF ALL NATIONS, UNITE 123paid mercenary slaves who are ready <strong>to</strong> go <strong>to</strong> their death for him. Hehas no art of his own; little by little it has all been s<strong>to</strong>len from othernations, or copied. Yes, and he doesn't even know how <strong>to</strong> preserve thiscostly treasure. In the twinkling of an eye, it becomes dirt and filth inhis hand. He knows, <strong>to</strong>o, that he cannot keep a state for any length oftime. There is a difference between him and the Aryan. Certainly, theAryan, <strong>to</strong>o, has dominated other peoples. But how? He went in, clearedthe forests, built up civilizations from deserts; he didn't use otherpeoples for his own ends, he fitted them in<strong>to</strong> the state in accordancewith their ability, and as a result, art and science flourished. In the lastanalysis only the Aryan has been able <strong>to</strong> create states and lead them<strong>to</strong>ward a future!Of all this the Jew is incapable. And because he cannot do thesethings, all his revolutions have <strong>to</strong> be 'international.' They must spread asa disease spreads. He cannot build a state and say: 'Look. Here it stands,an example for all. Build one like it!' His effort must be <strong>to</strong> keep theplague from dying out, <strong>to</strong> prevent it from dying out, <strong>to</strong> prevent it frombeing restricted <strong>to</strong> one spot, because otherwise this hearth of diseasewould burn itself out. Hence he must cause everything he does <strong>to</strong> spreadinternationally. How long will it be before the whole world falls <strong>to</strong> ruinand draws him <strong>to</strong> destruction with it! . . .This speech was about what he called Jewish world domination; andhe appealed <strong>to</strong> the world. Germany was condemned <strong>to</strong> pay132,000,000,000 marks? Do some poor devils in France or Englandbelieve that therefore they will be the richer? Goodness, no. 'It is not thepeople who reap the profit of this slave labor, but the swindlingmiddlemen, who transfer the reparations from Germany abroad: theJews.' Therefore they threw Germany in<strong>to</strong> a revolution; and by whatmeans? 'That was a part of the plan of this race. That is why they strove<strong>to</strong> lay hands on the food traffic; they brought about the revolution bystarvation. No worker wanted <strong>to</strong> destroy his fatherland, but the Jewcreated hunger <strong>to</strong> make revolution — that is, his revolution; he followedthe directions of the Wise Men of Zion exactly.'Moreover, it is German youth that first is called on <strong>to</strong> carry throughthe struggle against the common enemy of mankind. 'Hail

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