Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden

Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden

Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden


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122 DER FUEHRERthem; all they want is <strong>to</strong> oppress you. Cast off your chains, etc. Andupstairs his brother is helping <strong>to</strong> forge those very chains. On the oneside the s<strong>to</strong>ck-exchange organ tries incessantly <strong>to</strong> arouse the fever ofspeculation; these people speculate on the broadest possible scale withgrain and all the foodstuffs of the people beyond comparison: on theother hand, we find the workers' organ busy getting the masses' hair up.Bread has gone up, they say, and this and that has gone up, <strong>to</strong>o; don'tstand for it; rise, proletarians . . . Down with . . . [Throws up his arms ina gesture of dramatic fury. Merriment.]Yet how long can this process go on? It implies not only thedestruction of economy alone, but the destruction of a whole nation. It isperfectly clear that this fourth estate was not organized by the Jews <strong>to</strong>guarantee them the fruits of their <strong>to</strong>il; it is perfectly clear that the JewIsaac Kohn does not stand in the fac<strong>to</strong>ry yard out of love for theworkers; it is self-evident that all these apostles who talk their <strong>to</strong>nguesout for the people, but spend their nights in the Hotel Excelsior, travel inexpress trains, and go <strong>to</strong> Nice for their vacations — it is perfecdy clearthat these people do not go <strong>to</strong> all their pains out of love for the people.No, their idea is not <strong>to</strong> help the people, but <strong>to</strong> make them dependent onthese leaders. The idea is <strong>to</strong> make the people break the backbone of theirown independence, their own economy, and fall inevitably in<strong>to</strong> thegolden chains of eternal interest slavery <strong>to</strong> this race.How long can this process of race betrayal go on? —It can go on untilfrom out of this mass one man suddenly rises up, who seizes theleadership, finds other comrades, and little by little fans the rage of thepeople, which has so far been restrained, in<strong>to</strong> a flame against thebetrayers. This is the great peril that lurks in wait, and against this thereis only one guarantee for the Jews: <strong>to</strong> do away with the nationalintelligentsia. [Cries of: 'Russia!'] This is the irrevocable, final aimwhich the Jew pursues with his revolution. And he must pursue this aim.He knows full well: no good will come of his administration; he is not apeople of masters, he is a people of exploiters and rascals. He has neverfounded a culture, but has destroyed hundreds of cultures. He possessesnothing of his own <strong>to</strong> which he can point. Everything that he has iss<strong>to</strong>len. He lets foreign peoples, foreign workers, build his temples; it isforeigners who work and create for him; foreigners who bleed for him.He knows no 'people's army,' only

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