Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden

Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden

Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden


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120 DER FUEHRERthis reason anti-Semitism in those countries could achieve no elementalforce; and the same was true of France. And this is exactly what madethe institution we have been taught <strong>to</strong> call democracy possible in thosecountries. Only in those countries was it possible <strong>to</strong> set up a form ofgovernment which necessarily implies the herd-like domination ofintelligence and true energy by the numbers of the dead mass. In otherwords: the Jewish intelligentsia was enabled by its small numbers <strong>to</strong>vanish completely amid the British people; it was inevitably child's playfor them <strong>to</strong> work upon the broad masses in such a way that they,unaware whom they were obeying, ended by working in the sole serviceof this small group. By press propaganda and educational work, theysucceeded in forming the big classical parties. Even then, they cleverlyformed two or three groups which apparently combated one another, butactually hung by the same gold thread, all attuned <strong>to</strong> a single trait of thehuman character: the fact that man easily wearies of a thing that he haspossessed for a long time. He wants something new, and that's why twoparties are needed. One runs the country and the other carries onopposition. When the first one makes a mess of things, the oppositionparty takes control and the- government party goes in<strong>to</strong> opposition.After twenty years the new party has made a mess and the game starts inagain. In reality the whole thing is nothing but a clever mill, in whichthe interests of the nation are ground <strong>to</strong> dust. As everybody knows, thisis called 'popular self-government.' . . .Then Jewry <strong>to</strong>ok a step which showed political genius. This capitalistpeople, which had brought the most unscrupulous exploitation in<strong>to</strong> theworld, found a way <strong>to</strong> lay hands on the leadership of the fourth estate.The Jew founded the Social Democratic, the Communist Movement.And with extraordinary dexterity he garnered the leadership little bylittle in<strong>to</strong> his own hands. This was done by two methods. One wasemployed on the Right, the other on the Left; in other words, the Jewhad his apostles in both camps. On the Right, he attempted <strong>to</strong> intensifyall existing wrongs <strong>to</strong> such an extent that by emphasizing as strongly aspossible those qualities which were repugnant <strong>to</strong> the man of the people,the poor devil would be provoked beyond measure. It was the Jew whoraised the avidity of these classes <strong>to</strong> the highest possible degree. It washe who fostered the idea that the unscrupulous use of all methods inbusiness dealings was a matter of course, and by his

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