Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden

Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden

Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden


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ARYANS OF ALL NATIONS, UNITE 119years. It began at the moment when the Jew obtained the rights ofcitizenship in the various countries of Europe. The politicalemancipation of the Jews was the beginning of a madness. For by it theEuropean states gave <strong>to</strong> a people which by race was much more clearlyand sharply delimited than all others — which always had constituted,and always will constitute, a state within a state — full civil rights andequality. ... In the end a people, which in the eighteenth century seemed<strong>to</strong>tally strange, possessed the same political and civil rights as weourselves.And in the economic sphere exactly the same thing happened! Theimmense industrialization of the nations meant that great masses ofworkers streamed <strong>to</strong>gether in the cities. . . . Parallel <strong>to</strong> this ran atendency <strong>to</strong> turn all labor <strong>to</strong> money. There was a sprouting of s<strong>to</strong>cks andbonds, and little by little the s<strong>to</strong>ck exchange began <strong>to</strong> run our wholenational economy. And the owners of this institution, then as <strong>to</strong>day,were without exception Jews. I say without exception; for the few whodo participate in the guise of non-Jews are in the last analysis nothingbut a front, false Christians, who are needed <strong>to</strong> make the broad massthink that these institutions have a base in the character of all nationsand in their economy, while in reality they are institutions compatibleonly with the nature of the Jewish people from which they arise. ...At that time Europe s<strong>to</strong>od at the crossroads. The continent began <strong>to</strong>divide in<strong>to</strong> two parts, Western Europe on the one hand, Central andEastern Europe on the other. At first, Western Europe <strong>to</strong>ok the lead inindustrialization. Especially in England, throngs of rural workers, thesons of peasants and peasants who had been ruined, streamed in<strong>to</strong> thecities, where they constituted a new fourth estate. But the significantpart of all this is a face which we have never given the attention itdeserves. Like France, this England had relatively few Jews. Theconsequence was that the great masses concentrated in the cities did notcome in<strong>to</strong> immediate contact with this foreign nation, and that for thisreason the otherwise inevitable feeling of revulsion against them did notfind sufficient nourishment. In the end it was child's play for the Jews ofEngland, numbering hardly fifty thousand <strong>to</strong> sixty thousand heads, so <strong>to</strong>'Europeanize' themselves that they remained hidden <strong>to</strong> the primitive eyeof the ordinary fellow national; they became 'economic leaders,' bigcapitalists, and as such they no longer seemed <strong>to</strong> be foreigners — butactually appeared <strong>to</strong> be Englishmen! For

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