Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden

Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden

Der Fuehrer - Hitler's Rise to Power (1944) - Heiden


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98 DER FUEHRERwith its hundred pis<strong>to</strong>ns. He pulls a lever, and it stands still as a rock.We want a state that can be regulated as smoothly as that, a state formechanics. Hal the chief engineer!Hess drew up a political program for the German intellectual, and atthe same time drew his portrait. A wealthy South American hadendowed a prize at the University of Munich for a thesis entitled: 'Howmust the man be constituted who will lead Germany back <strong>to</strong> her oldheights?' Hess wrote the thesis and won the prize. He had drawn apicture of his beloved Hitler and described his future path.The Wise Men of Zion had prophesied:We shall speak with the people in the streets and squares. . . . OurRight lies in might. In a state where might is badly organized, we willcreate a new Right, by seizing the government in accordance with theRight of the stronger. . . . An au<strong>to</strong>cratic personality will assume theleadership. Without unlimited power no civilization can survive; thispower does not repose in the masses, but in their leader, whoever hemay be. The mass consists of barbarians. ... By effective executions, weshall uphold the reign of terror and force blind, unconditionalobedience. The knowledge that we are merciless will suffice <strong>to</strong>eliminate any disobedience. . . . The highest principle of everysuccessful political art is the strictest concealment of all undertakings. . .. Our leaders must move <strong>to</strong>ward their goal with unparalleled boldness.Then we shall break all resistance in our path. . . . Imperceptibly the lasttraces of all constitutional Justice will vanish, and finally the time willcome when we can openly seize all state power in the name of ourau<strong>to</strong>cracy. . . . We shall arouse ferment, struggle and enmity in thewhole of Europe, and thence in other continents. . . .Hess writes:For the sake of national salvation the dicta<strong>to</strong>r does not shun <strong>to</strong> use theweapons of his enemy, demagogy, slogans, street parades, etc. Whereall authority has vanished, only a man of the people can establishauthority. This was shown in the case of Mussolini. The deeper thedicta<strong>to</strong>r was originally rooted in the broad masses, the better heunderstands how <strong>to</strong> treat them psychologically, the less the workers willdistrust him, the more supporters he will win among these mostenergetic ranks of the people. He himself has

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