Code of Conduct Africa (open file)-nw - Airtel Africa

Code of Conduct Africa (open file)-nw - Airtel Africa Code of Conduct Africa (open file)-nw - Airtel Africa
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Ethical AdvertisingOBJECTIVEIn a world that is highly competitive, we must ensure that wemaintain our high standards of advertising. Obviously, ouradvertising must continue to be very creative and competitive, butremain at all times honest, accurate and not misleadingCODEWe will always observe the standards of commercial fairness indevising, using and selecting advertising and trademarks, so thatour services succeed on the strength of their own quality and ourown reputation, rather than by imitation, misinformation or bydisparaging our competitorsDOsComply with all legal requirements, including, in particular,intellectual property rightsDONTsDon’t be insensitive to any company, organisation, a state, itsaffairs or political issuesAvoid any derogatory references or stances towards anindividual, community, race, religion, national origin, ethnicorigin, marital status or disability19

Dealing with the Media and Outside CommunityOBJECTIVETo present and disseminate Company information timely,accurately and in the prescribed manner The manner in whichinformation about the Company is disseminated to the investingand general public, has to be in compliance with laws andregulationsCODENo employee is authorised to deal directly with the media or thefinancial community, including providing personal opinions, whilerepresenting themselves as an employee of the CompanyAll such dealings and requests for information must be directed tothe Corporate Communication Department or to the InvestorRelations DepartmentDOsGuide outside parties to the information that is publiclyavailable, e.g. On our website - guidance and permission when you do have to interactwith the media and outside communityDONTsRefrain from hinting, making statements, making humorousremarks or passing any comment about the Company, whichcan be misconstruedAvoid using the internet and chatroom forums to discussmatters relating to the Company and our business20

Ethical AdvertisingOBJECTIVEIn a world that is highly competitive, we must ensure that wemaintain our high standards <strong>of</strong> advertising. Obviously, ouradvertising must continue to be very creative and competitive, butremain at all times honest, accurate and not misleadingCODEWe will always observe the standards <strong>of</strong> commercial fairness indevising, using and selecting advertising and trademarks, so thatour services succeed on the strength <strong>of</strong> their own quality and ourown reputation, rather than by imitation, misinformation or bydisparaging our competitorsDOsComply with all legal requirements, including, in particular,intellectual property rightsDONTsDon’t be insensitive to any company, organisation, a state, itsaffairs or political issuesAvoid any derogatory references or stances towards anindividual, community, race, religion, national origin, ethnicorigin, marital status or disability19

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