A Crash Course on Quantum Mechanics

A Crash Course on Quantum Mechanics A Crash Course on Quantum Mechanics

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An important quantity that we would like to work with is the average value of measurements.We suppose that the particle is repeatedly prepared in the state represented by thewavefunction ψ(⃗r) and then the measurement of A is carried out. The statistical averageof the results obtained is represented by 〈A〉 and is frequently called as the “expectationvalue”. It can be expressed as〈A〉 = ∑ nλ n |d n | 2 = ∑ nmd ∗ nλ m d m 〈α n |α m 〉 = 〈ψ|Âψ〉 = 〈ψ|Â|ψ〉 .This expression is very convenient because to calculate it we don’t need to solve theeigenvalue equation. We just need to know how to apply  on ψ. It can also be extendedto the average of the square of observed values〈 〉 A2= ∑ λ 2 n |d n | 2 = 〈ψ|Â2 ψ〉 = 〈ψ|Â2 |ψ〉 .nA very simple proof that  is hermitian can be given if it is postulated that theexpectation value can be calculated as 〈A〉 = 〈ψ|Âψ〉 (without specifying the probabilities,that postulate alone is not sufficient, but we continue). Since the experimenters can onlymeasure real numbers, the expectation value has to be real as well. If the wavefunction isψ, we have〈A〉 ∗ = 〈ψ|Âψ〉∗ = 〈Âψ|ψ〉 = 〈ψ|† ψ〉 ,where † is the hermitian conjugate of the operator Â. From here, we get〈A〉 − 〈A〉 ∗ = 〈ψ|( − † )ψ〉 = 0 .Next we claim that all possible normalized wavefunctions are physically realizable wavefunctionsfor the particle. Then the equation above says that, for all functions with norm1, the expectation value of  − † is 0. It is then a straightforward exercise in Hilbertspace theory to show that this implies  − † = 0, i.e.,  is hermitian.Momentum. Momentum is also a possible observable. We have said before that it isrepresented by the operator (I will consider the x-component of momentum)ˆp x = ¯h i∂∂x .It can be shown quite easily that it is hermitian,∫〈φ 1 |ˆp x φ 2 〉 = φ ∗ ¯h ∂φ 21i ∂x d3 ⃗r= ¯h ∫ ∂(φ∗1 φ 2 )d 3 ⃗r − ¯h ∫ ∂φ∗1i ∂x i ∂x φ 2d 3 ⃗r∫ ) ∗(¯h ∂φ1= 0 +i ∂x φ∗ 2d 3 ⃗r= 〈φ 2 |ˆp x φ 1 〉 ∗ = 〈ˆp x φ 1 |φ 2 〉= 〈φ 1 |ˆp † xφ 2 〉 ,14

which implies that ˆp x = ˆp † x. In here we have used the square integrability property todeduce that φ ∗ 1φ 2 goes to zero in the limit x → ±∞.What about the eigenfunctions? It can be seen that the function e ikx is an eigenfunctionof ˆp x with eigenvalue ¯hk. However, e ikx is not in the Hilbert space. Physicists are notoverwhelmed by such “details” and proceed to treat these functions as if they were inHilbert space. For our purposes, we can consider the following Fourier transform∫1ψ(⃗r) = φ((2π) ⃗ k)e i⃗k·⃗r d 3 ⃗ k .3/2We then note the Parseval’s identity∫|ψ(⃗r)| 2 d 3 ⃗r =∫ ∣ ∣∣φ( ⃗ k)∣ ∣∣2d3⃗ k = 1 .∣Seeing this equation as the way Born did, we can interpret ∣φ( ⃗ k) ∣ 2 as the probability densityfor momentum distribution. In other words, the probability of measuring the momentumto be ¯h ⃗ k within a “ ⃗ ∣k-volume” of ∆V k is ∣φ( ⃗ k) ∣ 2 ∆V k . The function φ( ⃗ k) is called themomentum-space wavefunction.Lack of Determinism. We have talked about probabilities above, but we haven’t saidanything about how each individual outcome of measurements occur. The previously seennotions of probability in physics have always been statistical. The outcomes of experimentsare not random, but since we cannot precisely measure the initial conditions of physicalsystems, the outcomes appear random to us. So the probabilities actually reflect our lack ofknowledge about the system in question. If we knew a lot about the system we can predictthe outcomes. For example in coin flip experiments, you need to know the exact value ofimpulse you give to the coin and the exact place you hit to be able to determine if it willend up heads or tails. Most of the time, the system is chaotic so that uncertainties in initialvalues prevent you from making a prediction. So, you are stuck with the probabilities.In quantum mechanics however, the concept of probability is included at its roots, distinctfrom the classical notion of probability. Consider the measurement of the observableÂ. I am going to use the notation above for eigenfunctions. Suppose the wavefunction ofthe particle is ψ(⃗r) and its expansion isψ(⃗r) = ∑ nd n α n (⃗r) .We have said that measurement of A yields the eigenvalue λ n with probability |d n | 2 . Ifthere were really a way to determine this outcome (namely λ n ), then this informationis not contained in the wavefunction, ψ(⃗r). If you insist that the outcomes are realizeddeterministically, then you need to invent new variables other than the wavefunction.However, the experiments carried out up to now shows us that only the wavefunction andthe Schrödinger equation is necessary to explain all of them. You have two options: Youeither extend the theory and introduce new variables (these are called Hidden VariableTheories) or you stick with the present status and accept non-deterministic aspect of it.15

which implies that ˆp x = ˆp † x. In here we have used the square integrability property todeduce that φ ∗ 1φ 2 goes to zero in the limit x → ±∞.What about the eigenfuncti<strong>on</strong>s? It can be seen that the functi<strong>on</strong> e ikx is an eigenfuncti<strong>on</strong>of ˆp x with eigenvalue ¯hk. However, e ikx is not in the Hilbert space. Physicists are notoverwhelmed by such “details” and proceed to treat these functi<strong>on</strong>s as if they were inHilbert space. For our purposes, we can c<strong>on</strong>sider the following Fourier transform∫1ψ(⃗r) = φ((2π) ⃗ k)e i⃗k·⃗r d 3 ⃗ k .3/2We then note the Parseval’s identity∫|ψ(⃗r)| 2 d 3 ⃗r =∫ ∣ ∣∣φ( ⃗ k)∣ ∣∣2d3⃗ k = 1 .∣Seeing this equati<strong>on</strong> as the way Born did, we can interpret ∣φ( ⃗ k) ∣ 2 as the probability densityfor momentum distributi<strong>on</strong>. In other words, the probability of measuring the momentumto be ¯h ⃗ k within a “ ⃗ ∣k-volume” of ∆V k is ∣φ( ⃗ k) ∣ 2 ∆V k . The functi<strong>on</strong> φ( ⃗ k) is called themomentum-space wavefuncti<strong>on</strong>.Lack of Determinism. We have talked about probabilities above, but we haven’t saidanything about how each individual outcome of measurements occur. The previously seennoti<strong>on</strong>s of probability in physics have always been statistical. The outcomes of experimentsare not random, but since we cannot precisely measure the initial c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s of physicalsystems, the outcomes appear random to us. So the probabilities actually reflect our lack ofknowledge about the system in questi<strong>on</strong>. If we knew a lot about the system we can predictthe outcomes. For example in coin flip experiments, you need to know the exact value ofimpulse you give to the coin and the exact place you hit to be able to determine if it willend up heads or tails. Most of the time, the system is chaotic so that uncertainties in initialvalues prevent you from making a predicti<strong>on</strong>. So, you are stuck with the probabilities.In quantum mechanics however, the c<strong>on</strong>cept of probability is included at its roots, distinctfrom the classical noti<strong>on</strong> of probability. C<strong>on</strong>sider the measurement of the observableÂ. I am going to use the notati<strong>on</strong> above for eigenfuncti<strong>on</strong>s. Suppose the wavefuncti<strong>on</strong> ofthe particle is ψ(⃗r) and its expansi<strong>on</strong> isψ(⃗r) = ∑ nd n α n (⃗r) .We have said that measurement of A yields the eigenvalue λ n with probability |d n | 2 . Ifthere were really a way to determine this outcome (namely λ n ), then this informati<strong>on</strong>is not c<strong>on</strong>tained in the wavefuncti<strong>on</strong>, ψ(⃗r). If you insist that the outcomes are realizeddeterministically, then you need to invent new variables other than the wavefuncti<strong>on</strong>.However, the experiments carried out up to now shows us that <strong>on</strong>ly the wavefuncti<strong>on</strong> andthe Schrödinger equati<strong>on</strong> is necessary to explain all of them. You have two opti<strong>on</strong>s: Youeither extend the theory and introduce new variables (these are called Hidden VariableTheories) or you stick with the present status and accept n<strong>on</strong>-deterministic aspect of it.15

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