May/June 2010 - Keppel Offshore & Marine

May/June 2010 - Keppel Offshore & Marine

May/June 2010 - Keppel Offshore & Marine


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BUSINESSTaking the silver was the Hulldepartment from <strong>Keppel</strong> Shipyard(Gul) for a gangway design whichdoes not obstruct the shorecrane on the quayside and can beused safely at high or low tide.Meanwhile, the Hull section from<strong>Keppel</strong> Shipyard (Benoi) clinchedbronze for its portable man-holeaccess cover that improves thesafety of workers in confinedspace and working at height.Aiming for zeroPartnership and teamwork arekey aspects of ensuring safeoperations. <strong>Keppel</strong> Shipyard worksclosely with its customers andcontractors to encourage a cultureof safety and to aim for zerolost-time incidents in all projects.Kenny Xu (fourth from left) from <strong>Keppel</strong> Singmarine showcases on his awardwinningvideo on the consequences of unsafe behavior to Minister Gan Kim Yongand <strong>Keppel</strong> managementOn 4 <strong>May</strong> <strong>2010</strong>, <strong>Keppel</strong> Shipyardwith its partners Woodside andSBM dedicated their time to“Stand Together for Safety”for the FPSO Okha conversionproject. The event aims toreinforce the message of ‘SafetyFirst’ to workers, supervisors, linemanagers and contractors.Kevin Gallagher, Executive VicePresident of Woodside thankedthe project team and the1,200-strong workforce involvedin the conversion for their effortsin achieving and maintainingits current perfect safety recordin over 4.1 million man-hoursworked.<strong>Keppel</strong> Shipyard’s safety partner Woodside gets hands on with safety –a customer representative demonstrates the safety procedures at work<strong>Offshore</strong><strong>Marine</strong> <strong>May</strong> – <strong>June</strong> <strong>2010</strong>17

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