25th Anniversary Brochure - American Water

25th Anniversary Brochure - American Water 25th Anniversary Brochure - American Water

•The Scienceof <strong>Water</strong>I N D U S T RY- L E A DI N GI N N O VAT I O N•E N V I R O N M E N TA L S T E W A R D S H I P

<strong>American</strong> <strong>Water</strong> was founded in1886 as <strong>American</strong> <strong>Water</strong> Works& Guarantee Company. Weformalized our water researchprogram 25 years ago to showour continued commitment toenvironmental leadership.“Our primary mission is to providehigh-quality water and wastewaterservice to our customers whileenhancing the environment inwhich we live. We take very seriouslyour role as protectors and innovatorsin the water industry.And because trust is somethingwe earn every day, we take greatcare to protect it.”Dr. Mark W. LeChevallier

•Protecting the world’s most preciousand necessary resource is what wedo every day at <strong>American</strong> <strong>Water</strong>.Part of that critical job is proactively lookingfor ways to keep it—and the earth fromwhich it flows—safe and clean.As we celebrate our <strong>25th</strong> year of dedicatingresources to innovation and environmentalstewardship, we reflect upon all that we haveaccomplished and all that we are striving toachieve in the years to come.<strong>American</strong><strong>Water</strong>’sleadershipis clear.I N D U S T RY- L E A DI N GI N N O VAT I O N•E N V I R O N M E N TA L S T E W A R D S H I P

<strong>American</strong> <strong>Water</strong>’s research andenvironmental programs are consideredamong the best in the world. Weare known for our award-winningcommitment to creativity andinnovation through scientific researchand for our nationally-recognizedlab, which is routinely used in thedevelopment of federal regulations.World Renowned ResearchExcellent water quality. Delivering excellent water quality andservice to our customers is our primary focus. <strong>American</strong> <strong>Water</strong> is atthe forefront of monitoring and controlling microbial, chemical andradiological contaminants, which is why we typically comply withdrinking water standards years before they are required by state orfederal regulations.<strong>American</strong> <strong>Water</strong> is the largest participant in the Partnership forSafe <strong>Water</strong>, the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s(USEPA) voluntary program to meet more stringent goals for reducingmicrobes. About 70 of our facilities have received the program’shighest award and over 40 have maintained it for more than five years.Research leadership. As an unparalleled provider of appliedresearch, <strong>American</strong> <strong>Water</strong> is awarded about $500,000 each yearin highly competitive outside grants. We are then able to costeffectivelycollaborate with other leading national researchers toachieve a broader base of knowledge.Our team of experts. We take pride in our work and willinglyshare it. Dr. Mark W. LeChevallier, Director of Innovation andEnvironmental Stewardship, leads our team of highly skilledresearchers. We demonstrate our passion for excellence throughpresentations and workshops around the world; publishedmanuscripts; participation in national committees and professionalassociations; training and technical support; and involvement inthe development of drinking water regulations.

<strong>American</strong> <strong>Water</strong> puts drinkingwater through hundreds of dailytests to determine possiblecontaminants and then worksto prevent or treat them.Sophisticated TestingPartnering with other industry leaders. In a two-yearstudy with the USEPA, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC),and the University of Southern California School of Epidemiology,<strong>American</strong> <strong>Water</strong> helped definitively determine what we’ve knownfor 120 years—properly treated tap water is safe to drink.Testing the nation’s water supply. At our central laboratoryin Belleville, Illinois, and at our local utility labs, <strong>American</strong> <strong>Water</strong>conducts nearly one million sophisticated water quality tests eachyear. We also continuously monitor the quality and security of ourwater supplies, treatment facilities and distribution pipe networks.Award-winning controls. <strong>American</strong> <strong>Water</strong> is a leader inmonitoring and controlling Cryptosporidium, a protozoan parasite.Our lab is certified by the USEPA to conduct testing for thiswaterborne pathogen. Though the USEPA put the regulation intoeffect in 2006, we began monitoring and testing of Cryptosporidiumin 2003. We have won over a dozen awards for best research,nearly 60 competitive research grants totaling over $34 million,and have been granted three patents for our research.Cheryl NortonLaboratory Director

<strong>American</strong> <strong>Water</strong> is committedto protecting the environment.It is, after all, the source ofour water supply. We areprotectors through responsiblebusiness practices, compliancewith environmental regulationsand effective use of naturalresources.Protecting the EnvironmentEnvironmental practice leader. As an industry leader, we assistin developing environmental regulations and in many cases, surpassthem in practice. In 2006 (the most recent data available), <strong>American</strong><strong>Water</strong>’s drinking water compliance rate was greater than 99.9%. Ourwastewater compliance rate was greater than 99.3%. Compared tothe USEPA data for drinking water quality, <strong>American</strong> <strong>Water</strong> is 15 timesbetter than the industry average for regulatory compliance and morethan 400 times better for testing and reporting.A leader in environmental stewardship. In 2006, <strong>American</strong><strong>Water</strong> became the first water or wastewater utility to join thevoluntary USEPA “Climate Leaders” program for developinglong-term comprehensive climate change strategies. It supportsour mission of using energy efficiently and tracking and controllinggreenhouse gases.Protecting the watershed. <strong>American</strong> <strong>Water</strong> focuses onwise use and protection of the environment. We work to protectthe red-legged frog in California, develop nesting areas for theendangered osprey in Illinois, enhance the habitat for the Karnerblue butterfly in fragile dunes near Lake Michigan, and developconstructed wetlands for the black-necked stilt. And <strong>American</strong> <strong>Water</strong>employees volunteer to clean watersheds and participate in otherenvironmental programs.We also initiated an innovative environmental grant program in2005 to fund local environmental groups for a variety of watershedprotection and educational efforts. Results were so impressive that in2006 we expanded the program and plan to increase it even further.Also in 2006, the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities named<strong>American</strong> <strong>Water</strong> the Energy Business Leader for energy conservationprojects including a 502kW solar photovoltaic system. This groundbasedsolar array annually produces nearly 5.5 million kilowatt hoursof electricity, saving more than 3,000 tons of carbon dioxide, eighttons of nitrous oxide and 23 tons of sulfur dioxide from entering theenvironment.

At our laboratory in Belleville,Illinois, and at our local utilitylabs, <strong>American</strong> <strong>Water</strong> conductsnearly one million sophisticatedwater quality tests each year.Our Ongoing ProjectsThe water industry is ever changing with updatesto regulations, advancements in technology andadequacy of supply. <strong>American</strong> <strong>Water</strong> stays aheadof those issues through the following ongoingprojects:Drinking water• Drinking water security and deployment of in-line sensors• Leak detection and control• Asset management and pipeline integrity• Advanced meter reading• Hydraulic modeling and pressure management• Cross connection and backflow control• Efficient corrosion control of lead, copper, iron and othermetallic materials• Management of microbial water quality and biofilm controlWastewater and reclamation• Energy efficient aeration• Membrane bioreactor performance and optimization• Leak control in wastewater collection systems• Microbiology of reclaimed water• Biofilm control in reclaimed water distribution systems<strong>American</strong> <strong>Water</strong>’s leadership isclear—25 years of innovationand environmental stewardship.Learn more at www.amwater.com.

www.amwater.com • NYSE: AWK

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