Four-weekly and monthly PAYE deduction tables - Inland Revenue ...

Four-weekly and monthly PAYE deduction tables - Inland Revenue ...

Four-weekly and monthly PAYE deduction tables - Inland Revenue ...


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FOUR-WEEKLY AND MONTHLY <strong>PAYE</strong> DEDUCTION TABLES 5ACC earners’ levyAll employees must pay an ACC earners’ levy to cover the cost ofnon-work injuries. They must also pay an earners’ account residuallevy to fund the cost of non-work injuries claimed from 1 April1992 to 30 June 1999. We collect these on behalf of the AccidentCompensation Corporation (ACC).For <strong>PAYE</strong> purposes, the earners’ levy <strong>deduction</strong> includes boththe earners’ levy amount <strong>and</strong> the earners’ account residual levyamount. The earners’ levy (including the earners’ account residuallevy) is already included in the <strong>PAYE</strong> amounts so you don’t have todo any extra calculations.ACC ratesThe earners’ levy <strong>deduction</strong> is $2.04 GST‐inclusive per $100 ofearnings.ACC maximum earningsThe maximum earnings on which the earners’ levy <strong>deduction</strong> ispayable is $111,669.For the tax code M, the earners’ levy <strong>deduction</strong>:––in the four-<strong>weekly</strong> table is not deducted on four-<strong>weekly</strong> salaryor wages greater than $9,112.––in the <strong>monthly</strong> table is not deducted on <strong>monthly</strong> salary orwages greater than $9,305.The maximum is not applied to <strong>PAYE</strong> on:––regular secondary income––casual agricultural employee payments––election day workers’ earnings––earnings on which the no-notification rate is used.Schedular payments are subject only to a tax <strong>deduction</strong>. Peopleor entities receiving schedular payments are responsible for payingtheir own ACC levies.Remember, these <strong>tables</strong> already have the earners’ levy built intothem. If your employees pay is greater than the amounts shown inthe <strong>tables</strong> then the examples at the end of each section will showhow to calculate the <strong>PAYE</strong>.Where an employee uses S SL, SH SL or ST SL tax codes, the <strong>tables</strong>deduct student loan repayments at 10 cents in the dollar fromevery dollar earned. There is no SB SL tax code as any employeewho qualifies to use the SB tax code will be earning less thanthe student loan repayment threshold. You also need to deductstudent loan repayments at this rate from redundancy <strong>and</strong> lumpsum payments.NoteAn employee may provide you with a Special tax code or<strong>deduction</strong> rate (IR 23) certificate requesting student loanrepayments be made at a different rate. You’ll need to calculate<strong>deduction</strong>s at the rate shown on the IR 23.Don’t deduct student loan repayments for casual agriculturalemployees, election day workers, people on schedular payments orpeople on the no-notification rate.There are penalties for failure to deduct or account for student loanrepayments.For more information on how to account for student loanrepayments see our Employer’s guide (IR 335).Schedular paymentsThere are different rates of tax on schedular payments, whichdepend on the type of work being done. The rates are listed onpage 13 of this booklet <strong>and</strong> on page 4 of the Tax code declaration(IR 330). Find the rate which applies to the work being done <strong>and</strong>deduct tax at that rate from the gross payment.NoteIf the person or entity working for you is GST-registered pleaseshow the GST-exclusive amount on the employer <strong>monthly</strong>schedule. For more information see our Employer’s guide(IR 335).GENERALStudent loan repaymentsEmployers are required to deduct student loan repaymentsthrough the <strong>PAYE</strong> system when an employee completes a Tax codedeclaration (IR 330) using one of these codes: M SL, ME SL, S SL, SHSL or ST SL.Employees with student loans who only have one main job shoulduse the M SL or ME SL tax code. This code includes studentloan repayments which are set at 10 cents in the dollar for everydollar earned over the repayment threshold of $19,084 per annum($367 per week).

FOUR-WEEKLY AND MONTHLY <strong>PAYE</strong> DEDUCTION TABLES 7Part 2 – Using these <strong>tables</strong>The <strong>PAYE</strong> <strong>tables</strong> shown in this booklet are for four-<strong>weekly</strong> <strong>and</strong><strong>monthly</strong> pay periods <strong>and</strong> secondary employment.<strong>Four</strong>-<strong>weekly</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>monthly</strong>Use these <strong>tables</strong> to calculate how much <strong>PAYE</strong> to deduct from primaryemployment earnings for four-<strong>weekly</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>monthly</strong> pay periods.To calculate <strong>PAYE</strong> for pay periods other than four-<strong>weekly</strong> or<strong>monthly</strong>, see page 8.The <strong>PAYE</strong> on primary employment is:––12.54% on income up to $14,000––19.54% on income from $14,001 up to $48,000––32.04% on income from $48,001 up to $70,000––35.04% on income from $70,001 up to $111,669.Income over $111,669 is taxed at 33%, as this is the maximum liablefor earners’ levy.Employees who qualify for the independent earners tax credit willhave their <strong>PAYE</strong> reduced by $10 per week, for income between$24,000 <strong>and</strong> $44,000. This tax credit will reduce by $0.13 for each extradollar they earn over $44,000, reaching a nil entitlement at $48,000.This tax credit is built into the <strong>PAYE</strong> <strong>tables</strong>, so no additionalcalculations will be required by employers.Secondary employmentThese <strong>tables</strong> apply to people who already have a primary source ofincome such as a regular job, a taxable pension, an income-testedbenefit or a student allowance, <strong>and</strong> who take on a second job. The<strong>PAYE</strong> to be deducted from secondary employment income willdepend on the secondary tax code used on their declaration.Tax codeSBS or S SLSH or SH SLif annual income from all sources islikely to be$0 to $14,000 inclusive$14,001 to $48,000 inclusive$48,001 to $70,000 inclusiveST or ST SL more than $70,000Deduct <strong>PAYE</strong> at a flat rate of:––12.54 cents in the dollar for the SB tax code––19.54 cents in the dollar for the S <strong>and</strong> S SL tax codes––32.04 cents in the dollar for the SH <strong>and</strong> SH SL tax codes––35.04 cents in the dollar for the ST <strong>and</strong> ST SL tax codes.NoteFor S SL, SH SL <strong>and</strong> ST SL an additional amount of 10 cents forevery dollar earned will also need to be deducted for studentloan repayments.How to calculate employee <strong>PAYE</strong> <strong>deduction</strong>s••Take basic four-<strong>weekly</strong> or <strong>monthly</strong> pay.••Add overtime, any regular bonus, shift allowance, value ofboard <strong>and</strong> lodging, <strong>and</strong> any other taxable allowance.The total is “earnings subject to <strong>PAYE</strong>”.Overtime is treated as ordinary pay. Add it into the salary or wagesyou’ve paid for that pay period then deduct <strong>PAYE</strong> in the usual way.It doesn’t matter if the overtime was actually worked in anotherpay period.ExampleBasic four-<strong>weekly</strong> pay is $1,368 <strong>and</strong> overtime $206.40 attax code M SL.Basic four-<strong>weekly</strong> pay $1,368.00Add overtime $ 206.40Earnings subject to <strong>PAYE</strong> (<strong>and</strong> other <strong>deduction</strong>s) $1,574.40Main source of income (M, ME or ML)Find the amount of earnings in the correct table. If the exactamount of earnings is not shown in the table, use the nearest lowerfigure.* Deduct the amount of <strong>PAYE</strong>, student loan repayments<strong>and</strong>/or KiwiSaver <strong>deduction</strong>s shown opposite the employee’searnings in the column headed with the employee’s tax code(M SL in this case).In the above example the total earnings are $1,574.40. The nearestlower figure in the table is $1,572. Find the <strong>PAYE</strong>, student loan <strong>and</strong>KiwiSaver <strong>deduction</strong>s in the columns opposite this amount.Note* Calculation of <strong>PAYE</strong> in this booklet may differ slightly fromthe results produced by Inl<strong>and</strong> <strong>Revenue</strong>’s online <strong>PAYE</strong>/KiwiSavercalculator.Add any non-taxable allowances after the <strong>PAYE</strong>, student loanrepayments <strong>and</strong> KiwiSaver employee contributions have beendeducted.The take-home pay is:––the amount of earnings subject to <strong>PAYE</strong>––less <strong>PAYE</strong>––less student loan repayment––less KiwiSaver employee <strong>deduction</strong>s––plus any non-taxable allowance.<strong>Four</strong>-Weekly Pay Periods – Earnings $1,544 to $1,760EarningsCodes<strong>PAYE</strong>KiwiSaverM ME ML SL Loan ded 2% 4% 8% CEC$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $1544.00 226.28 226.28 226.28 7.60 30.88 61.76 123.52 30.881548.00 227.08 227.08 227.08 8.00 30.96 61.92 123.84 30.961552.00 227.84 227.84 227.84 8.40 31.04 62.08 124.16 31.041556.00 228.64 228.64 228.64 8.80 31.12 62.24 124.48 31.121560.00 229.40 229.40 229.40 9.20 31.20 62.40 124.80 31.201564.00 230.20 230.20 230.20 9.60 31.28 62.56 125.12 31.281568.00 231.00 231.00 231.00 10.00 31.36 62.72 125.44 31.361572.00 231.76 231.76 231.76 10.40 31.44 62.88 125.76 31.441576.00 232.56 232.56 232.56 10.80 31.52 63.04 126.08 31.521580.00 233.32 233.32 233.32 11.20 31.60 63.20 126.40 31.601584.00 234.12 234.12 234.12 11.60 31.68 63.36 126.72 31.681588.00 234.88 234.88 234.88 12.00 31.76 63.52 127.04 31.761592.00 235.68 235.68 235.68 12.40 31.84 63.68 127.36 31.841596.00 236.44 236.44 236.44 12.80 31.92 63.84 127.68 31.921600.00 237.24 237.24 237.24 13.20 32.00 64.00 128.00 32.00using these <strong>tables</strong>

8 FOUR-WEEKLY AND MONTHLY <strong>PAYE</strong> DEDUCTION TABLESusing these <strong>tables</strong>ExampleUsing figures from the example on page 7Earnings subject to <strong>PAYE</strong> <strong>and</strong> other <strong>deduction</strong>s $ 1574.40less <strong>PAYE</strong> $ 231.76less student loan $ 10.40less KiwiSaver <strong>deduction</strong> (4%) $ 62.88$ 1,269.36Plus non-taxable meal allowance $ 82.00Take-home pay is $ 1,351.36Other than four-<strong>weekly</strong> or <strong>monthly</strong> payperiodsThese <strong>tables</strong> show you how to calculate the <strong>PAYE</strong> for regular four<strong>weekly</strong>or <strong>monthly</strong> pay periods. Here are some notes to help youwith other pay periods.Daily or casual basisSee the table below for an example of daily or casual basis <strong>PAYE</strong>.For employees who work on a daily or casual basis, there are twoways to calculate how much <strong>PAYE</strong> to deduct. Either:––add up the employee’s earnings for each week, <strong>and</strong> use thefour-<strong>weekly</strong> table to calculate the <strong>PAYE</strong> on those earnings, or––work out the <strong>PAYE</strong> progressively if the employee is paid on adaily basis each week, so as <strong>weekly</strong> income increases, the <strong>PAYE</strong>you must deduct increases.Example – daily or casual basisAn employee works on Monday, Tuesday <strong>and</strong> Friday of thesame week, earning $125 each day. The employee is paid oneach day worked <strong>and</strong> is on the M tax code.Earnings for week$125 MondayCalculate <strong>PAYE</strong> on $125using <strong>weekly</strong> tablePlus $125 Tuesday = $250Calculate <strong>PAYE</strong> on $250using <strong>weekly</strong> tablePlus $125 Friday = $375Calculate <strong>PAYE</strong> on $375using <strong>weekly</strong> table(A)<strong>PAYE</strong> onweek’searningsto date(M code)(B)<strong>PAYE</strong>alreadydeductedthat week(A – B)<strong>PAYE</strong> todeducttodayfrom $125Actualamountpaid toemployeeeach day15.67 – 15.67 109.3331.35 15.67 15.68 109.3254.42 31.35 23.07 101.93Half-<strong>monthly</strong> pay periodsCalculate the <strong>PAYE</strong> as follows:••Double the taxable earnings for the half-<strong>monthly</strong> period.••Calculate <strong>PAYE</strong> on this amount using the <strong>monthly</strong> table.••Divide the <strong>monthly</strong> <strong>PAYE</strong> <strong>deduction</strong> by 2.This is the <strong>PAYE</strong> to deduct for the half month.Change of pay periodIf you change a pay period but not the day of the week you paywages or salaries, use the <strong>PAYE</strong> table that covers the new payperiod.ExampleRiver Industries changed its pay period from four-<strong>weekly</strong> tofortnightly. The employees are still paid on a Friday. Thefortnightly <strong>PAYE</strong> table is used from the first payday of the newfortnightly pay period.Changed paydayIf the day that the pay period ends is also changed, there will bea “broken period” between the end of the old period <strong>and</strong> thebeginning of the new.Calculate the <strong>PAYE</strong> as follows:••Increase the taxable earnings proportionately for the brokenperiod to show the amount payable for the whole of theoriginal pay period.••Calculate the <strong>PAYE</strong> on the increased figure using the table forthe old pay period.••Reduce the <strong>PAYE</strong> proportionately to match the actual earningsfor the broken period.ExampleA four-<strong>weekly</strong> pay period Monday to Friday (twenty workingdays) is changed to a fortnightly (ten working days) period. Thefortnight ends on Wednesday. The broken period is fromMonday to the following Wednesday which is eight days out ofthe old twenty-day period. An employee’s taxable earnings forthe eight days is $600.Increase $600 to four-<strong>weekly</strong> pay (20/8 x $600) $ 1,500.00<strong>PAYE</strong> on $1,500 (using four-<strong>weekly</strong> table) $ 217.68<strong>PAYE</strong> <strong>deduction</strong> for wages for the broken period(8/20 x $217.68) $ 87.07Three-<strong>weekly</strong> pay periodsIf you pay wages three-<strong>weekly</strong>, you'll need the 2012 Weekly <strong>and</strong>fortnightly <strong>PAYE</strong> <strong>deduction</strong> <strong>tables</strong> (IR 340) – April 2011 version.Calculate the <strong>PAYE</strong> as follows:••Divide the three-<strong>weekly</strong> wage by 3 to get the <strong>weekly</strong> income.••Use the <strong>weekly</strong> <strong>tables</strong> to find the <strong>PAYE</strong>.••Multiply the <strong>weekly</strong> <strong>PAYE</strong> by 3.This is the three-<strong>weekly</strong> <strong>PAYE</strong> <strong>deduction</strong>.Less than a full pay periodIf an employee starts working for you, finishes working for you,or loses any pay during a period, treat the earnings as if they wereearned over the full pay period.

FOUR-WEEKLY AND MONTHLY <strong>PAYE</strong> DEDUCTION TABLES 9ExampleWood Industries Ltd has a <strong>monthly</strong> pay period. A newemployee starts work halfway through the month. The <strong>PAYE</strong>for the new employee’s first pay is calculated using the <strong>monthly</strong>table, in the same way as a full month’s pay.No-notification rateUse this rate when an employee, receiving a salary or wage, orentity receiving schedular payments, doesn’t give you a fullycompleted Tax code declaration (IR 330). You are legally required touse the no-notification rate if they:––don’t enter their IRD number, or––leave out any personal details, or––don’t enter a tax code.The rate you deduct is either:––<strong>PAYE</strong> of 47.04 cents in the dollar (which includes earners’ levy)for employees, or––generally 15 cents in the dollar on top of the normal rate oftax for persons or entities receiving schedular payments—seepage 13.How to calculate <strong>PAYE</strong> at the no-notification rate for salary<strong>and</strong> wages••Take gross earnings.••Add the value of taxable allowances, if any.••The total is “earnings subject to <strong>PAYE</strong>”.••Work out <strong>PAYE</strong>, at the rate of 47.04 cents in the dollar (whichincludes earners' levy). Use whole dollars only.ExampleNo-notification rateBasic <strong>weekly</strong> pay $1,585.75.The tax on whole dollars is $1,585 x 47.04 cents in the dollar.<strong>PAYE</strong> to be deducted $ 745.58Holiday payInclude holiday pay <strong>and</strong> pay for statutory holidays as earnings inthe period that you actually pay them. Before calculating youremployees’ holiday pay, please check your obligations under theHolidays Act 2003.For more helpFor information about holiday pay rules see the Department ofLabour’s booklet Holidays <strong>and</strong> leave – an employer’s guide. To geta copy, call the Department of Labour’s Employment RelationsInfoline on 0800 209 020 or go to www.ers.dol.govt.nz<strong>Four</strong> weeks’ holiday payUse the four-<strong>weekly</strong> <strong>tables</strong> to calculate the total <strong>PAYE</strong> to deduct.8% of wages as holiday payCalculate the <strong>PAYE</strong> as follows:••Break down the payment into <strong>weekly</strong> amounts, based on thenormal <strong>weekly</strong> wage.••Calculate the <strong>PAYE</strong> using the <strong>weekly</strong> <strong>PAYE</strong> table.ExampleEmployee’s normal <strong>weekly</strong> wages with (M) tax code $ 290.00Amount of holiday pay $ 145.00$ 435.00To calculate the <strong>PAYE</strong> on this holiday pay, break the paymentdown into:– one <strong>weekly</strong> payment of $290, <strong>and</strong>– one <strong>weekly</strong> payment of $145.<strong>PAYE</strong> on $290 (using the <strong>weekly</strong> table) $ 37.81<strong>PAYE</strong> on $145 (using the <strong>weekly</strong> table) $ 18.18Total <strong>PAYE</strong> deducted from holiday pay $ 55.99You can use the holiday pay calculator on www.ird.govt.nz towork out how much you need to deduct, or you can call us on0800 377 772.NoteThere have been changes to the Holidays Act 2003. It'simportant for employers to be aware of these changes. Forfurther information, please refer to the Business Tax UpdateIssue 17, March 2011 on our website www.ird.govt.nzLump sums paymentsLump sum payments from primary employmentLump sum payments include annual or special bonuses, retiringor redundancy payments, payments for accepting restrictivecovenants, exit inducement payments, gratuities or back pay.These are also called “extra pays”. Overtime or any regularpayments are not lump sum payments.<strong>PAYE</strong> applies to lump sum payments as follows:••At a flat rate of 12.54 cents in the dollar––when the combined total of the lump sum payment <strong>and</strong>the grossed-up annual value of the employee’s income forthe previous four weeks is $14,000 or less••At a flat rate of 19.54 cents in the dollar––when the combined total of the lump sum payment <strong>and</strong>the grossed-up annual value of the employee’s income forthe previous four weeks is from $14,001 to $48,000.••At a flat rate of 32.04 cents in the dollar––when the combined total of the lump sum payment <strong>and</strong>the grossed-up annual value of the employee’s income forthe previous four weeks is from $48,001 to $70,000.using these <strong>tables</strong>

using these <strong>tables</strong>10 FOUR-WEEKLY AND MONTHLY <strong>PAYE</strong> DEDUCTION TABLES••At a flat rate of 35.04 cents in the dollar––when the combined total of the lump sum payment <strong>and</strong>the grossed-up annual value of the employee’s income forthe previous four weeks is greater than $70,000, but lessthan the ACC earners levy maximum threshold of $111,669(for the 2012 tax year). Amounts above this level shouldhave <strong>PAYE</strong> applied at 33%, or––when the employee asks you to use this rate.Note••ACC earner levy <strong>and</strong> Residual Earner levy do not applyto retiring or redundancy payments. These should have<strong>PAYE</strong> applied at 10.5%, 17.5%, 30% or 33%, according toannualised income.••If the lump sum has <strong>PAYE</strong> applied using the lowest rate(12.54%), tick the box on the Employer <strong>monthly</strong> schedule(IR 348) to show this.ExampleYou’re going to pay a bonus payment of $400 to one of youremployees. The employee’s gross earnings for the last fourweeks were $2,500. The calculation will look like this:Annualised income (13 × $2,500) $32,500Add the bonus payment $400Total $32,900In this example, the income level is less than $48,000, so the <strong>PAYE</strong>rate applied to the bonus payment is 19.54 cents in the dollar.If the employee uses a student loan tax code (M SL, ME SL, S SL, SHSL or ST SL) you’ll also have to deduct student loan repayments.NoteIf the employee is a KiwiSaver member, you’ll need to deductcontributions from lump sum payments.Lump sum payments from secondary employmentA new calculation for calculating the amount of <strong>PAYE</strong> to apply tolump sum payments has been introduced. The new calculationtakes into account the minimum level of income the employeeexpects to receive from their primary employment, based on thesecondary tax code they have selected.The calculation for the amount of <strong>PAYE</strong> on an extra pay foremployees using a secondary tax code is:––the amount of the extra pay,––plus annualised income,*––plus the low threshold amount, (based on the secondary taxcode used as in table one)––equals the annual income estimate*Annualised income is calculated by adding up the <strong>PAYE</strong> income payments forthe four weeks ending on the date of the extra payment, whether this is thenormal pay cycle or not, <strong>and</strong> multiplying by 13. The amount of the extra pay isnot included in this total.Table one, low threshold amountsTax codeSB $0S $14,001SH $48,001ST $70,001Table two, income range <strong>and</strong> <strong>PAYE</strong> ratesAnnual incomeestimate (from thecalculation above)Low Threshold Amount<strong>PAYE</strong> rate (includes2.04% ACC earners’levy)$0 − $14,000 12.54%Student loan$14,001 − $48,000 19.54 + 10%$48,001 − $70,000 32.04% + 10%Over $70,000 35.04% + 10%If the annual income estimate is less than $111,669 then theamount of <strong>PAYE</strong> on the full extra pay should be calculated usingthe rate shown in table two.If the annualised income plus the low threshold amount is greaterthan $111,669 then none of the extra pay is liable for ACC <strong>and</strong> the<strong>PAYE</strong> rate is 33%.If the annualised income plus the low threshold amount is lowerthan $111,669, but the annual income estimate exceeds $111,669,then the amount of <strong>PAYE</strong> applied to the extra pay which fallsbelow the threshold is calculated at the rate in table two, but theamount of extra pay above the threshold has <strong>PAYE</strong> applied withoutthe ACC earner levy (i.e. at 33%). See the example below.ExampleJane has a second job <strong>and</strong> uses the ST tax code. Jane’ssecondary employer wants to pay her a one-off bonus of$10,000. In the last four weeks Jane has earned $2,695 from hersecond job.Applying the calculation (overleaf), Jane’s employer can workout the amount of <strong>PAYE</strong> on her bonus:The annualised income ($2,695 × 13) $ 35,035Plus low threshold amount(ST, tax code, table one) $ 70,001$ 105,036Plus the amount of the extra pay $ 10,000Annual income amount $ 115,036The annualised income plus the low threshold amount is belowthe threshold of $111,669. But when the extra pay is added, theannual income estimate exceeds $111,669, so the ACC earner levyshould only be applied to earnings below the threshold.

FOUR-WEEKLY AND MONTHLY <strong>PAYE</strong> DEDUCTION TABLES 11NoteIn this example Tax <strong>and</strong> ACC are calculated on the full bonus,<strong>and</strong> then the excess ACC is deducted.Calculation$10,000 × 35.04% = $3,504Annual income estimate − ACC threshold = extra pay not liable forACC$115,036 − $111,669* = $3,367$3,367 x 2.04% = $68.68$3,504 - $68.68 = $3435.32Amount of <strong>PAYE</strong> applied to the extra pay = $3,435.32*The maximum amount of earnings on which an ACC earner’s levy <strong>and</strong> Earner’sAccount Residual levy is payable for the year ending 31 March 2012.Redundancy payments <strong>and</strong> retiring allowancesRedundancy payments <strong>and</strong> retiring allowances are not subject toearners’ levy. For primary employment the tax rate is one of thefollowing:Primary employment••10.5 cents in the dollar.––when the combined total of the payment <strong>and</strong> thegrossed-up annual value of the employee’s income for theprevious four weeks is $14,000 or less••17.5 cents in the dollar––when the combined total of the payment <strong>and</strong> thegrossed-up annual value of the employee’s income for theprevious four weeks is $14,001 to $48,000.••30 cents in the dollar––when the combined total of the payment <strong>and</strong> thegrossed-up annual value of the employee’s income for theprevious four weeks is $48,001 to $70,000••33 cents in the dollar––when the combined total of the payment <strong>and</strong> thegrossed-up annual value of the employee’s income for theprevious four weeks is greater than $70,000 or––when the employee asks you to use this rate.ExampleYou’re making a redundancy payment of $10,200.50. Theemployee’s total wages for the last four weeks are $2,800. Thecalculation will look like this:Annual income (13 × $2,800) $ 36,400.00Add the redundancy payment $ 10,200.50Total $ 46,600.50For secondary employment the tax rate is one of the following:Secondary employment••10.5 cents in the dollar––when the combined total of the payment <strong>and</strong> thegrossed-up annual value of the employee’s income for theprevious four weeks, plus the low threshold amount fortheir secondary tax code is $14,000 or less••17.5 cents in the dollar––when the combined total of the payment <strong>and</strong> thegrossed-up annual value of the employee’s income for theprevious four weeks, plus the low threshold amount fortheir secondary tax code is from $14,001 to $48,000.••30 cents in the dollar––when the combined total of the payment <strong>and</strong> thegrossed-up annual value of the employee’s income for theprevious four weeks, plus the low threshold amount fortheir secondary tax code is from $48,001 to $70,000 or••33 cents in the dollar––when the combined total of the payment <strong>and</strong> thegrossed-up annual value of the employee’s income for theprevious four weeks, plus the low threshold amount fortheir secondary tax code is greater than $70,000or––when the employee asks you to use this rate.ExampleYou’re making a redundancy payment of $10,200.50. Theemployee’s total wages for the last four weeks are $2,800. Theemployee is using a SH SL tax code. The calculation will looklike this:Annual income (13 x $2,800) $ 36,400.00Add the redundancy payment $ 10,200.50Add the low threshold amount $ 48,001.00Total $ 94,601.50In this example, the income level is greater than $70,000, so the taxrate applied to the redundancy payment is 33 cents in the dollar.Student loan repayment on redundancy payments(tax codes M SL, ME SL, S SL, SH SL <strong>and</strong> ST SL)ExampleTo calculate <strong>deduction</strong> on redundancy payment of $10,200.50subject to student loan repayment:<strong>PAYE</strong> (on whole dollars) at 17.5 cents in the dollar* $ 1785.00Student loan repayment (on whole dollars)at 10 cents in the dollar $ 1,020.00Total <strong>deduction</strong>s $ 2,805.00using these <strong>tables</strong>In this example, the income level is greater than $14,001 but lessthan $48,000 so the tax rate applied to the redundancy payment is17.5 cents in the dollar.*This example assumes the gross annual value of the employee’s income for theprevious four weeks, plus the redundancy payment, exceeds $14,001 but is lessthan $48,000.

12 FOUR-WEEKLY AND MONTHLY <strong>PAYE</strong> DEDUCTION TABLESNoteIf your employee is a KiwiSaver member, please don’t makeKiwiSaver <strong>deduction</strong>s from their redundancy payments.Redundancy payments are exempt from KiwiSaver <strong>deduction</strong>s.using these <strong>tables</strong>Casual agricultural employees <strong>and</strong> electionday workersThe term “casual agricultural employees” includes shedh<strong>and</strong>s,shearing shedh<strong>and</strong>s <strong>and</strong> casual agricultural workers. The flat rate of<strong>PAYE</strong> for casual agricultural employees <strong>and</strong> election day workers is19.54 cents in the dollar, which includes earners’ levy.Calculate the <strong>PAYE</strong> as follows:••Take gross earnings.••Add the value of taxable allowances, if any.••The total is “earnings subject to <strong>PAYE</strong>”.••Work out <strong>PAYE</strong> at the rate of 19.54 cents in the dollar. Usewhole dollars only.ExampleEarnings as a shedh<strong>and</strong> $ 135.00<strong>PAYE</strong> to be deducted at 19.54 cents $ 26.37Recognised seasonal workersRecognised seasonal workers must be employed by recognisedseasonal employers who are approved by the Department ofLabour. They are generally employed in the horticulture <strong>and</strong>viticulture industries.These workers are taxed through the <strong>PAYE</strong> system using the NSWtax code <strong>and</strong> at a flat rate of 12.54 cents in the dollar. The flat rate ismade up of 10.5 cents <strong>PAYE</strong> <strong>and</strong> 2.04 cents earners’ levy.ExampleEarnings (use whole dollars only) $250.00<strong>PAYE</strong> to be deducted at 12.54 cents in the dollar $31.35You may also have to make <strong>deduction</strong>s for child support payments.However recognised seasonal workers won’t have student lo<strong>and</strong>eductions or be eligible to join KiwiSaver.

FOUR-WEEKLY AND MONTHLY <strong>PAYE</strong> DEDUCTION TABLES 13Rate of tax <strong>deduction</strong>s from schedular payments (shortened version)For a full description see Schedual 4 of the Income Tax Act 2007. Work out tax on whole dollars only.ActivityNormal tax rateRate if no taxcode declaredACC personal service rehabilitation payments (attendant care, home help, childcare, attendant care services related to trainingfor independence <strong>and</strong> attendant care services related to transport for independence) paid under the Injury Prevention <strong>and</strong>Rehabilitation Compensation Act 2001. 10.5c 25.5cAgricultural contracts for maintenance, development, or other work on farming or agricultural l<strong>and</strong>(Not to be used where CAE code applies) 15c 30cAgricultural, horticultural or viticultural contracts by any type (individual, partnership, trust or company) of contractor for workor services rendered under contract or arrangement for the supply of labour, or substantially for the supply of labour on l<strong>and</strong> inconnection with fruit crops, orchards, vege<strong>tables</strong> or vineyards 15c 30cApprentice jockeys or drivers 15c 30cCleaning office, business, institution, or other premises (except residential) or cleaning or laundering plant, vehicles, furniture etc 20c 35cCommissions to insurance agents <strong>and</strong> sub-agents <strong>and</strong> salespeople 20c 35cCompany directors’ (fees) 33c 48cContracts wholly or substantially for labour only in the building industry 20c 35cDemonstrating goods or appliances 25c 40cEntertainers (New Zeal<strong>and</strong> resident only) such as lecturers, presenters, participants in sporting events, <strong>and</strong> radio, television, stage<strong>and</strong> film performers 20c 35cExaminers (fees payable) 33c 48cForestry or bush work of all kinds, or flax planting or cutting 15c 30cFreelance contributions to newspapers, journals (eg, articles, photographs, cartoons) or for radio, television or stage productions 25c 40cGardening, grass or hedge cutting, or weed or vermin destruction (for an office, business or institution) 20c 35cHonoraria 33c 48cModelling 20c 35cNon-resident entertainers <strong>and</strong> professional sportspeople visiting New Zeal<strong>and</strong> 2 20c N/APayments for:– caretaking or acting as a watchman 15c 30c– mail contracting 15c 30c– milk delivery 15c 30c– refuse removal, street or road cleaning 15c 30c– transport of school children 15c 30cProceeds from sales of:– eels (not retail sales) 25c 40c– greenstone (not retail sales) 25c 40c– sphagnum moss (not retail sales) 25c 40c– whitebait (not retail sales) 25c 40c– wild deer, pigs or goats or parts of these animals 25c 40cPublic office holders (fees) 33c 48cSharefishing (on contract for the supply of labour only) 20c 35cShearing or droving (Not to be used where CAE code applies). 15c 30cTelevision, video or film: on-set <strong>and</strong> off-set production processes (New Zeal<strong>and</strong> residents only) 20c 35cIf you are a non-resident contractor receiving a contract payment for a contract activity or service <strong>and</strong> none of the aboveactivities are applicable, then:Non-resident contractor (<strong>and</strong> not a company) 15c 30cNon-resident contractor (<strong>and</strong> a company) 15c 20cusing these <strong>tables</strong>1 Applications for exemption certificates or enquiries about non-resident contractors should be sent to:Team Leader, Non-resident Contractors Team, Large Enterprises Assistance, P.O. Box 2198, Wellington, Lower Hutt 5045, New Zeal<strong>and</strong>.Phone 64 4 890 3056 Fax 64 4 890 45102 The following may be entitled to exemption from tax:– non-resident entertainers taking part in a cultural programme sponsored by a government or promoted by an overseas non-profit cultural organisation– non-resident sportspeople officially representing an overseas national sports body.Send applications for exemption to:Team Leader, Non-resident Entertainment Unit, Large Enterprises Assistance, PO Box 5542, Wellesley Street, Auckl<strong>and</strong> 1141, New Zeal<strong>and</strong>.Fax 09 984 3081

14 FOUR-WEEKLY AND MONTHLY <strong>PAYE</strong> DEDUCTION TABLESEarnings<strong>Four</strong>-Weekly Pay Periods – Earnings $4 to $220Codes<strong>PAYE</strong>KiwiSaverM ME ML SL Loan ded 2% 4% 8% CEC$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $4.00 0.48 0.48 0.08 0.00 0.08 0.16 0.32 0.088.00 1.00 1.00 0.16 0.00 0.16 0.32 0.64 0.1612.00 1.48 1.48 0.24 0.00 0.24 0.48 0.96 0.2416.00 2.00 2.00 0.32 0.00 0.32 0.64 1.28 0.3220.00 2.48 2.48 0.40 0.00 0.40 0.80 1.60 0.4024.00 3.00 3.00 0.48 0.00 0.48 0.96 1.92 0.4828.00 3.48 3.48 0.56 0.00 0.56 1.12 2.24 0.5632.00 4.00 4.00 0.64 0.00 0.64 1.28 2.56 0.6436.00 4.48 4.48 0.72 0.00 0.72 1.44 2.88 0.7240.00 5.00 5.00 0.80 0.00 0.80 1.60 3.20 0.80FOUR-WEEKLY44.00 5.48 5.48 0.88 0.00 0.88 1.76 3.52 0.8848.00 6.00 6.00 0.96 0.00 0.96 1.92 3.84 0.9652.00 6.52 6.52 1.04 0.00 1.04 2.08 4.16 1.0456.00 7.00 7.00 1.12 0.00 1.12 2.24 4.48 1.1260.00 7.52 7.52 1.20 0.00 1.20 2.40 4.80 1.2064.00 8.00 8.00 1.28 0.00 1.28 2.56 5.12 1.2868.00 8.52 8.52 1.36 0.00 1.36 2.72 5.44 1.3672.00 9.00 9.00 1.44 0.00 1.44 2.88 5.76 1.4476.00 9.52 9.52 1.52 0.00 1.52 3.04 6.08 1.5280.00 10.00 10.00 1.60 0.00 1.60 3.20 6.40 1.6084.00 10.52 10.52 1.68 0.00 1.68 3.36 6.72 1.6888.00 11.00 11.00 1.76 0.00 1.76 3.52 7.04 1.7692.00 11.52 11.52 1.84 0.00 1.84 3.68 7.36 1.8496.00 12.00 12.00 1.92 0.00 1.92 3.84 7.68 1.92100.00 12.52 12.52 2.04 0.00 2.00 4.00 8.00 2.00104.00 13.04 13.04 2.12 0.00 2.08 4.16 8.32 2.08108.00 13.52 13.52 2.20 0.00 2.16 4.32 8.64 2.16112.00 14.04 14.04 2.28 0.00 2.24 4.48 8.96 2.24116.00 14.52 14.52 2.36 0.00 2.32 4.64 9.28 2.32120.00 15.04 15.04 2.44 0.00 2.40 4.80 9.60 2.40124.00 15.52 15.52 2.52 0.00 2.48 4.96 9.92 2.48128.00 16.04 16.04 2.60 0.00 2.56 5.12 10.24 2.56132.00 16.52 16.52 2.68 0.00 2.64 5.28 10.56 2.64136.00 17.04 17.04 2.76 0.00 2.72 5.44 10.88 2.72140.00 17.52 17.52 2.84 0.00 2.80 5.60 11.20 2.80144.00 18.04 18.04 2.92 0.00 2.88 5.76 11.52 2.88148.00 18.52 18.52 3.00 0.00 2.96 5.92 11.84 2.96152.00 19.04 19.04 3.08 0.00 3.04 6.08 12.16 3.04156.00 19.56 19.56 3.16 0.00 3.12 6.24 12.48 3.12160.00 20.04 20.04 3.24 0.00 3.20 6.40 12.80 3.20164.00 20.56 20.56 3.32 0.00 3.28 6.56 13.12 3.28168.00 21.04 21.04 3.40 0.00 3.36 6.72 13.44 3.36172.00 21.56 21.56 3.48 0.00 3.44 6.88 13.76 3.44176.00 22.04 22.04 3.56 0.00 3.52 7.04 14.08 3.52180.00 22.56 22.56 3.64 0.00 3.60 7.20 14.40 3.60184.00 23.04 23.04 3.72 0.00 3.68 7.36 14.72 3.68188.00 23.56 23.56 3.80 0.00 3.76 7.52 15.04 3.76192.00 24.04 24.04 3.88 0.00 3.84 7.68 15.36 3.84196.00 24.56 24.56 3.96 0.00 3.92 7.84 15.68 3.92200.00 25.08 25.08 4.08 0.00 4.00 8.00 16.00 4.00204.00 25.56 25.56 4.16 0.00 4.08 8.16 16.32 4.08208.00 26.08 26.08 4.24 0.00 4.16 8.32 16.64 4.16212.00 26.56 26.56 4.32 0.00 4.24 8.48 16.96 4.24216.00 27.08 27.08 4.40 0.00 4.32 8.64 17.28 4.32220.00 27.56 27.56 4.48 0.00 4.40 8.80 17.60 4.40

FOUR-WEEKLY AND MONTHLY <strong>PAYE</strong> DEDUCTION TABLES 15Earnings<strong>Four</strong>-Weekly Pay Periods – Earnings $224 to $440Codes<strong>PAYE</strong>KiwiSaverM ME ML SL Loan ded 2% 4% 8% CEC$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $224.00 28.08 28.08 4.56 0.00 4.48 8.96 17.92 4.48228.00 28.56 28.56 4.64 0.00 4.56 9.12 18.24 4.56232.00 29.08 29.08 4.72 0.00 4.64 9.28 18.56 4.64236.00 29.56 29.56 4.80 0.00 4.72 9.44 18.88 4.72240.00 30.08 30.08 4.88 0.00 4.80 9.60 19.20 4.80244.00 30.56 30.56 4.96 0.00 4.88 9.76 19.52 4.88248.00 31.08 31.08 5.04 0.00 4.96 9.92 19.84 4.96252.00 31.60 31.60 5.12 0.00 5.04 10.08 20.16 5.04256.00 32.08 32.08 5.20 0.00 5.12 10.24 20.48 5.12260.00 32.60 32.60 5.28 0.00 5.20 10.40 20.80 5.20264.00 33.08 33.08 5.36 0.00 5.28 10.56 21.12 5.28268.00 33.60 33.60 5.44 0.00 5.36 10.72 21.44 5.36272.00 34.08 34.08 5.52 0.00 5.44 10.88 21.76 5.44276.00 34.60 34.60 5.60 0.00 5.52 11.04 22.08 5.52280.00 35.08 35.08 5.68 0.00 5.60 11.20 22.40 5.60284.00 35.60 35.60 5.76 0.00 5.68 11.36 22.72 5.68288.00 36.08 36.08 5.84 0.00 5.76 11.52 23.04 5.76292.00 36.60 36.60 5.92 0.00 5.84 11.68 23.36 5.84296.00 37.08 37.08 6.00 0.00 5.92 11.84 23.68 5.92300.00 37.60 37.60 6.12 0.00 6.00 12.00 24.00 6.00FOUR-WEEKLY304.00 38.12 38.12 6.20 0.00 6.08 12.16 24.32 6.08308.00 38.60 38.60 6.28 0.00 6.16 12.32 24.64 6.16312.00 39.12 39.12 6.36 0.00 6.24 12.48 24.96 6.24316.00 39.60 39.60 6.44 0.00 6.32 12.64 25.28 6.32320.00 40.12 40.12 6.52 0.00 6.40 12.80 25.60 6.40324.00 40.60 40.60 6.60 0.00 6.48 12.96 25.92 6.48328.00 41.12 41.12 6.68 0.00 6.56 13.12 26.24 6.56332.00 41.60 41.60 6.76 0.00 6.64 13.28 26.56 6.64336.00 42.12 42.12 6.84 0.00 6.72 13.44 26.88 6.72340.00 42.60 42.60 6.92 0.00 6.80 13.60 27.20 6.80344.00 43.12 43.12 7.00 0.00 6.88 13.76 27.52 6.88348.00 43.60 43.60 7.08 0.00 6.96 13.92 27.84 6.96352.00 44.12 44.12 7.16 0.00 7.04 14.08 28.16 7.04356.00 44.64 44.64 7.24 0.00 7.12 14.24 28.48 7.12360.00 45.12 45.12 7.32 0.00 7.20 14.40 28.80 7.20364.00 45.64 45.64 7.40 0.00 7.28 14.56 29.12 7.28368.00 46.12 46.12 7.48 0.00 7.36 14.72 29.44 7.36372.00 46.64 46.64 7.56 0.00 7.44 14.88 29.76 7.44376.00 47.12 47.12 7.64 0.00 7.52 15.04 30.08 7.52380.00 47.64 47.64 7.72 0.00 7.60 15.20 30.40 7.60384.00 48.12 48.12 7.80 0.00 7.68 15.36 30.72 7.68388.00 48.64 48.64 7.88 0.00 7.76 15.52 31.04 7.76392.00 49.12 49.12 7.96 0.00 7.84 15.68 31.36 7.84396.00 49.64 49.64 8.04 0.00 7.92 15.84 31.68 7.92400.00 50.16 50.16 8.16 0.00 8.00 16.00 32.00 8.00404.00 50.64 50.64 8.24 0.00 8.08 16.16 32.32 8.08408.00 51.16 51.16 8.32 0.00 8.16 16.32 32.64 8.16412.00 51.64 51.64 8.40 0.00 8.24 16.48 32.96 8.24416.00 52.16 52.16 8.48 0.00 8.32 16.64 33.28 8.32420.00 52.64 52.64 8.56 0.00 8.40 16.80 33.60 8.40424.00 53.16 53.16 8.64 0.00 8.48 16.96 33.92 8.48428.00 53.64 53.64 8.72 0.00 8.56 17.12 34.24 8.56432.00 54.16 54.16 8.80 0.00 8.64 17.28 34.56 8.64436.00 54.64 54.64 8.88 0.00 8.72 17.44 34.88 8.72440.00 55.16 55.16 8.96 0.00 8.80 17.60 35.20 8.80

16 FOUR-WEEKLY AND MONTHLY <strong>PAYE</strong> DEDUCTION TABLESEarnings<strong>Four</strong>-Weekly Pay Periods – Earnings $444 to $660Codes<strong>PAYE</strong>KiwiSaverM ME ML SL Loan ded 2% 4% 8% CEC$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $444.00 55.64 55.64 9.04 0.00 8.88 17.76 35.52 8.88448.00 56.16 56.16 9.12 0.00 8.96 17.92 35.84 8.96452.00 56.68 56.68 9.64 0.00 9.04 18.08 36.16 9.04456.00 57.16 57.16 10.12 0.00 9.12 18.24 36.48 9.12460.00 57.68 57.68 10.64 0.00 9.20 18.40 36.80 9.20464.00 58.16 58.16 11.12 0.00 9.28 18.56 37.12 9.28468.00 58.68 58.68 11.64 0.00 9.36 18.72 37.44 9.36472.00 59.16 59.16 12.12 0.00 9.44 18.88 37.76 9.44476.00 59.68 59.68 12.64 0.00 9.52 19.04 38.08 9.52480.00 60.16 60.16 13.12 0.00 9.60 19.20 38.40 9.60FOUR-WEEKLY484.00 60.68 60.68 14.32 0.00 9.68 19.36 38.72 9.68488.00 61.16 61.16 15.48 0.00 9.76 19.52 39.04 9.76492.00 61.68 61.68 16.64 0.00 9.84 19.68 39.36 9.84496.00 62.16 62.16 17.84 0.00 9.92 19.84 39.68 9.92500.00 62.68 62.68 19.00 0.00 10.00 20.00 40.00 10.00504.00 63.20 63.20 20.16 0.00 10.08 20.16 40.32 10.08508.00 63.68 63.68 21.36 0.00 10.16 20.32 40.64 10.16512.00 64.20 64.20 22.52 0.00 10.24 20.48 40.96 10.24516.00 64.68 64.68 23.68 0.00 10.32 20.64 41.28 10.32520.00 65.20 65.20 24.88 0.00 10.40 20.80 41.60 10.40524.00 65.68 65.68 26.04 0.00 10.48 20.96 41.92 10.48528.00 66.20 66.20 27.20 0.00 10.56 21.12 42.24 10.56532.00 66.68 66.68 28.40 0.00 10.64 21.28 42.56 10.64536.00 67.20 67.20 29.56 0.00 10.72 21.44 42.88 10.72540.00 67.68 67.68 30.72 0.00 10.80 21.60 43.20 10.80544.00 68.20 68.20 31.92 0.00 10.88 21.76 43.52 10.88548.00 68.68 68.68 33.08 0.00 10.96 21.92 43.84 10.96552.00 69.20 69.20 34.24 0.00 11.04 22.08 44.16 11.04556.00 69.72 69.72 35.44 0.00 11.12 22.24 44.48 11.12560.00 70.20 70.20 36.60 0.00 11.20 22.40 44.80 11.20564.00 70.72 70.72 37.76 0.00 11.28 22.56 45.12 11.28568.00 71.20 71.20 38.96 0.00 11.36 22.72 45.44 11.36572.00 71.72 71.72 40.12 0.00 11.44 22.88 45.76 11.44576.00 72.20 72.20 41.28 0.00 11.52 23.04 46.08 11.52580.00 72.72 72.72 42.48 0.00 11.60 23.20 46.40 11.60584.00 73.20 73.20 43.64 0.00 11.68 23.36 46.72 11.68588.00 73.72 73.72 44.80 0.00 11.76 23.52 47.04 11.76592.00 74.20 74.20 46.00 0.00 11.84 23.68 47.36 11.84596.00 74.72 74.72 47.16 0.00 11.92 23.84 47.68 11.92600.00 75.24 75.24 48.36 0.00 12.00 24.00 48.00 12.00604.00 75.72 75.72 49.52 0.00 12.08 24.16 48.32 12.08608.00 76.24 76.24 50.68 0.00 12.16 24.32 48.64 12.16612.00 76.72 76.72 51.88 0.00 12.24 24.48 48.96 12.24616.00 77.24 77.24 53.04 0.00 12.32 24.64 49.28 12.32620.00 77.72 77.72 54.20 0.00 12.40 24.80 49.60 12.40624.00 78.24 78.24 55.40 0.00 12.48 24.96 49.92 12.48628.00 78.72 78.72 56.56 0.00 12.56 25.12 50.24 12.56632.00 79.24 79.24 57.72 0.00 12.64 25.28 50.56 12.64636.00 79.72 79.72 58.92 0.00 12.72 25.44 50.88 12.72640.00 80.24 80.24 60.08 0.00 12.80 25.60 51.20 12.80644.00 80.72 80.72 61.24 0.00 12.88 25.76 51.52 12.88648.00 81.24 81.24 62.44 0.00 12.96 25.92 51.84 12.96652.00 81.76 81.76 63.60 0.00 13.04 26.08 52.16 13.04656.00 82.24 82.24 64.76 0.00 13.12 26.24 52.48 13.12660.00 82.76 82.76 65.96 0.00 13.20 26.40 52.80 13.20

FOUR-WEEKLY AND MONTHLY <strong>PAYE</strong> DEDUCTION TABLES 17Earnings<strong>Four</strong>-Weekly Pay Periods – Earnings $664 to $880Codes<strong>PAYE</strong>KiwiSaverM ME ML SL Loan ded 2% 4% 8% CEC$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $664.00 83.24 83.24 67.12 0.00 13.28 26.56 53.12 13.28668.00 83.76 83.76 68.28 0.00 13.36 26.72 53.44 13.36672.00 84.24 84.24 69.48 0.00 13.44 26.88 53.76 13.44676.00 84.76 84.76 70.64 0.00 13.52 27.04 54.08 13.52680.00 85.24 85.24 71.80 0.00 13.60 27.20 54.40 13.60684.00 85.76 85.76 73.00 0.00 13.68 27.36 54.72 13.68688.00 86.24 86.24 74.16 0.00 13.76 27.52 55.04 13.76692.00 86.76 86.76 75.32 0.00 13.84 27.68 55.36 13.84696.00 87.24 87.24 76.52 0.00 13.92 27.84 55.68 13.92700.00 87.76 87.76 77.68 0.00 14.00 28.00 56.00 14.00704.00 88.28 88.28 78.84 0.00 14.08 28.16 56.32 14.08708.00 88.76 88.76 80.04 0.00 14.16 28.32 56.64 14.16712.00 89.28 89.28 81.20 0.00 14.24 28.48 56.96 14.24716.00 89.76 89.76 82.36 0.00 14.32 28.64 57.28 14.32720.00 90.28 90.28 83.56 0.00 14.40 28.80 57.60 14.40724.00 90.76 90.76 84.72 0.00 14.48 28.96 57.92 14.48728.00 91.28 91.28 85.88 0.00 14.56 29.12 58.24 14.56732.00 91.76 91.76 87.08 0.00 14.64 29.28 58.56 14.64736.00 92.28 92.28 88.24 0.00 14.72 29.44 58.88 14.72740.00 92.76 92.76 89.40 0.00 14.80 29.60 59.20 14.80FOUR-WEEKLY744.00 93.28 93.28 90.60 0.00 14.88 29.76 59.52 14.88748.00 93.76 93.76 91.76 0.00 14.96 29.92 59.84 14.96752.00 94.28 94.28 92.92 0.00 15.04 30.08 60.16 15.04756.00 94.80 94.80 94.12 0.00 15.12 30.24 60.48 15.12760.00 95.28 95.28 95.28 0.00 15.20 30.40 60.80 15.20764.00 95.80 95.80 95.80 0.00 15.28 30.56 61.12 15.28768.00 96.28 96.28 96.28 0.00 15.36 30.72 61.44 15.36772.00 96.80 96.80 96.80 0.00 15.44 30.88 61.76 15.44776.00 97.28 97.28 97.28 0.00 15.52 31.04 62.08 15.52780.00 97.80 97.80 97.80 0.00 15.60 31.20 62.40 15.60784.00 98.28 98.28 98.28 0.00 15.68 31.36 62.72 15.68788.00 98.80 98.80 98.80 0.00 15.76 31.52 63.04 15.76792.00 99.28 99.28 99.28 0.00 15.84 31.68 63.36 15.84796.00 99.80 99.80 99.80 0.00 15.92 31.84 63.68 15.92800.00 100.32 100.32 100.32 0.00 16.00 32.00 64.00 16.00804.00 100.80 100.80 100.80 0.00 16.08 32.16 64.32 16.08808.00 101.32 101.32 101.32 0.00 16.16 32.32 64.64 16.16812.00 101.80 101.80 101.80 0.00 16.24 32.48 64.96 16.24816.00 102.32 102.32 102.32 0.00 16.32 32.64 65.28 16.32820.00 102.80 102.80 102.80 0.00 16.40 32.80 65.60 16.40824.00 103.32 103.32 103.32 0.00 16.48 32.96 65.92 16.48828.00 103.80 103.80 103.80 0.00 16.56 33.12 66.24 16.56832.00 104.32 104.32 104.32 0.00 16.64 33.28 66.56 16.64836.00 104.80 104.80 104.80 0.00 16.72 33.44 66.88 16.72840.00 105.32 105.32 105.32 0.00 16.80 33.60 67.20 16.80844.00 105.80 105.80 105.80 0.00 16.88 33.76 67.52 16.88848.00 106.32 106.32 106.32 0.00 16.96 33.92 67.84 16.96852.00 106.84 106.84 106.84 0.00 17.04 34.08 68.16 17.04856.00 107.32 107.32 107.32 0.00 17.12 34.24 68.48 17.12860.00 107.84 107.84 107.84 0.00 17.20 34.40 68.80 17.20864.00 108.32 108.32 108.32 0.00 17.28 34.56 69.12 17.28868.00 108.84 108.84 108.84 0.00 17.36 34.72 69.44 17.36872.00 109.32 109.32 109.32 0.00 17.44 34.88 69.76 17.44876.00 109.84 109.84 109.84 0.00 17.52 35.04 70.08 17.52880.00 110.32 110.32 110.32 0.00 17.60 35.20 70.40 17.60

FOUR-WEEKLY AND MONTHLY <strong>PAYE</strong> DEDUCTION TABLES 19Earnings<strong>Four</strong>-Weekly Pay Periods – Earnings $1,104 to $1,320Codes<strong>PAYE</strong>KiwiSaverM ME ML SL Loan ded 2% 4% 8% CEC$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $1,104.00 140.32 140.32 140.32 0.00 22.08 44.16 88.32 22.081,108.00 141.08 141.08 141.08 0.00 22.16 44.32 88.64 22.161,112.00 141.88 141.88 141.88 0.00 22.24 44.48 88.96 22.241,116.00 142.68 142.68 142.68 0.00 22.32 44.64 89.28 22.321,120.00 143.44 143.44 143.44 0.00 22.40 44.80 89.60 22.401,124.00 144.24 144.24 144.24 0.00 22.48 44.96 89.92 22.481,128.00 145.00 145.00 145.00 0.00 22.56 45.12 90.24 22.561,132.00 145.80 145.80 145.80 0.00 22.64 45.28 90.56 22.641,136.00 146.56 146.56 146.56 0.00 22.72 45.44 90.88 22.721,140.00 147.36 147.36 147.36 0.00 22.80 45.60 91.20 22.801,144.00 148.12 148.12 148.12 0.00 22.88 45.76 91.52 22.881,148.00 148.92 148.92 148.92 0.00 22.96 45.92 91.84 22.961,152.00 149.68 149.68 149.68 0.00 23.04 46.08 92.16 23.041,156.00 150.48 150.48 150.48 0.00 23.12 46.24 92.48 23.121,160.00 151.24 151.24 151.24 0.00 23.20 46.40 92.80 23.201,164.00 152.04 152.04 152.04 0.00 23.28 46.56 93.12 23.281,168.00 152.84 152.84 152.84 0.00 23.36 46.72 93.44 23.361,172.00 153.60 153.60 153.60 0.00 23.44 46.88 93.76 23.441,176.00 154.40 154.40 154.40 0.00 23.52 47.04 94.08 23.521,180.00 155.16 155.16 155.16 0.00 23.60 47.20 94.40 23.60FOUR-WEEKLY1,184.00 155.96 155.96 155.96 0.00 23.68 47.36 94.72 23.681,188.00 156.72 156.72 156.72 0.00 23.76 47.52 95.04 23.761,192.00 157.52 157.52 157.52 0.00 23.84 47.68 95.36 23.841,196.00 158.28 158.28 158.28 0.00 23.92 47.84 95.68 23.921,200.00 159.08 159.08 159.08 0.00 24.00 48.00 96.00 24.001,204.00 159.84 159.84 159.84 0.00 24.08 48.16 96.32 24.081,208.00 160.64 160.64 160.64 0.00 24.16 48.32 96.64 24.161,212.00 161.44 161.44 161.44 0.00 24.24 48.48 96.96 24.241,216.00 162.20 162.20 162.20 0.00 24.32 48.64 97.28 24.321,220.00 163.00 163.00 163.00 0.00 24.40 48.80 97.60 24.401,224.00 163.76 163.76 163.76 0.00 24.48 48.96 97.92 24.481,228.00 164.56 164.56 164.56 0.00 24.56 49.12 98.24 24.561,232.00 165.32 165.32 165.32 0.00 24.64 49.28 98.56 24.641,236.00 166.12 166.12 166.12 0.00 24.72 49.44 98.88 24.721,240.00 166.88 166.88 166.88 0.00 24.80 49.60 99.20 24.801,244.00 167.68 167.68 167.68 0.00 24.88 49.76 99.52 24.881,248.00 168.44 168.44 168.44 0.00 24.96 49.92 99.84 24.961,252.00 169.24 169.24 169.24 0.00 25.04 50.08 100.16 25.041,256.00 170.00 170.00 170.00 0.00 25.12 50.24 100.48 25.121,260.00 170.80 170.80 170.80 0.00 25.20 50.40 100.80 25.201,264.00 171.60 171.60 171.60 0.00 25.28 50.56 101.12 25.281,268.00 172.36 172.36 172.36 0.00 25.36 50.72 101.44 25.361,272.00 173.16 173.16 173.16 0.00 25.44 50.88 101.76 25.441,276.00 173.92 173.92 173.92 0.00 25.52 51.04 102.08 25.521,280.00 174.72 174.72 174.72 0.00 25.60 51.20 102.40 25.601,284.00 175.48 175.48 175.48 0.00 25.68 51.36 102.72 25.681,288.00 176.28 176.28 176.28 0.00 25.76 51.52 103.04 25.761,292.00 177.04 177.04 177.04 0.00 25.84 51.68 103.36 25.841,296.00 177.84 177.84 177.84 0.00 25.92 51.84 103.68 25.921,300.00 178.60 178.60 178.60 0.00 26.00 52.00 104.00 26.001,304.00 179.40 179.40 179.40 0.00 26.08 52.16 104.32 26.081,308.00 180.16 180.16 180.16 0.00 26.16 52.32 104.64 26.161,312.00 180.96 180.96 180.96 0.00 26.24 52.48 104.96 26.241,316.00 181.76 181.76 181.76 0.00 26.32 52.64 105.28 26.321,320.00 182.52 182.52 182.52 0.00 26.40 52.80 105.60 26.40

20 FOUR-WEEKLY AND MONTHLY <strong>PAYE</strong> DEDUCTION TABLESEarnings<strong>Four</strong>-Weekly Pay Periods – Earnings $1,324 to $1,540Codes<strong>PAYE</strong>KiwiSaverM ME ML SL Loan ded 2% 4% 8% CEC$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $1,324.00 183.32 183.32 183.32 0.00 26.48 52.96 105.92 26.481,328.00 184.08 184.08 184.08 0.00 26.56 53.12 106.24 26.561,332.00 184.88 184.88 184.88 0.00 26.64 53.28 106.56 26.641,336.00 185.64 185.64 185.64 0.00 26.72 53.44 106.88 26.721,340.00 186.44 186.44 186.44 0.00 26.80 53.60 107.20 26.801,344.00 187.20 187.20 187.20 0.00 26.88 53.76 107.52 26.881,348.00 188.00 188.00 188.00 0.00 26.96 53.92 107.84 26.961,352.00 188.76 188.76 188.76 0.00 27.04 54.08 108.16 27.041,356.00 189.56 189.56 189.56 0.00 27.12 54.24 108.48 27.121,360.00 190.32 190.32 190.32 0.00 27.20 54.40 108.80 27.20FOUR-WEEKLY1,364.00 191.12 191.12 191.12 0.00 27.28 54.56 109.12 27.281,368.00 191.92 191.92 191.92 0.00 27.36 54.72 109.44 27.361,372.00 192.68 192.68 192.68 0.00 27.44 54.88 109.76 27.441,376.00 193.48 193.48 193.48 0.00 27.52 55.04 110.08 27.521,380.00 194.24 194.24 194.24 0.00 27.60 55.20 110.40 27.601,384.00 195.04 195.04 195.04 0.00 27.68 55.36 110.72 27.681,388.00 195.80 195.80 195.80 0.00 27.76 55.52 111.04 27.761,392.00 196.60 196.60 196.60 0.00 27.84 55.68 111.36 27.841,396.00 197.36 197.36 197.36 0.00 27.92 55.84 111.68 27.921,400.00 198.16 198.16 198.16 0.00 28.00 56.00 112.00 28.001,404.00 198.92 198.92 198.92 0.00 28.08 56.16 112.32 28.081,408.00 199.72 199.72 199.72 0.00 28.16 56.32 112.64 28.161,412.00 200.52 200.52 200.52 0.00 28.24 56.48 112.96 28.241,416.00 201.28 201.28 201.28 0.00 28.32 56.64 113.28 28.321,420.00 202.08 202.08 202.08 0.00 28.40 56.80 113.60 28.401,424.00 202.84 202.84 202.84 0.00 28.48 56.96 113.92 28.481,428.00 203.64 203.64 203.64 0.00 28.56 57.12 114.24 28.561,432.00 204.40 204.40 204.40 0.00 28.64 57.28 114.56 28.641,436.00 205.20 205.20 205.20 0.00 28.72 57.44 114.88 28.721,440.00 205.96 205.96 205.96 0.00 28.80 57.60 115.20 28.801,444.00 206.76 206.76 206.76 0.00 28.88 57.76 115.52 28.881,448.00 207.52 207.52 207.52 0.00 28.96 57.92 115.84 28.961,452.00 208.32 208.32 208.32 0.00 29.04 58.08 116.16 29.041,456.00 209.08 209.08 209.08 0.00 29.12 58.24 116.48 29.121,460.00 209.88 209.88 209.88 0.00 29.20 58.40 116.80 29.201,464.00 210.68 210.68 210.68 0.00 29.28 58.56 117.12 29.281,468.00 211.44 211.44 211.44 0.00 29.36 58.72 117.44 29.361,472.00 212.24 212.24 212.24 0.40 29.44 58.88 117.76 29.441,476.00 213.00 213.00 213.00 0.80 29.52 59.04 118.08 29.521,480.00 213.80 213.80 213.80 1.20 29.60 59.20 118.40 29.601,484.00 214.56 214.56 214.56 1.60 29.68 59.36 118.72 29.681,488.00 215.36 215.36 215.36 2.00 29.76 59.52 119.04 29.761,492.00 216.12 216.12 216.12 2.40 29.84 59.68 119.36 29.841,496.00 216.92 216.92 216.92 2.80 29.92 59.84 119.68 29.921,500.00 217.68 217.68 217.68 3.20 30.00 60.00 120.00 30.001,504.00 218.48 218.48 218.48 3.60 30.08 60.16 120.32 30.081,508.00 219.24 219.24 219.24 4.00 30.16 60.32 120.64 30.161,512.00 220.04 220.04 220.04 4.40 30.24 60.48 120.96 30.241,516.00 220.84 220.84 220.84 4.80 30.32 60.64 121.28 30.321,520.00 221.60 221.60 221.60 5.20 30.40 60.80 121.60 30.401,524.00 222.40 222.40 222.40 5.60 30.48 60.96 121.92 30.481,528.00 223.16 223.16 223.16 6.00 30.56 61.12 122.24 30.561,532.00 223.96 223.96 223.96 6.40 30.64 61.28 122.56 30.641,536.00 224.72 224.72 224.72 6.80 30.72 61.44 122.88 30.721,540.00 225.52 225.52 225.52 7.20 30.80 61.60 123.20 30.80

FOUR-WEEKLY AND MONTHLY <strong>PAYE</strong> DEDUCTION TABLES 21Earnings<strong>Four</strong>-Weekly Pay Periods – Earnings $1,544 to $1,760Codes<strong>PAYE</strong>KiwiSaverM ME ML SL Loan ded 2% 4% 8% CEC$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $1,544.00 226.28 226.28 226.28 7.60 30.88 61.76 123.52 30.881,548.00 227.08 227.08 227.08 8.00 30.96 61.92 123.84 30.961,552.00 227.84 227.84 227.84 8.40 31.04 62.08 124.16 31.041,556.00 228.64 228.64 228.64 8.80 31.12 62.24 124.48 31.121,560.00 229.40 229.40 229.40 9.20 31.20 62.40 124.80 31.201,564.00 230.20 230.20 230.20 9.60 31.28 62.56 125.12 31.281,568.00 231.00 231.00 231.00 10.00 31.36 62.72 125.44 31.361,572.00 231.76 231.76 231.76 10.40 31.44 62.88 125.76 31.441,576.00 232.56 232.56 232.56 10.80 31.52 63.04 126.08 31.521,580.00 233.32 233.32 233.32 11.20 31.60 63.20 126.40 31.601,584.00 234.12 234.12 234.12 11.60 31.68 63.36 126.72 31.681,588.00 234.88 234.88 234.88 12.00 31.76 63.52 127.04 31.761,592.00 235.68 235.68 235.68 12.40 31.84 63.68 127.36 31.841,596.00 236.44 236.44 236.44 12.80 31.92 63.84 127.68 31.921,600.00 237.24 237.24 237.24 13.20 32.00 64.00 128.00 32.001,604.00 238.00 238.00 238.00 13.60 32.08 64.16 128.32 32.081,608.00 238.80 238.80 238.80 14.00 32.16 64.32 128.64 32.161,612.00 239.60 239.60 239.60 14.40 32.24 64.48 128.96 32.241,616.00 240.36 240.36 240.36 14.80 32.32 64.64 129.28 32.321,620.00 241.16 241.16 241.16 15.20 32.40 64.80 129.60 32.40FOUR-WEEKLY1,624.00 241.92 241.92 241.92 15.60 32.48 64.96 129.92 32.481,628.00 242.72 242.72 242.72 16.00 32.56 65.12 130.24 32.561,632.00 243.48 243.48 243.48 16.40 32.64 65.28 130.56 32.641,636.00 244.28 244.28 244.28 16.80 32.72 65.44 130.88 32.721,640.00 245.04 245.04 245.04 17.20 32.80 65.60 131.20 32.801,644.00 245.84 245.84 245.84 17.60 32.88 65.76 131.52 32.881,648.00 246.60 246.60 246.60 18.00 32.96 65.92 131.84 32.961,652.00 247.40 247.40 247.40 18.40 33.04 66.08 132.16 33.041,656.00 248.16 248.16 248.16 18.80 33.12 66.24 132.48 33.121,660.00 248.96 248.96 248.96 19.20 33.20 66.40 132.80 33.201,664.00 249.76 249.76 249.76 19.60 33.28 66.56 133.12 33.281,668.00 250.52 250.52 250.52 20.00 33.36 66.72 133.44 33.361,672.00 251.32 251.32 251.32 20.40 33.44 66.88 133.76 33.441,676.00 252.08 252.08 252.08 20.80 33.52 67.04 134.08 33.521,680.00 252.88 252.88 252.88 21.20 33.60 67.20 134.40 33.601,684.00 253.64 253.64 253.64 21.60 33.68 67.36 134.72 33.681,688.00 254.44 254.44 254.44 22.00 33.76 67.52 135.04 33.761,692.00 255.20 255.20 255.20 22.40 33.84 67.68 135.36 33.841,696.00 256.00 256.00 256.00 22.80 33.92 67.84 135.68 33.921,700.00 256.76 256.76 256.76 23.20 34.00 68.00 136.00 34.001,704.00 257.56 257.56 257.56 23.60 34.08 68.16 136.32 34.081,708.00 258.32 258.32 258.32 24.00 34.16 68.32 136.64 34.161,712.00 259.12 259.12 259.12 24.40 34.24 68.48 136.96 34.241,716.00 259.92 259.92 259.92 24.80 34.32 68.64 137.28 34.321,720.00 260.68 260.68 260.68 25.20 34.40 68.80 137.60 34.401,724.00 261.48 261.48 261.48 25.60 34.48 68.96 137.92 34.481,728.00 262.24 262.24 262.24 26.00 34.56 69.12 138.24 34.561,732.00 263.04 263.04 263.04 26.40 34.64 69.28 138.56 34.641,736.00 263.80 263.80 263.80 26.80 34.72 69.44 138.88 34.721,740.00 264.60 264.60 264.60 27.20 34.80 69.60 139.20 34.801,744.00 265.36 265.36 265.36 27.60 34.88 69.76 139.52 34.881,748.00 266.16 266.16 266.16 28.00 34.96 69.92 139.84 34.961,752.00 266.92 266.92 266.92 28.40 35.04 70.08 140.16 35.041,756.00 267.72 267.72 267.72 28.80 35.12 70.24 140.48 35.121,760.00 268.48 268.48 268.48 29.20 35.20 70.40 140.80 35.20

FOUR-WEEKLY AND MONTHLY <strong>PAYE</strong> DEDUCTION TABLES 23Earnings<strong>Four</strong>-Weekly Pay Periods – Earnings $1,984 to $2,200Codes<strong>PAYE</strong>KiwiSaverM ME ML SL Loan ded 2% 4% 8% CEC$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $1,984.00 312.28 272.28 312.28 51.60 39.68 79.36 158.72 39.681,988.00 313.04 273.04 313.04 52.00 39.76 79.52 159.04 39.761,992.00 313.84 273.84 313.84 52.40 39.84 79.68 159.36 39.841,996.00 314.60 274.60 314.60 52.80 39.92 79.84 159.68 39.922,000.00 315.40 275.40 315.40 53.20 40.00 80.00 160.00 40.002,004.00 316.16 276.16 316.16 53.60 40.08 80.16 160.32 40.082,008.00 316.96 276.96 316.96 54.00 40.16 80.32 160.64 40.162,012.00 317.76 277.76 317.76 54.40 40.24 80.48 160.96 40.242,016.00 318.52 278.52 318.52 54.80 40.32 80.64 161.28 40.322,020.00 319.32 279.32 319.32 55.20 40.40 80.80 161.60 40.402,024.00 320.08 280.08 320.08 55.60 40.48 80.96 161.92 40.482,028.00 320.88 280.88 320.88 56.00 40.56 81.12 162.24 40.562,032.00 321.64 281.64 321.64 56.40 40.64 81.28 162.56 40.642,036.00 322.44 282.44 322.44 56.80 40.72 81.44 162.88 40.722,040.00 323.20 283.20 323.20 57.20 40.80 81.60 163.20 40.802,044.00 324.00 284.00 324.00 57.60 40.88 81.76 163.52 40.882,048.00 324.76 284.76 324.76 58.00 40.96 81.92 163.84 40.962,052.00 325.56 285.56 325.56 58.40 41.04 82.08 164.16 41.042,056.00 326.32 286.32 326.32 58.80 41.12 82.24 164.48 41.122,060.00 327.12 287.12 327.12 59.20 41.20 82.40 164.80 41.20FOUR-WEEKLY2,064.00 327.92 287.92 327.92 59.60 41.28 82.56 165.12 41.282,068.00 328.68 288.68 328.68 60.00 41.36 82.72 165.44 41.362,072.00 329.48 289.48 329.48 60.40 41.44 82.88 165.76 41.442,076.00 330.24 290.24 330.24 60.80 41.52 83.04 166.08 41.522,080.00 331.04 291.04 331.04 61.20 41.60 83.20 166.40 41.602,084.00 331.80 291.80 331.80 61.60 41.68 83.36 166.72 41.682,088.00 332.60 292.60 332.60 62.00 41.76 83.52 167.04 41.762,092.00 333.36 293.36 333.36 62.40 41.84 83.68 167.36 41.842,096.00 334.16 294.16 334.16 62.80 41.92 83.84 167.68 41.922,100.00 334.92 294.92 334.92 63.20 42.00 84.00 168.00 42.002,104.00 335.72 295.72 335.72 63.60 42.08 84.16 168.32 42.082,108.00 336.48 296.48 336.48 64.00 42.16 84.32 168.64 42.162,112.00 337.28 297.28 337.28 64.40 42.24 84.48 168.96 42.242,116.00 338.08 298.08 338.08 64.80 42.32 84.64 169.28 42.322,120.00 338.84 298.84 338.84 65.20 42.40 84.80 169.60 42.402,124.00 339.64 299.64 339.64 65.60 42.48 84.96 169.92 42.482,128.00 340.40 300.40 340.40 66.00 42.56 85.12 170.24 42.562,132.00 341.20 301.20 341.20 66.40 42.64 85.28 170.56 42.642,136.00 341.96 301.96 341.96 66.80 42.72 85.44 170.88 42.722,140.00 342.76 302.76 342.76 67.20 42.80 85.60 171.20 42.802,144.00 343.52 303.52 343.52 67.60 42.88 85.76 171.52 42.882,148.00 344.32 304.32 344.32 68.00 42.96 85.92 171.84 42.962,152.00 345.08 305.08 345.08 68.40 43.04 86.08 172.16 43.042,156.00 345.88 305.88 345.88 68.80 43.12 86.24 172.48 43.122,160.00 346.64 306.64 346.64 69.20 43.20 86.40 172.80 43.202,164.00 347.44 307.44 347.44 69.60 43.28 86.56 173.12 43.282,168.00 348.24 308.24 348.24 70.00 43.36 86.72 173.44 43.362,172.00 349.00 309.00 349.00 70.40 43.44 86.88 173.76 43.442,176.00 349.80 309.80 349.80 70.80 43.52 87.04 174.08 43.522,180.00 350.56 310.56 350.56 71.20 43.60 87.20 174.40 43.602,184.00 351.36 311.36 351.36 71.60 43.68 87.36 174.72 43.682,188.00 352.12 312.12 352.12 72.00 43.76 87.52 175.04 43.762,192.00 352.92 312.92 352.92 72.40 43.84 87.68 175.36 43.842,196.00 353.68 313.68 353.68 72.80 43.92 87.84 175.68 43.922,200.00 354.48 314.48 354.48 73.20 44.00 88.00 176.00 44.00

24 FOUR-WEEKLY AND MONTHLY <strong>PAYE</strong> DEDUCTION TABLESEarnings<strong>Four</strong>-Weekly Pay Periods – Earnings $2,204 to $2,420Codes<strong>PAYE</strong>KiwiSaverM ME ML SL Loan ded 2% 4% 8% CEC$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $2,204.00 355.24 315.24 355.24 73.60 44.08 88.16 176.32 44.082,208.00 356.04 316.04 356.04 74.00 44.16 88.32 176.64 44.162,212.00 356.84 316.84 356.84 74.40 44.24 88.48 176.96 44.242,216.00 357.60 317.60 357.60 74.80 44.32 88.64 177.28 44.322,220.00 358.40 318.40 358.40 75.20 44.40 88.80 177.60 44.402,224.00 359.16 319.16 359.16 75.60 44.48 88.96 177.92 44.482,228.00 359.96 319.96 359.96 76.00 44.56 89.12 178.24 44.562,232.00 360.72 320.72 360.72 76.40 44.64 89.28 178.56 44.642,236.00 361.52 321.52 361.52 76.80 44.72 89.44 178.88 44.722,240.00 362.28 322.28 362.28 77.20 44.80 89.60 179.20 44.80FOUR-WEEKLY2,244.00 363.08 323.08 363.08 77.60 44.88 89.76 179.52 44.882,248.00 363.84 323.84 363.84 78.00 44.96 89.92 179.84 44.962,252.00 364.64 324.64 364.64 78.40 45.04 90.08 180.16 45.042,256.00 365.40 325.40 365.40 78.80 45.12 90.24 180.48 45.122,260.00 366.20 326.20 366.20 79.20 45.20 90.40 180.80 45.202,264.00 367.00 327.00 367.00 79.60 45.28 90.56 181.12 45.282,268.00 367.76 327.76 367.76 80.00 45.36 90.72 181.44 45.362,272.00 368.56 328.56 368.56 80.40 45.44 90.88 181.76 45.442,276.00 369.32 329.32 369.32 80.80 45.52 91.04 182.08 45.522,280.00 370.12 330.12 370.12 81.20 45.60 91.20 182.40 45.602,284.00 370.88 330.88 370.88 81.60 45.68 91.36 182.72 45.682,288.00 371.68 331.68 371.68 82.00 45.76 91.52 183.04 45.762,292.00 372.44 332.44 372.44 82.40 45.84 91.68 183.36 45.842,296.00 373.24 333.24 373.24 82.80 45.92 91.84 183.68 45.922,300.00 374.00 334.00 374.00 83.20 46.00 92.00 184.00 46.002,304.00 374.80 334.80 374.80 83.60 46.08 92.16 184.32 46.082,308.00 375.56 335.56 375.56 84.00 46.16 92.32 184.64 46.162,312.00 376.36 336.36 376.36 84.40 46.24 92.48 184.96 46.242,316.00 377.16 337.16 377.16 84.80 46.32 92.64 185.28 46.322,320.00 377.92 337.92 377.92 85.20 46.40 92.80 185.60 46.402,324.00 378.72 338.72 378.72 85.60 46.48 92.96 185.92 46.482,328.00 379.48 339.48 379.48 86.00 46.56 93.12 186.24 46.562,332.00 380.28 340.28 380.28 86.40 46.64 93.28 186.56 46.642,336.00 381.04 341.04 381.04 86.80 46.72 93.44 186.88 46.722,340.00 381.84 341.84 381.84 87.20 46.80 93.60 187.20 46.802,344.00 382.60 342.60 382.60 87.60 46.88 93.76 187.52 46.882,348.00 383.40 343.40 383.40 88.00 46.96 93.92 187.84 46.962,352.00 384.16 344.16 384.16 88.40 47.04 94.08 188.16 47.042,356.00 384.96 344.96 384.96 88.80 47.12 94.24 188.48 47.122,360.00 385.72 345.72 385.72 89.20 47.20 94.40 188.80 47.202,364.00 386.52 346.52 386.52 89.60 47.28 94.56 189.12 47.282,368.00 387.32 347.32 387.32 90.00 47.36 94.72 189.44 47.362,372.00 388.08 348.08 388.08 90.40 47.44 94.88 189.76 47.442,376.00 388.88 348.88 388.88 90.80 47.52 95.04 190.08 47.522,380.00 389.64 349.64 389.64 91.20 47.60 95.20 190.40 47.602,384.00 390.44 350.44 390.44 91.60 47.68 95.36 190.72 47.682,388.00 391.20 351.20 391.20 92.00 47.76 95.52 191.04 47.762,392.00 392.00 352.00 392.00 92.40 47.84 95.68 191.36 47.842,396.00 392.76 352.76 392.76 92.80 47.92 95.84 191.68 47.922,400.00 393.56 353.56 393.56 93.20 48.00 96.00 192.00 48.002,404.00 394.32 354.32 394.32 93.60 48.08 96.16 192.32 48.082,408.00 395.12 355.12 395.12 94.00 48.16 96.32 192.64 48.162,412.00 395.92 355.92 395.92 94.40 48.24 96.48 192.96 48.242,416.00 396.68 356.68 396.68 94.80 48.32 96.64 193.28 48.322,420.00 397.48 357.48 397.48 95.20 48.40 96.80 193.60 48.40

FOUR-WEEKLY AND MONTHLY <strong>PAYE</strong> DEDUCTION TABLES 25Earnings<strong>Four</strong>-Weekly Pay Periods – Earnings $2,424 to $2,640Codes<strong>PAYE</strong>KiwiSaverM ME ML SL Loan ded 2% 4% 8% CEC$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $2,424.00 398.24 358.24 398.24 95.60 48.48 96.96 193.92 48.482,428.00 399.04 359.04 399.04 96.00 48.56 97.12 194.24 48.562,432.00 399.80 359.80 399.80 96.40 48.64 97.28 194.56 48.642,436.00 400.60 360.60 400.60 96.80 48.72 97.44 194.88 48.722,440.00 401.36 361.36 401.36 97.20 48.80 97.60 195.20 48.802,444.00 402.16 362.16 402.16 97.60 48.88 97.76 195.52 48.882,448.00 402.92 362.92 402.92 98.00 48.96 97.92 195.84 48.962,452.00 403.72 363.72 403.72 98.40 49.04 98.08 196.16 49.042,456.00 404.48 364.48 404.48 98.80 49.12 98.24 196.48 49.122,460.00 405.28 365.28 405.28 99.20 49.20 98.40 196.80 49.202,464.00 406.08 366.08 406.08 99.60 49.28 98.56 197.12 49.282,468.00 406.84 366.84 406.84 100.00 49.36 98.72 197.44 49.362,472.00 407.64 367.64 407.64 100.40 49.44 98.88 197.76 49.442,476.00 408.40 368.40 408.40 100.80 49.52 99.04 198.08 49.522,480.00 409.20 369.20 409.20 101.20 49.60 99.20 198.40 49.602,484.00 409.96 369.96 409.96 101.60 49.68 99.36 198.72 49.682,488.00 410.76 370.76 410.76 102.00 49.76 99.52 199.04 49.762,492.00 411.52 371.52 411.52 102.40 49.84 99.68 199.36 49.842,496.00 412.32 372.32 412.32 102.80 49.92 99.84 199.68 49.922,500.00 413.08 373.08 413.08 103.20 50.00 100.00 200.00 50.00FOUR-WEEKLY2,504.00 413.88 373.88 413.88 103.60 50.08 100.16 200.32 50.082,508.00 414.64 374.64 414.64 104.00 50.16 100.32 200.64 50.162,512.00 415.44 375.44 415.44 104.40 50.24 100.48 200.96 50.242,516.00 416.24 376.24 416.24 104.80 50.32 100.64 201.28 50.322,520.00 417.00 377.00 417.00 105.20 50.40 100.80 201.60 50.402,524.00 417.80 377.80 417.80 105.60 50.48 100.96 201.92 50.482,528.00 418.56 378.56 418.56 106.00 50.56 101.12 202.24 50.562,532.00 419.36 379.36 419.36 106.40 50.64 101.28 202.56 50.642,536.00 420.12 380.12 420.12 106.80 50.72 101.44 202.88 50.722,540.00 420.92 380.92 420.92 107.20 50.80 101.60 203.20 50.802,544.00 421.68 381.68 421.68 107.60 50.88 101.76 203.52 50.882,548.00 422.48 382.48 422.48 108.00 50.96 101.92 203.84 50.962,552.00 423.24 383.24 423.24 108.40 51.04 102.08 204.16 51.042,556.00 424.04 384.04 424.04 108.80 51.12 102.24 204.48 51.122,560.00 424.80 384.80 424.80 109.20 51.20 102.40 204.80 51.202,564.00 425.60 385.60 425.60 109.60 51.28 102.56 205.12 51.282,568.00 426.40 386.40 426.40 110.00 51.36 102.72 205.44 51.362,572.00 427.16 387.16 427.16 110.40 51.44 102.88 205.76 51.442,576.00 427.96 387.96 427.96 110.80 51.52 103.04 206.08 51.522,580.00 428.72 388.72 428.72 111.20 51.60 103.20 206.40 51.602,584.00 429.52 389.52 429.52 111.60 51.68 103.36 206.72 51.682,588.00 430.28 390.28 430.28 112.00 51.76 103.52 207.04 51.762,592.00 431.08 391.08 431.08 112.40 51.84 103.68 207.36 51.842,596.00 431.84 391.84 431.84 112.80 51.92 103.84 207.68 51.922,600.00 432.64 392.64 432.64 113.20 52.00 104.00 208.00 52.002,604.00 433.40 393.40 433.40 113.60 52.08 104.16 208.32 52.082,608.00 434.20 394.20 434.20 114.00 52.16 104.32 208.64 52.162,612.00 435.00 395.00 435.00 114.40 52.24 104.48 208.96 52.242,616.00 435.76 395.76 435.76 114.80 52.32 104.64 209.28 52.322,620.00 436.56 396.56 436.56 115.20 52.40 104.80 209.60 52.402,624.00 437.32 397.32 437.32 115.60 52.48 104.96 209.92 52.482,628.00 438.12 398.12 438.12 116.00 52.56 105.12 210.24 52.562,632.00 438.88 398.88 438.88 116.40 52.64 105.28 210.56 52.642,636.00 439.68 399.68 439.68 116.80 52.72 105.44 210.88 52.722,640.00 440.44 400.44 440.44 117.20 52.80 105.60 211.20 52.80

26 FOUR-WEEKLY AND MONTHLY <strong>PAYE</strong> DEDUCTION TABLESEarnings<strong>Four</strong>-Weekly Pay Periods – Earnings $2,644 to $2,860Codes<strong>PAYE</strong>KiwiSaverM ME ML SL Loan ded 2% 4% 8% CEC$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $2,644.00 441.24 401.24 441.24 117.60 52.88 105.76 211.52 52.882,648.00 442.00 402.00 442.00 118.00 52.96 105.92 211.84 52.962,652.00 442.80 402.80 442.80 118.40 53.04 106.08 212.16 53.042,656.00 443.56 403.56 443.56 118.80 53.12 106.24 212.48 53.122,660.00 444.36 404.36 444.36 119.20 53.20 106.40 212.80 53.202,664.00 445.16 405.16 445.16 119.60 53.28 106.56 213.12 53.282,668.00 445.92 405.92 445.92 120.00 53.36 106.72 213.44 53.362,672.00 446.72 406.72 446.72 120.40 53.44 106.88 213.76 53.442,676.00 447.48 407.48 447.48 120.80 53.52 107.04 214.08 53.522,680.00 448.28 408.28 448.28 121.20 53.60 107.20 214.40 53.60FOUR-WEEKLY2,684.00 449.04 409.04 449.04 121.60 53.68 107.36 214.72 53.682,688.00 449.84 409.84 449.84 122.00 53.76 107.52 215.04 53.762,692.00 450.60 410.60 450.60 122.40 53.84 107.68 215.36 53.842,696.00 451.40 411.40 451.40 122.80 53.92 107.84 215.68 53.922,700.00 452.16 412.16 452.16 123.20 54.00 108.00 216.00 54.002,704.00 452.96 412.96 452.96 123.60 54.08 108.16 216.32 54.082,708.00 453.72 413.72 453.72 124.00 54.16 108.32 216.64 54.162,712.00 454.52 414.52 454.52 124.40 54.24 108.48 216.96 54.242,716.00 455.32 415.32 455.32 124.80 54.32 108.64 217.28 54.322,720.00 456.08 416.08 456.08 125.20 54.40 108.80 217.60 54.402,724.00 456.88 416.88 456.88 125.60 54.48 108.96 217.92 54.482,728.00 457.64 417.64 457.64 126.00 54.56 109.12 218.24 54.562,732.00 458.44 418.44 458.44 126.40 54.64 109.28 218.56 54.642,736.00 459.20 419.20 459.20 126.80 54.72 109.44 218.88 54.722,740.00 460.00 420.00 460.00 127.20 54.80 109.60 219.20 54.802,744.00 460.76 420.76 460.76 127.60 54.88 109.76 219.52 54.882,748.00 461.56 421.56 461.56 128.00 54.96 109.92 219.84 54.962,752.00 462.32 422.32 462.32 128.40 55.04 110.08 220.16 55.042,756.00 463.12 423.12 463.12 128.80 55.12 110.24 220.48 55.122,760.00 463.88 423.88 463.88 129.20 55.20 110.40 220.80 55.202,764.00 464.68 424.68 464.68 129.60 55.28 110.56 221.12 55.282,768.00 465.48 425.48 465.48 130.00 55.36 110.72 221.44 55.362,772.00 466.24 426.24 466.24 130.40 55.44 110.88 221.76 55.442,776.00 467.04 427.04 467.04 130.80 55.52 111.04 222.08 55.522,780.00 467.80 427.80 467.80 131.20 55.60 111.20 222.40 55.602,784.00 468.60 428.60 468.60 131.60 55.68 111.36 222.72 55.682,788.00 469.36 429.36 469.36 132.00 55.76 111.52 223.04 55.762,792.00 470.16 430.16 470.16 132.40 55.84 111.68 223.36 55.842,796.00 470.92 430.92 470.92 132.80 55.92 111.84 223.68 55.922,800.00 471.72 431.72 471.72 133.20 56.00 112.00 224.00 56.002,804.00 472.48 432.48 472.48 133.60 56.08 112.16 224.32 56.082,808.00 473.28 433.28 473.28 134.00 56.16 112.32 224.64 56.162,812.00 474.08 434.08 474.08 134.40 56.24 112.48 224.96 56.242,816.00 474.84 434.84 474.84 134.80 56.32 112.64 225.28 56.322,820.00 475.64 435.64 475.64 135.20 56.40 112.80 225.60 56.402,824.00 476.40 436.40 476.40 135.60 56.48 112.96 225.92 56.482,828.00 477.20 437.20 477.20 136.00 56.56 113.12 226.24 56.562,832.00 477.96 437.96 477.96 136.40 56.64 113.28 226.56 56.642,836.00 478.76 438.76 478.76 136.80 56.72 113.44 226.88 56.722,840.00 479.52 439.52 479.52 137.20 56.80 113.60 227.20 56.802,844.00 480.32 440.32 480.32 137.60 56.88 113.76 227.52 56.882,848.00 481.08 441.08 481.08 138.00 56.96 113.92 227.84 56.962,852.00 481.88 441.88 481.88 138.40 57.04 114.08 228.16 57.042,856.00 482.64 442.64 482.64 138.80 57.12 114.24 228.48 57.122,860.00 483.44 443.44 483.44 139.20 57.20 114.40 228.80 57.20

FOUR-WEEKLY AND MONTHLY <strong>PAYE</strong> DEDUCTION TABLES 27Earnings<strong>Four</strong>-Weekly Pay Periods – Earnings $2,864 to $3,080Codes<strong>PAYE</strong>KiwiSaverM ME ML SL Loan ded 2% 4% 8% CEC$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $2,864.00 484.24 444.24 484.24 139.60 57.28 114.56 229.12 57.282,868.00 485.00 445.00 485.00 140.00 57.36 114.72 229.44 57.362,872.00 485.80 445.80 485.80 140.40 57.44 114.88 229.76 57.442,876.00 486.56 446.56 486.56 140.80 57.52 115.04 230.08 57.522,880.00 487.36 447.36 487.36 141.20 57.60 115.20 230.40 57.602,884.00 488.12 448.12 488.12 141.60 57.68 115.36 230.72 57.682,888.00 488.92 448.92 488.92 142.00 57.76 115.52 231.04 57.762,892.00 489.68 449.68 489.68 142.40 57.84 115.68 231.36 57.842,896.00 490.48 450.48 490.48 142.80 57.92 115.84 231.68 57.922,900.00 491.24 451.24 491.24 143.20 58.00 116.00 232.00 58.002,904.00 492.04 452.04 492.04 143.60 58.08 116.16 232.32 58.082,908.00 492.80 452.80 492.80 144.00 58.16 116.32 232.64 58.162,912.00 493.60 453.60 493.60 144.40 58.24 116.48 232.96 58.242,916.00 494.40 454.40 494.40 144.80 58.32 116.64 233.28 58.322,920.00 495.16 455.16 495.16 145.20 58.40 116.80 233.60 58.402,924.00 495.96 455.96 495.96 145.60 58.48 116.96 233.92 58.482,928.00 496.72 456.72 496.72 146.00 58.56 117.12 234.24 58.562,932.00 497.52 457.52 497.52 146.40 58.64 117.28 234.56 58.642,936.00 498.28 458.28 498.28 146.80 58.72 117.44 234.88 58.722,940.00 499.08 459.08 499.08 147.20 58.80 117.60 235.20 58.80FOUR-WEEKLY2,944.00 499.84 459.84 499.84 147.60 58.88 117.76 235.52 58.882,948.00 500.64 460.64 500.64 148.00 58.96 117.92 235.84 58.962,952.00 501.40 461.40 501.40 148.40 59.04 118.08 236.16 59.042,956.00 502.20 462.20 502.20 148.80 59.12 118.24 236.48 59.122,960.00 502.96 462.96 502.96 149.20 59.20 118.40 236.80 59.202,964.00 503.76 463.76 503.76 149.60 59.28 118.56 237.12 59.282,968.00 504.56 464.56 504.56 150.00 59.36 118.72 237.44 59.362,972.00 505.32 465.32 505.32 150.40 59.44 118.88 237.76 59.442,976.00 506.12 466.12 506.12 150.80 59.52 119.04 238.08 59.522,980.00 506.88 466.88 506.88 151.20 59.60 119.20 238.40 59.602,984.00 507.68 467.68 507.68 151.60 59.68 119.36 238.72 59.682,988.00 508.44 468.44 508.44 152.00 59.76 119.52 239.04 59.762,992.00 509.24 469.24 509.24 152.40 59.84 119.68 239.36 59.842,996.00 510.00 470.00 510.00 152.80 59.92 119.84 239.68 59.923,000.00 510.80 470.80 510.80 153.20 60.00 120.00 240.00 60.003,004.00 511.56 471.56 511.56 153.60 60.08 120.16 240.32 60.083,008.00 512.36 472.36 512.36 154.00 60.16 120.32 240.64 60.163,012.00 513.16 473.16 513.16 154.40 60.24 120.48 240.96 60.243,016.00 513.92 473.92 513.92 154.80 60.32 120.64 241.28 60.323,020.00 514.72 474.72 514.72 155.20 60.40 120.80 241.60 60.403,024.00 515.48 475.48 515.48 155.60 60.48 120.96 241.92 60.483,028.00 516.28 476.28 516.28 156.00 60.56 121.12 242.24 60.563,032.00 517.04 477.04 517.04 156.40 60.64 121.28 242.56 60.643,036.00 517.84 477.84 517.84 156.80 60.72 121.44 242.88 60.723,040.00 518.60 478.60 518.60 157.20 60.80 121.60 243.20 60.803,044.00 519.40 479.40 519.40 157.60 60.88 121.76 243.52 60.883,048.00 520.16 480.16 520.16 158.00 60.96 121.92 243.84 60.963,052.00 520.96 480.96 520.96 158.40 61.04 122.08 244.16 61.043,056.00 521.72 481.72 521.72 158.80 61.12 122.24 244.48 61.123,060.00 522.52 482.52 522.52 159.20 61.20 122.40 244.80 61.203,064.00 523.32 483.32 523.32 159.60 61.28 122.56 245.12 61.283,068.00 524.08 484.08 524.08 160.00 61.36 122.72 245.44 61.363,072.00 524.88 484.88 524.88 160.40 61.44 122.88 245.76 61.443,076.00 525.64 485.64 525.64 160.80 61.52 123.04 246.08 61.523,080.00 526.44 486.44 526.44 161.20 61.60 123.20 246.40 61.60

28 FOUR-WEEKLY AND MONTHLY <strong>PAYE</strong> DEDUCTION TABLESEarnings<strong>Four</strong>-Weekly Pay Periods – Earnings $3,084 to $3,300Codes<strong>PAYE</strong>KiwiSaverM ME ML SL Loan ded 2% 4% 8% CEC$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $3,084.00 527.20 487.20 527.20 161.60 61.68 123.36 246.72 61.683,088.00 528.00 488.00 528.00 162.00 61.76 123.52 247.04 61.763,092.00 528.76 488.76 528.76 162.40 61.84 123.68 247.36 61.843,096.00 529.56 489.56 529.56 162.80 61.92 123.84 247.68 61.923,100.00 530.32 490.32 530.32 163.20 62.00 124.00 248.00 62.003,104.00 531.12 491.12 531.12 163.60 62.08 124.16 248.32 62.083,108.00 531.88 491.88 531.88 164.00 62.16 124.32 248.64 62.163,112.00 532.68 492.68 532.68 164.40 62.24 124.48 248.96 62.243,116.00 533.48 493.48 533.48 164.80 62.32 124.64 249.28 62.323,120.00 534.24 494.24 534.24 165.20 62.40 124.80 249.60 62.40FOUR-WEEKLY3,124.00 535.04 495.04 535.04 165.60 62.48 124.96 249.92 62.483,128.00 535.80 495.80 535.80 166.00 62.56 125.12 250.24 62.563,132.00 536.60 496.60 536.60 166.40 62.64 125.28 250.56 62.643,136.00 537.36 497.36 537.36 166.80 62.72 125.44 250.88 62.723,140.00 538.16 498.16 538.16 167.20 62.80 125.60 251.20 62.803,144.00 538.92 498.92 538.92 167.60 62.88 125.76 251.52 62.883,148.00 539.72 499.72 539.72 168.00 62.96 125.92 251.84 62.963,152.00 540.48 500.48 540.48 168.40 63.04 126.08 252.16 63.043,156.00 541.28 501.28 541.28 168.80 63.12 126.24 252.48 63.123,160.00 542.04 502.04 542.04 169.20 63.20 126.40 252.80 63.203,164.00 542.84 502.84 542.84 169.60 63.28 126.56 253.12 63.283,168.00 543.64 503.64 543.64 170.00 63.36 126.72 253.44 63.363,172.00 544.40 504.40 544.40 170.40 63.44 126.88 253.76 63.443,176.00 545.20 505.20 545.20 170.80 63.52 127.04 254.08 63.523,180.00 545.96 505.96 545.96 171.20 63.60 127.20 254.40 63.603,184.00 546.76 506.76 546.76 171.60 63.68 127.36 254.72 63.683,188.00 547.52 507.52 547.52 172.00 63.76 127.52 255.04 63.763,192.00 548.32 508.32 548.32 172.40 63.84 127.68 255.36 63.843,196.00 549.08 509.08 549.08 172.80 63.92 127.84 255.68 63.923,200.00 549.88 509.88 549.88 173.20 64.00 128.00 256.00 64.003,204.00 550.64 510.64 550.64 173.60 64.08 128.16 256.32 64.083,208.00 551.44 511.44 551.44 174.00 64.16 128.32 256.64 64.163,212.00 552.24 512.24 552.24 174.40 64.24 128.48 256.96 64.243,216.00 553.00 513.00 553.00 174.80 64.32 128.64 257.28 64.323,220.00 553.80 513.80 553.80 175.20 64.40 128.80 257.60 64.403,224.00 554.56 514.56 554.56 175.60 64.48 128.96 257.92 64.483,228.00 555.36 515.36 555.36 176.00 64.56 129.12 258.24 64.563,232.00 556.12 516.12 556.12 176.40 64.64 129.28 258.56 64.643,236.00 556.92 516.92 556.92 176.80 64.72 129.44 258.88 64.723,240.00 557.68 517.68 557.68 177.20 64.80 129.60 259.20 64.803,244.00 558.48 518.48 558.48 177.60 64.88 129.76 259.52 64.883,248.00 559.24 519.24 559.24 178.00 64.96 129.92 259.84 64.963,252.00 560.04 520.04 560.04 178.40 65.04 130.08 260.16 65.043,256.00 560.80 520.80 560.80 178.80 65.12 130.24 260.48 65.123,260.00 561.60 521.60 561.60 179.20 65.20 130.40 260.80 65.203,264.00 562.40 522.40 562.40 179.60 65.28 130.56 261.12 65.283,268.00 563.16 523.16 563.16 180.00 65.36 130.72 261.44 65.363,272.00 563.96 523.96 563.96 180.40 65.44 130.88 261.76 65.443,276.00 564.72 524.72 564.72 180.80 65.52 131.04 262.08 65.523,280.00 565.52 525.52 565.52 181.20 65.60 131.20 262.40 65.603,284.00 566.28 526.28 566.28 181.60 65.68 131.36 262.72 65.683,288.00 567.08 527.08 567.08 182.00 65.76 131.52 263.04 65.763,292.00 567.84 527.84 567.84 182.40 65.84 131.68 263.36 65.843,296.00 568.64 528.64 568.64 182.80 65.92 131.84 263.68 65.923,300.00 569.40 529.40 569.40 183.20 66.00 132.00 264.00 66.00

FOUR-WEEKLY AND MONTHLY <strong>PAYE</strong> DEDUCTION TABLES 29Earnings<strong>Four</strong>-Weekly Pay Periods – Earnings $3,304 to $3,520Codes<strong>PAYE</strong>KiwiSaverM ME ML SL Loan ded 2% 4% 8% CEC$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $3,304.00 570.20 530.20 570.20 183.60 66.08 132.16 264.32 66.083,308.00 570.96 530.96 570.96 184.00 66.16 132.32 264.64 66.163,312.00 571.76 531.76 571.76 184.40 66.24 132.48 264.96 66.243,316.00 572.56 532.56 572.56 184.80 66.32 132.64 265.28 66.323,320.00 573.32 533.32 573.32 185.20 66.40 132.80 265.60 66.403,324.00 574.12 534.12 574.12 185.60 66.48 132.96 265.92 66.483,328.00 574.88 534.88 574.88 186.00 66.56 133.12 266.24 66.563,332.00 575.68 535.68 575.68 186.40 66.64 133.28 266.56 66.643,336.00 576.44 536.44 576.44 186.80 66.72 133.44 266.88 66.723,340.00 577.24 537.24 577.24 187.20 66.80 133.60 267.20 66.803,344.00 578.00 538.00 578.00 187.60 66.88 133.76 267.52 66.883,348.00 578.80 538.80 578.80 188.00 66.96 133.92 267.84 66.963,352.00 579.56 539.56 579.56 188.40 67.04 134.08 268.16 67.043,356.00 580.36 540.36 580.36 188.80 67.12 134.24 268.48 67.123,360.00 581.12 541.12 581.12 189.20 67.20 134.40 268.80 67.203,364.00 581.92 541.92 581.92 189.60 67.28 134.56 269.12 67.283,368.00 582.72 542.72 582.72 190.00 67.36 134.72 269.44 67.363,372.00 583.48 543.48 583.48 190.40 67.44 134.88 269.76 67.443,376.00 584.28 544.28 584.28 190.80 67.52 135.04 270.08 67.523,380.00 585.04 545.04 585.04 191.20 67.60 135.20 270.40 67.60FOUR-WEEKLY3,384.00 585.84 545.84 585.84 191.60 67.68 135.36 270.72 67.683,388.00 586.60 547.04 586.60 192.00 67.76 135.52 271.04 67.763,392.00 587.40 548.36 587.40 192.40 67.84 135.68 271.36 67.843,396.00 588.16 549.64 588.16 192.80 67.92 135.84 271.68 67.923,400.00 588.96 550.96 588.96 193.20 68.00 136.00 272.00 68.003,404.00 589.72 552.24 589.72 193.60 68.08 136.16 272.32 68.083,408.00 590.52 553.56 590.52 194.00 68.16 136.32 272.64 68.163,412.00 591.32 554.88 591.32 194.40 68.24 136.48 272.96 68.243,416.00 592.08 556.16 592.08 194.80 68.32 136.64 273.28 68.323,420.00 592.88 557.48 592.88 195.20 68.40 136.80 273.60 68.403,424.00 593.64 558.76 593.64 195.60 68.48 136.96 273.92 68.483,428.00 594.44 560.08 594.44 196.00 68.56 137.12 274.24 68.563,432.00 595.20 561.36 595.20 196.40 68.64 137.28 274.56 68.643,436.00 596.00 562.68 596.00 196.80 68.72 137.44 274.88 68.723,440.00 596.76 563.96 596.76 197.20 68.80 137.60 275.20 68.803,444.00 597.56 565.28 597.56 197.60 68.88 137.76 275.52 68.883,448.00 598.32 566.56 598.32 198.00 68.96 137.92 275.84 68.963,452.00 599.12 567.88 599.12 198.40 69.04 138.08 276.16 69.043,456.00 599.88 569.16 599.88 198.80 69.12 138.24 276.48 69.123,460.00 600.68 570.48 600.68 199.20 69.20 138.40 276.80 69.203,464.00 601.48 571.80 601.48 199.60 69.28 138.56 277.12 69.283,468.00 602.24 573.08 602.24 200.00 69.36 138.72 277.44 69.363,472.00 603.04 574.40 603.04 200.40 69.44 138.88 277.76 69.443,476.00 603.80 575.68 603.80 200.80 69.52 139.04 278.08 69.523,480.00 604.60 577.00 604.60 201.20 69.60 139.20 278.40 69.603,484.00 605.36 578.28 605.36 201.60 69.68 139.36 278.72 69.683,488.00 606.16 579.60 606.16 202.00 69.76 139.52 279.04 69.763,492.00 606.92 580.88 606.92 202.40 69.84 139.68 279.36 69.843,496.00 607.72 582.20 607.72 202.80 69.92 139.84 279.68 69.923,500.00 608.48 583.48 608.48 203.20 70.00 140.00 280.00 70.003,504.00 609.28 584.80 609.28 203.60 70.08 140.16 280.32 70.083,508.00 610.04 586.08 610.04 204.00 70.16 140.32 280.64 70.163,512.00 610.84 587.40 610.84 204.40 70.24 140.48 280.96 70.243,516.00 611.64 588.72 611.64 204.80 70.32 140.64 281.28 70.323,520.00 612.40 590.00 612.40 205.20 70.40 140.80 281.60 70.40

32 FOUR-WEEKLY AND MONTHLY <strong>PAYE</strong> DEDUCTION TABLESEarnings<strong>Four</strong>-Weekly Pay Periods – Earnings $3,964 to $4,180Codes<strong>PAYE</strong>KiwiSaverM ME ML SL Loan ded 2% 4% 8% CEC$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $3,964.00 733.12 733.12 733.12 249.60 79.28 158.56 317.12 79.283,968.00 734.40 734.40 734.40 250.00 79.36 158.72 317.44 79.363,972.00 735.68 735.68 735.68 250.40 79.44 158.88 317.76 79.443,976.00 736.96 736.96 736.96 250.80 79.52 159.04 318.08 79.523,980.00 738.24 738.24 738.24 251.20 79.60 159.20 318.40 79.603,984.00 739.52 739.52 739.52 251.60 79.68 159.36 318.72 79.683,988.00 740.80 740.80 740.80 252.00 79.76 159.52 319.04 79.763,992.00 742.08 742.08 742.08 252.40 79.84 159.68 319.36 79.843,996.00 743.36 743.36 743.36 252.80 79.92 159.84 319.68 79.924,000.00 744.64 744.64 744.64 253.20 80.00 160.00 320.00 80.00FOUR-WEEKLY4,004.00 745.92 745.92 745.92 253.60 80.08 160.16 320.32 80.084,008.00 747.24 747.24 747.24 254.00 80.16 160.32 320.64 80.164,012.00 748.52 748.52 748.52 254.40 80.24 160.48 320.96 80.244,016.00 749.80 749.80 749.80 254.80 80.32 160.64 321.28 80.324,020.00 751.08 751.08 751.08 255.20 80.40 160.80 321.60 80.404,024.00 752.36 752.36 752.36 255.60 80.48 160.96 321.92 80.484,028.00 753.64 753.64 753.64 256.00 80.56 161.12 322.24 80.564,032.00 754.92 754.92 754.92 256.40 80.64 161.28 322.56 80.644,036.00 756.20 756.20 756.20 256.80 80.72 161.44 322.88 80.724,040.00 757.48 757.48 757.48 257.20 80.80 161.60 323.20 80.804,044.00 758.76 758.76 758.76 257.60 80.88 161.76 323.52 80.884,048.00 760.04 760.04 760.04 258.00 80.96 161.92 323.84 80.964,052.00 761.32 761.32 761.32 258.40 81.04 162.08 324.16 81.044,056.00 762.60 762.60 762.60 258.80 81.12 162.24 324.48 81.124,060.00 763.88 763.88 763.88 259.20 81.20 162.40 324.80 81.204,064.00 765.16 765.16 765.16 259.60 81.28 162.56 325.12 81.284,068.00 766.44 766.44 766.44 260.00 81.36 162.72 325.44 81.364,072.00 767.72 767.72 767.72 260.40 81.44 162.88 325.76 81.444,076.00 769.00 769.00 769.00 260.80 81.52 163.04 326.08 81.524,080.00 770.28 770.28 770.28 261.20 81.60 163.20 326.40 81.604,084.00 771.56 771.56 771.56 261.60 81.68 163.36 326.72 81.684,088.00 772.84 772.84 772.84 262.00 81.76 163.52 327.04 81.764,092.00 774.12 774.12 774.12 262.40 81.84 163.68 327.36 81.844,096.00 775.40 775.40 775.40 262.80 81.92 163.84 327.68 81.924,100.00 776.68 776.68 776.68 263.20 82.00 164.00 328.00 82.004,104.00 777.96 777.96 777.96 263.60 82.08 164.16 328.32 82.084,108.00 779.28 779.28 779.28 264.00 82.16 164.32 328.64 82.164,112.00 780.56 780.56 780.56 264.40 82.24 164.48 328.96 82.244,116.00 781.84 781.84 781.84 264.80 82.32 164.64 329.28 82.324,120.00 783.12 783.12 783.12 265.20 82.40 164.80 329.60 82.404,124.00 784.40 784.40 784.40 265.60 82.48 164.96 329.92 82.484,128.00 785.68 785.68 785.68 266.00 82.56 165.12 330.24 82.564,132.00 786.96 786.96 786.96 266.40 82.64 165.28 330.56 82.644,136.00 788.24 788.24 788.24 266.80 82.72 165.44 330.88 82.724,140.00 789.52 789.52 789.52 267.20 82.80 165.60 331.20 82.804,144.00 790.80 790.80 790.80 267.60 82.88 165.76 331.52 82.884,148.00 792.08 792.08 792.08 268.00 82.96 165.92 331.84 82.964,152.00 793.36 793.36 793.36 268.40 83.04 166.08 332.16 83.044,156.00 794.64 794.64 794.64 268.80 83.12 166.24 332.48 83.124,160.00 795.92 795.92 795.92 269.20 83.20 166.40 332.80 83.204,164.00 797.20 797.20 797.20 269.60 83.28 166.56 333.12 83.284,168.00 798.48 798.48 798.48 270.00 83.36 166.72 333.44 83.364,172.00 799.76 799.76 799.76 270.40 83.44 166.88 333.76 83.444,176.00 801.04 801.04 801.04 270.80 83.52 167.04 334.08 83.524,180.00 802.32 802.32 802.32 271.20 83.60 167.20 334.40 83.60

FOUR-WEEKLY AND MONTHLY <strong>PAYE</strong> DEDUCTION TABLES 33Earnings<strong>Four</strong>-Weekly Pay Periods – Earnings $4,184 to $4,400Codes<strong>PAYE</strong>KiwiSaverM ME ML SL Loan ded 2% 4% 8% CEC$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $4,184.00 803.60 803.60 803.60 271.60 83.68 167.36 334.72 83.684,188.00 804.88 804.88 804.88 272.00 83.76 167.52 335.04 83.764,192.00 806.16 806.16 806.16 272.40 83.84 167.68 335.36 83.844,196.00 807.44 807.44 807.44 272.80 83.92 167.84 335.68 83.924,200.00 808.72 808.72 808.72 273.20 84.00 168.00 336.00 84.004,204.00 810.00 810.00 810.00 273.60 84.08 168.16 336.32 84.084,208.00 811.32 811.32 811.32 274.00 84.16 168.32 336.64 84.164,212.00 812.60 812.60 812.60 274.40 84.24 168.48 336.96 84.244,216.00 813.88 813.88 813.88 274.80 84.32 168.64 337.28 84.324,220.00 815.16 815.16 815.16 275.20 84.40 168.80 337.60 84.404,224.00 816.44 816.44 816.44 275.60 84.48 168.96 337.92 84.484,228.00 817.72 817.72 817.72 276.00 84.56 169.12 338.24 84.564,232.00 819.00 819.00 819.00 276.40 84.64 169.28 338.56 84.644,236.00 820.28 820.28 820.28 276.80 84.72 169.44 338.88 84.724,240.00 821.56 821.56 821.56 277.20 84.80 169.60 339.20 84.804,244.00 822.84 822.84 822.84 277.60 84.88 169.76 339.52 84.884,248.00 824.12 824.12 824.12 278.00 84.96 169.92 339.84 84.964,252.00 825.40 825.40 825.40 278.40 85.04 170.08 340.16 85.044,256.00 826.68 826.68 826.68 278.80 85.12 170.24 340.48 85.124,260.00 827.96 827.96 827.96 279.20 85.20 170.40 340.80 85.20FOUR-WEEKLY4,264.00 829.24 829.24 829.24 279.60 85.28 170.56 341.12 85.284,268.00 830.52 830.52 830.52 280.00 85.36 170.72 341.44 85.364,272.00 831.80 831.80 831.80 280.40 85.44 170.88 341.76 85.444,276.00 833.08 833.08 833.08 280.80 85.52 171.04 342.08 85.524,280.00 834.36 834.36 834.36 281.20 85.60 171.20 342.40 85.604,284.00 835.64 835.64 835.64 281.60 85.68 171.36 342.72 85.684,288.00 836.92 836.92 836.92 282.00 85.76 171.52 343.04 85.764,292.00 838.20 838.20 838.20 282.40 85.84 171.68 343.36 85.844,296.00 839.48 839.48 839.48 282.80 85.92 171.84 343.68 85.924,300.00 840.76 840.76 840.76 283.20 86.00 172.00 344.00 86.004,304.00 842.04 842.04 842.04 283.60 86.08 172.16 344.32 86.084,308.00 843.36 843.36 843.36 284.00 86.16 172.32 344.64 86.164,312.00 844.64 844.64 844.64 284.40 86.24 172.48 344.96 86.244,316.00 845.92 845.92 845.92 284.80 86.32 172.64 345.28 86.324,320.00 847.20 847.20 847.20 285.20 86.40 172.80 345.60 86.404,324.00 848.48 848.48 848.48 285.60 86.48 172.96 345.92 86.484,328.00 849.76 849.76 849.76 286.00 86.56 173.12 346.24 86.564,332.00 851.04 851.04 851.04 286.40 86.64 173.28 346.56 86.644,336.00 852.32 852.32 852.32 286.80 86.72 173.44 346.88 86.724,340.00 853.60 853.60 853.60 287.20 86.80 173.60 347.20 86.804,344.00 854.88 854.88 854.88 287.60 86.88 173.76 347.52 86.884,348.00 856.16 856.16 856.16 288.00 86.96 173.92 347.84 86.964,352.00 857.44 857.44 857.44 288.40 87.04 174.08 348.16 87.044,356.00 858.72 858.72 858.72 288.80 87.12 174.24 348.48 87.124,360.00 860.00 860.00 860.00 289.20 87.20 174.40 348.80 87.204,364.00 861.28 861.28 861.28 289.60 87.28 174.56 349.12 87.284,368.00 862.56 862.56 862.56 290.00 87.36 174.72 349.44 87.364,372.00 863.84 863.84 863.84 290.40 87.44 174.88 349.76 87.444,376.00 865.12 865.12 865.12 290.80 87.52 175.04 350.08 87.524,380.00 866.40 866.40 866.40 291.20 87.60 175.20 350.40 87.604,384.00 867.68 867.68 867.68 291.60 87.68 175.36 350.72 87.684,388.00 868.96 868.96 868.96 292.00 87.76 175.52 351.04 87.764,392.00 870.24 870.24 870.24 292.40 87.84 175.68 351.36 87.844,396.00 871.52 871.52 871.52 292.80 87.92 175.84 351.68 87.924,400.00 872.80 872.80 872.80 293.20 88.00 176.00 352.00 88.00

34 FOUR-WEEKLY AND MONTHLY <strong>PAYE</strong> DEDUCTION TABLESEarnings<strong>Four</strong>-Weekly Pay Periods – Earnings $4,404 to $4,620Codes<strong>PAYE</strong>KiwiSaverM ME ML SL Loan ded 2% 4% 8% CEC$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $4,404.00 874.08 874.08 874.08 293.60 88.08 176.16 352.32 88.084,408.00 875.40 875.40 875.40 294.00 88.16 176.32 352.64 88.164,412.00 876.68 876.68 876.68 294.40 88.24 176.48 352.96 88.244,416.00 877.96 877.96 877.96 294.80 88.32 176.64 353.28 88.324,420.00 879.24 879.24 879.24 295.20 88.40 176.80 353.60 88.404,424.00 880.52 880.52 880.52 295.60 88.48 176.96 353.92 88.484,428.00 881.80 881.80 881.80 296.00 88.56 177.12 354.24 88.564,432.00 883.08 883.08 883.08 296.40 88.64 177.28 354.56 88.644,436.00 884.36 884.36 884.36 296.80 88.72 177.44 354.88 88.724,440.00 885.64 885.64 885.64 297.20 88.80 177.60 355.20 88.80FOUR-WEEKLY4,444.00 886.92 886.92 886.92 297.60 88.88 177.76 355.52 88.884,448.00 888.20 888.20 888.20 298.00 88.96 177.92 355.84 88.964,452.00 889.48 889.48 889.48 298.40 89.04 178.08 356.16 89.044,456.00 890.76 890.76 890.76 298.80 89.12 178.24 356.48 89.124,460.00 892.04 892.04 892.04 299.20 89.20 178.40 356.80 89.204,464.00 893.32 893.32 893.32 299.60 89.28 178.56 357.12 89.284,468.00 894.60 894.60 894.60 300.00 89.36 178.72 357.44 89.364,472.00 895.88 895.88 895.88 300.40 89.44 178.88 357.76 89.444,476.00 897.16 897.16 897.16 300.80 89.52 179.04 358.08 89.524,480.00 898.44 898.44 898.44 301.20 89.60 179.20 358.40 89.604,484.00 899.72 899.72 899.72 301.60 89.68 179.36 358.72 89.684,488.00 901.00 901.00 901.00 302.00 89.76 179.52 359.04 89.764,492.00 902.28 902.28 902.28 302.40 89.84 179.68 359.36 89.844,496.00 903.56 903.56 903.56 302.80 89.92 179.84 359.68 89.924,500.00 904.84 904.84 904.84 303.20 90.00 180.00 360.00 90.004,504.00 906.12 906.12 906.12 303.60 90.08 180.16 360.32 90.084,508.00 907.44 907.44 907.44 304.00 90.16 180.32 360.64 90.164,512.00 908.72 908.72 908.72 304.40 90.24 180.48 360.96 90.244,516.00 910.00 910.00 910.00 304.80 90.32 180.64 361.28 90.324,520.00 911.28 911.28 911.28 305.20 90.40 180.80 361.60 90.404,524.00 912.56 912.56 912.56 305.60 90.48 180.96 361.92 90.484,528.00 913.84 913.84 913.84 306.00 90.56 181.12 362.24 90.564,532.00 915.12 915.12 915.12 306.40 90.64 181.28 362.56 90.644,536.00 916.40 916.40 916.40 306.80 90.72 181.44 362.88 90.724,540.00 917.68 917.68 917.68 307.20 90.80 181.60 363.20 90.804,544.00 918.96 918.96 918.96 307.60 90.88 181.76 363.52 90.884,548.00 920.24 920.24 920.24 308.00 90.96 181.92 363.84 90.964,552.00 921.52 921.52 921.52 308.40 91.04 182.08 364.16 91.044,556.00 922.80 922.80 922.80 308.80 91.12 182.24 364.48 91.124,560.00 924.08 924.08 924.08 309.20 91.20 182.40 364.80 91.204,564.00 925.36 925.36 925.36 309.60 91.28 182.56 365.12 91.284,568.00 926.64 926.64 926.64 310.00 91.36 182.72 365.44 91.364,572.00 927.92 927.92 927.92 310.40 91.44 182.88 365.76 91.444,576.00 929.20 929.20 929.20 310.80 91.52 183.04 366.08 91.524,580.00 930.48 930.48 930.48 311.20 91.60 183.20 366.40 91.604,584.00 931.76 931.76 931.76 311.60 91.68 183.36 366.72 91.684,588.00 933.04 933.04 933.04 312.00 91.76 183.52 367.04 91.764,592.00 934.32 934.32 934.32 312.40 91.84 183.68 367.36 91.844,596.00 935.60 935.60 935.60 312.80 91.92 183.84 367.68 91.924,600.00 936.88 936.88 936.88 313.20 92.00 184.00 368.00 92.004,604.00 938.16 938.16 938.16 313.60 92.08 184.16 368.32 92.084,608.00 939.48 939.48 939.48 314.00 92.16 184.32 368.64 92.164,612.00 940.76 940.76 940.76 314.40 92.24 184.48 368.96 92.244,616.00 942.04 942.04 942.04 314.80 92.32 184.64 369.28 92.324,620.00 943.32 943.32 943.32 315.20 92.40 184.80 369.60 92.40

FOUR-WEEKLY AND MONTHLY <strong>PAYE</strong> DEDUCTION TABLES 35Earnings<strong>Four</strong>-Weekly Pay Periods – Earnings $4,624 to $4,840Codes<strong>PAYE</strong>KiwiSaverM ME ML SL Loan ded 2% 4% 8% CEC$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $4,624.00 944.60 944.60 944.60 315.60 92.48 184.96 369.92 92.484,628.00 945.88 945.88 945.88 316.00 92.56 185.12 370.24 92.564,632.00 947.16 947.16 947.16 316.40 92.64 185.28 370.56 92.644,636.00 948.44 948.44 948.44 316.80 92.72 185.44 370.88 92.724,640.00 949.72 949.72 949.72 317.20 92.80 185.60 371.20 92.804,644.00 951.00 951.00 951.00 317.60 92.88 185.76 371.52 92.884,648.00 952.28 952.28 952.28 318.00 92.96 185.92 371.84 92.964,652.00 953.56 953.56 953.56 318.40 93.04 186.08 372.16 93.044,656.00 954.84 954.84 954.84 318.80 93.12 186.24 372.48 93.124,660.00 956.12 956.12 956.12 319.20 93.20 186.40 372.80 93.204,664.00 957.40 957.40 957.40 319.60 93.28 186.56 373.12 93.284,668.00 958.68 958.68 958.68 320.00 93.36 186.72 373.44 93.364,672.00 959.96 959.96 959.96 320.40 93.44 186.88 373.76 93.444,676.00 961.24 961.24 961.24 320.80 93.52 187.04 374.08 93.524,680.00 962.52 962.52 962.52 321.20 93.60 187.20 374.40 93.604,684.00 963.80 963.80 963.80 321.60 93.68 187.36 374.72 93.684,688.00 965.08 965.08 965.08 322.00 93.76 187.52 375.04 93.764,692.00 966.36 966.36 966.36 322.40 93.84 187.68 375.36 93.844,696.00 967.64 967.64 967.64 322.80 93.92 187.84 375.68 93.924,700.00 968.92 968.92 968.92 323.20 94.00 188.00 376.00 94.00FOUR-WEEKLY4,704.00 970.20 970.20 970.20 323.60 94.08 188.16 376.32 94.084,708.00 971.52 971.52 971.52 324.00 94.16 188.32 376.64 94.164,712.00 972.80 972.80 972.80 324.40 94.24 188.48 376.96 94.244,716.00 974.08 974.08 974.08 324.80 94.32 188.64 377.28 94.324,720.00 975.36 975.36 975.36 325.20 94.40 188.80 377.60 94.404,724.00 976.64 976.64 976.64 325.60 94.48 188.96 377.92 94.484,728.00 977.92 977.92 977.92 326.00 94.56 189.12 378.24 94.564,732.00 979.20 979.20 979.20 326.40 94.64 189.28 378.56 94.644,736.00 980.48 980.48 980.48 326.80 94.72 189.44 378.88 94.724,740.00 981.76 981.76 981.76 327.20 94.80 189.60 379.20 94.804,744.00 983.04 983.04 983.04 327.60 94.88 189.76 379.52 94.884,748.00 984.32 984.32 984.32 328.00 94.96 189.92 379.84 94.964,752.00 985.60 985.60 985.60 328.40 95.04 190.08 380.16 95.044,756.00 986.88 986.88 986.88 328.80 95.12 190.24 380.48 95.124,760.00 988.16 988.16 988.16 329.20 95.20 190.40 380.80 95.204,764.00 989.44 989.44 989.44 329.60 95.28 190.56 381.12 95.284,768.00 990.72 990.72 990.72 330.00 95.36 190.72 381.44 95.364,772.00 992.00 992.00 992.00 330.40 95.44 190.88 381.76 95.444,776.00 993.28 993.28 993.28 330.80 95.52 191.04 382.08 95.524,780.00 994.56 994.56 994.56 331.20 95.60 191.20 382.40 95.604,784.00 995.84 995.84 995.84 331.60 95.68 191.36 382.72 95.684,788.00 997.12 997.12 997.12 332.00 95.76 191.52 383.04 95.764,792.00 998.40 998.40 998.40 332.40 95.84 191.68 383.36 95.844,796.00 999.68 999.68 999.68 332.80 95.92 191.84 383.68 95.924,800.00 1,000.96 1,000.96 1,000.96 333.20 96.00 192.00 384.00 96.004,804.00 1,002.24 1,002.24 1,002.24 333.60 96.08 192.16 384.32 96.084,808.00 1,003.56 1,003.56 1,003.56 334.00 96.16 192.32 384.64 96.164,812.00 1,004.84 1,004.84 1,004.84 334.40 96.24 192.48 384.96 96.244,816.00 1,006.12 1,006.12 1,006.12 334.80 96.32 192.64 385.28 96.324,820.00 1,007.40 1,007.40 1,007.40 335.20 96.40 192.80 385.60 96.404,824.00 1,008.68 1,008.68 1,008.68 335.60 96.48 192.96 385.92 96.484,828.00 1,009.96 1,009.96 1,009.96 336.00 96.56 193.12 386.24 96.564,832.00 1,011.24 1,011.24 1,011.24 336.40 96.64 193.28 386.56 96.644,836.00 1,012.52 1,012.52 1,012.52 336.80 96.72 193.44 386.88 96.724,840.00 1,013.80 1,013.80 1,013.80 337.20 96.80 193.60 387.20 96.80

36 FOUR-WEEKLY AND MONTHLY <strong>PAYE</strong> DEDUCTION TABLESEarnings<strong>Four</strong>-Weekly Pay Periods – Earnings $4,844 to $5,060Codes<strong>PAYE</strong>KiwiSaverM ME ML SL Loan ded 2% 4% 8% CEC$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $4,844.00 1,015.08 1,015.08 1,015.08 337.60 96.88 193.76 387.52 96.884,848.00 1,016.36 1,016.36 1,016.36 338.00 96.96 193.92 387.84 96.964,852.00 1,017.64 1,017.64 1,017.64 338.40 97.04 194.08 388.16 97.044,856.00 1,018.92 1,018.92 1,018.92 338.80 97.12 194.24 388.48 97.124,860.00 1,020.20 1,020.20 1,020.20 339.20 97.20 194.40 388.80 97.204,864.00 1,021.48 1,021.48 1,021.48 339.60 97.28 194.56 389.12 97.284,868.00 1,022.76 1,022.76 1,022.76 340.00 97.36 194.72 389.44 97.364,872.00 1,024.04 1,024.04 1,024.04 340.40 97.44 194.88 389.76 97.444,876.00 1,025.32 1,025.32 1,025.32 340.80 97.52 195.04 390.08 97.524,880.00 1,026.60 1,026.60 1,026.60 341.20 97.60 195.20 390.40 97.60FOUR-WEEKLY4,884.00 1,027.88 1,027.88 1,027.88 341.60 97.68 195.36 390.72 97.684,888.00 1,029.16 1,029.16 1,029.16 342.00 97.76 195.52 391.04 97.764,892.00 1,030.44 1,030.44 1,030.44 342.40 97.84 195.68 391.36 97.844,896.00 1,031.72 1,031.72 1,031.72 342.80 97.92 195.84 391.68 97.924,900.00 1,033.00 1,033.00 1,033.00 343.20 98.00 196.00 392.00 98.004,904.00 1,034.28 1,034.28 1,034.28 343.60 98.08 196.16 392.32 98.084,908.00 1,035.60 1,035.60 1,035.60 344.00 98.16 196.32 392.64 98.164,912.00 1,036.88 1,036.88 1,036.88 344.40 98.24 196.48 392.96 98.244,916.00 1,038.16 1,038.16 1,038.16 344.80 98.32 196.64 393.28 98.324,920.00 1,039.44 1,039.44 1,039.44 345.20 98.40 196.80 393.60 98.404,924.00 1,040.72 1,040.72 1,040.72 345.60 98.48 196.96 393.92 98.484,928.00 1,042.00 1,042.00 1,042.00 346.00 98.56 197.12 394.24 98.564,932.00 1,043.28 1,043.28 1,043.28 346.40 98.64 197.28 394.56 98.644,936.00 1,044.56 1,044.56 1,044.56 346.80 98.72 197.44 394.88 98.724,940.00 1,045.84 1,045.84 1,045.84 347.20 98.80 197.60 395.20 98.804,944.00 1,047.12 1,047.12 1,047.12 347.60 98.88 197.76 395.52 98.884,948.00 1,048.40 1,048.40 1,048.40 348.00 98.96 197.92 395.84 98.964,952.00 1,049.68 1,049.68 1,049.68 348.40 99.04 198.08 396.16 99.044,956.00 1,050.96 1,050.96 1,050.96 348.80 99.12 198.24 396.48 99.124,960.00 1,052.24 1,052.24 1,052.24 349.20 99.20 198.40 396.80 99.204,964.00 1,053.52 1,053.52 1,053.52 349.60 99.28 198.56 397.12 99.284,968.00 1,054.80 1,054.80 1,054.80 350.00 99.36 198.72 397.44 99.364,972.00 1,056.08 1,056.08 1,056.08 350.40 99.44 198.88 397.76 99.444,976.00 1,057.36 1,057.36 1,057.36 350.80 99.52 199.04 398.08 99.524,980.00 1,058.64 1,058.64 1,058.64 351.20 99.60 199.20 398.40 99.604,984.00 1,059.92 1,059.92 1,059.92 351.60 99.68 199.36 398.72 99.684,988.00 1,061.20 1,061.20 1,061.20 352.00 99.76 199.52 399.04 99.764,992.00 1,062.48 1,062.48 1,062.48 352.40 99.84 199.68 399.36 99.844,996.00 1,063.76 1,063.76 1,063.76 352.80 99.92 199.84 399.68 99.925,000.00 1,065.04 1,065.04 1,065.04 353.20 100.00 200.00 400.00 100.005,004.00 1,066.32 1,066.32 1,066.32 353.60 100.08 200.16 400.32 100.085,008.00 1,067.64 1,067.64 1,067.64 354.00 100.16 200.32 400.64 100.165,012.00 1,068.92 1,068.92 1,068.92 354.40 100.24 200.48 400.96 100.245,016.00 1,070.20 1,070.20 1,070.20 354.80 100.32 200.64 401.28 100.325,020.00 1,071.48 1,071.48 1,071.48 355.20 100.40 200.80 401.60 100.405,024.00 1,072.76 1,072.76 1,072.76 355.60 100.48 200.96 401.92 100.485,028.00 1,074.04 1,074.04 1,074.04 356.00 100.56 201.12 402.24 100.565,032.00 1,075.32 1,075.32 1,075.32 356.40 100.64 201.28 402.56 100.645,036.00 1,076.60 1,076.60 1,076.60 356.80 100.72 201.44 402.88 100.725,040.00 1,077.88 1,077.88 1,077.88 357.20 100.80 201.60 403.20 100.805,044.00 1,079.16 1,079.16 1,079.16 357.60 100.88 201.76 403.52 100.885,048.00 1,080.44 1,080.44 1,080.44 358.00 100.96 201.92 403.84 100.965,052.00 1,081.72 1,081.72 1,081.72 358.40 101.04 202.08 404.16 101.045,056.00 1,083.00 1,083.00 1,083.00 358.80 101.12 202.24 404.48 101.125,060.00 1,084.28 1,084.28 1,084.28 359.20 101.20 202.40 404.80 101.20

FOUR-WEEKLY AND MONTHLY <strong>PAYE</strong> DEDUCTION TABLES 37Earnings<strong>Four</strong>-Weekly Pay Periods – Earnings $5,064 to $5,280Codes<strong>PAYE</strong>KiwiSaverM ME ML SL Loan ded 2% 4% 8% CEC$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $5,064.00 1,085.56 1,085.56 1,085.56 359.60 101.28 202.56 405.12 101.285,068.00 1,086.84 1,086.84 1,086.84 360.00 101.36 202.72 405.44 101.365,072.00 1,088.12 1,088.12 1,088.12 360.40 101.44 202.88 405.76 101.445,076.00 1,089.40 1,089.40 1,089.40 360.80 101.52 203.04 406.08 101.525,080.00 1,090.68 1,090.68 1,090.68 361.20 101.60 203.20 406.40 101.605,084.00 1,091.96 1,091.96 1,091.96 361.60 101.68 203.36 406.72 101.685,088.00 1,093.24 1,093.24 1,093.24 362.00 101.76 203.52 407.04 101.765,092.00 1,094.52 1,094.52 1,094.52 362.40 101.84 203.68 407.36 101.845,096.00 1,095.80 1,095.80 1,095.80 362.80 101.92 203.84 407.68 101.925,100.00 1,097.08 1,097.08 1,097.08 363.20 102.00 204.00 408.00 102.005,104.00 1,098.36 1,098.36 1,098.36 363.60 102.08 204.16 408.32 102.085,108.00 1,099.68 1,099.68 1,099.68 364.00 102.16 204.32 408.64 102.165,112.00 1,100.96 1,100.96 1,100.96 364.40 102.24 204.48 408.96 102.245,116.00 1,102.24 1,102.24 1,102.24 364.80 102.32 204.64 409.28 102.325,120.00 1,103.52 1,103.52 1,103.52 365.20 102.40 204.80 409.60 102.405,124.00 1,104.80 1,104.80 1,104.80 365.60 102.48 204.96 409.92 102.485,128.00 1,106.08 1,106.08 1,106.08 366.00 102.56 205.12 410.24 102.565,132.00 1,107.36 1,107.36 1,107.36 366.40 102.64 205.28 410.56 102.645,136.00 1,108.64 1,108.64 1,108.64 366.80 102.72 205.44 410.88 102.725,140.00 1,109.92 1,109.92 1,109.92 367.20 102.80 205.60 411.20 102.80FOUR-WEEKLY5,144.00 1,111.20 1,111.20 1,111.20 367.60 102.88 205.76 411.52 102.885,148.00 1,112.48 1,112.48 1,112.48 368.00 102.96 205.92 411.84 102.965,152.00 1,113.76 1,113.76 1,113.76 368.40 103.04 206.08 412.16 103.045,156.00 1,115.04 1,115.04 1,115.04 368.80 103.12 206.24 412.48 103.125,160.00 1,116.32 1,116.32 1,116.32 369.20 103.20 206.40 412.80 103.205,164.00 1,117.60 1,117.60 1,117.60 369.60 103.28 206.56 413.12 103.285,168.00 1,118.88 1,118.88 1,118.88 370.00 103.36 206.72 413.44 103.365,172.00 1,120.16 1,120.16 1,120.16 370.40 103.44 206.88 413.76 103.445,176.00 1,121.44 1,121.44 1,121.44 370.80 103.52 207.04 414.08 103.525,180.00 1,122.72 1,122.72 1,122.72 371.20 103.60 207.20 414.40 103.605,184.00 1,124.00 1,124.00 1,124.00 371.60 103.68 207.36 414.72 103.685,188.00 1,125.28 1,125.28 1,125.28 372.00 103.76 207.52 415.04 103.765,192.00 1,126.56 1,126.56 1,126.56 372.40 103.84 207.68 415.36 103.845,196.00 1,127.84 1,127.84 1,127.84 372.80 103.92 207.84 415.68 103.925,200.00 1,129.12 1,129.12 1,129.12 373.20 104.00 208.00 416.00 104.005,204.00 1,130.40 1,130.40 1,130.40 373.60 104.08 208.16 416.32 104.085,208.00 1,131.72 1,131.72 1,131.72 374.00 104.16 208.32 416.64 104.165,212.00 1,133.00 1,133.00 1,133.00 374.40 104.24 208.48 416.96 104.245,216.00 1,134.28 1,134.28 1,134.28 374.80 104.32 208.64 417.28 104.325,220.00 1,135.56 1,135.56 1,135.56 375.20 104.40 208.80 417.60 104.405,224.00 1,136.84 1,136.84 1,136.84 375.60 104.48 208.96 417.92 104.485,228.00 1,138.12 1,138.12 1,138.12 376.00 104.56 209.12 418.24 104.565,232.00 1,139.40 1,139.40 1,139.40 376.40 104.64 209.28 418.56 104.645,236.00 1,140.68 1,140.68 1,140.68 376.80 104.72 209.44 418.88 104.725,240.00 1,141.96 1,141.96 1,141.96 377.20 104.80 209.60 419.20 104.805,244.00 1,143.24 1,143.24 1,143.24 377.60 104.88 209.76 419.52 104.885,248.00 1,144.52 1,144.52 1,144.52 378.00 104.96 209.92 419.84 104.965,252.00 1,145.80 1,145.80 1,145.80 378.40 105.04 210.08 420.16 105.045,256.00 1,147.08 1,147.08 1,147.08 378.80 105.12 210.24 420.48 105.125,260.00 1,148.36 1,148.36 1,148.36 379.20 105.20 210.40 420.80 105.205,264.00 1,149.64 1,149.64 1,149.64 379.60 105.28 210.56 421.12 105.285,268.00 1,150.92 1,150.92 1,150.92 380.00 105.36 210.72 421.44 105.365,272.00 1,152.20 1,152.20 1,152.20 380.40 105.44 210.88 421.76 105.445,276.00 1,153.48 1,153.48 1,153.48 380.80 105.52 211.04 422.08 105.525,280.00 1,154.76 1,154.76 1,154.76 381.20 105.60 211.20 422.40 105.60

FOUR-WEEKLY AND MONTHLY <strong>PAYE</strong> DEDUCTION TABLES 39Earnings<strong>Four</strong>-Weekly Pay Periods – Earnings $5,504 to $5,720Codes<strong>PAYE</strong>KiwiSaverM ME ML SL Loan ded 2% 4% 8% CEC$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $5,504.00 1,230.12 1,230.12 1,230.12 403.60 110.08 220.16 440.32 110.085,508.00 1,231.52 1,231.52 1,231.52 404.00 110.16 220.32 440.64 110.165,512.00 1,232.92 1,232.92 1,232.92 404.40 110.24 220.48 440.96 110.245,516.00 1,234.32 1,234.32 1,234.32 404.80 110.32 220.64 441.28 110.325,520.00 1,235.72 1,235.72 1,235.72 405.20 110.40 220.80 441.60 110.405,524.00 1,237.12 1,237.12 1,237.12 405.60 110.48 220.96 441.92 110.485,528.00 1,238.52 1,238.52 1,238.52 406.00 110.56 221.12 442.24 110.565,532.00 1,239.92 1,239.92 1,239.92 406.40 110.64 221.28 442.56 110.645,536.00 1,241.32 1,241.32 1,241.32 406.80 110.72 221.44 442.88 110.725,540.00 1,242.72 1,242.72 1,242.72 407.20 110.80 221.60 443.20 110.805,544.00 1,244.12 1,244.12 1,244.12 407.60 110.88 221.76 443.52 110.885,548.00 1,245.52 1,245.52 1,245.52 408.00 110.96 221.92 443.84 110.965,552.00 1,246.92 1,246.92 1,246.92 408.40 111.04 222.08 444.16 111.045,556.00 1,248.36 1,248.36 1,248.36 408.80 111.12 222.24 444.48 111.125,560.00 1,249.76 1,249.76 1,249.76 409.20 111.20 222.40 444.80 111.205,564.00 1,251.16 1,251.16 1,251.16 409.60 111.28 222.56 445.12 111.285,568.00 1,252.56 1,252.56 1,252.56 410.00 111.36 222.72 445.44 111.365,572.00 1,253.96 1,253.96 1,253.96 410.40 111.44 222.88 445.76 111.445,576.00 1,255.36 1,255.36 1,255.36 410.80 111.52 223.04 446.08 111.525,580.00 1,256.76 1,256.76 1,256.76 411.20 111.60 223.20 446.40 111.60FOUR-WEEKLY5,584.00 1,258.16 1,258.16 1,258.16 411.60 111.68 223.36 446.72 111.685,588.00 1,259.56 1,259.56 1,259.56 412.00 111.76 223.52 447.04 111.765,592.00 1,260.96 1,260.96 1,260.96 412.40 111.84 223.68 447.36 111.845,596.00 1,262.36 1,262.36 1,262.36 412.80 111.92 223.84 447.68 111.925,600.00 1,263.76 1,263.76 1,263.76 413.20 112.00 224.00 448.00 112.005,604.00 1,265.16 1,265.16 1,265.16 413.60 112.08 224.16 448.32 112.085,608.00 1,266.56 1,266.56 1,266.56 414.00 112.16 224.32 448.64 112.165,612.00 1,267.96 1,267.96 1,267.96 414.40 112.24 224.48 448.96 112.245,616.00 1,269.36 1,269.36 1,269.36 414.80 112.32 224.64 449.28 112.325,620.00 1,270.76 1,270.76 1,270.76 415.20 112.40 224.80 449.60 112.405,624.00 1,272.16 1,272.16 1,272.16 415.60 112.48 224.96 449.92 112.485,628.00 1,273.56 1,273.56 1,273.56 416.00 112.56 225.12 450.24 112.565,632.00 1,274.96 1,274.96 1,274.96 416.40 112.64 225.28 450.56 112.645,636.00 1,276.36 1,276.36 1,276.36 416.80 112.72 225.44 450.88 112.725,640.00 1,277.76 1,277.76 1,277.76 417.20 112.80 225.60 451.20 112.805,644.00 1,279.16 1,279.16 1,279.16 417.60 112.88 225.76 451.52 112.885,648.00 1,280.56 1,280.56 1,280.56 418.00 112.96 225.92 451.84 112.965,652.00 1,281.96 1,281.96 1,281.96 418.40 113.04 226.08 452.16 113.045,656.00 1,283.40 1,283.40 1,283.40 418.80 113.12 226.24 452.48 113.125,660.00 1,284.80 1,284.80 1,284.80 419.20 113.20 226.40 452.80 113.205,664.00 1,286.20 1,286.20 1,286.20 419.60 113.28 226.56 453.12 113.285,668.00 1,287.60 1,287.60 1,287.60 420.00 113.36 226.72 453.44 113.365,672.00 1,289.00 1,289.00 1,289.00 420.40 113.44 226.88 453.76 113.445,676.00 1,290.40 1,290.40 1,290.40 420.80 113.52 227.04 454.08 113.525,680.00 1,291.80 1,291.80 1,291.80 421.20 113.60 227.20 454.40 113.605,684.00 1,293.20 1,293.20 1,293.20 421.60 113.68 227.36 454.72 113.685,688.00 1,294.60 1,294.60 1,294.60 422.00 113.76 227.52 455.04 113.765,692.00 1,296.00 1,296.00 1,296.00 422.40 113.84 227.68 455.36 113.845,696.00 1,297.40 1,297.40 1,297.40 422.80 113.92 227.84 455.68 113.925,700.00 1,298.80 1,298.80 1,298.80 423.20 114.00 228.00 456.00 114.005,704.00 1,300.20 1,300.20 1,300.20 423.60 114.08 228.16 456.32 114.085,708.00 1,301.60 1,301.60 1,301.60 424.00 114.16 228.32 456.64 114.165,712.00 1,303.00 1,303.00 1,303.00 424.40 114.24 228.48 456.96 114.245,716.00 1,304.40 1,304.40 1,304.40 424.80 114.32 228.64 457.28 114.325,720.00 1,305.80 1,305.80 1,305.80 425.20 114.40 228.80 457.60 114.40

FOUR-WEEKLY AND MONTHLY <strong>PAYE</strong> DEDUCTION TABLES 41Earnings<strong>Four</strong>-Weekly Pay Periods – Earnings $5,944 to $6,160Codes<strong>PAYE</strong>KiwiSaverM ME ML SL Loan ded 2% 4% 8% CEC$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $5,944.00 1,384.28 1,384.28 1,384.28 447.60 118.88 237.76 475.52 118.885,948.00 1,385.68 1,385.68 1,385.68 448.00 118.96 237.92 475.84 118.965,952.00 1,387.08 1,387.08 1,387.08 448.40 119.04 238.08 476.16 119.045,956.00 1,388.52 1,388.52 1,388.52 448.80 119.12 238.24 476.48 119.125,960.00 1,389.92 1,389.92 1,389.92 449.20 119.20 238.40 476.80 119.205,964.00 1,391.32 1,391.32 1,391.32 449.60 119.28 238.56 477.12 119.285,968.00 1,392.72 1,392.72 1,392.72 450.00 119.36 238.72 477.44 119.365,972.00 1,394.12 1,394.12 1,394.12 450.40 119.44 238.88 477.76 119.445,976.00 1,395.52 1,395.52 1,395.52 450.80 119.52 239.04 478.08 119.525,980.00 1,396.92 1,396.92 1,396.92 451.20 119.60 239.20 478.40 119.605,984.00 1,398.32 1,398.32 1,398.32 451.60 119.68 239.36 478.72 119.685,988.00 1,399.72 1,399.72 1,399.72 452.00 119.76 239.52 479.04 119.765,992.00 1,401.12 1,401.12 1,401.12 452.40 119.84 239.68 479.36 119.845,996.00 1,402.52 1,402.52 1,402.52 452.80 119.92 239.84 479.68 119.926,000.00 1,403.92 1,403.92 1,403.92 453.20 120.00 240.00 480.00 120.006,004.00 1,405.32 1,405.32 1,405.32 453.60 120.08 240.16 480.32 120.086,008.00 1,406.72 1,406.72 1,406.72 454.00 120.16 240.32 480.64 120.166,012.00 1,408.12 1,408.12 1,408.12 454.40 120.24 240.48 480.96 120.246,016.00 1,409.52 1,409.52 1,409.52 454.80 120.32 240.64 481.28 120.326,020.00 1,410.92 1,410.92 1,410.92 455.20 120.40 240.80 481.60 120.40FOUR-WEEKLY6,024.00 1,412.32 1,412.32 1,412.32 455.60 120.48 240.96 481.92 120.486,028.00 1,413.72 1,413.72 1,413.72 456.00 120.56 241.12 482.24 120.566,032.00 1,415.12 1,415.12 1,415.12 456.40 120.64 241.28 482.56 120.646,036.00 1,416.52 1,416.52 1,416.52 456.80 120.72 241.44 482.88 120.726,040.00 1,417.92 1,417.92 1,417.92 457.20 120.80 241.60 483.20 120.806,044.00 1,419.32 1,419.32 1,419.32 457.60 120.88 241.76 483.52 120.886,048.00 1,420.72 1,420.72 1,420.72 458.00 120.96 241.92 483.84 120.966,052.00 1,422.12 1,422.12 1,422.12 458.40 121.04 242.08 484.16 121.046,056.00 1,423.56 1,423.56 1,423.56 458.80 121.12 242.24 484.48 121.126,060.00 1,424.96 1,424.96 1,424.96 459.20 121.20 242.40 484.80 121.206,064.00 1,426.36 1,426.36 1,426.36 459.60 121.28 242.56 485.12 121.286,068.00 1,427.76 1,427.76 1,427.76 460.00 121.36 242.72 485.44 121.366,072.00 1,429.16 1,429.16 1,429.16 460.40 121.44 242.88 485.76 121.446,076.00 1,430.56 1,430.56 1,430.56 460.80 121.52 243.04 486.08 121.526,080.00 1,431.96 1,431.96 1,431.96 461.20 121.60 243.20 486.40 121.606,084.00 1,433.36 1,433.36 1,433.36 461.60 121.68 243.36 486.72 121.686,088.00 1,434.76 1,434.76 1,434.76 462.00 121.76 243.52 487.04 121.766,092.00 1,436.16 1,436.16 1,436.16 462.40 121.84 243.68 487.36 121.846,096.00 1,437.56 1,437.56 1,437.56 462.80 121.92 243.84 487.68 121.926,100.00 1,438.96 1,438.96 1,438.96 463.20 122.00 244.00 488.00 122.006,104.00 1,440.36 1,440.36 1,440.36 463.60 122.08 244.16 488.32 122.086,108.00 1,441.76 1,441.76 1,441.76 464.00 122.16 244.32 488.64 122.166,112.00 1,443.16 1,443.16 1,443.16 464.40 122.24 244.48 488.96 122.246,116.00 1,444.56 1,444.56 1,444.56 464.80 122.32 244.64 489.28 122.326,120.00 1,445.96 1,445.96 1,445.96 465.20 122.40 244.80 489.60 122.406,124.00 1,447.36 1,447.36 1,447.36 465.60 122.48 244.96 489.92 122.486,128.00 1,448.76 1,448.76 1,448.76 466.00 122.56 245.12 490.24 122.566,132.00 1,450.16 1,450.16 1,450.16 466.40 122.64 245.28 490.56 122.646,136.00 1,451.56 1,451.56 1,451.56 466.80 122.72 245.44 490.88 122.726,140.00 1,452.96 1,452.96 1,452.96 467.20 122.80 245.60 491.20 122.806,144.00 1,454.36 1,454.36 1,454.36 467.60 122.88 245.76 491.52 122.886,148.00 1,455.76 1,455.76 1,455.76 468.00 122.96 245.92 491.84 122.966,152.00 1,457.16 1,457.16 1,457.16 468.40 123.04 246.08 492.16 123.046,156.00 1,458.60 1,458.60 1,458.60 468.80 123.12 246.24 492.48 123.126,160.00 1,460.00 1,460.00 1,460.00 469.20 123.20 246.40 492.80 123.20

42 FOUR-WEEKLY AND MONTHLY <strong>PAYE</strong> DEDUCTION TABLESEarnings<strong>Four</strong>-Weekly Pay Periods – Earnings $6,164 to $6,380Codes<strong>PAYE</strong>KiwiSaverM ME ML SL Loan ded 2% 4% 8% CEC$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $6,164.00 1,461.40 1,461.40 1,461.40 469.60 123.28 246.56 493.12 123.286,168.00 1,462.80 1,462.80 1,462.80 470.00 123.36 246.72 493.44 123.366,172.00 1,464.20 1,464.20 1,464.20 470.40 123.44 246.88 493.76 123.446,176.00 1,465.60 1,465.60 1,465.60 470.80 123.52 247.04 494.08 123.526,180.00 1,467.00 1,467.00 1,467.00 471.20 123.60 247.20 494.40 123.606,184.00 1,468.40 1,468.40 1,468.40 471.60 123.68 247.36 494.72 123.686,188.00 1,469.80 1,469.80 1,469.80 472.00 123.76 247.52 495.04 123.766,192.00 1,471.20 1,471.20 1,471.20 472.40 123.84 247.68 495.36 123.846,196.00 1,472.60 1,472.60 1,472.60 472.80 123.92 247.84 495.68 123.926,200.00 1,474.00 1,474.00 1,474.00 473.20 124.00 248.00 496.00 124.00FOUR-WEEKLY6,204.00 1,475.40 1,475.40 1,475.40 473.60 124.08 248.16 496.32 124.086,208.00 1,476.80 1,476.80 1,476.80 474.00 124.16 248.32 496.64 124.166,212.00 1,478.20 1,478.20 1,478.20 474.40 124.24 248.48 496.96 124.246,216.00 1,479.60 1,479.60 1,479.60 474.80 124.32 248.64 497.28 124.326,220.00 1,481.00 1,481.00 1,481.00 475.20 124.40 248.80 497.60 124.406,224.00 1,482.40 1,482.40 1,482.40 475.60 124.48 248.96 497.92 124.486,228.00 1,483.80 1,483.80 1,483.80 476.00 124.56 249.12 498.24 124.566,232.00 1,485.20 1,485.20 1,485.20 476.40 124.64 249.28 498.56 124.646,236.00 1,486.60 1,486.60 1,486.60 476.80 124.72 249.44 498.88 124.726,240.00 1,488.00 1,488.00 1,488.00 477.20 124.80 249.60 499.20 124.806,244.00 1,489.40 1,489.40 1,489.40 477.60 124.88 249.76 499.52 124.886,248.00 1,490.80 1,490.80 1,490.80 478.00 124.96 249.92 499.84 124.966,252.00 1,492.20 1,492.20 1,492.20 478.40 125.04 250.08 500.16 125.046,256.00 1,493.64 1,493.64 1,493.64 478.80 125.12 250.24 500.48 125.126,260.00 1,495.04 1,495.04 1,495.04 479.20 125.20 250.40 500.80 125.206,264.00 1,496.44 1,496.44 1,496.44 479.60 125.28 250.56 501.12 125.286,268.00 1,497.84 1,497.84 1,497.84 480.00 125.36 250.72 501.44 125.366,272.00 1,499.24 1,499.24 1,499.24 480.40 125.44 250.88 501.76 125.446,276.00 1,500.64 1,500.64 1,500.64 480.80 125.52 251.04 502.08 125.526,280.00 1,502.04 1,502.04 1,502.04 481.20 125.60 251.20 502.40 125.606,284.00 1,503.44 1,503.44 1,503.44 481.60 125.68 251.36 502.72 125.686,288.00 1,504.84 1,504.84 1,504.84 482.00 125.76 251.52 503.04 125.766,292.00 1,506.24 1,506.24 1,506.24 482.40 125.84 251.68 503.36 125.846,296.00 1,507.64 1,507.64 1,507.64 482.80 125.92 251.84 503.68 125.926,300.00 1,509.04 1,509.04 1,509.04 483.20 126.00 252.00 504.00 126.006,304.00 1,510.44 1,510.44 1,510.44 483.60 126.08 252.16 504.32 126.086,308.00 1,511.84 1,511.84 1,511.84 484.00 126.16 252.32 504.64 126.166,312.00 1,513.24 1,513.24 1,513.24 484.40 126.24 252.48 504.96 126.246,316.00 1,514.64 1,514.64 1,514.64 484.80 126.32 252.64 505.28 126.326,320.00 1,516.04 1,516.04 1,516.04 485.20 126.40 252.80 505.60 126.406,324.00 1,517.44 1,517.44 1,517.44 485.60 126.48 252.96 505.92 126.486,328.00 1,518.84 1,518.84 1,518.84 486.00 126.56 253.12 506.24 126.566,332.00 1,520.24 1,520.24 1,520.24 486.40 126.64 253.28 506.56 126.646,336.00 1,521.64 1,521.64 1,521.64 486.80 126.72 253.44 506.88 126.726,340.00 1,523.04 1,523.04 1,523.04 487.20 126.80 253.60 507.20 126.806,344.00 1,524.44 1,524.44 1,524.44 487.60 126.88 253.76 507.52 126.886,348.00 1,525.84 1,525.84 1,525.84 488.00 126.96 253.92 507.84 126.966,352.00 1,527.24 1,527.24 1,527.24 488.40 127.04 254.08 508.16 127.046,356.00 1,528.68 1,528.68 1,528.68 488.80 127.12 254.24 508.48 127.126,360.00 1,530.08 1,530.08 1,530.08 489.20 127.20 254.40 508.80 127.206,364.00 1,531.48 1,531.48 1,531.48 489.60 127.28 254.56 509.12 127.286,368.00 1,532.88 1,532.88 1,532.88 490.00 127.36 254.72 509.44 127.366,372.00 1,534.28 1,534.28 1,534.28 490.40 127.44 254.88 509.76 127.446,376.00 1,535.68 1,535.68 1,535.68 490.80 127.52 255.04 510.08 127.526,380.00 1,537.08 1,537.08 1,537.08 491.20 127.60 255.20 510.40 127.60

FOUR-WEEKLY AND MONTHLY <strong>PAYE</strong> DEDUCTION TABLES 43Earnings<strong>Four</strong>-Weekly Pay Periods – Earnings $6,384 to $6,600Codes<strong>PAYE</strong>KiwiSaverM ME ML SL Loan ded 2% 4% 8% CEC$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $6,384.00 1,538.48 1,538.48 1,538.48 491.60 127.68 255.36 510.72 127.686,388.00 1,539.88 1,539.88 1,539.88 492.00 127.76 255.52 511.04 127.766,392.00 1,541.28 1,541.28 1,541.28 492.40 127.84 255.68 511.36 127.846,396.00 1,542.68 1,542.68 1,542.68 492.80 127.92 255.84 511.68 127.926,400.00 1,544.08 1,544.08 1,544.08 493.20 128.00 256.00 512.00 128.006,404.00 1,545.48 1,545.48 1,545.48 493.60 128.08 256.16 512.32 128.086,408.00 1,546.88 1,546.88 1,546.88 494.00 128.16 256.32 512.64 128.166,412.00 1,548.28 1,548.28 1,548.28 494.40 128.24 256.48 512.96 128.246,416.00 1,549.68 1,549.68 1,549.68 494.80 128.32 256.64 513.28 128.326,420.00 1,551.08 1,551.08 1,551.08 495.20 128.40 256.80 513.60 128.406,424.00 1,552.48 1,552.48 1,552.48 495.60 128.48 256.96 513.92 128.486,428.00 1,553.88 1,553.88 1,553.88 496.00 128.56 257.12 514.24 128.566,432.00 1,555.28 1,555.28 1,555.28 496.40 128.64 257.28 514.56 128.646,436.00 1,556.68 1,556.68 1,556.68 496.80 128.72 257.44 514.88 128.726,440.00 1,558.08 1,558.08 1,558.08 497.20 128.80 257.60 515.20 128.806,444.00 1,559.48 1,559.48 1,559.48 497.60 128.88 257.76 515.52 128.886,448.00 1,560.88 1,560.88 1,560.88 498.00 128.96 257.92 515.84 128.966,452.00 1,562.28 1,562.28 1,562.28 498.40 129.04 258.08 516.16 129.046,456.00 1,563.72 1,563.72 1,563.72 498.80 129.12 258.24 516.48 129.126,460.00 1,565.12 1,565.12 1,565.12 499.20 129.20 258.40 516.80 129.20FOUR-WEEKLY6,464.00 1,566.52 1,566.52 1,566.52 499.60 129.28 258.56 517.12 129.286,468.00 1,567.92 1,567.92 1,567.92 500.00 129.36 258.72 517.44 129.366,472.00 1,569.32 1,569.32 1,569.32 500.40 129.44 258.88 517.76 129.446,476.00 1,570.72 1,570.72 1,570.72 500.80 129.52 259.04 518.08 129.526,480.00 1,572.12 1,572.12 1,572.12 501.20 129.60 259.20 518.40 129.606,484.00 1,573.52 1,573.52 1,573.52 501.60 129.68 259.36 518.72 129.686,488.00 1,574.92 1,574.92 1,574.92 502.00 129.76 259.52 519.04 129.766,492.00 1,576.32 1,576.32 1,576.32 502.40 129.84 259.68 519.36 129.846,496.00 1,577.72 1,577.72 1,577.72 502.80 129.92 259.84 519.68 129.926,500.00 1,579.12 1,579.12 1,579.12 503.20 130.00 260.00 520.00 130.006,504.00 1,580.52 1,580.52 1,580.52 503.60 130.08 260.16 520.32 130.086,508.00 1,581.92 1,581.92 1,581.92 504.00 130.16 260.32 520.64 130.166,512.00 1,583.32 1,583.32 1,583.32 504.40 130.24 260.48 520.96 130.246,516.00 1,584.72 1,584.72 1,584.72 504.80 130.32 260.64 521.28 130.326,520.00 1,586.12 1,586.12 1,586.12 505.20 130.40 260.80 521.60 130.406,524.00 1,587.52 1,587.52 1,587.52 505.60 130.48 260.96 521.92 130.486,528.00 1,588.92 1,588.92 1,588.92 506.00 130.56 261.12 522.24 130.566,532.00 1,590.32 1,590.32 1,590.32 506.40 130.64 261.28 522.56 130.646,536.00 1,591.72 1,591.72 1,591.72 506.80 130.72 261.44 522.88 130.726,540.00 1,593.12 1,593.12 1,593.12 507.20 130.80 261.60 523.20 130.806,544.00 1,594.52 1,594.52 1,594.52 507.60 130.88 261.76 523.52 130.886,548.00 1,595.92 1,595.92 1,595.92 508.00 130.96 261.92 523.84 130.966,552.00 1,597.32 1,597.32 1,597.32 508.40 131.04 262.08 524.16 131.046,556.00 1,598.76 1,598.76 1,598.76 508.80 131.12 262.24 524.48 131.126,560.00 1,600.16 1,600.16 1,600.16 509.20 131.20 262.40 524.80 131.206,564.00 1,601.56 1,601.56 1,601.56 509.60 131.28 262.56 525.12 131.286,568.00 1,602.96 1,602.96 1,602.96 510.00 131.36 262.72 525.44 131.366,572.00 1,604.36 1,604.36 1,604.36 510.40 131.44 262.88 525.76 131.446,576.00 1,605.76 1,605.76 1,605.76 510.80 131.52 263.04 526.08 131.526,580.00 1,607.16 1,607.16 1,607.16 511.20 131.60 263.20 526.40 131.606,584.00 1,608.56 1,608.56 1,608.56 511.60 131.68 263.36 526.72 131.686,588.00 1,609.96 1,609.96 1,609.96 512.00 131.76 263.52 527.04 131.766,592.00 1,611.36 1,611.36 1,611.36 512.40 131.84 263.68 527.36 131.846,596.00 1,612.76 1,612.76 1,612.76 512.80 131.92 263.84 527.68 131.926,600.00 1,614.16 1,614.16 1,614.16 513.20 132.00 264.00 528.00 132.00

44 FOUR-WEEKLY AND MONTHLY <strong>PAYE</strong> DEDUCTION TABLESEarnings<strong>Four</strong>-Weekly Pay Periods – Earnings $6,604 to $6,820Codes<strong>PAYE</strong>KiwiSaverM ME ML SL Loan ded 2% 4% 8% CEC$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $6,604.00 1,615.56 1,615.56 1,615.56 513.60 132.08 264.16 528.32 132.086,608.00 1,616.96 1,616.96 1,616.96 514.00 132.16 264.32 528.64 132.166,612.00 1,618.36 1,618.36 1,618.36 514.40 132.24 264.48 528.96 132.246,616.00 1,619.76 1,619.76 1,619.76 514.80 132.32 264.64 529.28 132.326,620.00 1,621.16 1,621.16 1,621.16 515.20 132.40 264.80 529.60 132.406,624.00 1,622.56 1,622.56 1,622.56 515.60 132.48 264.96 529.92 132.486,628.00 1,623.96 1,623.96 1,623.96 516.00 132.56 265.12 530.24 132.566,632.00 1,625.36 1,625.36 1,625.36 516.40 132.64 265.28 530.56 132.646,636.00 1,626.76 1,626.76 1,626.76 516.80 132.72 265.44 530.88 132.726,640.00 1,628.16 1,628.16 1,628.16 517.20 132.80 265.60 531.20 132.80FOUR-WEEKLY6,644.00 1,629.56 1,629.56 1,629.56 517.60 132.88 265.76 531.52 132.886,648.00 1,630.96 1,630.96 1,630.96 518.00 132.96 265.92 531.84 132.966,652.00 1,632.36 1,632.36 1,632.36 518.40 133.04 266.08 532.16 133.046,656.00 1,633.80 1,633.80 1,633.80 518.80 133.12 266.24 532.48 133.126,660.00 1,635.20 1,635.20 1,635.20 519.20 133.20 266.40 532.80 133.206,664.00 1,636.60 1,636.60 1,636.60 519.60 133.28 266.56 533.12 133.286,668.00 1,638.00 1,638.00 1,638.00 520.00 133.36 266.72 533.44 133.366,672.00 1,639.40 1,639.40 1,639.40 520.40 133.44 266.88 533.76 133.446,676.00 1,640.80 1,640.80 1,640.80 520.80 133.52 267.04 534.08 133.526,680.00 1,642.20 1,642.20 1,642.20 521.20 133.60 267.20 534.40 133.606,684.00 1,643.60 1,643.60 1,643.60 521.60 133.68 267.36 534.72 133.686,688.00 1,645.00 1,645.00 1,645.00 522.00 133.76 267.52 535.04 133.766,692.00 1,646.40 1,646.40 1,646.40 522.40 133.84 267.68 535.36 133.846,696.00 1,647.80 1,647.80 1,647.80 522.80 133.92 267.84 535.68 133.926,700.00 1,649.20 1,649.20 1,649.20 523.20 134.00 268.00 536.00 134.006,704.00 1,650.60 1,650.60 1,650.60 523.60 134.08 268.16 536.32 134.086,708.00 1,652.00 1,652.00 1,652.00 524.00 134.16 268.32 536.64 134.166,712.00 1,653.40 1,653.40 1,653.40 524.40 134.24 268.48 536.96 134.246,716.00 1,654.80 1,654.80 1,654.80 524.80 134.32 268.64 537.28 134.326,720.00 1,656.20 1,656.20 1,656.20 525.20 134.40 268.80 537.60 134.406,724.00 1,657.60 1,657.60 1,657.60 525.60 134.48 268.96 537.92 134.486,728.00 1,659.00 1,659.00 1,659.00 526.00 134.56 269.12 538.24 134.566,732.00 1,660.40 1,660.40 1,660.40 526.40 134.64 269.28 538.56 134.646,736.00 1,661.80 1,661.80 1,661.80 526.80 134.72 269.44 538.88 134.726,740.00 1,663.20 1,663.20 1,663.20 527.20 134.80 269.60 539.20 134.806,744.00 1,664.60 1,664.60 1,664.60 527.60 134.88 269.76 539.52 134.886,748.00 1,666.00 1,666.00 1,666.00 528.00 134.96 269.92 539.84 134.966,752.00 1,667.40 1,667.40 1,667.40 528.40 135.04 270.08 540.16 135.046,756.00 1,668.84 1,668.84 1,668.84 528.80 135.12 270.24 540.48 135.126,760.00 1,670.24 1,670.24 1,670.24 529.20 135.20 270.40 540.80 135.206,764.00 1,671.64 1,671.64 1,671.64 529.60 135.28 270.56 541.12 135.286,768.00 1,673.04 1,673.04 1,673.04 530.00 135.36 270.72 541.44 135.366,772.00 1,674.44 1,674.44 1,674.44 530.40 135.44 270.88 541.76 135.446,776.00 1,675.84 1,675.84 1,675.84 530.80 135.52 271.04 542.08 135.526,780.00 1,677.24 1,677.24 1,677.24 531.20 135.60 271.20 542.40 135.606,784.00 1,678.64 1,678.64 1,678.64 531.60 135.68 271.36 542.72 135.686,788.00 1,680.04 1,680.04 1,680.04 532.00 135.76 271.52 543.04 135.766,792.00 1,681.44 1,681.44 1,681.44 532.40 135.84 271.68 543.36 135.846,796.00 1,682.84 1,682.84 1,682.84 532.80 135.92 271.84 543.68 135.926,800.00 1,684.24 1,684.24 1,684.24 533.20 136.00 272.00 544.00 136.006,804.00 1,685.64 1,685.64 1,685.64 533.60 136.08 272.16 544.32 136.086,808.00 1,687.04 1,687.04 1,687.04 534.00 136.16 272.32 544.64 136.166,812.00 1,688.44 1,688.44 1,688.44 534.40 136.24 272.48 544.96 136.246,816.00 1,689.84 1,689.84 1,689.84 534.80 136.32 272.64 545.28 136.326,820.00 1,691.24 1,691.24 1,691.24 535.20 136.40 272.80 545.60 136.40

FOUR-WEEKLY AND MONTHLY <strong>PAYE</strong> DEDUCTION TABLES 45Earnings<strong>Four</strong>-Weekly Pay Periods – Earnings $6,824 to $7,040Codes<strong>PAYE</strong>KiwiSaverM ME ML SL Loan ded 2% 4% 8% CEC$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $6,824.00 1,692.64 1,692.64 1,692.64 535.60 136.48 272.96 545.92 136.486,828.00 1,694.04 1,694.04 1,694.04 536.00 136.56 273.12 546.24 136.566,832.00 1,695.44 1,695.44 1,695.44 536.40 136.64 273.28 546.56 136.646,836.00 1,696.84 1,696.84 1,696.84 536.80 136.72 273.44 546.88 136.726,840.00 1,698.24 1,698.24 1,698.24 537.20 136.80 273.60 547.20 136.806,844.00 1,699.64 1,699.64 1,699.64 537.60 136.88 273.76 547.52 136.886,848.00 1,701.04 1,701.04 1,701.04 538.00 136.96 273.92 547.84 136.966,852.00 1,702.44 1,702.44 1,702.44 538.40 137.04 274.08 548.16 137.046,856.00 1,703.88 1,703.88 1,703.88 538.80 137.12 274.24 548.48 137.126,860.00 1,705.28 1,705.28 1,705.28 539.20 137.20 274.40 548.80 137.206,864.00 1,706.68 1,706.68 1,706.68 539.60 137.28 274.56 549.12 137.286,868.00 1,708.08 1,708.08 1,708.08 540.00 137.36 274.72 549.44 137.366,872.00 1,709.48 1,709.48 1,709.48 540.40 137.44 274.88 549.76 137.446,876.00 1,710.88 1,710.88 1,710.88 540.80 137.52 275.04 550.08 137.526,880.00 1,712.28 1,712.28 1,712.28 541.20 137.60 275.20 550.40 137.606,884.00 1,713.68 1,713.68 1,713.68 541.60 137.68 275.36 550.72 137.686,888.00 1,715.08 1,715.08 1,715.08 542.00 137.76 275.52 551.04 137.766,892.00 1,716.48 1,716.48 1,716.48 542.40 137.84 275.68 551.36 137.846,896.00 1,717.88 1,717.88 1,717.88 542.80 137.92 275.84 551.68 137.926,900.00 1,719.28 1,719.28 1,719.28 543.20 138.00 276.00 552.00 138.00FOUR-WEEKLY6,904.00 1,720.68 1,720.68 1,720.68 543.60 138.08 276.16 552.32 138.086,908.00 1,722.08 1,722.08 1,722.08 544.00 138.16 276.32 552.64 138.166,912.00 1,723.48 1,723.48 1,723.48 544.40 138.24 276.48 552.96 138.246,916.00 1,724.88 1,724.88 1,724.88 544.80 138.32 276.64 553.28 138.326,920.00 1,726.28 1,726.28 1,726.28 545.20 138.40 276.80 553.60 138.406,924.00 1,727.68 1,727.68 1,727.68 545.60 138.48 276.96 553.92 138.486,928.00 1,729.08 1,729.08 1,729.08 546.00 138.56 277.12 554.24 138.566,932.00 1,730.48 1,730.48 1,730.48 546.40 138.64 277.28 554.56 138.646,936.00 1,731.88 1,731.88 1,731.88 546.80 138.72 277.44 554.88 138.726,940.00 1,733.28 1,733.28 1,733.28 547.20 138.80 277.60 555.20 138.806,944.00 1,734.68 1,734.68 1,734.68 547.60 138.88 277.76 555.52 138.886,948.00 1,736.08 1,736.08 1,736.08 548.00 138.96 277.92 555.84 138.966,952.00 1,737.48 1,737.48 1,737.48 548.40 139.04 278.08 556.16 139.046,956.00 1,738.92 1,738.92 1,738.92 548.80 139.12 278.24 556.48 139.126,960.00 1,740.32 1,740.32 1,740.32 549.20 139.20 278.40 556.80 139.206,964.00 1,741.72 1,741.72 1,741.72 549.60 139.28 278.56 557.12 139.286,968.00 1,743.12 1,743.12 1,743.12 550.00 139.36 278.72 557.44 139.366,972.00 1,744.52 1,744.52 1,744.52 550.40 139.44 278.88 557.76 139.446,976.00 1,745.92 1,745.92 1,745.92 550.80 139.52 279.04 558.08 139.526,980.00 1,747.32 1,747.32 1,747.32 551.20 139.60 279.20 558.40 139.606,984.00 1,748.72 1,748.72 1,748.72 551.60 139.68 279.36 558.72 139.686,988.00 1,750.12 1,750.12 1,750.12 552.00 139.76 279.52 559.04 139.766,992.00 1,751.52 1,751.52 1,751.52 552.40 139.84 279.68 559.36 139.846,996.00 1,752.92 1,752.92 1,752.92 552.80 139.92 279.84 559.68 139.927,000.00 1,754.32 1,754.32 1,754.32 553.20 140.00 280.00 560.00 140.007,004.00 1,755.72 1,755.72 1,755.72 553.60 140.08 280.16 560.32 140.087,008.00 1,757.12 1,757.12 1,757.12 554.00 140.16 280.32 560.64 140.167,012.00 1,758.52 1,758.52 1,758.52 554.40 140.24 280.48 560.96 140.247,016.00 1,759.92 1,759.92 1,759.92 554.80 140.32 280.64 561.28 140.327,020.00 1,761.32 1,761.32 1,761.32 555.20 140.40 280.80 561.60 140.407,024.00 1,762.72 1,762.72 1,762.72 555.60 140.48 280.96 561.92 140.487,028.00 1,764.12 1,764.12 1,764.12 556.00 140.56 281.12 562.24 140.567,032.00 1,765.52 1,765.52 1,765.52 556.40 140.64 281.28 562.56 140.647,036.00 1,766.92 1,766.92 1,766.92 556.80 140.72 281.44 562.88 140.727,040.00 1,768.32 1,768.32 1,768.32 557.20 140.80 281.60 563.20 140.80

46 FOUR-WEEKLY AND MONTHLY <strong>PAYE</strong> DEDUCTION TABLESEarnings<strong>Four</strong>-Weekly Pay Periods – Earnings $7,044 to $7,260Codes<strong>PAYE</strong>KiwiSaverM ME ML SL Loan ded 2% 4% 8% CEC$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $7,044.00 1,769.72 1,769.72 1,769.72 557.60 140.88 281.76 563.52 140.887,048.00 1,771.12 1,771.12 1,771.12 558.00 140.96 281.92 563.84 140.967,052.00 1,772.52 1,772.52 1,772.52 558.40 141.04 282.08 564.16 141.047,056.00 1,773.96 1,773.96 1,773.96 558.80 141.12 282.24 564.48 141.127,060.00 1,775.36 1,775.36 1,775.36 559.20 141.20 282.40 564.80 141.207,064.00 1,776.76 1,776.76 1,776.76 559.60 141.28 282.56 565.12 141.287,068.00 1,778.16 1,778.16 1,778.16 560.00 141.36 282.72 565.44 141.367,072.00 1,779.56 1,779.56 1,779.56 560.40 141.44 282.88 565.76 141.447,076.00 1,780.96 1,780.96 1,780.96 560.80 141.52 283.04 566.08 141.527,080.00 1,782.36 1,782.36 1,782.36 561.20 141.60 283.20 566.40 141.60FOUR-WEEKLY7,084.00 1,783.76 1,783.76 1,783.76 561.60 141.68 283.36 566.72 141.687,088.00 1,785.16 1,785.16 1,785.16 562.00 141.76 283.52 567.04 141.767,092.00 1,786.56 1,786.56 1,786.56 562.40 141.84 283.68 567.36 141.847,096.00 1,787.96 1,787.96 1,787.96 562.80 141.92 283.84 567.68 141.927,100.00 1,789.36 1,789.36 1,789.36 563.20 142.00 284.00 568.00 142.007,104.00 1,790.76 1,790.76 1,790.76 563.60 142.08 284.16 568.32 142.087,108.00 1,792.16 1,792.16 1,792.16 564.00 142.16 284.32 568.64 142.167,112.00 1,793.56 1,793.56 1,793.56 564.40 142.24 284.48 568.96 142.247,116.00 1,794.96 1,794.96 1,794.96 564.80 142.32 284.64 569.28 142.327,120.00 1,796.36 1,796.36 1,796.36 565.20 142.40 284.80 569.60 142.407,124.00 1,797.76 1,797.76 1,797.76 565.60 142.48 284.96 569.92 142.487,128.00 1,799.16 1,799.16 1,799.16 566.00 142.56 285.12 570.24 142.567,132.00 1,800.56 1,800.56 1,800.56 566.40 142.64 285.28 570.56 142.647,136.00 1,801.96 1,801.96 1,801.96 566.80 142.72 285.44 570.88 142.727,140.00 1,803.36 1,803.36 1,803.36 567.20 142.80 285.60 571.20 142.807,144.00 1,804.76 1,804.76 1,804.76 567.60 142.88 285.76 571.52 142.887,148.00 1,806.16 1,806.16 1,806.16 568.00 142.96 285.92 571.84 142.967,152.00 1,807.56 1,807.56 1,807.56 568.40 143.04 286.08 572.16 143.047,156.00 1,809.00 1,809.00 1,809.00 568.80 143.12 286.24 572.48 143.127,160.00 1,810.40 1,810.40 1,810.40 569.20 143.20 286.40 572.80 143.207,164.00 1,811.80 1,811.80 1,811.80 569.60 143.28 286.56 573.12 143.287,168.00 1,813.20 1,813.20 1,813.20 570.00 143.36 286.72 573.44 143.367,172.00 1,814.60 1,814.60 1,814.60 570.40 143.44 286.88 573.76 143.447,176.00 1,816.00 1,816.00 1,816.00 570.80 143.52 287.04 574.08 143.527,180.00 1,817.40 1,817.40 1,817.40 571.20 143.60 287.20 574.40 143.607,184.00 1,818.80 1,818.80 1,818.80 571.60 143.68 287.36 574.72 143.687,188.00 1,820.20 1,820.20 1,820.20 572.00 143.76 287.52 575.04 143.767,192.00 1,821.60 1,821.60 1,821.60 572.40 143.84 287.68 575.36 143.847,196.00 1,823.00 1,823.00 1,823.00 572.80 143.92 287.84 575.68 143.927,200.00 1,824.40 1,824.40 1,824.40 573.20 144.00 288.00 576.00 144.007,204.00 1,825.80 1,825.80 1,825.80 573.60 144.08 288.16 576.32 144.087,208.00 1,827.20 1,827.20 1,827.20 574.00 144.16 288.32 576.64 144.167,212.00 1,828.60 1,828.60 1,828.60 574.40 144.24 288.48 576.96 144.247,216.00 1,830.00 1,830.00 1,830.00 574.80 144.32 288.64 577.28 144.327,220.00 1,831.40 1,831.40 1,831.40 575.20 144.40 288.80 577.60 144.407,224.00 1,832.80 1,832.80 1,832.80 575.60 144.48 288.96 577.92 144.487,228.00 1,834.20 1,834.20 1,834.20 576.00 144.56 289.12 578.24 144.567,232.00 1,835.60 1,835.60 1,835.60 576.40 144.64 289.28 578.56 144.647,236.00 1,837.00 1,837.00 1,837.00 576.80 144.72 289.44 578.88 144.727,240.00 1,838.40 1,838.40 1,838.40 577.20 144.80 289.60 579.20 144.807,244.00 1,839.80 1,839.80 1,839.80 577.60 144.88 289.76 579.52 144.887,248.00 1,841.20 1,841.20 1,841.20 578.00 144.96 289.92 579.84 144.967,252.00 1,842.60 1,842.60 1,842.60 578.40 145.04 290.08 580.16 145.047,256.00 1,844.04 1,844.04 1,844.04 578.80 145.12 290.24 580.48 145.127,260.00 1,845.44 1,845.44 1,845.44 579.20 145.20 290.40 580.80 145.20

FOUR-WEEKLY AND MONTHLY <strong>PAYE</strong> DEDUCTION TABLES 47Earnings<strong>Four</strong>-Weekly Pay Periods – Earnings $7,264 to $7,480Codes<strong>PAYE</strong>KiwiSaverM ME ML SL Loan ded 2% 4% 8% CEC$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $7,264.00 1,846.84 1,846.84 1,846.84 579.60 145.28 290.56 581.12 145.287,268.00 1,848.24 1,848.24 1,848.24 580.00 145.36 290.72 581.44 145.367,272.00 1,849.64 1,849.64 1,849.64 580.40 145.44 290.88 581.76 145.447,276.00 1,851.04 1,851.04 1,851.04 580.80 145.52 291.04 582.08 145.527,280.00 1,852.44 1,852.44 1,852.44 581.20 145.60 291.20 582.40 145.607,284.00 1,853.84 1,853.84 1,853.84 581.60 145.68 291.36 582.72 145.687,288.00 1,855.24 1,855.24 1,855.24 582.00 145.76 291.52 583.04 145.767,292.00 1,856.64 1,856.64 1,856.64 582.40 145.84 291.68 583.36 145.847,296.00 1,858.04 1,858.04 1,858.04 582.80 145.92 291.84 583.68 145.927,300.00 1,859.44 1,859.44 1,859.44 583.20 146.00 292.00 584.00 146.007,304.00 1,860.84 1,860.84 1,860.84 583.60 146.08 292.16 584.32 146.087,308.00 1,862.24 1,862.24 1,862.24 584.00 146.16 292.32 584.64 146.167,312.00 1,863.64 1,863.64 1,863.64 584.40 146.24 292.48 584.96 146.247,316.00 1,865.04 1,865.04 1,865.04 584.80 146.32 292.64 585.28 146.327,320.00 1,866.44 1,866.44 1,866.44 585.20 146.40 292.80 585.60 146.407,324.00 1,867.84 1,867.84 1,867.84 585.60 146.48 292.96 585.92 146.487,328.00 1,869.24 1,869.24 1,869.24 586.00 146.56 293.12 586.24 146.567,332.00 1,870.64 1,870.64 1,870.64 586.40 146.64 293.28 586.56 146.647,336.00 1,872.04 1,872.04 1,872.04 586.80 146.72 293.44 586.88 146.727,340.00 1,873.44 1,873.44 1,873.44 587.20 146.80 293.60 587.20 146.80FOUR-WEEKLY7,344.00 1,874.84 1,874.84 1,874.84 587.60 146.88 293.76 587.52 146.887,348.00 1,876.24 1,876.24 1,876.24 588.00 146.96 293.92 587.84 146.967,352.00 1,877.64 1,877.64 1,877.64 588.40 147.04 294.08 588.16 147.047,356.00 1,879.08 1,879.08 1,879.08 588.80 147.12 294.24 588.48 147.127,360.00 1,880.48 1,880.48 1,880.48 589.20 147.20 294.40 588.80 147.207,364.00 1,881.88 1,881.88 1,881.88 589.60 147.28 294.56 589.12 147.287,368.00 1,883.28 1,883.28 1,883.28 590.00 147.36 294.72 589.44 147.367,372.00 1,884.68 1,884.68 1,884.68 590.40 147.44 294.88 589.76 147.447,376.00 1,886.08 1,886.08 1,886.08 590.80 147.52 295.04 590.08 147.527,380.00 1,887.48 1,887.48 1,887.48 591.20 147.60 295.20 590.40 147.607,384.00 1,888.88 1,888.88 1,888.88 591.60 147.68 295.36 590.72 147.687,388.00 1,890.28 1,890.28 1,890.28 592.00 147.76 295.52 591.04 147.767,392.00 1,891.68 1,891.68 1,891.68 592.40 147.84 295.68 591.36 147.847,396.00 1,893.08 1,893.08 1,893.08 592.80 147.92 295.84 591.68 147.927,400.00 1,894.48 1,894.48 1,894.48 593.20 148.00 296.00 592.00 148.007,404.00 1,895.88 1,895.88 1,895.88 593.60 148.08 296.16 592.32 148.087,408.00 1,897.28 1,897.28 1,897.28 594.00 148.16 296.32 592.64 148.167,412.00 1,898.68 1,898.68 1,898.68 594.40 148.24 296.48 592.96 148.247,416.00 1,900.08 1,900.08 1,900.08 594.80 148.32 296.64 593.28 148.327,420.00 1,901.48 1,901.48 1,901.48 595.20 148.40 296.80 593.60 148.407,424.00 1,902.88 1,902.88 1,902.88 595.60 148.48 296.96 593.92 148.487,428.00 1,904.28 1,904.28 1,904.28 596.00 148.56 297.12 594.24 148.567,432.00 1,905.68 1,905.68 1,905.68 596.40 148.64 297.28 594.56 148.647,436.00 1,907.08 1,907.08 1,907.08 596.80 148.72 297.44 594.88 148.727,440.00 1,908.48 1,908.48 1,908.48 597.20 148.80 297.60 595.20 148.807,444.00 1,909.88 1,909.88 1,909.88 597.60 148.88 297.76 595.52 148.887,448.00 1,911.28 1,911.28 1,911.28 598.00 148.96 297.92 595.84 148.967,452.00 1,912.68 1,912.68 1,912.68 598.40 149.04 298.08 596.16 149.047,456.00 1,914.12 1,914.12 1,914.12 598.80 149.12 298.24 596.48 149.127,460.00 1,915.52 1,915.52 1,915.52 599.20 149.20 298.40 596.80 149.207,464.00 1,916.92 1,916.92 1,916.92 599.60 149.28 298.56 597.12 149.287,468.00 1,918.32 1,918.32 1,918.32 600.00 149.36 298.72 597.44 149.367,472.00 1,919.72 1,919.72 1,919.72 600.40 149.44 298.88 597.76 149.447,476.00 1,921.12 1,921.12 1,921.12 600.80 149.52 299.04 598.08 149.527,480.00 1,922.52 1,922.52 1,922.52 601.20 149.60 299.20 598.40 149.60

48 FOUR-WEEKLY AND MONTHLY <strong>PAYE</strong> DEDUCTION TABLESEarnings<strong>Four</strong>-Weekly Pay Periods – Earnings $7,484 to $7,700Codes<strong>PAYE</strong>KiwiSaverM ME ML SL Loan ded 2% 4% 8% CEC$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $7,484.00 1,923.92 1,923.92 1,923.92 601.60 149.68 299.36 598.72 149.687,488.00 1,925.32 1,925.32 1,925.32 602.00 149.76 299.52 599.04 149.767,492.00 1,926.72 1,926.72 1,926.72 602.40 149.84 299.68 599.36 149.847,496.00 1,928.12 1,928.12 1,928.12 602.80 149.92 299.84 599.68 149.927,500.00 1,929.52 1,929.52 1,929.52 603.20 150.00 300.00 600.00 150.007,504.00 1,930.92 1,930.92 1,930.92 603.60 150.08 300.16 600.32 150.087,508.00 1,932.32 1,932.32 1,932.32 604.00 150.16 300.32 600.64 150.167,512.00 1,933.72 1,933.72 1,933.72 604.40 150.24 300.48 600.96 150.247,516.00 1,935.12 1,935.12 1,935.12 604.80 150.32 300.64 601.28 150.327,520.00 1,936.52 1,936.52 1,936.52 605.20 150.40 300.80 601.60 150.40FOUR-WEEKLY7,524.00 1,937.92 1,937.92 1,937.92 605.60 150.48 300.96 601.92 150.487,528.00 1,939.32 1,939.32 1,939.32 606.00 150.56 301.12 602.24 150.567,532.00 1,940.72 1,940.72 1,940.72 606.40 150.64 301.28 602.56 150.647,536.00 1,942.12 1,942.12 1,942.12 606.80 150.72 301.44 602.88 150.727,540.00 1,943.52 1,943.52 1,943.52 607.20 150.80 301.60 603.20 150.807,544.00 1,944.92 1,944.92 1,944.92 607.60 150.88 301.76 603.52 150.887,548.00 1,946.32 1,946.32 1,946.32 608.00 150.96 301.92 603.84 150.967,552.00 1,947.72 1,947.72 1,947.72 608.40 151.04 302.08 604.16 151.047,556.00 1,949.16 1,949.16 1,949.16 608.80 151.12 302.24 604.48 151.127,560.00 1,950.56 1,950.56 1,950.56 609.20 151.20 302.40 604.80 151.207,564.00 1,951.96 1,951.96 1,951.96 609.60 151.28 302.56 605.12 151.287,568.00 1,953.36 1,953.36 1,953.36 610.00 151.36 302.72 605.44 151.367,572.00 1,954.76 1,954.76 1,954.76 610.40 151.44 302.88 605.76 151.447,576.00 1,956.16 1,956.16 1,956.16 610.80 151.52 303.04 606.08 151.527,580.00 1,957.56 1,957.56 1,957.56 611.20 151.60 303.20 606.40 151.607,584.00 1,958.96 1,958.96 1,958.96 611.60 151.68 303.36 606.72 151.687,588.00 1,960.36 1,960.36 1,960.36 612.00 151.76 303.52 607.04 151.767,592.00 1,961.76 1,961.76 1,961.76 612.40 151.84 303.68 607.36 151.847,596.00 1,963.16 1,963.16 1,963.16 612.80 151.92 303.84 607.68 151.927,600.00 1,964.56 1,964.56 1,964.56 613.20 152.00 304.00 608.00 152.007,604.00 1,965.96 1,965.96 1,965.96 613.60 152.08 304.16 608.32 152.087,608.00 1,967.36 1,967.36 1,967.36 614.00 152.16 304.32 608.64 152.167,612.00 1,968.76 1,968.76 1,968.76 614.40 152.24 304.48 608.96 152.247,616.00 1,970.16 1,970.16 1,970.16 614.80 152.32 304.64 609.28 152.327,620.00 1,971.56 1,971.56 1,971.56 615.20 152.40 304.80 609.60 152.407,624.00 1,972.96 1,972.96 1,972.96 615.60 152.48 304.96 609.92 152.487,628.00 1,974.36 1,974.36 1,974.36 616.00 152.56 305.12 610.24 152.567,632.00 1,975.76 1,975.76 1,975.76 616.40 152.64 305.28 610.56 152.647,636.00 1,977.16 1,977.16 1,977.16 616.80 152.72 305.44 610.88 152.727,640.00 1,978.56 1,978.56 1,978.56 617.20 152.80 305.60 611.20 152.807,644.00 1,979.96 1,979.96 1,979.96 617.60 152.88 305.76 611.52 152.887,648.00 1,981.36 1,981.36 1,981.36 618.00 152.96 305.92 611.84 152.967,652.00 1,982.76 1,982.76 1,982.76 618.40 153.04 306.08 612.16 153.047,656.00 1,984.20 1,984.20 1,984.20 618.80 153.12 306.24 612.48 153.127,660.00 1,985.60 1,985.60 1,985.60 619.20 153.20 306.40 612.80 153.207,664.00 1,987.00 1,987.00 1,987.00 619.60 153.28 306.56 613.12 153.287,668.00 1,988.40 1,988.40 1,988.40 620.00 153.36 306.72 613.44 153.367,672.00 1,989.80 1,989.80 1,989.80 620.40 153.44 306.88 613.76 153.447,676.00 1,991.20 1,991.20 1,991.20 620.80 153.52 307.04 614.08 153.527,680.00 1,992.60 1,992.60 1,992.60 621.20 153.60 307.20 614.40 153.607,684.00 1,994.00 1,994.00 1,994.00 621.60 153.68 307.36 614.72 153.687,688.00 1,995.40 1,995.40 1,995.40 622.00 153.76 307.52 615.04 153.767,692.00 1,996.80 1,996.80 1,996.80 622.40 153.84 307.68 615.36 153.847,696.00 1,998.20 1,998.20 1,998.20 622.80 153.92 307.84 615.68 153.927,700.00 1,999.60 1,999.60 1,999.60 623.20 154.00 308.00 616.00 154.00

FOUR-WEEKLY AND MONTHLY <strong>PAYE</strong> DEDUCTION TABLES 49Earnings<strong>Four</strong>-Weekly Pay Periods – Earnings $7,704 to $7,920Codes<strong>PAYE</strong>KiwiSaverM ME ML SL Loan ded 2% 4% 8% CEC$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $7,704.00 2,001.00 2,001.00 2,001.00 623.60 154.08 308.16 616.32 154.087,708.00 2,002.40 2,002.40 2,002.40 624.00 154.16 308.32 616.64 154.167,712.00 2,003.80 2,003.80 2,003.80 624.40 154.24 308.48 616.96 154.247,716.00 2,005.20 2,005.20 2,005.20 624.80 154.32 308.64 617.28 154.327,720.00 2,006.60 2,006.60 2,006.60 625.20 154.40 308.80 617.60 154.407,724.00 2,008.00 2,008.00 2,008.00 625.60 154.48 308.96 617.92 154.487,728.00 2,009.40 2,009.40 2,009.40 626.00 154.56 309.12 618.24 154.567,732.00 2,010.80 2,010.80 2,010.80 626.40 154.64 309.28 618.56 154.647,736.00 2,012.20 2,012.20 2,012.20 626.80 154.72 309.44 618.88 154.727,740.00 2,013.60 2,013.60 2,013.60 627.20 154.80 309.60 619.20 154.807,744.00 2,015.00 2,015.00 2,015.00 627.60 154.88 309.76 619.52 154.887,748.00 2,016.40 2,016.40 2,016.40 628.00 154.96 309.92 619.84 154.967,752.00 2,017.80 2,017.80 2,017.80 628.40 155.04 310.08 620.16 155.047,756.00 2,019.24 2,019.24 2,019.24 628.80 155.12 310.24 620.48 155.127,760.00 2,020.64 2,020.64 2,020.64 629.20 155.20 310.40 620.80 155.207,764.00 2,022.04 2,022.04 2,022.04 629.60 155.28 310.56 621.12 155.287,768.00 2,023.44 2,023.44 2,023.44 630.00 155.36 310.72 621.44 155.367,772.00 2,024.84 2,024.84 2,024.84 630.40 155.44 310.88 621.76 155.447,776.00 2,026.24 2,026.24 2,026.24 630.80 155.52 311.04 622.08 155.527,780.00 2,027.64 2,027.64 2,027.64 631.20 155.60 311.20 622.40 155.60FOUR-WEEKLY7,784.00 2,029.04 2,029.04 2,029.04 631.60 155.68 311.36 622.72 155.687,788.00 2,030.44 2,030.44 2,030.44 632.00 155.76 311.52 623.04 155.767,792.00 2,031.84 2,031.84 2,031.84 632.40 155.84 311.68 623.36 155.847,796.00 2,033.24 2,033.24 2,033.24 632.80 155.92 311.84 623.68 155.927,800.00 2,034.64 2,034.64 2,034.64 633.20 156.00 312.00 624.00 156.007,804.00 2,036.04 2,036.04 2,036.04 633.60 156.08 312.16 624.32 156.087,808.00 2,037.44 2,037.44 2,037.44 634.00 156.16 312.32 624.64 156.167,812.00 2,038.84 2,038.84 2,038.84 634.40 156.24 312.48 624.96 156.247,816.00 2,040.24 2,040.24 2,040.24 634.80 156.32 312.64 625.28 156.327,820.00 2,041.64 2,041.64 2,041.64 635.20 156.40 312.80 625.60 156.407,824.00 2,043.04 2,043.04 2,043.04 635.60 156.48 312.96 625.92 156.487,828.00 2,044.44 2,044.44 2,044.44 636.00 156.56 313.12 626.24 156.567,832.00 2,045.84 2,045.84 2,045.84 636.40 156.64 313.28 626.56 156.647,836.00 2,047.24 2,047.24 2,047.24 636.80 156.72 313.44 626.88 156.727,840.00 2,048.64 2,048.64 2,048.64 637.20 156.80 313.60 627.20 156.807,844.00 2,050.04 2,050.04 2,050.04 637.60 156.88 313.76 627.52 156.887,848.00 2,051.44 2,051.44 2,051.44 638.00 156.96 313.92 627.84 156.967,852.00 2,052.84 2,052.84 2,052.84 638.40 157.04 314.08 628.16 157.047,856.00 2,054.28 2,054.28 2,054.28 638.80 157.12 314.24 628.48 157.127,860.00 2,055.68 2,055.68 2,055.68 639.20 157.20 314.40 628.80 157.207,864.00 2,057.08 2,057.08 2,057.08 639.60 157.28 314.56 629.12 157.287,868.00 2,058.48 2,058.48 2,058.48 640.00 157.36 314.72 629.44 157.367,872.00 2,059.88 2,059.88 2,059.88 640.40 157.44 314.88 629.76 157.447,876.00 2,061.28 2,061.28 2,061.28 640.80 157.52 315.04 630.08 157.527,880.00 2,062.68 2,062.68 2,062.68 641.20 157.60 315.20 630.40 157.607,884.00 2,064.08 2,064.08 2,064.08 641.60 157.68 315.36 630.72 157.687,888.00 2,065.48 2,065.48 2,065.48 642.00 157.76 315.52 631.04 157.767,892.00 2,066.88 2,066.88 2,066.88 642.40 157.84 315.68 631.36 157.847,896.00 2,068.28 2,068.28 2,068.28 642.80 157.92 315.84 631.68 157.927,900.00 2,069.68 2,069.68 2,069.68 643.20 158.00 316.00 632.00 158.007,904.00 2,071.08 2,071.08 2,071.08 643.60 158.08 316.16 632.32 158.087,908.00 2,072.48 2,072.48 2,072.48 644.00 158.16 316.32 632.64 158.167,912.00 2,073.88 2,073.88 2,073.88 644.40 158.24 316.48 632.96 158.247,916.00 2,075.28 2,075.28 2,075.28 644.80 158.32 316.64 633.28 158.327,920.00 2,076.68 2,076.68 2,076.68 645.20 158.40 316.80 633.60 158.40

50 FOUR-WEEKLY AND MONTHLY <strong>PAYE</strong> DEDUCTION TABLESEarnings<strong>Four</strong>-Weekly Pay Periods – Earnings $7,924 to $8,140Codes<strong>PAYE</strong>KiwiSaverM ME ML SL Loan ded 2% 4% 8% CEC$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $7,924.00 2,078.08 2,078.08 2,078.08 645.60 158.48 316.96 633.92 158.487,928.00 2,079.48 2,079.48 2,079.48 646.00 158.56 317.12 634.24 158.567,932.00 2,080.88 2,080.88 2,080.88 646.40 158.64 317.28 634.56 158.647,936.00 2,082.28 2,082.28 2,082.28 646.80 158.72 317.44 634.88 158.727,940.00 2,083.68 2,083.68 2,083.68 647.20 158.80 317.60 635.20 158.807,944.00 2,085.08 2,085.08 2,085.08 647.60 158.88 317.76 635.52 158.887,948.00 2,086.48 2,086.48 2,086.48 648.00 158.96 317.92 635.84 158.967,952.00 2,087.88 2,087.88 2,087.88 648.40 159.04 318.08 636.16 159.047,956.00 2,089.32 2,089.32 2,089.32 648.80 159.12 318.24 636.48 159.127,960.00 2,090.72 2,090.72 2,090.72 649.20 159.20 318.40 636.80 159.20FOUR-WEEKLY7,964.00 2,092.12 2,092.12 2,092.12 649.60 159.28 318.56 637.12 159.287,968.00 2,093.52 2,093.52 2,093.52 650.00 159.36 318.72 637.44 159.367,972.00 2,094.92 2,094.92 2,094.92 650.40 159.44 318.88 637.76 159.447,976.00 2,096.32 2,096.32 2,096.32 650.80 159.52 319.04 638.08 159.527,980.00 2,097.72 2,097.72 2,097.72 651.20 159.60 319.20 638.40 159.607,984.00 2,099.12 2,099.12 2,099.12 651.60 159.68 319.36 638.72 159.687,988.00 2,100.52 2,100.52 2,100.52 652.00 159.76 319.52 639.04 159.767,992.00 2,101.92 2,101.92 2,101.92 652.40 159.84 319.68 639.36 159.847,996.00 2,103.32 2,103.32 2,103.32 652.80 159.92 319.84 639.68 159.928,000.00 2,104.72 2,104.72 2,104.72 653.20 160.00 320.00 640.00 160.008,004.00 2,106.12 2,106.12 2,106.12 653.60 160.08 320.16 640.32 160.088,008.00 2,107.52 2,107.52 2,107.52 654.00 160.16 320.32 640.64 160.168,012.00 2,108.92 2,108.92 2,108.92 654.40 160.24 320.48 640.96 160.248,016.00 2,110.32 2,110.32 2,110.32 654.80 160.32 320.64 641.28 160.328,020.00 2,111.72 2,111.72 2,111.72 655.20 160.40 320.80 641.60 160.408,024.00 2,113.12 2,113.12 2,113.12 655.60 160.48 320.96 641.92 160.488,028.00 2,114.52 2,114.52 2,114.52 656.00 160.56 321.12 642.24 160.568,032.00 2,115.92 2,115.92 2,115.92 656.40 160.64 321.28 642.56 160.648,036.00 2,117.32 2,117.32 2,117.32 656.80 160.72 321.44 642.88 160.728,040.00 2,118.72 2,118.72 2,118.72 657.20 160.80 321.60 643.20 160.808,044.00 2,120.12 2,120.12 2,120.12 657.60 160.88 321.76 643.52 160.888,048.00 2,121.52 2,121.52 2,121.52 658.00 160.96 321.92 643.84 160.968,052.00 2,122.92 2,122.92 2,122.92 658.40 161.04 322.08 644.16 161.048,056.00 2,124.36 2,124.36 2,124.36 658.80 161.12 322.24 644.48 161.128,060.00 2,125.76 2,125.76 2,125.76 659.20 161.20 322.40 644.80 161.208,064.00 2,127.16 2,127.16 2,127.16 659.60 161.28 322.56 645.12 161.288,068.00 2,128.56 2,128.56 2,128.56 660.00 161.36 322.72 645.44 161.368,072.00 2,129.96 2,129.96 2,129.96 660.40 161.44 322.88 645.76 161.448,076.00 2,131.36 2,131.36 2,131.36 660.80 161.52 323.04 646.08 161.528,080.00 2,132.76 2,132.76 2,132.76 661.20 161.60 323.20 646.40 161.608,084.00 2,134.16 2,134.16 2,134.16 661.60 161.68 323.36 646.72 161.688,088.00 2,135.56 2,135.56 2,135.56 662.00 161.76 323.52 647.04 161.768,092.00 2,136.96 2,136.96 2,136.96 662.40 161.84 323.68 647.36 161.848,096.00 2,138.36 2,138.36 2,138.36 662.80 161.92 323.84 647.68 161.928,100.00 2,139.76 2,139.76 2,139.76 663.20 162.00 324.00 648.00 162.008,104.00 2,141.16 2,141.16 2,141.16 663.60 162.08 324.16 648.32 162.088,108.00 2,142.56 2,142.56 2,142.56 664.00 162.16 324.32 648.64 162.168,112.00 2,143.96 2,143.96 2,143.96 664.40 162.24 324.48 648.96 162.248,116.00 2,145.36 2,145.36 2,145.36 664.80 162.32 324.64 649.28 162.328,120.00 2,146.76 2,146.76 2,146.76 665.20 162.40 324.80 649.60 162.408,124.00 2,148.16 2,148.16 2,148.16 665.60 162.48 324.96 649.92 162.488,128.00 2,149.56 2,149.56 2,149.56 666.00 162.56 325.12 650.24 162.568,132.00 2,150.96 2,150.96 2,150.96 666.40 162.64 325.28 650.56 162.648,136.00 2,152.36 2,152.36 2,152.36 666.80 162.72 325.44 650.88 162.728,140.00 2,153.76 2,153.76 2,153.76 667.20 162.80 325.60 651.20 162.80

FOUR-WEEKLY AND MONTHLY <strong>PAYE</strong> DEDUCTION TABLES 51Earnings<strong>Four</strong>-Weekly Pay Periods – Earnings $8,144 to $8,360Codes<strong>PAYE</strong>KiwiSaverM ME ML SL Loan ded 2% 4% 8% CEC$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $8,144.00 2,155.16 2,155.16 2,155.16 667.60 162.88 325.76 651.52 162.888,148.00 2,156.56 2,156.56 2,156.56 668.00 162.96 325.92 651.84 162.968,152.00 2,157.96 2,157.96 2,157.96 668.40 163.04 326.08 652.16 163.048,156.00 2,159.40 2,159.40 2,159.40 668.80 163.12 326.24 652.48 163.128,160.00 2,160.80 2,160.80 2,160.80 669.20 163.20 326.40 652.80 163.208,164.00 2,162.20 2,162.20 2,162.20 669.60 163.28 326.56 653.12 163.288,168.00 2,163.60 2,163.60 2,163.60 670.00 163.36 326.72 653.44 163.368,172.00 2,165.00 2,165.00 2,165.00 670.40 163.44 326.88 653.76 163.448,176.00 2,166.40 2,166.40 2,166.40 670.80 163.52 327.04 654.08 163.528,180.00 2,167.80 2,167.80 2,167.80 671.20 163.60 327.20 654.40 163.608,184.00 2,169.20 2,169.20 2,169.20 671.60 163.68 327.36 654.72 163.688,188.00 2,170.60 2,170.60 2,170.60 672.00 163.76 327.52 655.04 163.768,192.00 2,172.00 2,172.00 2,172.00 672.40 163.84 327.68 655.36 163.848,196.00 2,173.40 2,173.40 2,173.40 672.80 163.92 327.84 655.68 163.928,200.00 2,174.80 2,174.80 2,174.80 673.20 164.00 328.00 656.00 164.008,204.00 2,176.20 2,176.20 2,176.20 673.60 164.08 328.16 656.32 164.088,208.00 2,177.60 2,177.60 2,177.60 674.00 164.16 328.32 656.64 164.168,212.00 2,179.00 2,179.00 2,179.00 674.40 164.24 328.48 656.96 164.248,216.00 2,180.40 2,180.40 2,180.40 674.80 164.32 328.64 657.28 164.328,220.00 2,181.80 2,181.80 2,181.80 675.20 164.40 328.80 657.60 164.40FOUR-WEEKLY8,224.00 2,183.20 2,183.20 2,183.20 675.60 164.48 328.96 657.92 164.488,228.00 2,184.60 2,184.60 2,184.60 676.00 164.56 329.12 658.24 164.568,232.00 2,186.00 2,186.00 2,186.00 676.40 164.64 329.28 658.56 164.648,236.00 2,187.40 2,187.40 2,187.40 676.80 164.72 329.44 658.88 164.728,240.00 2,188.80 2,188.80 2,188.80 677.20 164.80 329.60 659.20 164.808,244.00 2,190.20 2,190.20 2,190.20 677.60 164.88 329.76 659.52 164.888,248.00 2,191.60 2,191.60 2,191.60 678.00 164.96 329.92 659.84 164.968,252.00 2,193.00 2,193.00 2,193.00 678.40 165.04 330.08 660.16 165.048,256.00 2,194.44 2,194.44 2,194.44 678.80 165.12 330.24 660.48 165.128,260.00 2,195.84 2,195.84 2,195.84 679.20 165.20 330.40 660.80 165.208,264.00 2,197.24 2,197.24 2,197.24 679.60 165.28 330.56 661.12 165.288,268.00 2,198.64 2,198.64 2,198.64 680.00 165.36 330.72 661.44 165.368,272.00 2,200.04 2,200.04 2,200.04 680.40 165.44 330.88 661.76 165.448,276.00 2,201.44 2,201.44 2,201.44 680.80 165.52 331.04 662.08 165.528,280.00 2,202.84 2,202.84 2,202.84 681.20 165.60 331.20 662.40 165.608,284.00 2,204.24 2,204.24 2,204.24 681.60 165.68 331.36 662.72 165.688,288.00 2,205.64 2,205.64 2,205.64 682.00 165.76 331.52 663.04 165.768,292.00 2,207.04 2,207.04 2,207.04 682.40 165.84 331.68 663.36 165.848,296.00 2,208.44 2,208.44 2,208.44 682.80 165.92 331.84 663.68 165.928,300.00 2,209.84 2,209.84 2,209.84 683.20 166.00 332.00 664.00 166.008,304.00 2,211.24 2,211.24 2,211.24 683.60 166.08 332.16 664.32 166.088,308.00 2,212.64 2,212.64 2,212.64 684.00 166.16 332.32 664.64 166.168,312.00 2,214.04 2,214.04 2,214.04 684.40 166.24 332.48 664.96 166.248,316.00 2,215.44 2,215.44 2,215.44 684.80 166.32 332.64 665.28 166.328,320.00 2,216.84 2,216.84 2,216.84 685.20 166.40 332.80 665.60 166.408,324.00 2,218.24 2,218.24 2,218.24 685.60 166.48 332.96 665.92 166.488,328.00 2,219.64 2,219.64 2,219.64 686.00 166.56 333.12 666.24 166.568,332.00 2,221.04 2,221.04 2,221.04 686.40 166.64 333.28 666.56 166.648,336.00 2,222.44 2,222.44 2,222.44 686.80 166.72 333.44 666.88 166.728,340.00 2,223.84 2,223.84 2,223.84 687.20 166.80 333.60 667.20 166.808,344.00 2,225.24 2,225.24 2,225.24 687.60 166.88 333.76 667.52 166.888,348.00 2,226.64 2,226.64 2,226.64 688.00 166.96 333.92 667.84 166.968,352.00 2,228.04 2,228.04 2,228.04 688.40 167.04 334.08 668.16 167.048,356.00 2,229.48 2,229.48 2,229.48 688.80 167.12 334.24 668.48 167.128,360.00 2,230.88 2,230.88 2,230.88 689.20 167.20 334.40 668.80 167.20

52 FOUR-WEEKLY AND MONTHLY <strong>PAYE</strong> DEDUCTION TABLESEarnings<strong>Four</strong>-Weekly Pay Periods – Earnings $8,364 to $8,580Codes<strong>PAYE</strong>KiwiSaverM ME ML SL Loan ded 2% 4% 8% CEC$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $8,364.00 2,232.28 2,232.28 2,232.28 689.60 167.28 334.56 669.12 167.288,368.00 2,233.68 2,233.68 2,233.68 690.00 167.36 334.72 669.44 167.368,372.00 2,235.08 2,235.08 2,235.08 690.40 167.44 334.88 669.76 167.448,376.00 2,236.48 2,236.48 2,236.48 690.80 167.52 335.04 670.08 167.528,380.00 2,237.88 2,237.88 2,237.88 691.20 167.60 335.20 670.40 167.608,384.00 2,239.28 2,239.28 2,239.28 691.60 167.68 335.36 670.72 167.688,388.00 2,240.68 2,240.68 2,240.68 692.00 167.76 335.52 671.04 167.768,392.00 2,242.08 2,242.08 2,242.08 692.40 167.84 335.68 671.36 167.848,396.00 2,243.48 2,243.48 2,243.48 692.80 167.92 335.84 671.68 167.928,400.00 2,244.88 2,244.88 2,244.88 693.20 168.00 336.00 672.00 168.00FOUR-WEEKLY8,404.00 2,246.28 2,246.28 2,246.28 693.60 168.08 336.16 672.32 168.088,408.00 2,247.68 2,247.68 2,247.68 694.00 168.16 336.32 672.64 168.168,412.00 2,249.08 2,249.08 2,249.08 694.40 168.24 336.48 672.96 168.248,416.00 2,250.48 2,250.48 2,250.48 694.80 168.32 336.64 673.28 168.328,420.00 2,251.88 2,251.88 2,251.88 695.20 168.40 336.80 673.60 168.408,424.00 2,253.28 2,253.28 2,253.28 695.60 168.48 336.96 673.92 168.488,428.00 2,254.68 2,254.68 2,254.68 696.00 168.56 337.12 674.24 168.568,432.00 2,256.08 2,256.08 2,256.08 696.40 168.64 337.28 674.56 168.648,436.00 2,257.48 2,257.48 2,257.48 696.80 168.72 337.44 674.88 168.728,440.00 2,258.88 2,258.88 2,258.88 697.20 168.80 337.60 675.20 168.808,444.00 2,260.28 2,260.28 2,260.28 697.60 168.88 337.76 675.52 168.888,448.00 2,261.68 2,261.68 2,261.68 698.00 168.96 337.92 675.84 168.968,452.00 2,263.08 2,263.08 2,263.08 698.40 169.04 338.08 676.16 169.048,456.00 2,264.52 2,264.52 2,264.52 698.80 169.12 338.24 676.48 169.128,460.00 2,265.92 2,265.92 2,265.92 699.20 169.20 338.40 676.80 169.208,464.00 2,267.32 2,267.32 2,267.32 699.60 169.28 338.56 677.12 169.288,468.00 2,268.72 2,268.72 2,268.72 700.00 169.36 338.72 677.44 169.368,472.00 2,270.12 2,270.12 2,270.12 700.40 169.44 338.88 677.76 169.448,476.00 2,271.52 2,271.52 2,271.52 700.80 169.52 339.04 678.08 169.528,480.00 2,272.92 2,272.92 2,272.92 701.20 169.60 339.20 678.40 169.608,484.00 2,274.32 2,274.32 2,274.32 701.60 169.68 339.36 678.72 169.688,488.00 2,275.72 2,275.72 2,275.72 702.00 169.76 339.52 679.04 169.768,492.00 2,277.12 2,277.12 2,277.12 702.40 169.84 339.68 679.36 169.848,496.00 2,278.52 2,278.52 2,278.52 702.80 169.92 339.84 679.68 169.928,500.00 2,279.92 2,279.92 2,279.92 703.20 170.00 340.00 680.00 170.008,504.00 2,281.32 2,281.32 2,281.32 703.60 170.08 340.16 680.32 170.088,508.00 2,282.72 2,282.72 2,282.72 704.00 170.16 340.32 680.64 170.168,512.00 2,284.12 2,284.12 2,284.12 704.40 170.24 340.48 680.96 170.248,516.00 2,285.52 2,285.52 2,285.52 704.80 170.32 340.64 681.28 170.328,520.00 2,286.92 2,286.92 2,286.92 705.20 170.40 340.80 681.60 170.408,524.00 2,288.32 2,288.32 2,288.32 705.60 170.48 340.96 681.92 170.488,528.00 2,289.72 2,289.72 2,289.72 706.00 170.56 341.12 682.24 170.568,532.00 2,291.12 2,291.12 2,291.12 706.40 170.64 341.28 682.56 170.648,536.00 2,292.52 2,292.52 2,292.52 706.80 170.72 341.44 682.88 170.728,540.00 2,293.92 2,293.92 2,293.92 707.20 170.80 341.60 683.20 170.808,544.00 2,295.32 2,295.32 2,295.32 707.60 170.88 341.76 683.52 170.888,548.00 2,296.72 2,296.72 2,296.72 708.00 170.96 341.92 683.84 170.968,552.00 2,298.12 2,298.12 2,298.12 708.40 171.04 342.08 684.16 171.048,556.00 2,299.56 2,299.56 2,299.56 708.80 171.12 342.24 684.48 171.128,560.00 2,300.96 2,300.96 2,300.96 709.20 171.20 342.40 684.80 171.208,564.00 2,302.36 2,302.36 2,302.36 709.60 171.28 342.56 685.12 171.288,568.00 2,303.76 2,303.76 2,303.76 710.00 171.36 342.72 685.44 171.368,572.00 2,305.16 2,305.16 2,305.16 710.40 171.44 342.88 685.76 171.448,576.00 2,306.56 2,306.56 2,306.56 710.80 171.52 343.04 686.08 171.528,580.00 2,307.96 2,307.96 2,307.96 711.20 171.60 343.20 686.40 171.60

FOUR-WEEKLY AND MONTHLY <strong>PAYE</strong> DEDUCTION TABLES 53Earnings<strong>Four</strong>-Weekly Pay Periods – Earnings $8,584 to $8,800Codes<strong>PAYE</strong>KiwiSaverM ME ML SL Loan ded 2% 4% 8% CEC$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $8,584.00 2,309.36 2,309.36 2,309.36 711.60 171.68 343.36 686.72 171.688,588.00 2,310.76 2,310.76 2,310.76 712.00 171.76 343.52 687.04 171.768,592.00 2,312.12 2,312.12 2,312.12 712.40 171.84 343.68 687.36 171.848,596.00 2,313.44 2,313.44 2,313.44 712.80 171.92 343.84 687.68 171.928,600.00 2,314.76 2,314.76 2,314.76 713.20 172.00 344.00 688.00 172.008,604.00 2,316.08 2,316.08 2,316.08 713.60 172.08 344.16 688.32 172.088,608.00 2,317.40 2,317.40 2,317.40 714.00 172.16 344.32 688.64 172.168,612.00 2,318.72 2,318.72 2,318.72 714.40 172.24 344.48 688.96 172.248,616.00 2,320.04 2,320.04 2,320.04 714.80 172.32 344.64 689.28 172.328,620.00 2,321.36 2,321.36 2,321.36 715.20 172.40 344.80 689.60 172.408,624.00 2,322.68 2,322.68 2,322.68 715.60 172.48 344.96 689.92 172.488,628.00 2,324.00 2,324.00 2,324.00 716.00 172.56 345.12 690.24 172.568,632.00 2,325.32 2,325.32 2,325.32 716.40 172.64 345.28 690.56 172.648,636.00 2,326.64 2,326.64 2,326.64 716.80 172.72 345.44 690.88 172.728,640.00 2,327.96 2,327.96 2,327.96 717.20 172.80 345.60 691.20 172.808,644.00 2,329.28 2,329.28 2,329.28 717.60 172.88 345.76 691.52 172.888,648.00 2,330.60 2,330.60 2,330.60 718.00 172.96 345.92 691.84 172.968,652.00 2,331.92 2,331.92 2,331.92 718.40 173.04 346.08 692.16 173.048,656.00 2,333.24 2,333.24 2,333.24 718.80 173.12 346.24 692.48 173.128,660.00 2,334.56 2,334.56 2,334.56 719.20 173.20 346.40 692.80 173.20FOUR-WEEKLY8,664.00 2,335.88 2,335.88 2,335.88 719.60 173.28 346.56 693.12 173.288,668.00 2,337.20 2,337.20 2,337.20 720.00 173.36 346.72 693.44 173.368,672.00 2,338.52 2,338.52 2,338.52 720.40 173.44 346.88 693.76 173.448,676.00 2,339.84 2,339.84 2,339.84 720.80 173.52 347.04 694.08 173.528,680.00 2,341.16 2,341.16 2,341.16 721.20 173.60 347.20 694.40 173.608,684.00 2,342.48 2,342.48 2,342.48 721.60 173.68 347.36 694.72 173.688,688.00 2,343.80 2,343.80 2,343.80 722.00 173.76 347.52 695.04 173.768,692.00 2,345.12 2,345.12 2,345.12 722.40 173.84 347.68 695.36 173.848,696.00 2,346.44 2,346.44 2,346.44 722.80 173.92 347.84 695.68 173.928,700.00 2,347.76 2,347.76 2,347.76 723.20 174.00 348.00 696.00 174.008,704.00 2,349.08 2,349.08 2,349.08 723.60 174.08 348.16 696.32 174.088,708.00 2,350.40 2,350.40 2,350.40 724.00 174.16 348.32 696.64 174.168,712.00 2,351.72 2,351.72 2,351.72 724.40 174.24 348.48 696.96 174.248,716.00 2,353.04 2,353.04 2,353.04 724.80 174.32 348.64 697.28 174.328,720.00 2,354.36 2,354.36 2,354.36 725.20 174.40 348.80 697.60 174.408,724.00 2,355.68 2,355.68 2,355.68 725.60 174.48 348.96 697.92 174.488,728.00 2,357.00 2,357.00 2,357.00 726.00 174.56 349.12 698.24 174.568,732.00 2,358.32 2,358.32 2,358.32 726.40 174.64 349.28 698.56 174.648,736.00 2,359.64 2,359.64 2,359.64 726.80 174.72 349.44 698.88 174.728,740.00 2,360.96 2,360.96 2,360.96 727.20 174.80 349.60 699.20 174.808,744.00 2,362.28 2,362.28 2,362.28 727.60 174.88 349.76 699.52 174.888,748.00 2,363.60 2,363.60 2,363.60 728.00 174.96 349.92 699.84 174.968,752.00 2,364.92 2,364.92 2,364.92 728.40 175.04 350.08 700.16 175.048,756.00 2,366.24 2,366.24 2,366.24 728.80 175.12 350.24 700.48 175.128,760.00 2,367.56 2,367.56 2,367.56 729.20 175.20 350.40 700.80 175.208,764.00 2,368.88 2,368.88 2,368.88 729.60 175.28 350.56 701.12 175.288,768.00 2,370.20 2,370.20 2,370.20 730.00 175.36 350.72 701.44 175.368,772.00 2,371.52 2,371.52 2,371.52 730.40 175.44 350.88 701.76 175.448,776.00 2,372.84 2,372.84 2,372.84 730.80 175.52 351.04 702.08 175.528,780.00 2,374.16 2,374.16 2,374.16 731.20 175.60 351.20 702.40 175.608,784.00 2,375.48 2,375.48 2,375.48 731.60 175.68 351.36 702.72 175.688,788.00 2,376.80 2,376.80 2,376.80 732.00 175.76 351.52 703.04 175.768,792.00 2,378.12 2,378.12 2,378.12 732.40 175.84 351.68 703.36 175.848,796.00 2,379.44 2,379.44 2,379.44 732.80 175.92 351.84 703.68 175.928,800.00 2,380.76 2,380.76 2,380.76 733.20 176.00 352.00 704.00 176.00

54 FOUR-WEEKLY AND MONTHLY <strong>PAYE</strong> DEDUCTION TABLESEarnings<strong>Four</strong>-Weekly Pay Periods – Earnings $8,804 to $9,020Codes<strong>PAYE</strong>KiwiSaverM ME ML SL Loan ded 2% 4% 8% CEC$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $8,804.00 2,382.08 2,382.08 2,382.08 733.60 176.08 352.16 704.32 176.088,808.00 2,383.40 2,383.40 2,383.40 734.00 176.16 352.32 704.64 176.168,812.00 2,384.72 2,384.72 2,384.72 734.40 176.24 352.48 704.96 176.248,816.00 2,386.04 2,386.04 2,386.04 734.80 176.32 352.64 705.28 176.328,820.00 2,387.36 2,387.36 2,387.36 735.20 176.40 352.80 705.60 176.408,824.00 2,388.68 2,388.68 2,388.68 735.60 176.48 352.96 705.92 176.488,828.00 2,390.00 2,390.00 2,390.00 736.00 176.56 353.12 706.24 176.568,832.00 2,391.32 2,391.32 2,391.32 736.40 176.64 353.28 706.56 176.648,836.00 2,392.64 2,392.64 2,392.64 736.80 176.72 353.44 706.88 176.728,840.00 2,393.96 2,393.96 2,393.96 737.20 176.80 353.60 707.20 176.80FOUR-WEEKLY8,844.00 2,395.28 2,395.28 2,395.28 737.60 176.88 353.76 707.52 176.888,848.00 2,396.60 2,396.60 2,396.60 738.00 176.96 353.92 707.84 176.968,852.00 2,397.92 2,397.92 2,397.92 738.40 177.04 354.08 708.16 177.048,856.00 2,399.24 2,399.24 2,399.24 738.80 177.12 354.24 708.48 177.128,860.00 2,400.56 2,400.56 2,400.56 739.20 177.20 354.40 708.80 177.208,864.00 2,401.88 2,401.88 2,401.88 739.60 177.28 354.56 709.12 177.288,868.00 2,403.20 2,403.20 2,403.20 740.00 177.36 354.72 709.44 177.368,872.00 2,404.52 2,404.52 2,404.52 740.40 177.44 354.88 709.76 177.448,876.00 2,405.84 2,405.84 2,405.84 740.80 177.52 355.04 710.08 177.528,880.00 2,407.16 2,407.16 2,407.16 741.20 177.60 355.20 710.40 177.608,884.00 2,408.48 2,408.48 2,408.48 741.60 177.68 355.36 710.72 177.688,888.00 2,409.80 2,409.80 2,409.80 742.00 177.76 355.52 711.04 177.768,892.00 2,411.12 2,411.12 2,411.12 742.40 177.84 355.68 711.36 177.848,896.00 2,412.44 2,412.44 2,412.44 742.80 177.92 355.84 711.68 177.928,900.00 2,413.76 2,413.76 2,413.76 743.20 178.00 356.00 712.00 178.008,904.00 2,415.08 2,415.08 2,415.08 743.60 178.08 356.16 712.32 178.088,908.00 2,416.40 2,416.40 2,416.40 744.00 178.16 356.32 712.64 178.168,912.00 2,417.72 2,417.72 2,417.72 744.40 178.24 356.48 712.96 178.248,916.00 2,419.04 2,419.04 2,419.04 744.80 178.32 356.64 713.28 178.328,920.00 2,420.36 2,420.36 2,420.36 745.20 178.40 356.80 713.60 178.408,924.00 2,421.68 2,421.68 2,421.68 745.60 178.48 356.96 713.92 178.488,928.00 2,423.00 2,423.00 2,423.00 746.00 178.56 357.12 714.24 178.568,932.00 2,424.32 2,424.32 2,424.32 746.40 178.64 357.28 714.56 178.648,936.00 2,425.64 2,425.64 2,425.64 746.80 178.72 357.44 714.88 178.728,940.00 2,426.96 2,426.96 2,426.96 747.20 178.80 357.60 715.20 178.808,944.00 2,428.28 2,428.28 2,428.28 747.60 178.88 357.76 715.52 178.888,948.00 2,429.60 2,429.60 2,429.60 748.00 178.96 357.92 715.84 178.968,952.00 2,430.92 2,430.92 2,430.92 748.40 179.04 358.08 716.16 179.048,956.00 2,432.24 2,432.24 2,432.24 748.80 179.12 358.24 716.48 179.128,960.00 2,433.56 2,433.56 2,433.56 749.20 179.20 358.40 716.80 179.208,964.00 2,434.88 2,434.88 2,434.88 749.60 179.28 358.56 717.12 179.288,968.00 2,436.20 2,436.20 2,436.20 750.00 179.36 358.72 717.44 179.368,972.00 2,437.52 2,437.52 2,437.52 750.40 179.44 358.88 717.76 179.448,976.00 2,438.84 2,438.84 2,438.84 750.80 179.52 359.04 718.08 179.528,980.00 2,440.16 2,440.16 2,440.16 751.20 179.60 359.20 718.40 179.608,984.00 2,441.48 2,441.48 2,441.48 751.60 179.68 359.36 718.72 179.688,988.00 2,442.80 2,442.80 2,442.80 752.00 179.76 359.52 719.04 179.768,992.00 2,444.12 2,444.12 2,444.12 752.40 179.84 359.68 719.36 179.848,996.00 2,445.44 2,445.44 2,445.44 752.80 179.92 359.84 719.68 179.929,000.00 2,446.76 2,446.76 2,446.76 753.20 180.00 360.00 720.00 180.009,004.00 2,448.08 2,448.08 2,448.08 753.60 180.08 360.16 720.32 180.089,008.00 2,449.40 2,449.40 2,449.40 754.00 180.16 360.32 720.64 180.169,012.00 2,450.72 2,450.72 2,450.72 754.40 180.24 360.48 720.96 180.249,016.00 2,452.04 2,452.04 2,452.04 754.80 180.32 360.64 721.28 180.329,020.00 2,453.36 2,453.36 2,453.36 755.20 180.40 360.80 721.60 180.40

FOUR-WEEKLY AND MONTHLY <strong>PAYE</strong> DEDUCTION TABLES 55Earnings<strong>Four</strong>-Weekly Pay Periods – Earnings $9,024 to $9,200Codes<strong>PAYE</strong>KiwiSaverM ME ML SL Loan ded 2% 4% 8% CEC$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $9,024.00 2,454.68 2,454.68 2,454.68 755.60 180.48 360.96 721.92 180.489,028.00 2,456.00 2,456.00 2,456.00 756.00 180.56 361.12 722.24 180.569,032.00 2,457.32 2,457.32 2,457.32 756.40 180.64 361.28 722.56 180.649,036.00 2,458.64 2,458.64 2,458.64 756.80 180.72 361.44 722.88 180.729,040.00 2,459.96 2,459.96 2,459.96 757.20 180.80 361.60 723.20 180.809,044.00 2,461.28 2,461.28 2,461.28 757.60 180.88 361.76 723.52 180.889,048.00 2,462.60 2,462.60 2,462.60 758.00 180.96 361.92 723.84 180.969,052.00 2,463.92 2,463.92 2,463.92 758.40 181.04 362.08 724.16 181.049,056.00 2,465.24 2,465.24 2,465.24 758.80 181.12 362.24 724.48 181.129,060.00 2,466.56 2,466.56 2,466.56 759.20 181.20 362.40 724.80 181.209,064.00 2,467.88 2,467.88 2,467.88 759.60 181.28 362.56 725.12 181.289,068.00 2,469.20 2,469.20 2,469.20 760.00 181.36 362.72 725.44 181.369,072.00 2,470.52 2,470.52 2,470.52 760.40 181.44 362.88 725.76 181.449,076.00 2,471.84 2,471.84 2,471.84 760.80 181.52 363.04 726.08 181.529,080.00 2,473.16 2,473.16 2,473.16 761.20 181.60 363.20 726.40 181.609,084.00 2,474.48 2,474.48 2,474.48 761.60 181.68 363.36 726.72 181.689,088.00 2,475.80 2,475.80 2,475.80 762.00 181.76 363.52 727.04 181.769,092.00 2,477.12 2,477.12 2,477.12 762.40 181.84 363.68 727.36 181.849,096.00 2,478.44 2,478.44 2,478.44 762.80 181.92 363.84 727.68 181.929,100.00 2,479.76 2,479.76 2,479.76 763.20 182.00 364.00 728.00 182.00FOUR-WEEKLY9,104.00 2,481.08 2,481.08 2,481.08 763.60 182.08 364.16 728.32 182.089,108.00 2,482.40 2,482.40 2,482.40 764.00 182.16 364.32 728.64 182.169,112.00 2,483.72 2,483.72 2,483.72 764.40 182.24 364.48 728.96 182.249,116.00 2,485.04 2,485.04 2,485.04 764.80 182.32 364.64 729.28 182.329,120.00 2,486.36 2,486.36 2,486.36 765.20 182.40 364.80 729.60 182.409,124.00 2,487.68 2,487.68 2,487.68 765.60 182.48 364.96 729.92 182.489,128.00 2,489.00 2,489.00 2,489.00 766.00 182.56 365.12 730.24 182.569,132.00 2,490.32 2,490.32 2,490.32 766.40 182.64 365.28 730.56 182.649,136.00 2,491.64 2,491.64 2,491.64 766.80 182.72 365.44 730.88 182.729,140.00 2,492.96 2,492.96 2,492.96 767.20 182.80 365.60 731.20 182.809,144.00 2,494.28 2,494.28 2,494.28 767.60 182.88 365.76 731.52 182.889,148.00 2,495.60 2,495.60 2,495.60 768.00 182.96 365.92 731.84 182.969,152.00 2,496.92 2,496.92 2,496.92 768.40 183.04 366.08 732.16 183.049,156.00 2,498.24 2,498.24 2,498.24 768.80 183.12 366.24 732.48 183.129,160.00 2,499.56 2,499.56 2,499.56 769.20 183.20 366.40 732.80 183.209,164.00 2,500.88 2,500.88 2,500.88 769.60 183.28 366.56 733.12 183.289,168.00 2,502.20 2,502.20 2,502.20 770.00 183.36 366.72 733.44 183.369,172.00 2,503.52 2,503.52 2,503.52 770.40 183.44 366.88 733.76 183.449,176.00 2,504.84 2,504.84 2,504.84 770.80 183.52 367.04 734.08 183.529,180.00 2,506.16 2,506.16 2,506.16 771.20 183.60 367.20 734.40 183.609,184.00 2,507.48 2,507.48 2,507.48 771.60 183.68 367.36 734.72 183.689,188.00 2,508.80 2,508.80 2,508.80 772.00 183.76 367.52 735.04 183.769,192.00 2,510.12 2,510.12 2,510.12 772.40 183.84 367.68 735.36 183.849,196.00 2,511.44 2,511.44 2,511.44 772.80 183.92 367.84 735.68 183.929,200.00 2,512.76 2,512.76 2,512.76 773.20 184.00 368.00 736.00 184.00

56 FOUR-WEEKLY AND MONTHLY <strong>PAYE</strong> DEDUCTION TABLESFOUR-WEEKLYHow to calculate <strong>PAYE</strong> where four-<strong>weekly</strong> earnings exceed$9,200••Take basic four-<strong>weekly</strong> pay.••Add overtime, any regular bonus, shift allowance, valueof board <strong>and</strong> lodging <strong>and</strong> any other taxable allowances, ifapplicable.The total is the earnings subject to <strong>PAYE</strong>.ExampleEmployee’s earnings subject to <strong>PAYE</strong> are $9,310.The tax code is M.From the table on page 55, <strong>PAYE</strong> on $9,200.at tax code M $ 2,512.76From the table on the right, <strong>PAYE</strong> in the excess over $9,200 (at33 cents in the dollar)<strong>PAYE</strong> on $100 $ 33.00<strong>PAYE</strong> on $10 $ 3.30Total <strong>PAYE</strong> on excess $ 36.30Total <strong>PAYE</strong> <strong>deduction</strong>s $ 2,549.06How to calculate student loan repayment <strong>deduction</strong>swhere four-<strong>weekly</strong> earnings exceed $9,200ExampleEmployee’s earnings subject to <strong>PAYE</strong> are $9,310.The tax code is M SL.<strong>PAYE</strong> on $9,200 at tax code M SL $ 2,512.76<strong>PAYE</strong> on the excess over $9,200(at 33 cents in the dollar) $ 36.30Total <strong>PAYE</strong> <strong>deduction</strong>s $ 2,549.06Student loan repayment on $9,200at tax code M SL $ 773.20Student loan repayment on the excessover $9,200 (at 10 cents in the dollar) $ 11.00Total student loan repayment $ 784.20Total <strong>deduction</strong>s $ 3,333.26NoteIf your employee is a KiwiSaver member, you’ll also needto make KiwiSaver <strong>deduction</strong>s <strong>and</strong> compulsory employercontributions.Tax table for amounts over $9,200EarningsUse whole dollar earning<strong>PAYE</strong>1 0.332 0.663 0.994 1.325 1.656 1.987 2.318 2.649 2.9710 3.3020 6.6030 9.9040 13.2050 16.5060 19.8070 23.1080 26.4090 29.70100 33.00

FOUR-WEEKLY AND MONTHLY <strong>PAYE</strong> DEDUCTION TABLES 57EarningsMonthly Pay Periods – Earnings $5 to $275Codes<strong>PAYE</strong>KiwiSaverM ME ML SL Loan ded 2% 4% 8% CEC$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $5.00 0.60 0.60 0.08 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.40 0.1010.00 1.21 1.21 0.17 0.00 0.20 0.40 0.80 0.2015.00 1.86 1.86 0.30 0.00 0.30 0.60 1.20 0.3020.00 2.47 2.47 0.39 0.00 0.40 0.80 1.60 0.4025.00 3.12 3.12 0.47 0.00 0.50 1.00 2.00 0.5030.00 3.72 3.72 0.60 0.00 0.60 1.20 2.40 0.6035.00 4.37 4.37 0.69 0.00 0.70 1.40 2.80 0.7040.00 4.98 4.98 0.78 0.00 0.80 1.60 3.20 0.8045.00 5.63 5.63 0.91 0.00 0.90 1.80 3.60 0.9050.00 6.24 6.24 0.99 0.00 1.00 2.00 4.00 1.0055.00 6.89 6.89 1.08 0.00 1.10 2.20 4.40 1.1060.00 7.49 7.49 1.21 0.00 1.20 2.40 4.80 1.2065.00 8.14 8.14 1.30 0.00 1.30 2.60 5.20 1.3070.00 8.75 8.75 1.38 0.00 1.40 2.80 5.60 1.4075.00 9.40 9.40 1.51 0.00 1.50 3.00 6.00 1.5080.00 10.01 10.01 1.60 0.00 1.60 3.20 6.40 1.6085.00 10.61 10.61 1.73 0.00 1.70 3.40 6.80 1.7090.00 11.26 11.26 1.82 0.00 1.80 3.60 7.20 1.8095.00 11.87 11.87 1.90 0.00 1.90 3.80 7.60 1.90100.00 12.52 12.52 2.03 0.00 2.00 4.00 8.00 2.00105.00 13.13 13.13 2.12 0.00 2.10 4.20 8.40 2.10110.00 13.78 13.78 2.21 0.00 2.20 4.40 8.80 2.20115.00 14.38 14.38 2.34 0.00 2.30 4.60 9.20 2.30120.00 15.03 15.03 2.42 0.00 2.40 4.80 9.60 2.40125.00 15.64 15.64 2.51 0.00 2.50 5.00 10.00 2.50MONTHLY130.00 16.29 16.29 2.64 0.00 2.60 5.20 10.40 2.60135.00 16.90 16.90 2.73 0.00 2.70 5.40 10.80 2.70140.00 17.55 17.55 2.81 0.00 2.80 5.60 11.20 2.80145.00 18.15 18.15 2.94 0.00 2.90 5.80 11.60 2.90150.00 18.80 18.80 3.03 0.00 3.00 6.00 12.00 3.00155.00 19.41 19.41 3.12 0.00 3.10 6.20 12.40 3.10160.00 20.06 20.06 3.25 0.00 3.20 6.40 12.80 3.20165.00 20.67 20.67 3.33 0.00 3.30 6.60 13.20 3.30170.00 21.27 21.27 3.46 0.00 3.40 6.80 13.60 3.40175.00 21.92 21.92 3.55 0.00 3.50 7.00 14.00 3.50180.00 22.53 22.53 3.64 0.00 3.60 7.20 14.40 3.60185.00 23.18 23.18 3.77 0.00 3.70 7.40 14.80 3.70190.00 23.79 23.79 3.85 0.00 3.80 7.60 15.20 3.80195.00 24.44 24.44 3.94 0.00 3.90 7.80 15.60 3.90200.00 25.04 25.04 4.07 0.00 4.00 8.00 16.00 4.00205.00 25.69 25.69 4.16 0.00 4.10 8.20 16.40 4.10210.00 26.30 26.30 4.24 0.00 4.20 8.40 16.80 4.20215.00 26.95 26.95 4.37 0.00 4.30 8.60 17.20 4.30220.00 27.56 27.56 4.46 0.00 4.40 8.80 17.60 4.40225.00 28.21 28.21 4.55 0.00 4.50 9.00 18.00 4.50230.00 28.81 28.81 4.68 0.00 4.60 9.20 18.40 4.60235.00 29.46 29.46 4.76 0.00 4.70 9.40 18.80 4.70240.00 30.07 30.07 4.85 0.00 4.80 9.60 19.20 4.80245.00 30.68 30.68 4.98 0.00 4.90 9.80 19.60 4.90250.00 31.33 31.33 5.07 0.00 5.00 10.00 20.00 5.00255.00 31.93 31.93 5.20 0.00 5.10 10.20 20.40 5.10260.00 32.58 32.58 5.28 0.00 5.20 10.40 20.80 5.20265.00 33.19 33.19 5.37 0.00 5.30 10.60 21.20 5.30270.00 33.84 33.84 5.50 0.00 5.40 10.80 21.60 5.40275.00 34.45 34.45 5.59 0.00 5.50 11.00 22.00 5.50

58 FOUR-WEEKLY AND MONTHLY <strong>PAYE</strong> DEDUCTION TABLESEarningsMonthly Pay Periods – Earnings $280 to $550Codes<strong>PAYE</strong>KiwiSaverM ME ML SL Loan ded 2% 4% 8% CEC$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $280.00 35.10 35.10 5.67 0.00 5.60 11.20 22.40 5.60285.00 35.70 35.70 5.80 0.00 5.70 11.40 22.80 5.70290.00 36.35 36.35 5.89 0.00 5.80 11.60 23.20 5.80295.00 36.96 36.96 5.98 0.00 5.90 11.80 23.60 5.90300.00 37.61 37.61 6.11 0.00 6.00 12.00 24.00 6.00305.00 38.22 38.22 6.19 0.00 6.10 12.20 24.40 6.10310.00 38.87 38.87 6.28 0.00 6.20 12.40 24.80 6.20315.00 39.47 39.47 6.41 0.00 6.30 12.60 25.20 6.30320.00 40.12 40.12 6.50 0.00 6.40 12.80 25.60 6.40325.00 40.73 40.73 6.63 0.00 6.50 13.00 26.00 6.50330.00 41.34 41.34 6.71 0.00 6.60 13.20 26.40 6.60335.00 41.99 41.99 6.80 0.00 6.70 13.40 26.80 6.70340.00 42.59 42.59 6.93 0.00 6.80 13.60 27.20 6.80345.00 43.24 43.24 7.02 0.00 6.90 13.80 27.60 6.90350.00 43.85 43.85 7.10 0.00 7.00 14.00 28.00 7.00355.00 44.50 44.50 7.23 0.00 7.10 14.20 28.40 7.10360.00 45.11 45.11 7.32 0.00 7.20 14.40 28.80 7.20365.00 45.76 45.76 7.41 0.00 7.30 14.60 29.20 7.30370.00 46.36 46.36 7.54 0.00 7.40 14.80 29.60 7.40375.00 47.01 47.01 7.62 0.00 7.50 15.00 30.00 7.50MONTHLY380.00 47.62 47.62 7.71 0.00 7.60 15.20 30.40 7.60385.00 48.27 48.27 7.84 0.00 7.70 15.40 30.80 7.70390.00 48.88 48.88 7.93 0.00 7.80 15.60 31.20 7.80395.00 49.53 49.53 8.01 0.00 7.90 15.80 31.60 7.90400.00 50.13 50.13 8.14 0.00 8.00 16.00 32.00 8.00405.00 50.78 50.78 8.23 0.00 8.10 16.20 32.40 8.10410.00 51.39 51.39 8.36 0.00 8.20 16.40 32.80 8.20415.00 52.00 52.00 8.45 0.00 8.30 16.60 33.20 8.30420.00 52.65 52.65 8.53 0.00 8.40 16.80 33.60 8.40425.00 53.25 53.25 8.66 0.00 8.50 17.00 34.00 8.50430.00 53.90 53.90 8.75 0.00 8.60 17.20 34.40 8.60435.00 54.51 54.51 8.84 0.00 8.70 17.40 34.80 8.70440.00 55.16 55.16 8.97 0.00 8.80 17.60 35.20 8.80445.00 55.77 55.77 9.05 0.00 8.90 17.80 35.60 8.90450.00 56.42 56.42 9.14 0.00 9.00 18.00 36.00 9.00455.00 57.02 57.02 9.27 0.00 9.10 18.20 36.40 9.10460.00 57.67 57.67 9.36 0.00 9.20 18.40 36.80 9.20465.00 58.28 58.28 9.44 0.00 9.30 18.60 37.20 9.30470.00 58.93 58.93 9.57 0.00 9.40 18.80 37.60 9.40475.00 59.54 59.54 9.66 0.00 9.50 19.00 38.00 9.50480.00 60.19 60.19 9.75 0.00 9.60 19.20 38.40 9.60485.00 60.79 60.79 9.88 0.00 9.70 19.40 38.80 9.70490.00 61.40 61.40 10.44 0.00 9.80 19.60 39.20 9.80495.00 62.05 62.05 11.09 0.00 9.90 19.80 39.60 9.90500.00 62.66 62.66 11.70 0.00 10.00 20.00 40.00 10.00505.00 63.31 63.31 12.35 0.00 10.10 20.20 40.40 10.10510.00 63.91 63.91 12.95 0.00 10.20 20.40 40.80 10.20515.00 64.56 64.56 13.60 0.00 10.30 20.60 41.20 10.30520.00 65.17 65.17 14.21 0.00 10.40 20.80 41.60 10.40525.00 65.82 65.82 15.68 0.00 10.50 21.00 42.00 10.50530.00 66.43 66.43 17.16 0.00 10.60 21.20 42.40 10.60535.00 67.08 67.08 18.63 0.00 10.70 21.40 42.80 10.70540.00 67.68 67.68 20.10 0.00 10.80 21.60 43.20 10.80545.00 68.33 68.33 21.58 0.00 10.90 21.80 43.60 10.90550.00 68.94 68.94 23.01 0.00 11.00 22.00 44.00 11.00

FOUR-WEEKLY AND MONTHLY <strong>PAYE</strong> DEDUCTION TABLES 59EarningsMonthly Pay Periods – Earnings $555 to $825Codes<strong>PAYE</strong>KiwiSaverM ME ML SL Loan ded 2% 4% 8% CEC$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $555.00 69.59 69.59 24.48 0.00 11.10 22.20 44.40 11.10560.00 70.20 70.20 25.95 0.00 11.20 22.40 44.80 11.20565.00 70.85 70.85 27.43 0.00 11.30 22.60 45.20 11.30570.00 71.45 71.45 28.90 0.00 11.40 22.80 45.60 11.40575.00 72.06 72.06 30.37 0.00 11.50 23.00 46.00 11.50580.00 72.71 72.71 31.85 0.00 11.60 23.20 46.40 11.60585.00 73.32 73.32 33.28 0.00 11.70 23.40 46.80 11.70590.00 73.97 73.97 34.75 0.00 11.80 23.60 47.20 11.80595.00 74.57 74.57 36.22 0.00 11.90 23.80 47.60 11.90600.00 75.22 75.22 37.70 0.00 12.00 24.00 48.00 12.00605.00 75.83 75.83 39.17 0.00 12.10 24.20 48.40 12.10610.00 76.48 76.48 40.64 0.00 12.20 24.40 48.80 12.20615.00 77.09 77.09 42.12 0.00 12.30 24.60 49.20 12.30620.00 77.74 77.74 43.55 0.00 12.40 24.80 49.60 12.40625.00 78.34 78.34 45.02 0.00 12.50 25.00 50.00 12.50630.00 78.99 78.99 46.49 0.00 12.60 25.20 50.40 12.60635.00 79.60 79.60 47.97 0.00 12.70 25.40 50.80 12.70640.00 80.25 80.25 49.44 0.00 12.80 25.60 51.20 12.80645.00 80.86 80.86 50.91 0.00 12.90 25.80 51.60 12.90650.00 81.51 81.51 52.39 0.00 13.00 26.00 52.00 13.00655.00 82.11 82.11 53.82 0.00 13.10 26.20 52.40 13.10660.00 82.72 82.72 55.29 0.00 13.20 26.40 52.80 13.20665.00 83.37 83.37 56.76 0.00 13.30 26.60 53.20 13.30670.00 83.98 83.98 58.24 0.00 13.40 26.80 53.60 13.40675.00 84.63 84.63 59.71 0.00 13.50 27.00 54.00 13.50MONTHLY680.00 85.23 85.23 61.18 0.00 13.60 27.20 54.40 13.60685.00 85.88 85.88 62.61 0.00 13.70 27.40 54.80 13.70690.00 86.49 86.49 64.09 0.00 13.80 27.60 55.20 13.80695.00 87.14 87.14 65.56 0.00 13.90 27.80 55.60 13.90700.00 87.75 87.75 67.03 0.00 14.00 28.00 56.00 14.00705.00 88.40 88.40 68.51 0.00 14.10 28.20 56.40 14.10710.00 89.00 89.00 69.98 0.00 14.20 28.40 56.80 14.20715.00 89.65 89.65 71.45 0.00 14.30 28.60 57.20 14.30720.00 90.26 90.26 72.88 0.00 14.40 28.80 57.60 14.40725.00 90.91 90.91 74.36 0.00 14.50 29.00 58.00 14.50730.00 91.52 91.52 75.83 0.00 14.60 29.20 58.40 14.60735.00 92.12 92.12 77.30 0.00 14.70 29.40 58.80 14.70740.00 92.77 92.77 78.78 0.00 14.80 29.60 59.20 14.80745.00 93.38 93.38 80.25 0.00 14.90 29.80 59.60 14.90750.00 94.03 94.03 81.72 0.00 15.00 30.00 60.00 15.00755.00 94.64 94.64 83.15 0.00 15.10 30.20 60.40 15.10760.00 95.29 95.29 84.63 0.00 15.20 30.40 60.80 15.20765.00 95.89 95.89 86.10 0.00 15.30 30.60 61.20 15.30770.00 96.54 96.54 87.57 0.00 15.40 30.80 61.60 15.40775.00 97.15 97.15 89.05 0.00 15.50 31.00 62.00 15.50780.00 97.80 97.80 90.52 0.00 15.60 31.20 62.40 15.60785.00 98.41 98.41 91.99 0.00 15.70 31.40 62.80 15.70790.00 99.06 99.06 93.42 0.00 15.80 31.60 63.20 15.80795.00 99.66 99.66 94.90 0.00 15.90 31.80 63.60 15.90800.00 100.31 100.31 96.37 0.00 16.00 32.00 64.00 16.00805.00 100.92 100.92 97.84 0.00 16.10 32.20 64.40 16.10810.00 101.57 101.57 99.32 0.00 16.20 32.40 64.80 16.20815.00 102.18 102.18 100.79 0.00 16.30 32.60 65.20 16.30820.00 102.78 102.78 102.26 0.00 16.40 32.80 65.60 16.40825.00 103.43 103.43 103.43 0.00 16.50 33.00 66.00 16.50

60 FOUR-WEEKLY AND MONTHLY <strong>PAYE</strong> DEDUCTION TABLESEarningsMonthly Pay Periods – Earnings $830 to $1,100Codes<strong>PAYE</strong>KiwiSaverM ME ML SL Loan ded 2% 4% 8% CEC$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $830.00 104.04 104.04 104.04 0.00 16.60 33.20 66.40 16.60835.00 104.69 104.69 104.69 0.00 16.70 33.40 66.80 16.70840.00 105.30 105.30 105.30 0.00 16.80 33.60 67.20 16.80845.00 105.95 105.95 105.95 0.00 16.90 33.80 67.60 16.90850.00 106.55 106.55 106.55 0.00 17.00 34.00 68.00 17.00855.00 107.20 107.20 107.20 0.00 17.10 34.20 68.40 17.10860.00 107.81 107.81 107.81 0.00 17.20 34.40 68.80 17.20865.00 108.46 108.46 108.46 0.00 17.30 34.60 69.20 17.30870.00 109.07 109.07 109.07 0.00 17.40 34.80 69.60 17.40875.00 109.72 109.72 109.72 0.00 17.50 35.00 70.00 17.50880.00 110.32 110.32 110.32 0.00 17.60 35.20 70.40 17.60885.00 110.97 110.97 110.97 0.00 17.70 35.40 70.80 17.70890.00 111.58 111.58 111.58 0.00 17.80 35.60 71.20 17.80895.00 112.19 112.19 112.19 0.00 17.90 35.80 71.60 17.90900.00 112.84 112.84 112.84 0.00 18.00 36.00 72.00 18.00905.00 113.44 113.44 113.44 0.00 18.10 36.20 72.40 18.10910.00 114.09 114.09 114.09 0.00 18.20 36.40 72.80 18.20915.00 114.70 114.70 114.70 0.00 18.30 36.60 73.20 18.30920.00 115.35 115.35 115.35 0.00 18.40 36.80 73.60 18.40925.00 115.96 115.96 115.96 0.00 18.50 37.00 74.00 18.50MONTHLY930.00 116.61 116.61 116.61 0.00 18.60 37.20 74.40 18.60935.00 117.21 117.21 117.21 0.00 18.70 37.40 74.80 18.70940.00 117.86 117.86 117.86 0.00 18.80 37.60 75.20 18.80945.00 118.47 118.47 118.47 0.00 18.90 37.80 75.60 18.90950.00 119.12 119.12 119.12 0.00 19.00 38.00 76.00 19.00955.00 119.73 119.73 119.73 0.00 19.10 38.20 76.40 19.10960.00 120.38 120.38 120.38 0.00 19.20 38.40 76.80 19.20965.00 120.98 120.98 120.98 0.00 19.30 38.60 77.20 19.30970.00 121.63 121.63 121.63 0.00 19.40 38.80 77.60 19.40975.00 122.24 122.24 122.24 0.00 19.50 39.00 78.00 19.50980.00 122.85 122.85 122.85 0.00 19.60 39.20 78.40 19.60985.00 123.50 123.50 123.50 0.00 19.70 39.40 78.80 19.70990.00 124.10 124.10 124.10 0.00 19.80 39.60 79.20 19.80995.00 124.75 124.75 124.75 0.00 19.90 39.80 79.60 19.901,000.00 125.36 125.36 125.36 0.00 20.00 40.00 80.00 20.001,005.00 126.01 126.01 126.01 0.00 20.10 40.20 80.40 20.101,010.00 126.62 126.62 126.62 0.00 20.20 40.40 80.80 20.201,015.00 127.27 127.27 127.27 0.00 20.30 40.60 81.20 20.301,020.00 127.87 127.87 127.87 0.00 20.40 40.80 81.60 20.401,025.00 128.52 128.52 128.52 0.00 20.50 41.00 82.00 20.501,030.00 129.13 129.13 129.13 0.00 20.60 41.20 82.40 20.601,035.00 129.78 129.78 129.78 0.00 20.70 41.40 82.80 20.701,040.00 130.39 130.39 130.39 0.00 20.80 41.60 83.20 20.801,045.00 131.04 131.04 131.04 0.00 20.90 41.80 83.60 20.901,050.00 131.64 131.64 131.64 0.00 21.00 42.00 84.00 21.001,055.00 132.29 132.29 132.29 0.00 21.10 42.20 84.40 21.101,060.00 132.90 132.90 132.90 0.00 21.20 42.40 84.80 21.201,065.00 133.51 133.51 133.51 0.00 21.30 42.60 85.20 21.301,070.00 134.16 134.16 134.16 0.00 21.40 42.80 85.60 21.401,075.00 134.76 134.76 134.76 0.00 21.50 43.00 86.00 21.501,080.00 135.41 135.41 135.41 0.00 21.60 43.20 86.40 21.601,085.00 136.02 136.02 136.02 0.00 21.70 43.40 86.80 21.701,090.00 136.67 136.67 136.67 0.00 21.80 43.60 87.20 21.801,095.00 137.28 137.28 137.28 0.00 21.90 43.80 87.60 21.901,100.00 137.93 137.93 137.93 0.00 22.00 44.00 88.00 22.00

FOUR-WEEKLY AND MONTHLY <strong>PAYE</strong> DEDUCTION TABLES 61EarningsMonthly Pay Periods – Earnings $1,105 to $1,375Codes<strong>PAYE</strong>KiwiSaverM ME ML SL Loan ded 2% 4% 8% CEC$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $1,105.00 138.53 138.53 138.53 0.00 22.10 44.20 88.40 22.101,110.00 139.18 139.18 139.18 0.00 22.20 44.40 88.80 22.201,115.00 139.79 139.79 139.79 0.00 22.30 44.60 89.20 22.301,120.00 140.44 140.44 140.44 0.00 22.40 44.80 89.60 22.401,125.00 141.05 141.05 141.05 0.00 22.50 45.00 90.00 22.501,130.00 141.70 141.70 141.70 0.00 22.60 45.20 90.40 22.601,135.00 142.30 142.30 142.30 0.00 22.70 45.40 90.80 22.701,140.00 142.91 142.91 142.91 0.00 22.80 45.60 91.20 22.801,145.00 143.56 143.56 143.56 0.00 22.90 45.80 91.60 22.901,150.00 144.17 144.17 144.17 0.00 23.00 46.00 92.00 23.001,155.00 144.82 144.82 144.82 0.00 23.10 46.20 92.40 23.101,160.00 145.42 145.42 145.42 0.00 23.20 46.40 92.80 23.201,165.00 146.07 146.07 146.07 0.00 23.30 46.60 93.20 23.301,170.00 146.94 146.94 146.94 0.00 23.40 46.80 93.60 23.401,175.00 147.89 147.89 147.89 0.00 23.50 47.00 94.00 23.501,180.00 148.89 148.89 148.89 0.00 23.60 47.20 94.40 23.601,185.00 149.84 149.84 149.84 0.00 23.70 47.40 94.80 23.701,190.00 150.84 150.84 150.84 0.00 23.80 47.60 95.20 23.801,195.00 151.79 151.79 151.79 0.00 23.90 47.80 95.60 23.901,200.00 152.79 152.79 152.79 0.00 24.00 48.00 96.00 24.001,205.00 153.79 153.79 153.79 0.00 24.10 48.20 96.40 24.101,210.00 154.74 154.74 154.74 0.00 24.20 48.40 96.80 24.201,215.00 155.74 155.74 155.74 0.00 24.30 48.60 97.20 24.301,220.00 156.69 156.69 156.69 0.00 24.40 48.80 97.60 24.401,225.00 157.69 157.69 157.69 0.00 24.50 49.00 98.00 24.50MONTHLY1,230.00 158.64 158.64 158.64 0.00 24.60 49.20 98.40 24.601,235.00 159.64 159.64 159.64 0.00 24.70 49.40 98.80 24.701,240.00 160.59 160.59 160.59 0.00 24.80 49.60 99.20 24.801,245.00 161.59 161.59 161.59 0.00 24.90 49.80 99.60 24.901,250.00 162.54 162.54 162.54 0.00 25.00 50.00 100.00 25.001,255.00 163.54 163.54 163.54 0.00 25.10 50.20 100.40 25.101,260.00 164.53 164.53 164.53 0.00 25.20 50.40 100.80 25.201,265.00 165.49 165.49 165.49 0.00 25.30 50.60 101.20 25.301,270.00 166.48 166.48 166.48 0.00 25.40 50.80 101.60 25.401,275.00 167.44 167.44 167.44 0.00 25.50 51.00 102.00 25.501,280.00 168.43 168.43 168.43 0.00 25.60 51.20 102.40 25.601,285.00 169.39 169.39 169.39 0.00 25.70 51.40 102.80 25.701,290.00 170.38 170.38 170.38 0.00 25.80 51.60 103.20 25.801,295.00 171.34 171.34 171.34 0.00 25.90 51.80 103.60 25.901,300.00 172.33 172.33 172.33 0.00 26.00 52.00 104.00 26.001,305.00 173.29 173.29 173.29 0.00 26.10 52.20 104.40 26.101,310.00 174.28 174.28 174.28 0.00 26.20 52.40 104.80 26.201,315.00 175.28 175.28 175.28 0.00 26.30 52.60 105.20 26.301,320.00 176.23 176.23 176.23 0.00 26.40 52.80 105.60 26.401,325.00 177.23 177.23 177.23 0.00 26.50 53.00 106.00 26.501,330.00 178.18 178.18 178.18 0.00 26.60 53.20 106.40 26.601,335.00 179.18 179.18 179.18 0.00 26.70 53.40 106.80 26.701,340.00 180.13 180.13 180.13 0.00 26.80 53.60 107.20 26.801,345.00 181.13 181.13 181.13 0.00 26.90 53.80 107.60 26.901,350.00 182.08 182.08 182.08 0.00 27.00 54.00 108.00 27.001,355.00 183.08 183.08 183.08 0.00 27.10 54.20 108.40 27.101,360.00 184.03 184.03 184.03 0.00 27.20 54.40 108.80 27.201,365.00 185.03 185.03 185.03 0.00 27.30 54.60 109.20 27.301,370.00 186.03 186.03 186.03 0.00 27.40 54.80 109.60 27.401,375.00 186.98 186.98 186.98 0.00 27.50 55.00 110.00 27.50

62 FOUR-WEEKLY AND MONTHLY <strong>PAYE</strong> DEDUCTION TABLESEarningsMonthly Pay Periods – Earnings $1,380 to $1,650Codes<strong>PAYE</strong>KiwiSaverM ME ML SL Loan ded 2% 4% 8% CEC$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $1,380.00 187.98 187.98 187.98 0.00 27.60 55.20 110.40 27.601,385.00 188.93 188.93 188.93 0.00 27.70 55.40 110.80 27.701,390.00 189.93 189.93 189.93 0.00 27.80 55.60 111.20 27.801,395.00 190.88 190.88 190.88 0.00 27.90 55.80 111.60 27.901,400.00 191.88 191.88 191.88 0.00 28.00 56.00 112.00 28.001,405.00 192.83 192.83 192.83 0.00 28.10 56.20 112.40 28.101,410.00 193.83 193.83 193.83 0.00 28.20 56.40 112.80 28.201,415.00 194.78 194.78 194.78 0.00 28.30 56.60 113.20 28.301,420.00 195.78 195.78 195.78 0.00 28.40 56.80 113.60 28.401,425.00 196.77 196.77 196.77 0.00 28.50 57.00 114.00 28.501,430.00 197.73 197.73 197.73 0.00 28.60 57.20 114.40 28.601,435.00 198.72 198.72 198.72 0.00 28.70 57.40 114.80 28.701,440.00 199.68 199.68 199.68 0.00 28.80 57.60 115.20 28.801,445.00 200.67 200.67 200.67 0.00 28.90 57.80 115.60 28.901,450.00 201.63 201.63 201.63 0.00 29.00 58.00 116.00 29.001,455.00 202.62 202.62 202.62 0.00 29.10 58.20 116.40 29.101,460.00 203.58 203.58 203.58 0.00 29.20 58.40 116.80 29.201,465.00 204.57 204.57 204.57 0.00 29.30 58.60 117.20 29.301,470.00 205.53 205.53 205.53 0.00 29.40 58.80 117.60 29.401,475.00 206.52 206.52 206.52 0.00 29.50 59.00 118.00 29.50MONTHLY1,480.00 207.52 207.52 207.52 0.00 29.60 59.20 118.40 29.601,485.00 208.47 208.47 208.47 0.00 29.70 59.40 118.80 29.701,490.00 209.47 209.47 209.47 0.00 29.80 59.60 119.20 29.801,495.00 210.42 210.42 210.42 0.00 29.90 59.80 119.60 29.901,500.00 211.42 211.42 211.42 0.00 30.00 60.00 120.00 30.001,505.00 212.37 212.37 212.37 0.00 30.10 60.20 120.40 30.101,510.00 213.37 213.37 213.37 0.00 30.20 60.40 120.80 30.201,515.00 214.32 214.32 214.32 0.00 30.30 60.60 121.20 30.301,520.00 215.32 215.32 215.32 0.00 30.40 60.80 121.60 30.401,525.00 216.27 216.27 216.27 0.00 30.50 61.00 122.00 30.501,530.00 217.27 217.27 217.27 0.00 30.60 61.20 122.40 30.601,535.00 218.27 218.27 218.27 0.00 30.70 61.40 122.80 30.701,540.00 219.22 219.22 219.22 0.00 30.80 61.60 123.20 30.801,545.00 220.22 220.22 220.22 0.00 30.90 61.80 123.60 30.901,550.00 221.17 221.17 221.17 0.00 31.00 62.00 124.00 31.001,555.00 222.17 222.17 222.17 0.00 31.10 62.20 124.40 31.101,560.00 223.12 223.12 223.12 0.00 31.20 62.40 124.80 31.201,565.00 224.12 224.12 224.12 0.00 31.30 62.60 125.20 31.301,570.00 225.07 225.07 225.07 0.00 31.40 62.80 125.60 31.401,575.00 226.07 226.07 226.07 0.00 31.50 63.00 126.00 31.501,580.00 227.02 227.02 227.02 0.00 31.60 63.20 126.40 31.601,585.00 228.02 228.02 228.02 0.00 31.70 63.40 126.80 31.701,590.00 229.01 229.01 229.01 0.00 31.80 63.60 127.20 31.801,595.00 229.97 229.97 229.97 0.46 31.90 63.80 127.60 31.901,600.00 230.96 230.96 230.96 0.96 32.00 64.00 128.00 32.001,605.00 231.92 231.92 231.92 1.46 32.10 64.20 128.40 32.101,610.00 232.91 232.91 232.91 1.96 32.20 64.40 128.80 32.201,615.00 233.87 233.87 233.87 2.46 32.30 64.60 129.20 32.301,620.00 234.86 234.86 234.86 2.96 32.40 64.80 129.60 32.401,625.00 235.82 235.82 235.82 3.46 32.50 65.00 130.00 32.501,630.00 236.81 236.81 236.81 3.96 32.60 65.20 130.40 32.601,635.00 237.77 237.77 237.77 4.46 32.70 65.40 130.80 32.701,640.00 238.76 238.76 238.76 4.96 32.80 65.60 131.20 32.801,645.00 239.76 239.76 239.76 5.46 32.90 65.80 131.60 32.901,650.00 240.71 240.71 240.71 5.96 33.00 66.00 132.00 33.00

FOUR-WEEKLY AND MONTHLY <strong>PAYE</strong> DEDUCTION TABLES 63EarningsMonthly Pay Periods – Earnings $1,655 to $1,925Codes<strong>PAYE</strong>KiwiSaverM ME ML SL Loan ded 2% 4% 8% CEC$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $1,655.00 241.71 241.71 241.71 6.46 33.10 66.20 132.40 33.101,660.00 242.66 242.66 242.66 6.96 33.20 66.40 132.80 33.201,665.00 243.66 243.66 243.66 7.46 33.30 66.60 133.20 33.301,670.00 244.61 244.61 244.61 7.96 33.40 66.80 133.60 33.401,675.00 245.61 245.61 245.61 8.46 33.50 67.00 134.00 33.501,680.00 246.56 246.56 246.56 8.96 33.60 67.20 134.40 33.601,685.00 247.56 247.56 247.56 9.46 33.70 67.40 134.80 33.701,690.00 248.51 248.51 248.51 9.96 33.80 67.60 135.20 33.801,695.00 249.51 249.51 249.51 10.46 33.90 67.80 135.60 33.901,700.00 250.51 250.51 250.51 10.96 34.00 68.00 136.00 34.001,705.00 251.46 251.46 251.46 11.46 34.10 68.20 136.40 34.101,710.00 252.46 252.46 252.46 11.96 34.20 68.40 136.80 34.201,715.00 253.41 253.41 253.41 12.46 34.30 68.60 137.20 34.301,720.00 254.41 254.41 254.41 12.96 34.40 68.80 137.60 34.401,725.00 255.36 255.36 255.36 13.46 34.50 69.00 138.00 34.501,730.00 256.36 256.36 256.36 13.96 34.60 69.20 138.40 34.601,735.00 257.31 257.31 257.31 14.46 34.70 69.40 138.80 34.701,740.00 258.31 258.31 258.31 14.96 34.80 69.60 139.20 34.801,745.00 259.26 259.26 259.26 15.46 34.90 69.80 139.60 34.901,750.00 260.26 260.26 260.26 15.96 35.00 70.00 140.00 35.001,755.00 261.25 261.25 261.25 16.46 35.10 70.20 140.40 35.101,760.00 262.21 262.21 262.21 16.96 35.20 70.40 140.80 35.201,765.00 263.20 263.20 263.20 17.46 35.30 70.60 141.20 35.301,770.00 264.16 264.16 264.16 17.96 35.40 70.80 141.60 35.401,775.00 265.15 265.15 265.15 18.46 35.50 71.00 142.00 35.50MONTHLY1,780.00 266.11 266.11 266.11 18.96 35.60 71.20 142.40 35.601,785.00 267.10 267.10 267.10 19.46 35.70 71.40 142.80 35.701,790.00 268.06 268.06 268.06 19.96 35.80 71.60 143.20 35.801,795.00 269.05 269.05 269.05 20.46 35.90 71.80 143.60 35.901,800.00 270.05 270.05 270.05 20.96 36.00 72.00 144.00 36.001,805.00 271.00 271.00 271.00 21.46 36.10 72.20 144.40 36.101,810.00 272.00 272.00 272.00 21.96 36.20 72.40 144.80 36.201,815.00 272.95 272.95 272.95 22.46 36.30 72.60 145.20 36.301,820.00 273.95 273.95 273.95 22.96 36.40 72.80 145.60 36.401,825.00 274.90 274.90 274.90 23.46 36.50 73.00 146.00 36.501,830.00 275.90 275.90 275.90 23.96 36.60 73.20 146.40 36.601,835.00 276.85 276.85 276.85 24.46 36.70 73.40 146.80 36.701,840.00 277.85 277.85 277.85 24.96 36.80 73.60 147.20 36.801,845.00 278.80 278.80 278.80 25.46 36.90 73.80 147.60 36.901,850.00 279.80 279.80 279.80 25.96 37.00 74.00 148.00 37.001,855.00 280.80 280.80 280.80 26.46 37.10 74.20 148.40 37.101,860.00 281.75 281.75 281.75 26.96 37.20 74.40 148.80 37.201,865.00 282.75 282.75 282.75 27.46 37.30 74.60 149.20 37.301,870.00 283.70 283.70 283.70 27.96 37.40 74.80 149.60 37.401,875.00 284.70 284.70 284.70 28.46 37.50 75.00 150.00 37.501,880.00 285.65 285.65 285.65 28.96 37.60 75.20 150.40 37.601,885.00 286.65 286.65 286.65 29.46 37.70 75.40 150.80 37.701,890.00 287.60 287.60 287.60 29.96 37.80 75.60 151.20 37.801,895.00 288.60 288.60 288.60 30.46 37.90 75.80 151.60 37.901,900.00 289.55 289.55 289.55 30.96 38.00 76.00 152.00 38.001,905.00 290.55 290.55 290.55 31.46 38.10 76.20 152.40 38.101,910.00 291.54 291.54 291.54 31.96 38.20 76.40 152.80 38.201,915.00 292.50 292.50 292.50 32.46 38.30 76.60 153.20 38.301,920.00 293.49 293.49 293.49 32.96 38.40 76.80 153.60 38.401,925.00 294.45 294.45 294.45 33.46 38.50 77.00 154.00 38.50

64 FOUR-WEEKLY AND MONTHLY <strong>PAYE</strong> DEDUCTION TABLESEarningsMonthly Pay Periods – Earnings $1,930 to $2,200Codes<strong>PAYE</strong>KiwiSaverM ME ML SL Loan ded 2% 4% 8% CEC$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $1,930.00 295.44 295.44 295.44 33.96 38.60 77.20 154.40 38.601,935.00 296.40 296.40 296.40 34.46 38.70 77.40 154.80 38.701,940.00 297.39 297.39 297.39 34.96 38.80 77.60 155.20 38.801,945.00 298.35 298.35 298.35 35.46 38.90 77.80 155.60 38.901,950.00 299.34 299.34 299.34 35.96 39.00 78.00 156.00 39.001,955.00 300.30 300.30 300.30 36.46 39.10 78.20 156.40 39.101,960.00 301.29 301.29 301.29 36.96 39.20 78.40 156.80 39.201,965.00 302.29 302.29 302.29 37.46 39.30 78.60 157.20 39.301,970.00 303.24 303.24 303.24 37.96 39.40 78.80 157.60 39.401,975.00 304.24 304.24 304.24 38.46 39.50 79.00 158.00 39.501,980.00 305.19 305.19 305.19 38.96 39.60 79.20 158.40 39.601,985.00 306.19 306.19 306.19 39.46 39.70 79.40 158.80 39.701,990.00 307.14 307.14 307.14 39.96 39.80 79.60 159.20 39.801,995.00 308.14 308.14 308.14 40.46 39.90 79.80 159.60 39.902,000.00 309.09 265.76 309.09 40.96 40.00 80.00 160.00 40.002,005.00 310.09 266.76 310.09 41.46 40.10 80.20 160.40 40.102,010.00 311.04 267.71 311.04 41.96 40.20 80.40 160.80 40.202,015.00 312.04 268.71 312.04 42.46 40.30 80.60 161.20 40.302,020.00 313.04 269.70 313.04 42.96 40.40 80.80 161.60 40.402,025.00 313.99 270.66 313.99 43.46 40.50 81.00 162.00 40.50MONTHLY2,030.00 314.99 271.65 314.99 43.96 40.60 81.20 162.40 40.602,035.00 315.94 272.61 315.94 44.46 40.70 81.40 162.80 40.702,040.00 316.94 273.60 316.94 44.96 40.80 81.60 163.20 40.802,045.00 317.89 274.56 317.89 45.46 40.90 81.80 163.60 40.902,050.00 318.89 275.55 318.89 45.96 41.00 82.00 164.00 41.002,055.00 319.84 276.51 319.84 46.46 41.10 82.20 164.40 41.102,060.00 320.84 277.50 320.84 46.96 41.20 82.40 164.80 41.202,065.00 321.79 278.46 321.79 47.46 41.30 82.60 165.20 41.302,070.00 322.79 279.45 322.79 47.96 41.40 82.80 165.60 41.402,075.00 323.78 280.45 323.78 48.46 41.50 83.00 166.00 41.502,080.00 324.74 281.40 324.74 48.96 41.60 83.20 166.40 41.602,085.00 325.73 282.40 325.73 49.46 41.70 83.40 166.80 41.702,090.00 326.69 283.35 326.69 49.96 41.80 83.60 167.20 41.802,095.00 327.68 284.35 327.68 50.46 41.90 83.80 167.60 41.902,100.00 328.64 285.30 328.64 50.96 42.00 84.00 168.00 42.002,105.00 329.63 286.30 329.63 51.46 42.10 84.20 168.40 42.102,110.00 330.59 287.25 330.59 51.96 42.20 84.40 168.80 42.202,115.00 331.58 288.25 331.58 52.46 42.30 84.60 169.20 42.302,120.00 332.54 289.20 332.54 52.96 42.40 84.80 169.60 42.402,125.00 333.53 290.20 333.53 53.46 42.50 85.00 170.00 42.502,130.00 334.53 291.20 334.53 53.96 42.60 85.20 170.40 42.602,135.00 335.48 292.15 335.48 54.46 42.70 85.40 170.80 42.702,140.00 336.48 293.15 336.48 54.96 42.80 85.60 171.20 42.802,145.00 337.43 294.10 337.43 55.46 42.90 85.80 171.60 42.902,150.00 338.43 295.10 338.43 55.96 43.00 86.00 172.00 43.002,155.00 339.38 296.05 339.38 56.46 43.10 86.20 172.40 43.102,160.00 340.38 297.05 340.38 56.96 43.20 86.40 172.80 43.202,165.00 341.33 298.00 341.33 57.46 43.30 86.60 173.20 43.302,170.00 342.33 299.00 342.33 57.96 43.40 86.80 173.60 43.402,175.00 343.28 299.95 343.28 58.46 43.50 87.00 174.00 43.502,180.00 344.28 300.95 344.28 58.96 43.60 87.20 174.40 43.602,185.00 345.28 301.94 345.28 59.46 43.70 87.40 174.80 43.702,190.00 346.23 302.90 346.23 59.96 43.80 87.60 175.20 43.802,195.00 347.23 303.89 347.23 60.46 43.90 87.80 175.60 43.902,200.00 348.18 304.85 348.18 60.96 44.00 88.00 176.00 44.00

FOUR-WEEKLY AND MONTHLY <strong>PAYE</strong> DEDUCTION TABLES 65EarningsMonthly Pay Periods – Earnings $2,205 to $2,475Codes<strong>PAYE</strong>KiwiSaverM ME ML SL Loan ded 2% 4% 8% CEC$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $2,205.00 349.18 305.84 349.18 61.46 44.10 88.20 176.40 44.102,210.00 350.13 306.80 350.13 61.96 44.20 88.40 176.80 44.202,215.00 351.13 307.79 351.13 62.46 44.30 88.60 177.20 44.302,220.00 352.08 308.75 352.08 62.96 44.40 88.80 177.60 44.402,225.00 353.08 309.74 353.08 63.46 44.50 89.00 178.00 44.502,230.00 354.03 310.70 354.03 63.96 44.60 89.20 178.40 44.602,235.00 355.03 311.69 355.03 64.46 44.70 89.40 178.80 44.702,240.00 356.02 312.69 356.02 64.96 44.80 89.60 179.20 44.802,245.00 356.98 313.64 356.98 65.46 44.90 89.80 179.60 44.902,250.00 357.97 314.64 357.97 65.96 45.00 90.00 180.00 45.002,255.00 358.93 315.59 358.93 66.46 45.10 90.20 180.40 45.102,260.00 359.92 316.59 359.92 66.96 45.20 90.40 180.80 45.202,265.00 360.88 317.54 360.88 67.46 45.30 90.60 181.20 45.302,270.00 361.87 318.54 361.87 67.96 45.40 90.80 181.60 45.402,275.00 362.83 319.49 362.83 68.46 45.50 91.00 182.00 45.502,280.00 363.82 320.49 363.82 68.96 45.60 91.20 182.40 45.602,285.00 364.78 321.44 364.78 69.46 45.70 91.40 182.80 45.702,290.00 365.77 322.44 365.77 69.96 45.80 91.60 183.20 45.802,295.00 366.77 323.44 366.77 70.46 45.90 91.80 183.60 45.902,300.00 367.72 324.39 367.72 70.96 46.00 92.00 184.00 46.002,305.00 368.72 325.39 368.72 71.46 46.10 92.20 184.40 46.102,310.00 369.67 326.34 369.67 71.96 46.20 92.40 184.80 46.202,315.00 370.67 327.34 370.67 72.46 46.30 92.60 185.20 46.302,320.00 371.62 328.29 371.62 72.96 46.40 92.80 185.60 46.402,325.00 372.62 329.29 372.62 73.46 46.50 93.00 186.00 46.50MONTHLY2,330.00 373.57 330.24 373.57 73.96 46.60 93.20 186.40 46.602,335.00 374.57 331.24 374.57 74.46 46.70 93.40 186.80 46.702,340.00 375.52 332.19 375.52 74.96 46.80 93.60 187.20 46.802,345.00 376.52 333.19 376.52 75.46 46.90 93.80 187.60 46.902,350.00 377.52 334.18 377.52 75.96 47.00 94.00 188.00 47.002,355.00 378.47 335.14 378.47 76.46 47.10 94.20 188.40 47.102,360.00 379.47 336.13 379.47 76.96 47.20 94.40 188.80 47.202,365.00 380.42 337.09 380.42 77.46 47.30 94.60 189.20 47.302,370.00 381.42 338.08 381.42 77.96 47.40 94.80 189.60 47.402,375.00 382.37 339.04 382.37 78.46 47.50 95.00 190.00 47.502,380.00 383.37 340.03 383.37 78.96 47.60 95.20 190.40 47.602,385.00 384.32 340.99 384.32 79.46 47.70 95.40 190.80 47.702,390.00 385.32 341.98 385.32 79.96 47.80 95.60 191.20 47.802,395.00 386.27 342.94 386.27 80.46 47.90 95.80 191.60 47.902,400.00 387.27 343.93 387.27 80.96 48.00 96.00 192.00 48.002,405.00 388.26 344.93 388.26 81.46 48.10 96.20 192.40 48.102,410.00 389.22 345.88 389.22 81.96 48.20 96.40 192.80 48.202,415.00 390.21 346.88 390.21 82.46 48.30 96.60 193.20 48.302,420.00 391.17 347.83 391.17 82.96 48.40 96.80 193.60 48.402,425.00 392.16 348.83 392.16 83.46 48.50 97.00 194.00 48.502,430.00 393.12 349.78 393.12 83.96 48.60 97.20 194.40 48.602,435.00 394.11 350.78 394.11 84.46 48.70 97.40 194.80 48.702,440.00 395.07 351.73 395.07 84.96 48.80 97.60 195.20 48.802,445.00 396.06 352.73 396.06 85.46 48.90 97.80 195.60 48.902,450.00 397.06 353.73 397.06 85.96 49.00 98.00 196.00 49.002,455.00 398.01 354.68 398.01 86.46 49.10 98.20 196.40 49.102,460.00 399.01 355.68 399.01 86.96 49.20 98.40 196.80 49.202,465.00 399.96 356.63 399.96 87.46 49.30 98.60 197.20 49.302,470.00 400.96 357.63 400.96 87.96 49.40 98.80 197.60 49.402,475.00 401.91 358.58 401.91 88.46 49.50 99.00 198.00 49.50

66 FOUR-WEEKLY AND MONTHLY <strong>PAYE</strong> DEDUCTION TABLESEarningsMonthly Pay Periods – Earnings $2,480 to $2,750Codes<strong>PAYE</strong>KiwiSaverM ME ML SL Loan ded 2% 4% 8% CEC$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $2,480.00 402.91 359.58 402.91 88.96 49.60 99.20 198.40 49.602,485.00 403.86 360.53 403.86 89.46 49.70 99.40 198.80 49.702,490.00 404.86 361.53 404.86 89.96 49.80 99.60 199.20 49.802,495.00 405.81 362.48 405.81 90.46 49.90 99.80 199.60 49.902,500.00 406.81 363.48 406.81 90.96 50.00 100.00 200.00 50.002,505.00 407.81 364.47 407.81 91.46 50.10 100.20 200.40 50.102,510.00 408.76 365.43 408.76 91.96 50.20 100.40 200.80 50.202,515.00 409.76 366.42 409.76 92.46 50.30 100.60 201.20 50.302,520.00 410.71 367.38 410.71 92.96 50.40 100.80 201.60 50.402,525.00 411.71 368.37 411.71 93.46 50.50 101.00 202.00 50.502,530.00 412.66 369.33 412.66 93.96 50.60 101.20 202.40 50.602,535.00 413.66 370.32 413.66 94.46 50.70 101.40 202.80 50.702,540.00 414.61 371.28 414.61 94.96 50.80 101.60 203.20 50.802,545.00 415.61 372.27 415.61 95.46 50.90 101.80 203.60 50.902,550.00 416.56 373.23 416.56 95.96 51.00 102.00 204.00 51.002,555.00 417.56 374.22 417.56 96.46 51.10 102.20 204.40 51.102,560.00 418.55 375.22 418.55 96.96 51.20 102.40 204.80 51.202,565.00 419.51 376.17 419.51 97.46 51.30 102.60 205.20 51.302,570.00 420.50 377.17 420.50 97.96 51.40 102.80 205.60 51.402,575.00 421.46 378.12 421.46 98.46 51.50 103.00 206.00 51.50MONTHLY2,580.00 422.45 379.12 422.45 98.96 51.60 103.20 206.40 51.602,585.00 423.41 380.07 423.41 99.46 51.70 103.40 206.80 51.702,590.00 424.40 381.07 424.40 99.96 51.80 103.60 207.20 51.802,595.00 425.36 382.02 425.36 100.46 51.90 103.80 207.60 51.902,600.00 426.35 383.02 426.35 100.96 52.00 104.00 208.00 52.002,605.00 427.31 383.97 427.31 101.46 52.10 104.20 208.40 52.102,610.00 428.30 384.97 428.30 101.96 52.20 104.40 208.80 52.202,615.00 429.30 385.97 429.30 102.46 52.30 104.60 209.20 52.302,620.00 430.25 386.92 430.25 102.96 52.40 104.80 209.60 52.402,625.00 431.25 387.92 431.25 103.46 52.50 105.00 210.00 52.502,630.00 432.20 388.87 432.20 103.96 52.60 105.20 210.40 52.602,635.00 433.20 389.87 433.20 104.46 52.70 105.40 210.80 52.702,640.00 434.15 390.82 434.15 104.96 52.80 105.60 211.20 52.802,645.00 435.15 391.82 435.15 105.46 52.90 105.80 211.60 52.902,650.00 436.10 392.77 436.10 105.96 53.00 106.00 212.00 53.002,655.00 437.10 393.77 437.10 106.46 53.10 106.20 212.40 53.102,660.00 438.05 394.72 438.05 106.96 53.20 106.40 212.80 53.202,665.00 439.05 395.72 439.05 107.46 53.30 106.60 213.20 53.302,670.00 440.05 396.71 440.05 107.96 53.40 106.80 213.60 53.402,675.00 441.00 397.67 441.00 108.46 53.50 107.00 214.00 53.502,680.00 442.00 398.66 442.00 108.96 53.60 107.20 214.40 53.602,685.00 442.95 399.62 442.95 109.46 53.70 107.40 214.80 53.702,690.00 443.95 400.61 443.95 109.96 53.80 107.60 215.20 53.802,695.00 444.90 401.57 444.90 110.46 53.90 107.80 215.60 53.902,700.00 445.90 402.56 445.90 110.96 54.00 108.00 216.00 54.002,705.00 446.85 403.52 446.85 111.46 54.10 108.20 216.40 54.102,710.00 447.85 404.51 447.85 111.96 54.20 108.40 216.80 54.202,715.00 448.80 405.47 448.80 112.46 54.30 108.60 217.20 54.302,720.00 449.80 406.46 449.80 112.96 54.40 108.80 217.60 54.402,725.00 450.79 407.46 450.79 113.46 54.50 109.00 218.00 54.502,730.00 451.75 408.41 451.75 113.96 54.60 109.20 218.40 54.602,735.00 452.74 409.41 452.74 114.46 54.70 109.40 218.80 54.702,740.00 453.70 410.36 453.70 114.96 54.80 109.60 219.20 54.802,745.00 454.69 411.36 454.69 115.46 54.90 109.80 219.60 54.902,750.00 455.65 412.31 455.65 115.96 55.00 110.00 220.00 55.00

FOUR-WEEKLY AND MONTHLY <strong>PAYE</strong> DEDUCTION TABLES 67EarningsMonthly Pay Periods – Earnings $2,755 to $3,025Codes<strong>PAYE</strong>KiwiSaverM ME ML SL Loan ded 2% 4% 8% CEC$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $2,755.00 456.64 413.31 456.64 116.46 55.10 110.20 220.40 55.102,760.00 457.60 414.26 457.60 116.96 55.20 110.40 220.80 55.202,765.00 458.59 415.26 458.59 117.46 55.30 110.60 221.20 55.302,770.00 459.55 416.21 459.55 117.96 55.40 110.80 221.60 55.402,775.00 460.54 417.21 460.54 118.46 55.50 111.00 222.00 55.502,780.00 461.54 418.21 461.54 118.96 55.60 111.20 222.40 55.602,785.00 462.49 419.16 462.49 119.46 55.70 111.40 222.80 55.702,790.00 463.49 420.16 463.49 119.96 55.80 111.60 223.20 55.802,795.00 464.44 421.11 464.44 120.46 55.90 111.80 223.60 55.902,800.00 465.44 422.11 465.44 120.96 56.00 112.00 224.00 56.002,805.00 466.39 423.06 466.39 121.46 56.10 112.20 224.40 56.102,810.00 467.39 424.06 467.39 121.96 56.20 112.40 224.80 56.202,815.00 468.34 425.01 468.34 122.46 56.30 112.60 225.20 56.302,820.00 469.34 426.01 469.34 122.96 56.40 112.80 225.60 56.402,825.00 470.29 426.96 470.29 123.46 56.50 113.00 226.00 56.502,830.00 471.29 427.96 471.29 123.96 56.60 113.20 226.40 56.602,835.00 472.29 428.95 472.29 124.46 56.70 113.40 226.80 56.702,840.00 473.24 429.91 473.24 124.96 56.80 113.60 227.20 56.802,845.00 474.24 430.90 474.24 125.46 56.90 113.80 227.60 56.902,850.00 475.19 431.86 475.19 125.96 57.00 114.00 228.00 57.002,855.00 476.19 432.85 476.19 126.46 57.10 114.20 228.40 57.102,860.00 477.14 433.81 477.14 126.96 57.20 114.40 228.80 57.202,865.00 478.14 434.80 478.14 127.46 57.30 114.60 229.20 57.302,870.00 479.09 435.76 479.09 127.96 57.40 114.80 229.60 57.402,875.00 480.09 436.75 480.09 128.46 57.50 115.00 230.00 57.50MONTHLY2,880.00 481.04 437.71 481.04 128.96 57.60 115.20 230.40 57.602,885.00 482.04 438.70 482.04 129.46 57.70 115.40 230.80 57.702,890.00 483.03 439.70 483.03 129.96 57.80 115.60 231.20 57.802,895.00 483.99 440.65 483.99 130.46 57.90 115.80 231.60 57.902,900.00 484.98 441.65 484.98 130.96 58.00 116.00 232.00 58.002,905.00 485.94 442.60 485.94 131.46 58.10 116.20 232.40 58.102,910.00 486.93 443.60 486.93 131.96 58.20 116.40 232.80 58.202,915.00 487.89 444.55 487.89 132.46 58.30 116.60 233.20 58.302,920.00 488.88 445.55 488.88 132.96 58.40 116.80 233.60 58.402,925.00 489.84 446.50 489.84 133.46 58.50 117.00 234.00 58.502,930.00 490.83 447.50 490.83 133.96 58.60 117.20 234.40 58.602,935.00 491.79 448.45 491.79 134.46 58.70 117.40 234.80 58.702,940.00 492.78 449.45 492.78 134.96 58.80 117.60 235.20 58.802,945.00 493.78 450.45 493.78 135.46 58.90 117.80 235.60 58.902,950.00 494.73 451.40 494.73 135.96 59.00 118.00 236.00 59.002,955.00 495.73 452.40 495.73 136.46 59.10 118.20 236.40 59.102,960.00 496.68 453.35 496.68 136.96 59.20 118.40 236.80 59.202,965.00 497.68 454.35 497.68 137.46 59.30 118.60 237.20 59.302,970.00 498.63 455.30 498.63 137.96 59.40 118.80 237.60 59.402,975.00 499.63 456.30 499.63 138.46 59.50 119.00 238.00 59.502,980.00 500.58 457.25 500.58 138.96 59.60 119.20 238.40 59.602,985.00 501.58 458.25 501.58 139.46 59.70 119.40 238.80 59.702,990.00 502.53 459.20 502.53 139.96 59.80 119.60 239.20 59.802,995.00 503.53 460.20 503.53 140.46 59.90 119.80 239.60 59.903,000.00 504.53 461.19 504.53 140.96 60.00 120.00 240.00 60.003,005.00 505.48 462.15 505.48 141.46 60.10 120.20 240.40 60.103,010.00 506.48 463.14 506.48 141.96 60.20 120.40 240.80 60.203,015.00 507.43 464.10 507.43 142.46 60.30 120.60 241.20 60.303,020.00 508.43 465.09 508.43 142.96 60.40 120.80 241.60 60.403,025.00 509.38 466.05 509.38 143.46 60.50 121.00 242.00 60.50

68 FOUR-WEEKLY AND MONTHLY <strong>PAYE</strong> DEDUCTION TABLESEarningsMonthly Pay Periods – Earnings $3,030 to $3,300Codes<strong>PAYE</strong>KiwiSaverM ME ML SL Loan ded 2% 4% 8% CEC$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $3,030.00 510.38 467.04 510.38 143.96 60.60 121.20 242.40 60.603,035.00 511.33 468.00 511.33 144.46 60.70 121.40 242.80 60.703,040.00 512.33 468.99 512.33 144.96 60.80 121.60 243.20 60.803,045.00 513.28 469.95 513.28 145.46 60.90 121.80 243.60 60.903,050.00 514.28 470.94 514.28 145.96 61.00 122.00 244.00 61.003,055.00 515.27 471.94 515.27 146.46 61.10 122.20 244.40 61.103,060.00 516.23 472.89 516.23 146.96 61.20 122.40 244.80 61.203,065.00 517.22 473.89 517.22 147.46 61.30 122.60 245.20 61.303,070.00 518.18 474.84 518.18 147.96 61.40 122.80 245.60 61.403,075.00 519.17 475.84 519.17 148.46 61.50 123.00 246.00 61.503,080.00 520.13 476.79 520.13 148.96 61.60 123.20 246.40 61.603,085.00 521.12 477.79 521.12 149.46 61.70 123.40 246.80 61.703,090.00 522.08 478.74 522.08 149.96 61.80 123.60 247.20 61.803,095.00 523.07 479.74 523.07 150.46 61.90 123.80 247.60 61.903,100.00 524.07 480.74 524.07 150.96 62.00 124.00 248.00 62.003,105.00 525.02 481.69 525.02 151.46 62.10 124.20 248.40 62.103,110.00 526.02 482.69 526.02 151.96 62.20 124.40 248.80 62.203,115.00 526.97 483.64 526.97 152.46 62.30 124.60 249.20 62.303,120.00 527.97 484.64 527.97 152.96 62.40 124.80 249.60 62.403,125.00 528.92 485.59 528.92 153.46 62.50 125.00 250.00 62.50MONTHLY3,130.00 529.92 486.59 529.92 153.96 62.60 125.20 250.40 62.603,135.00 530.87 487.54 530.87 154.46 62.70 125.40 250.80 62.703,140.00 531.87 488.54 531.87 154.96 62.80 125.60 251.20 62.803,145.00 532.82 489.49 532.82 155.46 62.90 125.80 251.60 62.903,150.00 533.82 490.49 533.82 155.96 63.00 126.00 252.00 63.003,155.00 534.82 491.48 534.82 156.46 63.10 126.20 252.40 63.103,160.00 535.77 492.44 535.77 156.96 63.20 126.40 252.80 63.203,165.00 536.77 493.43 536.77 157.46 63.30 126.60 253.20 63.303,170.00 537.72 494.39 537.72 157.96 63.40 126.80 253.60 63.403,175.00 538.72 495.38 538.72 158.46 63.50 127.00 254.00 63.503,180.00 539.67 496.34 539.67 158.96 63.60 127.20 254.40 63.603,185.00 540.67 497.33 540.67 159.46 63.70 127.40 254.80 63.703,190.00 541.62 498.29 541.62 159.96 63.80 127.60 255.20 63.803,195.00 542.62 499.28 542.62 160.46 63.90 127.80 255.60 63.903,200.00 543.57 500.24 543.57 160.96 64.00 128.00 256.00 64.003,205.00 544.57 501.23 544.57 161.46 64.10 128.20 256.40 64.103,210.00 545.56 502.23 545.56 161.96 64.20 128.40 256.80 64.203,215.00 546.52 503.18 546.52 162.46 64.30 128.60 257.20 64.303,220.00 547.51 504.18 547.51 162.96 64.40 128.80 257.60 64.403,225.00 548.47 505.13 548.47 163.46 64.50 129.00 258.00 64.503,230.00 549.46 506.13 549.46 163.96 64.60 129.20 258.40 64.603,235.00 550.42 507.08 550.42 164.46 64.70 129.40 258.80 64.703,240.00 551.41 508.08 551.41 164.96 64.80 129.60 259.20 64.803,245.00 552.37 509.03 552.37 165.46 64.90 129.80 259.60 64.903,250.00 553.36 510.03 553.36 165.96 65.00 130.00 260.00 65.003,255.00 554.32 510.98 554.32 166.46 65.10 130.20 260.40 65.103,260.00 555.31 511.98 555.31 166.96 65.20 130.40 260.80 65.203,265.00 556.31 512.98 556.31 167.46 65.30 130.60 261.20 65.303,270.00 557.26 513.93 557.26 167.96 65.40 130.80 261.60 65.403,275.00 558.26 514.93 558.26 168.46 65.50 131.00 262.00 65.503,280.00 559.21 515.88 559.21 168.96 65.60 131.20 262.40 65.603,285.00 560.21 516.88 560.21 169.46 65.70 131.40 262.80 65.703,290.00 561.16 517.83 561.16 169.96 65.80 131.60 263.20 65.803,295.00 562.16 518.83 562.16 170.46 65.90 131.80 263.60 65.903,300.00 563.11 519.78 563.11 170.96 66.00 132.00 264.00 66.00

70 FOUR-WEEKLY AND MONTHLY <strong>PAYE</strong> DEDUCTION TABLESEarningsMonthly Pay Periods – Earnings $3,580 to $3,850Codes<strong>PAYE</strong>KiwiSaverM ME ML SL Loan ded 2% 4% 8% CEC$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $3,580.00 617.84 574.51 617.84 198.96 71.60 143.20 286.40 71.603,585.00 618.80 575.46 618.80 199.46 71.70 143.40 286.80 71.703,590.00 619.79 576.46 619.79 199.96 71.80 143.60 287.20 71.803,595.00 620.79 577.46 620.79 200.46 71.90 143.80 287.60 71.903,600.00 621.74 578.41 621.74 200.96 72.00 144.00 288.00 72.003,605.00 622.74 579.41 622.74 201.46 72.10 144.20 288.40 72.103,610.00 623.69 580.36 623.69 201.96 72.20 144.40 288.80 72.203,615.00 624.69 581.36 624.69 202.46 72.30 144.60 289.20 72.303,620.00 625.64 582.31 625.64 202.96 72.40 144.80 289.60 72.403,625.00 626.64 583.31 626.64 203.46 72.50 145.00 290.00 72.503,630.00 627.59 584.26 627.59 203.96 72.60 145.20 290.40 72.603,635.00 628.59 585.26 628.59 204.46 72.70 145.40 290.80 72.703,640.00 629.54 586.21 629.54 204.96 72.80 145.60 291.20 72.803,645.00 630.54 587.21 630.54 205.46 72.90 145.80 291.60 72.903,650.00 631.54 588.20 631.54 205.96 73.00 146.00 292.00 73.003,655.00 632.49 589.16 632.49 206.46 73.10 146.20 292.40 73.103,660.00 633.49 590.15 633.49 206.96 73.20 146.40 292.80 73.203,665.00 634.44 591.11 634.44 207.46 73.30 146.60 293.20 73.303,670.00 635.44 592.54 635.44 207.96 73.40 146.80 293.60 73.403,675.00 636.39 594.14 636.39 208.46 73.50 147.00 294.00 73.50MONTHLY3,680.00 637.39 595.79 637.39 208.96 73.60 147.20 294.40 73.603,685.00 638.34 597.39 638.34 209.46 73.70 147.40 294.80 73.703,690.00 639.34 599.04 639.34 209.96 73.80 147.60 295.20 73.803,695.00 640.29 600.64 640.29 210.46 73.90 147.80 295.60 73.903,700.00 641.29 602.29 641.29 210.96 74.00 148.00 296.00 74.003,705.00 642.28 603.93 642.28 211.46 74.10 148.20 296.40 74.103,710.00 643.24 605.54 643.24 211.96 74.20 148.40 296.80 74.203,715.00 644.23 607.18 644.23 212.46 74.30 148.60 297.20 74.303,720.00 645.19 608.79 645.19 212.96 74.40 148.80 297.60 74.403,725.00 646.18 610.43 646.18 213.46 74.50 149.00 298.00 74.503,730.00 647.14 612.04 647.14 213.96 74.60 149.20 298.40 74.603,735.00 648.13 613.68 648.13 214.46 74.70 149.40 298.80 74.703,740.00 649.09 615.29 649.09 214.96 74.80 149.60 299.20 74.803,745.00 650.08 616.93 650.08 215.46 74.90 149.80 299.60 74.903,750.00 651.08 618.58 651.08 215.96 75.00 150.00 300.00 75.003,755.00 652.03 620.18 652.03 216.46 75.10 150.20 300.40 75.103,760.00 653.03 621.83 653.03 216.96 75.20 150.40 300.80 75.203,765.00 653.98 623.43 653.98 217.46 75.30 150.60 301.20 75.303,770.00 654.98 625.08 654.98 217.96 75.40 150.80 301.60 75.403,775.00 655.93 626.68 655.93 218.46 75.50 151.00 302.00 75.503,780.00 656.93 628.33 656.93 218.96 75.60 151.20 302.40 75.603,785.00 657.88 629.93 657.88 219.46 75.70 151.40 302.80 75.703,790.00 658.88 631.58 658.88 219.96 75.80 151.60 303.20 75.803,795.00 659.83 633.18 659.83 220.46 75.90 151.80 303.60 75.903,800.00 660.83 634.83 660.83 220.96 76.00 152.00 304.00 76.003,805.00 661.83 636.48 661.83 221.46 76.10 152.20 304.40 76.103,810.00 662.78 638.08 662.78 221.96 76.20 152.40 304.80 76.203,815.00 663.78 639.73 663.78 222.46 76.30 152.60 305.20 76.303,820.00 664.73 641.33 664.73 222.96 76.40 152.80 305.60 76.403,825.00 665.73 642.98 665.73 223.46 76.50 153.00 306.00 76.503,830.00 666.68 644.58 666.68 223.96 76.60 153.20 306.40 76.603,835.00 667.68 646.23 667.68 224.46 76.70 153.40 306.80 76.703,840.00 668.63 647.83 668.63 224.96 76.80 153.60 307.20 76.803,845.00 669.63 649.48 669.63 225.46 76.90 153.80 307.60 76.903,850.00 670.58 651.08 670.58 225.96 77.00 154.00 308.00 77.00

FOUR-WEEKLY AND MONTHLY <strong>PAYE</strong> DEDUCTION TABLES 71EarningsMonthly Pay Periods – Earnings $3,855 to $4,125Codes<strong>PAYE</strong>KiwiSaverM ME ML SL Loan ded 2% 4% 8% CEC$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $3,855.00 671.58 652.73 671.58 226.46 77.10 154.20 308.40 77.103,860.00 672.57 654.37 672.57 226.96 77.20 154.40 308.80 77.203,865.00 673.53 655.98 673.53 227.46 77.30 154.60 309.20 77.303,870.00 674.52 657.62 674.52 227.96 77.40 154.80 309.60 77.403,875.00 675.48 659.23 675.48 228.46 77.50 155.00 310.00 77.503,880.00 676.47 660.87 676.47 228.96 77.60 155.20 310.40 77.603,885.00 677.43 662.48 677.43 229.46 77.70 155.40 310.80 77.703,890.00 678.42 664.12 678.42 229.96 77.80 155.60 311.20 77.803,895.00 679.38 665.73 679.38 230.46 77.90 155.80 311.60 77.903,900.00 680.37 667.37 680.37 230.96 78.00 156.00 312.00 78.003,905.00 681.33 668.98 681.33 231.46 78.10 156.20 312.40 78.103,910.00 682.32 670.62 682.32 231.96 78.20 156.40 312.80 78.203,915.00 683.32 672.27 683.32 232.46 78.30 156.60 313.20 78.303,920.00 684.27 673.87 684.27 232.96 78.40 156.80 313.60 78.403,925.00 685.27 675.52 685.27 233.46 78.50 157.00 314.00 78.503,930.00 686.22 677.12 686.22 233.96 78.60 157.20 314.40 78.603,935.00 687.22 678.77 687.22 234.46 78.70 157.40 314.80 78.703,940.00 688.17 680.37 688.17 234.96 78.80 157.60 315.20 78.803,945.00 689.17 682.02 689.17 235.46 78.90 157.80 315.60 78.903,950.00 690.12 683.62 690.12 235.96 79.00 158.00 316.00 79.003,955.00 691.12 685.27 691.12 236.46 79.10 158.20 316.40 79.103,960.00 692.07 686.87 692.07 236.96 79.20 158.40 316.80 79.203,965.00 693.07 688.52 693.07 237.46 79.30 158.60 317.20 79.303,970.00 694.07 690.17 694.07 237.96 79.40 158.80 317.60 79.403,975.00 695.02 691.77 695.02 238.46 79.50 159.00 318.00 79.50MONTHLY3,980.00 696.02 693.42 696.02 238.96 79.60 159.20 318.40 79.603,985.00 696.97 695.02 696.97 239.46 79.70 159.40 318.80 79.703,990.00 697.97 696.67 697.97 239.96 79.80 159.60 319.20 79.803,995.00 698.92 698.27 698.92 240.46 79.90 159.80 319.60 79.904,000.00 699.92 699.92 699.92 240.96 80.00 160.00 320.00 80.004,005.00 701.52 701.52 701.52 241.46 80.10 160.20 320.40 80.104,010.00 703.12 703.12 703.12 241.96 80.20 160.40 320.80 80.204,015.00 704.73 704.73 704.73 242.46 80.30 160.60 321.20 80.304,020.00 706.33 706.33 706.33 242.96 80.40 160.80 321.60 80.404,025.00 707.93 707.93 707.93 243.46 80.50 161.00 322.00 80.504,030.00 709.54 709.54 709.54 243.96 80.60 161.20 322.40 80.604,035.00 711.14 711.14 711.14 244.46 80.70 161.40 322.80 80.704,040.00 712.74 712.74 712.74 244.96 80.80 161.60 323.20 80.804,045.00 714.35 714.35 714.35 245.46 80.90 161.80 323.60 80.904,050.00 715.95 715.95 715.95 245.96 81.00 162.00 324.00 81.004,055.00 717.51 717.51 717.51 246.46 81.10 162.20 324.40 81.104,060.00 719.11 719.11 719.11 246.96 81.20 162.40 324.80 81.204,065.00 720.72 720.72 720.72 247.46 81.30 162.60 325.20 81.304,070.00 722.32 722.32 722.32 247.96 81.40 162.80 325.60 81.404,075.00 723.92 723.92 723.92 248.46 81.50 163.00 326.00 81.504,080.00 725.53 725.53 725.53 248.96 81.60 163.20 326.40 81.604,085.00 727.13 727.13 727.13 249.46 81.70 163.40 326.80 81.704,090.00 728.73 728.73 728.73 249.96 81.80 163.60 327.20 81.804,095.00 730.34 730.34 730.34 250.46 81.90 163.80 327.60 81.904,100.00 731.94 731.94 731.94 250.96 82.00 164.00 328.00 82.004,105.00 733.54 733.54 733.54 251.46 82.10 164.20 328.40 82.104,110.00 735.15 735.15 735.15 251.96 82.20 164.40 328.80 82.204,115.00 736.75 736.75 736.75 252.46 82.30 164.60 329.20 82.304,120.00 738.35 738.35 738.35 252.96 82.40 164.80 329.60 82.404,125.00 739.96 739.96 739.96 253.46 82.50 165.00 330.00 82.50

72 FOUR-WEEKLY AND MONTHLY <strong>PAYE</strong> DEDUCTION TABLESEarningsMonthly Pay Periods – Earnings $4,130 to $4,400Codes<strong>PAYE</strong>KiwiSaverM ME ML SL Loan ded 2% 4% 8% CEC$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $4,130.00 741.56 741.56 741.56 253.96 82.60 165.20 330.40 82.604,135.00 743.16 743.16 743.16 254.46 82.70 165.40 330.80 82.704,140.00 744.77 744.77 744.77 254.96 82.80 165.60 331.20 82.804,145.00 746.37 746.37 746.37 255.46 82.90 165.80 331.60 82.904,150.00 747.97 747.97 747.97 255.96 83.00 166.00 332.00 83.004,155.00 749.58 749.58 749.58 256.46 83.10 166.20 332.40 83.104,160.00 751.18 751.18 751.18 256.96 83.20 166.40 332.80 83.204,165.00 752.78 752.78 752.78 257.46 83.30 166.60 333.20 83.304,170.00 754.39 754.39 754.39 257.96 83.40 166.80 333.60 83.404,175.00 755.99 755.99 755.99 258.46 83.50 167.00 334.00 83.504,180.00 757.59 757.59 757.59 258.96 83.60 167.20 334.40 83.604,185.00 759.20 759.20 759.20 259.46 83.70 167.40 334.80 83.704,190.00 760.80 760.80 760.80 259.96 83.80 167.60 335.20 83.804,195.00 762.40 762.40 762.40 260.46 83.90 167.80 335.60 83.904,200.00 764.01 764.01 764.01 260.96 84.00 168.00 336.00 84.004,205.00 765.61 765.61 765.61 261.46 84.10 168.20 336.40 84.104,210.00 767.21 767.21 767.21 261.96 84.20 168.40 336.80 84.204,215.00 768.77 768.77 768.77 262.46 84.30 168.60 337.20 84.304,220.00 770.38 770.38 770.38 262.96 84.40 168.80 337.60 84.404,225.00 771.98 771.98 771.98 263.46 84.50 169.00 338.00 84.50MONTHLY4,230.00 773.58 773.58 773.58 263.96 84.60 169.20 338.40 84.604,235.00 775.19 775.19 775.19 264.46 84.70 169.40 338.80 84.704,240.00 776.79 776.79 776.79 264.96 84.80 169.60 339.20 84.804,245.00 778.39 778.39 778.39 265.46 84.90 169.80 339.60 84.904,250.00 780.00 780.00 780.00 265.96 85.00 170.00 340.00 85.004,255.00 781.60 781.60 781.60 266.46 85.10 170.20 340.40 85.104,260.00 783.20 783.20 783.20 266.96 85.20 170.40 340.80 85.204,265.00 784.81 784.81 784.81 267.46 85.30 170.60 341.20 85.304,270.00 786.41 786.41 786.41 267.96 85.40 170.80 341.60 85.404,275.00 788.01 788.01 788.01 268.46 85.50 171.00 342.00 85.504,280.00 789.62 789.62 789.62 268.96 85.60 171.20 342.40 85.604,285.00 791.22 791.22 791.22 269.46 85.70 171.40 342.80 85.704,290.00 792.82 792.82 792.82 269.96 85.80 171.60 343.20 85.804,295.00 794.43 794.43 794.43 270.46 85.90 171.80 343.60 85.904,300.00 796.03 796.03 796.03 270.96 86.00 172.00 344.00 86.004,305.00 797.63 797.63 797.63 271.46 86.10 172.20 344.40 86.104,310.00 799.24 799.24 799.24 271.96 86.20 172.40 344.80 86.204,315.00 800.84 800.84 800.84 272.46 86.30 172.60 345.20 86.304,320.00 802.44 802.44 802.44 272.96 86.40 172.80 345.60 86.404,325.00 804.05 804.05 804.05 273.46 86.50 173.00 346.00 86.504,330.00 805.65 805.65 805.65 273.96 86.60 173.20 346.40 86.604,335.00 807.25 807.25 807.25 274.46 86.70 173.40 346.80 86.704,340.00 808.86 808.86 808.86 274.96 86.80 173.60 347.20 86.804,345.00 810.46 810.46 810.46 275.46 86.90 173.80 347.60 86.904,350.00 812.06 812.06 812.06 275.96 87.00 174.00 348.00 87.004,355.00 813.67 813.67 813.67 276.46 87.10 174.20 348.40 87.104,360.00 815.27 815.27 815.27 276.96 87.20 174.40 348.80 87.204,365.00 816.87 816.87 816.87 277.46 87.30 174.60 349.20 87.304,370.00 818.48 818.48 818.48 277.96 87.40 174.80 349.60 87.404,375.00 820.08 820.08 820.08 278.46 87.50 175.00 350.00 87.504,380.00 821.64 821.64 821.64 278.96 87.60 175.20 350.40 87.604,385.00 823.24 823.24 823.24 279.46 87.70 175.40 350.80 87.704,390.00 824.85 824.85 824.85 279.96 87.80 175.60 351.20 87.804,395.00 826.45 826.45 826.45 280.46 87.90 175.80 351.60 87.904,400.00 828.05 828.05 828.05 280.96 88.00 176.00 352.00 88.00

FOUR-WEEKLY AND MONTHLY <strong>PAYE</strong> DEDUCTION TABLES 73EarningsMonthly Pay Periods – Earnings $4,405 to $4,675Codes<strong>PAYE</strong>KiwiSaverM ME ML SL Loan ded 2% 4% 8% CEC$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $4,405.00 829.66 829.66 829.66 281.46 88.10 176.20 352.40 88.104,410.00 831.26 831.26 831.26 281.96 88.20 176.40 352.80 88.204,415.00 832.86 832.86 832.86 282.46 88.30 176.60 353.20 88.304,420.00 834.47 834.47 834.47 282.96 88.40 176.80 353.60 88.404,425.00 836.07 836.07 836.07 283.46 88.50 177.00 354.00 88.504,430.00 837.67 837.67 837.67 283.96 88.60 177.20 354.40 88.604,435.00 839.28 839.28 839.28 284.46 88.70 177.40 354.80 88.704,440.00 840.88 840.88 840.88 284.96 88.80 177.60 355.20 88.804,445.00 842.48 842.48 842.48 285.46 88.90 177.80 355.60 88.904,450.00 844.09 844.09 844.09 285.96 89.00 178.00 356.00 89.004,455.00 845.69 845.69 845.69 286.46 89.10 178.20 356.40 89.104,460.00 847.29 847.29 847.29 286.96 89.20 178.40 356.80 89.204,465.00 848.90 848.90 848.90 287.46 89.30 178.60 357.20 89.304,470.00 850.50 850.50 850.50 287.96 89.40 178.80 357.60 89.404,475.00 852.10 852.10 852.10 288.46 89.50 179.00 358.00 89.504,480.00 853.71 853.71 853.71 288.96 89.60 179.20 358.40 89.604,485.00 855.31 855.31 855.31 289.46 89.70 179.40 358.80 89.704,490.00 856.91 856.91 856.91 289.96 89.80 179.60 359.20 89.804,495.00 858.52 858.52 858.52 290.46 89.90 179.80 359.60 89.904,500.00 860.12 860.12 860.12 290.96 90.00 180.00 360.00 90.004,505.00 861.72 861.72 861.72 291.46 90.10 180.20 360.40 90.104,510.00 863.33 863.33 863.33 291.96 90.20 180.40 360.80 90.204,515.00 864.93 864.93 864.93 292.46 90.30 180.60 361.20 90.304,520.00 866.53 866.53 866.53 292.96 90.40 180.80 361.60 90.404,525.00 868.14 868.14 868.14 293.46 90.50 181.00 362.00 90.50MONTHLY4,530.00 869.74 869.74 869.74 293.96 90.60 181.20 362.40 90.604,535.00 871.34 871.34 871.34 294.46 90.70 181.40 362.80 90.704,540.00 872.90 872.90 872.90 294.96 90.80 181.60 363.20 90.804,545.00 874.51 874.51 874.51 295.46 90.90 181.80 363.60 90.904,550.00 876.11 876.11 876.11 295.96 91.00 182.00 364.00 91.004,555.00 877.71 877.71 877.71 296.46 91.10 182.20 364.40 91.104,560.00 879.32 879.32 879.32 296.96 91.20 182.40 364.80 91.204,565.00 880.92 880.92 880.92 297.46 91.30 182.60 365.20 91.304,570.00 882.52 882.52 882.52 297.96 91.40 182.80 365.60 91.404,575.00 884.13 884.13 884.13 298.46 91.50 183.00 366.00 91.504,580.00 885.73 885.73 885.73 298.96 91.60 183.20 366.40 91.604,585.00 887.33 887.33 887.33 299.46 91.70 183.40 366.80 91.704,590.00 888.94 888.94 888.94 299.96 91.80 183.60 367.20 91.804,595.00 890.54 890.54 890.54 300.46 91.90 183.80 367.60 91.904,600.00 892.14 892.14 892.14 300.96 92.00 184.00 368.00 92.004,605.00 893.75 893.75 893.75 301.46 92.10 184.20 368.40 92.104,610.00 895.35 895.35 895.35 301.96 92.20 184.40 368.80 92.204,615.00 896.95 896.95 896.95 302.46 92.30 184.60 369.20 92.304,620.00 898.56 898.56 898.56 302.96 92.40 184.80 369.60 92.404,625.00 900.16 900.16 900.16 303.46 92.50 185.00 370.00 92.504,630.00 901.76 901.76 901.76 303.96 92.60 185.20 370.40 92.604,635.00 903.37 903.37 903.37 304.46 92.70 185.40 370.80 92.704,640.00 904.97 904.97 904.97 304.96 92.80 185.60 371.20 92.804,645.00 906.57 906.57 906.57 305.46 92.90 185.80 371.60 92.904,650.00 908.18 908.18 908.18 305.96 93.00 186.00 372.00 93.004,655.00 909.78 909.78 909.78 306.46 93.10 186.20 372.40 93.104,660.00 911.38 911.38 911.38 306.96 93.20 186.40 372.80 93.204,665.00 912.99 912.99 912.99 307.46 93.30 186.60 373.20 93.304,670.00 914.59 914.59 914.59 307.96 93.40 186.80 373.60 93.404,675.00 916.19 916.19 916.19 308.46 93.50 187.00 374.00 93.50

74 FOUR-WEEKLY AND MONTHLY <strong>PAYE</strong> DEDUCTION TABLESEarningsMonthly Pay Periods – Earnings $4,680 to $4,950Codes<strong>PAYE</strong>KiwiSaverM ME ML SL Loan ded 2% 4% 8% CEC$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $4,680.00 917.80 917.80 917.80 308.96 93.60 187.20 374.40 93.604,685.00 919.40 919.40 919.40 309.46 93.70 187.40 374.80 93.704,690.00 921.00 921.00 921.00 309.96 93.80 187.60 375.20 93.804,695.00 922.61 922.61 922.61 310.46 93.90 187.80 375.60 93.904,700.00 924.21 924.21 924.21 310.96 94.00 188.00 376.00 94.004,705.00 925.77 925.77 925.77 311.46 94.10 188.20 376.40 94.104,710.00 927.37 927.37 927.37 311.96 94.20 188.40 376.80 94.204,715.00 928.98 928.98 928.98 312.46 94.30 188.60 377.20 94.304,720.00 930.58 930.58 930.58 312.96 94.40 188.80 377.60 94.404,725.00 932.18 932.18 932.18 313.46 94.50 189.00 378.00 94.504,730.00 933.79 933.79 933.79 313.96 94.60 189.20 378.40 94.604,735.00 935.39 935.39 935.39 314.46 94.70 189.40 378.80 94.704,740.00 936.99 936.99 936.99 314.96 94.80 189.60 379.20 94.804,745.00 938.60 938.60 938.60 315.46 94.90 189.80 379.60 94.904,750.00 940.20 940.20 940.20 315.96 95.00 190.00 380.00 95.004,755.00 941.80 941.80 941.80 316.46 95.10 190.20 380.40 95.104,760.00 943.41 943.41 943.41 316.96 95.20 190.40 380.80 95.204,765.00 945.01 945.01 945.01 317.46 95.30 190.60 381.20 95.304,770.00 946.61 946.61 946.61 317.96 95.40 190.80 381.60 95.404,775.00 948.22 948.22 948.22 318.46 95.50 191.00 382.00 95.50MONTHLY4,780.00 949.82 949.82 949.82 318.96 95.60 191.20 382.40 95.604,785.00 951.42 951.42 951.42 319.46 95.70 191.40 382.80 95.704,790.00 953.03 953.03 953.03 319.96 95.80 191.60 383.20 95.804,795.00 954.63 954.63 954.63 320.46 95.90 191.80 383.60 95.904,800.00 956.23 956.23 956.23 320.96 96.00 192.00 384.00 96.004,805.00 957.84 957.84 957.84 321.46 96.10 192.20 384.40 96.104,810.00 959.44 959.44 959.44 321.96 96.20 192.40 384.80 96.204,815.00 961.04 961.04 961.04 322.46 96.30 192.60 385.20 96.304,820.00 962.65 962.65 962.65 322.96 96.40 192.80 385.60 96.404,825.00 964.25 964.25 964.25 323.46 96.50 193.00 386.00 96.504,830.00 965.85 965.85 965.85 323.96 96.60 193.20 386.40 96.604,835.00 967.46 967.46 967.46 324.46 96.70 193.40 386.80 96.704,840.00 969.06 969.06 969.06 324.96 96.80 193.60 387.20 96.804,845.00 970.66 970.66 970.66 325.46 96.90 193.80 387.60 96.904,850.00 972.27 972.27 972.27 325.96 97.00 194.00 388.00 97.004,855.00 973.87 973.87 973.87 326.46 97.10 194.20 388.40 97.104,860.00 975.47 975.47 975.47 326.96 97.20 194.40 388.80 97.204,865.00 977.03 977.03 977.03 327.46 97.30 194.60 389.20 97.304,870.00 978.64 978.64 978.64 327.96 97.40 194.80 389.60 97.404,875.00 980.24 980.24 980.24 328.46 97.50 195.00 390.00 97.504,880.00 981.84 981.84 981.84 328.96 97.60 195.20 390.40 97.604,885.00 983.45 983.45 983.45 329.46 97.70 195.40 390.80 97.704,890.00 985.05 985.05 985.05 329.96 97.80 195.60 391.20 97.804,895.00 986.65 986.65 986.65 330.46 97.90 195.80 391.60 97.904,900.00 988.26 988.26 988.26 330.96 98.00 196.00 392.00 98.004,905.00 989.86 989.86 989.86 331.46 98.10 196.20 392.40 98.104,910.00 991.46 991.46 991.46 331.96 98.20 196.40 392.80 98.204,915.00 993.07 993.07 993.07 332.46 98.30 196.60 393.20 98.304,920.00 994.67 994.67 994.67 332.96 98.40 196.80 393.60 98.404,925.00 996.27 996.27 996.27 333.46 98.50 197.00 394.00 98.504,930.00 997.88 997.88 997.88 333.96 98.60 197.20 394.40 98.604,935.00 999.48 999.48 999.48 334.46 98.70 197.40 394.80 98.704,940.00 1,001.08 1,001.08 1,001.08 334.96 98.80 197.60 395.20 98.804,945.00 1,002.69 1,002.69 1,002.69 335.46 98.90 197.80 395.60 98.904,950.00 1,004.29 1,004.29 1,004.29 335.96 99.00 198.00 396.00 99.00

FOUR-WEEKLY AND MONTHLY <strong>PAYE</strong> DEDUCTION TABLES 75EarningsMonthly Pay Periods – Earnings $4,955 to $5,225Codes<strong>PAYE</strong>KiwiSaverM ME ML SL Loan ded 2% 4% 8% CEC$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $4,955.00 1,005.89 1,005.89 1,005.89 336.46 99.10 198.20 396.40 99.104,960.00 1,007.50 1,007.50 1,007.50 336.96 99.20 198.40 396.80 99.204,965.00 1,009.10 1,009.10 1,009.10 337.46 99.30 198.60 397.20 99.304,970.00 1,010.70 1,010.70 1,010.70 337.96 99.40 198.80 397.60 99.404,975.00 1,012.31 1,012.31 1,012.31 338.46 99.50 199.00 398.00 99.504,980.00 1,013.91 1,013.91 1,013.91 338.96 99.60 199.20 398.40 99.604,985.00 1,015.51 1,015.51 1,015.51 339.46 99.70 199.40 398.80 99.704,990.00 1,017.12 1,017.12 1,017.12 339.96 99.80 199.60 399.20 99.804,995.00 1,018.72 1,018.72 1,018.72 340.46 99.90 199.80 399.60 99.905,000.00 1,020.32 1,020.32 1,020.32 340.96 100.00 200.00 400.00 100.005,005.00 1,021.93 1,021.93 1,021.93 341.46 100.10 200.20 400.40 100.105,010.00 1,023.53 1,023.53 1,023.53 341.96 100.20 200.40 400.80 100.205,015.00 1,025.13 1,025.13 1,025.13 342.46 100.30 200.60 401.20 100.305,020.00 1,026.74 1,026.74 1,026.74 342.96 100.40 200.80 401.60 100.405,025.00 1,028.34 1,028.34 1,028.34 343.46 100.50 201.00 402.00 100.505,030.00 1,029.90 1,029.90 1,029.90 343.96 100.60 201.20 402.40 100.605,035.00 1,031.50 1,031.50 1,031.50 344.46 100.70 201.40 402.80 100.705,040.00 1,033.11 1,033.11 1,033.11 344.96 100.80 201.60 403.20 100.805,045.00 1,034.71 1,034.71 1,034.71 345.46 100.90 201.80 403.60 100.905,050.00 1,036.31 1,036.31 1,036.31 345.96 101.00 202.00 404.00 101.005,055.00 1,037.92 1,037.92 1,037.92 346.46 101.10 202.20 404.40 101.105,060.00 1,039.52 1,039.52 1,039.52 346.96 101.20 202.40 404.80 101.205,065.00 1,041.12 1,041.12 1,041.12 347.46 101.30 202.60 405.20 101.305,070.00 1,042.73 1,042.73 1,042.73 347.96 101.40 202.80 405.60 101.405,075.00 1,044.33 1,044.33 1,044.33 348.46 101.50 203.00 406.00 101.50MONTHLY5,080.00 1,045.93 1,045.93 1,045.93 348.96 101.60 203.20 406.40 101.605,085.00 1,047.54 1,047.54 1,047.54 349.46 101.70 203.40 406.80 101.705,090.00 1,049.14 1,049.14 1,049.14 349.96 101.80 203.60 407.20 101.805,095.00 1,050.74 1,050.74 1,050.74 350.46 101.90 203.80 407.60 101.905,100.00 1,052.35 1,052.35 1,052.35 350.96 102.00 204.00 408.00 102.005,105.00 1,053.95 1,053.95 1,053.95 351.46 102.10 204.20 408.40 102.105,110.00 1,055.55 1,055.55 1,055.55 351.96 102.20 204.40 408.80 102.205,115.00 1,057.16 1,057.16 1,057.16 352.46 102.30 204.60 409.20 102.305,120.00 1,058.76 1,058.76 1,058.76 352.96 102.40 204.80 409.60 102.405,125.00 1,060.36 1,060.36 1,060.36 353.46 102.50 205.00 410.00 102.505,130.00 1,061.97 1,061.97 1,061.97 353.96 102.60 205.20 410.40 102.605,135.00 1,063.57 1,063.57 1,063.57 354.46 102.70 205.40 410.80 102.705,140.00 1,065.17 1,065.17 1,065.17 354.96 102.80 205.60 411.20 102.805,145.00 1,066.78 1,066.78 1,066.78 355.46 102.90 205.80 411.60 102.905,150.00 1,068.38 1,068.38 1,068.38 355.96 103.00 206.00 412.00 103.005,155.00 1,069.98 1,069.98 1,069.98 356.46 103.10 206.20 412.40 103.105,160.00 1,071.59 1,071.59 1,071.59 356.96 103.20 206.40 412.80 103.205,165.00 1,073.19 1,073.19 1,073.19 357.46 103.30 206.60 413.20 103.305,170.00 1,074.79 1,074.79 1,074.79 357.96 103.40 206.80 413.60 103.405,175.00 1,076.40 1,076.40 1,076.40 358.46 103.50 207.00 414.00 103.505,180.00 1,078.00 1,078.00 1,078.00 358.96 103.60 207.20 414.40 103.605,185.00 1,079.60 1,079.60 1,079.60 359.46 103.70 207.40 414.80 103.705,190.00 1,081.16 1,081.16 1,081.16 359.96 103.80 207.60 415.20 103.805,195.00 1,082.77 1,082.77 1,082.77 360.46 103.90 207.80 415.60 103.905,200.00 1,084.37 1,084.37 1,084.37 360.96 104.00 208.00 416.00 104.005,205.00 1,085.97 1,085.97 1,085.97 361.46 104.10 208.20 416.40 104.105,210.00 1,087.58 1,087.58 1,087.58 361.96 104.20 208.40 416.80 104.205,215.00 1,089.18 1,089.18 1,089.18 362.46 104.30 208.60 417.20 104.305,220.00 1,090.78 1,090.78 1,090.78 362.96 104.40 208.80 417.60 104.405,225.00 1,092.39 1,092.39 1,092.39 363.46 104.50 209.00 418.00 104.50

76 FOUR-WEEKLY AND MONTHLY <strong>PAYE</strong> DEDUCTION TABLESEarningsMonthly Pay Periods – Earnings $5,230 to $5,500Codes<strong>PAYE</strong>KiwiSaverM ME ML SL Loan ded 2% 4% 8% CEC$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $5,230.00 1,093.99 1,093.99 1,093.99 363.96 104.60 209.20 418.40 104.605,235.00 1,095.59 1,095.59 1,095.59 364.46 104.70 209.40 418.80 104.705,240.00 1,097.20 1,097.20 1,097.20 364.96 104.80 209.60 419.20 104.805,245.00 1,098.80 1,098.80 1,098.80 365.46 104.90 209.80 419.60 104.905,250.00 1,100.40 1,100.40 1,100.40 365.96 105.00 210.00 420.00 105.005,255.00 1,102.01 1,102.01 1,102.01 366.46 105.10 210.20 420.40 105.105,260.00 1,103.61 1,103.61 1,103.61 366.96 105.20 210.40 420.80 105.205,265.00 1,105.21 1,105.21 1,105.21 367.46 105.30 210.60 421.20 105.305,270.00 1,106.82 1,106.82 1,106.82 367.96 105.40 210.80 421.60 105.405,275.00 1,108.42 1,108.42 1,108.42 368.46 105.50 211.00 422.00 105.505,280.00 1,110.02 1,110.02 1,110.02 368.96 105.60 211.20 422.40 105.605,285.00 1,111.63 1,111.63 1,111.63 369.46 105.70 211.40 422.80 105.705,290.00 1,113.23 1,113.23 1,113.23 369.96 105.80 211.60 423.20 105.805,295.00 1,114.83 1,114.83 1,114.83 370.46 105.90 211.80 423.60 105.905,300.00 1,116.44 1,116.44 1,116.44 370.96 106.00 212.00 424.00 106.005,305.00 1,118.04 1,118.04 1,118.04 371.46 106.10 212.20 424.40 106.105,310.00 1,119.64 1,119.64 1,119.64 371.96 106.20 212.40 424.80 106.205,315.00 1,121.25 1,121.25 1,121.25 372.46 106.30 212.60 425.20 106.305,320.00 1,122.85 1,122.85 1,122.85 372.96 106.40 212.80 425.60 106.405,325.00 1,124.45 1,124.45 1,124.45 373.46 106.50 213.00 426.00 106.50MONTHLY5,330.00 1,126.06 1,126.06 1,126.06 373.96 106.60 213.20 426.40 106.605,335.00 1,127.66 1,127.66 1,127.66 374.46 106.70 213.40 426.80 106.705,340.00 1,129.26 1,129.26 1,129.26 374.96 106.80 213.60 427.20 106.805,345.00 1,130.87 1,130.87 1,130.87 375.46 106.90 213.80 427.60 106.905,350.00 1,132.47 1,132.47 1,132.47 375.96 107.00 214.00 428.00 107.005,355.00 1,134.03 1,134.03 1,134.03 376.46 107.10 214.20 428.40 107.105,360.00 1,135.63 1,135.63 1,135.63 376.96 107.20 214.40 428.80 107.205,365.00 1,137.24 1,137.24 1,137.24 377.46 107.30 214.60 429.20 107.305,370.00 1,138.84 1,138.84 1,138.84 377.96 107.40 214.80 429.60 107.405,375.00 1,140.44 1,140.44 1,140.44 378.46 107.50 215.00 430.00 107.505,380.00 1,142.05 1,142.05 1,142.05 378.96 107.60 215.20 430.40 107.605,385.00 1,143.65 1,143.65 1,143.65 379.46 107.70 215.40 430.80 107.705,390.00 1,145.25 1,145.25 1,145.25 379.96 107.80 215.60 431.20 107.805,395.00 1,146.86 1,146.86 1,146.86 380.46 107.90 215.80 431.60 107.905,400.00 1,148.46 1,148.46 1,148.46 380.96 108.00 216.00 432.00 108.005,405.00 1,150.06 1,150.06 1,150.06 381.46 108.10 216.20 432.40 108.105,410.00 1,151.67 1,151.67 1,151.67 381.96 108.20 216.40 432.80 108.205,415.00 1,153.27 1,153.27 1,153.27 382.46 108.30 216.60 433.20 108.305,420.00 1,154.87 1,154.87 1,154.87 382.96 108.40 216.80 433.60 108.405,425.00 1,156.48 1,156.48 1,156.48 383.46 108.50 217.00 434.00 108.505,430.00 1,158.08 1,158.08 1,158.08 383.96 108.60 217.20 434.40 108.605,435.00 1,159.68 1,159.68 1,159.68 384.46 108.70 217.40 434.80 108.705,440.00 1,161.29 1,161.29 1,161.29 384.96 108.80 217.60 435.20 108.805,445.00 1,162.89 1,162.89 1,162.89 385.46 108.90 217.80 435.60 108.905,450.00 1,164.49 1,164.49 1,164.49 385.96 109.00 218.00 436.00 109.005,455.00 1,166.10 1,166.10 1,166.10 386.46 109.10 218.20 436.40 109.105,460.00 1,167.70 1,167.70 1,167.70 386.96 109.20 218.40 436.80 109.205,465.00 1,169.30 1,169.30 1,169.30 387.46 109.30 218.60 437.20 109.305,470.00 1,170.91 1,170.91 1,170.91 387.96 109.40 218.80 437.60 109.405,475.00 1,172.51 1,172.51 1,172.51 388.46 109.50 219.00 438.00 109.505,480.00 1,174.11 1,174.11 1,174.11 388.96 109.60 219.20 438.40 109.605,485.00 1,175.72 1,175.72 1,175.72 389.46 109.70 219.40 438.80 109.705,490.00 1,177.32 1,177.32 1,177.32 389.96 109.80 219.60 439.20 109.805,495.00 1,178.92 1,178.92 1,178.92 390.46 109.90 219.80 439.60 109.905,500.00 1,180.53 1,180.53 1,180.53 390.96 110.00 220.00 440.00 110.00

FOUR-WEEKLY AND MONTHLY <strong>PAYE</strong> DEDUCTION TABLES 77EarningsMonthly Pay Periods – Earnings $5,505 to $5,775Codes<strong>PAYE</strong>KiwiSaverM ME ML SL Loan ded 2% 4% 8% CEC$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $5,505.00 1,182.13 1,182.13 1,182.13 391.46 110.10 220.20 440.40 110.105,510.00 1,183.73 1,183.73 1,183.73 391.96 110.20 220.40 440.80 110.205,515.00 1,185.29 1,185.29 1,185.29 392.46 110.30 220.60 441.20 110.305,520.00 1,186.90 1,186.90 1,186.90 392.96 110.40 220.80 441.60 110.405,525.00 1,188.50 1,188.50 1,188.50 393.46 110.50 221.00 442.00 110.505,530.00 1,190.10 1,190.10 1,190.10 393.96 110.60 221.20 442.40 110.605,535.00 1,191.71 1,191.71 1,191.71 394.46 110.70 221.40 442.80 110.705,540.00 1,193.31 1,193.31 1,193.31 394.96 110.80 221.60 443.20 110.805,545.00 1,194.91 1,194.91 1,194.91 395.46 110.90 221.80 443.60 110.905,550.00 1,196.52 1,196.52 1,196.52 395.96 111.00 222.00 444.00 111.005,555.00 1,198.12 1,198.12 1,198.12 396.46 111.10 222.20 444.40 111.105,560.00 1,199.72 1,199.72 1,199.72 396.96 111.20 222.40 444.80 111.205,565.00 1,201.33 1,201.33 1,201.33 397.46 111.30 222.60 445.20 111.305,570.00 1,202.93 1,202.93 1,202.93 397.96 111.40 222.80 445.60 111.405,575.00 1,204.53 1,204.53 1,204.53 398.46 111.50 223.00 446.00 111.505,580.00 1,206.14 1,206.14 1,206.14 398.96 111.60 223.20 446.40 111.605,585.00 1,207.74 1,207.74 1,207.74 399.46 111.70 223.40 446.80 111.705,590.00 1,209.34 1,209.34 1,209.34 399.96 111.80 223.60 447.20 111.805,595.00 1,210.95 1,210.95 1,210.95 400.46 111.90 223.80 447.60 111.905,600.00 1,212.55 1,212.55 1,212.55 400.96 112.00 224.00 448.00 112.005,605.00 1,214.15 1,214.15 1,214.15 401.46 112.10 224.20 448.40 112.105,610.00 1,215.76 1,215.76 1,215.76 401.96 112.20 224.40 448.80 112.205,615.00 1,217.36 1,217.36 1,217.36 402.46 112.30 224.60 449.20 112.305,620.00 1,218.96 1,218.96 1,218.96 402.96 112.40 224.80 449.60 112.405,625.00 1,220.57 1,220.57 1,220.57 403.46 112.50 225.00 450.00 112.50MONTHLY5,630.00 1,222.17 1,222.17 1,222.17 403.96 112.60 225.20 450.40 112.605,635.00 1,223.77 1,223.77 1,223.77 404.46 112.70 225.40 450.80 112.705,640.00 1,225.38 1,225.38 1,225.38 404.96 112.80 225.60 451.20 112.805,645.00 1,226.98 1,226.98 1,226.98 405.46 112.90 225.80 451.60 112.905,650.00 1,228.58 1,228.58 1,228.58 405.96 113.00 226.00 452.00 113.005,655.00 1,230.19 1,230.19 1,230.19 406.46 113.10 226.20 452.40 113.105,660.00 1,231.79 1,231.79 1,231.79 406.96 113.20 226.40 452.80 113.205,665.00 1,233.39 1,233.39 1,233.39 407.46 113.30 226.60 453.20 113.305,670.00 1,235.00 1,235.00 1,235.00 407.96 113.40 226.80 453.60 113.405,675.00 1,236.60 1,236.60 1,236.60 408.46 113.50 227.00 454.00 113.505,680.00 1,238.16 1,238.16 1,238.16 408.96 113.60 227.20 454.40 113.605,685.00 1,239.76 1,239.76 1,239.76 409.46 113.70 227.40 454.80 113.705,690.00 1,241.37 1,241.37 1,241.37 409.96 113.80 227.60 455.20 113.805,695.00 1,242.97 1,242.97 1,242.97 410.46 113.90 227.80 455.60 113.905,700.00 1,244.57 1,244.57 1,244.57 410.96 114.00 228.00 456.00 114.005,705.00 1,246.18 1,246.18 1,246.18 411.46 114.10 228.20 456.40 114.105,710.00 1,247.78 1,247.78 1,247.78 411.96 114.20 228.40 456.80 114.205,715.00 1,249.38 1,249.38 1,249.38 412.46 114.30 228.60 457.20 114.305,720.00 1,250.99 1,250.99 1,250.99 412.96 114.40 228.80 457.60 114.405,725.00 1,252.59 1,252.59 1,252.59 413.46 114.50 229.00 458.00 114.505,730.00 1,254.19 1,254.19 1,254.19 413.96 114.60 229.20 458.40 114.605,735.00 1,255.80 1,255.80 1,255.80 414.46 114.70 229.40 458.80 114.705,740.00 1,257.40 1,257.40 1,257.40 414.96 114.80 229.60 459.20 114.805,745.00 1,259.00 1,259.00 1,259.00 415.46 114.90 229.80 459.60 114.905,750.00 1,260.61 1,260.61 1,260.61 415.96 115.00 230.00 460.00 115.005,755.00 1,262.21 1,262.21 1,262.21 416.46 115.10 230.20 460.40 115.105,760.00 1,263.81 1,263.81 1,263.81 416.96 115.20 230.40 460.80 115.205,765.00 1,265.42 1,265.42 1,265.42 417.46 115.30 230.60 461.20 115.305,770.00 1,267.02 1,267.02 1,267.02 417.96 115.40 230.80 461.60 115.405,775.00 1,268.62 1,268.62 1,268.62 418.46 115.50 231.00 462.00 115.50

78 FOUR-WEEKLY AND MONTHLY <strong>PAYE</strong> DEDUCTION TABLESEarningsMonthly Pay Periods – Earnings $5,780 to $6,050Codes<strong>PAYE</strong>KiwiSaverM ME ML SL Loan ded 2% 4% 8% CEC$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $5,780.00 1,270.23 1,270.23 1,270.23 418.96 115.60 231.20 462.40 115.605,785.00 1,271.83 1,271.83 1,271.83 419.46 115.70 231.40 462.80 115.705,790.00 1,273.43 1,273.43 1,273.43 419.96 115.80 231.60 463.20 115.805,795.00 1,275.04 1,275.04 1,275.04 420.46 115.90 231.80 463.60 115.905,800.00 1,276.64 1,276.64 1,276.64 420.96 116.00 232.00 464.00 116.005,805.00 1,278.24 1,278.24 1,278.24 421.46 116.10 232.20 464.40 116.105,810.00 1,279.85 1,279.85 1,279.85 421.96 116.20 232.40 464.80 116.205,815.00 1,281.45 1,281.45 1,281.45 422.46 116.30 232.60 465.20 116.305,820.00 1,283.05 1,283.05 1,283.05 422.96 116.40 232.80 465.60 116.405,825.00 1,284.66 1,284.66 1,284.66 423.46 116.50 233.00 466.00 116.505,830.00 1,286.26 1,286.26 1,286.26 423.96 116.60 233.20 466.40 116.605,835.00 1,287.91 1,287.91 1,287.91 424.46 116.70 233.40 466.80 116.705,840.00 1,289.64 1,289.64 1,289.64 424.96 116.80 233.60 467.20 116.805,845.00 1,291.42 1,291.42 1,291.42 425.46 116.90 233.80 467.60 116.905,850.00 1,293.15 1,293.15 1,293.15 425.96 117.00 234.00 468.00 117.005,855.00 1,294.88 1,294.88 1,294.88 426.46 117.10 234.20 468.40 117.105,860.00 1,296.66 1,296.66 1,296.66 426.96 117.20 234.40 468.80 117.205,865.00 1,298.39 1,298.39 1,298.39 427.46 117.30 234.60 469.20 117.305,870.00 1,300.17 1,300.17 1,300.17 427.96 117.40 234.80 469.60 117.405,875.00 1,301.90 1,301.90 1,301.90 428.46 117.50 235.00 470.00 117.50MONTHLY5,880.00 1,303.68 1,303.68 1,303.68 428.96 117.60 235.20 470.40 117.605,885.00 1,305.41 1,305.41 1,305.41 429.46 117.70 235.40 470.80 117.705,890.00 1,307.15 1,307.15 1,307.15 429.96 117.80 235.60 471.20 117.805,895.00 1,308.92 1,308.92 1,308.92 430.46 117.90 235.80 471.60 117.905,900.00 1,310.66 1,310.66 1,310.66 430.96 118.00 236.00 472.00 118.005,905.00 1,312.43 1,312.43 1,312.43 431.46 118.10 236.20 472.40 118.105,910.00 1,314.17 1,314.17 1,314.17 431.96 118.20 236.40 472.80 118.205,915.00 1,315.94 1,315.94 1,315.94 432.46 118.30 236.60 473.20 118.305,920.00 1,317.68 1,317.68 1,317.68 432.96 118.40 236.80 473.60 118.405,925.00 1,319.41 1,319.41 1,319.41 433.46 118.50 237.00 474.00 118.505,930.00 1,321.19 1,321.19 1,321.19 433.96 118.60 237.20 474.40 118.605,935.00 1,322.92 1,322.92 1,322.92 434.46 118.70 237.40 474.80 118.705,940.00 1,324.70 1,324.70 1,324.70 434.96 118.80 237.60 475.20 118.805,945.00 1,326.43 1,326.43 1,326.43 435.46 118.90 237.80 475.60 118.905,950.00 1,328.21 1,328.21 1,328.21 435.96 119.00 238.00 476.00 119.005,955.00 1,329.94 1,329.94 1,329.94 436.46 119.10 238.20 476.40 119.105,960.00 1,331.67 1,331.67 1,331.67 436.96 119.20 238.40 476.80 119.205,965.00 1,333.45 1,333.45 1,333.45 437.46 119.30 238.60 477.20 119.305,970.00 1,335.18 1,335.18 1,335.18 437.96 119.40 238.80 477.60 119.405,975.00 1,336.96 1,336.96 1,336.96 438.46 119.50 239.00 478.00 119.505,980.00 1,338.69 1,338.69 1,338.69 438.96 119.60 239.20 478.40 119.605,985.00 1,340.47 1,340.47 1,340.47 439.46 119.70 239.40 478.80 119.705,990.00 1,342.20 1,342.20 1,342.20 439.96 119.80 239.60 479.20 119.805,995.00 1,343.94 1,343.94 1,343.94 440.46 119.90 239.80 479.60 119.906,000.00 1,345.71 1,345.71 1,345.71 440.96 120.00 240.00 480.00 120.006,005.00 1,347.45 1,347.45 1,347.45 441.46 120.10 240.20 480.40 120.106,010.00 1,349.22 1,349.22 1,349.22 441.96 120.20 240.40 480.80 120.206,015.00 1,350.96 1,350.96 1,350.96 442.46 120.30 240.60 481.20 120.306,020.00 1,352.73 1,352.73 1,352.73 442.96 120.40 240.80 481.60 120.406,025.00 1,354.47 1,354.47 1,354.47 443.46 120.50 241.00 482.00 120.506,030.00 1,356.20 1,356.20 1,356.20 443.96 120.60 241.20 482.40 120.606,035.00 1,357.98 1,357.98 1,357.98 444.46 120.70 241.40 482.80 120.706,040.00 1,359.71 1,359.71 1,359.71 444.96 120.80 241.60 483.20 120.806,045.00 1,361.49 1,361.49 1,361.49 445.46 120.90 241.80 483.60 120.906,050.00 1,363.22 1,363.22 1,363.22 445.96 121.00 242.00 484.00 121.00

FOUR-WEEKLY AND MONTHLY <strong>PAYE</strong> DEDUCTION TABLES 79EarningsMonthly Pay Periods – Earnings $6,055 to $6,325Codes<strong>PAYE</strong>KiwiSaverM ME ML SL Loan ded 2% 4% 8% CEC$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $6,055.00 1,365.00 1,365.00 1,365.00 446.46 121.10 242.20 484.40 121.106,060.00 1,366.73 1,366.73 1,366.73 446.96 121.20 242.40 484.80 121.206,065.00 1,368.46 1,368.46 1,368.46 447.46 121.30 242.60 485.20 121.306,070.00 1,370.24 1,370.24 1,370.24 447.96 121.40 242.80 485.60 121.406,075.00 1,371.97 1,371.97 1,371.97 448.46 121.50 243.00 486.00 121.506,080.00 1,373.75 1,373.75 1,373.75 448.96 121.60 243.20 486.40 121.606,085.00 1,375.48 1,375.48 1,375.48 449.46 121.70 243.40 486.80 121.706,090.00 1,377.26 1,377.26 1,377.26 449.96 121.80 243.60 487.20 121.806,095.00 1,378.99 1,378.99 1,378.99 450.46 121.90 243.80 487.60 121.906,100.00 1,380.77 1,380.77 1,380.77 450.96 122.00 244.00 488.00 122.006,105.00 1,382.50 1,382.50 1,382.50 451.46 122.10 244.20 488.40 122.106,110.00 1,384.24 1,384.24 1,384.24 451.96 122.20 244.40 488.80 122.206,115.00 1,386.01 1,386.01 1,386.01 452.46 122.30 244.60 489.20 122.306,120.00 1,387.75 1,387.75 1,387.75 452.96 122.40 244.80 489.60 122.406,125.00 1,389.52 1,389.52 1,389.52 453.46 122.50 245.00 490.00 122.506,130.00 1,391.26 1,391.26 1,391.26 453.96 122.60 245.20 490.40 122.606,135.00 1,393.03 1,393.03 1,393.03 454.46 122.70 245.40 490.80 122.706,140.00 1,394.77 1,394.77 1,394.77 454.96 122.80 245.60 491.20 122.806,145.00 1,396.50 1,396.50 1,396.50 455.46 122.90 245.80 491.60 122.906,150.00 1,398.28 1,398.28 1,398.28 455.96 123.00 246.00 492.00 123.006,155.00 1,400.01 1,400.01 1,400.01 456.46 123.10 246.20 492.40 123.106,160.00 1,401.79 1,401.79 1,401.79 456.96 123.20 246.40 492.80 123.206,165.00 1,403.52 1,403.52 1,403.52 457.46 123.30 246.60 493.20 123.306,170.00 1,405.30 1,405.30 1,405.30 457.96 123.40 246.80 493.60 123.406,175.00 1,407.03 1,407.03 1,407.03 458.46 123.50 247.00 494.00 123.50MONTHLY6,180.00 1,408.76 1,408.76 1,408.76 458.96 123.60 247.20 494.40 123.606,185.00 1,410.54 1,410.54 1,410.54 459.46 123.70 247.40 494.80 123.706,190.00 1,412.27 1,412.27 1,412.27 459.96 123.80 247.60 495.20 123.806,195.00 1,414.05 1,414.05 1,414.05 460.46 123.90 247.80 495.60 123.906,200.00 1,415.78 1,415.78 1,415.78 460.96 124.00 248.00 496.00 124.006,205.00 1,417.56 1,417.56 1,417.56 461.46 124.10 248.20 496.40 124.106,210.00 1,419.29 1,419.29 1,419.29 461.96 124.20 248.40 496.80 124.206,215.00 1,421.03 1,421.03 1,421.03 462.46 124.30 248.60 497.20 124.306,220.00 1,422.80 1,422.80 1,422.80 462.96 124.40 248.80 497.60 124.406,225.00 1,424.54 1,424.54 1,424.54 463.46 124.50 249.00 498.00 124.506,230.00 1,426.31 1,426.31 1,426.31 463.96 124.60 249.20 498.40 124.606,235.00 1,428.05 1,428.05 1,428.05 464.46 124.70 249.40 498.80 124.706,240.00 1,429.82 1,429.82 1,429.82 464.96 124.80 249.60 499.20 124.806,245.00 1,431.56 1,431.56 1,431.56 465.46 124.90 249.80 499.60 124.906,250.00 1,433.29 1,433.29 1,433.29 465.96 125.00 250.00 500.00 125.006,255.00 1,435.07 1,435.07 1,435.07 466.46 125.10 250.20 500.40 125.106,260.00 1,436.80 1,436.80 1,436.80 466.96 125.20 250.40 500.80 125.206,265.00 1,438.58 1,438.58 1,438.58 467.46 125.30 250.60 501.20 125.306,270.00 1,440.31 1,440.31 1,440.31 467.96 125.40 250.80 501.60 125.406,275.00 1,442.09 1,442.09 1,442.09 468.46 125.50 251.00 502.00 125.506,280.00 1,443.82 1,443.82 1,443.82 468.96 125.60 251.20 502.40 125.606,285.00 1,445.55 1,445.55 1,445.55 469.46 125.70 251.40 502.80 125.706,290.00 1,447.33 1,447.33 1,447.33 469.96 125.80 251.60 503.20 125.806,295.00 1,449.06 1,449.06 1,449.06 470.46 125.90 251.80 503.60 125.906,300.00 1,450.84 1,450.84 1,450.84 470.96 126.00 252.00 504.00 126.006,305.00 1,452.57 1,452.57 1,452.57 471.46 126.10 252.20 504.40 126.106,310.00 1,454.35 1,454.35 1,454.35 471.96 126.20 252.40 504.80 126.206,315.00 1,456.08 1,456.08 1,456.08 472.46 126.30 252.60 505.20 126.306,320.00 1,457.82 1,457.82 1,457.82 472.96 126.40 252.80 505.60 126.406,325.00 1,459.59 1,459.59 1,459.59 473.46 126.50 253.00 506.00 126.50

80 FOUR-WEEKLY AND MONTHLY <strong>PAYE</strong> DEDUCTION TABLESEarningsMonthly Pay Periods – Earnings $6,330 to $6,600Codes<strong>PAYE</strong>KiwiSaverM ME ML SL Loan ded 2% 4% 8% CEC$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $6,330.00 1,461.33 1,461.33 1,461.33 473.96 126.60 253.20 506.40 126.606,335.00 1,463.10 1,463.10 1,463.10 474.46 126.70 253.40 506.80 126.706,340.00 1,464.84 1,464.84 1,464.84 474.96 126.80 253.60 507.20 126.806,345.00 1,466.61 1,466.61 1,466.61 475.46 126.90 253.80 507.60 126.906,350.00 1,468.35 1,468.35 1,468.35 475.96 127.00 254.00 508.00 127.006,355.00 1,470.08 1,470.08 1,470.08 476.46 127.10 254.20 508.40 127.106,360.00 1,471.86 1,471.86 1,471.86 476.96 127.20 254.40 508.80 127.206,365.00 1,473.59 1,473.59 1,473.59 477.46 127.30 254.60 509.20 127.306,370.00 1,475.37 1,475.37 1,475.37 477.96 127.40 254.80 509.60 127.406,375.00 1,477.10 1,477.10 1,477.10 478.46 127.50 255.00 510.00 127.506,380.00 1,478.88 1,478.88 1,478.88 478.96 127.60 255.20 510.40 127.606,385.00 1,480.61 1,480.61 1,480.61 479.46 127.70 255.40 510.80 127.706,390.00 1,482.34 1,482.34 1,482.34 479.96 127.80 255.60 511.20 127.806,395.00 1,484.12 1,484.12 1,484.12 480.46 127.90 255.80 511.60 127.906,400.00 1,485.85 1,485.85 1,485.85 480.96 128.00 256.00 512.00 128.006,405.00 1,487.63 1,487.63 1,487.63 481.46 128.10 256.20 512.40 128.106,410.00 1,489.36 1,489.36 1,489.36 481.96 128.20 256.40 512.80 128.206,415.00 1,491.14 1,491.14 1,491.14 482.46 128.30 256.60 513.20 128.306,420.00 1,492.87 1,492.87 1,492.87 482.96 128.40 256.80 513.60 128.406,425.00 1,494.65 1,494.65 1,494.65 483.46 128.50 257.00 514.00 128.50MONTHLY6,430.00 1,496.38 1,496.38 1,496.38 483.96 128.60 257.20 514.40 128.606,435.00 1,498.12 1,498.12 1,498.12 484.46 128.70 257.40 514.80 128.706,440.00 1,499.89 1,499.89 1,499.89 484.96 128.80 257.60 515.20 128.806,445.00 1,501.63 1,501.63 1,501.63 485.46 128.90 257.80 515.60 128.906,450.00 1,503.40 1,503.40 1,503.40 485.96 129.00 258.00 516.00 129.006,455.00 1,505.14 1,505.14 1,505.14 486.46 129.10 258.20 516.40 129.106,460.00 1,506.91 1,506.91 1,506.91 486.96 129.20 258.40 516.80 129.206,465.00 1,508.65 1,508.65 1,508.65 487.46 129.30 258.60 517.20 129.306,470.00 1,510.38 1,510.38 1,510.38 487.96 129.40 258.80 517.60 129.406,475.00 1,512.16 1,512.16 1,512.16 488.46 129.50 259.00 518.00 129.506,480.00 1,513.89 1,513.89 1,513.89 488.96 129.60 259.20 518.40 129.606,485.00 1,515.67 1,515.67 1,515.67 489.46 129.70 259.40 518.80 129.706,490.00 1,517.40 1,517.40 1,517.40 489.96 129.80 259.60 519.20 129.806,495.00 1,519.18 1,519.18 1,519.18 490.46 129.90 259.80 519.60 129.906,500.00 1,520.91 1,520.91 1,520.91 490.96 130.00 260.00 520.00 130.006,505.00 1,522.64 1,522.64 1,522.64 491.46 130.10 260.20 520.40 130.106,510.00 1,524.42 1,524.42 1,524.42 491.96 130.20 260.40 520.80 130.206,515.00 1,526.15 1,526.15 1,526.15 492.46 130.30 260.60 521.20 130.306,520.00 1,527.93 1,527.93 1,527.93 492.96 130.40 260.80 521.60 130.406,525.00 1,529.66 1,529.66 1,529.66 493.46 130.50 261.00 522.00 130.506,530.00 1,531.44 1,531.44 1,531.44 493.96 130.60 261.20 522.40 130.606,535.00 1,533.17 1,533.17 1,533.17 494.46 130.70 261.40 522.80 130.706,540.00 1,534.91 1,534.91 1,534.91 494.96 130.80 261.60 523.20 130.806,545.00 1,536.68 1,536.68 1,536.68 495.46 130.90 261.80 523.60 130.906,550.00 1,538.42 1,538.42 1,538.42 495.96 131.00 262.00 524.00 131.006,555.00 1,540.19 1,540.19 1,540.19 496.46 131.10 262.20 524.40 131.106,560.00 1,541.93 1,541.93 1,541.93 496.96 131.20 262.40 524.80 131.206,565.00 1,543.70 1,543.70 1,543.70 497.46 131.30 262.60 525.20 131.306,570.00 1,545.44 1,545.44 1,545.44 497.96 131.40 262.80 525.60 131.406,575.00 1,547.17 1,547.17 1,547.17 498.46 131.50 263.00 526.00 131.506,580.00 1,548.95 1,548.95 1,548.95 498.96 131.60 263.20 526.40 131.606,585.00 1,550.68 1,550.68 1,550.68 499.46 131.70 263.40 526.80 131.706,590.00 1,552.46 1,552.46 1,552.46 499.96 131.80 263.60 527.20 131.806,595.00 1,554.19 1,554.19 1,554.19 500.46 131.90 263.80 527.60 131.906,600.00 1,555.97 1,555.97 1,555.97 500.96 132.00 264.00 528.00 132.00

FOUR-WEEKLY AND MONTHLY <strong>PAYE</strong> DEDUCTION TABLES 81EarningsMonthly Pay Periods – Earnings $6,605 to $6,875Codes<strong>PAYE</strong>KiwiSaverM ME ML SL Loan ded 2% 4% 8% CEC$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $6,605.00 1,557.70 1,557.70 1,557.70 501.46 132.10 264.20 528.40 132.106,610.00 1,559.43 1,559.43 1,559.43 501.96 132.20 264.40 528.80 132.206,615.00 1,561.21 1,561.21 1,561.21 502.46 132.30 264.60 529.20 132.306,620.00 1,562.94 1,562.94 1,562.94 502.96 132.40 264.80 529.60 132.406,625.00 1,564.72 1,564.72 1,564.72 503.46 132.50 265.00 530.00 132.506,630.00 1,566.45 1,566.45 1,566.45 503.96 132.60 265.20 530.40 132.606,635.00 1,568.23 1,568.23 1,568.23 504.46 132.70 265.40 530.80 132.706,640.00 1,569.96 1,569.96 1,569.96 504.96 132.80 265.60 531.20 132.806,645.00 1,571.70 1,571.70 1,571.70 505.46 132.90 265.80 531.60 132.906,650.00 1,573.47 1,573.47 1,573.47 505.96 133.00 266.00 532.00 133.006,655.00 1,575.21 1,575.21 1,575.21 506.46 133.10 266.20 532.40 133.106,660.00 1,576.98 1,576.98 1,576.98 506.96 133.20 266.40 532.80 133.206,665.00 1,578.72 1,578.72 1,578.72 507.46 133.30 266.60 533.20 133.306,670.00 1,580.49 1,580.49 1,580.49 507.96 133.40 266.80 533.60 133.406,675.00 1,582.23 1,582.23 1,582.23 508.46 133.50 267.00 534.00 133.506,680.00 1,583.96 1,583.96 1,583.96 508.96 133.60 267.20 534.40 133.606,685.00 1,585.74 1,585.74 1,585.74 509.46 133.70 267.40 534.80 133.706,690.00 1,587.47 1,587.47 1,587.47 509.96 133.80 267.60 535.20 133.806,695.00 1,589.25 1,589.25 1,589.25 510.46 133.90 267.80 535.60 133.906,700.00 1,590.98 1,590.98 1,590.98 510.96 134.00 268.00 536.00 134.006,705.00 1,592.76 1,592.76 1,592.76 511.46 134.10 268.20 536.40 134.106,710.00 1,594.49 1,594.49 1,594.49 511.96 134.20 268.40 536.80 134.206,715.00 1,596.22 1,596.22 1,596.22 512.46 134.30 268.60 537.20 134.306,720.00 1,598.00 1,598.00 1,598.00 512.96 134.40 268.80 537.60 134.406,725.00 1,599.73 1,599.73 1,599.73 513.46 134.50 269.00 538.00 134.50MONTHLY6,730.00 1,601.51 1,601.51 1,601.51 513.96 134.60 269.20 538.40 134.606,735.00 1,603.24 1,603.24 1,603.24 514.46 134.70 269.40 538.80 134.706,740.00 1,605.02 1,605.02 1,605.02 514.96 134.80 269.60 539.20 134.806,745.00 1,606.75 1,606.75 1,606.75 515.46 134.90 269.80 539.60 134.906,750.00 1,608.53 1,608.53 1,608.53 515.96 135.00 270.00 540.00 135.006,755.00 1,610.26 1,610.26 1,610.26 516.46 135.10 270.20 540.40 135.106,760.00 1,612.00 1,612.00 1,612.00 516.96 135.20 270.40 540.80 135.206,765.00 1,613.77 1,613.77 1,613.77 517.46 135.30 270.60 541.20 135.306,770.00 1,615.51 1,615.51 1,615.51 517.96 135.40 270.80 541.60 135.406,775.00 1,617.28 1,617.28 1,617.28 518.46 135.50 271.00 542.00 135.506,780.00 1,619.02 1,619.02 1,619.02 518.96 135.60 271.20 542.40 135.606,785.00 1,620.79 1,620.79 1,620.79 519.46 135.70 271.40 542.80 135.706,790.00 1,622.53 1,622.53 1,622.53 519.96 135.80 271.60 543.20 135.806,795.00 1,624.26 1,624.26 1,624.26 520.46 135.90 271.80 543.60 135.906,800.00 1,626.04 1,626.04 1,626.04 520.96 136.00 272.00 544.00 136.006,805.00 1,627.77 1,627.77 1,627.77 521.46 136.10 272.20 544.40 136.106,810.00 1,629.55 1,629.55 1,629.55 521.96 136.20 272.40 544.80 136.206,815.00 1,631.28 1,631.28 1,631.28 522.46 136.30 272.60 545.20 136.306,820.00 1,633.06 1,633.06 1,633.06 522.96 136.40 272.80 545.60 136.406,825.00 1,634.79 1,634.79 1,634.79 523.46 136.50 273.00 546.00 136.506,830.00 1,636.52 1,636.52 1,636.52 523.96 136.60 273.20 546.40 136.606,835.00 1,638.30 1,638.30 1,638.30 524.46 136.70 273.40 546.80 136.706,840.00 1,640.03 1,640.03 1,640.03 524.96 136.80 273.60 547.20 136.806,845.00 1,641.81 1,641.81 1,641.81 525.46 136.90 273.80 547.60 136.906,850.00 1,643.54 1,643.54 1,643.54 525.96 137.00 274.00 548.00 137.006,855.00 1,645.32 1,645.32 1,645.32 526.46 137.10 274.20 548.40 137.106,860.00 1,647.05 1,647.05 1,647.05 526.96 137.20 274.40 548.80 137.206,865.00 1,648.79 1,648.79 1,648.79 527.46 137.30 274.60 549.20 137.306,870.00 1,650.56 1,650.56 1,650.56 527.96 137.40 274.80 549.60 137.406,875.00 1,652.30 1,652.30 1,652.30 528.46 137.50 275.00 550.00 137.50

82 FOUR-WEEKLY AND MONTHLY <strong>PAYE</strong> DEDUCTION TABLESEarningsMonthly Pay Periods – Earnings $6,880 to $7,150Codes<strong>PAYE</strong>KiwiSaverM ME ML SL Loan ded 2% 4% 8% CEC$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $6,880.00 1,654.07 1,654.07 1,654.07 528.96 137.60 275.20 550.40 137.606,885.00 1,655.81 1,655.81 1,655.81 529.46 137.70 275.40 550.80 137.706,890.00 1,657.58 1,657.58 1,657.58 529.96 137.80 275.60 551.20 137.806,895.00 1,659.32 1,659.32 1,659.32 530.46 137.90 275.80 551.60 137.906,900.00 1,661.05 1,661.05 1,661.05 530.96 138.00 276.00 552.00 138.006,905.00 1,662.83 1,662.83 1,662.83 531.46 138.10 276.20 552.40 138.106,910.00 1,664.56 1,664.56 1,664.56 531.96 138.20 276.40 552.80 138.206,915.00 1,666.34 1,666.34 1,666.34 532.46 138.30 276.60 553.20 138.306,920.00 1,668.07 1,668.07 1,668.07 532.96 138.40 276.80 553.60 138.406,925.00 1,669.85 1,669.85 1,669.85 533.46 138.50 277.00 554.00 138.506,930.00 1,671.58 1,671.58 1,671.58 533.96 138.60 277.20 554.40 138.606,935.00 1,673.31 1,673.31 1,673.31 534.46 138.70 277.40 554.80 138.706,940.00 1,675.09 1,675.09 1,675.09 534.96 138.80 277.60 555.20 138.806,945.00 1,676.82 1,676.82 1,676.82 535.46 138.90 277.80 555.60 138.906,950.00 1,678.60 1,678.60 1,678.60 535.96 139.00 278.00 556.00 139.006,955.00 1,680.33 1,680.33 1,680.33 536.46 139.10 278.20 556.40 139.106,960.00 1,682.11 1,682.11 1,682.11 536.96 139.20 278.40 556.80 139.206,965.00 1,683.84 1,683.84 1,683.84 537.46 139.30 278.60 557.20 139.306,970.00 1,685.58 1,685.58 1,685.58 537.96 139.40 278.80 557.60 139.406,975.00 1,687.35 1,687.35 1,687.35 538.46 139.50 279.00 558.00 139.50MONTHLY6,980.00 1,689.09 1,689.09 1,689.09 538.96 139.60 279.20 558.40 139.606,985.00 1,690.86 1,690.86 1,690.86 539.46 139.70 279.40 558.80 139.706,990.00 1,692.60 1,692.60 1,692.60 539.96 139.80 279.60 559.20 139.806,995.00 1,694.37 1,694.37 1,694.37 540.46 139.90 279.80 559.60 139.907,000.00 1,696.11 1,696.11 1,696.11 540.96 140.00 280.00 560.00 140.007,005.00 1,697.84 1,697.84 1,697.84 541.46 140.10 280.20 560.40 140.107,010.00 1,699.62 1,699.62 1,699.62 541.96 140.20 280.40 560.80 140.207,015.00 1,701.35 1,701.35 1,701.35 542.46 140.30 280.60 561.20 140.307,020.00 1,703.13 1,703.13 1,703.13 542.96 140.40 280.80 561.60 140.407,025.00 1,704.86 1,704.86 1,704.86 543.46 140.50 281.00 562.00 140.507,030.00 1,706.64 1,706.64 1,706.64 543.96 140.60 281.20 562.40 140.607,035.00 1,708.37 1,708.37 1,708.37 544.46 140.70 281.40 562.80 140.707,040.00 1,710.10 1,710.10 1,710.10 544.96 140.80 281.60 563.20 140.807,045.00 1,711.88 1,711.88 1,711.88 545.46 140.90 281.80 563.60 140.907,050.00 1,713.61 1,713.61 1,713.61 545.96 141.00 282.00 564.00 141.007,055.00 1,715.39 1,715.39 1,715.39 546.46 141.10 282.20 564.40 141.107,060.00 1,717.12 1,717.12 1,717.12 546.96 141.20 282.40 564.80 141.207,065.00 1,718.90 1,718.90 1,718.90 547.46 141.30 282.60 565.20 141.307,070.00 1,720.63 1,720.63 1,720.63 547.96 141.40 282.80 565.60 141.407,075.00 1,722.41 1,722.41 1,722.41 548.46 141.50 283.00 566.00 141.507,080.00 1,724.14 1,724.14 1,724.14 548.96 141.60 283.20 566.40 141.607,085.00 1,725.88 1,725.88 1,725.88 549.46 141.70 283.40 566.80 141.707,090.00 1,727.65 1,727.65 1,727.65 549.96 141.80 283.60 567.20 141.807,095.00 1,729.39 1,729.39 1,729.39 550.46 141.90 283.80 567.60 141.907,100.00 1,731.16 1,731.16 1,731.16 550.96 142.00 284.00 568.00 142.007,105.00 1,732.90 1,732.90 1,732.90 551.46 142.10 284.20 568.40 142.107,110.00 1,734.67 1,734.67 1,734.67 551.96 142.20 284.40 568.80 142.207,115.00 1,736.41 1,736.41 1,736.41 552.46 142.30 284.60 569.20 142.307,120.00 1,738.14 1,738.14 1,738.14 552.96 142.40 284.80 569.60 142.407,125.00 1,739.92 1,739.92 1,739.92 553.46 142.50 285.00 570.00 142.507,130.00 1,741.65 1,741.65 1,741.65 553.96 142.60 285.20 570.40 142.607,135.00 1,743.43 1,743.43 1,743.43 554.46 142.70 285.40 570.80 142.707,140.00 1,745.16 1,745.16 1,745.16 554.96 142.80 285.60 571.20 142.807,145.00 1,746.94 1,746.94 1,746.94 555.46 142.90 285.80 571.60 142.907,150.00 1,748.67 1,748.67 1,748.67 555.96 143.00 286.00 572.00 143.00

FOUR-WEEKLY AND MONTHLY <strong>PAYE</strong> DEDUCTION TABLES 83EarningsMonthly Pay Periods – Earnings $7,155 to $7,425Codes<strong>PAYE</strong>KiwiSaverM ME ML SL Loan ded 2% 4% 8% CEC$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $7,155.00 1,750.40 1,750.40 1,750.40 556.46 143.10 286.20 572.40 143.107,160.00 1,752.18 1,752.18 1,752.18 556.96 143.20 286.40 572.80 143.207,165.00 1,753.91 1,753.91 1,753.91 557.46 143.30 286.60 573.20 143.307,170.00 1,755.69 1,755.69 1,755.69 557.96 143.40 286.80 573.60 143.407,175.00 1,757.42 1,757.42 1,757.42 558.46 143.50 287.00 574.00 143.507,180.00 1,759.20 1,759.20 1,759.20 558.96 143.60 287.20 574.40 143.607,185.00 1,760.93 1,760.93 1,760.93 559.46 143.70 287.40 574.80 143.707,190.00 1,762.67 1,762.67 1,762.67 559.96 143.80 287.60 575.20 143.807,195.00 1,764.44 1,764.44 1,764.44 560.46 143.90 287.80 575.60 143.907,200.00 1,766.18 1,766.18 1,766.18 560.96 144.00 288.00 576.00 144.007,205.00 1,767.95 1,767.95 1,767.95 561.46 144.10 288.20 576.40 144.107,210.00 1,769.69 1,769.69 1,769.69 561.96 144.20 288.40 576.80 144.207,215.00 1,771.46 1,771.46 1,771.46 562.46 144.30 288.60 577.20 144.307,220.00 1,773.20 1,773.20 1,773.20 562.96 144.40 288.80 577.60 144.407,225.00 1,774.93 1,774.93 1,774.93 563.46 144.50 289.00 578.00 144.507,230.00 1,776.71 1,776.71 1,776.71 563.96 144.60 289.20 578.40 144.607,235.00 1,778.44 1,778.44 1,778.44 564.46 144.70 289.40 578.80 144.707,240.00 1,780.22 1,780.22 1,780.22 564.96 144.80 289.60 579.20 144.807,245.00 1,781.95 1,781.95 1,781.95 565.46 144.90 289.80 579.60 144.907,250.00 1,783.73 1,783.73 1,783.73 565.96 145.00 290.00 580.00 145.007,255.00 1,785.46 1,785.46 1,785.46 566.46 145.10 290.20 580.40 145.107,260.00 1,787.19 1,787.19 1,787.19 566.96 145.20 290.40 580.80 145.207,265.00 1,788.97 1,788.97 1,788.97 567.46 145.30 290.60 581.20 145.307,270.00 1,790.70 1,790.70 1,790.70 567.96 145.40 290.80 581.60 145.407,275.00 1,792.48 1,792.48 1,792.48 568.46 145.50 291.00 582.00 145.50MONTHLY7,280.00 1,794.21 1,794.21 1,794.21 568.96 145.60 291.20 582.40 145.607,285.00 1,795.99 1,795.99 1,795.99 569.46 145.70 291.40 582.80 145.707,290.00 1,797.72 1,797.72 1,797.72 569.96 145.80 291.60 583.20 145.807,295.00 1,799.46 1,799.46 1,799.46 570.46 145.90 291.80 583.60 145.907,300.00 1,801.23 1,801.23 1,801.23 570.96 146.00 292.00 584.00 146.007,305.00 1,802.97 1,802.97 1,802.97 571.46 146.10 292.20 584.40 146.107,310.00 1,804.74 1,804.74 1,804.74 571.96 146.20 292.40 584.80 146.207,315.00 1,806.48 1,806.48 1,806.48 572.46 146.30 292.60 585.20 146.307,320.00 1,808.25 1,808.25 1,808.25 572.96 146.40 292.80 585.60 146.407,325.00 1,809.99 1,809.99 1,809.99 573.46 146.50 293.00 586.00 146.507,330.00 1,811.72 1,811.72 1,811.72 573.96 146.60 293.20 586.40 146.607,335.00 1,813.50 1,813.50 1,813.50 574.46 146.70 293.40 586.80 146.707,340.00 1,815.23 1,815.23 1,815.23 574.96 146.80 293.60 587.20 146.807,345.00 1,817.01 1,817.01 1,817.01 575.46 146.90 293.80 587.60 146.907,350.00 1,818.74 1,818.74 1,818.74 575.96 147.00 294.00 588.00 147.007,355.00 1,820.52 1,820.52 1,820.52 576.46 147.10 294.20 588.40 147.107,360.00 1,822.25 1,822.25 1,822.25 576.96 147.20 294.40 588.80 147.207,365.00 1,823.98 1,823.98 1,823.98 577.46 147.30 294.60 589.20 147.307,370.00 1,825.76 1,825.76 1,825.76 577.96 147.40 294.80 589.60 147.407,375.00 1,827.49 1,827.49 1,827.49 578.46 147.50 295.00 590.00 147.507,380.00 1,829.27 1,829.27 1,829.27 578.96 147.60 295.20 590.40 147.607,385.00 1,831.00 1,831.00 1,831.00 579.46 147.70 295.40 590.80 147.707,390.00 1,832.78 1,832.78 1,832.78 579.96 147.80 295.60 591.20 147.807,395.00 1,834.51 1,834.51 1,834.51 580.46 147.90 295.80 591.60 147.907,400.00 1,836.29 1,836.29 1,836.29 580.96 148.00 296.00 592.00 148.007,405.00 1,838.02 1,838.02 1,838.02 581.46 148.10 296.20 592.40 148.107,410.00 1,839.76 1,839.76 1,839.76 581.96 148.20 296.40 592.80 148.207,415.00 1,841.53 1,841.53 1,841.53 582.46 148.30 296.60 593.20 148.307,420.00 1,843.27 1,843.27 1,843.27 582.96 148.40 296.80 593.60 148.407,425.00 1,845.04 1,845.04 1,845.04 583.46 148.50 297.00 594.00 148.50

84 FOUR-WEEKLY AND MONTHLY <strong>PAYE</strong> DEDUCTION TABLESEarningsMonthly Pay Periods – Earnings $7,430 to $7,700Codes<strong>PAYE</strong>KiwiSaverM ME ML SL Loan ded 2% 4% 8% CEC$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $7,430.00 1,846.78 1,846.78 1,846.78 583.96 148.60 297.20 594.40 148.607,435.00 1,848.55 1,848.55 1,848.55 584.46 148.70 297.40 594.80 148.707,440.00 1,850.29 1,850.29 1,850.29 584.96 148.80 297.60 595.20 148.807,445.00 1,852.02 1,852.02 1,852.02 585.46 148.90 297.80 595.60 148.907,450.00 1,853.80 1,853.80 1,853.80 585.96 149.00 298.00 596.00 149.007,455.00 1,855.53 1,855.53 1,855.53 586.46 149.10 298.20 596.40 149.107,460.00 1,857.31 1,857.31 1,857.31 586.96 149.20 298.40 596.80 149.207,465.00 1,859.04 1,859.04 1,859.04 587.46 149.30 298.60 597.20 149.307,470.00 1,860.82 1,860.82 1,860.82 587.96 149.40 298.80 597.60 149.407,475.00 1,862.55 1,862.55 1,862.55 588.46 149.50 299.00 598.00 149.507,480.00 1,864.28 1,864.28 1,864.28 588.96 149.60 299.20 598.40 149.607,485.00 1,866.06 1,866.06 1,866.06 589.46 149.70 299.40 598.80 149.707,490.00 1,867.79 1,867.79 1,867.79 589.96 149.80 299.60 599.20 149.807,495.00 1,869.57 1,869.57 1,869.57 590.46 149.90 299.80 599.60 149.907,500.00 1,871.30 1,871.30 1,871.30 590.96 150.00 300.00 600.00 150.007,505.00 1,873.08 1,873.08 1,873.08 591.46 150.10 300.20 600.40 150.107,510.00 1,874.81 1,874.81 1,874.81 591.96 150.20 300.40 600.80 150.207,515.00 1,876.55 1,876.55 1,876.55 592.46 150.30 300.60 601.20 150.307,520.00 1,878.32 1,878.32 1,878.32 592.96 150.40 300.80 601.60 150.407,525.00 1,880.06 1,880.06 1,880.06 593.46 150.50 301.00 602.00 150.50MONTHLY7,530.00 1,881.83 1,881.83 1,881.83 593.96 150.60 301.20 602.40 150.607,535.00 1,883.57 1,883.57 1,883.57 594.46 150.70 301.40 602.80 150.707,540.00 1,885.34 1,885.34 1,885.34 594.96 150.80 301.60 603.20 150.807,545.00 1,887.08 1,887.08 1,887.08 595.46 150.90 301.80 603.60 150.907,550.00 1,888.81 1,888.81 1,888.81 595.96 151.00 302.00 604.00 151.007,555.00 1,890.59 1,890.59 1,890.59 596.46 151.10 302.20 604.40 151.107,560.00 1,892.32 1,892.32 1,892.32 596.96 151.20 302.40 604.80 151.207,565.00 1,894.10 1,894.10 1,894.10 597.46 151.30 302.60 605.20 151.307,570.00 1,895.83 1,895.83 1,895.83 597.96 151.40 302.80 605.60 151.407,575.00 1,897.61 1,897.61 1,897.61 598.46 151.50 303.00 606.00 151.507,580.00 1,899.34 1,899.34 1,899.34 598.96 151.60 303.20 606.40 151.607,585.00 1,901.07 1,901.07 1,901.07 599.46 151.70 303.40 606.80 151.707,590.00 1,902.85 1,902.85 1,902.85 599.96 151.80 303.60 607.20 151.807,595.00 1,904.58 1,904.58 1,904.58 600.46 151.90 303.80 607.60 151.907,600.00 1,906.36 1,906.36 1,906.36 600.96 152.00 304.00 608.00 152.007,605.00 1,908.09 1,908.09 1,908.09 601.46 152.10 304.20 608.40 152.107,610.00 1,909.87 1,909.87 1,909.87 601.96 152.20 304.40 608.80 152.207,615.00 1,911.60 1,911.60 1,911.60 602.46 152.30 304.60 609.20 152.307,620.00 1,913.34 1,913.34 1,913.34 602.96 152.40 304.80 609.60 152.407,625.00 1,915.11 1,915.11 1,915.11 603.46 152.50 305.00 610.00 152.507,630.00 1,916.85 1,916.85 1,916.85 603.96 152.60 305.20 610.40 152.607,635.00 1,918.62 1,918.62 1,918.62 604.46 152.70 305.40 610.80 152.707,640.00 1,920.36 1,920.36 1,920.36 604.96 152.80 305.60 611.20 152.807,645.00 1,922.13 1,922.13 1,922.13 605.46 152.90 305.80 611.60 152.907,650.00 1,923.87 1,923.87 1,923.87 605.96 153.00 306.00 612.00 153.007,655.00 1,925.60 1,925.60 1,925.60 606.46 153.10 306.20 612.40 153.107,660.00 1,927.38 1,927.38 1,927.38 606.96 153.20 306.40 612.80 153.207,665.00 1,929.11 1,929.11 1,929.11 607.46 153.30 306.60 613.20 153.307,670.00 1,930.89 1,930.89 1,930.89 607.96 153.40 306.80 613.60 153.407,675.00 1,932.62 1,932.62 1,932.62 608.46 153.50 307.00 614.00 153.507,680.00 1,934.40 1,934.40 1,934.40 608.96 153.60 307.20 614.40 153.607,685.00 1,936.13 1,936.13 1,936.13 609.46 153.70 307.40 614.80 153.707,690.00 1,937.86 1,937.86 1,937.86 609.96 153.80 307.60 615.20 153.807,695.00 1,939.64 1,939.64 1,939.64 610.46 153.90 307.80 615.60 153.907,700.00 1,941.37 1,941.37 1,941.37 610.96 154.00 308.00 616.00 154.00

FOUR-WEEKLY AND MONTHLY <strong>PAYE</strong> DEDUCTION TABLES 85EarningsMonthly Pay Periods – Earnings $7,705 to $7,975Codes<strong>PAYE</strong>KiwiSaverM ME ML SL Loan ded 2% 4% 8% CEC$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $7,705.00 1,943.15 1,943.15 1,943.15 611.46 154.10 308.20 616.40 154.107,710.00 1,944.88 1,944.88 1,944.88 611.96 154.20 308.40 616.80 154.207,715.00 1,946.66 1,946.66 1,946.66 612.46 154.30 308.60 617.20 154.307,720.00 1,948.39 1,948.39 1,948.39 612.96 154.40 308.80 617.60 154.407,725.00 1,950.17 1,950.17 1,950.17 613.46 154.50 309.00 618.00 154.507,730.00 1,951.90 1,951.90 1,951.90 613.96 154.60 309.20 618.40 154.607,735.00 1,953.64 1,953.64 1,953.64 614.46 154.70 309.40 618.80 154.707,740.00 1,955.41 1,955.41 1,955.41 614.96 154.80 309.60 619.20 154.807,745.00 1,957.15 1,957.15 1,957.15 615.46 154.90 309.80 619.60 154.907,750.00 1,958.92 1,958.92 1,958.92 615.96 155.00 310.00 620.00 155.007,755.00 1,960.66 1,960.66 1,960.66 616.46 155.10 310.20 620.40 155.107,760.00 1,962.43 1,962.43 1,962.43 616.96 155.20 310.40 620.80 155.207,765.00 1,964.17 1,964.17 1,964.17 617.46 155.30 310.60 621.20 155.307,770.00 1,965.90 1,965.90 1,965.90 617.96 155.40 310.80 621.60 155.407,775.00 1,967.68 1,967.68 1,967.68 618.46 155.50 311.00 622.00 155.507,780.00 1,969.41 1,969.41 1,969.41 618.96 155.60 311.20 622.40 155.607,785.00 1,971.19 1,971.19 1,971.19 619.46 155.70 311.40 622.80 155.707,790.00 1,972.92 1,972.92 1,972.92 619.96 155.80 311.60 623.20 155.807,795.00 1,974.70 1,974.70 1,974.70 620.46 155.90 311.80 623.60 155.907,800.00 1,976.43 1,976.43 1,976.43 620.96 156.00 312.00 624.00 156.007,805.00 1,978.16 1,978.16 1,978.16 621.46 156.10 312.20 624.40 156.107,810.00 1,979.94 1,979.94 1,979.94 621.96 156.20 312.40 624.80 156.207,815.00 1,981.67 1,981.67 1,981.67 622.46 156.30 312.60 625.20 156.307,820.00 1,983.45 1,983.45 1,983.45 622.96 156.40 312.80 625.60 156.407,825.00 1,985.18 1,985.18 1,985.18 623.46 156.50 313.00 626.00 156.50MONTHLY7,830.00 1,986.96 1,986.96 1,986.96 623.96 156.60 313.20 626.40 156.607,835.00 1,988.69 1,988.69 1,988.69 624.46 156.70 313.40 626.80 156.707,840.00 1,990.43 1,990.43 1,990.43 624.96 156.80 313.60 627.20 156.807,845.00 1,992.20 1,992.20 1,992.20 625.46 156.90 313.80 627.60 156.907,850.00 1,993.94 1,993.94 1,993.94 625.96 157.00 314.00 628.00 157.007,855.00 1,995.71 1,995.71 1,995.71 626.46 157.10 314.20 628.40 157.107,860.00 1,997.45 1,997.45 1,997.45 626.96 157.20 314.40 628.80 157.207,865.00 1,999.22 1,999.22 1,999.22 627.46 157.30 314.60 629.20 157.307,870.00 2,000.96 2,000.96 2,000.96 627.96 157.40 314.80 629.60 157.407,875.00 2,002.69 2,002.69 2,002.69 628.46 157.50 315.00 630.00 157.507,880.00 2,004.47 2,004.47 2,004.47 628.96 157.60 315.20 630.40 157.607,885.00 2,006.20 2,006.20 2,006.20 629.46 157.70 315.40 630.80 157.707,890.00 2,007.98 2,007.98 2,007.98 629.96 157.80 315.60 631.20 157.807,895.00 2,009.71 2,009.71 2,009.71 630.46 157.90 315.80 631.60 157.907,900.00 2,011.49 2,011.49 2,011.49 630.96 158.00 316.00 632.00 158.007,905.00 2,013.22 2,013.22 2,013.22 631.46 158.10 316.20 632.40 158.107,910.00 2,014.95 2,014.95 2,014.95 631.96 158.20 316.40 632.80 158.207,915.00 2,016.73 2,016.73 2,016.73 632.46 158.30 316.60 633.20 158.307,920.00 2,018.46 2,018.46 2,018.46 632.96 158.40 316.80 633.60 158.407,925.00 2,020.24 2,020.24 2,020.24 633.46 158.50 317.00 634.00 158.507,930.00 2,021.97 2,021.97 2,021.97 633.96 158.60 317.20 634.40 158.607,935.00 2,023.75 2,023.75 2,023.75 634.46 158.70 317.40 634.80 158.707,940.00 2,025.48 2,025.48 2,025.48 634.96 158.80 317.60 635.20 158.807,945.00 2,027.22 2,027.22 2,027.22 635.46 158.90 317.80 635.60 158.907,950.00 2,028.99 2,028.99 2,028.99 635.96 159.00 318.00 636.00 159.007,955.00 2,030.73 2,030.73 2,030.73 636.46 159.10 318.20 636.40 159.107,960.00 2,032.50 2,032.50 2,032.50 636.96 159.20 318.40 636.80 159.207,965.00 2,034.24 2,034.24 2,034.24 637.46 159.30 318.60 637.20 159.307,970.00 2,036.01 2,036.01 2,036.01 637.96 159.40 318.80 637.60 159.407,975.00 2,037.75 2,037.75 2,037.75 638.46 159.50 319.00 638.00 159.50

86 FOUR-WEEKLY AND MONTHLY <strong>PAYE</strong> DEDUCTION TABLESEarningsMonthly Pay Periods – Earnings $7,980 to $8,250Codes<strong>PAYE</strong>KiwiSaverM ME ML SL Loan ded 2% 4% 8% CEC$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $7,980.00 2,039.48 2,039.48 2,039.48 638.96 159.60 319.20 638.40 159.607,985.00 2,041.26 2,041.26 2,041.26 639.46 159.70 319.40 638.80 159.707,990.00 2,042.99 2,042.99 2,042.99 639.96 159.80 319.60 639.20 159.807,995.00 2,044.77 2,044.77 2,044.77 640.46 159.90 319.80 639.60 159.908,000.00 2,046.50 2,046.50 2,046.50 640.96 160.00 320.00 640.00 160.008,005.00 2,048.28 2,048.28 2,048.28 641.46 160.10 320.20 640.40 160.108,010.00 2,050.01 2,050.01 2,050.01 641.96 160.20 320.40 640.80 160.208,015.00 2,051.74 2,051.74 2,051.74 642.46 160.30 320.60 641.20 160.308,020.00 2,053.52 2,053.52 2,053.52 642.96 160.40 320.80 641.60 160.408,025.00 2,055.25 2,055.25 2,055.25 643.46 160.50 321.00 642.00 160.508,030.00 2,057.03 2,057.03 2,057.03 643.96 160.60 321.20 642.40 160.608,035.00 2,058.76 2,058.76 2,058.76 644.46 160.70 321.40 642.80 160.708,040.00 2,060.54 2,060.54 2,060.54 644.96 160.80 321.60 643.20 160.808,045.00 2,062.27 2,062.27 2,062.27 645.46 160.90 321.80 643.60 160.908,050.00 2,064.05 2,064.05 2,064.05 645.96 161.00 322.00 644.00 161.008,055.00 2,065.78 2,065.78 2,065.78 646.46 161.10 322.20 644.40 161.108,060.00 2,067.52 2,067.52 2,067.52 646.96 161.20 322.40 644.80 161.208,065.00 2,069.29 2,069.29 2,069.29 647.46 161.30 322.60 645.20 161.308,070.00 2,071.03 2,071.03 2,071.03 647.96 161.40 322.80 645.60 161.408,075.00 2,072.80 2,072.80 2,072.80 648.46 161.50 323.00 646.00 161.50MONTHLY8,080.00 2,074.54 2,074.54 2,074.54 648.96 161.60 323.20 646.40 161.608,085.00 2,076.31 2,076.31 2,076.31 649.46 161.70 323.40 646.80 161.708,090.00 2,078.05 2,078.05 2,078.05 649.96 161.80 323.60 647.20 161.808,095.00 2,079.78 2,079.78 2,079.78 650.46 161.90 323.80 647.60 161.908,100.00 2,081.56 2,081.56 2,081.56 650.96 162.00 324.00 648.00 162.008,105.00 2,083.29 2,083.29 2,083.29 651.46 162.10 324.20 648.40 162.108,110.00 2,085.07 2,085.07 2,085.07 651.96 162.20 324.40 648.80 162.208,115.00 2,086.80 2,086.80 2,086.80 652.46 162.30 324.60 649.20 162.308,120.00 2,088.58 2,088.58 2,088.58 652.96 162.40 324.80 649.60 162.408,125.00 2,090.31 2,090.31 2,090.31 653.46 162.50 325.00 650.00 162.508,130.00 2,092.04 2,092.04 2,092.04 653.96 162.60 325.20 650.40 162.608,135.00 2,093.82 2,093.82 2,093.82 654.46 162.70 325.40 650.80 162.708,140.00 2,095.55 2,095.55 2,095.55 654.96 162.80 325.60 651.20 162.808,145.00 2,097.33 2,097.33 2,097.33 655.46 162.90 325.80 651.60 162.908,150.00 2,099.06 2,099.06 2,099.06 655.96 163.00 326.00 652.00 163.008,155.00 2,100.84 2,100.84 2,100.84 656.46 163.10 326.20 652.40 163.108,160.00 2,102.57 2,102.57 2,102.57 656.96 163.20 326.40 652.80 163.208,165.00 2,104.31 2,104.31 2,104.31 657.46 163.30 326.60 653.20 163.308,170.00 2,106.08 2,106.08 2,106.08 657.96 163.40 326.80 653.60 163.408,175.00 2,107.82 2,107.82 2,107.82 658.46 163.50 327.00 654.00 163.508,180.00 2,109.59 2,109.59 2,109.59 658.96 163.60 327.20 654.40 163.608,185.00 2,111.33 2,111.33 2,111.33 659.46 163.70 327.40 654.80 163.708,190.00 2,113.10 2,113.10 2,113.10 659.96 163.80 327.60 655.20 163.808,195.00 2,114.84 2,114.84 2,114.84 660.46 163.90 327.80 655.60 163.908,200.00 2,116.57 2,116.57 2,116.57 660.96 164.00 328.00 656.00 164.008,205.00 2,118.35 2,118.35 2,118.35 661.46 164.10 328.20 656.40 164.108,210.00 2,120.08 2,120.08 2,120.08 661.96 164.20 328.40 656.80 164.208,215.00 2,121.86 2,121.86 2,121.86 662.46 164.30 328.60 657.20 164.308,220.00 2,123.59 2,123.59 2,123.59 662.96 164.40 328.80 657.60 164.408,225.00 2,125.37 2,125.37 2,125.37 663.46 164.50 329.00 658.00 164.508,230.00 2,127.10 2,127.10 2,127.10 663.96 164.60 329.20 658.40 164.608,235.00 2,128.83 2,128.83 2,128.83 664.46 164.70 329.40 658.80 164.708,240.00 2,130.61 2,130.61 2,130.61 664.96 164.80 329.60 659.20 164.808,245.00 2,132.34 2,132.34 2,132.34 665.46 164.90 329.80 659.60 164.908,250.00 2,134.12 2,134.12 2,134.12 665.96 165.00 330.00 660.00 165.00

FOUR-WEEKLY AND MONTHLY <strong>PAYE</strong> DEDUCTION TABLES 87EarningsMonthly Pay Periods – Earnings $8,255 to $8,525Codes<strong>PAYE</strong>KiwiSaverM ME ML SL Loan ded 2% 4% 8% CEC$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $8,255.00 2,135.85 2,135.85 2,135.85 666.46 165.10 330.20 660.40 165.108,260.00 2,137.63 2,137.63 2,137.63 666.96 165.20 330.40 660.80 165.208,265.00 2,139.36 2,139.36 2,139.36 667.46 165.30 330.60 661.20 165.308,270.00 2,141.10 2,141.10 2,141.10 667.96 165.40 330.80 661.60 165.408,275.00 2,142.87 2,142.87 2,142.87 668.46 165.50 331.00 662.00 165.508,280.00 2,144.61 2,144.61 2,144.61 668.96 165.60 331.20 662.40 165.608,285.00 2,146.38 2,146.38 2,146.38 669.46 165.70 331.40 662.80 165.708,290.00 2,148.12 2,148.12 2,148.12 669.96 165.80 331.60 663.20 165.808,295.00 2,149.89 2,149.89 2,149.89 670.46 165.90 331.80 663.60 165.908,300.00 2,151.63 2,151.63 2,151.63 670.96 166.00 332.00 664.00 166.008,305.00 2,153.36 2,153.36 2,153.36 671.46 166.10 332.20 664.40 166.108,310.00 2,155.14 2,155.14 2,155.14 671.96 166.20 332.40 664.80 166.208,315.00 2,156.87 2,156.87 2,156.87 672.46 166.30 332.60 665.20 166.308,320.00 2,158.65 2,158.65 2,158.65 672.96 166.40 332.80 665.60 166.408,325.00 2,160.38 2,160.38 2,160.38 673.46 166.50 333.00 666.00 166.508,330.00 2,162.16 2,162.16 2,162.16 673.96 166.60 333.20 666.40 166.608,335.00 2,163.89 2,163.89 2,163.89 674.46 166.70 333.40 666.80 166.708,340.00 2,165.62 2,165.62 2,165.62 674.96 166.80 333.60 667.20 166.808,345.00 2,167.40 2,167.40 2,167.40 675.46 166.90 333.80 667.60 166.908,350.00 2,169.13 2,169.13 2,169.13 675.96 167.00 334.00 668.00 167.008,355.00 2,170.91 2,170.91 2,170.91 676.46 167.10 334.20 668.40 167.108,360.00 2,172.64 2,172.64 2,172.64 676.96 167.20 334.40 668.80 167.208,365.00 2,174.42 2,174.42 2,174.42 677.46 167.30 334.60 669.20 167.308,370.00 2,176.15 2,176.15 2,176.15 677.96 167.40 334.80 669.60 167.408,375.00 2,177.93 2,177.93 2,177.93 678.46 167.50 335.00 670.00 167.50MONTHLY8,380.00 2,179.66 2,179.66 2,179.66 678.96 167.60 335.20 670.40 167.608,385.00 2,181.40 2,181.40 2,181.40 679.46 167.70 335.40 670.80 167.708,390.00 2,183.17 2,183.17 2,183.17 679.96 167.80 335.60 671.20 167.808,395.00 2,184.91 2,184.91 2,184.91 680.46 167.90 335.80 671.60 167.908,400.00 2,186.68 2,186.68 2,186.68 680.96 168.00 336.00 672.00 168.008,405.00 2,188.42 2,188.42 2,188.42 681.46 168.10 336.20 672.40 168.108,410.00 2,190.19 2,190.19 2,190.19 681.96 168.20 336.40 672.80 168.208,415.00 2,191.93 2,191.93 2,191.93 682.46 168.30 336.60 673.20 168.308,420.00 2,193.66 2,193.66 2,193.66 682.96 168.40 336.80 673.60 168.408,425.00 2,195.44 2,195.44 2,195.44 683.46 168.50 337.00 674.00 168.508,430.00 2,197.17 2,197.17 2,197.17 683.96 168.60 337.20 674.40 168.608,435.00 2,198.95 2,198.95 2,198.95 684.46 168.70 337.40 674.80 168.708,440.00 2,200.68 2,200.68 2,200.68 684.96 168.80 337.60 675.20 168.808,445.00 2,202.46 2,202.46 2,202.46 685.46 168.90 337.80 675.60 168.908,450.00 2,204.19 2,204.19 2,204.19 685.96 169.00 338.00 676.00 169.008,455.00 2,205.92 2,205.92 2,205.92 686.46 169.10 338.20 676.40 169.108,460.00 2,207.70 2,207.70 2,207.70 686.96 169.20 338.40 676.80 169.208,465.00 2,209.43 2,209.43 2,209.43 687.46 169.30 338.60 677.20 169.308,470.00 2,211.21 2,211.21 2,211.21 687.96 169.40 338.80 677.60 169.408,475.00 2,212.94 2,212.94 2,212.94 688.46 169.50 339.00 678.00 169.508,480.00 2,214.72 2,214.72 2,214.72 688.96 169.60 339.20 678.40 169.608,485.00 2,216.45 2,216.45 2,216.45 689.46 169.70 339.40 678.80 169.708,490.00 2,218.19 2,218.19 2,218.19 689.96 169.80 339.60 679.20 169.808,495.00 2,219.96 2,219.96 2,219.96 690.46 169.90 339.80 679.60 169.908,500.00 2,221.70 2,221.70 2,221.70 690.96 170.00 340.00 680.00 170.008,505.00 2,223.47 2,223.47 2,223.47 691.46 170.10 340.20 680.40 170.108,510.00 2,225.21 2,225.21 2,225.21 691.96 170.20 340.40 680.80 170.208,515.00 2,226.98 2,226.98 2,226.98 692.46 170.30 340.60 681.20 170.308,520.00 2,228.72 2,228.72 2,228.72 692.96 170.40 340.80 681.60 170.408,525.00 2,230.45 2,230.45 2,230.45 693.46 170.50 341.00 682.00 170.50

88 FOUR-WEEKLY AND MONTHLY <strong>PAYE</strong> DEDUCTION TABLESEarningsMonthly Pay Periods – Earnings $8,530 to $8,800Codes<strong>PAYE</strong>KiwiSaverM ME ML SL Loan ded 2% 4% 8% CEC$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $8,530.00 2,232.23 2,232.23 2,232.23 693.96 170.60 341.20 682.40 170.608,535.00 2,233.96 2,233.96 2,233.96 694.46 170.70 341.40 682.80 170.708,540.00 2,235.74 2,235.74 2,235.74 694.96 170.80 341.60 683.20 170.808,545.00 2,237.47 2,237.47 2,237.47 695.46 170.90 341.80 683.60 170.908,550.00 2,239.25 2,239.25 2,239.25 695.96 171.00 342.00 684.00 171.008,555.00 2,240.98 2,240.98 2,240.98 696.46 171.10 342.20 684.40 171.108,560.00 2,242.71 2,242.71 2,242.71 696.96 171.20 342.40 684.80 171.208,565.00 2,244.49 2,244.49 2,244.49 697.46 171.30 342.60 685.20 171.308,570.00 2,246.22 2,246.22 2,246.22 697.96 171.40 342.80 685.60 171.408,575.00 2,248.00 2,248.00 2,248.00 698.46 171.50 343.00 686.00 171.508,580.00 2,249.73 2,249.73 2,249.73 698.96 171.60 343.20 686.40 171.608,585.00 2,251.51 2,251.51 2,251.51 699.46 171.70 343.40 686.80 171.708,590.00 2,253.24 2,253.24 2,253.24 699.96 171.80 343.60 687.20 171.808,595.00 2,254.98 2,254.98 2,254.98 700.46 171.90 343.80 687.60 171.908,600.00 2,256.75 2,256.75 2,256.75 700.96 172.00 344.00 688.00 172.008,605.00 2,258.49 2,258.49 2,258.49 701.46 172.10 344.20 688.40 172.108,610.00 2,260.26 2,260.26 2,260.26 701.96 172.20 344.40 688.80 172.208,615.00 2,262.00 2,262.00 2,262.00 702.46 172.30 344.60 689.20 172.308,620.00 2,263.77 2,263.77 2,263.77 702.96 172.40 344.80 689.60 172.408,625.00 2,265.51 2,265.51 2,265.51 703.46 172.50 345.00 690.00 172.50MONTHLY8,630.00 2,267.24 2,267.24 2,267.24 703.96 172.60 345.20 690.40 172.608,635.00 2,269.02 2,269.02 2,269.02 704.46 172.70 345.40 690.80 172.708,640.00 2,270.75 2,270.75 2,270.75 704.96 172.80 345.60 691.20 172.808,645.00 2,272.53 2,272.53 2,272.53 705.46 172.90 345.80 691.60 172.908,650.00 2,274.26 2,274.26 2,274.26 705.96 173.00 346.00 692.00 173.008,655.00 2,276.04 2,276.04 2,276.04 706.46 173.10 346.20 692.40 173.108,660.00 2,277.77 2,277.77 2,277.77 706.96 173.20 346.40 692.80 173.208,665.00 2,279.50 2,279.50 2,279.50 707.46 173.30 346.60 693.20 173.308,670.00 2,281.28 2,281.28 2,281.28 707.96 173.40 346.80 693.60 173.408,675.00 2,283.01 2,283.01 2,283.01 708.46 173.50 347.00 694.00 173.508,680.00 2,284.79 2,284.79 2,284.79 708.96 173.60 347.20 694.40 173.608,685.00 2,286.52 2,286.52 2,286.52 709.46 173.70 347.40 694.80 173.708,690.00 2,288.30 2,288.30 2,288.30 709.96 173.80 347.60 695.20 173.808,695.00 2,290.03 2,290.03 2,290.03 710.46 173.90 347.80 695.60 173.908,700.00 2,291.81 2,291.81 2,291.81 710.96 174.00 348.00 696.00 174.008,705.00 2,293.54 2,293.54 2,293.54 711.46 174.10 348.20 696.40 174.108,710.00 2,295.28 2,295.28 2,295.28 711.96 174.20 348.40 696.80 174.208,715.00 2,297.05 2,297.05 2,297.05 712.46 174.30 348.60 697.20 174.308,720.00 2,298.79 2,298.79 2,298.79 712.96 174.40 348.80 697.60 174.408,725.00 2,300.56 2,300.56 2,300.56 713.46 174.50 349.00 698.00 174.508,730.00 2,302.30 2,302.30 2,302.30 713.96 174.60 349.20 698.40 174.608,735.00 2,304.07 2,304.07 2,304.07 714.46 174.70 349.40 698.80 174.708,740.00 2,305.81 2,305.81 2,305.81 714.96 174.80 349.60 699.20 174.808,745.00 2,307.54 2,307.54 2,307.54 715.46 174.90 349.80 699.60 174.908,750.00 2,309.32 2,309.32 2,309.32 715.96 175.00 350.00 700.00 175.008,755.00 2,311.05 2,311.05 2,311.05 716.46 175.10 350.20 700.40 175.108,760.00 2,312.83 2,312.83 2,312.83 716.96 175.20 350.40 700.80 175.208,765.00 2,314.56 2,314.56 2,314.56 717.46 175.30 350.60 701.20 175.308,770.00 2,316.34 2,316.34 2,316.34 717.96 175.40 350.80 701.60 175.408,775.00 2,318.07 2,318.07 2,318.07 718.46 175.50 351.00 702.00 175.508,780.00 2,319.80 2,319.80 2,319.80 718.96 175.60 351.20 702.40 175.608,785.00 2,321.58 2,321.58 2,321.58 719.46 175.70 351.40 702.80 175.708,790.00 2,323.31 2,323.31 2,323.31 719.96 175.80 351.60 703.20 175.808,795.00 2,325.09 2,325.09 2,325.09 720.46 175.90 351.80 703.60 175.908,800.00 2,326.82 2,326.82 2,326.82 720.96 176.00 352.00 704.00 176.00

FOUR-WEEKLY AND MONTHLY <strong>PAYE</strong> DEDUCTION TABLES 89EarningsMonthly Pay Periods – Earnings $8,805 to $9,075Codes<strong>PAYE</strong>KiwiSaverM ME ML SL Loan ded 2% 4% 8% CEC$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $8,805.00 2,328.60 2,328.60 2,328.60 721.46 176.10 352.20 704.40 176.108,810.00 2,330.33 2,330.33 2,330.33 721.96 176.20 352.40 704.80 176.208,815.00 2,332.07 2,332.07 2,332.07 722.46 176.30 352.60 705.20 176.308,820.00 2,333.84 2,333.84 2,333.84 722.96 176.40 352.80 705.60 176.408,825.00 2,335.58 2,335.58 2,335.58 723.46 176.50 353.00 706.00 176.508,830.00 2,337.35 2,337.35 2,337.35 723.96 176.60 353.20 706.40 176.608,835.00 2,339.09 2,339.09 2,339.09 724.46 176.70 353.40 706.80 176.708,840.00 2,340.86 2,340.86 2,340.86 724.96 176.80 353.60 707.20 176.808,845.00 2,342.60 2,342.60 2,342.60 725.46 176.90 353.80 707.60 176.908,850.00 2,344.33 2,344.33 2,344.33 725.96 177.00 354.00 708.00 177.008,855.00 2,346.11 2,346.11 2,346.11 726.46 177.10 354.20 708.40 177.108,860.00 2,347.84 2,347.84 2,347.84 726.96 177.20 354.40 708.80 177.208,865.00 2,349.62 2,349.62 2,349.62 727.46 177.30 354.60 709.20 177.308,870.00 2,351.35 2,351.35 2,351.35 727.96 177.40 354.80 709.60 177.408,875.00 2,353.13 2,353.13 2,353.13 728.46 177.50 355.00 710.00 177.508,880.00 2,354.86 2,354.86 2,354.86 728.96 177.60 355.20 710.40 177.608,885.00 2,356.59 2,356.59 2,356.59 729.46 177.70 355.40 710.80 177.708,890.00 2,358.37 2,358.37 2,358.37 729.96 177.80 355.60 711.20 177.808,895.00 2,360.10 2,360.10 2,360.10 730.46 177.90 355.80 711.60 177.908,900.00 2,361.88 2,361.88 2,361.88 730.96 178.00 356.00 712.00 178.008,905.00 2,363.61 2,363.61 2,363.61 731.46 178.10 356.20 712.40 178.108,910.00 2,365.39 2,365.39 2,365.39 731.96 178.20 356.40 712.80 178.208,915.00 2,367.12 2,367.12 2,367.12 732.46 178.30 356.60 713.20 178.308,920.00 2,368.86 2,368.86 2,368.86 732.96 178.40 356.80 713.60 178.408,925.00 2,370.63 2,370.63 2,370.63 733.46 178.50 357.00 714.00 178.50MONTHLY8,930.00 2,372.37 2,372.37 2,372.37 733.96 178.60 357.20 714.40 178.608,935.00 2,374.14 2,374.14 2,374.14 734.46 178.70 357.40 714.80 178.708,940.00 2,375.88 2,375.88 2,375.88 734.96 178.80 357.60 715.20 178.808,945.00 2,377.65 2,377.65 2,377.65 735.46 178.90 357.80 715.60 178.908,950.00 2,379.39 2,379.39 2,379.39 735.96 179.00 358.00 716.00 179.008,955.00 2,381.12 2,381.12 2,381.12 736.46 179.10 358.20 716.40 179.108,960.00 2,382.90 2,382.90 2,382.90 736.96 179.20 358.40 716.80 179.208,965.00 2,384.63 2,384.63 2,384.63 737.46 179.30 358.60 717.20 179.308,970.00 2,386.41 2,386.41 2,386.41 737.96 179.40 358.80 717.60 179.408,975.00 2,388.14 2,388.14 2,388.14 738.46 179.50 359.00 718.00 179.508,980.00 2,389.92 2,389.92 2,389.92 738.96 179.60 359.20 718.40 179.608,985.00 2,391.65 2,391.65 2,391.65 739.46 179.70 359.40 718.80 179.708,990.00 2,393.38 2,393.38 2,393.38 739.96 179.80 359.60 719.20 179.808,995.00 2,395.16 2,395.16 2,395.16 740.46 179.90 359.80 719.60 179.909,000.00 2,396.89 2,396.89 2,396.89 740.96 180.00 360.00 720.00 180.009,005.00 2,398.67 2,398.67 2,398.67 741.46 180.10 360.20 720.40 180.109,010.00 2,400.40 2,400.40 2,400.40 741.96 180.20 360.40 720.80 180.209,015.00 2,402.18 2,402.18 2,402.18 742.46 180.30 360.60 721.20 180.309,020.00 2,403.91 2,403.91 2,403.91 742.96 180.40 360.80 721.60 180.409,025.00 2,405.69 2,405.69 2,405.69 743.46 180.50 361.00 722.00 180.509,030.00 2,407.42 2,407.42 2,407.42 743.96 180.60 361.20 722.40 180.609,035.00 2,409.16 2,409.16 2,409.16 744.46 180.70 361.40 722.80 180.709,040.00 2,410.93 2,410.93 2,410.93 744.96 180.80 361.60 723.20 180.809,045.00 2,412.67 2,412.67 2,412.67 745.46 180.90 361.80 723.60 180.909,050.00 2,414.44 2,414.44 2,414.44 745.96 181.00 362.00 724.00 181.009,055.00 2,416.18 2,416.18 2,416.18 746.46 181.10 362.20 724.40 181.109,060.00 2,417.95 2,417.95 2,417.95 746.96 181.20 362.40 724.80 181.209,065.00 2,419.69 2,419.69 2,419.69 747.46 181.30 362.60 725.20 181.309,070.00 2,421.42 2,421.42 2,421.42 747.96 181.40 362.80 725.60 181.409,075.00 2,423.20 2,423.20 2,423.20 748.46 181.50 363.00 726.00 181.50

90 FOUR-WEEKLY AND MONTHLY <strong>PAYE</strong> DEDUCTION TABLESEarningsMonthly Pay Periods – Earnings $9,080 to $9,350Codes<strong>PAYE</strong>KiwiSaverM ME ML SL Loan ded 2% 4% 8% CEC$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $9,080.00 2,424.93 2,424.93 2,424.93 748.96 181.60 363.20 726.40 181.609,085.00 2,426.71 2,426.71 2,426.71 749.46 181.70 363.40 726.80 181.709,090.00 2,428.44 2,428.44 2,428.44 749.96 181.80 363.60 727.20 181.809,095.00 2,430.22 2,430.22 2,430.22 750.46 181.90 363.80 727.60 181.909,100.00 2,431.95 2,431.95 2,431.95 750.96 182.00 364.00 728.00 182.009,105.00 2,433.68 2,433.68 2,433.68 751.46 182.10 364.20 728.40 182.109,110.00 2,435.46 2,435.46 2,435.46 751.96 182.20 364.40 728.80 182.209,115.00 2,437.19 2,437.19 2,437.19 752.46 182.30 364.60 729.20 182.309,120.00 2,438.97 2,438.97 2,438.97 752.96 182.40 364.80 729.60 182.409,125.00 2,440.70 2,440.70 2,440.70 753.46 182.50 365.00 730.00 182.509,130.00 2,442.48 2,442.48 2,442.48 753.96 182.60 365.20 730.40 182.609,135.00 2,444.21 2,444.21 2,444.21 754.46 182.70 365.40 730.80 182.709,140.00 2,445.95 2,445.95 2,445.95 754.96 182.80 365.60 731.20 182.809,145.00 2,447.72 2,447.72 2,447.72 755.46 182.90 365.80 731.60 182.909,150.00 2,449.46 2,449.46 2,449.46 755.96 183.00 366.00 732.00 183.009,155.00 2,451.23 2,451.23 2,451.23 756.46 183.10 366.20 732.40 183.109,160.00 2,452.97 2,452.97 2,452.97 756.96 183.20 366.40 732.80 183.209,165.00 2,454.74 2,454.74 2,454.74 757.46 183.30 366.60 733.20 183.309,170.00 2,456.48 2,456.48 2,456.48 757.96 183.40 366.80 733.60 183.409,175.00 2,458.21 2,458.21 2,458.21 758.46 183.50 367.00 734.00 183.50MONTHLY9,180.00 2,459.99 2,459.99 2,459.99 758.96 183.60 367.20 734.40 183.609,185.00 2,461.72 2,461.72 2,461.72 759.46 183.70 367.40 734.80 183.709,190.00 2,463.50 2,463.50 2,463.50 759.96 183.80 367.60 735.20 183.809,195.00 2,465.23 2,465.23 2,465.23 760.46 183.90 367.80 735.60 183.909,200.00 2,467.01 2,467.01 2,467.01 760.96 184.00 368.00 736.00 184.009,205.00 2,468.74 2,468.74 2,468.74 761.46 184.10 368.20 736.40 184.109,210.00 2,470.47 2,470.47 2,470.47 761.96 184.20 368.40 736.80 184.209,215.00 2,472.25 2,472.25 2,472.25 762.46 184.30 368.60 737.20 184.309,220.00 2,473.98 2,473.98 2,473.98 762.96 184.40 368.80 737.60 184.409,225.00 2,475.76 2,475.76 2,475.76 763.46 184.50 369.00 738.00 184.509,230.00 2,477.49 2,477.49 2,477.49 763.96 184.60 369.20 738.40 184.609,235.00 2,479.27 2,479.27 2,479.27 764.46 184.70 369.40 738.80 184.709,240.00 2,481.00 2,481.00 2,481.00 764.96 184.80 369.60 739.20 184.809,245.00 2,482.74 2,482.74 2,482.74 765.46 184.90 369.80 739.60 184.909,250.00 2,484.51 2,484.51 2,484.51 765.96 185.00 370.00 740.00 185.009,255.00 2,486.25 2,486.25 2,486.25 766.46 185.10 370.20 740.40 185.109,260.00 2,488.02 2,488.02 2,488.02 766.96 185.20 370.40 740.80 185.209,265.00 2,489.76 2,489.76 2,489.76 767.46 185.30 370.60 741.20 185.309,270.00 2,491.53 2,491.53 2,491.53 767.96 185.40 370.80 741.60 185.409,275.00 2,493.27 2,493.27 2,493.27 768.46 185.50 371.00 742.00 185.509,280.00 2,495.00 2,495.00 2,495.00 768.96 185.60 371.20 742.40 185.609,285.00 2,496.78 2,496.78 2,496.78 769.46 185.70 371.40 742.80 185.709,290.00 2,498.51 2,498.51 2,498.51 769.96 185.80 371.60 743.20 185.809,295.00 2,500.29 2,500.29 2,500.29 770.46 185.90 371.80 743.60 185.909,300.00 2,502.02 2,502.02 2,502.02 770.96 186.00 372.00 744.00 186.009,305.00 2,503.80 2,503.80 2,503.80 771.46 186.10 372.20 744.40 186.109,310.00 2,505.44 2,505.44 2,505.44 771.96 186.20 372.40 744.80 186.209,315.00 2,507.09 2,507.09 2,507.09 772.46 186.30 372.60 745.20 186.309,320.00 2,508.74 2,508.74 2,508.74 772.96 186.40 372.80 745.60 186.409,325.00 2,510.38 2,510.38 2,510.38 773.46 186.50 373.00 746.00 186.509,330.00 2,512.03 2,512.03 2,512.03 773.96 186.60 373.20 746.40 186.609,335.00 2,513.68 2,513.68 2,513.68 774.46 186.70 373.40 746.80 186.709,340.00 2,515.37 2,515.37 2,515.37 774.96 186.80 373.60 747.20 186.809,345.00 2,517.01 2,517.01 2,517.01 775.46 186.90 373.80 747.60 186.909,350.00 2,518.66 2,518.66 2,518.66 775.96 187.00 374.00 748.00 187.00

FOUR-WEEKLY AND MONTHLY <strong>PAYE</strong> DEDUCTION TABLES 91EarningsMonthly Pay Periods – Earnings $9,355 to $9,625Codes<strong>PAYE</strong>KiwiSaverM ME ML SL Loan ded 2% 4% 8% CEC$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $9,355.00 2,520.31 2,520.31 2,520.31 776.46 187.10 374.20 748.40 187.109,360.00 2,521.95 2,521.95 2,521.95 776.96 187.20 374.40 748.80 187.209,365.00 2,523.60 2,523.60 2,523.60 777.46 187.30 374.60 749.20 187.309,370.00 2,525.25 2,525.25 2,525.25 777.96 187.40 374.80 749.60 187.409,375.00 2,526.89 2,526.89 2,526.89 778.46 187.50 375.00 750.00 187.509,380.00 2,528.54 2,528.54 2,528.54 778.96 187.60 375.20 750.40 187.609,385.00 2,530.19 2,530.19 2,530.19 779.46 187.70 375.40 750.80 187.709,390.00 2,531.83 2,531.83 2,531.83 779.96 187.80 375.60 751.20 187.809,395.00 2,533.48 2,533.48 2,533.48 780.46 187.90 375.80 751.60 187.909,400.00 2,535.13 2,535.13 2,535.13 780.96 188.00 376.00 752.00 188.009,405.00 2,536.82 2,536.82 2,536.82 781.46 188.10 376.20 752.40 188.109,410.00 2,538.46 2,538.46 2,538.46 781.96 188.20 376.40 752.80 188.209,415.00 2,540.11 2,540.11 2,540.11 782.46 188.30 376.60 753.20 188.309,420.00 2,541.76 2,541.76 2,541.76 782.96 188.40 376.80 753.60 188.409,425.00 2,543.40 2,543.40 2,543.40 783.46 188.50 377.00 754.00 188.509,430.00 2,545.05 2,545.05 2,545.05 783.96 188.60 377.20 754.40 188.609,435.00 2,546.70 2,546.70 2,546.70 784.46 188.70 377.40 754.80 188.709,440.00 2,548.34 2,548.34 2,548.34 784.96 188.80 377.60 755.20 188.809,445.00 2,549.99 2,549.99 2,549.99 785.46 188.90 377.80 755.60 188.909,450.00 2,551.64 2,551.64 2,551.64 785.96 189.00 378.00 756.00 189.009,455.00 2,553.28 2,553.28 2,553.28 786.46 189.10 378.20 756.40 189.109,460.00 2,554.93 2,554.93 2,554.93 786.96 189.20 378.40 756.80 189.209,465.00 2,556.58 2,556.58 2,556.58 787.46 189.30 378.60 757.20 189.309,470.00 2,558.27 2,558.27 2,558.27 787.96 189.40 378.80 757.60 189.409,475.00 2,559.91 2,559.91 2,559.91 788.46 189.50 379.00 758.00 189.50MONTHLY9,480.00 2,561.56 2,561.56 2,561.56 788.96 189.60 379.20 758.40 189.609,485.00 2,563.21 2,563.21 2,563.21 789.46 189.70 379.40 758.80 189.709,490.00 2,564.85 2,564.85 2,564.85 789.96 189.80 379.60 759.20 189.809,495.00 2,566.50 2,566.50 2,566.50 790.46 189.90 379.80 759.60 189.909,500.00 2,568.15 2,568.15 2,568.15 790.96 190.00 380.00 760.00 190.009,505.00 2,569.79 2,569.79 2,569.79 791.46 190.10 380.20 760.40 190.109,510.00 2,571.44 2,571.44 2,571.44 791.96 190.20 380.40 760.80 190.209,515.00 2,573.09 2,573.09 2,573.09 792.46 190.30 380.60 761.20 190.309,520.00 2,574.73 2,574.73 2,574.73 792.96 190.40 380.80 761.60 190.409,525.00 2,576.38 2,576.38 2,576.38 793.46 190.50 381.00 762.00 190.509,530.00 2,578.03 2,578.03 2,578.03 793.96 190.60 381.20 762.40 190.609,535.00 2,579.72 2,579.72 2,579.72 794.46 190.70 381.40 762.80 190.709,540.00 2,581.36 2,581.36 2,581.36 794.96 190.80 381.60 763.20 190.809,545.00 2,583.01 2,583.01 2,583.01 795.46 190.90 381.80 763.60 190.909,550.00 2,584.66 2,584.66 2,584.66 795.96 191.00 382.00 764.00 191.009,555.00 2,586.30 2,586.30 2,586.30 796.46 191.10 382.20 764.40 191.109,560.00 2,587.95 2,587.95 2,587.95 796.96 191.20 382.40 764.80 191.209,565.00 2,589.60 2,589.60 2,589.60 797.46 191.30 382.60 765.20 191.309,570.00 2,591.24 2,591.24 2,591.24 797.96 191.40 382.80 765.60 191.409,575.00 2,592.89 2,592.89 2,592.89 798.46 191.50 383.00 766.00 191.509,580.00 2,594.54 2,594.54 2,594.54 798.96 191.60 383.20 766.40 191.609,585.00 2,596.18 2,596.18 2,596.18 799.46 191.70 383.40 766.80 191.709,590.00 2,597.83 2,597.83 2,597.83 799.96 191.80 383.60 767.20 191.809,595.00 2,599.48 2,599.48 2,599.48 800.46 191.90 383.80 767.60 191.909,600.00 2,601.17 2,601.17 2,601.17 800.96 192.00 384.00 768.00 192.009,605.00 2,602.81 2,602.81 2,602.81 801.46 192.10 384.20 768.40 192.109,610.00 2,604.46 2,604.46 2,604.46 801.96 192.20 384.40 768.80 192.209,615.00 2,606.11 2,606.11 2,606.11 802.46 192.30 384.60 769.20 192.309,620.00 2,607.75 2,607.75 2,607.75 802.96 192.40 384.80 769.60 192.409,625.00 2,609.40 2,609.40 2,609.40 803.46 192.50 385.00 770.00 192.50

92 FOUR-WEEKLY AND MONTHLY <strong>PAYE</strong> DEDUCTION TABLESEarningsMonthly Pay Periods – Earnings $9,630 to $9,900Codes<strong>PAYE</strong>KiwiSaverM ME ML SL Loan ded 2% 4% 8% CEC$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $9,630.00 2,611.05 2,611.05 2,611.05 803.96 192.60 385.20 770.40 192.609,635.00 2,612.69 2,612.69 2,612.69 804.46 192.70 385.40 770.80 192.709,640.00 2,614.34 2,614.34 2,614.34 804.96 192.80 385.60 771.20 192.809,645.00 2,615.99 2,615.99 2,615.99 805.46 192.90 385.80 771.60 192.909,650.00 2,617.63 2,617.63 2,617.63 805.96 193.00 386.00 772.00 193.009,655.00 2,619.28 2,619.28 2,619.28 806.46 193.10 386.20 772.40 193.109,660.00 2,620.93 2,620.93 2,620.93 806.96 193.20 386.40 772.80 193.209,665.00 2,622.62 2,622.62 2,622.62 807.46 193.30 386.60 773.20 193.309,670.00 2,624.26 2,624.26 2,624.26 807.96 193.40 386.80 773.60 193.409,675.00 2,625.91 2,625.91 2,625.91 808.46 193.50 387.00 774.00 193.509,680.00 2,627.56 2,627.56 2,627.56 808.96 193.60 387.20 774.40 193.609,685.00 2,629.20 2,629.20 2,629.20 809.46 193.70 387.40 774.80 193.709,690.00 2,630.85 2,630.85 2,630.85 809.96 193.80 387.60 775.20 193.809,695.00 2,632.50 2,632.50 2,632.50 810.46 193.90 387.80 775.60 193.909,700.00 2,634.14 2,634.14 2,634.14 810.96 194.00 388.00 776.00 194.009,705.00 2,635.79 2,635.79 2,635.79 811.46 194.10 388.20 776.40 194.109,710.00 2,637.44 2,637.44 2,637.44 811.96 194.20 388.40 776.80 194.209,715.00 2,639.08 2,639.08 2,639.08 812.46 194.30 388.60 777.20 194.309,720.00 2,640.73 2,640.73 2,640.73 812.96 194.40 388.80 777.60 194.409,725.00 2,642.38 2,642.38 2,642.38 813.46 194.50 389.00 778.00 194.50MONTHLY9,730.00 2,644.07 2,644.07 2,644.07 813.96 194.60 389.20 778.40 194.609,735.00 2,645.71 2,645.71 2,645.71 814.46 194.70 389.40 778.80 194.709,740.00 2,647.36 2,647.36 2,647.36 814.96 194.80 389.60 779.20 194.809,745.00 2,649.01 2,649.01 2,649.01 815.46 194.90 389.80 779.60 194.909,750.00 2,650.65 2,650.65 2,650.65 815.96 195.00 390.00 780.00 195.009,755.00 2,652.30 2,652.30 2,652.30 816.46 195.10 390.20 780.40 195.109,760.00 2,653.95 2,653.95 2,653.95 816.96 195.20 390.40 780.80 195.209,765.00 2,655.59 2,655.59 2,655.59 817.46 195.30 390.60 781.20 195.309,770.00 2,657.24 2,657.24 2,657.24 817.96 195.40 390.80 781.60 195.409,775.00 2,658.89 2,658.89 2,658.89 818.46 195.50 391.00 782.00 195.509,780.00 2,660.53 2,660.53 2,660.53 818.96 195.60 391.20 782.40 195.609,785.00 2,662.18 2,662.18 2,662.18 819.46 195.70 391.40 782.80 195.709,790.00 2,663.83 2,663.83 2,663.83 819.96 195.80 391.60 783.20 195.809,795.00 2,665.52 2,665.52 2,665.52 820.46 195.90 391.80 783.60 195.909,800.00 2,667.16 2,667.16 2,667.16 820.96 196.00 392.00 784.00 196.009,805.00 2,668.81 2,668.81 2,668.81 821.46 196.10 392.20 784.40 196.109,810.00 2,670.46 2,670.46 2,670.46 821.96 196.20 392.40 784.80 196.209,815.00 2,672.10 2,672.10 2,672.10 822.46 196.30 392.60 785.20 196.309,820.00 2,673.75 2,673.75 2,673.75 822.96 196.40 392.80 785.60 196.409,825.00 2,675.40 2,675.40 2,675.40 823.46 196.50 393.00 786.00 196.509,830.00 2,677.04 2,677.04 2,677.04 823.96 196.60 393.20 786.40 196.609,835.00 2,678.69 2,678.69 2,678.69 824.46 196.70 393.40 786.80 196.709,840.00 2,680.34 2,680.34 2,680.34 824.96 196.80 393.60 787.20 196.809,845.00 2,681.98 2,681.98 2,681.98 825.46 196.90 393.80 787.60 196.909,850.00 2,683.63 2,683.63 2,683.63 825.96 197.00 394.00 788.00 197.009,855.00 2,685.28 2,685.28 2,685.28 826.46 197.10 394.20 788.40 197.109,860.00 2,686.97 2,686.97 2,686.97 826.96 197.20 394.40 788.80 197.209,865.00 2,688.61 2,688.61 2,688.61 827.46 197.30 394.60 789.20 197.309,870.00 2,690.26 2,690.26 2,690.26 827.96 197.40 394.80 789.60 197.409,875.00 2,691.91 2,691.91 2,691.91 828.46 197.50 395.00 790.00 197.509,880.00 2,693.55 2,693.55 2,693.55 828.96 197.60 395.20 790.40 197.609,885.00 2,695.20 2,695.20 2,695.20 829.46 197.70 395.40 790.80 197.709,890.00 2,696.85 2,696.85 2,696.85 829.96 197.80 395.60 791.20 197.809,895.00 2,698.49 2,698.49 2,698.49 830.46 197.90 395.80 791.60 197.909,900.00 2,700.14 2,700.14 2,700.14 830.96 198.00 396.00 792.00 198.00

FOUR-WEEKLY AND MONTHLY <strong>PAYE</strong> DEDUCTION TABLES 93EarningsMonthly Pay Periods – Earnings $9,905 to $10,000Codes<strong>PAYE</strong>KiwiSaverM ME ML SL Loan ded 2% 4% 8% CEC$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $9,905.00 2,701.79 2,701.79 2,701.79 831.46 198.10 396.20 792.40 198.109,910.00 2,703.43 2,703.43 2,703.43 831.96 198.20 396.40 792.80 198.209,915.00 2,705.08 2,705.08 2,705.08 832.46 198.30 396.60 793.20 198.309,920.00 2,706.73 2,706.73 2,706.73 832.96 198.40 396.80 793.60 198.409,925.00 2,708.42 2,708.42 2,708.42 833.46 198.50 397.00 794.00 198.509,930.00 2,710.06 2,710.06 2,710.06 833.96 198.60 397.20 794.40 198.609,935.00 2,711.71 2,711.71 2,711.71 834.46 198.70 397.40 794.80 198.709,940.00 2,713.36 2,713.36 2,713.36 834.96 198.80 397.60 795.20 198.809,945.00 2,715.00 2,715.00 2,715.00 835.46 198.90 397.80 795.60 198.909,950.00 2,716.65 2,716.65 2,716.65 835.96 199.00 398.00 796.00 199.009,955.00 2,718.30 2,718.30 2,718.30 836.46 199.10 398.20 796.40 199.109,960.00 2,719.94 2,719.94 2,719.94 836.96 199.20 398.40 796.80 199.209,965.00 2,721.59 2,721.59 2,721.59 837.46 199.30 398.60 797.20 199.309,970.00 2,723.24 2,723.24 2,723.24 837.96 199.40 398.80 797.60 199.409,975.00 2,724.88 2,724.88 2,724.88 838.46 199.50 399.00 798.00 199.509,980.00 2,726.53 2,726.53 2,726.53 838.96 199.60 399.20 798.40 199.609,985.00 2,728.18 2,728.18 2,728.18 839.46 199.70 399.40 798.80 199.709,990.00 2,729.87 2,729.87 2,729.87 839.96 199.80 399.60 799.20 199.809,995.00 2,731.51 2,731.51 2,731.51 840.46 199.90 399.80 799.60 199.9010,000.00 2,733.16 2,733.16 2,733.16 840.96 200.00 400.00 800.00 200.00MONTHLY

94 FOUR-WEEKLY AND MONTHLY <strong>PAYE</strong> DEDUCTION TABLESMONTHLYHow to calculate <strong>PAYE</strong> where <strong>monthly</strong> earnings exceed$10,000••Take basic <strong>monthly</strong> pay.••Add overtime, any regular bonus, shift allowance, valueof board <strong>and</strong> lodging <strong>and</strong> any other taxable allowances, ifapplicable.The total is the earnings subject to <strong>PAYE</strong>.ExampleEmployee’s earnings subject to <strong>PAYE</strong> are $10,106.The tax code is M.From the table on page 93, <strong>PAYE</strong> on $10,000 attax code M $ 2,733.16From the table on the right, <strong>PAYE</strong> on the excess over $10,000 (at33 cents in the dollar):<strong>PAYE</strong> on $100 $ 33.00<strong>PAYE</strong> on $6 $ 1.98Total <strong>PAYE</strong> on excess $ 34.98Total <strong>PAYE</strong> <strong>deduction</strong>s $ 2,768.14How to calculate student loan repayment where <strong>monthly</strong>earnings exceed $10,000ExampleEmployee’s earnings subject to <strong>PAYE</strong> are $10,106.The tax code is M SL.<strong>PAYE</strong> on $10,000 at tax code M SL $ 2,733.16<strong>PAYE</strong> on the excess over $10,000(at 33 cents in the dollar) $ 34.98Total <strong>PAYE</strong> <strong>deduction</strong>s $ 2,768.14Student loan repaymenton $10,000 at tax code M SL $ 840.96Student loan repayment on the excessover $10,000 (at 10 cents in the dollar) $ 10.60Total student loan repayment $ 851.56Total <strong>deduction</strong>s $ 3,619.70Note••If your employee is a KiwiSaver member, you’ll also needto make KiwiSaver <strong>deduction</strong>s <strong>and</strong> compulsory employercontributions.Tax table for amounts over $10,000EarningsUse whole dollar earning<strong>PAYE</strong>1 0.332 0.663 0.994 1.325 1.656 1.987 2.318 2.649 2.9710 3.3020 6.6030 9.9040 13.2050 16.5060 19.8070 23.1080 26.4090 29.70100 33.00

FOUR-WEEKLY AND MONTHLY <strong>PAYE</strong> DEDUCTION TABLES 95EarningsSecondary Earnings: Tax Code SB, S, SH, ST – Earnings $1 to $55CodesKiwiSaverSB S SH ST SL Loan ded 2% 4% 8% CEC$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $1.00 0.12 0.19 0.32 0.35 0.10 0.02 0.04 0.08 0.022.00 0.25 0.39 0.64 0.70 0.20 0.04 0.08 0.16 0.043.00 0.37 0.58 0.96 1.05 0.30 0.06 0.12 0.24 0.064.00 0.50 0.78 1.28 1.40 0.40 0.08 0.16 0.32 0.085.00 0.62 0.97 1.60 1.75 0.50 0.10 0.20 0.40 0.106.00 0.75 1.17 1.92 2.10 0.60 0.12 0.24 0.48 0.127.00 0.87 1.36 2.24 2.45 0.70 0.14 0.28 0.56 0.148.00 1.00 1.56 2.56 2.80 0.80 0.16 0.32 0.64 0.169.00 1.12 1.75 2.88 3.15 0.90 0.18 0.36 0.72 0.1810.00 1.25 1.95 3.20 3.50 1.00 0.20 0.40 0.80 0.2011.00 1.37 2.14 3.52 3.85 1.10 0.22 0.44 0.88 0.2212.00 1.50 2.34 3.84 4.20 1.20 0.24 0.48 0.96 0.2413.00 1.63 2.54 4.16 4.55 1.30 0.26 0.52 1.04 0.2614.00 1.75 2.73 4.48 4.90 1.40 0.28 0.56 1.12 0.2815.00 1.88 2.93 4.80 5.25 1.50 0.30 0.60 1.20 0.3016.00 2.00 3.12 5.12 5.60 1.60 0.32 0.64 1.28 0.3217.00 2.13 3.32 5.44 5.95 1.70 0.34 0.68 1.36 0.3418.00 2.25 3.51 5.76 6.30 1.80 0.36 0.72 1.44 0.3619.00 2.38 3.71 6.08 6.65 1.90 0.38 0.76 1.52 0.3820.00 2.50 3.90 6.40 7.00 2.00 0.40 0.80 1.60 0.4021.00 2.63 4.10 6.72 7.35 2.10 0.42 0.84 1.68 0.4222.00 2.75 4.29 7.04 7.70 2.20 0.44 0.88 1.76 0.4423.00 2.88 4.49 7.36 8.05 2.30 0.46 0.92 1.84 0.4624.00 3.00 4.68 7.68 8.40 2.40 0.48 0.96 1.92 0.4825.00 3.13 4.88 8.01 8.76 2.50 0.50 1.00 2.00 0.5026.00 3.26 5.08 8.33 9.11 2.60 0.52 1.04 2.08 0.5227.00 3.38 5.27 8.65 9.46 2.70 0.54 1.08 2.16 0.5428.00 3.51 5.47 8.97 9.81 2.80 0.56 1.12 2.24 0.5629.00 3.63 5.66 9.29 10.16 2.90 0.58 1.16 2.32 0.5830.00 3.76 5.86 9.61 10.51 3.00 0.60 1.20 2.40 0.6031.00 3.88 6.05 9.93 10.86 3.10 0.62 1.24 2.48 0.6232.00 4.01 6.25 10.25 11.21 3.20 0.64 1.28 2.56 0.6433.00 4.13 6.44 10.57 11.56 3.30 0.66 1.32 2.64 0.6634.00 4.26 6.64 10.89 11.91 3.40 0.68 1.36 2.72 0.6835.00 4.38 6.83 11.21 12.26 3.50 0.70 1.40 2.80 0.70SECONDARY36.00 4.51 7.03 11.53 12.61 3.60 0.72 1.44 2.88 0.7237.00 4.63 7.22 11.85 12.96 3.70 0.74 1.48 2.96 0.7438.00 4.76 7.42 12.17 13.31 3.80 0.76 1.52 3.04 0.7639.00 4.89 7.62 12.49 13.66 3.90 0.78 1.56 3.12 0.7840.00 5.01 7.81 12.81 14.01 4.00 0.80 1.60 3.20 0.8041.00 5.14 8.01 13.13 14.36 4.10 0.82 1.64 3.28 0.8242.00 5.26 8.20 13.45 14.71 4.20 0.84 1.68 3.36 0.8443.00 5.39 8.40 13.77 15.06 4.30 0.86 1.72 3.44 0.8644.00 5.51 8.59 14.09 15.41 4.40 0.88 1.76 3.52 0.8845.00 5.64 8.79 14.41 15.76 4.50 0.90 1.80 3.60 0.9046.00 5.76 8.98 14.73 16.11 4.60 0.92 1.84 3.68 0.9247.00 5.89 9.18 15.05 16.46 4.70 0.94 1.88 3.76 0.9448.00 6.01 9.37 15.37 16.81 4.80 0.96 1.92 3.84 0.9649.00 6.14 9.57 15.69 17.16 4.90 0.98 1.96 3.92 0.9850.00 6.27 9.77 16.02 17.52 5.00 1.00 2.00 4.00 1.0051.00 6.39 9.96 16.34 17.87 5.10 1.02 2.04 4.08 1.0252.00 6.52 10.16 16.66 18.22 5.20 1.04 2.08 4.16 1.0453.00 6.64 10.35 16.98 18.57 5.30 1.06 2.12 4.24 1.0654.00 6.77 10.55 17.30 18.92 5.40 1.08 2.16 4.32 1.0855.00 6.89 10.74 17.62 19.27 5.50 1.10 2.20 4.40 1.10

96 FOUR-WEEKLY AND MONTHLY <strong>PAYE</strong> DEDUCTION TABLESEarningsSecondary Earnings: Tax Code SB, S, SH, ST – Earnings $56 to $110CodesKiwiSaverSB S SH ST SL Loan ded 2% 4% 8% CEC$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $56.00 7.02 10.94 17.94 19.62 5.60 1.12 2.24 4.48 1.1257.00 7.14 11.13 18.26 19.97 5.70 1.14 2.28 4.56 1.1458.00 7.27 11.33 18.58 20.32 5.80 1.16 2.32 4.64 1.1659.00 7.39 11.52 18.90 20.67 5.90 1.18 2.36 4.72 1.1860.00 7.52 11.72 19.22 21.02 6.00 1.20 2.40 4.80 1.2061.00 7.64 11.91 19.54 21.37 6.10 1.22 2.44 4.88 1.2262.00 7.77 12.11 19.86 21.72 6.20 1.24 2.48 4.96 1.2463.00 7.90 12.31 20.18 22.07 6.30 1.26 2.52 5.04 1.2664.00 8.02 12.50 20.50 22.42 6.40 1.28 2.56 5.12 1.2865.00 8.15 12.70 20.82 22.77 6.50 1.30 2.60 5.20 1.3066.00 8.27 12.89 21.14 23.12 6.60 1.32 2.64 5.28 1.3267.00 8.40 13.09 21.46 23.47 6.70 1.34 2.68 5.36 1.3468.00 8.52 13.28 21.78 23.82 6.80 1.36 2.72 5.44 1.3669.00 8.65 13.48 22.10 24.17 6.90 1.38 2.76 5.52 1.3870.00 8.77 13.67 22.42 24.52 7.00 1.40 2.80 5.60 1.4071.00 8.90 13.87 22.74 24.87 7.10 1.42 2.84 5.68 1.4272.00 9.02 14.06 23.06 25.22 7.20 1.44 2.88 5.76 1.4473.00 9.15 14.26 23.38 25.57 7.30 1.46 2.92 5.84 1.4674.00 9.27 14.45 23.70 25.92 7.40 1.48 2.96 5.92 1.4875.00 9.40 14.65 24.03 26.28 7.50 1.50 3.00 6.00 1.5076.00 9.53 14.85 24.35 26.63 7.60 1.52 3.04 6.08 1.5277.00 9.65 15.04 24.67 26.98 7.70 1.54 3.08 6.16 1.5478.00 9.78 15.24 24.99 27.33 7.80 1.56 3.12 6.24 1.5679.00 9.90 15.43 25.31 27.68 7.90 1.58 3.16 6.32 1.5880.00 10.03 15.63 25.63 28.03 8.00 1.60 3.20 6.40 1.60SECONDARY81.00 10.15 15.82 25.95 28.38 8.10 1.62 3.24 6.48 1.6282.00 10.28 16.02 26.27 28.73 8.20 1.64 3.28 6.56 1.6483.00 10.40 16.21 26.59 29.08 8.30 1.66 3.32 6.64 1.6684.00 10.53 16.41 26.91 29.43 8.40 1.68 3.36 6.72 1.6885.00 10.65 16.60 27.23 29.78 8.50 1.70 3.40 6.80 1.7086.00 10.78 16.80 27.55 30.13 8.60 1.72 3.44 6.88 1.7287.00 10.90 16.99 27.87 30.48 8.70 1.74 3.48 6.96 1.7488.00 11.03 17.19 28.19 30.83 8.80 1.76 3.52 7.04 1.7689.00 11.16 17.39 28.51 31.18 8.90 1.78 3.56 7.12 1.7890.00 11.28 17.58 28.83 31.53 9.00 1.80 3.60 7.20 1.8091.00 11.41 17.78 29.15 31.88 9.10 1.82 3.64 7.28 1.8292.00 11.53 17.97 29.47 32.23 9.20 1.84 3.68 7.36 1.8493.00 11.66 18.17 29.79 32.58 9.30 1.86 3.72 7.44 1.8694.00 11.78 18.36 30.11 32.93 9.40 1.88 3.76 7.52 1.8895.00 11.91 18.56 30.43 33.28 9.50 1.90 3.80 7.60 1.9096.00 12.03 18.75 30.75 33.63 9.60 1.92 3.84 7.68 1.9297.00 12.16 18.95 31.07 33.98 9.70 1.94 3.88 7.76 1.9498.00 12.28 19.14 31.39 34.33 9.80 1.96 3.92 7.84 1.9699.00 12.41 19.34 31.71 34.68 9.90 1.98 3.96 7.92 1.98100.00 12.54 19.54 32.04 35.04 10.00 2.00 4.00 8.00 2.00101.00 12.66 19.73 32.36 35.39 10.10 2.02 4.04 8.08 2.02102.00 12.79 19.93 32.68 35.74 10.20 2.04 4.08 8.16 2.04103.00 12.91 20.12 33.00 36.09 10.30 2.06 4.12 8.24 2.06104.00 13.04 20.32 33.32 36.44 10.40 2.08 4.16 8.32 2.08105.00 13.16 20.51 33.64 36.79 10.50 2.10 4.20 8.40 2.10106.00 13.29 20.71 33.96 37.14 10.60 2.12 4.24 8.48 2.12107.00 13.41 20.90 34.28 37.49 10.70 2.14 4.28 8.56 2.14108.00 13.54 21.10 34.60 37.84 10.80 2.16 4.32 8.64 2.16109.00 13.66 21.29 34.92 38.19 10.90 2.18 4.36 8.72 2.18110.00 13.79 21.49 35.24 38.54 11.00 2.20 4.40 8.80 2.20

FOUR-WEEKLY AND MONTHLY <strong>PAYE</strong> DEDUCTION TABLES 97EarningsSecondary Earnings: Tax Code SB, S, SH, ST – Earnings $111 to $165CodesKiwiSaverSB S SH ST SL Loan ded 2% 4% 8% CEC$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $111.00 13.91 21.68 35.56 38.89 11.10 2.22 4.44 8.88 2.22112.00 14.04 21.88 35.88 39.24 11.20 2.24 4.48 8.96 2.24113.00 14.17 22.08 36.20 39.59 11.30 2.26 4.52 9.04 2.26114.00 14.29 22.27 36.52 39.94 11.40 2.28 4.56 9.12 2.28115.00 14.42 22.47 36.84 40.29 11.50 2.30 4.60 9.20 2.30116.00 14.54 22.66 37.16 40.64 11.60 2.32 4.64 9.28 2.32117.00 14.67 22.86 37.48 40.99 11.70 2.34 4.68 9.36 2.34118.00 14.79 23.05 37.80 41.34 11.80 2.36 4.72 9.44 2.36119.00 14.92 23.25 38.12 41.69 11.90 2.38 4.76 9.52 2.38120.00 15.04 23.44 38.44 42.04 12.00 2.40 4.80 9.60 2.40121.00 15.17 23.64 38.76 42.39 12.10 2.42 4.84 9.68 2.42122.00 15.29 23.83 39.08 42.74 12.20 2.44 4.88 9.76 2.44123.00 15.42 24.03 39.40 43.09 12.30 2.46 4.92 9.84 2.46124.00 15.54 24.22 39.72 43.44 12.40 2.48 4.96 9.92 2.48125.00 15.67 24.42 40.05 43.80 12.50 2.50 5.00 10.00 2.50126.00 15.80 24.62 40.37 44.15 12.60 2.52 5.04 10.08 2.52127.00 15.92 24.81 40.69 44.50 12.70 2.54 5.08 10.16 2.54128.00 16.05 25.01 41.01 44.85 12.80 2.56 5.12 10.24 2.56129.00 16.17 25.20 41.33 45.20 12.90 2.58 5.16 10.32 2.58130.00 16.30 25.40 41.65 45.55 13.00 2.60 5.20 10.40 2.60131.00 16.42 25.59 41.97 45.90 13.10 2.62 5.24 10.48 2.62132.00 16.55 25.79 42.29 46.25 13.20 2.64 5.28 10.56 2.64133.00 16.67 25.98 42.61 46.60 13.30 2.66 5.32 10.64 2.66134.00 16.80 26.18 42.93 46.95 13.40 2.68 5.36 10.72 2.68135.00 16.92 26.37 43.25 47.30 13.50 2.70 5.40 10.80 2.70136.00 17.05 26.57 43.57 47.65 13.60 2.72 5.44 10.88 2.72137.00 17.17 26.76 43.89 48.00 13.70 2.74 5.48 10.96 2.74138.00 17.30 26.96 44.21 48.35 13.80 2.76 5.52 11.04 2.76139.00 17.43 27.16 44.53 48.70 13.90 2.78 5.56 11.12 2.78140.00 17.55 27.35 44.85 49.05 14.00 2.80 5.60 11.20 2.80141.00 17.68 27.55 45.17 49.40 14.10 2.82 5.64 11.28 2.82142.00 17.80 27.74 45.49 49.75 14.20 2.84 5.68 11.36 2.84143.00 17.93 27.94 45.81 50.10 14.30 2.86 5.72 11.44 2.86144.00 18.05 28.13 46.13 50.45 14.40 2.88 5.76 11.52 2.88145.00 18.18 28.33 46.45 50.80 14.50 2.90 5.80 11.60 2.90SECONDARY146.00 18.30 28.52 46.77 51.15 14.60 2.92 5.84 11.68 2.92147.00 18.43 28.72 47.09 51.50 14.70 2.94 5.88 11.76 2.94148.00 18.55 28.91 47.41 51.85 14.80 2.96 5.92 11.84 2.96149.00 18.68 29.11 47.73 52.20 14.90 2.98 5.96 11.92 2.98150.00 18.81 29.31 48.06 52.56 15.00 3.00 6.00 12.00 3.00151.00 18.93 29.50 48.38 52.91 15.10 3.02 6.04 12.08 3.02152.00 19.06 29.70 48.70 53.26 15.20 3.04 6.08 12.16 3.04153.00 19.18 29.89 49.02 53.61 15.30 3.06 6.12 12.24 3.06154.00 19.31 30.09 49.34 53.96 15.40 3.08 6.16 12.32 3.08155.00 19.43 30.28 49.66 54.31 15.50 3.10 6.20 12.40 3.10156.00 19.56 30.48 49.98 54.66 15.60 3.12 6.24 12.48 3.12157.00 19.68 30.67 50.30 55.01 15.70 3.14 6.28 12.56 3.14158.00 19.81 30.87 50.62 55.36 15.80 3.16 6.32 12.64 3.16159.00 19.93 31.06 50.94 55.71 15.90 3.18 6.36 12.72 3.18160.00 20.06 31.26 51.26 56.06 16.00 3.20 6.40 12.80 3.20161.00 20.18 31.45 51.58 56.41 16.10 3.22 6.44 12.88 3.22162.00 20.31 31.65 51.90 56.76 16.20 3.24 6.48 12.96 3.24163.00 20.44 31.85 52.22 57.11 16.30 3.26 6.52 13.04 3.26164.00 20.56 32.04 52.54 57.46 16.40 3.28 6.56 13.12 3.28165.00 20.69 32.24 52.86 57.81 16.50 3.30 6.60 13.20 3.30

98 FOUR-WEEKLY AND MONTHLY <strong>PAYE</strong> DEDUCTION TABLESEarningsSecondary Earnings: Tax Code SB, S, SH, ST – Earnings $166 to $220CodesKiwiSaverSB S SH ST SL Loan ded 2% 4% 8% CEC$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $166.00 20.81 32.43 53.18 58.16 16.60 3.32 6.64 13.28 3.32167.00 20.94 32.63 53.50 58.51 16.70 3.34 6.68 13.36 3.34168.00 21.06 32.82 53.82 58.86 16.80 3.36 6.72 13.44 3.36169.00 21.19 33.02 54.14 59.21 16.90 3.38 6.76 13.52 3.38170.00 21.31 33.21 54.46 59.56 17.00 3.40 6.80 13.60 3.40171.00 21.44 33.41 54.78 59.91 17.10 3.42 6.84 13.68 3.42172.00 21.56 33.60 55.10 60.26 17.20 3.44 6.88 13.76 3.44173.00 21.69 33.80 55.42 60.61 17.30 3.46 6.92 13.84 3.46174.00 21.81 33.99 55.74 60.96 17.40 3.48 6.96 13.92 3.48175.00 21.94 34.19 56.07 61.32 17.50 3.50 7.00 14.00 3.50176.00 22.07 34.39 56.39 61.67 17.60 3.52 7.04 14.08 3.52177.00 22.19 34.58 56.71 62.02 17.70 3.54 7.08 14.16 3.54178.00 22.32 34.78 57.03 62.37 17.80 3.56 7.12 14.24 3.56179.00 22.44 34.97 57.35 62.72 17.90 3.58 7.16 14.32 3.58180.00 22.57 35.17 57.67 63.07 18.00 3.60 7.20 14.40 3.60181.00 22.69 35.36 57.99 63.42 18.10 3.62 7.24 14.48 3.62182.00 22.82 35.56 58.31 63.77 18.20 3.64 7.28 14.56 3.64183.00 22.94 35.75 58.63 64.12 18.30 3.66 7.32 14.64 3.66184.00 23.07 35.95 58.95 64.47 18.40 3.68 7.36 14.72 3.68185.00 23.19 36.14 59.27 64.82 18.50 3.70 7.40 14.80 3.70186.00 23.32 36.34 59.59 65.17 18.60 3.72 7.44 14.88 3.72187.00 23.44 36.53 59.91 65.52 18.70 3.74 7.48 14.96 3.74188.00 23.57 36.73 60.23 65.87 18.80 3.76 7.52 15.04 3.76189.00 23.70 36.93 60.55 66.22 18.90 3.78 7.56 15.12 3.78190.00 23.82 37.12 60.87 66.57 19.00 3.80 7.60 15.20 3.80SECONDARY191.00 23.95 37.32 61.19 66.92 19.10 3.82 7.64 15.28 3.82192.00 24.07 37.51 61.51 67.27 19.20 3.84 7.68 15.36 3.84193.00 24.20 37.71 61.83 67.62 19.30 3.86 7.72 15.44 3.86194.00 24.32 37.90 62.15 67.97 19.40 3.88 7.76 15.52 3.88195.00 24.45 38.10 62.47 68.32 19.50 3.90 7.80 15.60 3.90196.00 24.57 38.29 62.79 68.67 19.60 3.92 7.84 15.68 3.92197.00 24.70 38.49 63.11 69.02 19.70 3.94 7.88 15.76 3.94198.00 24.82 38.68 63.43 69.37 19.80 3.96 7.92 15.84 3.96199.00 24.95 38.88 63.75 69.72 19.90 3.98 7.96 15.92 3.98200.00 25.08 39.08 64.08 70.08 20.00 4.00 8.00 16.00 4.00201.00 25.20 39.27 64.40 70.43 20.10 4.02 8.04 16.08 4.02202.00 25.33 39.47 64.72 70.78 20.20 4.04 8.08 16.16 4.04203.00 25.45 39.66 65.04 71.13 20.30 4.06 8.12 16.24 4.06204.00 25.58 39.86 65.36 71.48 20.40 4.08 8.16 16.32 4.08205.00 25.70 40.05 65.68 71.83 20.50 4.10 8.20 16.40 4.10206.00 25.83 40.25 66.00 72.18 20.60 4.12 8.24 16.48 4.12207.00 25.95 40.44 66.32 72.53 20.70 4.14 8.28 16.56 4.14208.00 26.08 40.64 66.64 72.88 20.80 4.16 8.32 16.64 4.16209.00 26.20 40.83 66.96 73.23 20.90 4.18 8.36 16.72 4.18210.00 26.33 41.03 67.28 73.58 21.00 4.20 8.40 16.80 4.20211.00 26.45 41.22 67.60 73.93 21.10 4.22 8.44 16.88 4.22212.00 26.58 41.42 67.92 74.28 21.20 4.24 8.48 16.96 4.24213.00 26.71 41.62 68.24 74.63 21.30 4.26 8.52 17.04 4.26214.00 26.83 41.81 68.56 74.98 21.40 4.28 8.56 17.12 4.28215.00 26.96 42.01 68.88 75.33 21.50 4.30 8.60 17.20 4.30216.00 27.08 42.20 69.20 75.68 21.60 4.32 8.64 17.28 4.32217.00 27.21 42.40 69.52 76.03 21.70 4.34 8.68 17.36 4.34218.00 27.33 42.59 69.84 76.38 21.80 4.36 8.72 17.44 4.36219.00 27.46 42.79 70.16 76.73 21.90 4.38 8.76 17.52 4.38220.00 27.58 42.98 70.48 77.08 22.00 4.40 8.80 17.60 4.40

FOUR-WEEKLY AND MONTHLY <strong>PAYE</strong> DEDUCTION TABLES 99EarningsSecondary Earnings: Tax Code SB, S, SH, ST – Earnings $221 to $275CodesKiwiSaverSB S SH ST SL Loan ded 2% 4% 8% CEC$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $221.00 27.71 43.18 70.80 77.43 22.10 4.42 8.84 17.68 4.42222.00 27.83 43.37 71.12 77.78 22.20 4.44 8.88 17.76 4.44223.00 27.96 43.57 71.44 78.13 22.30 4.46 8.92 17.84 4.46224.00 28.08 43.76 71.76 78.48 22.40 4.48 8.96 17.92 4.48225.00 28.21 43.96 72.09 78.84 22.50 4.50 9.00 18.00 4.50226.00 28.34 44.16 72.41 79.19 22.60 4.52 9.04 18.08 4.52227.00 28.46 44.35 72.73 79.54 22.70 4.54 9.08 18.16 4.54228.00 28.59 44.55 73.05 79.89 22.80 4.56 9.12 18.24 4.56229.00 28.71 44.74 73.37 80.24 22.90 4.58 9.16 18.32 4.58230.00 28.84 44.94 73.69 80.59 23.00 4.60 9.20 18.40 4.60231.00 28.96 45.13 74.01 80.94 23.10 4.62 9.24 18.48 4.62232.00 29.09 45.33 74.33 81.29 23.20 4.64 9.28 18.56 4.64233.00 29.21 45.52 74.65 81.64 23.30 4.66 9.32 18.64 4.66234.00 29.34 45.72 74.97 81.99 23.40 4.68 9.36 18.72 4.68235.00 29.46 45.91 75.29 82.34 23.50 4.70 9.40 18.80 4.70236.00 29.59 46.11 75.61 82.69 23.60 4.72 9.44 18.88 4.72237.00 29.71 46.30 75.93 83.04 23.70 4.74 9.48 18.96 4.74238.00 29.84 46.50 76.25 83.39 23.80 4.76 9.52 19.04 4.76239.00 29.97 46.70 76.57 83.74 23.90 4.78 9.56 19.12 4.78240.00 30.09 46.89 76.89 84.09 24.00 4.80 9.60 19.20 4.80241.00 30.22 47.09 77.21 84.44 24.10 4.82 9.64 19.28 4.82242.00 30.34 47.28 77.53 84.79 24.20 4.84 9.68 19.36 4.84243.00 30.47 47.48 77.85 85.14 24.30 4.86 9.72 19.44 4.86244.00 30.59 47.67 78.17 85.49 24.40 4.88 9.76 19.52 4.88245.00 30.72 47.87 78.49 85.84 24.50 4.90 9.80 19.60 4.90246.00 30.84 48.06 78.81 86.19 24.60 4.92 9.84 19.68 4.92247.00 30.97 48.26 79.13 86.54 24.70 4.94 9.88 19.76 4.94248.00 31.09 48.45 79.45 86.89 24.80 4.96 9.92 19.84 4.96249.00 31.22 48.65 79.77 87.24 24.90 4.98 9.96 19.92 4.98250.00 31.35 48.85 80.10 87.60 25.00 5.00 10.00 20.00 5.00251.00 31.47 49.04 80.42 87.95 25.10 5.02 10.04 20.08 5.02252.00 31.60 49.24 80.74 88.30 25.20 5.04 10.08 20.16 5.04253.00 31.72 49.43 81.06 88.65 25.30 5.06 10.12 20.24 5.06254.00 31.85 49.63 81.38 89.00 25.40 5.08 10.16 20.32 5.08255.00 31.97 49.82 81.70 89.35 25.50 5.10 10.20 20.40 5.10SECONDARY256.00 32.10 50.02 82.02 89.70 25.60 5.12 10.24 20.48 5.12257.00 32.22 50.21 82.34 90.05 25.70 5.14 10.28 20.56 5.14258.00 32.35 50.41 82.66 90.40 25.80 5.16 10.32 20.64 5.16259.00 32.47 50.60 82.98 90.75 25.90 5.18 10.36 20.72 5.18260.00 32.60 50.80 83.30 91.10 26.00 5.20 10.40 20.80 5.20261.00 32.72 50.99 83.62 91.45 26.10 5.22 10.44 20.88 5.22262.00 32.85 51.19 83.94 91.80 26.20 5.24 10.48 20.96 5.24263.00 32.98 51.39 84.26 92.15 26.30 5.26 10.52 21.04 5.26264.00 33.10 51.58 84.58 92.50 26.40 5.28 10.56 21.12 5.28265.00 33.23 51.78 84.90 92.85 26.50 5.30 10.60 21.20 5.30266.00 33.35 51.97 85.22 93.20 26.60 5.32 10.64 21.28 5.32267.00 33.48 52.17 85.54 93.55 26.70 5.34 10.68 21.36 5.34268.00 33.60 52.36 85.86 93.90 26.80 5.36 10.72 21.44 5.36269.00 33.73 52.56 86.18 94.25 26.90 5.38 10.76 21.52 5.38270.00 33.85 52.75 86.50 94.60 27.00 5.40 10.80 21.60 5.40271.00 33.98 52.95 86.82 94.95 27.10 5.42 10.84 21.68 5.42272.00 34.10 53.14 87.14 95.30 27.20 5.44 10.88 21.76 5.44273.00 34.23 53.34 87.46 95.65 27.30 5.46 10.92 21.84 5.46274.00 34.35 53.53 87.78 96.00 27.40 5.48 10.96 21.92 5.48275.00 34.48 53.73 88.11 96.36 27.50 5.50 11.00 22.00 5.50

100 FOUR-WEEKLY AND MONTHLY <strong>PAYE</strong> DEDUCTION TABLESEarningsSecondary Earnings: Tax Code SB, S, SH, ST – Earnings $276 to $330CodesKiwiSaverSB S SH ST SL Loan ded 2% 4% 8% CEC$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $276.00 34.61 53.93 88.43 96.71 27.60 5.52 11.04 22.08 5.52277.00 34.73 54.12 88.75 97.06 27.70 5.54 11.08 22.16 5.54278.00 34.86 54.32 89.07 97.41 27.80 5.56 11.12 22.24 5.56279.00 34.98 54.51 89.39 97.76 27.90 5.58 11.16 22.32 5.58280.00 35.11 54.71 89.71 98.11 28.00 5.60 11.20 22.40 5.60281.00 35.23 54.90 90.03 98.46 28.10 5.62 11.24 22.48 5.62282.00 35.36 55.10 90.35 98.81 28.20 5.64 11.28 22.56 5.64283.00 35.48 55.29 90.67 99.16 28.30 5.66 11.32 22.64 5.66284.00 35.61 55.49 90.99 99.51 28.40 5.68 11.36 22.72 5.68285.00 35.73 55.68 91.31 99.86 28.50 5.70 11.40 22.80 5.70286.00 35.86 55.88 91.63 100.21 28.60 5.72 11.44 22.88 5.72287.00 35.98 56.07 91.95 100.56 28.70 5.74 11.48 22.96 5.74288.00 36.11 56.27 92.27 100.91 28.80 5.76 11.52 23.04 5.76289.00 36.24 56.47 92.59 101.26 28.90 5.78 11.56 23.12 5.78290.00 36.36 56.66 92.91 101.61 29.00 5.80 11.60 23.20 5.80291.00 36.49 56.86 93.23 101.96 29.10 5.82 11.64 23.28 5.82292.00 36.61 57.05 93.55 102.31 29.20 5.84 11.68 23.36 5.84293.00 36.74 57.25 93.87 102.66 29.30 5.86 11.72 23.44 5.86294.00 36.86 57.44 94.19 103.01 29.40 5.88 11.76 23.52 5.88295.00 36.99 57.64 94.51 103.36 29.50 5.90 11.80 23.60 5.90296.00 37.11 57.83 94.83 103.71 29.60 5.92 11.84 23.68 5.92297.00 37.24 58.03 95.15 104.06 29.70 5.94 11.88 23.76 5.94298.00 37.36 58.22 95.47 104.41 29.80 5.96 11.92 23.84 5.96299.00 37.49 58.42 95.79 104.76 29.90 5.98 11.96 23.92 5.98300.00 37.62 58.62 96.12 105.12 30.00 6.00 12.00 24.00 6.00SECONDARY301.00 37.74 58.81 96.44 105.47 30.10 6.02 12.04 24.08 6.02302.00 37.87 59.01 96.76 105.82 30.20 6.04 12.08 24.16 6.04303.00 37.99 59.20 97.08 106.17 30.30 6.06 12.12 24.24 6.06304.00 38.12 59.40 97.40 106.52 30.40 6.08 12.16 24.32 6.08305.00 38.24 59.59 97.72 106.87 30.50 6.10 12.20 24.40 6.10306.00 38.37 59.79 98.04 107.22 30.60 6.12 12.24 24.48 6.12307.00 38.49 59.98 98.36 107.57 30.70 6.14 12.28 24.56 6.14308.00 38.62 60.18 98.68 107.92 30.80 6.16 12.32 24.64 6.16309.00 38.74 60.37 99.00 108.27 30.90 6.18 12.36 24.72 6.18310.00 38.87 60.57 99.32 108.62 31.00 6.20 12.40 24.80 6.20311.00 38.99 60.76 99.64 108.97 31.10 6.22 12.44 24.88 6.22312.00 39.12 60.96 99.96 109.32 31.20 6.24 12.48 24.96 6.24313.00 39.25 61.16 100.28 109.67 31.30 6.26 12.52 25.04 6.26314.00 39.37 61.35 100.60 110.02 31.40 6.28 12.56 25.12 6.28315.00 39.50 61.55 100.92 110.37 31.50 6.30 12.60 25.20 6.30316.00 39.62 61.74 101.24 110.72 31.60 6.32 12.64 25.28 6.32317.00 39.75 61.94 101.56 111.07 31.70 6.34 12.68 25.36 6.34318.00 39.87 62.13 101.88 111.42 31.80 6.36 12.72 25.44 6.36319.00 40.00 62.33 102.20 111.77 31.90 6.38 12.76 25.52 6.38320.00 40.12 62.52 102.52 112.12 32.00 6.40 12.80 25.60 6.40321.00 40.25 62.72 102.84 112.47 32.10 6.42 12.84 25.68 6.42322.00 40.37 62.91 103.16 112.82 32.20 6.44 12.88 25.76 6.44323.00 40.50 63.11 103.48 113.17 32.30 6.46 12.92 25.84 6.46324.00 40.62 63.30 103.80 113.52 32.40 6.48 12.96 25.92 6.48325.00 40.75 63.50 104.13 113.88 32.50 6.50 13.00 26.00 6.50326.00 40.88 63.70 104.45 114.23 32.60 6.52 13.04 26.08 6.52327.00 41.00 63.89 104.77 114.58 32.70 6.54 13.08 26.16 6.54328.00 41.13 64.09 105.09 114.93 32.80 6.56 13.12 26.24 6.56329.00 41.25 64.28 105.41 115.28 32.90 6.58 13.16 26.32 6.58330.00 41.38 64.48 105.73 115.63 33.00 6.60 13.20 26.40 6.60

FOUR-WEEKLY AND MONTHLY <strong>PAYE</strong> DEDUCTION TABLES 101EarningsSecondary Earnings: Tax Code SB, S, SH, ST – Earnings $331 to $385CodesKiwiSaverSB S SH ST SL Loan ded 2% 4% 8% CEC$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $331.00 41.50 64.67 106.05 115.98 33.10 6.62 13.24 26.48 6.62332.00 41.63 64.87 106.37 116.33 33.20 6.64 13.28 26.56 6.64333.00 41.75 65.06 106.69 116.68 33.30 6.66 13.32 26.64 6.66334.00 41.88 65.26 107.01 117.03 33.40 6.68 13.36 26.72 6.68335.00 42.00 65.45 107.33 117.38 33.50 6.70 13.40 26.80 6.70336.00 42.13 65.65 107.65 117.73 33.60 6.72 13.44 26.88 6.72337.00 42.25 65.84 107.97 118.08 33.70 6.74 13.48 26.96 6.74338.00 42.38 66.04 108.29 118.43 33.80 6.76 13.52 27.04 6.76339.00 42.51 66.24 108.61 118.78 33.90 6.78 13.56 27.12 6.78340.00 42.63 66.43 108.93 119.13 34.00 6.80 13.60 27.20 6.80341.00 42.76 66.63 109.25 119.48 34.10 6.82 13.64 27.28 6.82342.00 42.88 66.82 109.57 119.83 34.20 6.84 13.68 27.36 6.84343.00 43.01 67.02 109.89 120.18 34.30 6.86 13.72 27.44 6.86344.00 43.13 67.21 110.21 120.53 34.40 6.88 13.76 27.52 6.88345.00 43.26 67.41 110.53 120.88 34.50 6.90 13.80 27.60 6.90346.00 43.38 67.60 110.85 121.23 34.60 6.92 13.84 27.68 6.92347.00 43.51 67.80 111.17 121.58 34.70 6.94 13.88 27.76 6.94348.00 43.63 67.99 111.49 121.93 34.80 6.96 13.92 27.84 6.96349.00 43.76 68.19 111.81 122.28 34.90 6.98 13.96 27.92 6.98350.00 43.89 68.39 112.14 122.64 35.00 7.00 14.00 28.00 7.00351.00 44.01 68.58 112.46 122.99 35.10 7.02 14.04 28.08 7.02352.00 44.14 68.78 112.78 123.34 35.20 7.04 14.08 28.16 7.04353.00 44.26 68.97 113.10 123.69 35.30 7.06 14.12 28.24 7.06354.00 44.39 69.17 113.42 124.04 35.40 7.08 14.16 28.32 7.08355.00 44.51 69.36 113.74 124.39 35.50 7.10 14.20 28.40 7.10356.00 44.64 69.56 114.06 124.74 35.60 7.12 14.24 28.48 7.12357.00 44.76 69.75 114.38 125.09 35.70 7.14 14.28 28.56 7.14358.00 44.89 69.95 114.70 125.44 35.80 7.16 14.32 28.64 7.16359.00 45.01 70.14 115.02 125.79 35.90 7.18 14.36 28.72 7.18360.00 45.14 70.34 115.34 126.14 36.00 7.20 14.40 28.80 7.20361.00 45.26 70.53 115.66 126.49 36.10 7.22 14.44 28.88 7.22362.00 45.39 70.73 115.98 126.84 36.20 7.24 14.48 28.96 7.24363.00 45.52 70.93 116.30 127.19 36.30 7.26 14.52 29.04 7.26364.00 45.64 71.12 116.62 127.54 36.40 7.28 14.56 29.12 7.28365.00 45.77 71.32 116.94 127.89 36.50 7.30 14.60 29.20 7.30SECONDARY366.00 45.89 71.51 117.26 128.24 36.60 7.32 14.64 29.28 7.32367.00 46.02 71.71 117.58 128.59 36.70 7.34 14.68 29.36 7.34368.00 46.14 71.90 117.90 128.94 36.80 7.36 14.72 29.44 7.36369.00 46.27 72.10 118.22 129.29 36.90 7.38 14.76 29.52 7.38370.00 46.39 72.29 118.54 129.64 37.00 7.40 14.80 29.60 7.40371.00 46.52 72.49 118.86 129.99 37.10 7.42 14.84 29.68 7.42372.00 46.64 72.68 119.18 130.34 37.20 7.44 14.88 29.76 7.44373.00 46.77 72.88 119.50 130.69 37.30 7.46 14.92 29.84 7.46374.00 46.89 73.07 119.82 131.04 37.40 7.48 14.96 29.92 7.48375.00 47.02 73.27 120.15 131.40 37.50 7.50 15.00 30.00 7.50376.00 47.15 73.47 120.47 131.75 37.60 7.52 15.04 30.08 7.52377.00 47.27 73.66 120.79 132.10 37.70 7.54 15.08 30.16 7.54378.00 47.40 73.86 121.11 132.45 37.80 7.56 15.12 30.24 7.56379.00 47.52 74.05 121.43 132.80 37.90 7.58 15.16 30.32 7.58380.00 47.65 74.25 121.75 133.15 38.00 7.60 15.20 30.40 7.60381.00 47.77 74.44 122.07 133.50 38.10 7.62 15.24 30.48 7.62382.00 47.90 74.64 122.39 133.85 38.20 7.64 15.28 30.56 7.64383.00 48.02 74.83 122.71 134.20 38.30 7.66 15.32 30.64 7.66384.00 48.15 75.03 123.03 134.55 38.40 7.68 15.36 30.72 7.68385.00 48.27 75.22 123.35 134.90 38.50 7.70 15.40 30.80 7.70

102 FOUR-WEEKLY AND MONTHLY <strong>PAYE</strong> DEDUCTION TABLESEarningsSecondary Earnings: Tax Code SB, S, SH, ST – Earnings $386 to $440CodesKiwiSaverSB S SH ST SL Loan ded 2% 4% 8% CEC$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $386.00 48.40 75.42 123.67 135.25 38.60 7.72 15.44 30.88 7.72387.00 48.52 75.61 123.99 135.60 38.70 7.74 15.48 30.96 7.74388.00 48.65 75.81 124.31 135.95 38.80 7.76 15.52 31.04 7.76389.00 48.78 76.01 124.63 136.30 38.90 7.78 15.56 31.12 7.78390.00 48.90 76.20 124.95 136.65 39.00 7.80 15.60 31.20 7.80391.00 49.03 76.40 125.27 137.00 39.10 7.82 15.64 31.28 7.82392.00 49.15 76.59 125.59 137.35 39.20 7.84 15.68 31.36 7.84393.00 49.28 76.79 125.91 137.70 39.30 7.86 15.72 31.44 7.86394.00 49.40 76.98 126.23 138.05 39.40 7.88 15.76 31.52 7.88395.00 49.53 77.18 126.55 138.40 39.50 7.90 15.80 31.60 7.90396.00 49.65 77.37 126.87 138.75 39.60 7.92 15.84 31.68 7.92397.00 49.78 77.57 127.19 139.10 39.70 7.94 15.88 31.76 7.94398.00 49.90 77.76 127.51 139.45 39.80 7.96 15.92 31.84 7.96399.00 50.03 77.96 127.83 139.80 39.90 7.98 15.96 31.92 7.98400.00 50.16 78.16 128.16 140.16 40.00 8.00 16.00 32.00 8.00401.00 50.28 78.35 128.48 140.51 40.10 8.02 16.04 32.08 8.02402.00 50.41 78.55 128.80 140.86 40.20 8.04 16.08 32.16 8.04403.00 50.53 78.74 129.12 141.21 40.30 8.06 16.12 32.24 8.06404.00 50.66 78.94 129.44 141.56 40.40 8.08 16.16 32.32 8.08405.00 50.78 79.13 129.76 141.91 40.50 8.10 16.20 32.40 8.10406.00 50.91 79.33 130.08 142.26 40.60 8.12 16.24 32.48 8.12407.00 51.03 79.52 130.40 142.61 40.70 8.14 16.28 32.56 8.14408.00 51.16 79.72 130.72 142.96 40.80 8.16 16.32 32.64 8.16409.00 51.28 79.91 131.04 143.31 40.90 8.18 16.36 32.72 8.18410.00 51.41 80.11 131.36 143.66 41.00 8.20 16.40 32.80 8.20SECONDARY411.00 51.53 80.30 131.68 144.01 41.10 8.22 16.44 32.88 8.22412.00 51.66 80.50 132.00 144.36 41.20 8.24 16.48 32.96 8.24413.00 51.79 80.70 132.32 144.71 41.30 8.26 16.52 33.04 8.26414.00 51.91 80.89 132.64 145.06 41.40 8.28 16.56 33.12 8.28415.00 52.04 81.09 132.96 145.41 41.50 8.30 16.60 33.20 8.30416.00 52.16 81.28 133.28 145.76 41.60 8.32 16.64 33.28 8.32417.00 52.29 81.48 133.60 146.11 41.70 8.34 16.68 33.36 8.34418.00 52.41 81.67 133.92 146.46 41.80 8.36 16.72 33.44 8.36419.00 52.54 81.87 134.24 146.81 41.90 8.38 16.76 33.52 8.38420.00 52.66 82.06 134.56 147.16 42.00 8.40 16.80 33.60 8.40421.00 52.79 82.26 134.88 147.51 42.10 8.42 16.84 33.68 8.42422.00 52.91 82.45 135.20 147.86 42.20 8.44 16.88 33.76 8.44423.00 53.04 82.65 135.52 148.21 42.30 8.46 16.92 33.84 8.46424.00 53.16 82.84 135.84 148.56 42.40 8.48 16.96 33.92 8.48425.00 53.29 83.04 136.17 148.92 42.50 8.50 17.00 34.00 8.50426.00 53.42 83.24 136.49 149.27 42.60 8.52 17.04 34.08 8.52427.00 53.54 83.43 136.81 149.62 42.70 8.54 17.08 34.16 8.54428.00 53.67 83.63 137.13 149.97 42.80 8.56 17.12 34.24 8.56429.00 53.79 83.82 137.45 150.32 42.90 8.58 17.16 34.32 8.58430.00 53.92 84.02 137.77 150.67 43.00 8.60 17.20 34.40 8.60431.00 54.04 84.21 138.09 151.02 43.10 8.62 17.24 34.48 8.62432.00 54.17 84.41 138.41 151.37 43.20 8.64 17.28 34.56 8.64433.00 54.29 84.60 138.73 151.72 43.30 8.66 17.32 34.64 8.66434.00 54.42 84.80 139.05 152.07 43.40 8.68 17.36 34.72 8.68435.00 54.54 84.99 139.37 152.42 43.50 8.70 17.40 34.80 8.70436.00 54.67 85.19 139.69 152.77 43.60 8.72 17.44 34.88 8.72437.00 54.79 85.38 140.01 153.12 43.70 8.74 17.48 34.96 8.74438.00 54.92 85.58 140.33 153.47 43.80 8.76 17.52 35.04 8.76439.00 55.05 85.78 140.65 153.82 43.90 8.78 17.56 35.12 8.78440.00 55.17 85.97 140.97 154.17 44.00 8.80 17.60 35.20 8.80

104 FOUR-WEEKLY AND MONTHLY <strong>PAYE</strong> DEDUCTION TABLESEarningsSecondary Earnings: Tax Code SB, S, SH, ST – Earnings $496 to $550CodesKiwiSaverSB S SH ST SL Loan ded 2% 4% 8% CEC$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $496.00 62.19 96.91 158.91 173.79 49.60 9.92 19.84 39.68 9.92497.00 62.32 97.11 159.23 174.14 49.70 9.94 19.88 39.76 9.94498.00 62.44 97.30 159.55 174.49 49.80 9.96 19.92 39.84 9.96499.00 62.57 97.50 159.87 174.84 49.90 9.98 19.96 39.92 9.98500.00 62.70 97.70 160.20 175.20 50.00 10.00 20.00 40.00 10.00501.00 62.82 97.89 160.52 175.55 50.10 10.02 20.04 40.08 10.02502.00 62.95 98.09 160.84 175.90 50.20 10.04 20.08 40.16 10.04503.00 63.07 98.28 161.16 176.25 50.30 10.06 20.12 40.24 10.06504.00 63.20 98.48 161.48 176.60 50.40 10.08 20.16 40.32 10.08505.00 63.32 98.67 161.80 176.95 50.50 10.10 20.20 40.40 10.10506.00 63.45 98.87 162.12 177.30 50.60 10.12 20.24 40.48 10.12507.00 63.57 99.06 162.44 177.65 50.70 10.14 20.28 40.56 10.14508.00 63.70 99.26 162.76 178.00 50.80 10.16 20.32 40.64 10.16509.00 63.82 99.45 163.08 178.35 50.90 10.18 20.36 40.72 10.18510.00 63.95 99.65 163.40 178.70 51.00 10.20 20.40 40.80 10.20511.00 64.07 99.84 163.72 179.05 51.10 10.22 20.44 40.88 10.22512.00 64.20 100.04 164.04 179.40 51.20 10.24 20.48 40.96 10.24513.00 64.33 100.24 164.36 179.75 51.30 10.26 20.52 41.04 10.26514.00 64.45 100.43 164.68 180.10 51.40 10.28 20.56 41.12 10.28515.00 64.58 100.63 165.00 180.45 51.50 10.30 20.60 41.20 10.30516.00 64.70 100.82 165.32 180.80 51.60 10.32 20.64 41.28 10.32517.00 64.83 101.02 165.64 181.15 51.70 10.34 20.68 41.36 10.34518.00 64.95 101.21 165.96 181.50 51.80 10.36 20.72 41.44 10.36519.00 65.08 101.41 166.28 181.85 51.90 10.38 20.76 41.52 10.38520.00 65.20 101.60 166.60 182.20 52.00 10.40 20.80 41.60 10.40SECONDARY521.00 65.33 101.80 166.92 182.55 52.10 10.42 20.84 41.68 10.42522.00 65.45 101.99 167.24 182.90 52.20 10.44 20.88 41.76 10.44523.00 65.58 102.19 167.56 183.25 52.30 10.46 20.92 41.84 10.46524.00 65.70 102.38 167.88 183.60 52.40 10.48 20.96 41.92 10.48525.00 65.83 102.58 168.21 183.96 52.50 10.50 21.00 42.00 10.50526.00 65.96 102.78 168.53 184.31 52.60 10.52 21.04 42.08 10.52527.00 66.08 102.97 168.85 184.66 52.70 10.54 21.08 42.16 10.54528.00 66.21 103.17 169.17 185.01 52.80 10.56 21.12 42.24 10.56529.00 66.33 103.36 169.49 185.36 52.90 10.58 21.16 42.32 10.58530.00 66.46 103.56 169.81 185.71 53.00 10.60 21.20 42.40 10.60531.00 66.58 103.75 170.13 186.06 53.10 10.62 21.24 42.48 10.62532.00 66.71 103.95 170.45 186.41 53.20 10.64 21.28 42.56 10.64533.00 66.83 104.14 170.77 186.76 53.30 10.66 21.32 42.64 10.66534.00 66.96 104.34 171.09 187.11 53.40 10.68 21.36 42.72 10.68535.00 67.08 104.53 171.41 187.46 53.50 10.70 21.40 42.80 10.70536.00 67.21 104.73 171.73 187.81 53.60 10.72 21.44 42.88 10.72537.00 67.33 104.92 172.05 188.16 53.70 10.74 21.48 42.96 10.74538.00 67.46 105.12 172.37 188.51 53.80 10.76 21.52 43.04 10.76539.00 67.59 105.32 172.69 188.86 53.90 10.78 21.56 43.12 10.78540.00 67.71 105.51 173.01 189.21 54.00 10.80 21.60 43.20 10.80541.00 67.84 105.71 173.33 189.56 54.10 10.82 21.64 43.28 10.82542.00 67.96 105.90 173.65 189.91 54.20 10.84 21.68 43.36 10.84543.00 68.09 106.10 173.97 190.26 54.30 10.86 21.72 43.44 10.86544.00 68.21 106.29 174.29 190.61 54.40 10.88 21.76 43.52 10.88545.00 68.34 106.49 174.61 190.96 54.50 10.90 21.80 43.60 10.90546.00 68.46 106.68 174.93 191.31 54.60 10.92 21.84 43.68 10.92547.00 68.59 106.88 175.25 191.66 54.70 10.94 21.88 43.76 10.94548.00 68.71 107.07 175.57 192.01 54.80 10.96 21.92 43.84 10.96549.00 68.84 107.27 175.89 192.36 54.90 10.98 21.96 43.92 10.98550.00 68.97 107.47 176.22 192.72 55.00 11.00 22.00 44.00 11.00

FOUR-WEEKLY AND MONTHLY <strong>PAYE</strong> DEDUCTION TABLES 105EarningsSecondary Earnings: Tax Code SB, S, SH, ST – Earnings $551 to $605CodesKiwiSaverSB S SH ST SL Loan ded 2% 4% 8% CEC$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $551.00 69.09 107.66 176.54 193.07 55.10 11.02 22.04 44.08 11.02552.00 69.22 107.86 176.86 193.42 55.20 11.04 22.08 44.16 11.04553.00 69.34 108.05 177.18 193.77 55.30 11.06 22.12 44.24 11.06554.00 69.47 108.25 177.50 194.12 55.40 11.08 22.16 44.32 11.08555.00 69.59 108.44 177.82 194.47 55.50 11.10 22.20 44.40 11.10556.00 69.72 108.64 178.14 194.82 55.60 11.12 22.24 44.48 11.12557.00 69.84 108.83 178.46 195.17 55.70 11.14 22.28 44.56 11.14558.00 69.97 109.03 178.78 195.52 55.80 11.16 22.32 44.64 11.16559.00 70.09 109.22 179.10 195.87 55.90 11.18 22.36 44.72 11.18560.00 70.22 109.42 179.42 196.22 56.00 11.20 22.40 44.80 11.20561.00 70.34 109.61 179.74 196.57 56.10 11.22 22.44 44.88 11.22562.00 70.47 109.81 180.06 196.92 56.20 11.24 22.48 44.96 11.24563.00 70.60 110.01 180.38 197.27 56.30 11.26 22.52 45.04 11.26564.00 70.72 110.20 180.70 197.62 56.40 11.28 22.56 45.12 11.28565.00 70.85 110.40 181.02 197.97 56.50 11.30 22.60 45.20 11.30566.00 70.97 110.59 181.34 198.32 56.60 11.32 22.64 45.28 11.32567.00 71.10 110.79 181.66 198.67 56.70 11.34 22.68 45.36 11.34568.00 71.22 110.98 181.98 199.02 56.80 11.36 22.72 45.44 11.36569.00 71.35 111.18 182.30 199.37 56.90 11.38 22.76 45.52 11.38570.00 71.47 111.37 182.62 199.72 57.00 11.40 22.80 45.60 11.40571.00 71.60 111.57 182.94 200.07 57.10 11.42 22.84 45.68 11.42572.00 71.72 111.76 183.26 200.42 57.20 11.44 22.88 45.76 11.44573.00 71.85 111.96 183.58 200.77 57.30 11.46 22.92 45.84 11.46574.00 71.97 112.15 183.90 201.12 57.40 11.48 22.96 45.92 11.48575.00 72.10 112.35 184.23 201.48 57.50 11.50 23.00 46.00 11.50576.00 72.23 112.55 184.55 201.83 57.60 11.52 23.04 46.08 11.52577.00 72.35 112.74 184.87 202.18 57.70 11.54 23.08 46.16 11.54578.00 72.48 112.94 185.19 202.53 57.80 11.56 23.12 46.24 11.56579.00 72.60 113.13 185.51 202.88 57.90 11.58 23.16 46.32 11.58580.00 72.73 113.33 185.83 203.23 58.00 11.60 23.20 46.40 11.60581.00 72.85 113.52 186.15 203.58 58.10 11.62 23.24 46.48 11.62582.00 72.98 113.72 186.47 203.93 58.20 11.64 23.28 46.56 11.64583.00 73.10 113.91 186.79 204.28 58.30 11.66 23.32 46.64 11.66584.00 73.23 114.11 187.11 204.63 58.40 11.68 23.36 46.72 11.68585.00 73.35 114.30 187.43 204.98 58.50 11.70 23.40 46.80 11.70SECONDARY586.00 73.48 114.50 187.75 205.33 58.60 11.72 23.44 46.88 11.72587.00 73.60 114.69 188.07 205.68 58.70 11.74 23.48 46.96 11.74588.00 73.73 114.89 188.39 206.03 58.80 11.76 23.52 47.04 11.76589.00 73.86 115.09 188.71 206.38 58.90 11.78 23.56 47.12 11.78590.00 73.98 115.28 189.03 206.73 59.00 11.80 23.60 47.20 11.80591.00 74.11 115.48 189.35 207.08 59.10 11.82 23.64 47.28 11.82592.00 74.23 115.67 189.67 207.43 59.20 11.84 23.68 47.36 11.84593.00 74.36 115.87 189.99 207.78 59.30 11.86 23.72 47.44 11.86594.00 74.48 116.06 190.31 208.13 59.40 11.88 23.76 47.52 11.88595.00 74.61 116.26 190.63 208.48 59.50 11.90 23.80 47.60 11.90596.00 74.73 116.45 190.95 208.83 59.60 11.92 23.84 47.68 11.92597.00 74.86 116.65 191.27 209.18 59.70 11.94 23.88 47.76 11.94598.00 74.98 116.84 191.59 209.53 59.80 11.96 23.92 47.84 11.96599.00 75.11 117.04 191.91 209.88 59.90 11.98 23.96 47.92 11.98600.00 75.24 117.24 192.24 210.24 60.00 12.00 24.00 48.00 12.00601.00 75.36 117.43 192.56 210.59 60.10 12.02 24.04 48.08 12.02602.00 75.49 117.63 192.88 210.94 60.20 12.04 24.08 48.16 12.04603.00 75.61 117.82 193.20 211.29 60.30 12.06 24.12 48.24 12.06604.00 75.74 118.02 193.52 211.64 60.40 12.08 24.16 48.32 12.08605.00 75.86 118.21 193.84 211.99 60.50 12.10 24.20 48.40 12.10

106 FOUR-WEEKLY AND MONTHLY <strong>PAYE</strong> DEDUCTION TABLESEarningsSecondary Earnings: Tax Code SB, S, SH, ST – Earnings $606 to $660CodesKiwiSaverSB S SH ST SL Loan ded 2% 4% 8% CEC$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $606.00 75.99 118.41 194.16 212.34 60.60 12.12 24.24 48.48 12.12607.00 76.11 118.60 194.48 212.69 60.70 12.14 24.28 48.56 12.14608.00 76.24 118.80 194.80 213.04 60.80 12.16 24.32 48.64 12.16609.00 76.36 118.99 195.12 213.39 60.90 12.18 24.36 48.72 12.18610.00 76.49 119.19 195.44 213.74 61.00 12.20 24.40 48.80 12.20611.00 76.61 119.38 195.76 214.09 61.10 12.22 24.44 48.88 12.22612.00 76.74 119.58 196.08 214.44 61.20 12.24 24.48 48.96 12.24613.00 76.87 119.78 196.40 214.79 61.30 12.26 24.52 49.04 12.26614.00 76.99 119.97 196.72 215.14 61.40 12.28 24.56 49.12 12.28615.00 77.12 120.17 197.04 215.49 61.50 12.30 24.60 49.20 12.30616.00 77.24 120.36 197.36 215.84 61.60 12.32 24.64 49.28 12.32617.00 77.37 120.56 197.68 216.19 61.70 12.34 24.68 49.36 12.34618.00 77.49 120.75 198.00 216.54 61.80 12.36 24.72 49.44 12.36619.00 77.62 120.95 198.32 216.89 61.90 12.38 24.76 49.52 12.38620.00 77.74 121.14 198.64 217.24 62.00 12.40 24.80 49.60 12.40621.00 77.87 121.34 198.96 217.59 62.10 12.42 24.84 49.68 12.42622.00 77.99 121.53 199.28 217.94 62.20 12.44 24.88 49.76 12.44623.00 78.12 121.73 199.60 218.29 62.30 12.46 24.92 49.84 12.46624.00 78.24 121.92 199.92 218.64 62.40 12.48 24.96 49.92 12.48625.00 78.37 122.12 200.25 219.00 62.50 12.50 25.00 50.00 12.50626.00 78.50 122.32 200.57 219.35 62.60 12.52 25.04 50.08 12.52627.00 78.62 122.51 200.89 219.70 62.70 12.54 25.08 50.16 12.54628.00 78.75 122.71 201.21 220.05 62.80 12.56 25.12 50.24 12.56629.00 78.87 122.90 201.53 220.40 62.90 12.58 25.16 50.32 12.58630.00 79.00 123.10 201.85 220.75 63.00 12.60 25.20 50.40 12.60SECONDARY631.00 79.12 123.29 202.17 221.10 63.10 12.62 25.24 50.48 12.62632.00 79.25 123.49 202.49 221.45 63.20 12.64 25.28 50.56 12.64633.00 79.37 123.68 202.81 221.80 63.30 12.66 25.32 50.64 12.66634.00 79.50 123.88 203.13 222.15 63.40 12.68 25.36 50.72 12.68635.00 79.62 124.07 203.45 222.50 63.50 12.70 25.40 50.80 12.70636.00 79.75 124.27 203.77 222.85 63.60 12.72 25.44 50.88 12.72637.00 79.87 124.46 204.09 223.20 63.70 12.74 25.48 50.96 12.74638.00 80.00 124.66 204.41 223.55 63.80 12.76 25.52 51.04 12.76639.00 80.13 124.86 204.73 223.90 63.90 12.78 25.56 51.12 12.78640.00 80.25 125.05 205.05 224.25 64.00 12.80 25.60 51.20 12.80641.00 80.38 125.25 205.37 224.60 64.10 12.82 25.64 51.28 12.82642.00 80.50 125.44 205.69 224.95 64.20 12.84 25.68 51.36 12.84643.00 80.63 125.64 206.01 225.30 64.30 12.86 25.72 51.44 12.86644.00 80.75 125.83 206.33 225.65 64.40 12.88 25.76 51.52 12.88645.00 80.88 126.03 206.65 226.00 64.50 12.90 25.80 51.60 12.90646.00 81.00 126.22 206.97 226.35 64.60 12.92 25.84 51.68 12.92647.00 81.13 126.42 207.29 226.70 64.70 12.94 25.88 51.76 12.94648.00 81.25 126.61 207.61 227.05 64.80 12.96 25.92 51.84 12.96649.00 81.38 126.81 207.93 227.40 64.90 12.98 25.96 51.92 12.98650.00 81.51 127.01 208.26 227.76 65.00 13.00 26.00 52.00 13.00651.00 81.63 127.20 208.58 228.11 65.10 13.02 26.04 52.08 13.02652.00 81.76 127.40 208.90 228.46 65.20 13.04 26.08 52.16 13.04653.00 81.88 127.59 209.22 228.81 65.30 13.06 26.12 52.24 13.06654.00 82.01 127.79 209.54 229.16 65.40 13.08 26.16 52.32 13.08655.00 82.13 127.98 209.86 229.51 65.50 13.10 26.20 52.40 13.10656.00 82.26 128.18 210.18 229.86 65.60 13.12 26.24 52.48 13.12657.00 82.38 128.37 210.50 230.21 65.70 13.14 26.28 52.56 13.14658.00 82.51 128.57 210.82 230.56 65.80 13.16 26.32 52.64 13.16659.00 82.63 128.76 211.14 230.91 65.90 13.18 26.36 52.72 13.18660.00 82.76 128.96 211.46 231.26 66.00 13.20 26.40 52.80 13.20

FOUR-WEEKLY AND MONTHLY <strong>PAYE</strong> DEDUCTION TABLES 107EarningsSecondary Earnings: Tax Code SB, S, SH, ST – Earnings $661 to $715CodesKiwiSaverSB S SH ST SL Loan ded 2% 4% 8% CEC$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $661.00 82.88 129.15 211.78 231.61 66.10 13.22 26.44 52.88 13.22662.00 83.01 129.35 212.10 231.96 66.20 13.24 26.48 52.96 13.24663.00 83.14 129.55 212.42 232.31 66.30 13.26 26.52 53.04 13.26664.00 83.26 129.74 212.74 232.66 66.40 13.28 26.56 53.12 13.28665.00 83.39 129.94 213.06 233.01 66.50 13.30 26.60 53.20 13.30666.00 83.51 130.13 213.38 233.36 66.60 13.32 26.64 53.28 13.32667.00 83.64 130.33 213.70 233.71 66.70 13.34 26.68 53.36 13.34668.00 83.76 130.52 214.02 234.06 66.80 13.36 26.72 53.44 13.36669.00 83.89 130.72 214.34 234.41 66.90 13.38 26.76 53.52 13.38670.00 84.01 130.91 214.66 234.76 67.00 13.40 26.80 53.60 13.40671.00 84.14 131.11 214.98 235.11 67.10 13.42 26.84 53.68 13.42672.00 84.26 131.30 215.30 235.46 67.20 13.44 26.88 53.76 13.44673.00 84.39 131.50 215.62 235.81 67.30 13.46 26.92 53.84 13.46674.00 84.51 131.69 215.94 236.16 67.40 13.48 26.96 53.92 13.48675.00 84.64 131.89 216.27 236.52 67.50 13.50 27.00 54.00 13.50676.00 84.77 132.09 216.59 236.87 67.60 13.52 27.04 54.08 13.52677.00 84.89 132.28 216.91 237.22 67.70 13.54 27.08 54.16 13.54678.00 85.02 132.48 217.23 237.57 67.80 13.56 27.12 54.24 13.56679.00 85.14 132.67 217.55 237.92 67.90 13.58 27.16 54.32 13.58680.00 85.27 132.87 217.87 238.27 68.00 13.60 27.20 54.40 13.60681.00 85.39 133.06 218.19 238.62 68.10 13.62 27.24 54.48 13.62682.00 85.52 133.26 218.51 238.97 68.20 13.64 27.28 54.56 13.64683.00 85.64 133.45 218.83 239.32 68.30 13.66 27.32 54.64 13.66684.00 85.77 133.65 219.15 239.67 68.40 13.68 27.36 54.72 13.68685.00 85.89 133.84 219.47 240.02 68.50 13.70 27.40 54.80 13.70686.00 86.02 134.04 219.79 240.37 68.60 13.72 27.44 54.88 13.72687.00 86.14 134.23 220.11 240.72 68.70 13.74 27.48 54.96 13.74688.00 86.27 134.43 220.43 241.07 68.80 13.76 27.52 55.04 13.76689.00 86.40 134.63 220.75 241.42 68.90 13.78 27.56 55.12 13.78690.00 86.52 134.82 221.07 241.77 69.00 13.80 27.60 55.20 13.80691.00 86.65 135.02 221.39 242.12 69.10 13.82 27.64 55.28 13.82692.00 86.77 135.21 221.71 242.47 69.20 13.84 27.68 55.36 13.84693.00 86.90 135.41 222.03 242.82 69.30 13.86 27.72 55.44 13.86694.00 87.02 135.60 222.35 243.17 69.40 13.88 27.76 55.52 13.88695.00 87.15 135.80 222.67 243.52 69.50 13.90 27.80 55.60 13.90SECONDARY696.00 87.27 135.99 222.99 243.87 69.60 13.92 27.84 55.68 13.92697.00 87.40 136.19 223.31 244.22 69.70 13.94 27.88 55.76 13.94698.00 87.52 136.38 223.63 244.57 69.80 13.96 27.92 55.84 13.96699.00 87.65 136.58 223.95 244.92 69.90 13.98 27.96 55.92 13.98700.00 87.78 136.78 224.28 245.28 70.00 14.00 28.00 56.00 14.00701.00 87.90 136.97 224.60 245.63 70.10 14.02 28.04 56.08 14.02702.00 88.03 137.17 224.92 245.98 70.20 14.04 28.08 56.16 14.04703.00 88.15 137.36 225.24 246.33 70.30 14.06 28.12 56.24 14.06704.00 88.28 137.56 225.56 246.68 70.40 14.08 28.16 56.32 14.08705.00 88.40 137.75 225.88 247.03 70.50 14.10 28.20 56.40 14.10706.00 88.53 137.95 226.20 247.38 70.60 14.12 28.24 56.48 14.12707.00 88.65 138.14 226.52 247.73 70.70 14.14 28.28 56.56 14.14708.00 88.78 138.34 226.84 248.08 70.80 14.16 28.32 56.64 14.16709.00 88.90 138.53 227.16 248.43 70.90 14.18 28.36 56.72 14.18710.00 89.03 138.73 227.48 248.78 71.00 14.20 28.40 56.80 14.20711.00 89.15 138.92 227.80 249.13 71.10 14.22 28.44 56.88 14.22712.00 89.28 139.12 228.12 249.48 71.20 14.24 28.48 56.96 14.24713.00 89.41 139.32 228.44 249.83 71.30 14.26 28.52 57.04 14.26714.00 89.53 139.51 228.76 250.18 71.40 14.28 28.56 57.12 14.28715.00 89.66 139.71 229.08 250.53 71.50 14.30 28.60 57.20 14.30

108 FOUR-WEEKLY AND MONTHLY <strong>PAYE</strong> DEDUCTION TABLESEarningsSecondary Earnings: Tax Code SB, S, SH, ST – Earnings $716 to $770CodesKiwiSaverSB S SH ST SL Loan ded 2% 4% 8% CEC$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $716.00 89.78 139.90 229.40 250.88 71.60 14.32 28.64 57.28 14.32717.00 89.91 140.10 229.72 251.23 71.70 14.34 28.68 57.36 14.34718.00 90.03 140.29 230.04 251.58 71.80 14.36 28.72 57.44 14.36719.00 90.16 140.49 230.36 251.93 71.90 14.38 28.76 57.52 14.38720.00 90.28 140.68 230.68 252.28 72.00 14.40 28.80 57.60 14.40721.00 90.41 140.88 231.00 252.63 72.10 14.42 28.84 57.68 14.42722.00 90.53 141.07 231.32 252.98 72.20 14.44 28.88 57.76 14.44723.00 90.66 141.27 231.64 253.33 72.30 14.46 28.92 57.84 14.46724.00 90.78 141.46 231.96 253.68 72.40 14.48 28.96 57.92 14.48725.00 90.91 141.66 232.29 254.04 72.50 14.50 29.00 58.00 14.50726.00 91.04 141.86 232.61 254.39 72.60 14.52 29.04 58.08 14.52727.00 91.16 142.05 232.93 254.74 72.70 14.54 29.08 58.16 14.54728.00 91.29 142.25 233.25 255.09 72.80 14.56 29.12 58.24 14.56729.00 91.41 142.44 233.57 255.44 72.90 14.58 29.16 58.32 14.58730.00 91.54 142.64 233.89 255.79 73.00 14.60 29.20 58.40 14.60731.00 91.66 142.83 234.21 256.14 73.10 14.62 29.24 58.48 14.62732.00 91.79 143.03 234.53 256.49 73.20 14.64 29.28 58.56 14.64733.00 91.91 143.22 234.85 256.84 73.30 14.66 29.32 58.64 14.66734.00 92.04 143.42 235.17 257.19 73.40 14.68 29.36 58.72 14.68735.00 92.16 143.61 235.49 257.54 73.50 14.70 29.40 58.80 14.70736.00 92.29 143.81 235.81 257.89 73.60 14.72 29.44 58.88 14.72737.00 92.41 144.00 236.13 258.24 73.70 14.74 29.48 58.96 14.74738.00 92.54 144.20 236.45 258.59 73.80 14.76 29.52 59.04 14.76739.00 92.67 144.40 236.77 258.94 73.90 14.78 29.56 59.12 14.78740.00 92.79 144.59 237.09 259.29 74.00 14.80 29.60 59.20 14.80SECONDARY741.00 92.92 144.79 237.41 259.64 74.10 14.82 29.64 59.28 14.82742.00 93.04 144.98 237.73 259.99 74.20 14.84 29.68 59.36 14.84743.00 93.17 145.18 238.05 260.34 74.30 14.86 29.72 59.44 14.86744.00 93.29 145.37 238.37 260.69 74.40 14.88 29.76 59.52 14.88745.00 93.42 145.57 238.69 261.04 74.50 14.90 29.80 59.60 14.90746.00 93.54 145.76 239.01 261.39 74.60 14.92 29.84 59.68 14.92747.00 93.67 145.96 239.33 261.74 74.70 14.94 29.88 59.76 14.94748.00 93.79 146.15 239.65 262.09 74.80 14.96 29.92 59.84 14.96749.00 93.92 146.35 239.97 262.44 74.90 14.98 29.96 59.92 14.98750.00 94.05 146.55 240.30 262.80 75.00 15.00 30.00 60.00 15.00751.00 94.17 146.74 240.62 263.15 75.10 15.02 30.04 60.08 15.02752.00 94.30 146.94 240.94 263.50 75.20 15.04 30.08 60.16 15.04753.00 94.42 147.13 241.26 263.85 75.30 15.06 30.12 60.24 15.06754.00 94.55 147.33 241.58 264.20 75.40 15.08 30.16 60.32 15.08755.00 94.67 147.52 241.90 264.55 75.50 15.10 30.20 60.40 15.10756.00 94.80 147.72 242.22 264.90 75.60 15.12 30.24 60.48 15.12757.00 94.92 147.91 242.54 265.25 75.70 15.14 30.28 60.56 15.14758.00 95.05 148.11 242.86 265.60 75.80 15.16 30.32 60.64 15.16759.00 95.17 148.30 243.18 265.95 75.90 15.18 30.36 60.72 15.18760.00 95.30 148.50 243.50 266.30 76.00 15.20 30.40 60.80 15.20761.00 95.42 148.69 243.82 266.65 76.10 15.22 30.44 60.88 15.22762.00 95.55 148.89 244.14 267.00 76.20 15.24 30.48 60.96 15.24763.00 95.68 149.09 244.46 267.35 76.30 15.26 30.52 61.04 15.26764.00 95.80 149.28 244.78 267.70 76.40 15.28 30.56 61.12 15.28765.00 95.93 149.48 245.10 268.05 76.50 15.30 30.60 61.20 15.30766.00 96.05 149.67 245.42 268.40 76.60 15.32 30.64 61.28 15.32767.00 96.18 149.87 245.74 268.75 76.70 15.34 30.68 61.36 15.34768.00 96.30 150.06 246.06 269.10 76.80 15.36 30.72 61.44 15.36769.00 96.43 150.26 246.38 269.45 76.90 15.38 30.76 61.52 15.38770.00 96.55 150.45 246.70 269.80 77.00 15.40 30.80 61.60 15.40

FOUR-WEEKLY AND MONTHLY <strong>PAYE</strong> DEDUCTION TABLES 109EarningsSecondary Earnings: Tax Code SB, S, SH, ST – Earnings $771 to $780CodesKiwiSaverSB S SH ST SL Loan ded 2% 4% 8% CEC$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $771.00 96.68 150.65 247.02 270.15 77.10 15.42 30.84 61.68 15.42772.00 96.80 150.84 247.34 270.50 77.20 15.44 30.88 61.76 15.44773.00 96.93 151.04 247.66 270.85 77.30 15.46 30.92 61.84 15.46774.00 97.05 151.23 247.98 271.20 77.40 15.48 30.96 61.92 15.48775.00 97.18 151.43 248.31 271.56 77.50 15.50 31.00 62.00 15.50776.00 97.31 151.63 248.63 271.91 77.60 15.52 31.04 62.08 15.52777.00 97.43 151.82 248.95 272.26 77.70 15.54 31.08 62.16 15.54778.00 97.56 152.02 249.27 272.61 77.80 15.56 31.12 62.24 15.56779.00 97.68 152.21 249.59 272.96 77.90 15.58 31.16 62.32 15.58780.00 97.81 152.41 249.91 273.31 78.00 15.60 31.20 62.40 15.60SECONDARY

110 FOUR-WEEKLY AND MONTHLY <strong>PAYE</strong> DEDUCTION TABLESTax codes SB, S, SH <strong>and</strong> STHow to calculate <strong>PAYE</strong> where secondary earnings exceed$780 for the pay period••Take gross earnings.••Add overtime, any regular bonus, shift allowance <strong>and</strong> any othertaxable allowances, if applicable.NoteTo calculate <strong>PAYE</strong> on amounts over $780, use the nearestwhole dollar amount in the left column, from the column onthe right that corresponds to your employees tax code to getthe <strong>PAYE</strong>.SECONDARYThe total is the “earnings subject to <strong>PAYE</strong>”.ExampleEmployee’s earnings subject to <strong>PAYE</strong> are $901.The tax code is S.From the table on page 109, <strong>PAYE</strong> on $780at tax code S $ 152.41From the table on the right, <strong>PAYE</strong> on the excess over$780 (at 19.54 cents in the dollar):<strong>PAYE</strong> on $100 $ 19.54<strong>PAYE</strong> on $20 $ 3.90<strong>PAYE</strong> on $1 $ 0.19Total <strong>PAYE</strong> on excess $ 23.63Total <strong>PAYE</strong> <strong>deduction</strong>s $ 176.04How to calculate student loan repayment where secondaryearnings exceed $780ExampleEmployee’s earnings subject to <strong>PAYE</strong> are $901.The tax code is S SL.<strong>PAYE</strong> on $780 at tax code S SL $ 152.41<strong>PAYE</strong> on the excess over $780(at 19.54 cents in the dollar) $ 23.63Total <strong>PAYE</strong> <strong>deduction</strong>s $ 176.04Student loan repayment on $780at tax code S SL $ 78.00Student loan repayment on the excessover $780 (at 10 cents in the dollar) $ 12.10Total student loan repayment $ 90.10Total <strong>deduction</strong>s $ 266.14NoteIf your employee is a KiwiSaver member, you’ll also need tomake KiwiSaver <strong>deduction</strong>s <strong>and</strong> compulsory employercontributions.Earnings(wholedollar)Tax CodeSB S SH ST1 0.12 0.19 0.32 0.352 0.25 0.39 0.64 0.703 0.37 0.58 0.96 1.054 0.50 0.78 1.28 1.405 0.62 0.97 1.60 1.756 0.75 1.17 1.92 2.107 0.87 1.36 2.24 2.458 1.00 1.56 2.56 2.809 1.12 1.75 2.88 3.1510 1.25 1.95 3.20 3.5020 2.50 3.90 6.40 7.0030 3.76 5.86 9.61 10.5140 5.01 7.81 12.81 14.0150 6.27 9.77 16.02 17.5260 7.52 11.72 19.22 21.0270 8.77 13.67 22.42 24.5280 10.03 15.63 25.63 28.0390 11.28 17.58 28.83 31.53100 12.54 19.54 32.04 35.04

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