Travel to Ukraine promoted at New York Times - The Ukrainian Weekly

Travel to Ukraine promoted at New York Times - The Ukrainian Weekly

Travel to Ukraine promoted at New York Times - The Ukrainian Weekly


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Inside:• More on Yanukovych in Moscow and Brussels – page 3.• Ukaine’s new Cabinet of Ministers – page 10.• Noted <strong>Ukrainian</strong> writer Yuri Andrukhovych – page 13.<strong>The</strong> Ukraini a n <strong>Weekly</strong>Published by the <strong>Ukrainian</strong> N<strong>at</strong>ional Associ<strong>at</strong>ion Inc., a fr<strong>at</strong>ernal non-profit associ<strong>at</strong>ionVol. LXXVIII No.11 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 14, 2010$1/$2 in <strong>Ukraine</strong>Changing the rules, factionsform a new majority coalitionMykola Azarov is PM in pro-Moscow CabinetYanukovych travels <strong>to</strong> Moscowafter being welcomed in Brusselsby Zenon ZawadaKyiv Press BureauKYIV – <strong>Ukraine</strong>’s pro-Russian parliamentaryfactions on March 11 formed acoalition government th<strong>at</strong> will work intandem with the newly elected president,Vik<strong>to</strong>r Yanukovych, ignoring the widelyUNIANPrime Minister Mykola Azarov addressesthe Verkhovna Rada on March 11.held view in the <strong>Ukrainian</strong> political establishmentth<strong>at</strong> they’ve viol<strong>at</strong>ed the country’sConstitution.N<strong>at</strong>ional deputies of the pro-Russianforces spent the last two weeks passinglegisl<strong>at</strong>ion th<strong>at</strong> allows rogue deputies –those expelled from their respective parliamentaryfactions – as well as defec<strong>to</strong>rs<strong>to</strong> help form the coalition. Only with theirparticip<strong>at</strong>ion was it possible <strong>to</strong> form amajority of 235 n<strong>at</strong>ional deputies.Opposition leader Yulia Tymoshenkoand former President Vik<strong>to</strong>r Yushchenkodeclared th<strong>at</strong> the parliamentary coalitionand the Cabinet of Ministers were illegaland illegitim<strong>at</strong>e. “It’s very shameful th<strong>at</strong>Yanukovych is starting this way,” saidMs. Tymoshenko.<strong>The</strong>ir claims were supported by politicaland legal experts, who agreed th<strong>at</strong> theConstitution of <strong>Ukraine</strong> only allows parliamentaryfactions, not individuals, <strong>to</strong>form coalitions. President Yanukovychsigned the regul<strong>at</strong>ion-bending legisl<strong>at</strong>ionon March 10, the day after Parliamentapproved its second reading.<strong>The</strong> first reading was approved onMarch 4. Party of Regions of <strong>Ukraine</strong>deputies admitted th<strong>at</strong> the legisl<strong>at</strong>ionserved as a convenient avenue <strong>to</strong> avoiddealing with the Our <strong>Ukraine</strong>-People’s(Continued on page 10)by Zenon ZawadaKyiv Press BureauOfficial Website of <strong>Ukraine</strong>’s President<strong>Ukraine</strong>’s newly inaugur<strong>at</strong>ed president, Vik<strong>to</strong>r Yanukovych (left), meets withRussian President Dmitry Medvedev in Moscow.KYIV – European leaders welcomedVik<strong>to</strong>r Yanukovych with their handswarmly extended on his first foreign visit<strong>to</strong> Brussels, but it was in Moscow fourdays l<strong>at</strong>er th<strong>at</strong> the newly elected<strong>Ukrainian</strong> president demonstr<strong>at</strong>ed a willingness<strong>to</strong> bend over backwards.<strong>The</strong> consensus among <strong>Ukraine</strong>’s leadingpolitical experts was th<strong>at</strong> Mr.Yanukovych’s March 5 visit <strong>to</strong> Moscow –in which he all-but-apologized for visitingEurope first and then offered generousconcessions – demonstr<strong>at</strong>ed he’s ineffectivein defending <strong>Ukraine</strong>’s interestsbefore the Russian government.“<strong>The</strong> negoti<strong>at</strong>ions, as well as theaccompanying public messages, practicallyfollowed a Russian scenario,” saidVolodymyr Fesenko, an expert <strong>at</strong> theKyiv-based Penta Center for AppliedPolitical Research.“To compare, recall the themes raisedby [Russian President Dmitry] Medvedev(Continued on page 8)<strong>Travel</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>Ukraine</strong> <strong>promoted</strong> <strong>at</strong> <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> <strong>Times</strong> <strong>Travel</strong> ShowWASHINGTON – For the secondconsecutive year, <strong>Ukraine</strong> was representedthrough the Discover <strong>Ukraine</strong>exhibit <strong>at</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> <strong>Times</strong> <strong>Travel</strong>Show, the largest consumer and traveltrade show produced in the UnitedSt<strong>at</strong>es. <strong>The</strong> convention, fe<strong>at</strong>uring nearly500 exhibi<strong>to</strong>rs representing more than150 countries, was held <strong>at</strong> the Jacob K.Javits Convention Center in <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong>on February 26-28.<strong>The</strong> U.S.-<strong>Ukraine</strong> Found<strong>at</strong>ion organizedthe Discover <strong>Ukraine</strong> exhibit andthe U.S.-<strong>Ukraine</strong> Business Council, thelargest non-profit trade associ<strong>at</strong>ion representingthe interests of U.S. businessesactive in <strong>Ukraine</strong>, was the sponsor.<strong>The</strong> U.S.-<strong>Ukraine</strong> Found<strong>at</strong>ion(USUF) is a not-for-profit 501 (c) (3)non-governmental organiz<strong>at</strong>ion establishedin 1991 <strong>to</strong> facilit<strong>at</strong>e democr<strong>at</strong>icdevelopment, encourage free marketreform and enhance human rights in<strong>Ukraine</strong>. <strong>The</strong> USUF is dedic<strong>at</strong>ed <strong>to</strong>strengthening the mutual objectives ofboth n<strong>at</strong>ions and advancing <strong>Ukraine</strong> as acorners<strong>to</strong>ne of regional stability and as afull partner in the community of n<strong>at</strong>ions.<strong>The</strong> found<strong>at</strong>ion has been supporting<strong>Ukraine</strong>’s travel industry since 2005,when it launched the travel site, www.travel<strong>to</strong>ukraine.org. Since then the websitehas become the No. 1 Google,Yahoo! and Bing “<strong>Ukraine</strong> travel” siteon the Internet.Over the past 12 months, the U.S.-<strong>Ukraine</strong> Found<strong>at</strong>ion has conducted awide array of public rel<strong>at</strong>ions activitiesin support of <strong>Ukraine</strong>’s intern<strong>at</strong>ionalimage, including promoting Kyivthrough “Cities: Capitals of the Mind,”an intern<strong>at</strong>ional London summit andthrough <strong>The</strong> Communic<strong>at</strong>ion Group’swidely distributed report, “Cities: <strong>The</strong>Destin<strong>at</strong>ion Identity.”<strong>The</strong> USUF’s growing presence on theInternet, along with its business sec<strong>to</strong>re-newsletter, BizLinks, distributed <strong>to</strong>5,000 subscribers, complements its travelshow efforts.(Continued on page 12)U.S.-<strong>Ukraine</strong> Found<strong>at</strong>ionAt <strong>The</strong> <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> <strong>Times</strong> <strong>Travel</strong> Show (from left) are: U.S.-<strong>Ukraine</strong> Found<strong>at</strong>ionBoard Member Iryna Kurowyckyj, Consul General of <strong>Ukraine</strong> in <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong>Serhii Pohoreltsev, USUF President Nadia McConnell and USUF ProgramAssistant Oksana Yakovenko.

4THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 14, 2010No. 11Ambassador John Tefft opens renov<strong>at</strong>ed American Libraryby Marta FarionKYIV – U.S. Ambassador John F. Tefft particip<strong>at</strong>ed in aribbon-cutting ceremony <strong>to</strong> mark the re-opening of the newly-renov<strong>at</strong>edAmerican Library <strong>at</strong> the N<strong>at</strong>ional UniversityKyiv Mohyla Academy in Kyiv on February 18.<strong>The</strong> ceremony was hosted by university President SerhiyKvit.<strong>The</strong> American Library, established over 10 years ago,strives <strong>to</strong> provide current and reliable inform<strong>at</strong>ion on U.S.government, his<strong>to</strong>ry, culture, society and values, the educ<strong>at</strong>ionalsystem and the economy. <strong>The</strong> library offers readersup-<strong>to</strong>-d<strong>at</strong>e English-language resources, free Internet access,and fun events like Friday night film showings.Its holdings include more than 10,000 items, a multimediacollection and various Internet services, includingaccess <strong>to</strong> more than 50,000 electronic public<strong>at</strong>ions. <strong>The</strong>American Library is open <strong>to</strong> the public and is a resource forall visi<strong>to</strong>rs, including the public <strong>at</strong> large. It currently boastsmore than 4,500 members. <strong>The</strong> library is also accessible viaits website.Valentina Pashkova, direc<strong>to</strong>r of Inform<strong>at</strong>ional Resources Center of theU.S. Embassy in <strong>Ukraine</strong> and president of <strong>Ukrainian</strong> Library Associ<strong>at</strong>ion;John F. Tefft, ambassador of the United St<strong>at</strong>es <strong>to</strong> <strong>Ukraine</strong>; Chris<strong>to</strong>pherFitzgerald, counselor for public affairs <strong>at</strong> U.S. Embassy in <strong>Ukraine</strong>.<strong>The</strong> American Library is named inmemory of Vic<strong>to</strong>r Kytasty, who dedic<strong>at</strong>edhimself <strong>to</strong> the development andgrowth of the N<strong>at</strong>ional University ofKyiv-Mohyla Academy (NUKMA)and was instrumental in developingthe American Library.Mr. Kytasty moved <strong>to</strong> <strong>Ukraine</strong> fromthe United St<strong>at</strong>es and worked in variousgovernmental and academic positions,among them as senior consultant<strong>to</strong> the Economics Educ<strong>at</strong>ion andResearch Consortium’s M.A. programin economics and as faculty memberof the Department of Philology <strong>at</strong>NUKMA. He received an honorarydoc<strong>to</strong>r<strong>at</strong>e from the university in 1998.On September 22, 2000, Vic<strong>to</strong>rKytasty died of a sudden hear <strong>at</strong>tack.<strong>The</strong> American Library’s renov<strong>at</strong>ion<strong>at</strong> the N<strong>at</strong>ional University of KyivMohyla Academy was financedthrough a grant from the U.S. Embassyin <strong>Ukraine</strong>. <strong>The</strong> American Library isone of the libraries th<strong>at</strong> form the KyivMohyla Library network, whichincludes the Omeljan and TetianaAn<strong>to</strong>novych Library, the ResearchLibrary, the Philology Library, theLibrary of the School of Public Health,the Library of Pre-University Studies,the Omelan Pritsak Library andArchives of Oriental Studies, and theforthcoming Library of Fine Arts.<strong>The</strong> Kyiv Mohyla Library collectionincludes over 650,000 printed books,over 50,000 electronic titles, 85 don<strong>at</strong>edarchival collections and over 50 priv<strong>at</strong>eprinted books collections, bearingthe names of their individual donors.<strong>The</strong> library hosts approxim<strong>at</strong>ely 1,850visi<strong>to</strong>rs daily. It serves primarily the(Continued on page 20)<strong>The</strong> <strong>Ukrainian</strong> <strong>Weekly</strong> Press Fund: FebruaryAmount Name City$100.00 Roma and Andrew Morris<strong>to</strong>wn, NJHadzewycz (in memoryof Roman Kupchinsky)Cami HukRutherford, NJ(in memory of RomanKupchinsky)R. Prynada Carteret, NJWolodymyr and Irma Rochester, NYPylyshenko (in memoryof Roman Kupchinsky)N. Wasylko Endicott, NYMulak Y<strong>at</strong>zkivsky Los Angeles, CA$55.00 John Husiak <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong>, NYZenon and Dozia Cleveland, OHKrisl<strong>at</strong>yVic<strong>to</strong>r Omelczenko Los Angeles, CANadia Topolnicki Pompano Beach, FL(in memory of RomanKupchinsky)$50.00 Orest Deychakiwsky Beltsville, MD(in memory of RomanKupchinsky)S. and H. JakubowyczIhor and Olga Sydor Cos Cob, CT$45.00 John S. Kark San Diego, CA$30.00 Joseph Levitzky Hamden, CT(in memory of RomanKupchinsky)$25.00 W. Balko Ledgewood, NJL. Baltarowich Warren, MIIhor Chorneyko Dundas, ONL. Chornodolsky Timonium, MDL. Keske Woodland Hills, CAM. Lomaga Wethersfield, CTYurij and Zorianna Montreal, QCLuhovy (in memoryof Roman Kupchinsky)L. Sawchyn Morris<strong>to</strong>wn, NJN. Schultz Bronxville, NYN. Trojan Dobbs Ferry, NYPeter Yaremko Cape Girardeau, MO$20.00 Walter Bilynsky Baldwinsville, NYAndrew Fenchak Dublin, OH$15.00 Helen Duda Hawthorne, NJLuba Klachko Murray Hill, NJKsenia Kolcio Se<strong>at</strong>tle, WAZenia KuzelRochester, NYS. Lule Glenn Ellyn, ILR. Melnyk Indianapolis, INWasyl SosiakForest Hills, NYPauline Stasiw Spencerport, NY$10.00 Olena Banks<strong>to</strong>n La Mesa, CAAndrew Boyko Cleveland, OHLarissa FoxStirling, NJN. Kropelnyckyj Warren, MIStefan Kyrylenko Beloit, WIO. Rybak Berlin, MDJoseph Sachno Flushing, NYEugene Sagasz Mt. Pocono, PAJulie Sydorowych Dewitt, NYBohdan Vitvitsky Summit, NJZenon Wasyliw Ithaca, NY$5.00 Bohdan Dombchewskyj Monroe, NCJohn DumkaCalgary, ABMerle and Bonnie Toledo, OHJurkiewiczH. Kowalchek West <strong>New</strong><strong>to</strong>n, PAW. Lysko Cranbury, NJMillie Pochtar Pequannock, NJZoriana Siokalo <strong>New</strong><strong>to</strong>wn, PAMichael Solonynka Minneapolis, MNOksana Wolchuk Cherry Hill, NJAnna ZadorLas Vegas, NVTOTAL: $1,685.00Sincere thanks <strong>to</strong> all contribu<strong>to</strong>rs <strong>to</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>Ukrainian</strong><strong>Weekly</strong> Press Fund.<strong>The</strong> <strong>Ukrainian</strong> <strong>Weekly</strong> Press Fund is the only funddedic<strong>at</strong>ed exclusively <strong>to</strong> supporting the work of thispublic<strong>at</strong>ion.Olesia Trachuk/U.S. Embassy in <strong>Ukraine</strong>John F. Tefft, ambassador of the United St<strong>at</strong>es <strong>to</strong> <strong>Ukraine</strong>, with Dr.Serhiy Kvit of President of the N<strong>at</strong>ional University of Kyiv MohylaAcademy.OBITUARIESYaroslav-Miguel Flys, 81Spanish liter<strong>at</strong>ure expertby John S. KarkPHOENIX, Ariz. – Yaroslav-Miguel Flys, a specialistin contemporary Spanish liter<strong>at</strong>ure and professor forover 50 years <strong>at</strong> various universities in the United St<strong>at</strong>es,died in Phoenix, Ariz., on November 9, 2009, after alengthy b<strong>at</strong>tle with cancer.He was born on February 13, 1928, in Ivano-Frankivsk, <strong>Ukraine</strong>, and began his educ<strong>at</strong>ion in th<strong>at</strong>western <strong>Ukrainian</strong> city. He m<strong>at</strong>ricul<strong>at</strong>ed from the<strong>Ukrainian</strong> Real Gymnasium in Salzburg, Austria, in1947. While <strong>at</strong> the school, he was an outstanding student,and was elected president of his class and, l<strong>at</strong>er,president of the entire student body.Mr. Flys gradu<strong>at</strong>ed from the University of Madrid in1951 and received his Ph.D. from th<strong>at</strong> university in1954. His field of expertise was contemporary Spanishliter<strong>at</strong>ure and he published several books on the subject.He immigr<strong>at</strong>ed <strong>to</strong> the United St<strong>at</strong>es in 1951 andtaught for over five decades <strong>at</strong> U.S. universities, includingC<strong>at</strong>holic University (Washing<strong>to</strong>n), Loyola University(Chicago), Bowling Green University (Bowling Green,Ohio), and Arizona St<strong>at</strong>e University (Tempe), where hetaught for 25 years.A highly respected scholar, Prof. Flys was chairmanof the Foreign Languages Department <strong>at</strong> Arizona St<strong>at</strong>efor eight years, until he retired in 2001. He also oversawthe Study Abroad in Spain Program.Surviving are his wife, Felisa, and their daughter,Tamara; four children from a previous marriage,Carmen, Marisol, Ana and Carlos; nine grandchildren,Laura, Elena, Marisa, Monica, Karina, Daniel, Paul,Vic<strong>to</strong>ria and N<strong>at</strong>alia; as well as a cousin, Roman Flys, ofDeli<strong>at</strong>yn, <strong>Ukraine</strong>.Memorial don<strong>at</strong>ions may be made <strong>to</strong>: St. JosephFound<strong>at</strong>ion (Children’s Health Center), 350 W. ThomasRoad, Phoenix, AZ 85013.Vera Rich, transla<strong>to</strong>r,journalist, poet, 73LONDON – Vera Rich, a noted transla<strong>to</strong>r of <strong>Ukrainian</strong>literary works and herself a poet and journalist, died of cancerin London on December 20, 2009.She was known also for her transl<strong>at</strong>ions of Belarusianliter<strong>at</strong>ure, as well as transl<strong>at</strong>ions from the Polish, Russian,Czech, Cro<strong>at</strong>ian, Norwegian and Spanish languages.As noted by Dr. Mykola Zhulynskyi, direc<strong>to</strong>r of theInstitute of Liter<strong>at</strong>ure <strong>at</strong> the N<strong>at</strong>ional Academy of Sciencesof <strong>Ukraine</strong>, for decades Ms. Rich functioned as a <strong>Ukrainian</strong>Academy of Sciences in Gre<strong>at</strong> Britain. Dr. Zhulynskyi andother liter<strong>at</strong>ure experts from <strong>Ukraine</strong> noted of Ms. Rich’spassing: “<strong>Ukraine</strong> has lost its spokesman, an extraordinaryambassador of <strong>Ukraine</strong> in the world of English-languageculture.”She transl<strong>at</strong>ed the works of noted <strong>Ukrainian</strong> literary figuresTaras Shevchenko, Ivan Franko and Pavlo Tychyna,(Continued on page 17)

8THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 14, 2010No. 11Yanukovych travels...(Continued from page 1)in August last year <strong>to</strong> the public messgagesin Friday’s negoti<strong>at</strong>ions. <strong>The</strong>y practicallycoincided. <strong>The</strong> larger part of problems,which were raised last year, werevoiced now in a form quite favorable <strong>to</strong>Moscow,” Mr. Fesenko commented.<strong>The</strong> Yanukovych foreign policy wasfirst revealed on February 24, when histeam released a draft of the parliamentarycoalition agreement calling for “securing<strong>Ukraine</strong>’s non-aligned st<strong>at</strong>us on a legisl<strong>at</strong>ivelevel, meaning non-particip<strong>at</strong>ion of<strong>Ukraine</strong> in the military-political alliancesof other st<strong>at</strong>es.”It called for extending constructivecooper<strong>at</strong>ion with NATO on all m<strong>at</strong>ters ofcommon interest and ensuring the U.S.-<strong>Ukraine</strong> Str<strong>at</strong>egic Partnership Charter, aswell as establishing rel<strong>at</strong>ions with Russiaon the basis of str<strong>at</strong>egic partnership,friendship, good neighborliness andmutually convenient trade cooper<strong>at</strong>ion.Experts have labeled this approach as a“multi-vec<strong>to</strong>r” foreign policy, similar <strong>to</strong>wh<strong>at</strong> former President Leonid Kuchmapursued, but only with a far more over<strong>to</strong>rient<strong>at</strong>ion <strong>to</strong>wards Russia.“Kuchma never even dared <strong>to</strong> legallysecure <strong>Ukraine</strong>’s non-aligned st<strong>at</strong>us,which is wh<strong>at</strong> the Regions are proposingnow,” said Alyona Hetmanchuk, direc<strong>to</strong>rof the Kyiv-based Institute of WorldPolicy, which advoc<strong>at</strong>es <strong>Ukraine</strong>’s integr<strong>at</strong>ionin<strong>to</strong> Euro-Atlantic structures.“Legally ensuring the non-aligned st<strong>at</strong>usis so much the royal gift for theKremlin, and possibly the most desired <strong>at</strong>the given stage, th<strong>at</strong> a whole lot couldhave been traded for only this singlepotential possibility. <strong>The</strong> Regions aren’tstingy – they’re giving away everythingleft and right for free,” she said.Furthermore Mr. Yanukovych’s foreignpolicy contradicts itself, as non-alignmentis incomp<strong>at</strong>ible with ensuring the fulfillmen<strong>to</strong>f the U.S.-<strong>Ukraine</strong> Str<strong>at</strong>egicPartnership Charter, which calls for<strong>Ukraine</strong>’s Euro-Atlantic integr<strong>at</strong>ion.Non-alignment also contradicts theYanukovych administr<strong>at</strong>ion’s allegedcommitment <strong>to</strong> pursue EU integr<strong>at</strong>ion,she said, since membership involves amilitary commitment <strong>to</strong> the EuropeanSecurity and Defense Policy.First s<strong>to</strong>p: BrusselsMr. Yanukovych’s first foreign visit aspresident was on March 1 <strong>to</strong> Brussels,where he and his en<strong>to</strong>urage met withEuropean Commission President JoseManuel Barroso, European ParliamentPresident Jerzy Buzek, EU CouncilPresident Herman van Rompuy and EUHigh Represent<strong>at</strong>ive for Foreign Affairsand Security Policy C<strong>at</strong>herineAsh<strong>to</strong>n.European leaders went <strong>to</strong>gre<strong>at</strong> lengths <strong>to</strong> extend theirsupport <strong>to</strong> Mr. Yanukovychafter his election, immedi<strong>at</strong>elyextending an invit<strong>at</strong>ion for hisvisit in wh<strong>at</strong> observersdescribed as <strong>at</strong>tempts <strong>to</strong> establishcommunic<strong>at</strong>ion and dialogue,and prevent his possibletendencies <strong>to</strong> recoil<strong>to</strong>wards Moscow.Mr. Barroso warmly greetedMr. Yanukovych, expressing“delight” th<strong>at</strong> the new president’sfirst foreign visit was <strong>to</strong>Brussels. Developing rel<strong>at</strong>ionswith the EU isn’t detrimental<strong>to</strong> <strong>Ukraine</strong>’s rel<strong>at</strong>ions withRussia, he stressed, encouragingMr. Yanukovych’s <strong>at</strong>tempts<strong>to</strong> make amends with theKremin.In turn, the <strong>Ukrainian</strong> pres-ident assured his European counterpartsth<strong>at</strong> European integr<strong>at</strong>ion was a <strong>to</strong>p priorityfor him, st<strong>at</strong>ing his goal of concludingthe Associ<strong>at</strong>ion Agreement by the end ofthe year.As part of the Associ<strong>at</strong>ion Agreement,a Deep and Comprehensive Free TradeArea and visa-free travel agreementscould be signed by 2011, conditional on<strong>Ukraine</strong>’s performance on internalreforms, Interfax-<strong>Ukraine</strong> reported.Mr. Yanukovych also asked for a roadmap, setting conditions and deadlines, forsecuring visa-free travel for <strong>Ukrainian</strong>s <strong>to</strong>the EU by the end of the year, as well as a“technical assistance mission” of experts<strong>to</strong> consider ways <strong>to</strong> streamline governmentspending.<strong>The</strong> EU is considering extending<strong>Ukraine</strong> more than 500 million euros ineconomic support should <strong>Ukraine</strong> meetthe Intern<strong>at</strong>ional Monetary Fund’s macroeconomicreform criteria <strong>to</strong> renew itsloans, Mr. Barroso said.<strong>The</strong> Portugese leader’s embrace of Mr.Yanukovych – and his st<strong>at</strong>ement th<strong>at</strong> “webelieve he has the legitimacy now <strong>to</strong> promotestability in his country” – drew criticismfrom many of <strong>Ukraine</strong>’s leadingpolitical experts, who doubt very muchth<strong>at</strong> he was legitim<strong>at</strong>ely elected.“I am utterly dumbfounded by the EUbureaucracy,” said Dr. Oleh Soskin, direc<strong>to</strong>rof the Institute of SocietyTransform<strong>at</strong>ion in Kyiv. “Barroso acceptedon such a level a person with a criminalbackground, a practical KGB agent,which is not accepted by two-thirds of<strong>Ukraine</strong>. <strong>The</strong>ir analytical centers workpoorly.”Mr. Yanukovych deserves the sameNeed a back issue?If you’d like <strong>to</strong> obtain a back issue of <strong>The</strong> <strong>Ukrainian</strong> <strong>Weekly</strong>,send $2 per copy (first-class postage included) <strong>to</strong>:Administr<strong>at</strong>ion, <strong>The</strong> <strong>Ukrainian</strong> <strong>Weekly</strong>,2200 Route 10, P.O. Box 280Parsippany, NJ 07054.Want <strong>to</strong> seeyour name in print?<strong>The</strong>n why not become a correspondent of<strong>The</strong> <strong>Ukrainian</strong> <strong>Weekly</strong> in your community?We welcome submissions from all our <strong>Ukrainian</strong> communities, no m<strong>at</strong>terwhere they are loc<strong>at</strong>ed. Let the rest of us know wh<strong>at</strong> you’re up <strong>to</strong> in yourcorner of the <strong>Ukrainian</strong> diaspora!Any questions? Call <strong>The</strong> <strong>Weekly</strong>, 973-292-9800, ext. 3049.Official Website of <strong>Ukraine</strong>’s President<strong>Ukrainian</strong> President Vik<strong>to</strong>r Yanukovych is welcomedby Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin.tre<strong>at</strong>ment from Europe as BelarusianPresident Alyaksandr Lukashenka, hesaid.“It wasn’t necessary <strong>to</strong> meet with him,”said Dr. Soskin, who served as an economicadvisor <strong>to</strong> former President LeonidKuchma. “<strong>The</strong> EU leadership doesn’tunderstand criminal logic and rules. <strong>The</strong>yneed <strong>to</strong> learn the KGB code, its criminallaw. <strong>The</strong> first rule is <strong>to</strong> fool the most gullible.Everyone else is a fool <strong>to</strong> be manipul<strong>at</strong>ed.And they will be manipul<strong>at</strong>ed likefools. Yanukovych fed Barroso a pack oflies.”Yet, Ivan Lozowy, direc<strong>to</strong>r of theInstitute of St<strong>at</strong>ehood and Democracy inKyiv, said the Party of Regions and itssponsoring oligarchs have genuine intentionsof deeper EU integr<strong>at</strong>ion because itwill provide them with more trade fortheir raw m<strong>at</strong>erial exports, as well asinvestment opportunities.<strong>The</strong> Party of Regions’ biggest financialsponsor, Donbas industrial magn<strong>at</strong>e Rin<strong>at</strong>Akhme<strong>to</strong>v, is especially interested inEuropean integr<strong>at</strong>ion for those same reasons.“Brussels was deliber<strong>at</strong>e, partly as aresult of Yanukovych being passed overthe last couple of years by the Kremlin,”Mr. Lozowy. “<strong>The</strong>re’s a genuine push<strong>to</strong>wards Europe because th<strong>at</strong>’s where peoplesee real progress. <strong>The</strong>y go shoppingin European capitals and send their kids<strong>to</strong> European universities. Th<strong>at</strong>’s wherethe Party of Regions is looking.”“All roads lead <strong>to</strong> Moscow”While Europe may be on the horizonfor <strong>Ukraine</strong>’s oligarchs, they still can’tshake off their Soviet mentality. Mr.Yanukovych was almost apologetic <strong>to</strong>Russian President Dmitry Medvedevwhen Moscow reporters confronted himabout why he chose Brussels overMoscow for his first visit.“Dmitry Ana<strong>to</strong>liyovych views withunderstanding – as a person, not just aspresident – th<strong>at</strong> the first days of work of anew president of any country is alwayscomplic<strong>at</strong>ed from the point of view ofwhere <strong>to</strong> go,” he said during his March 5joint press conference, laughing as ifthere was a need <strong>to</strong> break the tension. “Iam gaining experience, but as they used<strong>to</strong> say – all roads lead <strong>to</strong> Moscow.”Th<strong>at</strong> quip was part of an entire seriesof fl<strong>at</strong>tering comments Mr. Yanukovychmade in <strong>at</strong>tempts <strong>to</strong> ingr<strong>at</strong>i<strong>at</strong>e himselfwith the Russian president, much <strong>to</strong> thedisgust of <strong>Ukraine</strong>’s pro-Western politicalestablishment.Mr. Yanukovych behaved like aRussian vassal, said Oleksander Paliy, anexpert <strong>at</strong> the Institute of Foreign Policy <strong>at</strong>the Diplom<strong>at</strong>ic Academy of <strong>Ukraine</strong>.“Even worse than a vassal, he lookedlike a provisional governor, like a servant,”said Dr. Soskin. “His conduct wascharacteristic of a person without anascertained worldview or knowledge. Hedidn’t defend <strong>Ukrainian</strong> n<strong>at</strong>ional interestsand we don’t have any leader capable ofbeing a Euro-Atlantic president.”Indeed, the <strong>to</strong>pics they discussed – theRussian Black Sea Fleet, NATO, interpret<strong>at</strong>ionsof his<strong>to</strong>ry, the Russian language –were those hammered upon by Mr.Medvedev in his no<strong>to</strong>rious August 2009video st<strong>at</strong>ement condemning PresidentVik<strong>to</strong>r Yushchenko’s policies as anunprecedented provoc<strong>at</strong>ion.Mr. Yanukovych indic<strong>at</strong>ed he’s open <strong>to</strong>renewing the Russian government’s lease,allowing the Russian Black Sea Fleet <strong>to</strong>remain on <strong>Ukrainian</strong> terri<strong>to</strong>ry beyond2017. This viol<strong>at</strong>es the currentConstitution of <strong>Ukraine</strong>, which requiresth<strong>at</strong> the fleet be withdrawn th<strong>at</strong> year.Another breech of <strong>Ukrainian</strong> law wasMr. Yanukovych’s assurances <strong>to</strong> Mr.Medvedev th<strong>at</strong> <strong>Ukraine</strong> would not alignitself with NATO, whereas the establishedn<strong>at</strong>ional security policy st<strong>at</strong>es th<strong>at</strong> entryin<strong>to</strong> NATO is a goal of <strong>Ukrainian</strong> n<strong>at</strong>ionalsecurity.“His st<strong>at</strong>ements in Russia cross out thewhole road th<strong>at</strong> <strong>Ukraine</strong> underwent<strong>to</strong>wards NATO,” Dr. Soskin said. “It’sunprecedented and unacceptable for apresident <strong>to</strong> say such things. He <strong>to</strong>okauthority in Russia th<strong>at</strong> is not granted bythe Constitution.”Mr. Yanukovych also vowed <strong>to</strong> cancelformer President Yushchenko’s decreegranting the Hero of <strong>Ukraine</strong> title <strong>to</strong><strong>Ukrainian</strong> n<strong>at</strong>ionalist leader StepanBandera and said he would do so in timefor the May 9 celebr<strong>at</strong>ions of Vic<strong>to</strong>ry Day.Revoking the Hero of <strong>Ukraine</strong> titlegranted by a previous president would bean unprecedented step for a <strong>Ukrainian</strong>president, observers pointed out.<strong>The</strong> <strong>Ukrainian</strong> and Russian presidentsagreed th<strong>at</strong> Russia, Belarus and <strong>Ukraine</strong>will jointly organize parades and festivitiescelebr<strong>at</strong>ing the vic<strong>to</strong>ry of Soviet forcesagainst Nazi Germany.Upon Mr. Yanukovych’s suggestion <strong>to</strong>take a “sharp turn” in Russian-<strong>Ukrainian</strong>rel<strong>at</strong>ions, Russian Prime MinisterVladimir Putin extended <strong>to</strong> <strong>Ukraine</strong> anoffer <strong>to</strong> join the cus<strong>to</strong>ms union beingformed between Russia, Belarus andKazakhstan.<strong>Ukrainian</strong> priorities were “peripheral,particularly a review of [n<strong>at</strong>ural] gasagreements,” Mr. Fesenko said. “Moscowpromised a review, but offered no declar<strong>at</strong>ionsin terms of deadlines, prospectsand the n<strong>at</strong>ure of the review. <strong>The</strong>refore, Iconsider the visit <strong>to</strong> have followed aMuscovite script.”Mr. Lozowy wasn’t as pessimistic asother experts, believing th<strong>at</strong> Mr. Yanukovychmade some general st<strong>at</strong>ements in Moscow,and left certain options open, which he haslittle intention <strong>to</strong> follow up on.For example, it’s impossible for<strong>Ukraine</strong> <strong>to</strong> join the Russian-Belarus-Kazakhstan cus<strong>to</strong>ms union, havingalready joined the World TradeOrganiz<strong>at</strong>ion.“It’s political petting for the Russiansth<strong>at</strong> he knows th<strong>at</strong> he doesn’t have <strong>to</strong>deliver,” Mr. Lozowy said.In discussions with Mr. Putin broadcas<strong>to</strong>n television, Mr. Yanukovych expressedadmir<strong>at</strong>ion for the government he hasestablished. He stressed the need for a“serious revision” <strong>to</strong> Russian-<strong>Ukrainian</strong>rel<strong>at</strong>ions and for the removal of “artificialbarriers.”He assured Mr. Putin th<strong>at</strong> he will“establish order in the literal and figur<strong>at</strong>ivesense” in <strong>Ukraine</strong>.“<strong>The</strong> Russian people still don’t understandthe price of the stability th<strong>at</strong> existsin Russia,” Mr. Yanukovych said. “If youwere given a few politicos from <strong>Ukraine</strong>,you would understand wh<strong>at</strong> politickingis.”“Send us salo [pork f<strong>at</strong>] instead,” Mr.Putin re<strong>to</strong>rted.

No. 11THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 14, 20109Unloved but unbowed, Vik<strong>to</strong>r Yushchenko leaves officeby Gregory FeiferRFE/RLPART IKYIV – Five years ago, hundreds ofthousands of <strong>Ukrainian</strong>s chanted Vik<strong>to</strong>rYushchenko’s name on Kyiv’s IndependenceSquare during mass protests prompted bywidespread anger over his defe<strong>at</strong> in a riggedpresidential election. Braving snow and temper<strong>at</strong>ureswell below freezing, the demonstra<strong>to</strong>rsset up tents, sang and waved theorange campaign flags th<strong>at</strong> gave their movementits name.On stage, rock bands gave concerts andopposition leaders rallied the crowds.Tensions between the opposition and theauthorities ran high, overshadowed by thepossibility of a violent police crackdown.Mr. Yushchenko promised <strong>to</strong> ensure thelaw would prevail and the election resultswould be overturned. As their struggleplayed out on television screens around theworld, the protesters stayed out day afterday, giving the opposition crucial momentum.It was Mr. Yushchenko’s biggest triumph.<strong>The</strong> Supreme Court annulled the vic<strong>to</strong>ry ofVik<strong>to</strong>r Yanukovych, the pro-Moscow primeminister and chosen successor of hard-linePresident Leonid Kuchma, under whoseregime opposition figures and journalistswere assassin<strong>at</strong>ed. Mr. Yushchenko went on<strong>to</strong> seal the Orange camp’s vic<strong>to</strong>ry by winninga new election.But the man who overcame gre<strong>at</strong> odds <strong>to</strong>lead <strong>Ukraine</strong> during a pivotal time in its his<strong>to</strong>ryleaves a deeply contradic<strong>to</strong>ry legacy.Mr. Yushchenko exits the presidency with<strong>Ukraine</strong> in economic crisis and paralyzed bya bitter political standoff th<strong>at</strong> has <strong>Ukrainian</strong>sdisillusioned and wondering wh<strong>at</strong> theOrange Revolution was all about.Life-and-de<strong>at</strong>h struggleMr. Yushchenko’s Orange Revolutionvic<strong>to</strong>ry was a bre<strong>at</strong>htaking achievement in aformer Soviet republic whose neighbors hadslid back <strong>to</strong>ward authoritarianism. Russiahad campaigned hard for Mr. Yanukovych,but the odds against pro-Western Mr.Yushchenko were far more than merelypolitical.He was fighting for his life and in terriblephysical pain, his handsome face grotesquelydisfigured by a massive dose of dioxinpoison he accused Moscow-backed governmentagents of administering. At times, Mr.Yushchenko was able <strong>to</strong> appear in publiconly because Austrian doc<strong>to</strong>rs had threadeda tube under the skin of his back <strong>to</strong> deliver aconstant flow of painkillers.Oleh Rybachuk ran Mr. Yushchenko’scampaign and l<strong>at</strong>er became his presidentialchief of staff. He says Mr. Yushchenko’spain was “unbearable.”“He was begging doc<strong>to</strong>rs just <strong>to</strong> let himdie,” Mr. Rybachuk says. “<strong>The</strong> doc<strong>to</strong>rsimplanted the strongest painkiller in hisback, but <strong>at</strong> some level they were hesit<strong>at</strong>ing.<strong>The</strong>y were afraid th<strong>at</strong> his heart would s<strong>to</strong>p.<strong>The</strong>refore, they were really balancing on theedge of life and de<strong>at</strong>h.”With Mr. Yushchenko physically unable<strong>to</strong> travel, it was his main ally, YuliaTymoshenko, who did most of the campaigning.<strong>The</strong> fiery ora<strong>to</strong>r adopted her nowfamiliarimage, dressing in glamorous whiteoutfits and wearing her newly blonde hair ina fairy-tale braid crown. Her impassionedappearances c<strong>at</strong>apulted her <strong>to</strong> political stardom,but they also helped ensure Mr.Yushchenko’s vic<strong>to</strong>ry.<strong>The</strong> new president continued <strong>to</strong> suffersearing pain for years. Rybachuk says, inaddition <strong>to</strong> the enormous damage Mr.Yushchenko’s poisoning caused his nervoussystem, it had a tremendous psychologicaleffect on a man with Hollywood goodlooks.“He said many times in public th<strong>at</strong> whenhe woke up in the morning, every time, foryears after th<strong>at</strong>,” he says, “he couldn’t putup with the thought th<strong>at</strong> the reflection hewas seeing was actually himself. For anyone– forget about a public figure or candid<strong>at</strong>efor the presidency – it might <strong>to</strong>tally destroyyour identity, your personality. It affectedhim very seriously.”“First real president”But the man whose pockmarked facebecame the symbol of the fight againstauthoritarianism wasn’t always f<strong>at</strong>ed <strong>to</strong>become an opposition leader. As head of<strong>Ukraine</strong>’s central bank in the 1990s, Mr.Yushchenko was known as a centrist – loyal<strong>to</strong> then-President Kuchma – who ushered ina n<strong>at</strong>ional currency and other reforms th<strong>at</strong>drew praise in the West. After his unexpectedappointment as prime minister in 1999,the former collective-farm accountantrebuffed <strong>at</strong>tempts by some of the country’sfractured opposition <strong>to</strong> become their leader.But Mr. Yushchenko changed his mindafter he was removed from office amid bitteropposition <strong>to</strong> his government’s reformsfrom powerful business oligarchs.After winning the presidency, Mr.Yushchenko called himself <strong>Ukraine</strong>’s “firstreal president.”“We were independent for 14 years, butnot free,” he said <strong>at</strong> the time.<strong>The</strong> new leader vowed <strong>to</strong> <strong>at</strong>tack rampantcorruption, arrest criminals and put <strong>Ukraine</strong>on a p<strong>at</strong>h <strong>to</strong>ward Europe. He urged<strong>Ukrainian</strong>s <strong>to</strong> “roll up our sleeves and workhonestly from morning until night for thiscountry.”But Mr. Yushchenko himself spent mos<strong>to</strong>f his first year in office traveling aroundEuropean capitals receiving awards. Warmlywelcomed in the United St<strong>at</strong>es, which hadquietly backed him during the OrangeRevolution, he was given the rare honor ofQuotable notes“… a Yanukovych presidency is committed <strong>to</strong> the integr<strong>at</strong>ion of European valuesin <strong>Ukraine</strong>. <strong>Ukraine</strong> should make use of its geopolitical advantages andbecome a bridge between Russia and the West. Developing a good rel<strong>at</strong>ionshipwith the West and bridging the gap <strong>to</strong> Russia will help <strong>Ukraine</strong>. We should not beforced <strong>to</strong> make the false choice between the benefits of the East and those of theWest. As president I will endeavor <strong>to</strong> build a bridge between both, not a one-waystreet in either direction. We are a n<strong>at</strong>ion with a European identity, but we havehis<strong>to</strong>ric cultural and economic ties <strong>to</strong> Russia as well. <strong>The</strong> re-establishment ofrel<strong>at</strong>ions with the Russian Feder<strong>at</strong>ion is consistent with our European ambitions.We will rebuild rel<strong>at</strong>ions with Moscow as a str<strong>at</strong>egic economic partner. <strong>The</strong>re isno reason th<strong>at</strong> good rel<strong>at</strong>ions with all of our neighbors cannot be achieved.“…my agenda — <strong>to</strong> res<strong>to</strong>re economic vitality and calm the political turbulenceth<strong>at</strong> has plagued our n<strong>at</strong>ion; <strong>to</strong> enable <strong>Ukraine</strong> <strong>to</strong> take advantage of its n<strong>at</strong>uralpositioning as a thriving bridge between Russia and the West; and finally, <strong>to</strong>prepare a free and open <strong>Ukraine</strong>, economically and politically, <strong>to</strong> join theEuropean Union when the time comes. …”– President-elect Vik<strong>to</strong>r Yanukovych, writing in the February 17 issue of <strong>The</strong>Wall Street Journal, Opinion Europe.addressing a joint session of Congress.Back <strong>at</strong> home, President Yushchenkocultiv<strong>at</strong>ed the image of a p<strong>at</strong>rician, a manwho dressed impeccably – his tie alwaysm<strong>at</strong>ching his pocket square – but whoremained connected <strong>to</strong> the land. He keptbees <strong>at</strong> his “dacha” and was known <strong>to</strong>leave ministers waiting on important m<strong>at</strong>tersof st<strong>at</strong>e while he w<strong>at</strong>ered the plants inhis office.Mr. Rybachuk, who l<strong>at</strong>er became Mr.Yushchenko’s chief of staff, says the presidentcould have used his gre<strong>at</strong> popularity <strong>to</strong>carry out desper<strong>at</strong>ely needed reforms.“He could have done anything,” Mr.Rybachuk says. “He could have changedthe constitution, called for early parliamentaryelections if he had used th<strong>at</strong> peak of hispopularity for the <strong>to</strong>p priorities for the country.But wh<strong>at</strong> actually happened was th<strong>at</strong> thebest time of his presidency was almostwasted.”Tymoshenko obsessionAlmost immedi<strong>at</strong>ely after his election,Mr. Yushchenko became mired in infightingwith Ms. Tymoshenko, whom he hadnamed prime minister. He fired her inSeptember 2005, after she had set pricecaps on basic goods and demanded the repriv<strong>at</strong>iz<strong>at</strong>ionof st<strong>at</strong>e assets, which promptedaccus<strong>at</strong>ions of populism and authoritarianism.<strong>The</strong> first public clash between PresidentYushchenko and his most important allyushered in a bitter five-year standoff. Mr.Rybachuk says it also ended Mr.Yushchenko’s vital political role of a uniterwho’d brought <strong>Ukraine</strong>’s fractious opposition<strong>to</strong>gether. No longer allied with thewoman <strong>Ukrainian</strong>s saw as an integral par<strong>to</strong>f the Orange duo, Mr. Yushchenko saw hispopularity plummet.Mr. Rybachuk says he soon developedan obsession with undermining Ms.Tymoshenko th<strong>at</strong> bordered on the “paranoiac.”“Ms. Tymoshenko became his only subject,”Mr. Rybachuk says.But Mr. Yushchenko’s criticism onlyadded <strong>to</strong> Ms. Tymoshenko’s popularity. Italso helped open the way for Mr.Yanukovych, the villain of the OrangeRevolution, <strong>to</strong> emerge from political exile<strong>to</strong> take up the role of opposition leader.After parliamentary elections in 2006gave Ms. Tymoshenko’s political bloc farmore votes than Mr. Yushchenko’s party, heres<strong>to</strong>red Mr. Yanukovych as prime minister,joining forces with his old foe r<strong>at</strong>her thanseeing Ms. Tymoshenko return <strong>to</strong> power.Th<strong>at</strong>, <strong>to</strong>o, backfired.Mr. Yushchenko dismissed Mr.Yanukovych only months l<strong>at</strong>er, accusinghim of trying <strong>to</strong> usurp power.Ms. Tymoshenko made even gre<strong>at</strong>eradvances in the next round of snap elections,this time leaving Mr. Yushchenkowith no option but <strong>to</strong> agree <strong>to</strong> join her ina new Orange coalition. Still, he objected.Dmitry Vydrin, then a close adviser <strong>to</strong>Ms. Tymoshenko, says Mr. Yushchenkodisappeared during the negoti<strong>at</strong>ions.“Ms. Tymoshenko was calling himevery five minutes,” Mr. Mr. Vydrin says.“It turns out he was <strong>at</strong> his dacha with hismobile phone switched off, turning overmint leaves drying in the sun. Th<strong>at</strong> wasmore important for him than the coalition.”“Mint represents the eternal for Mr.Yushchenko, the soul,” Vydrin says. “<strong>The</strong>coalition was just temporary.”<strong>The</strong> article above is reprinted fromEurasia Daily Moni<strong>to</strong>r with permissionfrom its publisher, the James<strong>to</strong>wnFound<strong>at</strong>ion, www.james<strong>to</strong>wn.org.

10THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 14, 2010No. 11Rada forms new CabinetAfter approving Mykola Azarov as prime minister of <strong>Ukraine</strong>, the VerkhovnaRada on March 11 appointed a new government. Ukrinform reported the followingcomposition of the Cabinet of Ministers.First Vice Prime Minister Andriy KliuyevVice Prime Minister Borys KolesnikovVice Prime Minister Volodymyr SemynozhenkoVice Prime Minister Volodymyr SivkovychVice Prime Minister Vik<strong>to</strong>r SlautaVice Prime Minister Sergey TigipkoVice Prime Minister Vik<strong>to</strong>r TikhonovEnvironmental Protection Minister Vik<strong>to</strong>r BoikoFuel and Energy Minister Yurii BoikoTransport and Communic<strong>at</strong>ions Minister Kostiantyn YefimenkoIndustrial Policy Minister Dmytro KolesnikovCulture and Tourism Minister Mykhailo KuliniakaJustice Minister Oleksander LavrynovychHealth Minister Zynovii MytnykInternal Affairs Minister Ana<strong>to</strong>li MohiliovLabor and Social Policy Minister Vasyl NadrahaHousing and Public Utilities Minister Oleksander PopovAgrarian Policy Minister Mykhailo PrysiazhniukMinister for Families, Youth and Sports Ravil SafiullinEduc<strong>at</strong>ion Minister Dmytro TabachnykMinister of the Cabinet of Ministers Ana<strong>to</strong>lii Tols<strong>to</strong>ukhovEconomy Minister Vasyl TsushkoFinance Minister Fedir YaroshenkoRegional Development Minister Volodymyr Y<strong>at</strong>subaCoal Industry Minister Yurii YaschenkoEmergencies Minister Nes<strong>to</strong>r ShufrychForeign Affairs Minister Kostyantyn GryshchenkoDefense Minister Mykhailo YezhelTo subscribe <strong>to</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>Ukrainian</strong> <strong>Weekly</strong>, call 973-292-9800, ext. 3042Changing the rules...(Continued from page 1)Self-Defense faction, which consists of asmany as 15 groups th<strong>at</strong> were negoti<strong>at</strong>ingsepar<strong>at</strong>ely and making their owndemands.Upon opening the March 11 parliamentarysession, Verkhovna RadaChairman Volodymyr Lytvyn declaredth<strong>at</strong> the Stability and Reforms Coalitionhad been formed by the Party of Regions,the Communist Party of <strong>Ukraine</strong>, theLytvyn Bloc, four rogue deputies and 17defecting deputies from the Tymoshenkoand Our <strong>Ukraine</strong> blocs.Critics of the coalition derisivelydubbed it the “Koalitsiya Tushok,” or“Coalition of Animal Carcasses,” referring<strong>to</strong> the rogue deputies who were<strong>to</strong>ssed from their factions and, in theory<strong>at</strong> least, aren’t supposed <strong>to</strong> influenceevents in Parliament.With the amendment, the revised lawon parliamentary rules of procedurest<strong>at</strong>es, “<strong>The</strong> coalition of deputies’ factionsin the Verkhovna Rada is formed by theelection results and on the basis ofagreed-upon political positions and on thebasis – established by the Constitutionand these rules of procedure – of unific<strong>at</strong>ionof deputies’ factions, n<strong>at</strong>ional deputies[edi<strong>to</strong>r’s note: the legisl<strong>at</strong>ion insertsthe words “n<strong>at</strong>ional deputies”], in<strong>to</strong> whichthe majority of n<strong>at</strong>ional deputies from theVerkhovna Rada’s constitutional compositionenter.”Yet, Kyiv political expert and lawyerIvan Lozowy said the law must conform<strong>to</strong> the Constitution. In this case, the lawviol<strong>at</strong>es both its letter and its intent.<strong>The</strong> procedural amendment of the regul<strong>at</strong>ionswas unprecedented since the constitutionalchanges th<strong>at</strong> <strong>to</strong>ok effect inJanuary 2006, requiring factions <strong>to</strong> formcoalitions. (Elected parties or blocs ofparties au<strong>to</strong>m<strong>at</strong>ically assume the st<strong>at</strong>us offactions, from which deputies can’t leaveor switch over based on an imper<strong>at</strong>ivemand<strong>at</strong>e.)Throughout his difficulties in dealingwith the governments led by PrimeMinisters Yanukovych and Tymoshenko,President Yushchenko never resorted <strong>to</strong>sidestepping the constitutionally establishedrules.Outraged by the maneuver, the formerpresident called for a n<strong>at</strong>ional “defiance”<strong>to</strong> the coalition.Lawyers from the Tymoshenko Bloc,as well as N<strong>at</strong>ional Deputy ArseniyY<strong>at</strong>senyuk, said they will appeal the proceduralchanges in the ConstitutionalCourt of <strong>Ukraine</strong>.Mr. Lozowy said the court isn’t likely<strong>to</strong> overturn the legisl<strong>at</strong>ion, regardless ofhow egregiously it fails <strong>to</strong> conform <strong>to</strong> theConstitution.“<strong>The</strong> courts are like hired prostitutes,used and abused for so long th<strong>at</strong> they’llagree <strong>to</strong> anything, including flagrant viol<strong>at</strong>ionsof the Constitution,” he said.“<strong>The</strong>y’re paid well, particularly in situ<strong>at</strong>ionslike this.”After Mr. Lytvyn announced the newcoalition, its members voted <strong>to</strong> approvethe new Cabinet of Ministers.<strong>The</strong>y mustered 242 votes <strong>to</strong> elect as<strong>Ukraine</strong>’s new prime minister MykolaAzarov, the geologist-turned-accountantwho served as first vice prime minister inthe 2006-2007 Cabinet led by PrimeMinister Yanukovych.He got his political debut in Kyiv servingas chair of <strong>Ukraine</strong>’s St<strong>at</strong>e TaxAdministr<strong>at</strong>ion between 1996 and 2002,during which he drafted a no<strong>to</strong>rious taxcode th<strong>at</strong> was used <strong>to</strong> persecute governmen<strong>to</strong>pponents, observers said.<strong>The</strong> phrase “Azarovschyna” emergedin early 2004 when Mr. Azarov served asfirst vice prime minister and finance minister<strong>to</strong> Prime Minister Yanukovych. Itwas coined by N<strong>at</strong>ional Deputy InnaBohoslovska <strong>to</strong> denote “disdain for one’sown country’s citizens and dislike<strong>to</strong>wards <strong>Ukraine</strong> itself.”Mr. Azarov had persecuted, dismissedand ruined numerous government opponentsby then, including opposition public<strong>at</strong>ionsand politicians such as Ms.Tymoshenko, through his access <strong>to</strong> variousgovernment levers.Ms. Tymoshenko has begun using theterm “Azarovschyna” in her <strong>at</strong>tacks ont h e Ya n u k o v y c h g o v e r n m e n t .“Azarovschyna is the disposal of budgetaryfunds as your own, with large kickbacks,”Ms. Tymoshenko said in earlyFebruary.“Azarovschyna is the complete disregardfor the law, including tax viol<strong>at</strong>ions.Azarovschyna is the first time in<strong>Ukrainian</strong> his<strong>to</strong>ry th<strong>at</strong> minimum wageswere lowered <strong>to</strong> the base indica<strong>to</strong>rs forpension payments. Th<strong>at</strong>’s wh<strong>at</strong> happenedin 2003 and 2004.”<strong>The</strong> third-place finisher in <strong>Ukraine</strong>’spresidential election, Sergey Tigipko,agreed <strong>to</strong> become a vice prime minister inthe new government.Meanwhile, <strong>Ukraine</strong>’s opposition willconsist of two separ<strong>at</strong>e forces – those partiesled by the Tymoshenko Bloc andthose parties led by Mr. Yushchenko.Visit our archive online:www.ukrweekly.comMission St<strong>at</strong>ement<strong>The</strong> <strong>Ukrainian</strong> N<strong>at</strong>ional Associ<strong>at</strong>ion exists:• <strong>to</strong> promote the principles of fr<strong>at</strong>ernalism;• <strong>to</strong> preserve the <strong>Ukrainian</strong>, <strong>Ukrainian</strong> American and<strong>Ukrainian</strong> Canadian heritage and culture; and• <strong>to</strong> provide quality financial services and products<strong>to</strong> its members.As a fr<strong>at</strong>ernal insurance society, the <strong>Ukrainian</strong> N<strong>at</strong>ionalAssoci<strong>at</strong>ion reinvests its earnings for the benefit of itsmembers and the <strong>Ukrainian</strong> community.

No. 11THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 14, 201011Students from <strong>Ukraine</strong> spend two weeks in the United St<strong>at</strong>esby Yulia MoroziukNEW YORK – Five teenagers fromcentral and eastern <strong>Ukraine</strong> spent the firsttwo weeks of the <strong>New</strong> Year with<strong>Ukrainian</strong> American families in the northeasternUnited St<strong>at</strong>es thanks <strong>to</strong> a newprogram called SDI American Winter.Conceived and <strong>promoted</strong> by the SocialDevelopment Institute Inc. of <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong>,and its president, Michael Kazarenko, an<strong>at</strong>ive of Donetsk in eastern <strong>Ukraine</strong>, theprogram enabled five students from<strong>Ukrainian</strong> schools in Krama<strong>to</strong>rsk andKyiv <strong>to</strong> be invited <strong>to</strong> spend the first twoweeks of January with <strong>Ukrainian</strong>American host families.Sofiya Lukyanchuk, 16, NadiyaRokytyanska, 16, and OleksanderVasiliev, 16, from Krama<strong>to</strong>rsk particip<strong>at</strong>edin the program as winners of the PetroJacyk Intern<strong>at</strong>ional <strong>Ukrainian</strong> LanguageCompetition; while the Syroduk sisters,Uliana, 17, and N<strong>at</strong>alia, 14, of Kyiv wererecognized for their talents in, respectively,singing and painting.<strong>The</strong> young <strong>Ukrainian</strong>s spent their timein <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong>, <strong>New</strong> Jersey and theWashing<strong>to</strong>n area, in Falls Church andVienna, Va., and Laurel, Md., residingwith the Reuter, Olson, Graves andBrandafi families. <strong>The</strong>ir travel <strong>to</strong> the U.S.was facilit<strong>at</strong>ed by <strong>Ukraine</strong>’s Consul<strong>at</strong>eGeneral in <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong>, Consul GeneralSerhiy Pohoreltsev and Consul BohdanMovchan.Bridging the gapWhile western <strong>Ukrainian</strong>s are closelyacquainted with European and Americanlifestyles and thinking, many citizens inthe central, eastern, and especially southernregions of <strong>Ukraine</strong> continue <strong>to</strong> thinkof the United St<strong>at</strong>es in terms of stereotypes<strong>promoted</strong> by various mass media.At the same time, in the most Russifiedterri<strong>to</strong>ries of the east and south, western<strong>Ukrainian</strong>s are often considered <strong>to</strong> be“hostile” <strong>to</strong>wards the east.Represent<strong>at</strong>ives of the <strong>Ukrainian</strong>diaspora in the United St<strong>at</strong>es suggested anew program for <strong>Ukrainian</strong> youth th<strong>at</strong>was designed <strong>to</strong> help bridge the gap,counter these stereotypes and build dialogue.“We invited a girl from eastern <strong>Ukraine</strong>not only <strong>to</strong> show her American life, but <strong>to</strong>show her the life of <strong>Ukrainian</strong>s inAmerica. Above all, we wanted her <strong>to</strong>know th<strong>at</strong> there are <strong>Ukrainian</strong>s outside of<strong>Ukraine</strong> who keep the traditions, languageand culture even in mixed-heritagecouples. My husband is American, but helearns <strong>Ukrainian</strong>, already sings our liturgyfrom memory, and tries <strong>to</strong> speak with ourson only in <strong>Ukrainian</strong>,” said IrynaYasynska-Graves.Nadiya Rokytyanska confessed th<strong>at</strong>Marta L. Kowalczyk-Reuter bids farewell<strong>to</strong> Sofiya Lukyanchuk fromKrama<strong>to</strong>rsk, <strong>Ukraine</strong>.before this trip she had been writing in<strong>Ukrainian</strong> for two years, but <strong>to</strong> speak inher n<strong>at</strong>ive <strong>Ukrainian</strong> language in completelyRussian-speaking surroundingsseemed <strong>to</strong> her <strong>to</strong> be unrealistic. “And nowin the U.S., I feel as if I visited western<strong>Ukraine</strong>. Among rel<strong>at</strong>ives of Mrs. Gravesthere were Sichovi Striltsi [<strong>Ukrainian</strong>Sich Riflemen] and soldiers of the UPA[<strong>Ukrainian</strong> Insurgent Army], about whomshe <strong>to</strong>ld me a lot,” Nadiya commented.Program’s beginnings<strong>The</strong> genesis of this unique program canbe traced <strong>to</strong> the <strong>Ukrainian</strong> AmericanYouth Associ<strong>at</strong>ion’s School of <strong>Ukrainian</strong>Studies in <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City. Five years agothe school community initi<strong>at</strong>ed a programfor youths of <strong>Ukrainian</strong> descent <strong>to</strong> studythe <strong>Ukrainian</strong> language, his<strong>to</strong>ry and culture<strong>at</strong> the N<strong>at</strong>ional University of KyivMohyla Academy (KMA) in <strong>Ukraine</strong>.This was an intense immersion and studyprogram, with four weeks of classroomwork and multiple cultural excursions. Itwas also an inclusive program, open <strong>to</strong>any American, Canadian, Australian orEuropean student of <strong>Ukrainian</strong> heritagewho sought a learning-by-immersionexperience.<strong>The</strong> Social Development Institute, anot-for-profit charitable organiz<strong>at</strong>ionfounded in 2007, has been collectingfunds so th<strong>at</strong> American students couldparticip<strong>at</strong>e in this program <strong>at</strong> reducedcost.Last summer Mr. Kazarenko becameacquainted with Marta Kowalczyk-Reuter, who along with her daughter,Melanie, <strong>at</strong>tended the KMA SummerProgram. L<strong>at</strong>er th<strong>at</strong> year, after the SDIAmerican Winter program was established,it was necessary <strong>to</strong> loc<strong>at</strong>e hostfamilies willing <strong>to</strong> provide a memorableexperience for the visiting students. Mrs.Reuter was particularly successful inidentifying host families from theWashing<strong>to</strong>n area.Mrs. Reuter was born in the UnitedSt<strong>at</strong>es <strong>to</strong> an ethnically mixed family longsepar<strong>at</strong>ed from the terri<strong>to</strong>ry of presentday<strong>Ukraine</strong>. Her f<strong>at</strong>her was born inKrakow, Poland, in<strong>to</strong> the Lemko-<strong>Ukrainian</strong> community th<strong>at</strong> suffered a highdegree of Poloniz<strong>at</strong>ion between the twoworld wars and afterwards the forcedresettlement of Akcja Wisla. Her motheris German, not <strong>Ukrainian</strong>. Mrs. Reuterlearned <strong>Ukrainian</strong> well enough <strong>to</strong> becomea teacher of <strong>Ukrainian</strong> as a second languagein the Washing<strong>to</strong>n-area School of<strong>Ukrainian</strong> Studies.Mrs. Reuter’s guest in January wasSofiya Lukyanchuk. “Although my f<strong>at</strong>heralways speaks only in <strong>Ukrainian</strong>, I began<strong>to</strong> follow his example only two monthsbefore coming <strong>to</strong> the U.S., confessedSofiya. “It seemed <strong>to</strong> me th<strong>at</strong> I spokeRussian before, because I loved th<strong>at</strong> language.However, when I was in theSt<strong>at</strong>es, all the <strong>Ukrainian</strong> friends of theReuters were surprised th<strong>at</strong> in the Donbaspeople spoke <strong>Ukrainian</strong> so well. I unders<strong>to</strong>odthen th<strong>at</strong>, during all those years,despite having a mother <strong>to</strong>ngue, I wasusing a foreign one. Now I do not want <strong>to</strong>be considered a Russified <strong>Ukrainian</strong>.”Each host family planned an ambitiousagenda according <strong>to</strong> the preferences oftheir young guests. For example, Sofiyahad an opportunity <strong>to</strong> study for a week <strong>at</strong>an American high school <strong>to</strong>gether withMelanie Reuter. <strong>The</strong> two girls are similarin age and both <strong>at</strong>tend the ninth grade.“Most children from eastern <strong>Ukraine</strong>have never been in its western regions,and vice-versa, and th<strong>at</strong> is why they areafraid of each other,” noted N<strong>at</strong>alyaOlson, whose guest was OleksanderVasiliev. “If only more <strong>Ukrainian</strong>s sawhow American people of different n<strong>at</strong>ionalitiesand religions live alongside eachStudents from <strong>Ukraine</strong> (from left, beginning with second from left) N<strong>at</strong>aliyaSydoruk, Uliana Sydoruk, Oleksander Vasiliev, Nadiya Rokytyanska and SofiyaLukyanchuk, with N<strong>at</strong>alia Brandafi (left) and Melanie Reuter (right) from theirhost families in the United St<strong>at</strong>es.other, how they learned <strong>to</strong> respect eachother, <strong>to</strong> live <strong>to</strong>gether, <strong>to</strong> work <strong>to</strong>gether.”Mrs. Olson offered Oleksander theopportunity <strong>to</strong> visit her parents, who livein Ivano-Frankisvk, western <strong>Ukraine</strong>.<strong>The</strong>y will gladly show him theCarp<strong>at</strong>hians during the summer.According <strong>to</strong> Mrs. Olson, “As these studentsshare their personal experiences,they will find th<strong>at</strong> this is the best way <strong>to</strong>move beyond stereotypes.”Supporters of the programMoney for airline tickets and medicalinsurance for the <strong>Ukrainian</strong> students wasdon<strong>at</strong>ed by <strong>Ukrainian</strong> immigrants <strong>to</strong> theU.S. Many of them came as displacedpersons after World War II, while otherscame more recently as students or as economicrefugees. Many eventually earnedpositions of responsibility in Americancorpor<strong>at</strong>ions. “<strong>The</strong>y are working, gettingused <strong>to</strong> American life, but don’t forgetabout their motherland,” Mr. Kazarenkounderscored.Almost all the donors were born in thewestern areas of <strong>Ukraine</strong>, and have noconnections <strong>to</strong> the Donbas. Wh<strong>at</strong> influencedthem <strong>to</strong> support this project?One of the sponsors answered: “Myunderstanding is th<strong>at</strong> a degree of<strong>Ukrainian</strong> proficiency is required of thestudent participants in the program. Thisprobably puts them in a very uncomfortableposition where they live. Somereward and encouragement <strong>to</strong> such studentsis appropri<strong>at</strong>e.”Some of the financial sponsors’ originaldon<strong>at</strong>ions were m<strong>at</strong>ched by the companieswhere they work. Support was alsoprovided by the Jersey City, N.J., branchof Selfreliance <strong>Ukrainian</strong> American(Continued on page 24)

No. 11THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 14, 201013A 50th birthday: Writer Yuri Andrukhovych, p<strong>at</strong>riarch of Bu-Ba-Buby Michael M. NaydanUNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. – On March13, Yuri Andrukhovych, p<strong>at</strong>riarch ofBu-Ba-Bu, turns a fabulous 50.If you somehow happen <strong>to</strong> be unawareof the phenomenon of Bu-Ba-Bu (the firstsyllables of the words meaning burlesquesideshow-buffoonery),it is the extraordinarilypopular and innov<strong>at</strong>ive avant-gardeliterary performance group th<strong>at</strong> Mr.Andrukhovych cre<strong>at</strong>ed in 1985 alongwith the poet Vik<strong>to</strong>r Neborak and thecomedic writer Oleksander Irvanets.<strong>The</strong> group helped <strong>to</strong> transform the<strong>Ukrainian</strong> literary scene by <strong>at</strong>tracting anentirely new gener<strong>at</strong>ion of young andyoung-<strong>at</strong>-heart <strong>Ukrainian</strong>s <strong>to</strong> a new<strong>Ukrainian</strong> liter<strong>at</strong>ure th<strong>at</strong> was free, inventive,wild and most of all – fun.It was a liter<strong>at</strong>ure th<strong>at</strong> was linked <strong>to</strong>popular rock groups such as PlachYeremiyi (Jeremiah’s Cry) and MertvyiPiven (Dead Rooster), who turned worksby the Bu-Ba-Bu writers in<strong>to</strong> extremelypopular songs, and <strong>to</strong> artists such asYurko Kox, Volodya Kaufman andVolodymyr Kostyrko, who <strong>to</strong>ok part inmulti-media performance-events,designed book covers, penned illustr<strong>at</strong>ionsand cre<strong>at</strong>ed paintings in a carnivalizingstyle th<strong>at</strong> playfully interacted withthe works and irreverent <strong>at</strong>titude ofBu-Ba-Bu. It was a liter<strong>at</strong>ure of performancefor ever-increasing crowds ofadmirers. Bu-Bu-Ba’s height of popularityculmin<strong>at</strong>ed in the Chrysler Imperialmulti-media “happening” <strong>at</strong> the LvivOpera House in 1992 staged by Mr.Kaufman.<strong>The</strong> essence of Bu-Ba-Bu and theBu-Ba-Bu gener<strong>at</strong>ion was the expressionof aesthetic freedom – freedom fromoppressive government controls over thearts and liter<strong>at</strong>ure, as well as freedomfrom having <strong>to</strong> conform <strong>to</strong> the conserv<strong>at</strong>ive<strong>Ukrainian</strong> literary past. <strong>The</strong> call was<strong>to</strong> reinvent, re-energize and modernize<strong>Ukrainian</strong> liter<strong>at</strong>ure as something moreuniversal th<strong>at</strong> was <strong>at</strong>tuned better <strong>to</strong> wh<strong>at</strong>was happening throughout the world. <strong>The</strong>call has been heeded and, in fact, hasturned out <strong>to</strong> be gre<strong>at</strong>ly influential onother writers and the reading public in<strong>Ukraine</strong>.T h i s w r i t e r h a s k n o w n M r.Andrukhovych for 17 years and I hadread some of his works before we met. Ifirst encountered him after a literary evening<strong>at</strong> the Lviv Philharmonic during theWorld Congress of <strong>Ukrainian</strong> Studies inLviv in 1993. Oksana Zabuzhko introducedme <strong>to</strong> him, as well as <strong>to</strong> the poetMr. Neborak. I bought an au<strong>to</strong>graphedcopy of Mr. Neborak’s ground-breakingcollection “<strong>The</strong> Flying Head” then, whichI eventually published in English transl<strong>at</strong>ionnearly a dozen years l<strong>at</strong>er.While our first encounter was pleasantbut very brief <strong>at</strong> the Philharmonic, Yuriand I were <strong>to</strong> meet in subsequent yearsmany times both in <strong>Ukraine</strong> and in theU.S. I l<strong>at</strong>er was <strong>to</strong> publish several of hispoems and his novel “Perverzion” in myEnglish transl<strong>at</strong>ions.Yuri spent 10 months <strong>at</strong> my university(Penn St<strong>at</strong>e) in 2000-2001 on a FulbrightGrant with his wife, Nina, and their twothen teenage children, Sophia and Taras.Sophia herself has since become a prosewriter of note. Yuri was invaluable <strong>to</strong> meboth as a friend and as a helpful resourcefor me, and I would say th<strong>at</strong> on occasionhe even acted as a co-conspira<strong>to</strong>r in mytransl<strong>at</strong>ion of his brilliant but extremelycomplic<strong>at</strong>ed novel Perverzion, whichcame out in 2005 with NorthwesternUniversity Press. I document some of ourcollabor<strong>at</strong>ion on the transl<strong>at</strong>ion in my2003 article published in Yale Journal ofCriticism, “Transl<strong>at</strong>ing a Novel’s Novelty:Yuri Andrukhovych’s ‘Perverzion’ inEnglish.”Together with my ac<strong>to</strong>r friend MichaelBernosky, Yuri and I also performed numerousbilingual public readings of excerptsfrom the novel and his poetry throughoutthe U.S. and Canada. We currently haveplans <strong>to</strong> cre<strong>at</strong>e a CD of dram<strong>at</strong>ic readingsfrom the novel in English with Yuri’s authorialintroductions and with improvis<strong>at</strong>ionalmusical accompaniment. This, we hope,will help serve as a kind of guide for readers<strong>to</strong> show them how <strong>to</strong> read the novel as aperform<strong>at</strong>ive text.Mr. Andrukhovych has always <strong>promoted</strong>a Western, European orient<strong>at</strong>ion for<strong>Ukrainian</strong> liter<strong>at</strong>ure, and has been anextraordinary ambassador for <strong>Ukrainian</strong>culture, traveling throughout Europe andbecoming particularly popular in neighboringPoland and the German-speakingcountries. His excellent speaking skills inPolish, German, Russian and Englishallow him <strong>to</strong> communic<strong>at</strong>e directly withdiverse audiences. Many of his writingshave been transl<strong>at</strong>ed in<strong>to</strong> English,German, French, Italian, Czech, Russian,Polish, Serbian, Bulgarian, Finnish andother languages.<strong>The</strong> positive reception of Yuri and hisworks can be <strong>at</strong>tested <strong>to</strong> by his frequentinvit<strong>at</strong>ions <strong>to</strong> be a writer in residence inGermany, Austria and Switzerland, as wellas by his numerous European literary prizes,including the Herder Prize (2001), theErich Maria Remarque Prize (2005), theLeipzig Book Fair Prize for EuropeanUnderstanding (2006) and the AngelusPrize (2006). Mr. Andrukhovych twice hasYuri Andrukhovych in his home in Ivano-Frankivsk in March 2007.delivered invited lectures <strong>to</strong> the EuropeanParliament and continues <strong>to</strong> be a thoughtfuland articul<strong>at</strong>e voice for the <strong>Ukrainian</strong>n<strong>at</strong>ion, although he would be the first <strong>to</strong>insist on his right <strong>to</strong> aesthetic freedom and<strong>to</strong> express wh<strong>at</strong> he feels he must write andsay, <strong>to</strong> be a citizen of the world.While some of the more conserv<strong>at</strong>iveelements in <strong>Ukrainian</strong> culture have criticizedMr. Andrukhovych for his use ofsca<strong>to</strong>logical language and candid depictionsof sex in his works, he has been able<strong>to</strong> help reinvigor<strong>at</strong>e the <strong>Ukrainian</strong> literarylanguage and <strong>to</strong> draw an extraordinaryamount of <strong>at</strong>tention <strong>to</strong> <strong>Ukrainian</strong> liter<strong>at</strong>ureand <strong>to</strong> bring it in<strong>to</strong> dialogue with thecontemporary world. As many writers,Yuri began as a poet. His poetry collectionsinclude “<strong>The</strong> Sky and City Squares”(1985), “Down<strong>to</strong>wn” (1989), “ExoticBirds and Plants” (1991), “Exotic Birdsand Plants with ‘India’ Added” (1997)with imagin<strong>at</strong>ive illustr<strong>at</strong>ions by YurkoIzdryk, and “Songs for a Dead Rooster”(2004). Many of his poems are even morepopular as songs, such as “<strong>The</strong> Griffin”and “<strong>The</strong> Viper” by Plach Yeremiyi.He also has transl<strong>at</strong>ed in<strong>to</strong> <strong>Ukrainian</strong>the poems of American Be<strong>at</strong> and <strong>New</strong><strong>York</strong> School poets th<strong>at</strong> came out in thevolume “<strong>The</strong> Day Lady Day Died”(2006). (Lady Day was the nickname forthe prominent jazz singer Billie Holliday).He also transl<strong>at</strong>ed Shakespeare’s Hamletin<strong>to</strong> <strong>Ukrainian</strong>, which had gre<strong>at</strong> successon the <strong>Ukrainian</strong> stage and was publishedin 2008.Mr. Andrukhovych is perhaps bestknown as a prose writer and novelist. Hisfirst prose public<strong>at</strong>ions included a cycleof realistic short s<strong>to</strong>ries on Soviet militarylife, “To the Left Where the Heart Is”(1989), which was followed by“Recre<strong>at</strong>ions” (1992), “<strong>The</strong> Moscoviad”(1993), “Perverzion” (1996), “TwelveRings” (2003) and the largely au<strong>to</strong>biographical“A Mystery: Instead of aNovel” (2007). (“Recre<strong>at</strong>ions” is availablein Mark Pavlyshyn’s transl<strong>at</strong>ion,“<strong>The</strong> Moscoviad” in Vitaly Chernetsky’s,and “Perverzion” in my transl<strong>at</strong>ion.“<strong>The</strong> Moscoviad” is a biting s<strong>at</strong>ire ofthe last throes of the crumbling Sovietempire as experienced by the <strong>Ukrainian</strong>poet Ot<strong>to</strong> von F. in its Moscow capital.“Perverzion” <strong>to</strong> my mind remains themost imagin<strong>at</strong>ive and brilliantly writtenof his novels, though it is not particularlyeasy for the casual reader. It is also themost playful of his works, though it doesdeal with quite serious philosophicalquestions such as good vs. evil, mortalityand immortality, and love. When I teachthe novel <strong>to</strong> students, I often compare itsinherent complexity and multiplicity ofnarr<strong>at</strong>ive voices <strong>to</strong> James Joyce’s“Ulysses.”Yuri invariably links his transition frompoetry <strong>to</strong> prose by always depicting poetsas the main heroes of his novels. BohdanIhor An<strong>to</strong>nych, for example, provides themodel for “Twelve Rings.” At times Mr.Andrukhovych even includes poems in hisprose texts. <strong>The</strong> style of his writing is elegantand often times poetic. He has a penchantfor using a gre<strong>at</strong> amount of irony,parody, wit and verbal play in his writings.<strong>The</strong>se all comprise common characteristicsof post-modernist writing.Mr. Andrukhovych has also made enormouscontributions <strong>to</strong> <strong>Ukrainian</strong> culturein the genre of the essay, focusing in largepart on Halychyna and the Austro-Hungarian Empire, as well as on thereturn of <strong>Ukraine</strong> back <strong>to</strong> its Europeanroots. His collections of essays includeDr. Michael M. Naydan is WoskobFamily Professor of <strong>Ukrainian</strong> Studiesand professor of Slavic languages andliter<strong>at</strong>ures <strong>at</strong> <strong>The</strong> Pennsylvania St<strong>at</strong>eUniversity. (Continued on page 18)On the streets of Lviv spring 1999 (from left): Vik<strong>to</strong>r Neborak, Volodya Kaufmanand Yuri Andrukhovych.Yuri Andrukhovych with the members of Mertvyi Piven just before a book present<strong>at</strong>ionand performance <strong>at</strong> Hn<strong>at</strong> Khotkevych Palace of Culture in Lviv inApril 2007.


No. 11THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 14, 201015Dumka Chorus prepares <strong>to</strong> celebr<strong>at</strong>e its 60th anniversaryby Helen SmindakSpecial <strong>to</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>Ukrainian</strong> <strong>Weekly</strong>NEW YORK – <strong>The</strong> sound of a mixedchorus singing a capella in Old ChurchSlavonic swelled <strong>to</strong> a crescendo, hushed <strong>to</strong> awhisper, then rose again, carrying the gloriousnotes of a sacred concer<strong>to</strong> by DmytroBortniansky through the lower halls of St.George Church in the East Village.Conduc<strong>to</strong>r Vasyl Hrechynsky lowered hishands, and the men and women of the50-voice Dumka Chorus s<strong>at</strong> back in theirchairs, enjoying a few moments of convers<strong>at</strong>ionbefore the conduc<strong>to</strong>r’s brisk handclapcalled them back <strong>to</strong> rehearsal mode. “Nowlet’s try [Andriy] Hn<strong>at</strong>yshyn’s kolomyika,”he called out. With tenors Oleh Kukil andBorys Kekish as soloists, the ensembleswung in<strong>to</strong> the exuberant dance music of theCarp<strong>at</strong>hian Mountains’ Hutsul region.It was a wintry Sunday afternoon, a timewhen most people were enjoying a quietfamily g<strong>at</strong>hering, w<strong>at</strong>ching televisedOlympic Games, or clearing snow-ladenwalks and driveways. For the members of<strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong>’s <strong>Ukrainian</strong> Chorus Dumka, itwas a four-hour span of practicing <strong>Ukrainian</strong>folk songs, sacred music and excerpts fromoper<strong>at</strong>ic works, honing their voices in prepar<strong>at</strong>ionfor a miles<strong>to</strong>ne event – Dumka’s 60thanniversary concert, scheduled for March 28<strong>at</strong> the prestigious Merkin Hall on the peripheryof Lincoln Center.Preparing for this significant occasion,two branches of the chorus came <strong>to</strong>gether <strong>to</strong>blend voices as a single unit. <strong>New</strong> Jerseymembers, who meet for Wednesday nightrehearsals <strong>at</strong> the <strong>Ukrainian</strong> OrthodoxCultural Center in South Bound Brook, N.J.,joined the main force, which g<strong>at</strong>hers forrehearsals on Friday evenings <strong>at</strong> the spaciousDumka quarters in the St. George<strong>Ukrainian</strong> C<strong>at</strong>holic Church complex.Music and camaraderieAs singers mingled around a food-ladenbuffet table during a refreshing luncheonbreak, brothers Ronald and Paul Liteplo saidth<strong>at</strong> a gr<strong>at</strong>ifying combin<strong>at</strong>ion of music andcamaraderie has kept them in Dumka’sranks for over 20 years – and they don’t plan<strong>to</strong> retire just yet.Bari<strong>to</strong>ne Volodymyr Kornaha, a memberof the choir of Holy Cross <strong>Ukrainian</strong>C<strong>at</strong>holic Church in As<strong>to</strong>ria, Queens,declared “I absolutely love singing,” <strong>to</strong>explain why he’s been <strong>at</strong>tending Dumkarehearsals and performances without pause,also for more than 20 years, like 18 otherchorus members who have dedic<strong>at</strong>ed morethan two decades of service <strong>to</strong> Dumka.“Most of our members sing in churchchoirs,” said Ihor Jadlicky, former Dumkapresident. “<strong>The</strong> men and women whobelong <strong>to</strong> our chorus come from <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong>City’s five boroughs, from <strong>to</strong>wns in <strong>New</strong>Jersey, and even from as far away asYonkers and Tarry<strong>to</strong>wn north of <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong>,as well as Connecticut. Many of them spendcountless hours <strong>to</strong> get <strong>to</strong> a rehearsal, and justas long <strong>to</strong> return home – but their commitment<strong>to</strong> Dumka is unshakeable.”He said some of Dumka’s male membersgained their early vocal training with theYoung Dumka Chorus, which was active inthe 1950s.Mr. Hrechynsky, who has served asDumka’s conduc<strong>to</strong>r and music direc<strong>to</strong>r for19 years, is seen as the linchpin th<strong>at</strong> keepsthe chorus on track and in perfect pitch. Aquiet-mannered man who (according <strong>to</strong> hisflock) turns in<strong>to</strong> a “very demanding conduc<strong>to</strong>rbecause his standards are extremelyhigh,” he is gre<strong>at</strong>ly admired by the choristersfor his professionalism and deep commitment<strong>to</strong> <strong>Ukrainian</strong> music.Before coming <strong>to</strong> <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> in 1991, Mr.Hrechynsky was choirmaster of the Lviv<strong>The</strong><strong>at</strong>er of Opera and Ballet, conduc<strong>to</strong>r ofseveral Lviv choirs, and an instruc<strong>to</strong>r ofconducting <strong>at</strong> Lviv Conserva<strong>to</strong>ry, fromwhich he received a degree in choral conductingand choral music. He completedadvanced studies in conducting <strong>at</strong> MoscowConserva<strong>to</strong>ry and holds a master of musicdegree from Rider University’s WestminsterChoir College in <strong>New</strong> Jersey.Mr. Hrechynsky continues a tradition ofillustrious conduc<strong>to</strong>rs who have served thecompany from the time of its founding as amale chorus in 1949 <strong>to</strong> the present: LeontyKrushelnycky, Alexander Bernyk,Oleksander Mykytiuk, Ihor Sonevytsky,Ivan Zadorozny, Ivan Zukowsky andSemen Komirny. (Mr. Komirny led the chorusfor 17 years.)An impressive recordSince its transform<strong>at</strong>ion <strong>to</strong> a mixed chorusin 1959, Dumka has racked up a highlyimpressive performance record, includingappearances <strong>at</strong> <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City’s venerableSt. P<strong>at</strong>rick’s C<strong>at</strong>heral and Carnegie Hall, theJohn F. Kennedy Center in Washing<strong>to</strong>n, andthe Garden St<strong>at</strong>e Arts Center in <strong>New</strong> Jersey.<strong>The</strong> chorus has also performed in Detroit,Chicago, Philadelphia, Toron<strong>to</strong> andMontreal.Observing its 35th anniversary with aEuropean concert <strong>to</strong>ur in 1985, Dumka gaveperformances in England, Austria, Germanyand France. Three years l<strong>at</strong>er, for the celebr<strong>at</strong>ionof the Millennium of <strong>Ukrainian</strong>Christianity, the chorus presented concertsof <strong>Ukrainian</strong> religious music in leading citiesin England, Germany and France.Dumka’s crowning achievement came in1990, when the chorus gave its first performancesin <strong>Ukraine</strong>, appearing before cheeringaudiences in Kyiv, Lviv and Poltava.<strong>The</strong> chorus performs <strong>at</strong> summer festivals<strong>at</strong> the <strong>Ukrainian</strong> N<strong>at</strong>ional Associ<strong>at</strong>ion’sSoyuzivka resort, and presents Christmasconcerts in January <strong>at</strong> <strong>Ukrainian</strong> churches inthe Gre<strong>at</strong>er <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> and <strong>New</strong> Jersey area.<strong>The</strong> Dumka Chorus of <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong>.Rehearsal for March 28 concert<strong>The</strong> march-tempo “B<strong>at</strong>tle Hymn of theRepublic” received a stirring rendition asthe practice session continued, contrastingvividly with the reverential <strong>to</strong>nes of“Ave Maria,” beautifully sung by sopranoTamara Vashchenko with violin accompanimentby Mr. Kukil.During a short break, Mr. Hrechynskych<strong>at</strong>ted with me about the concert program,which will spotlight various facetsof <strong>Ukrainian</strong> culture, including folk songslike Stanislav Liudkevych’s “As the NightEmbraces Me” and Mykola Leon<strong>to</strong>vych’s“Oh, Grey Cuckoo,” a work <strong>to</strong> be offeredby the women’s chorus. <strong>The</strong> cherishedpoetry of <strong>Ukraine</strong>’s n<strong>at</strong>ional bard, TarasShevchenko, will be heard in two selections:his exalted “Dumy Moyi,” withmusic by Mykola Kolessa, and “<strong>The</strong>Dnipro River Roars,” set <strong>to</strong> music byDenys Sichynsky.“We’re also doing the unforgettable‘Va Pensiero,’ the chorus of the Hebrewslaves from Verdi’s opera ‘Nabucco,’ ” hesaid, “and the finale from Lysenko’sCant<strong>at</strong>a “Rejoice, Ye Unw<strong>at</strong>ered Field.”Folk songs will include Ana<strong>to</strong>l Kos-Ana<strong>to</strong>lsky’s “Oh, My Beloved,” set <strong>to</strong> thepoetry of Ivan Franko, and two works ofYevhen Kozak – his exciting “Fantasy on<strong>Ukrainian</strong> Folk songs” and the enchantingsong “<strong>The</strong> Shepherd.”“Nineteen years is a significant portionof Dumka’s his<strong>to</strong>ry,” Mr. Hrechynskysaid. “Those years have been filled withdifferent reper<strong>to</strong>ires and programs.Wh<strong>at</strong>’s most important are the members,who decided <strong>to</strong> cultiv<strong>at</strong>e <strong>Ukrainian</strong> musicin the U.S.”Mr. Kekish, who heads the chorus’sexecutive board, said Dumka’s founderswere intent on preserving and cultiv<strong>at</strong>ing<strong>Ukraine</strong>’s rich secular and religious musicalheritage. “We try <strong>to</strong> hold <strong>to</strong> th<strong>at</strong> purpose;sometimes we test our mettle onother music as well,” he noted.Besides Messrs. Kekish and Kukil andMs. Vashchenko, soloists includeSvia<strong>to</strong>slava Kaczaraj, Ronald Liteplo,Mykola Lutsak and Ihor Stasiuk.Concertmeisters Larisa Gutnikevich andN<strong>at</strong>alia Vashchenko, both of whom studiedin Lviv, will provide piano accompaniment.Appearing as guest artists, Lviv-bornviolinist Iryna Kit and pianist Svia<strong>to</strong>slavDemochko, a n<strong>at</strong>ive of Zbarazh, <strong>Ukraine</strong>,will perform the composition “Melody”from the movie “<strong>The</strong> High Pass,” a Sovietfilm about <strong>Ukrainian</strong>s fighting for<strong>Ukraine</strong>’s independence who are portrayedas bandits.Ms. Kit, 19, a senior <strong>at</strong> LaGuardiaHigh School of Music, Art andPerforming Arts and a member ofKaufman Center’s Young Artist Program,often appears as soloist with <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong>City chamber groups. Mr. Demochko, 15,also a member of the Young ArtistProgram, who has appeared <strong>at</strong> MerkinHall, the Ann Goodman Recital and othervenues, will give a solo performance of“Dumka-Shumka,” Lysenko’s secondrhapsody on <strong>Ukrainian</strong> themes.Dumka executive members see theyoung artists as the future of <strong>Ukrainian</strong>music who will continue <strong>to</strong> preserve the<strong>Ukrainian</strong> musical heritage.<strong>The</strong> 60th anniversary celebr<strong>at</strong>ion isorganized by Ronald and Paul Liteploand Mr. Jadlicky, assisted by Mr. Kekishand executive board members AlexandraJablonskyj, Larissa Lawrynenko, SvitlanaMakhno, Roxolana Podpirka, GeorgeSemeniuk and Mr. Kornaha.Concert tickets may be purchased inadvance exclusively through Merkin Hall<strong>at</strong> 212-501-3330, or <strong>at</strong> the box office onthe day of the performance.Violinist Iryna Kit. Pianist Svia<strong>to</strong>slav Demochko. Conduc<strong>to</strong>r Vasyl Hrechynsky.

16THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 14, 2010No. 11NEWSBRIEFS(Continued from page 2)issue “was only starting” for the EuropeanParliament, and he thanked the regionalcouncils of <strong>Ukraine</strong>’s western regions,which asked the European Parliament <strong>to</strong>cancel a clause of its resolution on Bandera.He added said th<strong>at</strong>, in passing such a clauseof the resolution on the situ<strong>at</strong>ion in <strong>Ukraine</strong>,there was “an active side th<strong>at</strong> initi<strong>at</strong>ed and[provoked] them [members of the EuropeanParliament] in every way possible,” but hedeclined <strong>to</strong> specify who th<strong>at</strong> was. Mr.Yushchenko described his decision <strong>to</strong> awardthe Hero of <strong>Ukraine</strong> title <strong>to</strong> Bandera as aTRAVELMERCHANDISECLASSIFIEDSconscious one, and said th<strong>at</strong> Bandera andRoman Shukhevych had brought <strong>Ukraine</strong>closer <strong>to</strong> its independence, so, in his opinion,they were heroes. (Interfax-<strong>Ukraine</strong>)Rada OKs new way <strong>to</strong> form coalitionKYIV – <strong>The</strong> Verkhovna Rada on March9 amended Article 61 of <strong>Ukraine</strong>’s Law onthe Regul<strong>at</strong>ions of the Verkhovna Rada, givingthe go-ahead <strong>to</strong> the form<strong>at</strong>ion of a coalitionby not only factions, but also by individualn<strong>at</strong>ional deputies. A <strong>to</strong>tal of 235 deputiesvoted in favor of the change. According<strong>to</strong> the amendment, a coalition is “a union ofdeputies’ factions, n<strong>at</strong>ional deputies formedon the basis of election returns and commonTO PLACE YOUR AD CALL MARIA OSCISLAWSKI (973) 292-9800 x 3040SERVICESor e-mail adukr@op<strong>to</strong>nline.netPROFESSIONALSIrene D. Rogutsky, D.D.S.Res<strong>to</strong>r<strong>at</strong>ive and Cosmetic DentistryInvisalign Premier Provider29 West 57th Street<strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong>, NY 10019212-947-1665dr.irogutsky1@verizon.netFOR SALEMorris Twp, NJ4 Bdrm, 3 Full b<strong>at</strong>h HOMEGourmet kitchen, Park-like setting,P<strong>at</strong>riot’s P<strong>at</strong>hClose <strong>to</strong> NYC trains & Ukr Cultural Ctr.Whippany, NJ. Contact 973-727-3950Insure and be sure.Join the UNA!political grounds with a majority of n<strong>at</strong>ionaldeputies of the constitutional composition ofthe Verkhovna Rada.” At the same time, amotion concerning the form<strong>at</strong>ion of a coalitionwith deputies’ factions was removedfrom the Verkhovna Rada regul<strong>at</strong>ions. Acoalition agreement on the cre<strong>at</strong>ion of theparliamentary majority will be <strong>at</strong>tached witha list of n<strong>at</strong>ional deputies who enter thecoalition. <strong>The</strong> time periods for the form<strong>at</strong>ionof a coalition remain unchanged: a coalitionmust be formed within a month after the dayof the first meeting of the newly electedVerkhovna Rada, or within a month after theday of the break-up of a previous coalition.It is foreseen th<strong>at</strong> the Party of Regionsintends <strong>to</strong> form a coalition with theCommunist Party of <strong>Ukraine</strong> and theVolodymyr Lytvyn Bloc. (Ukrinform)Yanukovych signs Rada regul<strong>at</strong>ions lawKYIV – President Vik<strong>to</strong>r Yanukovychmet leaders of the parliamentary factionson March 10, the presidential press servicereported. He st<strong>at</strong>ed: “It is necessary <strong>to</strong> finda political will <strong>to</strong> cre<strong>at</strong>e a majority in theVerkhovna Rada of <strong>Ukraine</strong>. And the<strong>Ukrainian</strong> community and our world partnersexpect political stability in our st<strong>at</strong>e.Th<strong>at</strong> is why I ask you <strong>to</strong> decide.” After thediscussion, which also involved VerkhovnaRada Chairman Volodymyr Lytvyn, thepresident signed the Law on Regul<strong>at</strong>ionsof the Verkhovna Rada of <strong>Ukraine</strong> andreiter<strong>at</strong>ed the importance of early form<strong>at</strong>ionof a parliamentary majority and effectivegovernment. (Ukrinform)Tigipko comments on rules changeKYIV – Changing the way a parliamentarycoalition is formed is a political raider<strong>at</strong>tack, said Sergei Tigipko, who came inthird in the first round of the presidentialelections. Speaking in a March 5 interviewwith the TBi channel, he was commentingon the adoption in its first reading of theamendments <strong>to</strong> the Verkhovna Rada’s regul<strong>at</strong>ions.“This is going <strong>to</strong> be a colossalmistake of Yanukovych, <strong>to</strong>o, should hesign this law, as well as of the majority andthe Party of Regions, if they resort <strong>to</strong> this,because this is a direct viol<strong>at</strong>ion of theConstitution,” Mr. Tigipko said. “Not asingle fair person will support this authority,which means no real changes will bemade, because reforms take the support ofthe public. And if they [politicians] do so,they will immedi<strong>at</strong>ely lose the support ofthe West, Western inves<strong>to</strong>rs. I mean theIntern<strong>at</strong>ional Monetary Fund and theWorld Bank, and then we will have a weakhryvnia and other aftereffects,” he added.“This will practically be a political raider<strong>at</strong>tack.” Mr. Tigipko predicted a powerfulconsolid<strong>at</strong>ion of democr<strong>at</strong>ic forces againstPresident Yanukovych, the Party ofRegions and the majority coalition in theVerkhovna Rada. <strong>The</strong> way out of the situ<strong>at</strong>ion,he suggested, are early parliamentaryelections and a new Parliament, “whichwill cre<strong>at</strong>e a legitim<strong>at</strong>e coalition and willnot be afraid of making unpopularreforms.” He added, “A stable majority ispossible only through new parliamentaryelections.” (Ukrinform)Yanukovych meets G-8, EU ambassadorsKYIV – President Vik<strong>to</strong>r Yanukovychon March 10 met with ambassadors <strong>to</strong><strong>Ukraine</strong> from the Group of Eight and theEuropean Union in order <strong>to</strong> inform themabout the process of forming a parliamentarycoalition and a new government, aswell as share his vision of possible scenariosof political developments in<strong>Ukraine</strong>. In turn, the ambassadors disclosedtheir views on recent developmentsin <strong>Ukraine</strong>. <strong>The</strong> diplom<strong>at</strong>s welcomedthe fact th<strong>at</strong> President Yanukovychmet with them before signing the amendedLaw on Regul<strong>at</strong>ions of the VerkhovnaRada of <strong>Ukraine</strong>. <strong>The</strong>y also stressed theimportance of Mr. Yanukovych’s decision<strong>to</strong> go <strong>to</strong> the Constitutional Court asking it<strong>to</strong> consider and produce a verdict on thelegality of the coalition and government,being formed amid new conditions, assoon as possible. <strong>The</strong> ambassadors alsopointed out th<strong>at</strong> <strong>Ukraine</strong>’s partners needstability; President Yanukovych emphasizedthe <strong>Ukrainian</strong> n<strong>at</strong>ion also needs stability.Th<strong>at</strong>, he said, is the main prerequisitefor successful introduction of changesand reforms. <strong>The</strong>refore, he stressed, it isimportant <strong>to</strong> quickly form an effectiveand professional government. <strong>The</strong> foreigndiplom<strong>at</strong>s said the intern<strong>at</strong>ional communityis ready <strong>to</strong> cooper<strong>at</strong>e with <strong>Ukraine</strong>’snew leadership in order <strong>to</strong> achieve stabilityand implement<strong>at</strong>ion of reforms.(Ukrinform)Tymoshenko declared opposition leaderKYIV – <strong>The</strong> Yulia Tymoshenko Bloc,(YTB), the People’s Movement of<strong>Ukraine</strong> (Rukh), the Christian Democr<strong>at</strong>icUnion (CDU), the Party of the Defendersof the F<strong>at</strong>herland (PDF) and the publicmovement People’s Self-Defense (PSD)formed an opposition <strong>at</strong> a March 9 rallyin Kyiv. Participants in the meeting dedic<strong>at</strong>ed<strong>to</strong> the 196th anniversary of TarasShevchenko’s birth elected YuliaTymoshenko a leader of the united democr<strong>at</strong>icopposition. (Ukrinform)Tymoshenko on partnership with U.S.KYIV – Meeting on February 25 withGen. James L. Jones, n<strong>at</strong>ional securityadvisor <strong>to</strong> U.S. President Barack Obama,<strong>Ukrainian</strong> Prime Minister YuliaTymoshenko said she will maintain thestr<strong>at</strong>egic partnership with the United St<strong>at</strong>esirrespective of her further political activity– either as a government official or as anoppositionist. Gen. Jones was in Kyiv <strong>to</strong><strong>at</strong>tend President Vik<strong>to</strong>r Yanukovych’sswearing-in ceremony. “I would like allachievements between our st<strong>at</strong>es <strong>to</strong> becontinued regardless of whether I and myteam are in office or in opposition. We willalways maintain the str<strong>at</strong>egic partnership,”Ms. Tymoshenko st<strong>at</strong>ed, adding th<strong>at</strong> the<strong>Ukraine</strong>-U.S. Str<strong>at</strong>egic Partnership Charterand the Road Map for Cooper<strong>at</strong>ion are keyinstruments for efficient cooper<strong>at</strong>ion.(Ukrinform)Azarov is acting head of PRU factionKYIV – Party of Regions N<strong>at</strong>ionalDeputy Mykola Azarov was appointedacting chairman of the party faction in theParliament, Oleksander Yefremov, thedeputy head of the PRU faction, said onMarch 1. “As Vik<strong>to</strong>r Yanukovych <strong>to</strong>okoffice, he is not entitled <strong>to</strong> combine jobs,so Mykola Azarov will hold this postuntil the party rally,” Mr. Yefremovexplained. Mr. Yefremov also added th<strong>at</strong>the Party of Regions had not yet decidedon the d<strong>at</strong>e of the rally, which is <strong>to</strong> elect aparty leader and head of the party faction.(Ukrinform)Lytvyn: Rada will back consortiumKYIV – Verkhovna Rada ChairmanVolodymyr Lytvyn said he is confidentth<strong>at</strong> all political forces will support thecre<strong>at</strong>ion of a gas transit consortiuminvolving <strong>Ukraine</strong>, Russia and Europe ona parity basis. Speaking live on the InterTV Channel on March 9, he said: “If them<strong>at</strong>ter concerns a gas transit consortium,...so th<strong>at</strong> resources of every st<strong>at</strong>eare invested proportionally, I am sure th<strong>at</strong>both Our <strong>Ukraine</strong> and the YuliaTymoshenko Bloc and all other politicalforces will back such an approach.Moreover, <strong>Ukrainian</strong> society will acceptthis easily.” He said th<strong>at</strong>, when such aconsortium is set up, <strong>Ukraine</strong> must getaccess <strong>to</strong> the development and use of gasfields in Russia, as well as financial andtechnological support from the EuropeanUnion. According <strong>to</strong> Mr. Lytvyn, if suchan agreement includes those provisions,its cre<strong>at</strong>ion would not face criticism in<strong>Ukraine</strong>. (Ukrinform)

No. 11THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 14, 201017Obituaries...(Continued from page 4)among others – 47 <strong>Ukrainian</strong> writers in all, according <strong>to</strong> theFinancial <strong>Times</strong>.Ms. Rich was the also author of several collections ofher own poetry, most notably “Outlines” (1960) and“Portents and Images” (1964).She was born on April 24, 1936, in London as FaithElizabeth Joan. An obituary in the Financial <strong>Times</strong> reportedth<strong>at</strong> she came in<strong>to</strong> contact with post-World War II<strong>Ukrainian</strong> refugees who settled in Britain through hermother’s work with the Red Cross. From a young age, shetransl<strong>at</strong>ed <strong>Ukrainian</strong> and Belarusian works in<strong>to</strong> English.She studied <strong>at</strong> St. Hilda’s College, Oxford, in1955-1957 and then <strong>at</strong> Bedford College in London in1958-1961.Her first published transl<strong>at</strong>ion, in 1957, was of the prolog<strong>to</strong> Franko’s poem “Moses.” In 1997, on the 40th anniversaryof th<strong>at</strong> public<strong>at</strong>ion, she was honored by the<strong>Ukrainian</strong> Writers Union with the Ivan Franko Prize.She was best known for “Song Out of Darkness,” a collectionof her transl<strong>at</strong>ions of Shevchenko’s most significantpoems th<strong>at</strong> was released in London in 1961 on theoccasion of the centennial of the poet’s de<strong>at</strong>h.It is an excerpt from Ms. Rich’s transl<strong>at</strong>ion of “<strong>The</strong>Caucasus” th<strong>at</strong> appears on the monument <strong>to</strong> Shevchenkoerected in Washing<strong>to</strong>n in 1964.Ms. Rich was known also as a human right activist whosupported the activity of Solidarity in Poland and wroteabout Soviet abuse of psychi<strong>at</strong>ry, including the case of<strong>Ukrainian</strong> political prisoner Leonid Plyushch.After <strong>Ukraine</strong> re-established its independence, Ms.Rich traveled there regularly. In 2007 she was awardedthe st<strong>at</strong>e Order of Princess Olha for her contributions <strong>to</strong><strong>Ukrainian</strong> culture.Since 2006, Ms. Rich was a contribu<strong>to</strong>r <strong>to</strong> UkrainskaDumka/<strong>Ukrainian</strong> Thought, a newspaper serving the<strong>Ukrainian</strong> community of the United Kingdom.In 2007, with the support of the N<strong>at</strong>ional Academy ofSciences of <strong>Ukraine</strong>, a volume of Ms. Rich’s transl<strong>at</strong>ionof selected Shevchenko works (with a foreword by IvanDzyuba), was published in <strong>Ukraine</strong>.As noted in the Financial <strong>Times</strong>, <strong>at</strong> the time of herde<strong>at</strong>h Ms. Rich was working on completing a transl<strong>at</strong>ionof Shevchenko’s “Kobzar” in time for the 150th anniversaryof the poet’s de<strong>at</strong>h, which will be marked in 2011.Vic<strong>to</strong>r Pedenko, 72, officerof <strong>Ukrainian</strong> World CongressLONDON, Ontario – Vic<strong>to</strong>r Pedenko, former generalsecretary of the <strong>Ukrainian</strong> World Congress, died onNovember 29, 2009. He was 72.He was born in 1937 in the Donetsk region of<strong>Ukraine</strong>.In Canada, he was active in diverse <strong>Ukrainian</strong> communityorganiz<strong>at</strong>ions, and he held leadership positions in the<strong>Ukrainian</strong> Youth Associ<strong>at</strong>ionof Canada, the Organiz<strong>at</strong>ionof Democr<strong>at</strong>ic <strong>Ukrainian</strong>Youth of London, Ontario,and the <strong>Ukrainian</strong> CanadianCongress, Toron<strong>to</strong> branch.Mr. Pedenko began hiswork with the <strong>Ukrainian</strong>World Congress (then knowas the World Congress ofFree <strong>Ukrainian</strong>s) in 1976 asa member of its plenum andon the World Educ<strong>at</strong>ionalCoordin<strong>at</strong>ing Council. In1998 he was elected general secretary of the <strong>Ukrainian</strong>World Congress (UWC).As a UWC officer, from 1998 through 2008 he visited<strong>Ukrainian</strong> communities around the globe and particip<strong>at</strong>edin numerous intern<strong>at</strong>ional forums and conferences.He was the UWC represent<strong>at</strong>ive <strong>to</strong> the Kyiv-based<strong>Ukrainian</strong> World Coordin<strong>at</strong>ing Council and he headed amission of election observers in <strong>Ukraine</strong>.<strong>The</strong> <strong>Ukrainian</strong> World Congress noted th<strong>at</strong> Mr.Pedenko “worked tirelessly throughout his life for thegood of <strong>Ukraine</strong> and all things <strong>Ukrainian</strong>.” In recognitionof his work, he was received many awards.In August 2009, the <strong>Ukrainian</strong> World Congress honoredMr. Pedenko for his many years of exemplary serviceby presenting him its highest honor: the Medal ofSt. Volodymyr the Gre<strong>at</strong>. Mr. Pedenko was also honoredby <strong>Ukraine</strong>, receiving the Order of Prince Yaroslav theWise (third degree); by the <strong>Ukrainian</strong> Orthodox Church– Kyiv P<strong>at</strong>riarch<strong>at</strong>e, being awarded the Order of PrinceVolodymyr the Gre<strong>at</strong> (third degree); and by the<strong>Ukrainian</strong> Canadian Congress, which awarded him theTaras Shevchenko Medal.Surviving are Mr. Pedenko’s wife, Halyna, as well astheir children and grandchildren.Fifth AnniversaryDr Wasyl Kostrubiak departed <strong>to</strong> God March 15 of 2005.He will be always remembered dearly by his wife, Regina.Prayers for the rest of his soul, are requested by his family members in<strong>Ukraine</strong>, the United St<strong>at</strong>es and Spain.<strong>The</strong> mass for the eternal rest of his soul will be celebr<strong>at</strong>ed <strong>at</strong> the Churchof St. John the Baptist in Oviedo (Spain), on Sunday, March 14, 2010.De<strong>at</strong>h announcementsDeadline: Tuesday noon before the newspaper’s d<strong>at</strong>e of issue.R<strong>at</strong>e: $7.50 per column-inch.Telephone 973-292-9800, ext. 3040; e-mail, adsukrpubl@<strong>at</strong>t.net.Please include the daytime phone number of a contact person.


No. 11THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 14, 201023Kinderhook is backBand <strong>to</strong> perform <strong>at</strong> UACCNJ, Soyuzivkaby Christina KotlarWHIPPANY, N.J. – After twenty-sevenyears, Kinderhook is back. <strong>The</strong> <strong>New</strong> Jerseyband th<strong>at</strong> was instrumental in changing locallive bar band music in<strong>to</strong> a rocking <strong>New</strong>Jersey club scene with appearances <strong>at</strong> someof the <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong>-<strong>New</strong> Jersey metropolitanarea’s biggest live performance venues isback with original band members for a solidcountry-flavored and highly infectiousmusic set on Sunday, March 14, <strong>at</strong> the<strong>Ukrainian</strong> American Cultural Center of <strong>New</strong>Jersey in Whippany and <strong>at</strong> the SoyuzivkaHeritage Center in Kerhonkson, N.Y., inJuly.Originally called Kinderhook Creek, butl<strong>at</strong>er shortened <strong>to</strong> Kinderhook, a Dutch wordfor “children on a hill,” the band began as acountry quartet in 1973 <strong>at</strong> RutgersUniversity in <strong>New</strong> Brunswick, N.J. <strong>The</strong> initialmembers were Jerry (Yaropolk)Kopychuk, banjo, guitar, lead vocals; YuriTurchyn, guitar, violin, vocals; Andy Fediw,bass guitar, vocals; and Stan Taylor, pedalsteel guitar. After a year, the band addedCraig Barry as its drummer <strong>to</strong> fill out thesound. Joe Breittenbach joined the band in1975 as lead guitarist.In the 1970s and 1980s, Kinderhook hadthe ability not only <strong>to</strong> draw a full-housecrowd but <strong>to</strong> move it <strong>to</strong> Southern rockaccoustic sound with three-part harmonies.Kinderhook’s country music brought out thecrowds and the music industry suddenlybecame caught up in the same type ofsound.At its highpoint, Kinderhook was the <strong>to</strong>pdrawingband in the st<strong>at</strong>e, bringing sometimesas many as 2,000 people <strong>to</strong> clubs andperforming six times a week.<strong>The</strong> band played original music <strong>at</strong> a timewhen no other club band was doing anythingbut cover tunes. As Kinderhook’s originalmusic progressed, the band began openingfor n<strong>at</strong>ional recording acts. <strong>The</strong> first wasConway Twitty, then came David Bromberg,Commander Cody, Poco and a host of others.By 1982, Kinderhook remained the onlyunrecorded act <strong>to</strong> play the Central ParkSchaefer Music Festival (1975), openingbefore 25,000 people.On Sunday, March 14, Kinderhook willbe the opening act before <strong>New</strong> Riders of thePurple Sage <strong>at</strong> the UACCNJ of Whippany,N.J.Opening show running time <strong>at</strong> theUACCNJ is 45 minutes, starting <strong>at</strong> 7 p.m.Doors open <strong>at</strong> 6 p.m. <strong>The</strong> Hoverlia SocialClub will be open during the show and afterwards.To reserve tickets for March 14, readersmay e-mail spl<strong>at</strong>terconcerts@yahoo.com; for more inform<strong>at</strong>ion call theUACCNJ, 973-585-7175. <strong>The</strong> UACCNJ isloc<strong>at</strong>ed <strong>at</strong> 60 North Jefferson Road,Whippany, NJ 07981.<strong>The</strong> band is scheduled <strong>to</strong> perform <strong>at</strong> the<strong>Ukrainian</strong> Cultural Festival <strong>at</strong> Soyuzivka inKerhonkson, N.Y. on S<strong>at</strong>urday, July 17, and<strong>at</strong> Tim McLoone’s Supper Club in AsburyPark, N.J., on Friday, August 6.More about Kinderhook can be found onFacebook – Kinderhook TwentyTen –including rehearsal videos, pho<strong>to</strong>s and commentsfrom fans far and wide, past and present.Annual SUSTA conference<strong>to</strong> be in Bos<strong>to</strong>n on March 20-21by Bohdan PechenyakPHILADELPHIA – <strong>The</strong> executive boardof SUSTA – the Feder<strong>at</strong>ion of <strong>Ukrainian</strong>Student Organiz<strong>at</strong>ions in America – and theBos<strong>to</strong>n College <strong>Ukrainian</strong> Society invite allinterested parties <strong>to</strong> particip<strong>at</strong>e in the annualSUSTA conference, which will take placeon March 20-21 under the theme of“<strong>Ukrainian</strong> Youth and Educ<strong>at</strong>ion.”Organizers believe the theme of educ<strong>at</strong>ion<strong>to</strong> be of utmost importance <strong>to</strong> <strong>Ukraine</strong>and its students both <strong>at</strong> home and abroad.<strong>Ukraine</strong>’s and the world’s future depends onthe ability <strong>to</strong> provide an adequ<strong>at</strong>e and wellroundededuc<strong>at</strong>ion th<strong>at</strong> can help foster independent,critically minded thinkers and leadersin various fields of life. Such educ<strong>at</strong>ionis crucial for developing deep respect forintellectual excellence and theoreticallygrounded practice, and for future leaders’ability <strong>to</strong> understand both the context andthe long-term consequences of their actions.With this in mind, organizers have inviteddistinguished speakers <strong>to</strong> talk about the educ<strong>at</strong>ionalreforms in <strong>Ukraine</strong> over the pastseveral years and <strong>to</strong> share experiences ofstudying in <strong>Ukraine</strong>, Western Europe andthe United St<strong>at</strong>es.In addition, the conference program providesfor a number of workshops focused onorganiz<strong>at</strong>ional and individual development,and time has been set aside for recre<strong>at</strong>ion,meeting other participants, sightseeing inBos<strong>to</strong>n, as well as a performance by theSyzokryli <strong>Ukrainian</strong> Dance Ensemble.Early registr<strong>at</strong>ion ($20) is now open <strong>at</strong>www.susta2010.org, and will be availableuntil March 16, after which a full ticket priceof $25 will become effective. Registr<strong>at</strong>ionincludes breakfast and lunch on S<strong>at</strong>urday,March 20. For further inform<strong>at</strong>ion, readersmay e-mail mail@susta2010.org.Kinderhook (from left): John Greenaway, Jerry Kopychuk, Yuri Turchyn, CraigBarry, Andy Fediw.Turning the pages...(Continued from page 6)n<strong>at</strong>e the activities of various ministriesand other executive institutions. <strong>The</strong>Cabinet would need <strong>to</strong> comply with thedecisions of the N<strong>at</strong>ional Security andDefense Council of <strong>Ukraine</strong>, which areconfirmed by presidential decrees.Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko’ssupport of the bill came with the conditionsth<strong>at</strong> Parliament schedule a review ofa report by an ad-hoc commission on thepriv<strong>at</strong>iz<strong>at</strong>ion activities of Kyiv MayorLeonid Chernovetskyi, and th<strong>at</strong> theOU-PSD would support a bill calling forthe mayor’s dismissal. “No authority andpower have any value if we keep corruptionintact in the capital,” underscoredMs. Tymoshenko.<strong>The</strong> Cabinet bill failed <strong>to</strong> reach thefinal reading after opposition forcespledged <strong>to</strong> draft their own amendments <strong>to</strong>the bill following its initial reading andvote. Verkhovna Rada Chairman ArseniyY<strong>at</strong>senyuk sent the draft law <strong>to</strong> bereviewed by a parliamentary committeefor two weeks before being reintroducedon the floor.On March 18, 2008, the Parliament bya vote of 246-5 approved a resolutionordering pre-term mayoral and local electionsin Kyiv, setting an important precedentth<strong>at</strong> could decide the f<strong>at</strong>e of allmunicipal governments across <strong>Ukraine</strong>.Passed with the support of the LytvynBloc, the vote was the first time th<strong>at</strong> theVerkhovna Rada had successfully voted<strong>to</strong> remove an entire municipal administr<strong>at</strong>ionfrom office.Although the YTB had a strong popularityin Kyiv, it was unable <strong>to</strong> removeMayor Chernovetskyi from office in electionsheld 70 days after the resolution<strong>to</strong>ok effect on May 25, 2008. Only 53.39percent of the city’s elec<strong>to</strong>r<strong>at</strong>e cast theirballots, and Mr. Chernovetskyi won 37.72percent of the votes.Source: “Rada approves draft law onCabinet and bill on pre-term elections inKyiv,” by Illya M. Labunka, <strong>The</strong><strong>Ukrainian</strong> <strong>Weekly</strong>, March 23, 2008.

24THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 14, 2010No. 11Students from <strong>Ukraine</strong>...(Continued from page 11)Federal Credit Union and the <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong>office of AeroSvit airlines.<strong>The</strong> organizers of the SDI AmericanWinter program plan <strong>to</strong> continue <strong>to</strong> providethis unique opportunity for eastern<strong>Ukrainian</strong> teenagers between the ages of14 and 18. <strong>The</strong>y will work with localschools <strong>to</strong> identify students who study in<strong>Ukrainian</strong> schools or in <strong>Ukrainian</strong> classes<strong>at</strong> Russian schools and who show outstandingpromise by becoming winners ofa city or regional level of the Petro JacykIntern<strong>at</strong>ional <strong>Ukrainian</strong> LanguageCompetition. In order <strong>to</strong> be considered,students need <strong>to</strong> apply <strong>to</strong> the SocialDevelopment Institute through their localProsvita organiz<strong>at</strong>ion.<strong>The</strong> program also claims <strong>to</strong> establish<strong>Ukrainian</strong> American youth clubs in <strong>to</strong>wnswhere former participants live. InKrama<strong>to</strong>rsk such a club already exists due<strong>to</strong> the efforts of the head of the local Prosvitaorganiz<strong>at</strong>ion, Mykola Konobrytsky.He is a former direc<strong>to</strong>r of the <strong>Ukrainian</strong>Lyceum and currently a teacher of his<strong>to</strong>ry.He established a local branch of Plast<strong>Ukrainian</strong> Scouting Organiz<strong>at</strong>ion, educ<strong>at</strong>edyoung people in his lyceum as<strong>Ukrainian</strong> p<strong>at</strong>riots, and initi<strong>at</strong>ed a traditionfor high school students <strong>to</strong> startclasses with the raising of the <strong>Ukrainian</strong>flag and the singing of the n<strong>at</strong>ionalanthem each morning. Unfortun<strong>at</strong>ely, as aresult of his p<strong>at</strong>riotic work, he has sufferedsubtle, and not so subtle, persecutionby the local authorities.<strong>The</strong> Social Development Institute welcomesfinancial support, equipment andcomputers for the <strong>Ukrainian</strong>-AmericanYouth Club in Krama<strong>to</strong>rsk in order <strong>to</strong>organize Internet-bridges between<strong>Ukrainian</strong> students and their Americanpeers, as well as teachers and well-knownsocial and cultural figures in the U.S. (Forinform<strong>at</strong>ion readers may log on <strong>to</strong> www.sdinstitute.org.)An introduction <strong>to</strong> AmericaOf the SDI American Winter program,Nadiya Rokytyansklea wrote:“Having had the chance <strong>to</strong> be introduced<strong>to</strong> America, none of us s<strong>at</strong> idly duringthose two weeks. Each of us nowknows Washing<strong>to</strong>n, the political and culturalcenter of the United St<strong>at</strong>es, as weknow the five fingers on our hand. <strong>The</strong>staggering beauty and grandeur of theLincoln, Jefferson and Washing<strong>to</strong>nmemorials, the White House, Capi<strong>to</strong>l,Library of Congress, N<strong>at</strong>ional Gallery ofArt, N<strong>at</strong>ional Archives, as well as tens ofother memorials and buildings in the capital,will remain in our hearts forever aswell as in the countless number of pho<strong>to</strong>graphswe <strong>to</strong>ok during this trip.“We were lucky also <strong>to</strong> have a fewdays <strong>to</strong> walk around <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> – a city ofskyscrapers, offices of world-renownedcorpor<strong>at</strong>ions, chic hotels and some of theworld’s largest s<strong>to</strong>res. We will be glad fora long time th<strong>at</strong> we saw <strong>Times</strong> Square,Rockefeller Center, the St<strong>at</strong>ue of Liberty,and Broadway and Fifth Avenue.”Nadiya added, “As difficult as it was <strong>to</strong>return, we are now home with our parents,and we infinitely thank all thosewonderful people who gave us such anopportunity <strong>to</strong> see another world and <strong>to</strong>meet such nice people.”Mr. Kazarenko underlined: “We hopeth<strong>at</strong> SDI American Winter will help <strong>to</strong>break the Soviet views of people in<strong>Ukraine</strong> and <strong>to</strong> destroy the psychology offear and separ<strong>at</strong>ion. And our hopes aresupported by the words of Nadiya andSofiya who reported, after coming back<strong>to</strong> <strong>Ukraine</strong>, th<strong>at</strong> <strong>Ukrainian</strong> families in theUnited St<strong>at</strong>es helped them <strong>to</strong> feel th<strong>at</strong>they are <strong>Ukrainian</strong>s. And <strong>to</strong> be <strong>Ukrainian</strong>smeans not just <strong>to</strong> be selected; it means <strong>to</strong>be yourself.”Moscow expert...(Continued from page 6)<strong>at</strong> the found<strong>at</strong>ion of st<strong>at</strong>ehood,” Mr. Tishkovsays, “then this country can split apart withoutany external interference or become afeder<strong>at</strong>ive form<strong>at</strong>ion on the basis of theCanadian formula of ‘multiculturalism on abilingual basis.’” Th<strong>at</strong> saved Canada, and itcould in principle save <strong>Ukraine</strong>.Asked by his interviewer whether theintern<strong>at</strong>ional community is “oblig<strong>at</strong>ed” <strong>to</strong>support the terri<strong>to</strong>rial integrity of <strong>Ukraine</strong>,Mr. Tishkov responded bluntly: “ ‘theMoscow p<strong>at</strong>riarch's...(Continued from page 7)becoming corners<strong>to</strong>nes. P<strong>at</strong>riarchLubomyr Husar’s vision of a KyivanP<strong>at</strong>riarch<strong>at</strong>e uniting Greek-C<strong>at</strong>holics andOrthodox, in communion with both Romeand Constantinople, would not only sidelineRussia’s professional ecumenists. Byuniting Eastern and Western traditions, itWinter events...(Continued from page 19)guests <strong>at</strong>e, drank and danced the nightaway, bidding farewell <strong>to</strong> 2009 and welcomingin 2010. <strong>The</strong> <strong>New</strong> Year’s EveCommittee led by Marusia Shwed wasresponsible for this fabulous fund-raiserfor the UECC.<strong>The</strong> <strong>Ukrainian</strong> Educ<strong>at</strong>ional andCultural Center prides itself on givingback <strong>to</strong> its community through languagecourses, social services, programs andcultural events. None of these eventscould be possible without N<strong>at</strong>alka Firko,UECC vice-president of programs andevents.intern<strong>at</strong>ional community’ owes nothing <strong>to</strong><strong>Ukraine</strong>, except those of its members whohave tre<strong>at</strong>ies with it in which such oblig<strong>at</strong>ionsare written.”“<strong>The</strong> preserv<strong>at</strong>ion of integrity is aboveall an internal affair of <strong>Ukraine</strong> itself –th<strong>at</strong> is, of its popul<strong>at</strong>ion, which must haveall the possibilities for expressing itsviews and for a legitim<strong>at</strong>e administr<strong>at</strong>ion.”If the people living there agree onhow <strong>to</strong> live <strong>to</strong>gether, then they will; ifthey don’t, then it is possible <strong>Ukraine</strong> willcome apart – without regard <strong>to</strong> wh<strong>at</strong> outsidersprefer.would offer Europe the most convincingexample of a revitalized Christianity.But Moscow need not fear the specterof a united Kyivan C<strong>at</strong>holic-OrthodoxP<strong>at</strong>riarch<strong>at</strong>e. As long as <strong>Ukrainian</strong>Christians are weak and divided, this willremain a pipe dream.Andrew Sorokowski can be reached <strong>at</strong>samboritanus@hotmail.com.Asked about the last few months, shest<strong>at</strong>ed, “From the day we start planningfor our winter events <strong>to</strong> the day we s<strong>to</strong>p,there is much hustle-bustle, many hoursof planning, excitement in decor<strong>at</strong>ing andpreparing. … I like <strong>to</strong> see the communitycome <strong>to</strong>gether, like a family does, for allof these events th<strong>at</strong> we plan for them.”<strong>The</strong> <strong>Ukrainian</strong> Educ<strong>at</strong>ional andCultural Center, founded in 1980, is anon-profit organiz<strong>at</strong>ion whose objectiveis <strong>to</strong> preserve and promote awareness ofthe <strong>Ukrainian</strong> heritage throughout thePhiladelphia community. <strong>The</strong> UECC isloc<strong>at</strong>ed <strong>at</strong> 700 Cedar Road in Jenkin<strong>to</strong>wn,PA 19046 and can be reached <strong>at</strong>215-663-1166 or contact@ueccphila.org;website: www.ueccphila.org.

No. 11THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 14, 2010OUT AND ABOUT25March 18Washing<strong>to</strong>nBook discussion by Serhii Plokhy, “Yalta: <strong>The</strong> Priceof Peace,” Ronald Reagan Building and Intern<strong>at</strong>ionalTrade Center, 202-691-4000Toron<strong>to</strong>Hyphen<strong>at</strong>ed <strong>Ukrainian</strong>” by Walter Kish, <strong>Ukrainian</strong>N<strong>at</strong>ional Feder<strong>at</strong>ion hall, 416-960-3424or 416-925-2770March 20Pysanka workshop, <strong>Ukrainian</strong> Homestead,Lehigh<strong>to</strong>n, PA 610-377-4621March 20McKees Rocks, PAMarch 20Pisc<strong>at</strong>away, NJMarch 20-21Bos<strong>to</strong>nMarch 21Parma, OHPysanka workshop, <strong>Ukrainian</strong> Community ofWestern Pennsylvania, St. Mary <strong>Ukrainian</strong>Orthodox Church, 412-364-0968or www.ucowpa.orgPysanka workshop with Olga Kobryn, MiddlesexCounty Cultural and Heritage Commission with theFolklife Program for <strong>New</strong> Jersey, East JerseyOlde Towne Village, 732-745-4489Conference, Feder<strong>at</strong>ion of <strong>Ukrainian</strong> StudentOrganiz<strong>at</strong>ions of America, Bos<strong>to</strong>n College,www.ukrainianstudents.netSpring Sale of Attic Treasures, <strong>Ukrainian</strong> N<strong>at</strong>ionalWomen’s League of America – Branch 12, St.Josaph<strong>at</strong> Astrodome, 440-887-1201March 21Pysanka workshop and Easter bazaar, <strong>Ukrainian</strong>Washing<strong>to</strong>n C<strong>at</strong>holic N<strong>at</strong>ional Shrine, 202-526-3737March 21Toron<strong>to</strong>Easter Bazaar and Concert, fe<strong>at</strong>uring the LevadaChoir <strong>Ukrainian</strong> Youth Ensembles, St. Nicholas<strong>Ukrainian</strong> C<strong>at</strong>holic Church, 416-233-9700March 27<strong>Ukrainian</strong> Easter Traditions Workshop, <strong>The</strong><strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> <strong>Ukrainian</strong> Museum, 212-228-0110or edu@ukrainianmuseum.orgMarch 27<strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong>March 27MontrealConcert fe<strong>at</strong>uring pianist Angelina Gadeliya andthe Lviv Duo of violinist Solomiya Ivakhiv andpianist Marianna Humetska, <strong>Ukrainian</strong> Instituteof America, 212-288-8660Fund-raiser, “Hip-Hop Hopak,” Concordia <strong>Ukrainian</strong>Students’ Union and the McGill <strong>Ukrainian</strong> Students’Associ<strong>at</strong>ion, <strong>Ukrainian</strong> N<strong>at</strong>ional Feder<strong>at</strong>ion hall,Cusu.mtl@gmail.comMarch 28Easter Bazaar, St. Michael <strong>Ukrainian</strong> C<strong>at</strong>holicBaltimore, MD Church, 410-870-1720March 28Easter Bazaar, <strong>Ukrainian</strong> Homestead,Lehigh<strong>to</strong>n, PA 610-377-4621March 28MontrealLecture by Prof. Radoslav Zuk, “Key Characteristicsof <strong>Ukrainian</strong> Church Architecture of the MazepaPeriod and <strong>The</strong>ir Sources,” <strong>Ukrainian</strong> Youth Center,514-481-5871March 2860th anniversary concert, Dumka Chorus of <strong>New</strong><strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> <strong>York</strong>, Merkin Concert Hall, 212-501-3330March 22Washing<strong>to</strong>nMarch 23<strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong>March 24Lecture by Nadia Diuk, “Democracy in <strong>Ukraine</strong>: AreWe <strong>The</strong>re Yet?” Ronald Reagan Building andIntern<strong>at</strong>ional Trade Center, 202-691-4000Lecture by Ihor Poshyvailo, “<strong>The</strong> Ecology of theMuseum Sphere in <strong>Ukraine</strong>,” Columbia University,212-854-4697 or ukrainianstudies@columbia.eduBook launch, “Here and <strong>The</strong>re – Reflections of aMarch 29Cambridge, MASeminar by Oksana Kis, “Women’s Particip<strong>at</strong>ion inthe N<strong>at</strong>ional Liber<strong>at</strong>ion Movement in Western<strong>Ukraine</strong> Region in the 1930s-1950s,” HarvardUniversity, 617-495-4053Entries in “Out and About” are listed free of charge. Priority is given <strong>to</strong> eventsadvertised in <strong>The</strong> <strong>Ukrainian</strong> <strong>Weekly</strong>. However, we also welcome submissionsfrom all our readers. Items will be published <strong>at</strong> the discretion of the edi<strong>to</strong>rsand as space allows. Please send e-mail <strong>to</strong> mdubas@ukrweekly.com.

26THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 14, 2010No. 11UKELODEONFOR THE NEXT GENERATIONPlast scout recognized by red cross of Northern N.J.CHESTER, N.J. – Thomas(Toma) Mandicz, 17, of Chester,N.J., was presented with a certific<strong>at</strong>eof appreci<strong>at</strong>ion from theAmerican Red Cross of Northern<strong>New</strong> Jersey in recognition of hisdon<strong>at</strong>ion of more than 350 h<strong>at</strong>s,gloves, mittens and scarves.A junior <strong>at</strong> West Morris MendhamHigh School, Toma has been anactive member of Plast <strong>Ukrainian</strong>Scouting Organiz<strong>at</strong>ion since age 7and is currently the leader (kurinniy)of Troop 5 of the <strong>New</strong>ark Plastbranch. He is working <strong>to</strong>wardachieving Plast’s eagle scout rank,which requires the completion ofnine separ<strong>at</strong>e projects based on specificthemes of <strong>Ukrainian</strong> scouting.For the community servicetheme, Toma opted <strong>to</strong> help theAmerican Red Cross of Northern<strong>New</strong> Jersey, which responds <strong>to</strong>disasters such as residential fires,floods, extreme temper<strong>at</strong>ures, transport<strong>at</strong>ionaccidents, hazardousm<strong>at</strong>erial incidents and communityemergencies in Bergen, Essex,Hudson, Morris, Passaic andWarren counties.Toma commented: “I thought itwould be useful for the Red Crossworkers and volunteers who arrive<strong>at</strong> the scene of an emergency <strong>to</strong>have packaged sets of warm h<strong>at</strong>s,gloves and scarves <strong>to</strong> give <strong>to</strong> thevictims during the cold we<strong>at</strong>her.”During the fall of 2009, Tomacontacted the American Red Crossof Northern <strong>New</strong> Jersey <strong>to</strong> getapproval for his idea; requestedpermission from several sites <strong>to</strong>hold his collection of new h<strong>at</strong>s,gloves, mittens and scarves; andadvertised the project via posters,fliers and e-mail. He then sortedand packaged the g<strong>at</strong>hered itemsin<strong>to</strong> individual sets ready for distribution<strong>to</strong> the needy and deliveredthe items <strong>to</strong> the American RedCross.Arthur Samaras, direc<strong>to</strong>r of emergencyservices for the AmericanRed Cross of Northern <strong>New</strong> Jersey,said, “We are very gr<strong>at</strong>eful for theiniti<strong>at</strong>ive Toma has taken in organizingthis clothing drive. On average,across our region our volun-Alexandra KwitToma Mandicz receives a certific<strong>at</strong>e of appreci<strong>at</strong>ion from Charles Maltbie,response manager and disaster services HR coordina<strong>to</strong>r for the AmericanRed Cross of Northern <strong>New</strong> Jersey.teers respond <strong>to</strong> one disaster eachday. <strong>The</strong>se items will be givendirectly <strong>to</strong> victims of disaster locally.Toma should be proud of hisaccomplishments.”Toma’s collection sites were theWest Morris Area YMCA inRandolph, West Morris MendhamHigh School in Mendham, theUnited Healthcare Office Complexin Basking Ridge, and the<strong>Ukrainian</strong> American CulturalCenter of <strong>New</strong> Jersey in Whippany.In addition, he obtained a don<strong>at</strong>ion<strong>to</strong>wards the collection fromWalmart of Ledgewood.Cleveland high schooler excels in academics and the artsby Maria FlynnCLEVELAND – Sixteen-year-oldAlexandra (Geega) Kwit excels inall she does. In Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 2009, shewas inducted in<strong>to</strong> the N<strong>at</strong>ionalHonor Society <strong>at</strong> her school, WalshJesuit High School. She alsoreceived an award for coming inthird in her school for the highestgrade point average. She also excelsin the arts and is a youth counselorfor Plast <strong>Ukrainian</strong> ScoutingOrganiz<strong>at</strong>ion.Alexandra has danced with theKashtan Dance Ensemble, and everysummer <strong>at</strong>tended the Voloshky DanceCamp. She also takes voice, piano,violin and ballet lessons. Her passionhowever, is the the<strong>at</strong>er. She prefersmusicals, since she loves <strong>to</strong> sing anddance. While in junior high, she landedthe role of “Dinah” in the play“High Society,” and also the lead roleof Marian the Librarian, in the musical“<strong>The</strong> Music Man.” Currently sheis preparing for the role of Glinda theGood Witch, in the “Wizard of Oz,” amusical th<strong>at</strong> will premier in March.Last year in June, Alexandra earnedfirst place <strong>at</strong> “Vyshkil Nov<strong>at</strong>skykhVporiadnykiv,” a camp for futurecounselors of Plast cub scouts(“nov<strong>at</strong>stvo” – children age 6-11),which was held <strong>at</strong> the Cleveland-areaPysanyi Kamin camp. Fifty boys andgirls, mostly from the eastern andMidwestern st<strong>at</strong>es, <strong>at</strong>tended the10-day camp, <strong>at</strong> which they learnedhow <strong>to</strong> prepare programs for theirmeetings, organize various activitiesand work with young children.Alexandra is now a counselor for theyoungest girls (“novachky”) in theCleveland Plast branch who belong <strong>to</strong>the group called Dolphins.Asked about her future plans,Soccer player in n<strong>at</strong>ional championshipsDU BOIS, Pa. – Sixteen-year-oldsoccer player Gabriel Hrecznyj, asophomore <strong>at</strong> Du Bois Area HighSchool in Du Bois, Pa., will be playingfor the Region 1 Champions inthe Olympic Development ProgramN<strong>at</strong>ional Championships inPhoenix, Ariz., on March 11-14.Gabriel has <strong>at</strong>tended summercamps <strong>at</strong> Soyuzivka and has playedin the <strong>Ukrainian</strong> N<strong>at</strong>ionalsTournament in the past. Thispast summer and fall he was withthe Eurosoccer Academy of theU.S.A. in Romania, Spain andPortugal. He plans <strong>to</strong> travel <strong>to</strong><strong>Ukraine</strong> and Poland <strong>to</strong> see theEuro-2012 soccer championship.He is the son of Bohdan andLorian Hrecznyj. <strong>The</strong> Hrecznyj fam-Alexandra says she would like <strong>to</strong> be apedi<strong>at</strong>rician. However, because of herstrong love for the arts, she would stilllike <strong>to</strong> be involved in music and the<strong>at</strong>er.She has set her sights on <strong>at</strong>tendingHarvard.Gabriel Hrecznyjily <strong>at</strong>tends St. George <strong>Ukrainian</strong>C<strong>at</strong>holic Church in Pittsburgh.

No. 11THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 14, 201027Youngsters learn <strong>to</strong> be savers, thanks <strong>to</strong> SelfrelianceCHICAGO – To promote goodsavings habits among the younggener<strong>at</strong>ion, Selfreliance <strong>Ukrainian</strong>American Federal Credit Union(SUAFCU) started the SuperSaversClub th<strong>at</strong> is open <strong>to</strong> any SUAFCUmember under age 18. Among thosemembers are students of Chicagoand <strong>New</strong> Jersey area schools of<strong>Ukrainian</strong> studies who have savingsaccounts <strong>at</strong> the credit union.St. Volodymyr <strong>Ukrainian</strong> OrthodoxC<strong>at</strong>hedral’s School of <strong>Ukrainian</strong>Studies in Chicago, which is <strong>at</strong>tendedby over 150 students, is one of fiveschools in the Chicago area th<strong>at</strong> particip<strong>at</strong>ein the SuperSavers program.<strong>The</strong> school encourages students <strong>to</strong>Kryl<strong>at</strong>i’s young soccer players are undefe<strong>at</strong>ed championsby M<strong>at</strong>thew TomaszewskyYONKERS, N.Y. – <strong>The</strong> Kryl<strong>at</strong>i soccerteam in Yonkers, N.Y., had a verysuccessful season this year. FromSeptember <strong>to</strong> November 2009, theteam members played games onS<strong>at</strong>urday afternoons, including two<strong>to</strong>urnaments along the way. <strong>The</strong>yplayed in the McGrail Youth SoccerTournament <strong>at</strong> Tibbets Park and theBryn Mawr Thanksgiving Tournament<strong>at</strong> Welty Park – and won both <strong>to</strong>urnaments.<strong>The</strong> team is full of skilled playerswho show up <strong>to</strong> every game ready <strong>to</strong>compete and, hopefully, win. <strong>The</strong>team roster for most of the season wasas follows: Mykola Duda, TarasHalva, Michael (Myshka) Kuzemczak,Nazariy Miniv, Stefan Palylyk,M<strong>at</strong>thew Tomaszewsky, AndreyShmo<strong>to</strong>locha, Mykola Swyntuch, IgorPidhirny, Visar Hoxhal, MarkoShmo<strong>to</strong>locha, Danylko Sydor,M<strong>at</strong>thew Mazzola, Martin Dedvukaj,Edward Fay, Inna Lemyzhanska andVladyk Deput<strong>at</strong>.M<strong>at</strong>thew Tomaszewsky, 12, is amember of the Kryl<strong>at</strong>i youth soccerteam.particip<strong>at</strong>e in the program and <strong>at</strong>year’s end receives a “reward” fromSelfreliance for its work in promotinggood savings habits.Selfreliance staffers meet with thestudents <strong>to</strong> explain the concepts ofthrift, ownership, responsibility andthe need <strong>to</strong> save for the future. Severaltimes each year Selfreliance holdsdrawings for mp3 players or otherawards for qualifying members of theSuperSaver Club who have made adeposit during the design<strong>at</strong>ed timeperiod.For inform<strong>at</strong>ion readers may contacttheir <strong>Ukrainian</strong> school direc<strong>to</strong>r orSUAFCU staff <strong>at</strong> any branch office, ore-mail students@selfreliance.com.A team is only as good as theircoaches, and Kryl<strong>at</strong>i had two thisyear: Michael Tomaszewsky and JayPalylyk. <strong>The</strong>se two coaches have beenwith the team for three years now, andthey are loved by all the players.During the season, Kryl<strong>at</strong>i wonevery game they played, giving them aperfect 7-0-0 record. <strong>The</strong> squadplayed its games <strong>at</strong> Emerson Field, offof Odell Avenue in Yonkers. Teammembers always played with heart,and they were happy after winningeach and every game they played.Kryl<strong>at</strong>i played three games in theMcGrail Tournament. <strong>The</strong>y won theirfirst game, be<strong>at</strong>ing South YonkersTeam One 7-0; they tied their secondgame 2-2 against South Yonkers TeamTwo; and they won their final gameagainst Richards 2-1. <strong>The</strong>y werethrilled <strong>to</strong> take home the McGrail Cupand individual medals in their firstyear <strong>at</strong> the <strong>to</strong>urnament. <strong>The</strong> cup willbe displayed <strong>at</strong> the <strong>Ukrainian</strong> YouthCenter on Palisades Avenue inYonkers.In the Bryn Mawr Boys and GirlsClub Tournament, they won their firstgame against Bryn Mawr 1-0, be<strong>at</strong>Hillcrest 4-0, and won their finalStudents of St. Volodymyr <strong>Ukrainian</strong> Orthodox C<strong>at</strong>hedral’s School of<strong>Ukrainian</strong> Studies in Chicago school show off their SuperSavers Club giftsfrom Selfreliance <strong>Ukrainian</strong> American Federal Credit Union.game against Richards 2-0. <strong>The</strong>yreceived a trophy <strong>to</strong> display <strong>at</strong> the<strong>Ukrainian</strong> Youth Center, as well asindividual medals for the players.<strong>The</strong> undefe<strong>at</strong>ed Kryl<strong>at</strong>i team practices<strong>at</strong> St. Michael’s <strong>Ukrainian</strong>C<strong>at</strong>holic Church and <strong>at</strong> the <strong>Ukrainian</strong>Center in Yonkers, and is sponsoredby the Yonkers branch of the<strong>Ukrainian</strong> American YouthAssoci<strong>at</strong>ion. Team membersexpressed thanks <strong>to</strong> F<strong>at</strong>her Phil andmishanynaThis month, we challenge UKELODEON readers andMishanyna fans <strong>to</strong> find the names of the capitals of 13 of<strong>Ukraine</strong>’s 24 oblasts, which are hidden in the Mishanyna grid.CHERNIHIVCHERNIVTSICHERKASYDNIPROPETROVSKDONETSKUAYA Yonkers for making it possiblefor them <strong>to</strong> play a sport they love andproudly represent the Yonkers<strong>Ukrainian</strong> community.From now on, when the Kryl<strong>at</strong>iplayers and coaches go <strong>to</strong> the<strong>Ukrainian</strong> Youth Center, they will seetheir two trophies displayed with allthe others in the glass cabinets. <strong>The</strong>ywill remember the <strong>to</strong>urnaments andthe undefe<strong>at</strong>ed season they are so veryproud of.IVANO-FRANKIVSKKHARKIVKHERSONKHMELNYTSKYIKIROVOHRADKYIVLUHANSKLUTSK<strong>The</strong> Kryl<strong>at</strong>i youth soccer team.

28THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 14, 2010No. 11Easter Greetings 2010Holiday Issue Public<strong>at</strong>ion D<strong>at</strong>eTh e Uk r a i n i a n <strong>Weekly</strong>Continue your tradition.Send best wishes <strong>to</strong> your family andfriends, colleagues and clients on theoccasion of Easter with a greetingin <strong>The</strong> <strong>Ukrainian</strong> <strong>Weekly</strong>.Being <strong>Ukrainian</strong> means:o Two Easters in springtime, sometimes <strong>to</strong>gether.o “Zlet” and “Svia<strong>to</strong> Vesny” in May.o Soyuzivka’s <strong>Ukrainian</strong> Cultural Festival in July.o “Uke Week” <strong>at</strong> Wildwood in August.o Back <strong>to</strong> <strong>Ukrainian</strong> school in September.o “Morskyi Bal” in <strong>New</strong> Jersey in November.o Christmas in December.o Christmas in January.o Deb in February.o A subscription <strong>to</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>Ukrainian</strong> <strong>Weekly</strong>ALL YEAR ROUND.Advertising DeadlineMarch 28 March 191/16 page – $35; 1/8 page – $50;1/4 page – $100; 1/2 page – $200; full page – $400All advertising correspondence, reserv<strong>at</strong>ions and payments should be directed<strong>to</strong> Mrs. Maria Oscislawski, advertising manager, tel. 973-292-9800, ext. 3040,fax 973-644-9510, or e-mail: adukr@op<strong>to</strong>nline.netKindly make checks payable <strong>to</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>Ukrainian</strong> <strong>Weekly</strong>.Please send payment <strong>to</strong>:<strong>The</strong> <strong>Ukrainian</strong> <strong>Weekly</strong>, Advertising DepartmentP.O. Box 280, 2200 Route 10, Parsippany, NJ 07054PREVIEW OF EVENTSS<strong>at</strong>urday, March 27NEW YORK: Music <strong>at</strong> the Institute willpresent Angelina Gadeliya, pianist, and theLviv Duo – Solomiya Ivakhiv, violinist,and Marianna Humetska, pianist. Ms.Gadeliya will perform solo piano works byBrahms, Carter, Revutsky, Schumann andScriabin. <strong>The</strong> Lviv Suo will perform worksby Bar<strong>to</strong>k, Kosenko and Ravel. <strong>The</strong> concertbegins <strong>at</strong> 8 p.m. and will be followedby a reception <strong>at</strong> the <strong>Ukrainian</strong> Institute ofAmerica, loc<strong>at</strong>ed <strong>at</strong> 2 E. 79th St., corner ofFifth Avenue. General admission is $30;UIA members and seniors, $25; students,$20. Advance tickets may be purchased bysending a check payable <strong>to</strong> UIA-MATI, orby calling 212-288-8660 with a creditcard.MONTREAL: <strong>The</strong> Concordia <strong>Ukrainian</strong>Students’ Union (CUSU) and the McGill<strong>Ukrainian</strong> Students’ Associ<strong>at</strong>ion with the<strong>Ukrainian</strong> N<strong>at</strong>ional Youth Feder<strong>at</strong>ion isorganizing for the first time ever “Hip HopHopak” – a <strong>Ukrainian</strong> dance versusBreakdancing competition and fund-raiserfor Help Us Help the Children. Proceedswill go <strong>to</strong>wards helping orphaned childrenin <strong>Ukraine</strong>. Fe<strong>at</strong>ured will be the SyzokryliDance Ensemble from <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> andMontreal’s Bboy crew. Prizes will beawarded. <strong>The</strong> event will be held <strong>at</strong> the<strong>Ukrainian</strong> N<strong>at</strong>ional Feder<strong>at</strong>ion hall, 405Fairmount, beginning 8 p.m., with a wineand cheese reception from 6 p.m. Ticketsare $10. For advance tickets and furtherinform<strong>at</strong>ion contact cusu.mtl@gmail.com.Sunday, March 28-Sunday, April 4APOPKA, Fla: Holy Week and Easterservices in Central Florida will be held <strong>at</strong>St. Mary Protectress <strong>Ukrainian</strong> C<strong>at</strong>holicChurch, Apopka, Fla. (near Orlando) asfollows: Sunday, March 28, 11 a.m., PalmSunday liturgy and willow blessing;Thursday, April 1, 10 a.m., divine liturgy,and 5 p.m., reading of 12 Gospels; Friday,April 2, 10 a.m. Holy Sepulcher Service;S<strong>at</strong>urday, April 3, 10 a.m. divine liturgy;Sunday, April 4, 10 a.m. Paschal M<strong>at</strong>insand 11 a.m. Easter divine liturgy. St. MaryProtectress is loc<strong>at</strong>ed <strong>at</strong> 245 Lake McCoyDrive.PREVIEW OF EVENTS GUIDELINESPreview of Events is a listing of community events open <strong>to</strong> the public. It is aservice provided <strong>at</strong> minimal cost ($20 per listing) by <strong>The</strong> <strong>Ukrainian</strong> <strong>Weekly</strong> <strong>to</strong> the<strong>Ukrainian</strong> community.To have an event listed in Preview of Events please send inform<strong>at</strong>ion, in English,written in Preview form<strong>at</strong>, i.e., in a brief paragraph th<strong>at</strong> includes the d<strong>at</strong>e, place, typeof event, sponsor, admission, full names of persons and/or organiz<strong>at</strong>ions involved,and a phone number <strong>to</strong> be published for readers who may require additionalinform<strong>at</strong>ion. Items should be no more than 100 words long; longer submissionsare subject <strong>to</strong> editing. Items not written in Preview form<strong>at</strong> or submitted without allrequired inform<strong>at</strong>ion will not be published.Preview items must be received no l<strong>at</strong>er than one week before the desired d<strong>at</strong>e ofpublic<strong>at</strong>ion. No inform<strong>at</strong>ion will be taken over the phone. Items will be publishedonly once, unless otherwise indic<strong>at</strong>ed. Please include payment for each timethe item is <strong>to</strong> appear and indic<strong>at</strong>e d<strong>at</strong>e(s) of issue(s) in which the item is <strong>to</strong> bepublished. Also, senders are asked <strong>to</strong> include the phone number of a person whomay be contacted by <strong>The</strong> <strong>Weekly</strong> during daytime hours, as well as their completemailing address.Inform<strong>at</strong>ion should be sent <strong>to</strong>: preview@ukrweekly.com or Preview of Events,<strong>The</strong> <strong>Ukrainian</strong> <strong>Weekly</strong>, 2200 Route 10, P.O. Box 280, Parsippany, NJ 07054; fax,973-644-9510. NB: If e-mailing, please do not send items as <strong>at</strong>tachments;simply type the text in<strong>to</strong> the body of the e-mail message.To subscribe <strong>to</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>Ukrainian</strong> <strong>Weekly</strong>, fill out the form below, clipit and mail it <strong>to</strong>: Subscription Department, <strong>The</strong> <strong>Ukrainian</strong> <strong>Weekly</strong>,2200 Route 10, P.O. Box 280, Parsippany, NJ 07054.Or simply call 973-292-9800, ext. 3042.

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