Chapter 1 Routine maintenance and servicing

Chapter 1 Routine maintenance and servicing Chapter 1 Routine maintenance and servicing


1595Ford Fiesta Remake2D•10 Engine removal and overhaul procedures25 Unscrew the retaining bolt, and detachthe shift rod stabiliser from the transmission.As it is detached, note the washer locatedbetween the stabiliser and the transmission.Tie the stabiliser and the shift rod up out ofthe way.Automatic transmission models26 Unclip and detach the wiring connectorfrom the starter inhibitor switch (on thetransmission housing).27 Referring to the relevant Part of Chapter 4for details, unhook the accelerator (cam plate)cable from the carburettor or fuel injection unit(as applicable) at the transmission end ofthe cable. Undo the retaining bolt anddetach the cable sheath bracket from thetransmission. Detach the cam plate cablefrom the link.28 Undo the two nuts from the selector cablebracket which connects it to the lever on theselector shaft. Disconnect the yoke from thelever on the selector shaft and the cable fromthe lever.29 Unscrew the union nuts, and disconnectthe oil cooler feed and return pipes from thetransmission. Allow for a certain amount ofspillage, and plug the connections to preventthe ingress of dirt.All models30 Unscrew the retaining nut and withdrawthe Torx-type clamp bolt securing the lowersuspension arm to the spindle carrier on eachside.31 Refer to Chapter 10 for details, anddetach the right-hand and left-hand track rodend balljoints from the spindle carriers.32 On vehicles fitted with the anti-lockbraking system, refer to Chapter 9 and releasethe right-hand modulator from its mountingbracket without disconnecting the rigid brakepipes or return hose. Tie the modulatorsecurely to the bulkhead. Additionally, undothe three bolts securing the modulatorbracket.33 Insert a suitable lever between the righthanddriveshaft inner joint and thetransmission housing, and prise free thedriveshaft from the transmission; be preparedfor oil spillage from the transmission casethrough the vacated driveshaft aperture. As itis being prised free, simultaneously pull theroadwheel outwards on that side, to enablethe driveshaft inboard end to separatefrom the transmission. Once it is free,suspend and support the driveshaft from thesteering gear, to prevent unnecessary strainbeing placed on the driveshaft joints.34 Insert a suitable plastic plug (or ifavailable, an old driveshaft joint), into thetransmission driveshaft aperture, toimmobilise the gears of the differential unit.35 Proceed as described above inparagraphs 33 and 34, and disconnect theleft-hand driveshaft from the transmission.36 Connect a suitable lift hoist and sling tothe engine, connecting to the lifting eyes.When securely connected, take the weight ofthe engine/transmission unit so that thetension is relieved from the mountings.37 Undo the retaining bolts and nuts anddetach the right-hand engine mounting fromthe vehicle body.38 Undo the four bolts securing thetransmission bearer to the underside of thevehicle body. The transmission bearer isremoved with the engine/transmissionassembly.39 Unscrew the three retaining bolts, andremove the auxiliary drivebelt cover fromunder the crankshaft pulley.40 The engine/transmission unit should nowbe ready for removal from the vehicle. Checkthat all of the associated connections andfittings are disconnected from the engine andtransmission, and positioned out of the way.41 Enlist the aid of an assistant to helpsteady and guide the power unit downthrough the engine compartment as it isremoved. If available, position a suitableengine trolley or crawler board under theengine/transmission so that when lowered,the power unit can be withdrawn from thefront end of the vehicle, and then moved tothe area where it is to be cleaned anddismantled. On automatic transmissionmodels, particular care must be taken not todamage the transmission fluid pan (sump)during the removal and subsequent refittingprocesses.42 Carefully lower the engine andtransmission unit, ensuring that no fittingsbecome snagged. Detach the hoist andremove the power unit from under the vehicle.43 Referring to the relevant Part of Chapter 7,separate the transmission from the engine.44 While the engine/transmission is removed,check the mountings; renew them if they areworn or damaged. Similarly, check thecondition of all coolant and vacuum hosesand pipes (see Chapter 1). Components thatare normally hidden can now be checkedproperly, and should be renewed if there isany doubt at all about their condition. Wherethe vehicle is fitted with manual transmission,take the opportunity to inspect the clutchcomponents (see Chapter 6). It is regarded bymany as good working practice to renew theclutch assembly as a matter of course,whenever major engine overhaul work iscarried out. Check also the condition of allcomponents (such as the transmission oilseals) disturbed on removal, and renew anythat are damaged or worn.Refitting45 Refitting is a reversal of removal, howevernote the following additional points:a) Refer to the applicable Chapters andSections as for removal.b) Fit new spring clips to the grooves in theinboard end of the right- and left-handdriveshaft joints. Lubricate the splineswith transmission oil prior to fitting.c) Renew the exhaust flange gasket whenreconnecting the exhaust. Ensure that allwires are routed clear of the exhaustsystem and, on catalytic convertermodels, ensure that the heat shields aresecurely and correctly fitted.d) Ensure that all earth lead connections areclean and securely made.e) Tighten all nuts and bolts to the specifiedtorque.f) Fit a new oil filter, and refill the engine andtransmission with oil, with reference toChapter 1.g) Refill the cooling system with reference toChapter 1.h) Refit the alternator and starter motor withreference to Chapter 5A.i) Where applicable, refit the power steeringpump with reference to Chapter 10.46 When engine and transmission refitting iscomplete, refer to the procedures describedin Section 19 before restarting the engine.5 Engine/transmission -removal and refitting(Zetec engines)3Warning: Petrol is extremelyflammable, so take extraprecautions when disconnectingany part of the fuel system.Don’t smoke, or allow naked flames orbare light bulbs, in or near the work area,and don’t work in a garage where anatural-gas appliance (such as a clothesdryer or water heater) is installed. If youspill petrol on your skin, rinse it offimmediately. Have a fire extinguisher ratedfor petrol fires handy, and know how touse it.Note: Read through the entire Section, as wellas reading the advice in Section 2, beforebeginning this procedure. The engine andtransmission are removed as a unit, lowered tothe ground and removed from underneath,then separated outside the vehicle.Removal1 Park the vehicle on firm, level ground, applythe handbrake firmly, and slacken the nutssecuring both front roadwheels.2 Depressurise the fuel system as describedin Chapter 4D.3 Disconnect the battery negative (earth) lead(refer to Chapter 5A, Section 1).4 Place protective covers on the wings, thenremove the bonnet (see Chapter 11).5 Drain the cooling system and the engine oil(see Chapter 1).6 Remove the air inlet components and thecomplete air cleaner assembly as described inChapter 4D.7 Equalise the pressure in the fuel tank byremoving the filler cap, then release the fuelfeed and return quick-release couplings, andpull the hoses off the fuel pipes. Plug or capall open fittings.

Engine removal and overhaul procedures 2D•115.11 Unbolt the engine/transmission-tobodyearth lead from the transmission5.14a Disconnect the wiring multi-plugfrom the ignition coil . . .5.14b . . . the radio interferencesuppressor . . .Whenever you disconnectany vacuum lines, coolant oremissions hoses, wiringconnectors and fuel lines,always label them clearly, so that theycan be correctly reassembled. Maskingtape and/or a touch-up paint applicatorwork well for marking items. Takeinstant photos, or sketch the locationsof components and brackets.8 Disconnect the accelerator cable from thethrottle linkage as described in Chapter 4D.Secure the cable clear of theengine/transmission.9 Releasing its wire clip, unplug the wiringconnector from the power steering pressureswitch (where fitted), then disconnect theearth cable from the engine lifting eye. Refitthe bolt after disconnecting the cable.10 Marking or labelling all components asthey are disconnected, disconnect thevacuum hoses as follows:a) From the rear of the inlet manifold.b) The braking system vacuum servo unithose - from the inlet manifold (seeChapter 9 for details).c) While you are there, trace the vacuum linefrom the pulse-air filter housing, anddisconnect it from the pulse-air solenoidvalve.d) Secure all these hoses so that they won’tget damaged as the engine/transmissionis removed.11 Unbolt the engine/transmission-to-bodyearth lead from the transmission (seeillustration). Disconnect the speedometerdrive cable (see Chapter 12) and secure itclear of the engine/transmission.12 Disconnect the earth strap at the top ofthe engine/transmission flange, and theadjacent bolt securing the wiring harness clip.13 Where the vehicle is fitted with manualtransmission, disconnect the clutch cable (seeChapter 6).14 Marking or labelling all components asthey are disconnected, disconnect the enginewiring connectors as follows (seeillustrations):a) The multi-plug from the E-DIS ignitioncoil.b) The radio interference suppressor fromthe DIS ignition coil.c) The reversing light switch multi-plug.d) The engine main wiring loom multi-plugbehind the E-DIS ignition coil.e) The crankshaft speed/position sensor andvehicle speed sensor multi-plugs.f) The oxygen sensor multi-plug.15 Unbolt the exhaust manifold heat shield,and lift it clear.16 Remove the auxiliary drivebelt (seeChapter 1).17 Marking or labelling all components asthey are disconnected and catching as muchas possible of the escaping coolant in thedrain tray, disconnect the cooling systemhoses and pipes as follows:a) The coolant hoses at the thermostathousing.b) The coolant hose at the metal cross pipelower connection.c) The radiator top and bottom hoses.18 Where applicable, detach the powersteering pump pressure pipe clips, release theunions and disconnect the pump pressureand return lines. Collect the fluid in asuitable container, and plug the disconnectedunions.19 On vehicles fitted with the anti-lockbraking system, refer to Chapter 9 and releasethe left-hand modulator from its mountingbracket, without disconnecting the rigid brakepipes or return hose. Tie the modulatorsecurely to the bulkhead.20 Chock the rear wheels then jack up thefront of the car and support it on axle stands(see “Jacking and Vehicle Support”). Removethe front roadwheels.21 Refer to Chapter 5 if necessary, anddisconnect the wiring from the starter motorand alternator.22 Disconnect the oil pressure switch wiringconnector.23 On automatic transmission models,disconnect the starter inhibitor switch wiringand disconnect the selector cable (seeChapter 7B). Secure the cable clear of theengine/transmission.24 Where the vehicle is fitted with manualtransmission, disconnect the gearchangelinkage and transmission support rod from therear of the transmission - make alignmentmarks as they are disconnected (seeillustrations).2D5.14c . . . and the reversing light switch5.24a Disconnect the gearchange linkage . . .5.24b . . . and transmission support rod1595Ford Fiesta Remake

Engine removal <strong>and</strong> overhaul procedures 2D•115.11 Unbolt the engine/transmission-tobodyearth lead from the transmission5.14a Disconnect the wiring multi-plugfrom the ignition coil . . .5.14b . . . the radio interferencesuppressor . . .Whenever you disconnectany vacuum lines, coolant oremissions hoses, wiringconnectors <strong>and</strong> fuel lines,always label them clearly, so that theycan be correctly reassembled. Maskingtape <strong>and</strong>/or a touch-up paint applicatorwork well for marking items. Takeinstant photos, or sketch the locationsof components <strong>and</strong> brackets.8 Disconnect the accelerator cable from thethrottle linkage as described in <strong>Chapter</strong> 4D.Secure the cable clear of theengine/transmission.9 Releasing its wire clip, unplug the wiringconnector from the power steering pressureswitch (where fitted), then disconnect theearth cable from the engine lifting eye. Refitthe bolt after disconnecting the cable.10 Marking or labelling all components asthey are disconnected, disconnect thevacuum hoses as follows:a) From the rear of the inlet manifold.b) The braking system vacuum servo unithose - from the inlet manifold (see<strong>Chapter</strong> 9 for details).c) While you are there, trace the vacuum linefrom the pulse-air filter housing, <strong>and</strong>disconnect it from the pulse-air solenoidvalve.d) Secure all these hoses so that they won’tget damaged as the engine/transmissionis removed.11 Unbolt the engine/transmission-to-bodyearth lead from the transmission (seeillustration). Disconnect the speedometerdrive cable (see <strong>Chapter</strong> 12) <strong>and</strong> secure itclear of the engine/transmission.12 Disconnect the earth strap at the top ofthe engine/transmission flange, <strong>and</strong> theadjacent bolt securing the wiring harness clip.13 Where the vehicle is fitted with manualtransmission, disconnect the clutch cable (see<strong>Chapter</strong> 6).14 Marking or labelling all components asthey are disconnected, disconnect the enginewiring connectors as follows (seeillustrations):a) The multi-plug from the E-DIS ignitioncoil.b) The radio interference suppressor fromthe DIS ignition coil.c) The reversing light switch multi-plug.d) The engine main wiring loom multi-plugbehind the E-DIS ignition coil.e) The crankshaft speed/position sensor <strong>and</strong>vehicle speed sensor multi-plugs.f) The oxygen sensor multi-plug.15 Unbolt the exhaust manifold heat shield,<strong>and</strong> lift it clear.16 Remove the auxiliary drivebelt (see<strong>Chapter</strong> 1).17 Marking or labelling all components asthey are disconnected <strong>and</strong> catching as muchas possible of the escaping coolant in thedrain tray, disconnect the cooling systemhoses <strong>and</strong> pipes as follows:a) The coolant hoses at the thermostathousing.b) The coolant hose at the metal cross pipelower connection.c) The radiator top <strong>and</strong> bottom hoses.18 Where applicable, detach the powersteering pump pressure pipe clips, release theunions <strong>and</strong> disconnect the pump pressure<strong>and</strong> return lines. Collect the fluid in asuitable container, <strong>and</strong> plug the disconnectedunions.19 On vehicles fitted with the anti-lockbraking system, refer to <strong>Chapter</strong> 9 <strong>and</strong> releasethe left-h<strong>and</strong> modulator from its mountingbracket, without disconnecting the rigid brakepipes or return hose. Tie the modulatorsecurely to the bulkhead.20 Chock the rear wheels then jack up thefront of the car <strong>and</strong> support it on axle st<strong>and</strong>s(see “Jacking <strong>and</strong> Vehicle Support”). Removethe front roadwheels.21 Refer to <strong>Chapter</strong> 5 if necessary, <strong>and</strong>disconnect the wiring from the starter motor<strong>and</strong> alternator.22 Disconnect the oil pressure switch wiringconnector.23 On automatic transmission models,disconnect the starter inhibitor switch wiring<strong>and</strong> disconnect the selector cable (see<strong>Chapter</strong> 7B). Secure the cable clear of theengine/transmission.24 Where the vehicle is fitted with manualtransmission, disconnect the gearchangelinkage <strong>and</strong> transmission support rod from therear of the transmission - make alignmentmarks as they are disconnected (seeillustrations).2D5.14c . . . <strong>and</strong> the reversing light switch5.24a Disconnect the gearchange linkage . . .5.24b . . . <strong>and</strong> transmission support rod1595Ford Fiesta Remake

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