Chapter 1 Routine maintenance and servicing

Chapter 1 Routine maintenance and servicing Chapter 1 Routine maintenance and servicing


1595Ford Fiesta Remake2C•12 Zetec engine in-car repair procedures12.28a Cylinder head bolt tighteningsequenceNote: View from rear of vehicle25 As the cylinder head is such a heavy andawkward assembly to refit with manifolds, it ishelpful to make up a pair of guide studs fromtwo 10 mm (thread size) studs approximately90 mm long, with a screwdriver slot cut in oneend - two old cylinder head bolts with theirheads cut off would make a good startingpoint. Screw these guide studs, screwdriverslot upwards to permit removal, into the boltholes at diagonally-opposite corners of thecylinder block surface (or into those where thelocating dowels are fitted); ensure thatapproximately 70 mm of stud protrudesabove the gasket.26 Refit the cylinder head, sliding it down theguide studs (if used) and locating it on thedowels. Unscrew the guide studs (if used)when the head is in place.27 Fit the new cylinder head bolts dry (do notoil their threads); carefully enter each into itshole and screw it in, by hand only, until fingertight.28 Working progressively and in thesequence shown, use first a torque wrench,then an ordinary socket extension bar and anangle gauge, to tighten the cylinder head boltsin the stages given in the SpecificationsSection of this Chapter (see illustrations).Note: Once tightened correctly, following thisprocedure, the cylinder head bolts do notrequire check-tightening, and must not be retorqued.29 Refit the hydraulic tappets (if removed),the camshafts, their oil seals and sprockets(see Sections 11, 10 and 9, as appropriate).Temporarily refit the crankshaft pulley, androtate the crankshaft clockwise to return thepulley notches to the TDC position describedin Section 3.30 Refit the earth lead to the lifting eye31 Refit the timing belt and covers, checkingthe camshaft alignment (valve timing) andsetting the timing belt tension, as described inSection 8.32 The remainder of reassembly is thereverse of the removal procedure, noting thefollowing points:a) Tighten all fasteners to the torque wrenchsettings specified.b) Refill the cooling system, and top-up the12.28b Tightening cylinder head bolts(Stages 1 and 2) using torque wrench . . .engine oil (see Chapter 1 and “WeeklyChecks”).c) Check all disturbed joints for signs of oilor coolant leakage, once the engine hasbeen restarted and warmed-up to normaloperating temperature.d) If the power steering hoses wheredisconnected, bleed the system asdescribed in Chapter 10 afterreconnection.13 Sump -removal and refitting2RemovalNote: The full procedure outlined below mustbe followed, so that the mating surfaces canbe cleaned and prepared to achieve an oiltightjoint on reassembly, and so that thesump can be aligned correctly; depending onyour skill and experience, and the tools andfacilities available, it may be that this task canbe carried out only with the engine removedfrom the vehicle. Note that the sump gasketmust be renewed whenever it is disturbed.1 Disconnect the battery negative (earth) lead(refer to Chapter 5A, Section 1).2 Drain the engine oil, then clean and refit theengine oil drain plug, tightening it to thespecified torque wrench setting. Although notstrictly necessary as part of the dismantlingprocedure, owners are advised to remove anddiscard the oil filter, so that it can be renewedwith the oil (see Chapter 1).3 Refer to Chapter 5A and remove the startermotor.4 Remove the auxiliary drivebelt cover (seeChapter 1).5 Unplug the electrical connector(s) todisconnect the oxygen sensor.6 Unscrew the nuts to disconnect theexhaust system front downpipe from themanifold, then either unhook all the system’srubber mountings and withdraw the completeexhaust system from under the vehicle, orremove only the downpipe/catalytic converter(see Chapter 4E for details).12.28c . . . and to Stage 3 using anglegauge7 Unscrew the sump-to-transmission bolts,also any securing the engine/transmissionlower adapter plate.8 Progressively unscrew the sump retainingbolts. Break the joint by striking the sump withthe palm of the hand, then lower the sumpand withdraw it with the engine/transmissionlower adapter plate (where fitted); note thepresence of any shims between the sump andtransmission.9 Remove and discard the sump gasket; thismust be renewed as a matter of coursewhenever it is disturbed.10 While the sump is removed, take theopportunity to remove the oil pump pickup/strainerpipe and to clean it (see Section14).Refitting11 On reassembly, thoroughly clean anddegrease the mating surfaces of the cylinderblock/crankcase and sump, then use a cleanrag to wipe out the sump and the engine’sinterior. If the oil pump pick-up/strainer pipewas removed, fit a new gasket and refit thepipe, tightening its screws to the specifiedtorque wrench setting. Fit the new gasket tothe sump mating surface so that the gasketfits into the sump groove (see illustration).12 If the sump is being refitted with theengine/transmission still connected and in thevehicle, proceed as follows:a) Check that the mating surfaces of thesump, the cylinder block/crankcase and13.11 Ensure gasket is located correctly insump groove

Zetec engine in-car repair procedures 2C•1313.13a Apply sealant (arrowed) as directedwhen refitting sump13.13b Checking alignment of sump withcylinder block/crankcase13.13c Sump-to-cylinder block/crankcasealignment shims1 Fitting points on sump 2 Shimthe transmission are absolutely clean andflat. Any shims found on removal of thesump must be refitted in their originallocations.b) Apply a thin film of suitable sealant (Fordrecommend Hylosil 102) to the junctionsof the cylinder block/crankcase with theoil pump and the crankshaft left-hand oilseal carrier. Without delay - the sumpbolts must be fully tightened within 10 to20 minutes of applying the sealant - offerup the sump and engine/transmissionlower adapter plate, and refit the bolts,tightening them lightly at first.c) Ensuring that the engine/transmissionlower adapter plate is correctly located,firmly press the sump against thetransmission, and tighten thetransmission-to-sump (ie, engine) bolts tothe specified torque wrench setting.d) Without disturbing the position of thesump, and working in a diagonalsequence from the centre outwards,tighten the sump bolts to the specifiedtorque wrench setting.e) Proceed to paragraph 14.13 If the sump is being refitted with theengine and transmission separated (in or outof the vehicle), proceed as follows:a) Apply a thin film of suitable sealant (Fordrecommend Hylosil 102) to the junctionsof the cylinder block/crankcase with theoil pump and the crankshaft left-hand oilseal carrier (see illustration). Without delay- the sump bolts must be fully tightenedwithin 10 to 20 minutes of applying thesealant - offer up the sump to the cylinderblock/crankcase, and insert the sumpbolts, tightening them lightly at first.b) Using a suitable straight edge to checkalignment across the flat-machined facesof each, move the sump as necessary sothat its left-hand face - including anyshims found on removal - is flush withthat of the cylinder block/crankcase (seeillustration). Without disturbing theposition of the sump, and working in adiagonal sequence from the centreoutwards, tighten the sump bolts to thespecified torque wrench setting.c) Check again that both faces are flushbefore proceeding; if necessary, unboltthe sump again, clean the matingsurfaces, and repeat the full procedure toensure that the sump is correctly aligned.d) If it is not possible to achieve exactalignment by moving the sump, shims areavailable in thicknesses of 0.25 mm(colour-coded yellow) or 0.50 mm (colourcodedblack) to eliminate the discrepancy(see illustration).14 The remainder of reassembly is thereverse of the removal procedure, noting thefollowing points.a) Tighten all fasteners to the torque wrenchsettings specified.b) Always renew any self-locking nutsdisturbed on removal.c) Refill the cooling system (see Chapter 1).d) Refill the engine with oil, rememberingthat you are advised to fit a new filter (seeChapter 1).e) Check for signs of oil or coolant leaksonce the engine has been restarted andwarmed-up to normal operatingtemperature.14 Oil pump - removal,inspection and refitting4RemovalNote: While this task is theoretically possiblewhen the engine is in place in the vehicle, inpractice, it requires so much preliminarydismantling, and is so difficult to carry out dueto the restricted access, that owners areadvised to remove the engine from the vehiclefirst. Note, however, that the oil pumppressure relief valve can be removed with theengine in situ - see paragraph 8.1 Remove the timing belt (see Section 8).2 Withdraw the crankshaft sprocket and thethrustwasher behind it, noting which wayround the thrustwasher is fitted (see Section9).3 Remove the sump (see Section 13).4 Undo the screws securing the oil pumppick-up/strainer pipe to the pump, thenunscrew the nut and withdraw the oil pumppick-up/strainer pipe. Discard the gasket.5 Unbolt the pump from the cylinderblock/crankcase (see illustration). Withdrawand discard the gasket, and remove thecrankshaft right-hand oil seal. Thoroughlyclean and degrease all components,particularly the mating surfaces of the pump,the sump, and the cylinder block/crankcase.Inspection6 Unscrew the Torx screws, and remove thepump cover plate; noting any identificationmarks on the rotors, withdraw the rotors (seeillustration).2C14.5 Unscrew bolts (arrowed) to removeoil pump14.6 Withdrawing oil pump inner rotor1595Ford Fiesta Remake

Zetec engine in-car repair procedures 2C•1313.13a Apply sealant (arrowed) as directedwhen refitting sump13.13b Checking alignment of sump withcylinder block/crankcase13.13c Sump-to-cylinder block/crankcasealignment shims1 Fitting points on sump 2 Shimthe transmission are absolutely clean <strong>and</strong>flat. Any shims found on removal of thesump must be refitted in their originallocations.b) Apply a thin film of suitable sealant (Fordrecommend Hylosil 102) to the junctionsof the cylinder block/crankcase with theoil pump <strong>and</strong> the crankshaft left-h<strong>and</strong> oilseal carrier. Without delay - the sumpbolts must be fully tightened within 10 to20 minutes of applying the sealant - offerup the sump <strong>and</strong> engine/transmissionlower adapter plate, <strong>and</strong> refit the bolts,tightening them lightly at first.c) Ensuring that the engine/transmissionlower adapter plate is correctly located,firmly press the sump against thetransmission, <strong>and</strong> tighten thetransmission-to-sump (ie, engine) bolts tothe specified torque wrench setting.d) Without disturbing the position of thesump, <strong>and</strong> working in a diagonalsequence from the centre outwards,tighten the sump bolts to the specifiedtorque wrench setting.e) Proceed to paragraph 14.13 If the sump is being refitted with theengine <strong>and</strong> transmission separated (in or outof the vehicle), proceed as follows:a) Apply a thin film of suitable sealant (Fordrecommend Hylosil 102) to the junctionsof the cylinder block/crankcase with theoil pump <strong>and</strong> the crankshaft left-h<strong>and</strong> oilseal carrier (see illustration). Without delay- the sump bolts must be fully tightenedwithin 10 to 20 minutes of applying thesealant - offer up the sump to the cylinderblock/crankcase, <strong>and</strong> insert the sumpbolts, tightening them lightly at first.b) Using a suitable straight edge to checkalignment across the flat-machined facesof each, move the sump as necessary sothat its left-h<strong>and</strong> face - including anyshims found on removal - is flush withthat of the cylinder block/crankcase (seeillustration). Without disturbing theposition of the sump, <strong>and</strong> working in adiagonal sequence from the centreoutwards, tighten the sump bolts to thespecified torque wrench setting.c) Check again that both faces are flushbefore proceeding; if necessary, unboltthe sump again, clean the matingsurfaces, <strong>and</strong> repeat the full procedure toensure that the sump is correctly aligned.d) If it is not possible to achieve exactalignment by moving the sump, shims areavailable in thicknesses of 0.25 mm(colour-coded yellow) or 0.50 mm (colourcodedblack) to eliminate the discrepancy(see illustration).14 The remainder of reassembly is thereverse of the removal procedure, noting thefollowing points.a) Tighten all fasteners to the torque wrenchsettings specified.b) Always renew any self-locking nutsdisturbed on removal.c) Refill the cooling system (see <strong>Chapter</strong> 1).d) Refill the engine with oil, rememberingthat you are advised to fit a new filter (see<strong>Chapter</strong> 1).e) Check for signs of oil or coolant leaksonce the engine has been restarted <strong>and</strong>warmed-up to normal operatingtemperature.14 Oil pump - removal,inspection <strong>and</strong> refitting4RemovalNote: While this task is theoretically possiblewhen the engine is in place in the vehicle, inpractice, it requires so much preliminarydismantling, <strong>and</strong> is so difficult to carry out dueto the restricted access, that owners areadvised to remove the engine from the vehiclefirst. Note, however, that the oil pumppressure relief valve can be removed with theengine in situ - see paragraph 8.1 Remove the timing belt (see Section 8).2 Withdraw the crankshaft sprocket <strong>and</strong> thethrustwasher behind it, noting which wayround the thrustwasher is fitted (see Section9).3 Remove the sump (see Section 13).4 Undo the screws securing the oil pumppick-up/strainer pipe to the pump, thenunscrew the nut <strong>and</strong> withdraw the oil pumppick-up/strainer pipe. Discard the gasket.5 Unbolt the pump from the cylinderblock/crankcase (see illustration). Withdraw<strong>and</strong> discard the gasket, <strong>and</strong> remove thecrankshaft right-h<strong>and</strong> oil seal. Thoroughlyclean <strong>and</strong> degrease all components,particularly the mating surfaces of the pump,the sump, <strong>and</strong> the cylinder block/crankcase.Inspection6 Unscrew the Torx screws, <strong>and</strong> remove thepump cover plate; noting any identificationmarks on the rotors, withdraw the rotors (seeillustration).2C14.5 Unscrew bolts (arrowed) to removeoil pump14.6 Withdrawing oil pump inner rotor1595Ford Fiesta Remake

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