Chapter 1 Routine maintenance and servicing

Chapter 1 Routine maintenance and servicing Chapter 1 Routine maintenance and servicing


1595 Ford Fiesta RemakeMOT test checks REF•11Electrical equipment Switch on the ignition and check theoperation of the horn. Check the windscreen washers and wipers,examining the wiper blades; renew damagedor perished blades. Also check the operationof the stop-lights. Inspect both front brake flexible hoses forcracks or deterioration of the rubber. Turn thesteering from lock to lock, and ensure that thehoses do not contact the wheel, tyre, or anypart of the steering or suspension mechanism.With the brake pedal firmly depressed, checkthe hoses for bulges or leaks under pressure.Seat belts and seatsNote: The following checks are applicable toall seat belts, front and rear. Examine the webbing of all the belts(including rear belts if fitted) for cuts, seriousfraying or deterioration. Fasten and unfasteneach belt to check the buckles. If applicable,check the retracting mechanism. Check thesecurity of all seat belt mountings accessiblefrom inside the vehicle. The front seats themselves must besecurely attached and the backrests mustlock in the upright position.Doors Both front doors must be able to be openedand closed from outside and inside, and mustlatch securely when closed.2 Checks carried outWITH THE VEHICLE ON THEGROUNDVehicle identification Number plates must be in good condition,secure and legible, with letters and numberscorrectly spaced – spacing at (A) should betwice that at (B). Check the operation of the sidelights andnumber plate lights. The lenses and reflectorsmust be secure, clean and undamaged. Check the operation and alignment of theheadlights. The headlight reflectors must notbe tarnished and the lenses must beundamaged. Switch on the ignition and check theoperation of the direction indicators (includingthe instrument panel tell-tale) and the hazardwarning lights. Operation of the sidelights andstop-lights must not affect the indicators - if itdoes, the cause is usually a bad earth at therear light cluster. Check the operation of the rear foglight(s),including the warning light on the instrumentpanel or in the switch.Footbrake Examine the master cylinder, brake pipesand servo unit for leaks, loose mountings,corrosion or other damage.Steering and suspension Have your assistant turn the steering wheelfrom side to side slightly, up to the point wherethe steering gear just begins to transmit thismovement to the roadwheels. Check forexcessive free play between the steeringwheel and the steering gear, indicating wear orinsecurity of the steering column joints, thecolumn-to-steering gear coupling, or thesteering gear itself. Have your assistant turn the steering wheelmore vigorously in each direction, so that theroadwheels just begin to turn. As this is done,examine all the steering joints, linkages,fittings and attachments. Renew anycomponent that shows signs of wear ordamage. On vehicles with power steering,check the security and condition of thesteering pump, drivebelt and hoses. Check that the vehicle is standing level,and at approximately the correct ride height.Shock absorbers Depress each corner of the vehicle in turn,then release it. The vehicle should rise andthen settle in its normal position. If the vehiclecontinues to rise and fall, the shock absorberis defective. A shock absorber which hasseized will also cause the vehicle to fail. The VIN plate and/or homologation platemust be legible. The fluid reservoir must be secure and thefluid level must be between the upper (A) andlower (B) markings.REF

REF•12 MOT test checksExhaust system Start the engine. With your assistantholding a rag over the tailpipe, check theentire system for leaks. Repair or renewleaking sections.Front and rear suspension andwheel bearings Starting at the front right-hand side, graspthe roadwheel at the 3 o’clock and 9 o’clockpositions and shake it vigorously. Check forfree play or insecurity at the wheel bearings,suspension balljoints, or suspension mountings,pivots and attachments. Now grasp the wheel at the 12 o’clock and6 o’clock positions and repeat the previousinspection. Spin the wheel, and check forroughness or tightness of the front wheelbearing. The same general checks apply to vehiclesfitted with other suspension types, such astorsion bars, hydraulic displacer units, etc.Ensure that all mountings and attachments aresecure, that there are no signs of excessivewear, corrosion or damage, and (on hydraulictypes) that there are no fluid leaks or damagedpipes. Inspect the shock absorbers for signs ofserious fluid leakage. Check for wear of themounting bushes or attachments, or damageto the body of the unit.Driveshafts(fwd vehicles only) Rotate each front wheel in turn and inspectthe constant velocity joint gaiters for splits ordamage. Also check that each driveshaft isstraight and undamaged.3 Checks carried outWITH THE VEHICLE RAISEDAND THE WHEELS FREE TOTURNJack up the front and rear of the vehicle,and securely support it on axle stands.Position the stands clear of the suspensionassemblies. Ensure that the wheels areclear of the ground and that the steeringcan be turned from lock to lock.Steering mechanism Have your assistant turn the steering fromlock to lock. Check that the steering turnssmoothly, and that no part of the steeringmechanism, including a wheel or tyre, foulsany brake hose or pipe or any part of the bodystructure. Examine the steering rack rubber gaitersfor damage or insecurity of the retaining clips.If power steering is fitted, check for signs ofdamage or leakage of the fluid hoses, pipes orconnections. Also check for excessivestiffness or binding of the steering, a missingsplit pin or locking device, or severe corrosionof the body structure within 30 cm of anysteering component attachment point. If excess free play is suspected at acomponent pivot point, this can be confirmedby using a large screwdriver or similar tool andlevering between the mounting and thecomponent attachment. This will confirmwhether the wear is in the pivot bush, itsretaining bolt, or in the mounting itself (the boltholes can often become elongated). Carry out all the above checks at the otherfront wheel, and then at both rear wheels.Springs and shock absorbers Examine the suspension struts (whenapplicable) for serious fluid leakage, corrosion,or damage to the casing. Also check thesecurity of the mounting points. If coil springs are fitted, check that thespring ends locate in their seats, and that thespring is not corroded, cracked or broken. If leaf springs are fitted, check that allleaves are intact, that the axle is securelyattached to each spring, and that there is nodeterioration of the spring eye mountings,bushes, and shackles.Braking system If possible without dismantling, checkbrake pad wear and disc condition. Ensurethat the friction lining material has not wornexcessively, (A) and that the discs are notfractured, pitted, scored or badly worn (B). Examine all the rigid brake pipesunderneath the vehicle, and the flexiblehose(s) at the rear. Look for corrosion, chafingor insecurity of the pipes, and for signs ofbulging under pressure, chafing, splits ordeterioration of the flexible hoses. Look for signs of fluid leaks at the brakecalipers or on the brake backplates. Repair orrenew leaking components. Slowly spin each wheel, while yourassistant depresses and releases thefootbrake. Ensure that each brake is operatingand does not bind when the pedal is released.1595 Ford Fiesta Remake

1595 Ford Fiesta RemakeMOT test checks REF•11Electrical equipment Switch on the ignition <strong>and</strong> check theoperation of the horn. Check the windscreen washers <strong>and</strong> wipers,examining the wiper blades; renew damagedor perished blades. Also check the operationof the stop-lights. Inspect both front brake flexible hoses forcracks or deterioration of the rubber. Turn thesteering from lock to lock, <strong>and</strong> ensure that thehoses do not contact the wheel, tyre, or anypart of the steering or suspension mechanism.With the brake pedal firmly depressed, checkthe hoses for bulges or leaks under pressure.Seat belts <strong>and</strong> seatsNote: The following checks are applicable toall seat belts, front <strong>and</strong> rear. Examine the webbing of all the belts(including rear belts if fitted) for cuts, seriousfraying or deterioration. Fasten <strong>and</strong> unfasteneach belt to check the buckles. If applicable,check the retracting mechanism. Check thesecurity of all seat belt mountings accessiblefrom inside the vehicle. The front seats themselves must besecurely attached <strong>and</strong> the backrests mustlock in the upright position.Doors Both front doors must be able to be opened<strong>and</strong> closed from outside <strong>and</strong> inside, <strong>and</strong> mustlatch securely when closed.2 Checks carried outWITH THE VEHICLE ON THEGROUNDVehicle identification Number plates must be in good condition,secure <strong>and</strong> legible, with letters <strong>and</strong> numberscorrectly spaced – spacing at (A) should betwice that at (B). Check the operation of the sidelights <strong>and</strong>number plate lights. The lenses <strong>and</strong> reflectorsmust be secure, clean <strong>and</strong> undamaged. Check the operation <strong>and</strong> alignment of theheadlights. The headlight reflectors must notbe tarnished <strong>and</strong> the lenses must beundamaged. Switch on the ignition <strong>and</strong> check theoperation of the direction indicators (includingthe instrument panel tell-tale) <strong>and</strong> the hazardwarning lights. Operation of the sidelights <strong>and</strong>stop-lights must not affect the indicators - if itdoes, the cause is usually a bad earth at therear light cluster. Check the operation of the rear foglight(s),including the warning light on the instrumentpanel or in the switch.Footbrake Examine the master cylinder, brake pipes<strong>and</strong> servo unit for leaks, loose mountings,corrosion or other damage.Steering <strong>and</strong> suspension Have your assistant turn the steering wheelfrom side to side slightly, up to the point wherethe steering gear just begins to transmit thismovement to the roadwheels. Check forexcessive free play between the steeringwheel <strong>and</strong> the steering gear, indicating wear orinsecurity of the steering column joints, thecolumn-to-steering gear coupling, or thesteering gear itself. Have your assistant turn the steering wheelmore vigorously in each direction, so that theroadwheels just begin to turn. As this is done,examine all the steering joints, linkages,fittings <strong>and</strong> attachments. Renew anycomponent that shows signs of wear ordamage. On vehicles with power steering,check the security <strong>and</strong> condition of thesteering pump, drivebelt <strong>and</strong> hoses. Check that the vehicle is st<strong>and</strong>ing level,<strong>and</strong> at approximately the correct ride height.Shock absorbers Depress each corner of the vehicle in turn,then release it. The vehicle should rise <strong>and</strong>then settle in its normal position. If the vehiclecontinues to rise <strong>and</strong> fall, the shock absorberis defective. A shock absorber which hasseized will also cause the vehicle to fail. The VIN plate <strong>and</strong>/or homologation platemust be legible. The fluid reservoir must be secure <strong>and</strong> thefluid level must be between the upper (A) <strong>and</strong>lower (B) markings.REF

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