Chapter 1 Routine maintenance and servicing

Chapter 1 Routine maintenance and servicing Chapter 1 Routine maintenance and servicing


1595 Ford Fiesta RemakeBuying spare parts REF•3Vehicle identificationModifications are a continuing andunpublicised process in vehicle manufacture,quite apart from major model changes. Spareparts manuals and lists are compiled upon anumerical basis, the individual vehicle identificationnumbers being essential to correctidentification of the component concerned.When ordering spare parts, always give asmuch information as possible. Quote thevehicle model, year of manufacture, body andengine numbers as appropriate.The vehicle identification plate is located onthe top of the front crossmember in theengine compartment (see illustration). Inaddition to many other details, it carries theVehicle Identification Number (VIN), maximumvehicle weight information, and codes forinterior trim and body colours.The Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) isgiven on the vehicle identification plate (seeillustration). It is also located in a recess inthe floor to the right-hand side of the driver’sseat, access being gained after lifting theaperture cover. On later models, the numberis also stamped on a metal tag fixed to theleft-hand side of the facia, which can be readthrough the windscreen.The body number and paint code numbersare located on the vehicle identification plate.The engine number location is dependenton the engine type. On the HCS engines, it isstamped on the front left-hand side of thecylinder block towards the transmission(facing the radiator) (see illustration). On theCVH and PTE engines, the location of theengine number is dependent on theequipment fitted, but is on the exhaust side ofthe engine, facing either towards the timingbelt end or the transmission end (seeillustration). On the Zetec engines, thenumber can be found on the forward-facingside of the cylinder block, level with the startermotor, or on the cylinder head just above thethermostat housing (see illustration).Vehicle identification plateHCS engine identification numberslocationA Engine code (side or upper face)B Serial numberCVH and PTE engine identification numberlocation is on (A) the right-hand side or (B)the left-hand side, according to model andequipmentZetec engine identification number onforward-facing side of cylinder block levelwith the starter motor (A), or on cylinderhead just above thermostat housing (B)REF

REF•4 General repair proceduresWhenever servicing, repair or overhaul workis carried out on the car or its components,observe the following procedures andinstructions. This will assist in carrying out theoperation efficiently and to a professionalstandard of workmanship.Joint mating faces and gasketsWhen separating components at theirmating faces, never insert screwdrivers orsimilar implements into the joint between thefaces in order to prise them apart. This cancause severe damage which results in oilleaks, coolant leaks, etc upon reassembly.Separation is usually achieved by tappingalong the joint with a soft-faced hammer inorder to break the seal. However, note thatthis method may not be suitable wheredowels are used for component location.Where a gasket is used between the matingfaces of two components, a new one must befitted on reassembly; fit it dry unless otherwisestated in the repair procedure. Make sure thatthe mating faces are clean and dry, with alltraces of old gasket removed. When cleaning ajoint face, use a tool which is unlikely to scoreor damage the face, and remove any burrs ornicks with an oilstone or fine file.Make sure that tapped holes are cleanedwith a pipe cleaner, and keep them free ofjointing compound, if this is being used,unless specifically instructed otherwise.Ensure that all orifices, channels or pipesare clear, and blow through them, preferablyusing compressed air.Oil sealsOil seals can be removed by levering themout with a wide flat-bladed screwdriver orsimilar implement. Alternatively, a number ofself-tapping screws may be screwed into theseal, and these used as a purchase for pliers orsome similar device in order to pull the seal free.Whenever an oil seal is removed from itsworking location, either individually or as partof an assembly, it should be renewed.The very fine sealing lip of the seal is easilydamaged, and will not seal if the surface itcontacts is not completely clean and free fromscratches, nicks or grooves. If the originalsealing surface of the component cannot berestored, and the manufacturer has not madeprovision for slight relocation of the sealrelative to the sealing surface, the componentshould be renewed.Protect the lips of the seal from any surfacewhich may damage them in the course offitting. Use tape or a conical sleeve wherepossible. Lubricate the seal lips with oil beforefitting and, on dual-lipped seals, fill the spacebetween the lips with grease.Unless otherwise stated, oil seals must befitted with their sealing lips toward thelubricant to be sealed.Use a tubular drift or block of wood of theappropriate size to install the seal and, if theseal housing is shouldered, drive the sealdown to the shoulder. If the seal housing isunshouldered, the seal should be fitted withits face flush with the housing top face (unlessotherwise instructed).Screw threads and fasteningsSeized nuts, bolts and screws are quite acommon occurrence where corrosion has setin, and the use of penetrating oil or releasingfluid will often overcome this problem if theoffending item is soaked for a while beforeattempting to release it. The use of an impactdriver may also provide a means of releasingsuch stubborn fastening devices, when usedin conjunction with the appropriatescrewdriver bit or socket. If none of thesemethods works, it may be necessary to resortto the careful application of heat, or the use ofa hacksaw or nut splitter device.Studs are usually removed by locking twonuts together on the threaded part, and thenusing a spanner on the lower nut to unscrewthe stud. Studs or bolts which have broken offbelow the surface of the component in whichthey are mounted can sometimes be removedusing a stud extractor. Always ensure that ablind tapped hole is completely free from oil,grease, water or other fluid before installingthe bolt or stud. Failure to do this could causethe housing to crack due to the hydraulicaction of the bolt or stud as it is screwed in.When tightening a castellated nut to accepta split pin, tighten the nut to the specifiedtorque, where applicable, and then tightenfurther to the next split pin hole. Never slackenthe nut to align the split pin hole, unless statedin the repair procedure.When checking or retightening a nut or boltto a specified torque setting, slacken the nutor bolt by a quarter of a turn, and thenretighten to the specified setting. However,this should not be attempted where angulartightening has been used.For some screw fastenings, notablycylinder head bolts or nuts, torque wrenchsettings are no longer specified for the latterstages of tightening, “angle-tightening” beingcalled up instead. Typically, a fairly low torquewrench setting will be applied to thebolts/nuts in the correct sequence, followedby one or more stages of tightening throughspecified angles.Locknuts, locktabs and washersAny fastening which will rotate against acomponent or housing during tighteningshould always have a washer between it andthe relevant component or housing.Spring or split washers should always berenewed when they are used to lock a criticalcomponent such as a big-end bearingretaining bolt or nut. Locktabs which arefolded over to retain a nut or bolt shouldalways be renewed.Self-locking nuts can be re-used in noncriticalareas, providing resistance can be feltwhen the locking portion passes over the boltor stud thread. However, it should be notedthat self-locking stiffnuts tend to lose theireffectiveness after long periods of use, andshould then be renewed as a matter of course.Split pins must always be replaced withnew ones of the correct size for the hole.When thread-locking compound is foundon the threads of a fastener which is to be reused,it should be cleaned off with a wirebrush and solvent, and fresh compoundapplied on reassembly.Special toolsSome repair procedures in this manualentail the use of special tools such as a press,two or three-legged pullers, spring compressors,etc. Wherever possible, suitablereadily-available alternatives to the manufacturer’sspecial tools are described, and areshown in use. In some instances, where noalternative is possible, it has been necessaryto resort to the use of a manufacturer’s tool,and this has been done for reasons of safetyas well as the efficient completion of the repairoperation. Unless you are highly-skilled andhave a thorough understanding of theprocedures described, never attempt tobypass the use of any special tool when theprocedure described specifies its use. Notonly is there a very great risk of personalinjury, but expensive damage could becaused to the components involved.Environmental considerationsWhen disposing of used engine oil, brakefluid, antifreeze, etc, give due consideration toany detrimental environmental effects. Do not,for instance, pour any of the above liquidsdown drains into the general sewage system,or onto the ground to soak away. Many localcouncil refuse tips provide a facility for wasteoil disposal, as do some garages. If none ofthese facilities are available, consult your localEnvironmental Health Department, or theNational Rivers Authority, for further advice.With the universal tightening-up of legislationregarding the emission of environmentally-harmfulsubstances from motor vehicles,most vehicles have tamperproof devices fittedto the main adjustment points of the fuelsystem. These devices are primarily designedto prevent unqualified persons from adjustingthe fuel/air mixture, with the chance of aconsequent increase in toxic emissions. Ifsuch devices are found during servicing oroverhaul, they should, wherever possible, berenewed or refitted in accordance with themanufacturer’s requirements or currentlegislation.Note: It isantisocial andillegal to dumpoil down thedrain. To findthe location ofyour local oilrecyclingbank, call thisnumber free.1595 Ford Fiesta Remake

1595 Ford Fiesta RemakeBuying spare parts REF•3Vehicle identificationModifications are a continuing <strong>and</strong>unpublicised process in vehicle manufacture,quite apart from major model changes. Spareparts manuals <strong>and</strong> lists are compiled upon anumerical basis, the individual vehicle identificationnumbers being essential to correctidentification of the component concerned.When ordering spare parts, always give asmuch information as possible. Quote thevehicle model, year of manufacture, body <strong>and</strong>engine numbers as appropriate.The vehicle identification plate is located onthe top of the front crossmember in theengine compartment (see illustration). Inaddition to many other details, it carries theVehicle Identification Number (VIN), maximumvehicle weight information, <strong>and</strong> codes forinterior trim <strong>and</strong> body colours.The Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) isgiven on the vehicle identification plate (seeillustration). It is also located in a recess inthe floor to the right-h<strong>and</strong> side of the driver’sseat, access being gained after lifting theaperture cover. On later models, the numberis also stamped on a metal tag fixed to theleft-h<strong>and</strong> side of the facia, which can be readthrough the windscreen.The body number <strong>and</strong> paint code numbersare located on the vehicle identification plate.The engine number location is dependenton the engine type. On the HCS engines, it isstamped on the front left-h<strong>and</strong> side of thecylinder block towards the transmission(facing the radiator) (see illustration). On theCVH <strong>and</strong> PTE engines, the location of theengine number is dependent on theequipment fitted, but is on the exhaust side ofthe engine, facing either towards the timingbelt end or the transmission end (seeillustration). On the Zetec engines, thenumber can be found on the forward-facingside of the cylinder block, level with the startermotor, or on the cylinder head just above thethermostat housing (see illustration).Vehicle identification plateHCS engine identification numberslocationA Engine code (side or upper face)B Serial numberCVH <strong>and</strong> PTE engine identification numberlocation is on (A) the right-h<strong>and</strong> side or (B)the left-h<strong>and</strong> side, according to model <strong>and</strong>equipmentZetec engine identification number onforward-facing side of cylinder block levelwith the starter motor (A), or on cylinderhead just above thermostat housing (B)REF

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