Chapter 1 Routine maintenance and servicing

Chapter 1 Routine maintenance and servicing Chapter 1 Routine maintenance and servicing


1595Ford Fiesta Remake12•6 Body electrical systems4.20a Prise the centre console switch upfrom its location . . .windows (early models) and the tailgateremote release mechanism, where fitted.19 Disconnect the battery negative (earth)lead (refer to Chapter 5A, Section 1).20 To remove a switch, carefully prise it fromits location using a thin flat-bladedscrewdriver, then disconnect the multi-plug(see illustrations).21 To refit, connect the multi-plug then pushhome to secure.Heater fan motor control switch22 Disconnect the battery negative (earth)lead (refer to Chapter 5A, Section 1).23 Pull the heater fan motor control knob off,then move the air distribution andtemperature controls fully to the right. Unclipand remove the heater slide facia towards theleft-hand side of the vehicle, removing theslide control knobs only as necessary, anddisconnecting its bulbholder (bayonet type) asit is withdrawn (see illustration).24 Squeeze the two release tabs together onthe heater fan motor control switch, andremove it, disconnecting its multi-plug as it iswithdrawn.25 Refit by reversing the removal procedure.Brake stop-light switch26 The brake stop-light switch is attached tothe brake pedal mounting bracket.27 Detach the wiring multi-plug from theswitch, then twist the switch through a quarterof a turn (90º) anticlockwise and withdraw itfrom the bracket.4.30 Removing the cover from thehandbrake warning light switch4.20b . . . then disconnect its multiplugand remove the switch28 Insert the switch into its retainer, press itlightly against the brake pedal until all freeplay is just taken up, then turn the switchclockwise to secure. Reconnect the switchwiring connector and the battery.Handbrake warning lightswitch29 Push the carpet mounding down asnecessary to gain access to the switch,located on the handbrake lever.30 Remove the cover, then disconnect thewarning light switch wiring multi-plug (seeillustration). Undo the two screws securingthe switch to the handbrake lever assemblyand remove the switch.31 Refit by reversing the removal procedure.Low brake fluid level warninglight switch32 This is incorporated into the brake fluidreservoir cap, and senses fluid level in thereservoir. It cannot be renewed separatelyfrom the cap.33 To remove, disconnect the warningindicator loom multi-plug and unscrew thereservoir cap.34 Refit by reversing the removal procedure.Courtesy light switches35 Disconnect the battery negative (earth)lead (refer to Chapter 5A, Section 1).36 With the door open, undo the retainingscrew and withdraw the switch from the doorpillar. Pull out the wiring slightly, and tie a4.46 Withdrawing the luggage areacontact plate for access to disconnect themulti-plug4.23 Heater fan motor control switchremovalpiece of string to it, so that it can be retrievedif it drops down into the door pillar.37 Disconnect the wiring from the switch.38 Refitting is a reversal of removal.Reversing light switch39 Refer to Chapter 7A, Section 6.Starter inhibitor switch(automatic transmission)40 Disconnect the battery negative (earth)lead (refer to Chapter 5A, Section 1).41 The starter inhibitor switch is located onthe transmission housing, and prevents theengine from being started with the selectorlever in any position except “P” or “N”.Access to the switch is gained after raisingand supporting the vehicle at the front end onaxle stands (see “Jacking and vehiclesupport”).42 Detach the switch multi-plug, thenunscrew and remove the switch from thetransmission, together with its O-ring. As theswitch is removed, catch any fluid spillage in asuitable container, and plug the switchaperture in the transmission to prevent anyfurther loss.43 Refitting is a reversal of the removalprocedure. Use a new O-ring, and tighten theswitch securely. Ensure that the wiringconnection is securely made. On completion,check and if necessary top-up the automatictransmission fluid (see Chapter 1) then checkthat the engine only starts when the selectoris in the “P” or “N” position.Luggage area contact plate44 Disconnect the battery negative (earth)lead (refer to Chapter 5A, Section 1).45 Open the tailgate and release the contactplate side retaining clips using a thin-bladedscrewdriver. Push the contact plate from itslocation in the body.46 Disconnect the wiring multi-plug andremove the plate (see illustration).47 Refit in the reverse order of removal.Luggage area contact switch48 Disconnect the battery negative (earth)lead (refer to Chapter 5A, Section 1).49 Open the tailgate and remove its innertrim panel (see Chapter 11).

Body electrical systems 12•750 Undo the two screws securing the contactswitch and withdraw it from its tailgatelocation.51 Unclip and disconnect the switch multiplug,and disconnect the earth wiring.Remove the switch.52 Refit in the reverse order of removal.Make sure that the pins and their contacts areclean. On completion, check the operation ofthe rear wipers, courtesy light, heated rearwindow and the tailgate release/centrallocking system.Electric window switches(1992 models onward)53 On later models the electric windowswitches are located in the upper surfaces ofthe door stowage pockets. Removal andrefitting is the same as for the earlier centreconsole mounted switches describedpreviously in this Section.5 Bulbs (exterior lights) -renewal1Note: Ensure that all exterior lights areswitched off before disconnecting the wiringconnectors to any exterior light bulbs. Notethat if a bulb fails, and has just been in use, itwill still be extremely hot, particularly in thecase of a headlight bulb.Headlight1 From within the engine compartment,disconnect the multi-plug from the back of theheadlight.2 Remove the rubber bulb protective cap,then unlock the bulb retaining spring clip orretaining ring (according to type) andwithdraw the bulb (see illustrations).Caution: Take care not to touch the bulbglass with your fingers - if accidentallytouched, clean the bulb with methylatedspirit.5.2a Remove the protective cap . . .3 Refitting is a reversal of the removalprocedure.Front sidelight4 The bulbholder is located on the side of theheadlight unit, and is removed by twistinganti-clockwise and withdrawing from withinthe engine compartment.5 Withdraw the push-fit bulb from its holder.6 Refitting is a reversal of the removalprocedure.Front direction indicator7 Remove the direction indicator light unit byreleasing the retaining spring from its bodylocation, then pulling the light assemblyforwards. Disconnect its multi-plug as it iswithdrawn.8 Turn the bulbholder anti-clockwise andremove it (see illustration). The bulb is abayonet type fitting in its holder.9 Refitting is a reversal of the removalprocedure.Front direction indicator siderepeater10 Remove the appropriate front wheel archliner as described in Chapter 11.11 Remove the appropriate sill scuff plate asdescribed in Chapter 11, and release the clipsecuring the insulation to the panel forward ofthe lower A-pillar.12 Disconnect the supply lead connector and5.2b . . . then unlock the headlight bulbretaining spring and withdraw the bulbthe earth lead, then release their grommetfrom its panel location.13 From outside the vehicle, twist the lightassembly to release it, then withdraw it and itsleads (see illustration).14 Refitting is a reversal of the removalprocedure, ensuring that the grommet isseated correctly in its panel location.Auxiliary lightsS models15 Undo the screw at the base of the light,then withdraw the lens and reflector assemblyfrom the light housing.16 Disconnect the wiring then release thebulb retainer and remove the bulb.17 Refitting is a reversal of the removalprocedure.XR2i models18 Remove the auxiliary light assembly fromits bumper location, as described in Section 7.19 Release the bulb retainer, then remove thebulb (see illustration).20 Refitting is a reversal of the removalprocedure.Rear light cluster (all modelsexcept Courier)21 Access to the rear light cluster bulbholderis gained from the luggage compartment.Disconnect the multi-plug from thebulbholder, then press the retaining lugs on5.8 Remove the front direction indicatorlight bulbholder by turning it anticlockwiseA Light unitC Multi-plugB Bulbholder D Retaining spring5.13 Removing the direction indicator siderepeater bulbholder assembly5.19 Releasing the auxiliary light bulbretainer (XR2i models)121595Ford Fiesta Remake

Body electrical systems 12•750 Undo the two screws securing the contactswitch <strong>and</strong> withdraw it from its tailgatelocation.51 Unclip <strong>and</strong> disconnect the switch multiplug,<strong>and</strong> disconnect the earth wiring.Remove the switch.52 Refit in the reverse order of removal.Make sure that the pins <strong>and</strong> their contacts areclean. On completion, check the operation ofthe rear wipers, courtesy light, heated rearwindow <strong>and</strong> the tailgate release/centrallocking system.Electric window switches(1992 models onward)53 On later models the electric windowswitches are located in the upper surfaces ofthe door stowage pockets. Removal <strong>and</strong>refitting is the same as for the earlier centreconsole mounted switches describedpreviously in this Section.5 Bulbs (exterior lights) -renewal1Note: Ensure that all exterior lights areswitched off before disconnecting the wiringconnectors to any exterior light bulbs. Notethat if a bulb fails, <strong>and</strong> has just been in use, itwill still be extremely hot, particularly in thecase of a headlight bulb.Headlight1 From within the engine compartment,disconnect the multi-plug from the back of theheadlight.2 Remove the rubber bulb protective cap,then unlock the bulb retaining spring clip orretaining ring (according to type) <strong>and</strong>withdraw the bulb (see illustrations).Caution: Take care not to touch the bulbglass with your fingers - if accidentallytouched, clean the bulb with methylatedspirit.5.2a Remove the protective cap . . .3 Refitting is a reversal of the removalprocedure.Front sidelight4 The bulbholder is located on the side of theheadlight unit, <strong>and</strong> is removed by twistinganti-clockwise <strong>and</strong> withdrawing from withinthe engine compartment.5 Withdraw the push-fit bulb from its holder.6 Refitting is a reversal of the removalprocedure.Front direction indicator7 Remove the direction indicator light unit byreleasing the retaining spring from its bodylocation, then pulling the light assemblyforwards. Disconnect its multi-plug as it iswithdrawn.8 Turn the bulbholder anti-clockwise <strong>and</strong>remove it (see illustration). The bulb is abayonet type fitting in its holder.9 Refitting is a reversal of the removalprocedure.Front direction indicator siderepeater10 Remove the appropriate front wheel archliner as described in <strong>Chapter</strong> 11.11 Remove the appropriate sill scuff plate asdescribed in <strong>Chapter</strong> 11, <strong>and</strong> release the clipsecuring the insulation to the panel forward ofthe lower A-pillar.12 Disconnect the supply lead connector <strong>and</strong>5.2b . . . then unlock the headlight bulbretaining spring <strong>and</strong> withdraw the bulbthe earth lead, then release their grommetfrom its panel location.13 From outside the vehicle, twist the lightassembly to release it, then withdraw it <strong>and</strong> itsleads (see illustration).14 Refitting is a reversal of the removalprocedure, ensuring that the grommet isseated correctly in its panel location.Auxiliary lightsS models15 Undo the screw at the base of the light,then withdraw the lens <strong>and</strong> reflector assemblyfrom the light housing.16 Disconnect the wiring then release thebulb retainer <strong>and</strong> remove the bulb.17 Refitting is a reversal of the removalprocedure.XR2i models18 Remove the auxiliary light assembly fromits bumper location, as described in Section 7.19 Release the bulb retainer, then remove thebulb (see illustration).20 Refitting is a reversal of the removalprocedure.Rear light cluster (all modelsexcept Courier)21 Access to the rear light cluster bulbholderis gained from the luggage compartment.Disconnect the multi-plug from thebulbholder, then press the retaining lugs on5.8 Remove the front direction indicatorlight bulbholder by turning it anticlockwiseA Light unitC Multi-plugB Bulbholder D Retaining spring5.13 Removing the direction indicator siderepeater bulbholder assembly5.19 Releasing the auxiliary light bulbretainer (XR2i models)121595Ford Fiesta Remake

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