Chapter 1 Routine maintenance and servicing

Chapter 1 Routine maintenance and servicing Chapter 1 Routine maintenance and servicing


1595Ford Fiesta Remake11•6 Bodywork and fittings10.12 Removing a door belt weathersealmouldingDoor belt weatherseal mouldingRemoval12 Remove the exterior mirror, as describedin Section 18 then, using a screwdriver,carefully prise up the moulding and remove it(see illustration). Do not bend or kink themoulding, as this will permanently deform it.Refitting13 To refit, align the moulding to its rearwardlocation (latch end of the door), then carefullytap it into position by hand.14 Refit the mirror as described in Section18.11 Door aperture weatherstrip -removal and refitting 1Removal1 To remove, pull the weatherstrip off thedoor aperture flange, starting with one end ofthe joint and working around to the other end.Refitting2 To refit, roughly align the weatherstrip jointso that it lies in the centre of the bottom (sillpanel) flange.3 Loop the weatherstrip into the corners ofthe door aperture (see illustration).4 With all the corners roughly in position,work around the aperture from one end of theweatherstrip, pressing the seal fully home.Ensure that it follows the contours of thecorners without wrinkling, and that it sits overany interior trim edgings.5 Seal the weatherstrip joint with a littlecaulking compound applied to the bodyflange, to prevent water entering by capillaryaction.6 Check that the door closes properly,without excessive effort being required. If thedoor requires excessive effort to close,the door striker plate may be adjusted asnecessary.12 Sill extension moulding -removal and refitting2Removal1 Open the door and prise out the fourretaining studs from the upper surface of themoulding.2 From underneath, drill out the five securingrivets then remove the moulding from thevehicle.Refitting3 To refit, first align the moulding to itslocation, centring it between the twowheelarch mouldings, then refit the fourretaining studs to secure.4 Insert the rivets to secure the mouldingfrom underneath.13 Wheelarch liners -removal and refitting1Removal1 Chock the rear wheels then jack up thefront of the car and support it on axle stands(see “Jacking and vehicle support”). Removethe relevant front roadwheel.2 Release the fasteners securing thewheelarch liner in position (see illustration),then remove the liner from the vehicle,manoeuvring it to clear obstructions asnecessary.Refitting3 Refitting is a reversal of the removalprocedure, tightening the roadwheel nuts tothe specified torque (see Chapter 10).14 Wheelarch mouldings -removal and refitting2FrontRemoval1 Remove the wheelarch liner, as describedin Section 13.2 From underneath the wheelarch, removethe four fixing nuts securing the upper part ofthe moulding.3 Remove the plastic stud from the loweredge of the wheelarch flange.4 Remove the forward jacking position coverfrom the sill extension moulding, by pullingthe lower section of the cover, then using asuitably-sized drill, remove the rivetsecuring the rear edge of the wheelarchmoulding.5 Carefully detach the wheelarch mouldingfrom the vehicle, sliding its rear out fromunder the sill extension moulding.Refitting6 Refitting is a reversal of the removalprocedure, adjusting alignment as necessarybefore riveting the rear of the moulding.RearRemoval7 Remove the sill extension moulding, asdescribed in Section 12.8 Drill out the rivet securing the forward endof the wheelarch moulding (see illustration).9 Remove the plastic stud from the loweredge of the wheelarch flange.10 From underneath the wheelarch, removethe four fixing nuts securing the upper part ofthe moulding.11 Carefully pull the wheelarch mouldingaway from the body, disengage it from theclamp, and remove.11.3 Loop the weatherstrip into the dooraperture13.2 Front wheelarch liner fixingsA Locating lug at top of wheelarch14.8 Rear wheelarch moulding fixings(clamp cutaway arrowed)

Bodywork and fittings 11•715.2 Radiator grille slot fixing holesrequired on service replacement bumpers(dimensions given in mm - see text)16.2 Front bumper-to-wheelarch retainingscrews (arrowed)16.3 Front bumper retaining nut locationRefitting12 To refit, engage the wheelarch mouldinginto the clamp, align the moulding studs withtheir wheelarch locations, then position themoulding onto the wheelarch. Refit the fourfixing nuts to secure the upper part of themoulding, but do not fully tighten.13 Refit the plastic stud, but do not fullytighten.14 Offer the sill extension moulding to itslocation, centring it between the front and rearwheelarches to check the rear wheelarchmoulding alignment. Adjust the alignment asnecessary.15 With the rear wheelarch mouldingalignment correct, fully tighten the fixing nutsand the plastic stud.16 Insert the rivet to secure the forward endof the moulding.17 Refit the sill extension moulding, asdescribed in Section 12.15 Wind deflector/radiator grilleslat - removal and refitting 1Removal1 The radiator grille slat is secured to the frontbumper by three clips. To remove it, simplyslide the clips rearwards to release them, thenwithdraw the grille slat from its bumperlocating holes.2 If fitting a radiator grille slat to a servicereplacement bumper, two 8.0 mm diameterholes will need to be drilled to accommodatethe grille slat end fixings and, in addition, a12.0 mm square central hole must also bemade (see illustration).Refitting3 Refitting is a reversal of the removalprocedure.16 Bumpers -removal and refitting 2Front bumperRemoval1 Open the bonnet and disconnect theauxiliary light multi-plugs, as applicable.2 Remove the bumper retaining screws fromthe leading edge of the wheelarch flanges,then ease the bumper away from itswheelarch location (see illustration).3 Remove the bumper retaining nuts from thereverse side of the body panel beneath theheadlights (see illustration) then, with thehelp of an assistant, remove the bumperassembly from the vehicle.Refitting4 To refit, (again with assistance) position thebumper onto its panel, ensuring that theretaining studs pass through their bodylocations, and that its ends align to thewheelarches.5 Loosely refit the bumper retaining nuts andthe bumper-to-wheelarch retaining screws.6 Ensuring that the bumper is level, and thatan even gap is maintained between it andsurrounding body panels, tighten the retainingnuts to the specified torque.7 Tighten the bumper to wheelarch retainingscrews.8 Refit the auxiliary light multi-plugs, asapplicable.9 The alignment of light units requires the useof optical beam setting equipment so, whereapplicable, entrust this task to a Ford dealer.Rear bumper (all models exceptCourier)Removal10 Using a screwdriver or similar tool, priseup the number plate light unit from therear bumper, being careful not to damage thebumper. Disconnect the bulbholder andremove from the bumper.11 Remove the bumper-to-wheelarchretaining screws as necessary (seeillustration).12 Open the tailgate then, using a suitablysizedsocket, remove the bumper retainingnuts located inside the luggage compartment(see illustration).13 Carefully remove the bumper from itslocation.Refitting14 To refit, first align the bumper to thevehicle body, ensuring that the ends engagecorrectly at the wheelarches and the securingstuds enter through the body panel.15 Refit the bumper-to-wheelarch inner rimretaining screws, as applicable.16 Refit the bumper retaining nuts, tighteningto the specified torque.17 Reconnect the number plate lightbulbholder, then refit the light unit to thebumper.Rear bumper (Courier models)Removal18 Unscrew the two screws securing eachbumper end moulding to its respective wheel1116.11 Rear bumper-to-wheelarch retainingscrews (arrowed)16.12 Rear bumper retaining nut locations(arrowed)1595Ford Fiesta Remake

Bodywork <strong>and</strong> fittings 11•715.2 Radiator grille slot fixing holesrequired on service replacement bumpers(dimensions given in mm - see text)16.2 Front bumper-to-wheelarch retainingscrews (arrowed)16.3 Front bumper retaining nut locationRefitting12 To refit, engage the wheelarch mouldinginto the clamp, align the moulding studs withtheir wheelarch locations, then position themoulding onto the wheelarch. Refit the fourfixing nuts to secure the upper part of themoulding, but do not fully tighten.13 Refit the plastic stud, but do not fullytighten.14 Offer the sill extension moulding to itslocation, centring it between the front <strong>and</strong> rearwheelarches to check the rear wheelarchmoulding alignment. Adjust the alignment asnecessary.15 With the rear wheelarch mouldingalignment correct, fully tighten the fixing nuts<strong>and</strong> the plastic stud.16 Insert the rivet to secure the forward endof the moulding.17 Refit the sill extension moulding, asdescribed in Section 12.15 Wind deflector/radiator grilleslat - removal <strong>and</strong> refitting 1Removal1 The radiator grille slat is secured to the frontbumper by three clips. To remove it, simplyslide the clips rearwards to release them, thenwithdraw the grille slat from its bumperlocating holes.2 If fitting a radiator grille slat to a servicereplacement bumper, two 8.0 mm diameterholes will need to be drilled to accommodatethe grille slat end fixings <strong>and</strong>, in addition, a12.0 mm square central hole must also bemade (see illustration).Refitting3 Refitting is a reversal of the removalprocedure.16 Bumpers -removal <strong>and</strong> refitting 2Front bumperRemoval1 Open the bonnet <strong>and</strong> disconnect theauxiliary light multi-plugs, as applicable.2 Remove the bumper retaining screws fromthe leading edge of the wheelarch flanges,then ease the bumper away from itswheelarch location (see illustration).3 Remove the bumper retaining nuts from thereverse side of the body panel beneath theheadlights (see illustration) then, with thehelp of an assistant, remove the bumperassembly from the vehicle.Refitting4 To refit, (again with assistance) position thebumper onto its panel, ensuring that theretaining studs pass through their bodylocations, <strong>and</strong> that its ends align to thewheelarches.5 Loosely refit the bumper retaining nuts <strong>and</strong>the bumper-to-wheelarch retaining screws.6 Ensuring that the bumper is level, <strong>and</strong> thatan even gap is maintained between it <strong>and</strong>surrounding body panels, tighten the retainingnuts to the specified torque.7 Tighten the bumper to wheelarch retainingscrews.8 Refit the auxiliary light multi-plugs, asapplicable.9 The alignment of light units requires the useof optical beam setting equipment so, whereapplicable, entrust this task to a Ford dealer.Rear bumper (all models exceptCourier)Removal10 Using a screwdriver or similar tool, priseup the number plate light unit from therear bumper, being careful not to damage thebumper. Disconnect the bulbholder <strong>and</strong>remove from the bumper.11 Remove the bumper-to-wheelarchretaining screws as necessary (seeillustration).12 Open the tailgate then, using a suitablysizedsocket, remove the bumper retainingnuts located inside the luggage compartment(see illustration).13 Carefully remove the bumper from itslocation.Refitting14 To refit, first align the bumper to thevehicle body, ensuring that the ends engagecorrectly at the wheelarches <strong>and</strong> the securingstuds enter through the body panel.15 Refit the bumper-to-wheelarch inner rimretaining screws, as applicable.16 Refit the bumper retaining nuts, tighteningto the specified torque.17 Reconnect the number plate lightbulbholder, then refit the light unit to thebumper.Rear bumper (Courier models)Removal18 Unscrew the two screws securing eachbumper end moulding to its respective wheel1116.11 Rear bumper-to-wheelarch retainingscrews (arrowed)16.12 Rear bumper retaining nut locations(arrowed)1595Ford Fiesta Remake

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