Chapter 1 Routine maintenance and servicing

Chapter 1 Routine maintenance and servicing Chapter 1 Routine maintenance and servicing


1595Ford Fiesta Remake10•16 Suspension and steeringdrive models, remove the brace from the studon the left-hand side of the steering gear.9 Undo the two bolts securing the supportbrackets to the steering gear and move thebrackets and swing the brackets clear.10 Unhook the steering gear from theapertures in the bulkhead and remove theassembly from the right-hand wheel arch.Ensure that the pressure check valve does notfall out of the pressure port in the valve bodyas the steering gear is removed.Refitting11 Centralize the steering gear and steeringwheel, then engage the pinion splined shaft tothe lower steering shaft flexible coupling.12 Hook the steering gear into the aperturesin the bulkhead then align the supportbrackets and refit the two bolts. Tighten thesupport bracket upper bolts and supportbracket-to-steering gear bolts to the specifiedtorque.13 On left-hand drive models, refit the braceto the stud on the left-hand side of thesteering gear.14 Fit new O-ring seals to the pressure andreturn hoses, then reconnect the hydrauliclines to the steering gear. Secure the pipeswith the retaining clips.15 Refit the pinion splined shaft-to-lowersteering shaft flexible coupling pinch-bolt andnut and tighten to the specified torque.16 Refit the track rod end balljoints to thesteering arms, as detailed in Section 28. Aslong as the track rod end-to-track rod relativepositions have not been disturbed, it will notbe necessary to reset the front wheelalignment.17 Refit the front suspension crossmemberand one-piece undertray, as applicable.18 Refit the roadwheels, then lower thevehicle to the ground. Tighten the roadwheelnuts with the vehicle on its wheels to thespecified torque.19 On completion, bleed the power steeringhydraulic system as described in Section 27.Check for any signs of fluid leakage from thesystem hoses and connections.25 Power steering pump -removal and refitting4RemovalHCS engine models1 Disconnect the battery negative (earth) lead(refer to Chapter 5A, Section 1).2 Chock the rear wheels then jack up thefront of the car and support it on axle stands(see “Jacking and Vehicle Support”). Removethe front roadwheel.3 Remove the auxiliary drivebelt as describedin Chapter 1.4 Insert a 9 mm Allen key into the centre ofthe pump drive spindle to prevent it fromturning, then unscrew and remove the threepump pulley retaining bolts. Withdraw thepulley from the pump.5 Position a suitable container beneath thepower steering pump, then unscrew and detachthe fluid high pressure pipe and fluid returnhose from the pump. As they are detached fromthe pump, allow the fluid to drain from the pipeand hose (and the pump) into the container.Plug the exposed ends of the pipe, hose andthe pump connections, to prevent the ingress ofdirt and excessive fluid loss.6 Unscrew the four retaining bolts (three fromthe front and one from the rear) and withdrawthe pump from the vehicle.PTE engine models7 Disconnect the battery negative (earth) lead(refer to Chapter 5A, Section 1).8 Refer to the relevant Part of Chapter 4 andremove the air cleaner assembly and air inletcomponents as necessary for access to thepump.9 Chock the rear wheels then jack up thefront of the car and support it on axle stands(see “Jacking and Vehicle Support”). Removethe front roadwheel.10 Refer to Chapter 1 and drain the coolingsystem.11 Refer to Chapter 1 and remove theauxiliary drivebelt.12 Insert a 9 mm Allen key into the centre ofthe pump drive spindle to prevent it fromturning, then unscrew and remove the threepump pulley retaining bolts. Refit theroadwheel, lower the vehicle and withdraw thepump pulley from above.13 Disconnect the cooling system hoses asnecessary to gain access to the powersteering pump.14 Disconnect the pressure switch multi-plugfrom the pressure switch located in the fluidhigh pressure pipe.15 Position a suitable container beneath thepower steering pump, then disconnect thehigh pressure pipe at the union located partway along the pipe. Allow the fluid to drainfrom the pipe into the container.16 Disconnect the high pressure pipe clampbracket and the fluid return hose from thepump. Allow the fluid to drain into thecontainer then plug the exposed ends of thepipe, hose and the pump connections, toprevent the ingress of dirt and excessive fluidloss.17 Unscrew the pump mounting bolt locatedat the rear of the pump and remove the pipeclamp bracket.18 Unscrew the three pump mounting boltslocated at the front of the pump and removethe pump, complete with high pressure pipe,from the vehicle.19 If required, the high pressure pipe can beremoved from the pump after unscrewing theunion nut.Zetec engine modelsNote: For this operation, the engine will needto be supported from above to allow removalof the right-hand engine mounting, and also toallow the vehicle to be raised for workunderneath, and lowered for work from above.A proprietary engine support bar (or homemadealternative) fitted in the front wing drainchannel each side is ideal for this purpose, butcare must be taken not to damage the wingsor their paintwork.20 Disconnect the battery negative (earth)lead (refer to Chapter 5A, Section 1).21 Suitably support the right-hand side of theengine (see the note at the beginning of thissub-Section) so that all the load is removedfrom the engine mounting.22 Remove the right-hand engine mountingas described in Chapter 2C.23 Refer to Chapter 1 and drain the coolingsystem.24 Chock the rear wheels then jack up thefront of the car and support it on axle stands(see “Jacking and Vehicle Support”). Removethe front roadwheel.25 Undo the retaining screws, and removethe drivebelt lower guard from the underbody.26 Refer to Chapter 11 and remove the wheelarch liner.27 Refer to Chapter 1 and remove theauxiliary drivebelt.28 Insert a 9 mm Allen key into the centre ofthe pump drive spindle to prevent it fromturning, then unscrew and remove the threepump pulley retaining bolts. Refit theroadwheel, lower the vehicle and withdraw thepump pulley from above.29 Refer to Chapter 12 and remove the righthandheadlight unit.30 Refit the roadwheel and lower the vehicleto the ground.31 Position a suitable container beneath thepower steering fluid reservoir, then disconnectthe fluid return hose from the reservoir. Allowthe fluid to drain from the hose and reservoirinto the container.32 Plug the exposed ends of the hose andthe reservoir, to prevent the ingress of dirt andexcessive fluid loss.33 Remove the high pressure pipe clampbrackets from the engine then disconnect thehigh pressure pipe at the union located overthe camshaft cover. Place absorbent ragsunder the union as it is disconnected tocollect any escaping fluid. Plug thedisconnected pipe ends to prevent theingress of dirt and excessive fluid loss.34 Disconnect the cooling system hoses asnecessary to gain access to the powersteering pump.35 Unscrew the two pump mounting boltslocated at the rear of the pump.36 Unscrew the two pump mounting boltslocated at the front of the pump and removethe pump, complete with high pressure pipeand fluid return hose, upwards and out of theengine compartment.37 If required, the high pressure pipe andfluid return hose can be removed from thepump after unscrewing the union nut orslackening the hose clip as applicable.

Suspension and steering 10•17RefittingAll models38 Refitting is a reversal of removal, bearingin mind the following points:a) Tighten all nuts and bolts to the specifiedtorque. Remove the plugs from thedisconnected pipes, hoses and unionsand ensure that the pipes are locatedcorrectly so that they do not foul anysurrounding components.b) Refit the auxiliary drivebelt as described inChapter 1.c) Where drained, refill the cooling systemas described in Chapter 1.d) Refit or reconnect any additionalcomponents removed for access asdescribed in the relevant Sections andChapters of this manual.e) On completion, bleed the power steeringhydraulic system as described in Section27. Check for any signs of fluid leakagefrom the system hoses and connections.26 Power steering fluid cooler -removal and refitting2Removal1 Disconnect the battery negative (earth) lead(refer to Chapter 5A, Section 1).2 Position a suitable container beneath thepower steering fluid cooler hose connections,then disconnect the hoses at the quick-fitcouplings on the fluid cooler. Allow the fluid todrain from the hose and reservoir into thecontainer.3 Plug the exposed ends of the hose and thereservoir, to prevent the ingress of dirt andexcessive fluid loss.4 Refer to Chapter 11 and remove the bonnetlock assembly and the front bumper.5 Undo the bolts securing the cooler sidesupport bracket and the bonnet lock stay, andremove the fluid cooler and bonnet lock stayas an assembly.6 Undo the two bolts and remove the stayfrom the fluid cooler.Refitting7 Refitting is a reversal of removal. Oncompletion, bleed the power steeringhydraulic system as described in Section 27.27 Power steering hydraulicsystem - bleeding2fluid to the “MAX” or “MAX COLD” level mark.Pour the fluid slowly to prevent air bubblesforming, and use only the specified fluid (referto “Lubricants, fluids and tyre pressures”).3 Start the engine and allow it to idle. Checkthe hoses and connections for leaks.4 Stop the engine and recheck the fluid level.Add more, if necessary, up to the “MAX” or“MAX COLD” level mark.5 Start the engine again, allow it to idle, thenbleed the system by slowly moving thesteering from lock-to-lock several times. Thisshould purge the system of all internal air.However, if air remains in the system(indicated by the steering operation being verynoisy), leave the vehicle overnight and repeatthe procedure again the next day.6 If air still remains in the system, it may benecessary to resort to the Ford method ofbleeding, which uses a vacuum pump and amodified reservoir filler cap to which the pumpcan be connected. Turn the steering to theright until it is near the stop, then fit thevacuum pump to the fluid reservoir, and apply0.51 bars of vacuum. Maintain the vacuum fora minimum of 5 minutes, then repeatthe procedure with the steering turned to theleft.7 Keep the fluid level topped-up throughoutthe bleeding procedure; note that the fluidtemperature increases, the level will rise.8 On completion, switch the engine off, andreturn the wheels to the straight-aheadposition.28 Track rod end balljoint -removal and refitting 2Removal1 Chock the rear wheels then jack up thefront of the car and support it on axle stands(see “Jacking and Vehicle Support”). Removethe appropriate front roadwheel.2 Using a suitable spanner, slacken the trackrod end balljoint locknut on the track rod by aquarter of a turn only (see illustration). Holdthe balljoint stationary with another spannerengaged with the flats at its inner end toprevent it from turning.3 Extract the split pin, then loosen off theretaining nut. If the balljoint is to be renewed,the nut can be fully removed. If the existingballjoint is to be reconnected, the nut shouldbe slackened off a couple of turns only at first,and left in position to protect the joint threadsas the joint is separated from the spindlecarrier. To release the tapered shank of thejoint from the spindle carrier, use a balljointseparator tool as shown (see illustration). Ifthe joint is to be re-used, take care not todamage the rubber dust cover when using aseparator tool.4 Unscrew the balljoint from the track rod,counting the number of turns necessary toremove it.Refitting5 Screw the balljoint into the track rod thenumber of turns noted during removal until theballjoint just contacts the locknut. Now tightenthe locknut while holding the balljoint.6 Engage the shank of the balljoint with thespindle carrier arm, and refit the retaining nut.Tighten the nut to the specified torque andsecure with a new split pin.7 Refit the roadwheel, and lower the vehicleto the ground.8 Finally, have the front wheel toe settingchecked (see Section 29).29 Wheel alignment andsteering angles - generalinformation4General1 A car’s steering and suspension geometryis defined in four basic settings - all anglesare expressed in degrees (toe settings arealso expressed as a measurement); therelevant settings are camber, castor, steeringaxis inclination, and toe-setting. With theexception of front wheel toe-setting, none ofthese settings are adjustable.101 Following any operation in which the powersteering fluid lines have been disconnected,the power steering system must be bled toremove any trapped air.2 With the front wheel in the straight-aheadposition, check the power steering fluid levelin the reservoir and, if low, top-up with fresh28.2 Track rod end balljoint showing thelocknut (A) retaining flats (B) and theballjoint-to-spindle carrier arm retainingnut and split pin (C)28.3 Balljoint separator tool in position.Note that the nut should be left loosely inposition to protect the thread for re-use1595Ford Fiesta Remake

1595Ford Fiesta Remake10•16 Suspension <strong>and</strong> steeringdrive models, remove the brace from the studon the left-h<strong>and</strong> side of the steering gear.9 Undo the two bolts securing the supportbrackets to the steering gear <strong>and</strong> move thebrackets <strong>and</strong> swing the brackets clear.10 Unhook the steering gear from theapertures in the bulkhead <strong>and</strong> remove theassembly from the right-h<strong>and</strong> wheel arch.Ensure that the pressure check valve does notfall out of the pressure port in the valve bodyas the steering gear is removed.Refitting11 Centralize the steering gear <strong>and</strong> steeringwheel, then engage the pinion splined shaft tothe lower steering shaft flexible coupling.12 Hook the steering gear into the aperturesin the bulkhead then align the supportbrackets <strong>and</strong> refit the two bolts. Tighten thesupport bracket upper bolts <strong>and</strong> supportbracket-to-steering gear bolts to the specifiedtorque.13 On left-h<strong>and</strong> drive models, refit the braceto the stud on the left-h<strong>and</strong> side of thesteering gear.14 Fit new O-ring seals to the pressure <strong>and</strong>return hoses, then reconnect the hydrauliclines to the steering gear. Secure the pipeswith the retaining clips.15 Refit the pinion splined shaft-to-lowersteering shaft flexible coupling pinch-bolt <strong>and</strong>nut <strong>and</strong> tighten to the specified torque.16 Refit the track rod end balljoints to thesteering arms, as detailed in Section 28. Aslong as the track rod end-to-track rod relativepositions have not been disturbed, it will notbe necessary to reset the front wheelalignment.17 Refit the front suspension crossmember<strong>and</strong> one-piece undertray, as applicable.18 Refit the roadwheels, then lower thevehicle to the ground. Tighten the roadwheelnuts with the vehicle on its wheels to thespecified torque.19 On completion, bleed the power steeringhydraulic system as described in Section 27.Check for any signs of fluid leakage from thesystem hoses <strong>and</strong> connections.25 Power steering pump -removal <strong>and</strong> refitting4RemovalHCS engine models1 Disconnect the battery negative (earth) lead(refer to <strong>Chapter</strong> 5A, Section 1).2 Chock the rear wheels then jack up thefront of the car <strong>and</strong> support it on axle st<strong>and</strong>s(see “Jacking <strong>and</strong> Vehicle Support”). Removethe front roadwheel.3 Remove the auxiliary drivebelt as describedin <strong>Chapter</strong> 1.4 Insert a 9 mm Allen key into the centre ofthe pump drive spindle to prevent it fromturning, then unscrew <strong>and</strong> remove the threepump pulley retaining bolts. Withdraw thepulley from the pump.5 Position a suitable container beneath thepower steering pump, then unscrew <strong>and</strong> detachthe fluid high pressure pipe <strong>and</strong> fluid returnhose from the pump. As they are detached fromthe pump, allow the fluid to drain from the pipe<strong>and</strong> hose (<strong>and</strong> the pump) into the container.Plug the exposed ends of the pipe, hose <strong>and</strong>the pump connections, to prevent the ingress ofdirt <strong>and</strong> excessive fluid loss.6 Unscrew the four retaining bolts (three fromthe front <strong>and</strong> one from the rear) <strong>and</strong> withdrawthe pump from the vehicle.PTE engine models7 Disconnect the battery negative (earth) lead(refer to <strong>Chapter</strong> 5A, Section 1).8 Refer to the relevant Part of <strong>Chapter</strong> 4 <strong>and</strong>remove the air cleaner assembly <strong>and</strong> air inletcomponents as necessary for access to thepump.9 Chock the rear wheels then jack up thefront of the car <strong>and</strong> support it on axle st<strong>and</strong>s(see “Jacking <strong>and</strong> Vehicle Support”). Removethe front roadwheel.10 Refer to <strong>Chapter</strong> 1 <strong>and</strong> drain the coolingsystem.11 Refer to <strong>Chapter</strong> 1 <strong>and</strong> remove theauxiliary drivebelt.12 Insert a 9 mm Allen key into the centre ofthe pump drive spindle to prevent it fromturning, then unscrew <strong>and</strong> remove the threepump pulley retaining bolts. Refit theroadwheel, lower the vehicle <strong>and</strong> withdraw thepump pulley from above.13 Disconnect the cooling system hoses asnecessary to gain access to the powersteering pump.14 Disconnect the pressure switch multi-plugfrom the pressure switch located in the fluidhigh pressure pipe.15 Position a suitable container beneath thepower steering pump, then disconnect thehigh pressure pipe at the union located partway along the pipe. Allow the fluid to drainfrom the pipe into the container.16 Disconnect the high pressure pipe clampbracket <strong>and</strong> the fluid return hose from thepump. Allow the fluid to drain into thecontainer then plug the exposed ends of thepipe, hose <strong>and</strong> the pump connections, toprevent the ingress of dirt <strong>and</strong> excessive fluidloss.17 Unscrew the pump mounting bolt locatedat the rear of the pump <strong>and</strong> remove the pipeclamp bracket.18 Unscrew the three pump mounting boltslocated at the front of the pump <strong>and</strong> removethe pump, complete with high pressure pipe,from the vehicle.19 If required, the high pressure pipe can beremoved from the pump after unscrewing theunion nut.Zetec engine modelsNote: For this operation, the engine will needto be supported from above to allow removalof the right-h<strong>and</strong> engine mounting, <strong>and</strong> also toallow the vehicle to be raised for workunderneath, <strong>and</strong> lowered for work from above.A proprietary engine support bar (or homemadealternative) fitted in the front wing drainchannel each side is ideal for this purpose, butcare must be taken not to damage the wingsor their paintwork.20 Disconnect the battery negative (earth)lead (refer to <strong>Chapter</strong> 5A, Section 1).21 Suitably support the right-h<strong>and</strong> side of theengine (see the note at the beginning of thissub-Section) so that all the load is removedfrom the engine mounting.22 Remove the right-h<strong>and</strong> engine mountingas described in <strong>Chapter</strong> 2C.23 Refer to <strong>Chapter</strong> 1 <strong>and</strong> drain the coolingsystem.24 Chock the rear wheels then jack up thefront of the car <strong>and</strong> support it on axle st<strong>and</strong>s(see “Jacking <strong>and</strong> Vehicle Support”). Removethe front roadwheel.25 Undo the retaining screws, <strong>and</strong> removethe drivebelt lower guard from the underbody.26 Refer to <strong>Chapter</strong> 11 <strong>and</strong> remove the wheelarch liner.27 Refer to <strong>Chapter</strong> 1 <strong>and</strong> remove theauxiliary drivebelt.28 Insert a 9 mm Allen key into the centre ofthe pump drive spindle to prevent it fromturning, then unscrew <strong>and</strong> remove the threepump pulley retaining bolts. Refit theroadwheel, lower the vehicle <strong>and</strong> withdraw thepump pulley from above.29 Refer to <strong>Chapter</strong> 12 <strong>and</strong> remove the righth<strong>and</strong>headlight unit.30 Refit the roadwheel <strong>and</strong> lower the vehicleto the ground.31 Position a suitable container beneath thepower steering fluid reservoir, then disconnectthe fluid return hose from the reservoir. Allowthe fluid to drain from the hose <strong>and</strong> reservoirinto the container.32 Plug the exposed ends of the hose <strong>and</strong>the reservoir, to prevent the ingress of dirt <strong>and</strong>excessive fluid loss.33 Remove the high pressure pipe clampbrackets from the engine then disconnect thehigh pressure pipe at the union located overthe camshaft cover. Place absorbent ragsunder the union as it is disconnected tocollect any escaping fluid. Plug thedisconnected pipe ends to prevent theingress of dirt <strong>and</strong> excessive fluid loss.34 Disconnect the cooling system hoses asnecessary to gain access to the powersteering pump.35 Unscrew the two pump mounting boltslocated at the rear of the pump.36 Unscrew the two pump mounting boltslocated at the front of the pump <strong>and</strong> removethe pump, complete with high pressure pipe<strong>and</strong> fluid return hose, upwards <strong>and</strong> out of theengine compartment.37 If required, the high pressure pipe <strong>and</strong>fluid return hose can be removed from thepump after unscrewing the union nut orslackening the hose clip as applicable.

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