Chapter 1 Routine maintenance and servicing

Chapter 1 Routine maintenance and servicing Chapter 1 Routine maintenance and servicing


1595Ford Fiesta Remake10•10 Suspension and steering3 Unscrew and remove the upper mountingthrough-bolt and nut.4 Withdraw the upper mounting cup and thespring seat.5 The suspension strut and coil spring can nowbe separated. If the coil spring or strut is to berenewed, the original coil spring must bereleased from the compressor. If it is to be reused,the coil spring can be left in compression.Examination6 With the strut assembly now completelydismantled, examine the mountingcomponents for wear, damage or deformation.Renew any of the components as necessary.7 Examine the strut for signs of fluid leakage.Check the strut piston for signs of pittingalong its entire length, and check the strutbody for signs of damage or deterioration ofthe mountings. Test the operation of the strut,holding it in an upright position, by moving thepiston through a full stroke, and then throughshort strokes of 50 to 100 mm. In both cases,the resistance felt should be smooth andcontinuous. If the resistance is jerky, oruneven, or if there is any visible sign of wearor damage to the strut, renewal is necessary.Reassembly8 Reassembly is a reversal of the dismantlingprocedure but note the following points:a) When the spring is located over thesuspension strut, the spring seat, cup andthrough-bolt fitted, tighten the retainingbolt to the specified torque.b) When reassembled, check that the upperand lower spring tails are correctlyengaged with their spring seats beforeremoving the spring compressor.12 Rear axle (all models exceptCourier) -3removal and refittingRemoval1 Chock the front wheels then jack up therear of the car and support it on axle stands(see “Jacking and Vehicle Support”). Removethe rear roadwheels.2 Refer to Chapter 9 for details, and disconnectthe handbrake cable equaliser from the primarycable. Remove the handbrake rear cable fromits adjuster and its fixed body locations.3 Disconnect the rear brake flexible hydraulicbrake hoses from their rigid line connections.Clamp the hoses before disconnecting them,to minimise the fluid loss and air entry into thehydraulic system (see Chapter 9 for details).4 On ABS-equipped models, undo theretaining nuts and detach the ABS loadapportioningvalve operating links from theaxle beam. Do not remove the loadapportioningvalve (see Chapter 9).5 Locate suitable jacks or axle stands underthe axle beam to support its weight (not to liftit), then unscrew the four mounting bracketbolts each side.6 Unscrew and remove the strut-to-axlemounting bolt each side.7 Check that all associated fittings are clear,then lower the axle and remove it from underthe vehicle.8 If the twist beam axle has been damaged, itmust be renewed. Refer to Chapter 9 fordetails on removing the rear brakes from theaxle. To remove the front mounting/pivotbrackets from the axle, unscrew the pivot bolt.Refitting9 Refitting is a reversal of the removalprocedure, but note the following:a) Reconnect the axle at the front floormountings first, and tighten the retainingbolts to the specified torque.b) Reconnect the axle to the suspensionstruts, but do not fully retighten the securingbolts until after the vehicle is lowered to theground and is standing on its wheels.c) Ensure that all brake fluid line connectionsare clean before reconnecting them. Referto the appropriate Sections in Chapter 9for specific details on reconnecting thebrake lines, bleeding the brake hydraulicsystem, and for reconnecting thehandbrake cable and its adjustment.d) When the vehicle is lowered and is standingon its wheels, tighten the suspensionfastenings to their specified torque settings.13 Rear axle pivot bushes (allmodels except Courier) - 3renewalNote: Two different types of pivot busheshave been fitted during the course of Fiestaproduction. It is understood that once stocksof the early type are exhausted, only the lattertype will be supplied by Ford parts dealers. Ifrenewing pivot bushes on a pre-April 1990model, and only the later type bushes areavailable, fit the new bushes as describedfrom paragraph 15 onward.Pre-April 1990 models1 Chock the front wheels then jack up therear of the car and support it on axle stands(see “Jacking and Vehicle Support”).13.8a Correct pivot bush positioning intrailing armA Left-hand side B Right-hand side13.4 Pivot bush bolt (A) and bodymounting bracket bolts (B)2 Position a suitable support (preferablyadjustable) under the axle twist beam so thatit is capable of carrying the weight of the axle(not the weight of the vehicle).3 On ABS-equipped models, undo theretaining nuts and detach the ABS loadapportioningvalve operating links from theaxle beam. Do not remove the loadapportioningvalve (see Chapter 9).4 Unscrew the nuts, withdraw the pivot bolts,then lower the rear axle so that the bushes areclear of their mounting brackets (seeillustration). Take care not to allow the brakepipes to become distorted and stretched - ifnecessary, disconnect the hydraulic lines (seeChapter 9 for details).5 Undo the four body mounting bracket boltsand remove the brackets.6 Using a soft-faced hammer and a suitablepunch or drift, drive the bushes from theirlocations, taking care not to raise any burrs onthe trailing arm eyes.7 To fit the new bushes, obtain a steel tube ofa diameter slightly less than that of the bushlocation in the axle, various flat washers and along bolt and nut.8 Place the new bush in position in its axlelocation with the bush collar nearest to theouter edge of the vehicle. The bush must beinstalled with its voids positioned as shown(see illustration). Using the steel tube,washers, long bolt and nut, draw the bushinwards towards the centre of the vehicle (seeillustration). Care should be taken to avoiddamage to the bush and to obtain correct13.8b Fitting pivot bush with its collar(arrowed) towards the outer edge of thevehicle

Suspension and steering 10•11positioning of the voids. Install the bush onthe other side in the same way.9 With the new bushes in position, refit thebody mounting brackets loosely to the trailingarms - do not fully tighten the pivot bolts atthis stage. Final tightening is carried out withthe vehicle standing on its roadwheels.10 Raise the axle assembly so that theconical locating pegs on the body mountingbrackets engage in their body locations. Refitthe body mounting bracket bolts and tightento the specified torque.11 On ABS equipped models, reconnect theload-apportioning valve operating links to therear axle beam12 If the flexible brake hoses weredisconnected during this operation, reconnectthem and bleed the brake hydraulic system(see Chapter 9).13 Lower the vehicle to the ground.14 Fully tighten the bush pivot bolt nuts tothe specified torque.April 1990 models onward15 As mentioned in the note at the start ofthis Section, all later models are fitted withrevised bushes which use 12 mm (thread size)pivot bolts. If the later type bushes are to befitted to a pre-April 1990 model, twocorresponding bolts and nuts must beobtained at the same time, and either thebody mounting brackets must be replaced bythe corresponding modified items, or theholes in the original brackets must be openedout (to 12.5 mm) to suit the new bolts.16 Carry out the operations described inparagraphs 1 to 4 above.17 Using a steel tube of suitable diameter,various flat washers and a long bolt and nut,draw the bush out of its location in the axletrailing arm.18 Clean the bush eye in the trailing arm;lubricate it, and the new bush, with a soapysolution (washing-up liquid, for example) priorto installation.19 Locate the new bush in position, togetherwith the steel tube, washers, bolt and nut asused for removal. Ensure that the bush flangeis positioned on the outside, then draw thebush fully into position so that its lip isengaged (see illustration).20 Raise the axle to reposition the bush pin13.19 Pivot bush renewal (April 1990models onwards) - correct engagement ofbush lip on rear axleA New bush, installed correctlyB New bush, installed incorrectlybores in line with the bolt holes in themounting brackets, then insert the pivot bolts.Screw the retaining nuts into position on thepivot bolts, but do not fully tighten them atthis stage.21 Carry out the operations described inparagraphs 11 to 14 above.14 Rear suspension anti-roll bar(all models except Courier) -removal and refitting2Removal1 Chock the front wheels then jack up therear of the car and support it on axle stands(see “Jacking and Vehicle Support”).2 Undo the front clamp bolt from each end ofthe bar, then support the bar and undo therear bolt at each end; withdraw the bar (seeillustration).3 Prise open the clamps to release the rubberbushes, if required. Fit the new bushes usingsoapy water as a lubricant.Refitting4 On refitting, offer up the bar and align firstthe front clamp on each side, refitting thebolts loosely.5 Align and refit the rear clamp on each side;again, tighten the bolts only loosely.14.2 Rear suspension anti-roll bar1 Rear suspension strut2 Anti-roll bar3 Inset showing (front) mounting clamp6 Lower the vehicle to the ground, rock it tosettle the suspension, then tighten the clampbolts to the specified torque settings.15 Rear suspensioncomponents (Couriermodels) - generalAlthough it is possible to remove the rearsuspension torsion bars and stabiliser barindependently of the complete rear axleassembly, it is essential to have certainspecial tools available to complete the worksuccessfully.Due to the complexity of the tasks, and therequirement for special tools to accurately setthe suspension geometry and vehicle rideheight on refitting, the removal and refitting ofindividual rear suspension components isconsidered to be beyond the scope of DIYwork and should be entrusted to a Forddealer.Procedures for removal and refitting of therear shock absorbers, and the complete rearsuspension assembly are given in Sections 16and 17 respectively.16 Rear shock absorber(Courier models) - removal,examination and refitting116.2a Removing a shock absorber uppermounting . . .16.2b . . . and lower mounting on CouriermodelsRemoval1 Chock the front wheels then jack up therear of the car and support it on axle stands(see “Jacking and Vehicle Support”).2 Support the relevant trailing arm of thesuspension assembly and unscrew the uppermounting bolt and nut, followed by the lowerbolt. Withdraw the shock absorber from underthe vehicle (see illustrations).Examination3 Examine the shock absorber body for signsof fluid leakage or damage and check the101595Ford Fiesta Remake

Suspension <strong>and</strong> steering 10•11positioning of the voids. Install the bush onthe other side in the same way.9 With the new bushes in position, refit thebody mounting brackets loosely to the trailingarms - do not fully tighten the pivot bolts atthis stage. Final tightening is carried out withthe vehicle st<strong>and</strong>ing on its roadwheels.10 Raise the axle assembly so that theconical locating pegs on the body mountingbrackets engage in their body locations. Refitthe body mounting bracket bolts <strong>and</strong> tightento the specified torque.11 On ABS equipped models, reconnect theload-apportioning valve operating links to therear axle beam12 If the flexible brake hoses weredisconnected during this operation, reconnectthem <strong>and</strong> bleed the brake hydraulic system(see <strong>Chapter</strong> 9).13 Lower the vehicle to the ground.14 Fully tighten the bush pivot bolt nuts tothe specified torque.April 1990 models onward15 As mentioned in the note at the start ofthis Section, all later models are fitted withrevised bushes which use 12 mm (thread size)pivot bolts. If the later type bushes are to befitted to a pre-April 1990 model, twocorresponding bolts <strong>and</strong> nuts must beobtained at the same time, <strong>and</strong> either thebody mounting brackets must be replaced bythe corresponding modified items, or theholes in the original brackets must be openedout (to 12.5 mm) to suit the new bolts.16 Carry out the operations described inparagraphs 1 to 4 above.17 Using a steel tube of suitable diameter,various flat washers <strong>and</strong> a long bolt <strong>and</strong> nut,draw the bush out of its location in the axletrailing arm.18 Clean the bush eye in the trailing arm;lubricate it, <strong>and</strong> the new bush, with a soapysolution (washing-up liquid, for example) priorto installation.19 Locate the new bush in position, togetherwith the steel tube, washers, bolt <strong>and</strong> nut asused for removal. Ensure that the bush flangeis positioned on the outside, then draw thebush fully into position so that its lip isengaged (see illustration).20 Raise the axle to reposition the bush pin13.19 Pivot bush renewal (April 1990models onwards) - correct engagement ofbush lip on rear axleA New bush, installed correctlyB New bush, installed incorrectlybores in line with the bolt holes in themounting brackets, then insert the pivot bolts.Screw the retaining nuts into position on thepivot bolts, but do not fully tighten them atthis stage.21 Carry out the operations described inparagraphs 11 to 14 above.14 Rear suspension anti-roll bar(all models except Courier) -removal <strong>and</strong> refitting2Removal1 Chock the front wheels then jack up therear of the car <strong>and</strong> support it on axle st<strong>and</strong>s(see “Jacking <strong>and</strong> Vehicle Support”).2 Undo the front clamp bolt from each end ofthe bar, then support the bar <strong>and</strong> undo therear bolt at each end; withdraw the bar (seeillustration).3 Prise open the clamps to release the rubberbushes, if required. Fit the new bushes usingsoapy water as a lubricant.Refitting4 On refitting, offer up the bar <strong>and</strong> align firstthe front clamp on each side, refitting thebolts loosely.5 Align <strong>and</strong> refit the rear clamp on each side;again, tighten the bolts only loosely.14.2 Rear suspension anti-roll bar1 Rear suspension strut2 Anti-roll bar3 Inset showing (front) mounting clamp6 Lower the vehicle to the ground, rock it tosettle the suspension, then tighten the clampbolts to the specified torque settings.15 Rear suspensioncomponents (Couriermodels) - generalAlthough it is possible to remove the rearsuspension torsion bars <strong>and</strong> stabiliser barindependently of the complete rear axleassembly, it is essential to have certainspecial tools available to complete the worksuccessfully.Due to the complexity of the tasks, <strong>and</strong> therequirement for special tools to accurately setthe suspension geometry <strong>and</strong> vehicle rideheight on refitting, the removal <strong>and</strong> refitting ofindividual rear suspension components isconsidered to be beyond the scope of DIYwork <strong>and</strong> should be entrusted to a Forddealer.Procedures for removal <strong>and</strong> refitting of therear shock absorbers, <strong>and</strong> the complete rearsuspension assembly are given in Sections 16<strong>and</strong> 17 respectively.16 Rear shock absorber(Courier models) - removal,examination <strong>and</strong> refitting116.2a Removing a shock absorber uppermounting . . .16.2b . . . <strong>and</strong> lower mounting on CouriermodelsRemoval1 Chock the front wheels then jack up therear of the car <strong>and</strong> support it on axle st<strong>and</strong>s(see “Jacking <strong>and</strong> Vehicle Support”).2 Support the relevant trailing arm of thesuspension assembly <strong>and</strong> unscrew the uppermounting bolt <strong>and</strong> nut, followed by the lowerbolt. Withdraw the shock absorber from underthe vehicle (see illustrations).Examination3 Examine the shock absorber body for signsof fluid leakage or damage <strong>and</strong> check the101595Ford Fiesta Remake

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